• Published 21st Apr 2024
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Just one Lonely little Changeling: Exploration - Kentavritsa

One lonely Changeling is plucked out from right under the very nose of her Queen. Placed in an unfamiliar local, will the changeling make it? What will she do, in order to blend in and survive? The Changelings discovers how to Stimulate the Girl.

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Philine: 7


If Zhiizoo wants golden blond hair, then she wants her hair golden blond..” I ponder, changing her hair to the requested hue.

Well, why not? I guess blond is a popular hair colour among girls here. Not my place, to judge her.

She had enjoyed her breakfast, which had been expected. Her mother always serves very delicious meals, and breakfast is no exception to this rule. Well, why should it be?

Her mother had not been bothered by her new hair colour, even if she could not for her life figure out how she had acquired it.

"Time for a little bit of a tease..” I ponder.

I place a three inch wide, one inch thick, glossy black rubber collar around her neck.

At first; she does not even react on the change, I had applied to her suit. I had made sure, none was watching her, when I placed the collar around her neck; if someone saw it, this would have been very suspicious. Wouldn’t it?

Yet, seeing her wearing it would merely be peculiar. While people may afford her a second, or even a third glance; they would not view it as impossible, in and of itself.

I imagine her Love for her Latex suits to be an Open Secret. People may know; but would not be particularly prone to mention it, in the first place.

I add a large Ruby, on the front of her collar. More in the form of a Crest or Symbol; just the same way, a Pony has a Cutie Mark. Had I been too familiar, with the appearance of Ponies’ Cutie marks here?

Should I give her a tail, just to see how she would react?” I ponder.

“Yes, please!” Zhiizoo responds; “Pi foot long, and two inches thick..” she elaborates.

“Then I guess you will have a tail!” I respond; as I permit the tail to sprout from the tip of her tail-bone, just like any tail would.

While she may be wearing a genuine skirt, crafted out of physical fabric; but why should I permit this, to get in the way?

For now, I am managing the tail for her; making it wag slowly behind her, as she walks.

As time is passing, her body is getting used to the tail being there as an integral part of her; slowly taking over the control of the tail, in the manner I am making use of it.

While she had asked for Pi Feet long and two inches in diameter; I end up giving her five feet and two and a half inches in diameter, all the same.

“Squeak.. squeak.. squeak..” is heard; as her tail lazily wag, from right to left.

Uhm..” Zhiizoo ponders; “what is that unfamiliar squeaking behind my back?” she continues.

Should I have asked her first? Probably. I end up giving her a thick, tight braid slowly growing down her back, only stopping as the tip of the braid is reaching her knees.

I share my bulging belly, indicating my pregnancy; the appearance and feeling she had expressed so much appreciation for, when she was caressing my belly, back home.

She also needs a throbbing plug, warming her up!” I ponder.

“Ooh.. ooh..” she exclaims, just as she first feel it pulsating inside her.

Since it takes too much effort; to add, adjust and retract these changes; I can’t keep changing her over and over. I still enjoy the blissful expression plastered all over her face, as I am teasing her like this. I take this, as a sign of her appreciation and how much she is enjoying what I am doing for her. At least, until she is telling me otherwise.

Only, she isn’t telling me otherwise.

To the contrary; I sense a smile sprouting on her face, growing wider and deeper as she walks along the street.

There may be a tiny sense of shy submissiveness, to her features; expressing her relation to me, and her gratitude for all I had already given her.

The smile is growing deeper, more secure over time; as she is acclimatizing, to having me.

Does she see me as her Master, or Mistress? Even if I am her Queen. She is slowly developing a submissive tendency, towards me.

Not as if I am complaining..” I ponder; “but; she needs to build up a level of independence, too!” I decide.

Maybe I should be giving her something..” I ponder; "something that builds her up, making her less dependant and subservient!” I conclude.

"Of course, I need an opportune moment, a window of opportunity; wherein I can give her, what she needs, even if she does not know she needed it in the first place!” I put forth, snickering.


I had finally reached the Hospital, where my friend: Anemoné is recovering. She had been taking the aftermath of her treatment rather poorly, for which I could not exactly blame her.

Maybe I could lighten her mood, at least a little bit; just by showing up, visiting her. She needs to learn; that someone still remembers her, even after this long.

Well, maybe it had not been quite that long; but when you are confined to a Hospital bed, it most certainly will feel like it.

Should I hide my hair?” I ponder; “probably not..” I continue; “when she finds out, or realizes it; she could take that even worse, in any event!” I realize.

