• Published 25th Apr 2024
  • 836 Views, 150 Comments

The Omnitrix Hero: Omniversal Collision - Banshee531

Flash's life as a hero takes a strange turn, when another wielder of an Omnitrix appears. Now the two must work together, to stop their worlds from being destroyed by some old enemies. But will two Omnitrix Heroes be too many, or not enough?

  • ...

Chapter 4

All over the city, people stared up at the crack in the world and were absolutely terrified.

Many people had tried to get in contact with the Plumbers, hoping Flash Sentry would tell them what the heck is going on. But the alien hero and his friends weren't responding. And now, the tear in the sky was growing even larger.

The tear sparked and grew larger and larger by the second, many people fearing some kind of monster was waiting on the other side to attack. But eventually, the sparking stopped and the tear's growth ended. But it didn't shrink back down, causing many to be scared it might happen again.

Inside the Plumber Base, everyone stared at the tear.

"Why'd it stop?" Pinkie asked. "I'm not complaining, but I thought it was gonna get even bigger and let the snake creature through." Everyone turned to Paradox, who seemed to have all the explanations. But even he didn't seem to know what was going on.

"I can only guess, that the ship's lack of use over the millennia has made it lose much of its energy. Whilst it has the ability to rip holes in dimensions, it no longer possesses the needed power output."

"Really?" Ben frowned. "Do you think whoever's in there was trying to make it through on the first try, but got stuck halfway through?"

"A possibility," Paradox nodded. "It had enough energy to open a breach, but couldn't make it big enough to go through. So instead, they sent the robots through."

"But what for?" Twilight asked. "Are they just planning on conquering the world? If they can send troops through already, why were they clearly trying to widen the breach?"

"And why would they take Sunset and Fluttershy?" Rarity asked.

Azmuth listened to all of this and slowly, he started putting some of the pieces together. "They sent the robots through, captured Sunset and Fluttershy, closed the portal as soon as they had them, then tried to widen the breach again. I think it's obvious what whoever this is is doing."

The others slowly thought about it, but it was Gwendolyn who figured it out. "They're using them to power to repivor." Everyone shared a look of shock. "Those abilities you girls have. Do your friends have them too?"

"Yeah," Flash nodded. "Their abilities aren't as battle capable as the others, but they have powers. Magic powers."

Twilight held up her geode. "We're all imbued with magic. We used to just be charged with it, but prolonged exposure has slowly given us the ability to produce our own magic. If whoever this is, has figured out a way to siphon that magic out of Sunset and Fluttershy..."

"Those girls will be a pair of pretty powerful batteries," Kevin realised.

"Which brings us to our next issue," Azmuth stated. "They tried and failed to open a breach using those two girls. Which means they'll need more of you if they want to open that breach up some more."

The Rainbooms all looked worried, as the others turned towards them. "Then I guess we know what we're doing," Shining stated. "Keeping you girls out of sight until we figure out how to stop whoever this is."

"But we don't even know who they are." Flash pointed out, hating not knowing.

"Paradox," Ben looked over at the time walker. "You usually know everything. Can't you tell us who's controlling that thing and what their weaknesses are?"

"I'm afraid not," Paradox replied. "I already attempted to look into the past and see who uncovered the ship. But the power of the repivor is causing issues with its own timeline. Trying to travel back to an event connected to it, is like trying to walk towards the source of a hundred mile an hour wind. It just isn't possible."

"Great," Kevin crossed his arms. "So we have no idea who's attacking us or what their plans are. Is there anything we do know?"

"Only that this enemy will attack again," Azmuth stated. "They obviously sent the robots here to try and lure the girls out. They very well may try that tactic again." They all nodded, knowing they couldn't let Twilight or the others risk themselves.

Then, Trixie had a very concerned look on her face. "Um...question. I really hope the answer is no, but is there a chance that Sunset and Fluttershy...didn't survive the magic extraction?" That question sent many of them into a state of absolute worry. "I mean, how much damage could being drained of their magic do to them?"

Everyone tried to think of an answer that wouldn't confirm Trixie's worry, with Twilight raising a hand. "I think they should be fine. Remember when I accidentally drained you girls of your magic? You girls were fine afterwards."

"But we were still exhausted," Rainbow pointed out. They all hoped Fluttershy and Sunset were okay. If anything happened to them, their friends would make sure whoever did it would pay.

About the repivor ship, Eon and Vilgax stared at the breach.

