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Chapter 2-Negacore Unleashed

"It's Morphin Time!" Twilight as she, Starlight, and Pinkie stood at the center of Friendship Pillar practicing their morphing sequence. "One more time, we can't afford mistakes. Understand?"


"You got it."

"Friendship Fury Key! Activate! Link to Morphin Grid!" They shouted as they used the power of Morphin Grid and they were in their ranger forms. "Friendship Fury Power!"

"So six statues but only three of us?" Starlight asked her.

"Do you have the other Friendship Fury Keys? Can we recruit more Rangers?" Pinkie added.

"The other keys were lost in battle with the original rangers, so it's only us," Twilight sadly said. "Let's move to Power Keys. We have many of them with each given a special ability."

"Like power-ups in a video game," Pinkie said then Twilight's communicator beeped.


"There is something you need to see."

"We're on our way," Twilight told him and they powered down. "Remember to teleport, you turn the ring, then push the button.

The next thing that happened they were inside the base with Pinkie and Starlight holding their stomachs.

"Gotta get used to that," Starlight said.

"I've got our defense system back online," Spike informed them. "No one can get into the base but us. And I put the Alicorn Master Zord on standby. And when I was cleaning up, I found this," Spike held up the scanner that Scarlet Knight left.

"That's Scarlet Knight's scanner," Starlight exclaimed. taking it from Spike's claws. "He must drop it, think he'll come back for it since it detects Negacore energy?"

"Scarlet Knight can wait. First order we need to warn people, now that Negacore beast are loose? We'll notify the police and spread the word.... and Starlight," Twilight tried to grab Starlight's attention was focus on Scarlet Knight's scanner.

"Hello? Earth to Starlight," Pinkie snapped her to make Starlight lose her thought.

"I was just thinking, if we find all the Negacore, there won't be any danger," Starlight suggested. "My aunt's drone does aerial scanning and this thing detects Negacore energy. If combine the two, we can scan the city and find all of them before they can hatch."

"Like the idea. but combining a strange alien device with average human tech could be dangerous."

"Trust me, I'm sure that Aunt Sapphire and I can figure it out if we have some time."

"Which we don't have. Our main focus is to warn people. We can run the risk of anyone getting hurt if we do it."

"Okay, we alert the city."

The three of them teleported to the city landing on the stairs.

"Wow. Earth has changed in the last hundred years or so," Twilight said seeing the landscape.

"Yeah, but right now you need to blend in," Starlight said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... your wings kind of make stand out." Starlight gestured to her wings that were on her back."

"Good point. Fac alis evanescent," Twilight said then wings vanish.

"What was that?"

"Invisibility spell."

The then three headed to the park.

"Here we are, Canterlot Park HQ," Pinkie as they arrived.

"Alright, let us handle this," Starlight said.

"Ok. But remember, no one can know that you're rangers."

"I'll be in touch if I need anything else," Warden Stricker said to Dr. Twirl as they walked out of the building.

"Again, sorry for the trouble, Warden," Dr. Twirl said to him before walking away.

"There's my aunt. I need to make sure she's okay. Can you two talk to Warden?"

"Sure you can count on us!" Pinkie saluted.

"Hey, Aunt Sapphire is everything okay?" She asked.

"Well, Strickler gave me a full breakdown of park regulations and gave me a $230 fine for trespassing on city landmarks and conducting experiments with no permit. Other than that I'm fine how are you?"

"Okay myself, but Aunt Twirl, what I'm about to say you're not going believe me. The city is deep water by these Negacore."


"I swear I'm not lying to you about them. There is some kind of alien life form. And that's all I also found this," Starlight showed her the scanner.

"What's that?"

"It's an energy scanner. I'm not sure how it works, but it can track Negacore energy. I bet if we can combine with your drone..."

"We can locate the Negacore from the air. That might do the trick."

Minutes later, Pinkie and Twilight tried to warn Warden Strickler but he wasn't convinced. So Pinkie suggested that they go to Crownfeed and warn them about the Negacore then something came on the Crownfeed TV monitor.

Zoom in on it. I going to poke it. Two people were filming and they found a Negacore and one of them poked it with a stick.

Oh crap it's moving! Run!" It hatched and popped out as a mushroom-gator hybrid monster.

"That's a Negacore Beast, We need to find it before it gets worse."

"We will. I know that place."


"Huh? Where's the entrance?" The monster called Thundercorn asked as he and Scarlet Knight had teleported to Friendship Pillar.

"It's gone. But my scanner is inside. It'll make finding the Negacore easy. Let's go."

He tried to make another entrance with an energy slash from his sword but the blast was bounced by the force field Spike created.