Aside from my presence..” I ponder; “what could I give her, to lighten her mood?” I consider.

Yes, I can go there to see her. I had already intended to talk to her; in order to see how she was doing, asking if and when she could be coming back.

As luck had it, I had arrived to her room; just as the Visiting Hour had begun, so I could spend time with her without worrying about being thrown out, just after I had arrived. That could be devastating, to her.

Anemoné” the sign reads on her door, as I step up to the door to her room.

Of course, the door quietly swings open before me.

“Hi, Anemoné!” I exclaim, as I step into her room.

“Hi, Zhiizoo..” she responds; “is that you?” she hesitantly inquires.

“Yes, Anemoné..” I respond; “it’s me!” I continue.

I make my best, to look at her; without lingering, on what is missing. I can do nothing about it, in any event.

Philene..” I inquire; "could you help me, helping her?” I inquire.

I can try..” she responds; “but I should not promise anything, at this time!” she explains.

At least; Anemoné can stand up without too much effort or support, so I can give her a warm embrace. Maybe I had wanted to hug her, all along; but now, it had proven to be much more important, that I could have been expecting. Of course, I will have to maintain physical contact to her skin, for an undefined amount of time. Could I maintain the contact, for long enough; for my effort to have any effect, upon her? I do not know. I have no idea. Yet, I feel it is worth the chance.

“I have been so worried, you had all forgotten me..” she puts forth; “and it has been so painful, I was all but ready to give up!” she explains.

“You survived it, and I am here now..” I respond; “you should probably put this behind you, it isn’t as if the worry would improve your situation anyway!” I continue.

“Since you are here..” she responds; “at least I can believe you did not forget me…” she concedes.

“Yes; I am here, now..” I respond; “would you mind a hug?” I inquire; as I continue to move closer to her, stopping only two feet from her.

“Yes, Zhiizoo..” she responds; “Please do..” she agrees; “experiencing the warmth of your embrace, would make it feel more real!” she confesses.

“I would expect as much.” I respond, as I take the final step up to her; “I hope it feels as good as you had hoped..” I respond, as I embrace her tightly; “and that it isn’t too painful!” I concede, sliding my hands down her back.

“Oh, oh..” she responds; “aah..” she exclaims; “ooh!” she mouths, as she is feeling the warm tips of my fingers touching her bare skin.

“Sorry, about that…” I respond.

“Yes, I can feel that you are genuinely here..” she puts forth; “and that it isn’t just a fever-dream, where I imagine that someone visited me; just to make the point of how lonely I am, or how worthless I am!” she elaborates.

My fingers soon find the spot I had been aiming for. With that, I gently rub the tip of her tail-bone for a few minutes; feeling the desired change, if yet slow and minuscule.

“Uhm..” she inquires; “what is that?” she inquires.

“Is it uncomfortable?” I inquire.

“No, not really..” she responds; “it was just so unexpected, and I thought I felt something..” she continues; ”had I been away so long, your nails had the time to grow that much?” she inquires.

“And.. and, and..” she stutters; “I didn’t realize you had touch-pads..” she continues, somewhat confused; “and am I sprouting a tail, all of a sudden?” she finally inquires.

“I didn’t..” I respond; “but I felt a bit playful, and got them just for the occasion!” I suggest.

“Just as I got myself a new hair-colour and style!” I point out.


I point out.

“Still…” she puts forth; “.. could you hold me times; it just feels so warm and cozy, I could almost forget I have been left here for so long..” she concedes.

“I could, Anemoné..” I respond, tightening my embrace a bit further; “but..” I insert; “will you enjoy, what is to come, what changes lie ahead?” I inquire.

“Just so long, as you hold me right..” she offers; “I need the closeness you offer, right now!” she proclaims.

“I guess it could be a reminder, of that you are still here, and someone remembers and cares about you..” I suggest, pressing my lips tightly against hers.

“Uhm..” she blurts out; “Yes!” she then responds.

I keep my hands tightly pressed where I had placed them; while my lips remain in contact with her lips, for as long as I dare, in the hopes I can give her something to remember my visit by.

“Do you have a mirror, anywhere?” I inquire.

“Yes..” she responds, “by the sink, in the little girl’s room!” she confirms.

Of course, I had seen the door to the little girl’s room; she has it in her room, so that she does not need to walk too far in the state she is in. Aside from sharing the room with others, a needless risk in her current situation; even if it leaves her alone and vulnerable, to other issues.