"Useless!" Vilgax growled, turning his attention on Eon. "You told me the magic we drained from those girls would re-energise the ship." Eon turned towards him, not looking the least bit scared.

"And it did. We just miscalculated how much the magic would re-energise the repivor." He walked over to a part of the cockpit and pressed a button on his gauntlet, causing part of the floor to sink downwards and allow him to descend into a lower area.

There, Sunset and Fluttershy were laying in their tubes. Both looked exhausted, but alive.

"Ahh," he nodded, "so that's the problem." The girls looked up at him, as he pressed another gauntlet button. Suddenly, small portals opened above the girls and dropped a bunch of seed-like objects down on them.

"Hey!" Sunset cried, blocking her eyes from getting it in them. "What are you doing?"

"Feeding you," Eon stated. "You'll need all the energy you can get for our next attempt to open the breach."

"You think we'll let you use us to invade our world?" Sunset asked, as she and Fluttershy brushed off what she now realised were seed shaped pieces of biscuit crumbs. "If you need us to power this thing, forget it. We won't eat." Fluttershy suddenly stopped herself from eating a piece of biscuit and quickly threw it to the ground, nodding in agreement whilst Eon laughed.

"Eat...don't eat. Makes no difference to me. From what I've heard, there are five more of you girls to use. If you don't have the energy to survive the next drain, so be it. I'll just throw what remains of you into the void and go get the others. Makes no difference to me." With that, the platform he was on flew back up into the ceiling.

Now alone, the girls considered their situation.

If they did die, their friends would blame themselves for not being fast enough. Plus, it would put them in even more danger. They had no choice. "Eat," Sunset told Fluttershy. "And get some rest. We'll need all the energy we can."

"But he already drained us of our magic." Fluttershy looked down at her geode, which was no longer glowing.

"Magic is a form of energy," Sunset pointed out. "After being exposed to it for so long, we can recharge our magic using our own energy. It'll take a while, but our magic will be back to full power. But if we don't eat, we won't have anything to convert to energy."

"Okay," Fluttershy started eating. Both of them felt like animals, eating crumbs off the floor. But it was better than starving themselves and being too weak to survive another magic drain. They just hoped their friends saved them before said drain.

Back at the Plumber Base, Azmuth was still trying to find a way to get them through the breach without ripping all of space and time apart.

The others hated just sitting around, but they didn't see anything else they could do. As such, they had all gone off to try and get their minds off the current situation. As such, Twilight and Shining had gone with Rook after Paradox had warped his Proto-Truck into the base.

"Nice," Shining smiled as he looked at the machine in truck form. "I wish I had something like this before we went public. Would have been way easier if we had a ship that could turn into a normal looking car."

"And this gear," Twilight held up the Proto-Tool. "You said it has a thousand uses?"

"One thousand and twelve," Rook corrected. "I have made a few modifications over the years." He was looking over Shining's Multi-Striker. "But this device is quite remarkable." The weapon was in its standard bent H-shape form, only to then change into its blaster form. "Programmable matter?"

"Something like that," Shining nodded as he stepped over to him. "So you've been Ben's partner for a while?"

"Indeed," Rook nodded. "I was assigned to him by Magister Tennyson, after Gwendolyn and Kevin left so she could attend her college." He turned to Shining, "what about you? Were you assigned to Flash by the Plumbers?"

"Kinda," Shining nodded. "But I already knew about Flash and the Omnitrix before I was a Plumber. Learned about his secret early and almost turned him in. Then I saw how Flash wanted to use it to help people. I didn't wanna ruin his life, so I teamed up with him. Tried to teach him how to use the Omnitrix the right way."

"I see," Rook nodded. "From what I have read in the Plumber database, you took on a similar role as Magister Tennyson did back when Ben first got the Omnitrix."

"Is that so?" Shining took the Proto-Tool from Twilight and started looking it over. "I never got to meet Max Tennyson. He's not alive in this universe. What's he like?"

"His exploits are legendary," Rook explained. "Even after Ben acquired the Omnitrix and became a hero, Magister Tennyson fought alongside him in many battles. He fought in the Highbreed War and Incursean Invasion. Earth would likely be a wasteland, if Magister Tennyson had not been there to help Ben become the hero that he is."

Shining nodded. "Sounds like he's someone worth respecting. Hopefully, I can fulfil his role in this universe."

"I am sure you have already done more than enough, to earn the same level of respect that Magister Tennyson holds throughout the universe. You said you taught Flash how to use the Omnitrix, did you not?"