"Force field? That's new," Scarlet Knight said before seeing Dr. Twirl and Starlight walking up. "Someone's coming."

Both he and Thundercorn hid behind the bushes seeing what the two humans were doing.

"On three. One, two, three." They place the scanner on the drone's case.

"My energy scanner!"

Then Starlight's communicator went off then Starlight answered once she was away from her aunt.

"What's up?"

We've got trouble. The first Negacore had hatched, Meet us at the city dam.

"Good! Another Negacore Beast!" Scarlet Knight said.

"I'm on my way," Starlight said then teleported herself to them.

"Find the Negacore Beast and bring it to me. I have a plan," Scarlet Knight ordered Thundercorn.

Once they teleported to the dam, the rangers saw the Negacore monster going after the people.

"Come back and face me! For I'm the mighty Chomp Tox!"

"Chomp Tox?"

"That's a Negacore Beast?"

"Yes!" Chomp Tox faced the Rangers. "Who's going to stop from tearing this city apart."

"We are. The Power Rangers!" Pinkie shouted.

"It's Morphin Time!" Twilight said.

"Friendship Fury Key!" The rangers shouted as did their transition.

"Nice," Twilight smiled, proud of it.

"Activate! Link to Morphin' Grid!"

"Alicorn Fury! Red Ranger!"

"Mermaid Fury! Blue Ranger!"

"Sprite Fury! Pink Ranger!"

"Friendship Fury Power!"

"I love the colors! Now for the pain!" Chomp Tox shouted as she headed to them.

"Magi Saber!" Twilight drew her saber and slashed her which turned into slime. "Okay, I had no idea it'd be that easy."

Then Thundercorn appeared making the others turn around.

"Another one?"

"I'm the best one!"

The rangers ran over and the battle began. As each saber made contact, Thundercorn deflected it away.

"I warned you I was the best!" Thundercorn said as he sped his way through the Rangers knocking them.

"Toot your own horn much?" Starlight asked.

"Rangers! Remember about those Power Keys I mentioned!"

"Uh, yeah!"

"Stink Power Key... Ready!" Twilight placed it in her Magi Saber. "Get clear!"

"Okay," Both Pinkie and Starlight got out of the way.

"Stink Orb Shot!" Twilight fired it at Thundercorn, only he, Starlight, and Pinkie to feel the blast.

"Sweet candy corn that stinks!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Smells like gym socks!" Starlight covered her nose.

"It burns my nose!" Thundercorn shouted as he was on the ground.

"It worked! He's down!"


Twilight went for him but the Horsemen appeared and knocked her back then Chomp Tox resurfaced.

“I’m back!”

“What?” The rangers were surprised.

“Attack!” Thundercorn shouted.

“Wow! Those things obey you?” Chomp Tox asked while the Rangers fought off the Horsemen.

“Back off, gator breath, I answer only to Scarlet Knight.”

“You have a boss? Cool, I want to be a flunkie! Sign me up!”

As soon as she said that, they teleported away. The rangers looked behind them.


“They’re gone. Let’s get back to base.”

At the Rangers Base...

“So. how did it go?”

“Well it stinks... more ways than one,” said Starlight.

“Yeah, the Negacore Beasts got away,” Pinkie added. “But I want to try those power keys so bad.”

“You’ll find out. But right now, we need to warn people, especially if the Negacore Beasts are teaming up,” Twilight said.

“But on the plus, the Negacore Beast video had a lot of views and there’s a city-wide alert for people to watch out for them.”

“We could retrieve any Negacore they find. But it may take a while.”

“I may have a faster way....”

“Please tell me you didn’t do what I think you did...”

“Starlight, combining alien and human tech is a bad idea. It might explode or worse Scarlet Knight may come looking for it,” Spike said then looked at his monitor to Dr. Twirl surrounded by Scarlet Knight, Chomp Tox, and Thundercorn. “Well speak of the devil.”

“Link to Morphin Grid!” The rangers morphed and confronted the villains.

“What?” Scarlet Knight was surprised to see them.

“Power Rangers,” Dr. Twirl gasped.

“Get away from here,” Starlight said.

“Thundercorn with me!”

Both he and Thudercorn went after the Rangers and battled them.

“You better behave lady, or you are in for a world of hurt!” Chomp Tox treated her.

Dr. Twirl grabs an electrical cord and throws it around her to wrap her

“I said behave!”

“No hijacks my tech,” Dr. Twirl set to the drone to explode to destroy it and the scanner.

“No, my scanner!”

“What do we do now?”

“Fall back, for now!” Scarlet Knight said as they teleported away.

