• Published 19th Jan 2024
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North Woods NightMares - Starfighter

The NightMare project as it came to be known augmented a set of large bodied mares from the north to conduct counter-piracy ops. This is a story of one of those mares and her determined supporter.

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Chapter 9: NightMare Nightlife

“Mr. Wind; the secret to the Night-Mare program is that while they require a great deal of support it pays out tenfold in an instant when they unload the D16 magazine. Do drop that statement in a job interview.” Quarter suggested.

"Thanks!" Responded PW, looking over at Night-Mare 2 and her mountain of food. “Do you even know how many calories that is?” He asked.

“Mmf - shumver veteen shix an eigh-houshand haloreesh?” She shrugged with a faceful of food.

PW bent his head and shook it as crumbs above the right seat fell to the floor.

Quarter dropped them both off at the Grand Crystallton. “Briefing is at 0800 hours in my safe house. Meet me here for pickup.” He ordered.

“I’m gonna work out. Meet me at the Heat Brewery by 1900 this evening.” Snowheart said as she clambered out of the vehicle.

The auto-wagon pulled away as PW shot her a quizzical look. “You’re going to drink? The night before a briefing?”

“I’m a heavyweight.”

“And you’re going to use the gym equipment in the hotel?”

“And probably break it!” She added, speaking PW’s mind as she sauntered into the ornate entrance.

PW had to book another hotel room and wasn’t too thrilled about the price.

“I seriously need a job working with her. I can’t keep dropping dough like this to keep up with this mare!” PW admitted, seeing his cash reserves depleting.

He checked in and crashed until dinner time, having a sound sleep for the first time in two days.

Polaris was always a very punctual stallion and showed up to the brewery right at 7:00. He found the Night-Mare already seated at the bar with a drink in hoof and a bunch of stallions egging her on. He realized he wouldn’t be able to get her attention with the paparazzi of stallions shouting around her and would have to do something drastic.

‘Menaces. He soured. Enthralled now but will flee for absolutely anything including a scratch to their baby faces.’ He sighed and cleared his head. ‘Relax, PW. She does this all the time. It’s not like she picks up stallions regularly… right?’

Polaris snaked through the crowd, grabbed a hoof-full of Snowheart’s tail and tugged it hard. The large mare swung her stool about and grinned.

“Heyyy, PW! You’re here!” She shouted, waving him closer. “This is the guy, guys! Get this stallion a seat!” She thundered as several ponies vacated the area of the seat next to her.

“I heard you put up with this gal daily!” A nearby unicorn slapped PW’s back.

“Er; yeah, you bet!” PW answered with hesitation, unused to the spotlight. “Thanks for pulling me into your fold, Snowheart!” PW called.

Another glass was placed down in front of a very pleased Snowheart.

“What’s your shoe size?” A stallion asked as she gulped it down.

She sat the now-empty glass on the counter with a THUD.

“Ten!” She breathed.

“Are you taller than Princess Celestia herself?” Asked another.

“Maybe!” She answered.

“How many drinks have you had, miss?”


“And, how drunk are you?” Came the reply.

Snowheart scoffed and took a filled wine glass from a neighboring stallion and balanced it flawlessly on her prosthetic finger. The crowd erupted into cheer.

“Wow, Snowheart, I didn’t know you were such a heavyweight?” PW said.

“Hmmm, and how about you, PW?” The big mare asked, pointing right at him.

“Me? Oh, no; I don’t drink.” He responded with an innocent shake of his head..

“Really?” Asked a nearby stallion.

“C’mon dude!” Said another.

Another drink arrived on the counter which Snowheart slid to PW. “Now ya do!” She said to the crowd’s delight.

“C’mon, buddy! Show the big mare you care!” Sompony shouted.

Polaris fidgeted.

“Don’t drink at all?” Snowheart hummed.

“I’ve never had a drink.” Polaris admitted.

“Then this one’s on me!” She grinned at him.

“Um, I’m nineteen!” Lied the small pegasus.