"I was there to give him some advice at the start," Shining replied. "But Flash seems to be a natural at this heroic stuff."

"That's true," Twilight nodded. "Even before he had the Omnitrix, he would do anything to help people. One time, he ran into the middle of a fight we were having with a giant robot. If he hadn't, we never would have gotten Sunset's geode back and won the fight."

"I feel there is more to that story than I am being told," Rook explained. "Either way, I am sure Flash still has you to thank for how far he has come."

"I guess," Shining nodded before looking around. "Where the heck even is Flash?"

"I think he and Ben went to the training room," Twilight pointed out. "Makes sense. They must have aliens the other doesn't, so they're probably trying to learn as much as they can about them."

In said training room, Flash was staring at a giant planet alien with a flytrap head. He hummed as he looked the creature over, then smirked. "Wildvine."

"Yeah!" The alien cheered before turning back to Ben. "Dude, this is just getting creepy." Flash shrugged. "Alright. Your turn." Flash nodded and activated the Ultimatrix, "here's another of your new ones." He slapped the dial down and transformed into his human diamond dog hybrid form.

Ben started at him, watching as Flash coated his arms and teeth in gems. He hummed, trying to put the words together. Then, he smiled. "Diamutt!"

"Yeah!" Diamutt howled before transforming back, with Ben going for the Omnitrix.

At the same time, Gwendolyn and Kevin were with Trixie and the rest of the Rainbooms.

They were all in the above ground section of the base, Kevin in one corner sleeping with his feet up on the table. At the same time, Gwendolyn was examining Rarity's geode. "Amazing." Her hands glowed purple, the gem doing the same as she examined the magic within. "I can definitely sense a connection between the two of you. And each gem seems connected to each other."

Rarity nodded. "That's what Sunset and Twilight realised. And whenever all of us come in contact with another magical object, it somehow increases the power of that object."

"I see," Gwendolyn nodded as she handed Rarity her geode back. She then turned to Trixie, who had her Luna Cat mask out and was cleaning the Medallion. "That thing feels even more powerful. Where'd you get it?"

Trixie sighed. "It was my mother's. She was the queen of the Luna Cat Kingdom, in another dimension. After she died, I inherited it."

"So you're a princess?" Gwendolyn asked.

"Pretty much," Trixie nodded. "What about you? How did you gain magical abilities?"

"I inherited it from my grandmother," Gwendolyn smiled. "She's actually an alien. An energy being called an anodite. In our world, magic is created using something called mana. Life energy that we can manipulate to perform spells and enchantments."

"So you're half alien?" Rainbow asked, the others looking shocked by this.

"More like quarter alien. Ben's the same way, but he didn't inherit the spark that allows me to control mana. I'm the only one in my family that can do that."

"What about Kevin?" Applejack asked, the girls all turning towards the sleeping individual. "How's he able to...what did he do?"

"He's half osmosian," Gwendolyn explained. "Another type of alien. They have the ability to absorb all manner of different things. Materials, energy and even DNA. But absorbing energy and DNA can cause them to lose mental control. So Keven prefers to only absorb physical objects like metal and other things."

"Geez," Rainbow rolled her eyes, "how many alien hybrids are there?"

"Tons," Gwendolyn smiled. "But most of them are pretty young. Humans and aliens have only been mingling on our planet for a little bit. But every day, Earth is getting more and more open to alien newcomers. In about fifteen years, our planet will probably be the centre of the galaxy when it comes to intergalactic trade and transport."

Trixie and the Rainbooms were amazed to hear this. They also wondered if their world would be like that. They had heard that something like that had happened, when Flash travelled into the future. But given there was no chance of that timeline happening, there was also a chance Earth would remain separate from the rest of the universe.

"So you've been studying magic since you were ten years old?" Rarity asked, with Gwendolyn nodding. "By any chance, do you possibly have a spell that could help us save Sunset and Fluttershy?" Gwendolyn thought about it, an idea appearing to come to mind.

"I just might."

Back with Flash and Ben, the pair had gone through a bunch of aliens. And each one, the other was able to give its official name to.

Now, they were simply relaxing as they waited for their watches to recharge. "Man," Flash smirked, "the universe has some pretty weird aliens."

"Tell me about it," Ben nodded. "And I bet you haven't even seen some of the craziest ones out there. Trust me, things can get pretty insane." Flash agreed, curious about just how bizarre the world could be. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

"What's up?" Flash asked.

