• Published 19th Jan 2024
  • 1,859 Views, 164 Comments

North Woods NightMares - Starfighter

The NightMare project as it came to be known augmented a set of large bodied mares from the north to conduct counter-piracy ops. This is a story of one of those mares and her determined supporter.

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Chapter 14: Moving Out

Once the trio of pegasi had leveled off Polaris Wind began thinking.

“Was this Shining Armor’s idea?” He asked aloud.

“Oh no, this action has been in the works for some time now." The escort to his right replied.

PW hummed in thought. “Wonder what I did wrong.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong – other than getting involved. There’s just... limits to how much classified information you can know uncleared. And how much contact a volunteer guard can have with Royalty – you know? Without having your background cleared we can’t rule out the possibility of an insider threat.” Responded the left escort.

“Right.” PW gave a pout of agreement.

They flew back in silence until landing at the Crystal Heart City train station.

“Alright, Mr. Wind. As promised, before we leave you – catch!” Called the pegasus Royal Guard, throwing something at Polaris which he caught in his wing.

“Mister Stablecolt. It’s a business card.” PW realized, reading the name on it.

“Not just any business card – that’s the N.C., or Night-Mare Coordinator, who handles the Night-Mare assignments. And his contact information, of course. I will also add that he is expecting a call from you.”

“Thank you so much!” Replied a gratified PW.

“And, to smooth things over, here’s a first class rail pass that’ll take you back home to Canterlot.”

“Thanks guys. Really.” PW called as the guards took to the skies once more.

Polaris boarded a train to Talltale similar to how Night-Mare candidates would for augmentation and commissioning.

“I hope this is my journey to my future too, like it was for them!” PW pleaded.

The first class ticket enabled him to ride a single berth to Canterlot, so when the train arrived in Talltale his car was shunted overnight to the Western Transcon and he rode all the way to his journey’s end in Canterlot. Though, of course, he had wished he could have shared it with his Night-Mare.

The temperature was only seventy degrees in town but PW was already sweating due to acclimating to the north. He had a bad feeling that this problem would only get worse in the near-future. Upon returning to his apartment he made a bold decision.

“Job or not; I’m convinced I need to move to Norfilly. If I’m rejected I’m going to keep trying. And I’m closer to them anyway in Norfilly, just being there.” PW convinced himself.

He informed the building management of his intentions before going to purchase several packing cases.

Later that afternoon Polaris composed himself for what he believed would be the most important phone call of his life. He inhaled and exhaled deep before rotary-dialing the number on the business card.

“Be cool, PW. This guy runs the program. Don’t buck it up.”

The phone clicked.

“Lockhoof Colton Office 222.” Replied a mare's voice on the other end of the line.

“Hi!” PW said a little too eagerly and squeezed his eyes shut in embarrassment. “My name is Polaris Wind, I was told to contact Mr. Stablecolt regarding a potential job offer?”

“Ok, hold on hon; I’ll connect him to you.” She replied.

Almost immediately a gruff voice was on line. “Hello, is this Polaris Wind I am speaking to?”

“Yes sir. I wanted to apologize for using unofficial channels to interact with your team members.”

“It’s fine, Polaris. I’m Rex Stablecolt. Night-Mare Coordinator, or N.C. We’re impressed with what you were able to accomplish in your time with 2-2. You used to be on the project, correct?”

“Yes sir, I was a Test Operator Technician in the cleanrooms during fitment. I was involved with the fingers, in particular.”

“Familiarity and former clearance, very good. We could use more bodies with I&T experience. So, why did you leave the project?”

“I was part of the team that ran out their roles. There was a hiring freeze and they transferred my entire department off. I was simply debriefed and told to expect another assignment.”

“And, how did that make you feel?”

“Terrible! Like I wasn’t worthy to work on the project.”

“You’re aware that the contract has since transferred from Ponyeon to Lockhoof Colton?”

“I’ve been slowly finding that out, yes. That’s good, because Ponyeon would not let me move back. They blocked my horizontal move.”

“Are you still with them?”

“No, I quit.”

“Because you were not allowed to move?”

“Initially, yes. But obviously my pleading became moot because the contract changed without my knowledge. They just kept ignoring me.”

“So, just to be clear; you quit because the contract changed?”

“No sir, I quit to work with the Night-Mare.”

“You quit immediately for that?”

“Yes sir.”

Rex paused. “You got guts, kid. All that because you wanted to work on this contract?”

PW smiled. “Yes sir; I love those girls. They are so powerful, so fierce, so prominent, and so dear to my heart. I have dedication to their mission beyond profession. For me, it’s personal. I don’t want them working out in the field risking their lives alone. They deserve support.”

“Wholeheartedly agreed.” PW couldn’t make out whatever Rex next muttered away from the phone but he was quick to return. “Alright, Polaris, I think I know the answer to this one but would you like to support the 2-2 as you did this past week officially?”

