• Published 19th Jan 2024
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North Woods NightMares - Starfighter

The NightMare project as it came to be known augmented a set of large bodied mares from the north to conduct counter-piracy ops. This is a story of one of those mares and her determined supporter.

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Chapter 15: THE Interview

“Alright, gentlecolts, I’ll go first.” The N.C. began. “So, Polaris; your volunteer work has inadvertently exposed a position that should have existed from the beginning and didn’t. We’re frankly surprised that Ponyeon didn’t have any in-the-field support and that firefight you took part in exposed a glaring flaw – almost to the point of suspicion. It is clear that Poneyon wanted to rid themselves of the contract and were trying to cut things off early. So, regardless of whether you get hired or not, this job will need to exist and we need somepony with experience to train the others up. Let’s see if we can get you back on the team. My first question is simply: why do you want to work with the Night-Mares?”

The excited candidate leaned forward. “Well sir, I can tell you that since I was little I’ve always had a fascination for big things. As you can see I’m a pretty small guy so I’m not big on myself – I’m big on big ponies. So, the idea of this Night-Mare as an unstoppable machine that commands the room and fills the enemy with fear is something I almost nearly worship. The opportunity to serve such an enormously powerful mare is very exciting for me! And in my time working with three of them in I&T I've found they’re great ponies. I feel bad that they’re all alone in the field, too. I set them up for success and up until a few weeks ago I was in a cubicle with all the knowledge on their augmentations while they’re in a swamp, in the tundra, or Celestia-knows-where.”

“I’m glad somepony else thinks so highly of my Night-Mares!” Rex smiled..

“I’ll go.” Swifthoof raised a hoof and looked to PW. “This role requires clearance and access to knowledge hidden from the public. Can you tell me what you know about how the sun and the moon work?”

“Sure.” PW paused to collect his response. “So, they have and generate gravity on their own but are moved across the sky by the princesses – Celestia and Luna – per the almanac.”

“Not on their own?”

“Right. Because I remember years back that mom and dad told me about how the Storm King got a hold of the celestial powers during an attempted coup. When that happened the sun started flashing in and out of the sky!”

“Very good – you’re not one of those… crazy kids.” Swifthoof muttered. “And how do you feel about the current state of government and policy in Equestria?”

“I like it. The multitude of creature diversity is a big plus for me because it ties in several parts of the world beyond Equestria. For example, I had the chance to visit the Crystal Empire and Yakyakistan while working with the Night-Mare. Friendship with other nations is good. I know that’s been the biggest policy recently. Also I know it matters so I’ll say Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Queen Chrysalis are all my enemies, though I also believe they can be reformed.”

“So, foreign policy; you’re happy with things as they are?”

“That’s right.”

“Hm.” Was all he had to say as he scribbled something onto a paper.

“Polaris.” The N.C. addressed him while looking at his paper. “Are you prepared to be killed in action?”

PW frowned, taken aback at how nonchalant Rex was in asking such a heavy question. He glanced at PW expectantly.

Polaris cleared his throat and answered. “Um, well; obviously that would be less-than-ideal and I am very trusting of my safety in the Night-Mare’s shadow and think they can handle anything. Should it happen though; yes. I don’t have a marefriend, wife, or foals and I’m an only child. So there’s just my parents and some extended family. I have no looming debts or bad things that would happen if I vanished one day. And those NightMares are really important to me. If they are gone, so too is my purpose. Yes. I can die and will die for a Night-Mare if it comes to it!” PW exclaimed.

The medical officer, Westheart, leaned forward. “Polaris Wind, it’s my understanding that you saved one of our Night-Mares on multiple occasions. Elaborate.”

“Yes, though just to be clear she insists she would have survived it. I think she’s right since she’s too strong to be downed by a random spray of bullets from a regular rifle, but there were two cases. The first time was during an ambush after crossing the bridge nearest the village by Starlight’s Cave. We were surrounded on all sides by armed creatures that had stolen the contents of an arms shipment and were using the weapons for terror. We were sheltering in front of a rock escarpment. A lucky stone fell on me and I was just in time to look up and see a unicorn aiming a shotgun down at us. I quickly alerted Night-Mare 2 about it and she dispatched the enemy.”

“The second case was approaching armed enemies on the road. Her fingers locked up, which I’ve dealt with in testing – and, Mr. Stablecolt, when that keeps happening it means the circuitry in the unit is going bad and you really need to have her j-box replaced right away or it’s going to keep happening. And now I’m not there to fix it! The other thing I saw being done wrong is trying to short it out with water. That’s not a good response because over time the water will corrode the internal circuitry, leading to more problems. That’s probably what’s going on now. Anyway, I taught her the crossing of wires 2 and 3, which I did for her in time for her to fire back. I really think it’s important that we send somepony with the Night-Mare who understands this stuff in the event it breaks. These are advanced gadgets, and they need expertise.”

Stablecolt cocked a brow and leaned forward again. “That’s very eye-opening, Polaris. We’ll send to have that unit replaced. Maybe I’ll even credit you with saving her a third time, just now. Now, you just started pushing for assistants and that goes right into my next question: what do you think the role of Field Technician entails?”