"Why didn't you go Ultimate before?" Flash frowned at the question. "I get you didn't wanna use something completely unknown in the battle, but I bet an Ultimate Gemini could have come in real handy. So why didn't you use it?"

Flash frowned, as he looked down at the Ultimatrix. "You said you used to have an Ultimatrix?"

"Yeah," Ben nodded. "But according to Azmuth, it wasn't worthy of me. The minute he finished this Omnitrix, he took it away from me."

"Did the Ultimatrix ever...give you problems?"

"You mean like giving me the wrong alien? Sometimes. But it worked alright. Although, there was one time it glitched and made all my Ultimate forms come to life. That was a heck of a day, let me tell you."

"It brought your aliens to life?" Flash could hardly believe that.

"Yeah. You might wanna have Azmuth take a look at that to make sure it doesn't happen to you."

Flash thought about Ultimate Volt-Edge and the power it had. The thought of that thing getting loose, made Flash feel even more uncomfortable. "I...see."

"But honestly, I had just as many problems with the Omnitrix. I mean, you might wanna have Azmuth look into making sure you don't lay any eggs. Let me tell you, it's not a fun experience."

Flash blinked, unsure if his brain was able to process something like that. "No," Flash had to focus, "did any of your Ultimates ever give you trouble? Like...made you too powerful to control. Or gave you a power that made you too dangerous to be around."

"Not really," Ben shook his head. He then frowned. "So that's it. You're scared going Ultimate will turn you into some kind of monster."

Flash sighed. "Azmuth said the Evolution Function is unnatural. I've only been an Ultimate once and when I was...the power..." He sighed, "I don't wanna lose control. The Ultimate Aliens are just...so powerful. They're not living things any more. They're...weapons."

"Yeah," Ben nodded, "I get that. Do you know how the Ultimatrix created the Ultimates?" Flash shook his head. "I don't really get it either, but apparently it runs some kind of simulation. Puts the alien into the absolute worst situation for a million years, then determines how the alien would adapt to survive in it. They're weapons, because the only way to survive something like that is to become a weapon."

"Exactly," Flash sighed. "I don't wanna become a weapon. That's the last thing I want. What if I turn into one of those things and it somehow turns me into a monster. Surviving for a million years in an apocalypse could drive any species into a raving lunatic."

Ben frowned, unsure how to answer that.

But before he could think of something, Rainbow suddenly rushed into the room. "There you are." They glanced over at her, "come on. Gwendolyn thinks she might have a way for us to save the others." That got their attention.

They all headed towards the main control room, where everyone else was waiting for them.

"You've got a plan?" Ben asked his cousin, who looked a little unsure.

"Kinda. I've got the start of a plan. But how well that plan works out, depends on Paradox."

"On me?" Paradox asked.

"Yes," Gwendolyn nodded. "You can travel between dimensions and into the void. So you could open a portal that'll let us enter the void."

"Perhaps," Paradox nodded. "But the repivor's power pushes me away. The same way I can't travel back and learn who's controlling the machine, I cannot travel to an area near the ship."

"Maybe not," Gwendolyn smiled. "But I might be able to. If you open a portal into the void, I might be able to use a spell to direct that portal to the repivor."

"How?" Rook asked, only for Gwendolyn to glance at the Rainbooms.

"What are you planning?" Shining asked, not liking an idea that involves his sister. If someone was after her, he wanted her as far away from the action as possible.

"The girls are all connected," Gwendolyn explained. "They're linked to their geodes, which are connected through magic. I have a spell that can use that link to guide Paradox's portal. If it works, the portal will appear right next to your friends."

"If it works," Azmuth stated. "But there's still much we don't know about their girl's magic. We don't even know if they're still connected to each other. That could vanish the minute they left the dimension."

"What have we got to lose?" Twilight asked, turning to the others. "What's the worst that could happen if we try this? We fail."

"Not just fail," Paradox stated. "If I open a portal to the void, my power will be the only thing to keep us from being sucked inside. But if the repivor's power cancels mine out, we could be pulled into nothingness before I have a chance to close the portal."

"That sounds bad," Kevin stated.

"I say we go for it," Ben replied. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." The others slowly started to agree, though Azmuth, Shining and Paradox didn't seem happy about this idea. "Alright, cous. What do we do?"

"You, do nothing." Gwendolyn began to direct everyone around the room. She and Paradox stood in a circle with the girls, whilst Trixie and Flash transformed into their shield forms in order to put up a protective barrier.