“Nice try, but drinking age in the Crystal Empire is eighteen anyway. Bottom’s up!” She shouted.

“Chug Chug Chug Chug!” Everypony chanted.

“STOP!” Interrupted the bartender. “Let me see your ID.”

Snowheart leaned back in her seat and laughed heartily as PW passed up his ID.

“HAH-HA-HA-HA-HAH!” She laughed, her leg thumping the bar stand until a splintering *crack* was heard.

“You’re older than I thought.” The bartender handed the ID back with a raised brow.

PW hefted the glass aloft.

“You trust me, right?” Snowheart asked.

“Um, yeah?”

“Then down the hatch! It’s only one!” She reassured him, forcing the drink towards PW’s mouth. PW lifted the cup from her to his mouth and drank it.

The crowd cheered. “You’ll always remember your first drink now!” Said the fellow next to him.

“Guess so!” Replied PW sheepishly, fighting the sour taste lingering in his throat.

“Now, are you ready for your first blackout?” Said the stallion behind him, passing him some unknown green liquid in a glass.

“Get lost! No way!” Polaris shouted.

“Kidding, kidding.”

“Hey do you want something to eat?” Asked a suddenly concerned Snowheart.

“I… hic! my stomach kind of hurts. So not hic! now.” PW squeaked.

As it turned out, Polaris Wind was such a lightweight that the single drink was enough to wreck him. Pegasi were already known for their lack of alcohol tolerance, and PW certainly more than most.

“C’mon, PW. We need to get back to the… the hotel.” Snowheart slurred after drinking her twenty-fifth glass. Her crowd was a mixture of gone home or passed out.

“Wha… hotel? I - we’re still hic! on the train?” PW mouthed near-unintelligibly.

“C’mon, you silly. I’ll help you!” Snowheart smiled wide and stood.

“I’m gah fall!” He cried at the shift.

“No, you’re not.” She soothed, providing a sturdy support with her strong frame. She patted his head and squeezed him close. “See? I got you.”

Polaris hummed against her warm body. ‘She’s just… just a big ol’ softie when she’s tipsy. The thought disappeared as quickly as it came to him.

Miss Snowheart walked him all the way back to his room, taking his key in her fingers to look up his room number. She unlocked the door, set him comfortably on the bed, said goodnight, and didn’t give him any flack for his situation.

Though she didn’t expect his night to end quite like that, she did have to admit that she liked the experience of taking care of Polaris without him being able to judge her the next day.

She blushed and made her way to her own room.

Polaris checked out the following morning and walked up to the front patio of the hotel. Miss Snowheart was already there. “Um; what happened last night? Did I do anything stupid?” PW asked.

“What do you remember?”

“Nothing, not after my stomach started hurting.”

She nodded. “We stayed a little while longer and then went back to the hotel.”

“Did I do anything stupid?” PW insisted, begging to know.

“Nah, you were just tipsy. No embarrassments.” Reassured the mare, keeping her role that night a secret.

A different auto-wagon promptly arrived. Quarter got out and opened the rear door for them.

“You first.” Snowheart motioned PW in.

The only seat large enough for her was the rear-most one anyway. They drove a few blocks down the road to a seemingly random, detached home in the outskirts of the inner city.

Inside the living room were 2 piles of equipment and clothing for each of them. “Wow; a winter-suit? For me?” PW exclaimed.

“Hopefully it fits. We had to tailor a retail purchase given you’re not participating in an official manner.” Admitted Quarter.

PW gawked at a very large pair of snow boots next to him. ‘Sweet Celestia, these things are gigantic!’ He thought to himself.

He wondered if he could even put it on. The boot looked longer than his entire leg! He’d satisfy his curiosity later, to spare him embarrassment. No doubt 2 would tease him. Or, worse, if he couldn’t manage to put it completely on.

They each strapped on their gear. Night-Mare 2 was provided with her standard tactical uniform layer: nylon leggings, an undershirt, knee-pads, and a hoodie. Over this would go the snow gear, including a white, woven cloth helmet, a pair of goggles with snow visors, white scarves, cloaks, long warm socks, and snow boots.