“May I use the little girl’s room, for but a moment?” I inquire, and she hesitantly lets go of me.

“Yes…” she responds.

I take a step back, before I turn to the indicated facility; walk over to the door and opens it, only to close the door behind myself.


A minute after I had closed the door behind myself, after I had entered the little girl’s room; I once more open the door, emerging to face her again.

“Okay..” I put forth; “can you raise your hands?” I suggest.

“Yes..” she responds; “like this?” she inquires.

I press the palms of my hands towards the palms of her hands, gently but firmly; maintaining the palms of our hands pressed together, for as long as I dare.

While the palms of our hands are pressed together; Philene offers her the gift: the sensitive touch pads and the suction cups. It just remains to see, if the gift can remain and how much she will be enjoying what I had just handed her in an offer of my friendship.

Should I ask her, for how much longer she would be staying here; but since I doubt she knows, it would only worry her more than she already does. I do not wish to add to her discomfort; tainting the short moment, I had with her.

“If I don’t see you in class, I will come over to see how you are doing here!” I simply promise.

“Thank you, Zhiizoo..” she responds; “this will keep me warm; for the remainder of my stay, here!” she points out.

“I will see you soon!” I promise.

“Yes..” she responds; “I will see you soon, too!” she concludes.

I just hope, I am not imagining this..” Anemoné ponders; “but for as long as I haven’t changed back, when I wake up by tomorrow!!” she concludes.

Of course, I had to go; I had to leave her, as the Visiting Hour is up. I had known it would happen. Yet, I had to come and see her; not coming would still have been worse, for her.

Maybe, just maybe; I had felt the urge, to share my gift with her, too. I had to give her something special. Something, I could never have given her anywhere else; at any other time, either.

Besides, a Friend walks in; when the rest of the world is walking out, or so I had figured.


An egg lies hidden in the little girl’s room. A Changeling Egg.

The egg is hatching and a larvae slithers out of the broken shards that had once been an egg.

The larvae is hiding, from detection; making sure, not to be seen or making a scene.

The larvae slithers out of the room, when the door momentarily is open.

Hiding once more the larvae is cocooning itself; in order to make its final metamorphosis.

Once hatched, the little Changeling hides herself, waiting for the perfect opportunity.

As the opportunity arrives, she is changing into a pair of Panties; waiting for the girl to find them, in the blind hope of the girl accepting them as a gift and put them on.

In the morning, the girl finds her gift; hidden among her clothes for the day, slipping them on without a second thought.

“Anemoné!” the Girl hears a voice.

“Yes..” Anemoné quietly responds, taken aback by the unexpected address.

The Panties are tightening up, slightly.

“Uh, what was that?” Anemoné inquires.

“You recall Zhiizoo’s visit, a few days ago?” the voice inquires.

“Yes..” Anemoné responds; “it was just a few days back!” she continues.

“I am an extension of the gift; she gave you, Anemoné!” the voice responds.

“Oh!” the girl exclaims; “I am afraid I don’t quite understand!” she elaborates.

“Do you still enjoy the tail?” the voice inquires.

“Yes..” Anemoné affirms; “it is a physical remainder of how Zhiizoo remembers me and cares about me and my well-being!” she elaborates.

“It is such a pretty tail, if I can say so?” the voice offers; She left me here, with you; so that I can help you, maintaining it!” the voice confesses.

Since the room is empty, save for Anemoné; she can walk over to the little girl’s room, without considering if anyone were seeing her. Thus, she is walking out; opening the door and closes the door behind herself.

“Yes, it is a very pretty tail!” the girl agrees.

“Unfortunately; I can’t look like fabrics, so you will have to make due with the smoothness of latex!” the Changeling supplies; “but I can change shape, offering you a variety of garments to wear!” she elaborates.

“Uhm..” Anemoné puts forth; “then, you are my Panties?” she inquires.

“Metallic bloody red, if you like..” the changeling supplies; “or any other colour I could offer!” she continues.

For but an instant; Anemoné had panicked and worried, but then she calmed down.

“So smooth, and tight..” Anemoné breathes; “could you be glittery too?” she inquires.

“Of course, I can..” the changeling responds, basking in the warmth of Anemoné’s radiant love.

I’ll call you: Glitter for now!” Anemoné ponders; “gives me something to call her!” she ponders, affectionately.

“For the Love, you are offering me; I can and will be keeping you warm and comfortable, to the extent of my abilities!” Glitter vows, solemnly.

< --- --- --- >

Pass: Profoundly prophetic purple prose promptly proliferating profusely!