Once everyone was...relatively safe, the girls all ponied up as Gwendolyn took her anodite form. And slowly, she started moving her hands around and whispering something. This caused a bunch of symbols to appear around her, a magic circle appearing at the girl's feet as they did their best to combine their magic.

It wasn't easy, since they were missing two members of the group. But they focused and each of their geodes began to glow before the light flew off, connecting to the geode on its left and completing a circle.

As this was happening, Paradox tapped his staff on the ground and another portal opened up. A portal leading to the realm of nothingness, an empty black void that would destroy everything it touched without protection.

Gwendolyn thrust her hands out, her magic connecting to the Equestrian Magic before she thrust her hands up. Doing so caused the lights around them to fly up and connect with Paradox's portal, causing it to change colour. As it did, something appeared inside the portal.

"Look!" Pinkie cried, everyone looking up and seeing a snake-shaped ship appear inside the portal. "That's it!"

"Don't lose focus," Paradox stated. "We haven't succeeded until we actually get inside the ship." They nodded and the ship started getting bigger, as the Equestrian Magic pulled the portal closer to the other Equestrian Magic in the void.

They smiled, as they drew closer and closer. If all went well, the portal would phase through the ship and move straight to Fluttershy and Sunset.

But just as the portal was about to do that, something happened. The ship unleashed a bust of purple lightning, which struck the portal and caused it to start sparking. It pushed the portal away and as it did, Paradox cried out as he clutched his head.

Everyone gasped, as the portal began to fluctuate and Paradox's stability weakened.

Suddenly, a sucking force began to pill the room. It was so strong, that parts of the wall and computers looked ready to be ripped out and sucked inside. And then there were those under the portal.

"Wow!" Rainbow suddenly found herself being pulled into the air, towards the portal. Luckily, Applejack was able to grab her and pull her down, both grabbing the ground and holding on.

Rarity tried to put a wall of gems up to block the portal, but they were quickly sucked inside. "Trixie!" Gemini cried, the pair both shifting their shields and putting them around the portal. But the void was sucking the energy out of the shields, making them grow weaker.

"Do something!" Trixie cried, as Gwendolyn knelt down and placed her hand on Paradox's shoulder.

She whispered a spell and Paradox seemed to recover from whatever happened to him, the time walker quickly slamming his cane on the ground and causing the portal to shrink before finally coming to a close. As soon as it did, the sucking motion ended and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay," Gemini turned back to Flash, "I think we're all in agreement. That was a bad idea." They all nodded, as Gwendolyn sighed.

"It almost worked."

"Yes," Paradox stood up. "Alas, the repivor's power cannot come in contact with my own. So long as the repivor is outside this universe, you will not be able to portal your way to it. I'm sorry."

"So we're back to square one," Twilight sighed. "Having no idea how to save our friends." Everyone frowned, worry continuing to plague them. They had to find a way to save their friends before it was too late.

Back in the void, Vilgax stood impatiently.

Eon was doing something on the computer and Vilgax let out a growl. "I grow tired of waiting. We should extract more power from those girls and use it to completely open the portal."

Eon rolled his eyes. "We can't yet. If we over drain those girls before the portal is completely open, they'll die and we won't be able to drain them again. Patience is the best course of action."

"I have been more than patient. I have waited long enough, for my revenge."

"Then why don't you go kill some time?" Eon suggested. "You want revenge on Flash Sentry, then go get it. Unless you're scared of facing both him and Tennyson?"

Vilgax growled, "do not presume to goad me." Eon could tell he had hit a nerve. "But very well. We will attack the city again. And this time, I will lead the charge." The cyborg alien turned away and walked off, leaving Eon to focus back on the controls. As he did, an idea formed in his head. One that made him smirk beneath his helmet.

Back with the others, Rarity had made Paradox a cup of tea to help with his newly formed headache.

As he sipped his drink, Ben watched and smirked. "You know, I never thought you'd actually be vulnerable. You always seemed like this unstoppable time being, who could be right next to a bomb explosion and walk away without a problem. Seeing you actually having some kind of weakness is...I don't know. Reassuring."

"Whilst my humbling situation might make you feel better about yourself, I doubt your friends are all that happy it's happening at such a crucial time."

"I know," Ben nodded. "But still. I don't think I've seen you in any actual trouble since that fight against Eon."

"What's an Eon?" Pinkie asked, the others also curious about Ben's apparent enemy.