“I’d die for it!” PW nearly shouted. “And yes – I do understand the risk. I don’t care.”

“Alright! Then I’d like to set up an interview with you. I’ll see you Monday morning.” Rex declared.

“Monday morning!” PW agreed.

“Great. You’ll be reimbursed for travel fare. You’re in Canterlot?”

“Yes sir. Although I’m moving to Norfilly.”

“Oh yeah? Nothing is guaranteed yet.”

“I understand, but if I’m rejected I’ll even sweep those streets just because it’s the city the program’s in.”

Rex chuckled. “Okay Polaris, we’ll see you Monday morning. 10:00 AM.”

“Yes sir.”

“200 Coltumbia Park Circle in Norfilly. Just let the gate guard know you’re here to see Mr. Stablecolt for an interview.”

“Will do so, sir.”

“All right. See you soon.”

“Thank you! Bye-bye.” Polaris said as he hung up the phone.

“YEEEEEEEEA!” He screamed so loud it disturbed the neighbors. PW began packing right away.

After spending the previous day packing up Polaris Wind was off to the train station for the last time. He could barely control the luggage cart on the way, however.

“I wish 2 was here! She’d be able to truck this thing around like it was made of foam.” He grunted, trying to get it unstuck from a cobblestone gutter for the umpteenth time.

In the train station PW boarded a Ponyvania Railroad express to Baltimare. He was a colt the last time he’d gone that far east and in that time the railroad had experienced a revolutionary upgrade in adding concrete ties and a wired catenary to allow for mainline electro-magic trains. These machines were far faster than traditional locomotives, at times reaching 100MPH! Polaris couldn’t even fly that fast. Given that speed on the Eastern transcon he arrived in Haysburg in just 8 hours. Here, he transferred to another train that worked the southern shore of Horseshoe Bay to Norfilly. Though he arrived at midnight it was a humid eighty degrees.

PW booked a room in the railroad hotel for two nights while he looked for a place to settle. He ultimately chose a place in the Farrell neighborhood. Far from the city center and the beach but near the defense contractors’ business park. He paid to have his belongings stored at the train station until he was ready to move in. Compared to Canterlot the town was completely flat and moving the cart was far less of an ordeal. PW nonetheless worked up a huge sweat in the soggy summer heat.

He had the evening to set a few things up before retiring early to bed to ensure he was well-rested for the interview. An hour ahead of schedule he trotted from his apartment into the business park and approached the gate guard of building 200.

“Hi. I’m here to see Mr. Stablecolt for a job interview with Lockhoof?” He addressed a unicorn guard.

“You can proceed into the building and repeat that to the front desk.” Came the reply as the gate clicked open.

The diminutive stallion entered the large, stone building and went through a revolving door before approaching a singular desk in the center of a lofty atrium framed by two staircases.

“Hi, I’m here to see Mr. Stablecolt for a job interview?” PW asked the lone clerk.

“Wait right here, he’ll be down to escort you in a few minutes.” The mare replied and picked up a P.A. call phone.

Several minutes later hoofsteps clacked to PW’s right. He looked to see a broad, suited earth-pony stallion with a khaki coat and a no-nonsense visage descending the stairs.

“Polaris Wind?” PW recognized the commanding voice immediately.

“Y-yes sir! Mr. Stablecolt?”

He nodded and looked PW up and down.

“You’re just as 2-2 described.” He said, motioning for PW to follow him.

“Oh? How did she describe me?” PW clambered up the steps.

“In her words? ‘Coat of a faded barn, eyes like a changeling, a mane the color of shit and small enough as to barely qualify as an adult.’”

“Geeze, that’s high praise.” PW muttered.

“Behind my tail, their description of me is ‘blocking their view of the floor.’ Don’t sweat it. In my experience the worse the description, the more fond they are.

PW laughed at that.

“The conference room.” Rex gestured to an open door.

Two other, similarly-dressed stallions were waiting for them.

“This is Swifthoof, Royal Guard Special Operations Lead and Westheart, our Chief Medical Officer.” Rex first pointed to the pegasus on his left and a unicorn sitting beyond him. Both nodded at their name’s mention without a word.

“Gentlecolts, this is our mystery assistant. Polaris Wind, you may be seated. Your check reimbursing you with a little bonus is there, too.” Rex motioned to a seat in front of him.

Swifthoof tapped his chin. “This is a first. I can’t say I’ve ever seen somepony so excited to put themselves in harm’s way.” He said in a curious tone.

“For the Night-Mares!” PW pumped a hoof as he sat.

Swifthoof narrowed his eyes. “Let’s hope it doesn’t prove to be a liability.”

“Polaris Wind.” The N.C. declared. “This is your official interview for the role of Initial Field Technician.”

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