The Night-Mare naturally began her teasing tirade, holding up a sock to PW. “This comes up to your back, PW. I guess this one must be mine!”

“Yeah, I think you might be right. Probably. Still not sure.” Replied PW, bouncing off her jab.

Once all of their uniforms were in order Quarter showed them to their kit.

“Enclosed for the both of you are saddlebags containing provisions of food and water, heating pads, fire-starting equipment, tarps, mess gear, radio equipment, and first aid kits. For Number 2 we have the standard amount of ammunition, your D16, 3 flashbangs, 3 smoke grenades, and your Stallion & West pistol sidearm. Mr. Wind, if you were hired we might be able to supply you with your own weapon. In lieu of one I have gained permission to provide 3 smoke grenades and one flashbang. Use them wisely.” Quarter said.

“He probably doesn’t know how to use them.” 2 said honestly.

“Er, no. No, I don’t.” PW admitted.

“I’ll teach you with pinecones. It’s really easy.” She said and looked to Quarter. “He’ll be fine.”

“Of that I have no doubt.” Quarter smiled and moved into what was once a dining room. Only two tables remained and supported a large map and assorted cartographical accessories.

“Ooh the briefing room!” PW said with awe.

“You catch on quickly, Mr. Wind.” Said Quarter. “This will serve as your briefing to Operation Smash-Smash.”

“Hm. I like it. Go on.” Commented the big mare.

“For the record, this mission is declassified. However, it is SBU. You obviously have a need to know but do not tell any-creature about this mission, Mr. Wind. Now, I know you were given some run down, so I shall spare you the details and cut right to the deltas.”

With a quick clear of the throat Quarter began. “The Equestrian-Yakyakistani trade summit is in two days. However, the stakes are now elevated. The diplomats Equestria has chosen to represent us are royalty: Princes Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire and Blueblood of Canterlot.”

“My goodness.” Exclaimed PW.

“Indeed. You both understand that failure in this mission would mean our royalty would be rendered unable to accomplish their objective.”

“That’s one way of putting it.” 2 muttered.

“While several rogue changeling hives exist, the current understanding is that Queen Chrysalis herself is still plotting revenge even after being released from lithification. An individual we suspect as being a spy for the changeling hive has retrieved a large amount of information relating to the specifics of this event.”

Quarter leaned over the map and indicated where the ponies ought to look. “Intelligence reports that three days ago a party of changelings was seen by a group of fisher-ponies moving up the Luna Bay coast. Another report has come in confirming that there is an ambush planned on the road at a cliff located at latitude 75 degrees 46 minutes north, longitude 45 degrees 19 minutes west, henceforth designated as point Alpha.”

“Now I am sure you all are aware that, in our past, Queen Chrysalis successfully infiltrated Canterlot and took royalty hostage. I cannot stress the severity of that outcome enough. Though we do not expect the Queen herself to be active in this operation.”

He pointed to the map again. “The changeling party was last seen trekking inland from the coast of Luna Bay around latitude 68 degrees 33 minutes north, longitude 70 degrees 47 minutes west, henceforth designated as point Bravo. You will be escorted up the road as far as an auto-wagon may travel to point Charlie. Point Charlie is approximately 20 miles from Point Alpha. Mr. Wind, you will then take to the skies and generate a cloud about yourself for cover. Number 2 will map the engagement zone as well as locate and neutralize any enemy scouts that may be on the move.”

“While she is doing this Mr. Wind will attempt to track down the current location of the changeling party. We expect that by the time you arrive the party will be located around latitude 71 degrees 30 minutes and longitude 52 degrees zed, designated as point Delta. Mr. Wind, you will find a hoof-watch barometer included in your pack. Please remain above seven thousand hooves mean sea level to avoid detection. Do bear in mind that the changelings may be in flight. Unfortunately we do not have any information as to their flocking altitudes. Once you have located the party, radio their coordinates in with the enclosed engagement map. Your radios will have two channels. Channel 1 is Vanhoover Control and Channel 2 is your partner. The radios will likely only reach Vanhoover Control from the top of a mountain or in the air. Number 2, this means you may be reliant on your partner for communication to base.”