"Eon is a time walker," Paradox replied. "Similar to me. He originates from a dead timeline, where the universe has been destroyed. He's actually an evil version of Ben, only without the Omnitrix. He has the ability to age anything he touches to dust. A very powerful enemy, who wishes to become king of the entire omniverse."

"Sounds dangerous," Shining stated.

"He is," Ben nodded.

"But he's also a version of Ben," Gwendolyn pointed out. "So sometimes, he acts pretty dumb."

"HEY!" Ben cried, but found none of his friends were going to argue against that. "Thanks a lot." But as he thought about Eon, something in his head suddenly sparked. A vague, fuzzy, memory. An image flashed through his mind, causing him to clutch his head as the others looked worried.

"Ben," Rook rushed over to him, "are you okay?"

"I...I think I'm starting to remember something." He tried to focus on that image and suddenly, he found himself in the repivor's cockpit. The place looked crazy and he had no idea what any of the buttons on said console did. And as he turned around, he suddenly found a dark figure standing in the shadows of the room.

But just as they were about to step forward, an alarm sound filled Ben's head and he was pulled back to the present. "What's that?"

Everyone turned to the computer, which once again showed the breach's image. "Energy flux," Azmuth stated. "I think the portal's going to-" At that moment, the beam of light flew down and struck the ground. They all gasped, realising another robot attack was likely coming.

"Time to get back in the action," Ben stated as he turned to Flash. "You with me?"

"Oh yeah," Flash nodded.

"Ben," Rook looked worried. "Are you sure that's a good idea? After what just happened?"

"I'm fine," Ben assured him. "Actually, I think I'm starting to remember what happened to me on the ship. But I'll have to focus on that late. We've got some robots to beat." The others nodded, but Shining turned to the Rainbooms.

"You stay here."

"What?" Rainbow cried, "no way."

"Someone's after you," Shining stated. "We are not putting you girls in danger, by having you out in the field. Stay...here." The Rainbooms frowned, but knew he was right.

"Alright then," Paradox stepped forward. "What say we get this show on the road." Flash, Ben, Rook, Gwendolyn and Kevin stepped up to him, with Shining and Trixie getting suited up before doing the same. Once they were all ready, Paradox tapped his cane on the ground and they disappeared.

The robots were doing some serious damage to the city, blasting everything that got in their way. And these weren't the only robots.

The repair robots were also flying around, using their drills and saws to cut through whatever they came across. If someone didn't stop them soon, the city would be reduced to a pile or rubble. Luckily, that was when the heroes arrived.

They all appeared on the street, Gwendolyn taking her anodite form whilst Kevin looked for something to absorb. As he did, Ben and Flash activated their watches. "Time to rock and roll," Flash laughed as he hit the dial and transformed. "LINDWHIRL!"

"I like how you think." Ben transformed into an alien that looked like a large white marshmallow creature, covered is some kind of hard orange shell. "CANNONBOLT!"

"Ah," Kevin rolled his eyes. "You're back to the yelling the name thing?"

"Don't know why I ever stopped," Cannonbolt laughed before he and Lindwhirl nodded at one another. They both curled up and shot towards the robots, picking up speed and crashing into them. Cannonbolt slammed into one and bounced off it, knocking the robot to the ground as Lindwhirl steamrolled over it. He then flew over to another robot, bouncing off it and hitting another. He was flying around so much, all he needed was a dinging sound to be a pinball.

Lindwhirl crashed through several robots, ripping them to shreds due to his more buzzsaw nature.

The others watched and were quite impressed, but the explosions from the other robots quickly brought their focus back to the battle at hand. "I'll take the ones in the air," Gwendolyn's talisman glowed as she took off.

"I'm with you!" Trixie changed into her Sky Butterfly form and flew up with her, as Shining and Rook turned to one another.

"Care to snipe?" Shining asked, taking out his hard-like rod.

"Gladly," Rook placed something on his Proto-Tool and fired it at a building. That something was a grappling line, which he retracted to pull himself up to the roof. Shining changed his rod into a helicopter, using it to lift himself up.

This just left Kevin and Paradox, the osmosian turning to the time walker. "So...are you actually gonna fight?" Paradox smiled before throwing his cane at Kevin, who cried out as he ducked down. The cane flew over him and stabbed into a robot's chest, causing it to fall to the ground.

"I might as well," Paradox smiled as he spun around and slammed his metal hand into another robot.