“Hey, ma’am are you okay?” Starlight talked to her without giving her identity.

“I’m fine, thank to you. You sound familiar. Have we met?”

“Uh, no,” Starlight darken her voice. “Right they might come back, so please get to safety.”

“Yes, of course. Thank you,” Dr. Twirl thanked her and takes off.

“Thundercorn can grow giant at any minute. You two need to find him before he hurts anyone while activate my Zord,” Twilight said.

Uh it might be a little too late for finding him, Twilight. Thundercorn has gone giant.

“Don’t worry we'll stop her.”

Both Pinkie and Starlight to the Canterlot City and see Thundercorn destroying the city being giant size.

“She was not kidding when she said big,” Pinkie exclaimed seeing him.

“Let’s try out some power keys while Twilight brings in the big guns,” Starlight suggested.

“Okay, Spike are we ready?” Twilight asked him.

Yeah. Here goes nothing. Deploying Alicorn Master Zord.

The Alicorn Zord jumps out from some rocks, neighing loudly. People scream as Thundercorn went through his rampage.

“Okay, we slow the big guy down, big time!” Pinkie said as she grabbed her Power Key.

“Gravi Power Key! Ready!” She activated her Power Key. “Gravi Ball!”

A massive ball came around Thundercorn’s arm stopping him.

“Whoa that’ amazing! Starlight you’re up!”

“Hyper Boost!”

Starlight used the Hyper Power Key and used it do deliver multiple strikes to Thundercorn, who then threw her towards Pinkie.

“Starlight you okay?” Pinkie askes as Thundercorn broke free of the gravity ball .

Then Alicorn Master came on to the scene and headbutted Thundercorn.

“Awesome, a Zord!” Pinkie cheered as both her and Starlight were join by Twilight.

“Now it’s time to finish the beast. Alicorn Master Zord, Battle mode!”

Once the key made contact, both Zord and Dino Key fired an fireball blast at Thundercorn, knocking him down then Alicorn Master starts to transforms into battle mode.

“Let us show you what we can do. Watch and learn,” Twilight transported over to over to her Zord.

“Ah. Hello, old friend. Time for a workout,” Twilight said then locked her Magi Saber to the Zord. “Linked. Alicorn Master Zord, Battle Mode! Ready? Then let’s go.”

The Alicorn Master ran, jumping over the bridge. Thudercorn lunged but got stop by Alicorn Master who punch in face then dliver and kick to the chest.

“Alicorn Barrage!”

Lasers fired from Alicorn Master’s arms landing hits on Thundercorn. He then rushed flipping him over.

“Alicorn Sword!”

Alicorn Zord armed itself with its sword.

“Mega Light Saber! Alicorn Master Slash!”

The Alicorn Master did a purple energy slash at Thundercorn, causing him to be flown back then exploded.

“Friendship Victory!”

Just them the Negacore fell from the sky and splat on the ground.

“What is that?” Starlight asked as Twilight teleported out of her Zord.

“Blowing up a Negacore Beast doesn't destroy it. It turns back into a Negacore with even more power. We have to get it.”

Then suddenly Scarlet Knight appeared in front of them and grabbed it.

“Scarlet Knight!”

“Just what I needed. Thank you, Rangers,” Starlight Knight said before teleport away.

“What happened when a Power-up Negacore hatches?” Pinkie asked.

“When it hatches a more powerful Negacore Beast will appear.”

“Why does he want them so badly?”

“Whatever the reason, it can’t be good.”

The three of them teleported back to base where Spike was.

“Welcome back, team,” Spike greeted them. “How did they do, Twilight?”

“The two of them fought very well today.”

“Maybe, but I mess up... and my aunt got in danger. I should have stuck with the plan we agree. I’m sorry.”

“I’m just glad to have two good teammates at my side. And I think I have way to message the city.”

At Crown Feed, Twilight was doing a video in her ranger suit.

“Working together will keep us safe. If you find a Negacore or Negacore Beast, call, text or direct message the Ranger hotline immediately.”

“And cut.”

With Scarlet Knight and Chomp Tox...

“What is the place?” Chomp Tox asked as she and Scarlet Knight were at a abandoned piece of property.

“This is Area 45,” Scarlet Knight said. “The humans abandons this falicty years ago. Now it’s mine. Just like this Negacore.”

He placed it a strange machine which began charging.

“Ugh, even with a power-up Negacore it still not enough!”

“What do you mean?”

“Let’s just say once there’s enough Negacore Energy. My plan will be complete.”

Author's Note:

Sunset Shimmer

Sunset Shimmer (Ranger Form)

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash (Ranger Form)