She gave a small nod of understanding.

“Once we have the location, an interception of the interception will be planned. Hence the mission code, Smash-Smash. The changeling party will then need to be neutralized by Number 2. The use of deadly force is not permitted unless deadly force is displayed by the changelings. Although we do not believe the changelings, save Queen Chrysalis, have the ability to transform into a Night-Mare they certainly have the ability to take on Polaris Wind’s form. Therefore, you will need to establish a passphrase to secure identity.”

“That’s easy. My cover-name PW?”

“Miss Snowheart.”

“Done. We can use it as a safety word too, during practice.” She added. PW raised an eyebrow in confusion at that but didn’t interrupt Quarter.

“The exact method for neutralizing the enemy is at your discretion, though as I stated please avoid deadly force whenever possible. HQ was not happy with the results of your last mission. They desire intimidation, not bodycounts.” Replied Quarter sternly.

“Sounds plenty intimidating to me.” She growled.

“In her defense sir, we were fighting a small army armed with rifles and machine guns.” Polaris jumped in. The mare’s glare softened and she looked down at the small stallion defending her.

“I only relay what I’m told. That said, I also advise you in particular to not take any lives. Leave that to Number 2. A civilian making a kill is a BIG no-no. Are we clear?”

“Yes sir.” PW acknowledged.

“Once the threat is neutralized we will enter the third phase of the operation; escort. To protect against unforeseen counter-attacks you will escort the royal convoy through the mountain pass from a point no later than point Alpha and the Yak gate. I recommend Mr. Wind take to the skies again to spot the royal convoy’s position from the air. Note the terrain is entirely bloody tundra. There are no trees nearby for cover. Upon arrival at the Yakyakistani gate the mission is completed. Remain very vigilant during the escort. If an assassin is present they will need mere seconds to complete their task.”

Quarter took a step back. “This concludes your formal briefing, any questions will be fielded onboard the auto-wagon. Time is of the essence and we must depart immediately.”

Without another word the trio entered the waiting vehicle and they were off.

It wasn’t until they were on the Yak road that Quarter broke the silence. “Mr. Wind, be sure to remain near Number 2 while on the ground. We do not want the enemy capturing you, holding you ransom, or getting information out of you. I’m also rather concerned about Number 2's fingers. They tend to seize in cold conditions. I trust you have had experiences unsticking them?”

“Yes, actually. Both in testing and the field. Enemy weapons were on us and I unstuck her junction box in the heat of the moment.”

“Is that so? Good for the Night-Mare then.” Quarter said, impressed.

He looked up in his rearview to find 2 looking out the window with a frown.

Quarter knew Mr. Wind was telling the truth given her predictable response. “Yes, so having you around her may prevent a mishap.” Quarter admitted.

“Um, Quarter?” PW asked. “Why don’t the Night-Mares work as one team?”

“They used to, Mr. Wind. But with numerous trade-routes come numerous pirates and bandits. HQ decided one Night-Mare per mission would have to do. It was an untimely and reckless decision if you ask me – one that was made during the contract change. I for one fancy your methods in supporting a single Night-Mare’s operations. Ultimately I do hope the Royal Guard determines it for the better.”

The auto-wagon drove high into hills that soon became mountains. Gradually the spruces grew shorter and shorter along the road until they reached the arctic tree line, where the landscape consisted entirely of gravel, rock and snowy mountains. The road condition began wearing out until they were barely moving faster than walking speed. Finally, a field of small rocks brought their ride to an end.

“We are now at Point Charlie.” Announced Quarter.

The two field soldiers got out of the auto-wagon (which lifted considerably on its right shocks as they did so), then tested their radios and synchronized their chronometers.

“Quarter, where do we rendezvous after the mission is completed?” Asked PW.