“A whole lot! For starters, what I just said – ensuring her equipment is working and troubleshooting when it’s not. Furthermore, I was her eye in the sky during Operation Smash-Smash. I also held her captured changelings for her while she did more work – and that’s probably why her kill count ended up as zero. I carried her captured weapons from the first mission. I think it comes down to the following: equipment operation and troubleshooting, reconnaissance, task management, navigation, transport, safety management, and de-saturating the Night-Mare’s tasks as she gets them. Plus, having a normal sized pony beside her is likely to boost her perceived size. Ah – and possibly physical adaptability! For example – the Night-Mare cannot fit into a small opening. I can. Which means I can get into places they can’t!”

“That last point is a big one.” Replied Stablecolt. “And just some information for you; this position would report to me. So the Night-Mare would be considered a superior officer but the chain of command leads to me.” PW nodded in understanding. “What did you learn in your volunteer time and in Integration and Testing?”

“I think the most glaring issue is that the Night-Mare is not properly being supported and is endangered by a failing support structure. I don’t mean you all – the contact just switched. This mainly started with Ponyeon cutting a whole bunch of us with experience. Other than that, I learned of how sweet the Night-Mares really are, a little bit about them, their augmentation systems and how those work, and how integration works and the relationship between poor quality and poor results. Which is why I was absolute and thorough in my work. Once on my own I learned about how the Night-Mare actually operates in the field, the threats that she faces, the strategies to deal with those threats, radio usage, and basic gun safety.”

“You learned gun safety?”

“Yeah, Night-Mare 2 taught me.”

“That’s good. I’m proud of her for doing that. Assuming she did it right.” Stablecolt muttered..

“Do you have any experience with weapons?” Asked Westheart.

“Okay, there’s a question you probably won’t like my answer to.” PW fidgeted but tried to dress things up as best as he could. “Other than a little bit of gun safety and pulling the trigger for practice once on an AJ-47, and the weapons the Night-Mare has built into her body, that I helped test, no other experience unfortunately.”

“That’s what boot camp is for, right Westheart?” Stablecolt said but only got a curt shrug from his compatriot.

Stablecolt looked at his paper again and read off the next question which especially interested PW. “Polaris, if you did get the job as our first Night-Mare Field Technician Assistant, and you could choose, is there any particular Night-Mare you wish to be matched to?”

“Yeah; without a doubt Number 2. I mesh with her really well. I did in I&T too. I think I’m actually growing on her; forgive the pun!” PW smiled.

Westheart cocked a brow. “Just to be clear who we’re talking about, it’s… er, Stablecolt, is he cleared for me to give the full designation?” Westheart asked.

“No he is not, but it is 2 that he worked with a few weeks ago.” Replied Stablecolt.

“Copper eyes, cream white coat, silver mane and tail! Goes by Miss Snowheart in public.” Replied PW.

“Indeed. Knowing her it doesn’t surprise me that she gets along with you well.” Added Westheart.

“Polaris, how do you view your relationship with 2?” Stablecolt asked.

The small stallion paused, carefully selecting his response. “I guess you could say we’re longtime friends… but with very limited contact only spread out two years. It’s kind of tricky explaining it, but what I can say is I want to be with her. Even right now. ‘A friend I really long to be with’ I think explains it well.” Replied PW.

Rex nodded and jotted some notes down, finally reaching the end of the page. “I hate to end this interview on a bad note- but there is one more question we need to ask. What will you do if you don’t get this job?”

“If I don’t? Ugh.” PW looked about the room and sighed. “I’d be defeated. I guess I wouldn’t try to do what I did a few weeks ago? I can’t. But I would keep trying to apply every time the position opens and would take classes, train and earn certifications to continue raising my chances every time!”

The N.C. hummed with a frown and jotted down one final note. PW couldn’t help but fidget in silence as the three interviewers looked to their notes and occasionally at him. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity Rex looked up with a polite smile.

He turned to Westheart. “Good?” He asked, and after receiving a nod turned to Swifthoof. “Good?” And received another nod. “Alright Polaris, I’ll escort you out.”

It was at this time that the stallion sprang his strategically withheld question. “Did you all get my new telephone number? I’m living in Norfilly now!”

“Erm, not that I’m aware.” Rex put the pen to the paper one last time.” Go ahead.” PW was glad to receive this reaction as he read the number, as it meant that, at minimum, his interview was strong.

Stablecolt escorted PW to the front of the building and they said their goodbyes. “We’re going to move really fast on this one; you should hear back by the day after tomorrow.”

With that, PW spent the next day settling into the apartment. That done, he found himself growing nervous. He took a flight to the beach and saw Horseshoe Bay, though it was yellow-brown and cloudy as it almost always was. The anticipation grew.

The next day was agonizingly long for PW as he waited for the call. Though it arrived early sooner than later, every minute felt like days to him. PW yanked the phone from its cradle, hearing his heart beating in his ears.

“Hello, Polaris?” Came the voice of Mr. Stablecolt.

Author's Note:

Y’all ready for this NightMare train to roll again? Once it goes, it’s not stopping! We’re getting toys, slumber parties, lumberjacks, uniform malfunctions, anger management issues, really exciting dreams(?), and sitting Night-Mares! We’re releasing 1 chapter every Friday evening so stay tuned so you don’t miss it!

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