Kevin was quite shocked by this, but quickly ran up to the robot and absorbed its metal. He quickly morphed his arms into blades and ran forward, slicing through another robot whilst Paradox kicked off another and flew past the first to pull his cane out.

Up in the air, Trixie stabbed as many flying droids with her rapier as she could. Whilst she did, Gwendolyn's hands glowed and she started throwing energy spheres at the others.

She then launched a fireball at several whilst Trixie did a spin kick and smashed her foot through another. The girls then flew off to deal with another flying group, passing Shining and Rook as the pair stood on the rooftops.

"Twenty-five," Shining stated as he sniped down another one.

"Twenty-three," Rook was holding his energy bow. He then fired another arrow, followed by an explosion. "Oh, make that twenty-seven." Shining rolled his eyes and spotted a group of three close together, one about to fire its laser. He quickly took aim and launched at the robot, hitting its cannon arm just as the energy reached its peak.

The following explosion made him smile. "Twenty-eight."

Back on the ground, Lindwhirl and Cannonbolt continued to smash their way through the robots.

Lindwhirl leapt out of his wheel and tackled one, tearing his claws through it before throwing the machine towards another two. He then leapt into the air and curled up, spinning into a wheel that came crashing down on a robot and crushing it into the ground.

At the same time, Cannonbolt flew through the air and bounced off another robot.

As he landed, he unfurled and charged like a football player to tackle another robot. He then spotted a large group, marching towards him with their guns raised. But before they could shoot, he leapt into the air and curled up.

"You'll wanna see this move!" He yelled to Lindwhirl, who watched as he crashed into the ground between the robots and sent out a shockwave that knocked them over. Remaining curled up, he suddenly spun like a top and somehow formed a tornado. This pulled those robots in and they smashed into Cannonbolt, grinding against his shell before exploding.

"Nice," Lindwhirl laughed as Cannonbolt unfurled himself.

"Oh yeah!" He cheered, "that's shell power." It was then that they both turned towards the beam of light, which was still raining down on the planet. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"We head in that thing and go save our friends?" Lindwhirl asked. "Yeah, I'm thinking that." Cannonbolt nodded before they curled up and headed towards the pillar.

At the base, Azmuth and the girl watched the aliens heading towards the beam and all realised what he was up to.

"Those idiots!" Azmuth cried, quickly getting in touch with Shining and the others. "You need to get to Flash and Ben, now." He didn't give them time to ask why, "they're heading towards the transport beam. If they get inside, we could lose them both forever."

"Got it," Shining nodded. "We're on our way." But as they watched the two rather fast aliens move, they feared the Plumbers wouldn't get to them in time.

"Flash," Twilight looked worried, "don't do anything stupid."

"I'm sure he'll be fine," Spike told her. "He's gotten out of worse spots than this." But as he said that, another alert came up on the computer.

"Something's coming through the beam," Azmuth announced. "Something much bigger than the robots."

Lindwhirl and Cannonbolt arrived at the street, heading straight towards the beam.

"Alright," Cannonbolt told his rolling friend. "When we're through the portal, get ready for anything." Lindwhirl agreed, but sensed something was wrong. The hairs on the back of his neck were tingling.

"Hold up!" He stropped, Cannonbolt skidding to a stop as well. "Something's not right."

"What?" Cannonbolt asked, only to turn towards the beam and see something suddenly shoot out of it. "What is that?" The object shot into the air, then began to fall towards them. And as it drew closer, its shape became more apparent. "It can't be." Suddenly, the object slammed into the ground and unleashed a powerful shockwave.

Lindwhirl and Cannonbolt were slammed by the wind and knocked flying back, both crying out as they crashed into the ground and slid to a stop. As they did, they were both covered in green light and reverted back to human form.

"Ow," Flash groaned, "what was that?" He turned to Ben and saw he was already picking himself up, Flash doing the same as the smoke from the impact began to clear. And when it did, they watched the large intimidating figure step out of it. And both spoke in unison, "Vilgax."

The cyborg squid alien walked forward, glaring at them both. But then his attention turned towards Flash. "Sentry. It's been a while. I suppose you're surprised to see me, given how our last encounter ended."

"A little," Flash stated. "But I'm not surprised to see you alive. Let's just say, I got a warning that you weren't gone for good." He remembered his trip to the future and his battle with that Vilgax. This one didn't seem to be in any better shape.

Ben looked him over. "So, this is your Vilgax? The one from your dimension?"