“That remains to be determined, Mr. Wind. But we are going to try and get you a spot back on the escort. Assuming the initial onslaught is too intense for the enemy there shouldn’t be much worry on the way back.”

“Thanks Quarter.” Said 2, adjusting her gear.

He smiled. “Take good care of her, Polaris. The convoy should be coming up the path in about 24 hours.”

“Yes sir!” PW barked with all his energy as the vehicle departed back down the road.

The Night-Mare and her small accomplice strapped down all of their gear and began trekking up the road.

Polaris scrunched his nose at the biting breeze. “So windy and desolate, isn’t it?” Said PW, noticing a snow-devil being stirred up ahead.

“Reminds me of home.” 2 said.

“We’re a little further north than that aren’t we? Your tribe are forest dwellers?”

“Yes, just a little bit north of there. We’re likely only a few days’ walk from there.”

“2, what was growing up for you like? Did you get to live a normal childhood?”

“As you would describe it, yes. We even have a school endorsed by the Royal Educational Society. Families are close, led by the father usually.”

“Are stallions even larger than the mares, typically?”

“Yeah. Especially my dad. He’s enormous… and not too thrilled that I joined the Guard.”

PW gulped at that, knowing if something happened to 2 on his watch then he’d have a tough customer to answer to. “What did they call you back home?”

“That’s classified.”

“Oh. I wish I had classified things about me…” PW moped.

“Hey, if they hire you then you likely will.” She cheered him up.

“I really like that about you 2.” PW smiled. “You’re great at reading my emotions and know when to lob a joke or be cool.”

“We go back a ways, PW.” She shrugged.

They continued up the road, having lunch at some point where the road doubled back, providing a wide vista. Then, in the afternoon before the sun went down too low, PW flew up to get his bearings. He did look around the nearby vicinity but didn’t see any sign of the changelings.

He took several breaths before finally speaking into the radio. “Vanhoover Control, Number 2’s number 1, how do you read?”

After several seconds the crackly reply came. “5 by. But please change that callsign to something easier on the ears!”

“Um, Northwind reporting! We’re halfway to point Alpha, currently in section G-Q. I do not see any sign of trouble yet but plan to look more tomorrow.”

“... Copy all.”

PW then landed. “Did you hear that?”

“Yeah, I was tuned in. Agent Northwind.” 2 said.

“No fires allowed right?” He asked.

“Nope. None at all. Could give our positions away. Your MRE’s should have a spell-activated heater pack in them to heat the food up. We just need a water source.”

“Everything’s frozen over. Ugh it’s going to be a cold night.”

“This time of year the streams are usually accessible under a thin sheet of ice. Just be careful not to fall in. We like to boast about how hardy we are but this is not the time to yield body heat.”

“I like how you think, 2. I’ll head down the ravine to see if I can find any water.”

Sure enough, there was a small stream running at the bottom of the steep valley which he flew into. No sooner had PW filled his containers than he heard a growl and looked up at a large, blue creature.

“U-u-ursa minor!” He cried, looking into its sickly, yellow eyes.

He hurried to get air under his wings as the giant bear charged. He tried flying back up the hill but his gear and water proved too heavy. While he didn’t make it all the way up the hill in one go he did get far enough to escape the Ursa. The beast glared at him before finally sauntering away, finally allowing PW to let out a huge sigh.

“Did you find any?” 2 asked upon his return.

“Ursa minors? Yes. And water!”

“That’s what I thought I heard. Glad to see you were still able to fly with all that water.” She said, taking her share.

“Yeah, that was close.”

“This is also Ursa Major territory. We should take care to avoid those. The Ursa Major fears nothing and I’m going to admit it’s the one creature I am unable to defeat.”

“I thought you’re trained to take anything?”

“There’s always something bigger out there, PW.”

“So, how do we protect ourselves from it?”

“Run and hide. It’s got nowhere out here to sneak around. When we see a big purple blob on the mountain it’s time to start burying yourself in snow.”

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