"I guess so," Flash nodded. "But how the heck did he suddenly come out of that portal?" If the beam led to the repivor, then that meant Vilgax had been on the ship when it entered the void. And that meant Vilgax had somehow been in Ben's dimension. "What are you doing here? What the heck happened to you?"

Vilgax chuckled behind his mask. "After our last encounter, I was not in good condition." He raised his mechanical arm. "I had managed to escape the bomb you strapped to me, but was caught up in the explosion. I was left, drifting through space. Most of my body was destroyed, but I survived and was eventually saved."

"By whoever's controlling the repivor," Ben realised. "So," he smirked, "you've been turned into somebody's lackey?"

"I am no one's underling!" Vilgax roared. "I am still master of my own fate. And now, I will have the vengeance I truly crave." He glared at Flash, hate burning in his eyes. "As I floated in the vast emptiness of space, in infinite tedium and boredom. The only thing that stopped me from succumbing to madness...was my hatred."

Flash smirked. "No offence, but I think you succumbed to madness a long time ago." Ben nodded, as the pair activated their watches. Vilgax raised his pincer arm and fired the laser from within it. The two slammed the dials down, a green light surrounding them as the laser exploded and covered them in smoke.

Vilgax stared at the cloud, only for two very large bodies to come flying out of it. "RIOT-HORN/FOUR ARMS!" The humanoid rhino threw a punch at Vilgax, who blocked it with his mechanical arm before glancing over at the red tetramand. The four-armed alien was a little shorter than him, with black and green clothing covering his body. Yellow armor surrounded his wrists, shoulders and knees, whilst his head had a black beard and pony-tail.

As Vilgax pushed Riot-Horn away, Four Arms charged forward and threw a bunch of punches towards him. But Vilgax dodged each and every one before swinging his organic fist around, straight into Four Arms' face.

"Augh!" Four Arms was knocked back, as Riot-Horn charged again.

Vilgax's mechanical legs shot up and slammed into the alien's chest, the X-shaped feet wrapping around him so he couldn't be thrown backwards. Vilgax then pushed Riot-Horn down, straight into the ground. "Gyah!" As this was happening, Four Arms picked himself up and leapt with his fists pulled back. But Vilgax pointed his pincer at him and fired, the laser exploding against his chest and blasting him away.

Riot-Horn groaned, as the metal leg pushed him further into the ground. "Oh, how I have waited for this moment. When I could finally destroy you."

Riot-Horn glared at him. "If you wanted to destroy me so badly, why send Ben to do it for you?" Vilgax tilted his head. "Ben was under your control. You could have taken his Omnitrix, but you didn't. You sent him to attack me. Why do that, if you wanted to kill me yourself?"

Vilgax chuckled. "So naive. So slow on the uptake." Riot-Horn tilted his head. "We sent Tennyson to attack you, hoping that he would find a way to overwhelm you. But we also knew you would most likely defeat him, so we prepared something for that. Galvin technology is impressive, but my partner's intricate knowledge of the device was enough to let us install something to his watch."

Four Arms heard this as he picked himself up, then turned towards the Omnitrix on his white belt. "What did they do?"

Back at the Plumber Base, Azmuth and the rest of the Rainbooms were all watching as the battle raged on.

"Vilgax?" Rainbow asked. "How the heck is that guy alive? We saw him get blown to kingdom come." They all wanted to know the same thing, but also knew they had more important things to worry about.

"We've gotta find a way to help Flash," Twilight told them.

"You can't go out there," Azmuth reminded them. "If you do, you'll just be giving Vilgax what he wants. You girls didn't stand a chance against him the last two times you fought. You really think this time will be any different?" But as he said that, something happened.

The base's lights suddenly started flickering, as the computer suddenly went dead. "What happened?" Spike asked, the girls wanting to know what was going on with the battle.

Azmuth tried to get the computer systems back online, but they refused to answer him. He took out a tablet and connected it to the base's computer, but as soon as he did the tablet went dead as well. "What's going on? A virus? How could a virus get through our defences?"

"Very easily." The voice echoed through the room, as a bright light blinded them all. "All you need to do is use a virus that was created centuries after the firewalls were made." A figure stepped out of the light and the girls were shocked by his appearance.

"Who are you?" Twilight asked, as a blade extended out of his gauntlet.

"The last face any of you will ever see." With that, the man shot forward and slashed at them with the blade. Rarity quickly put up a shield, but the blade somehow turned it to dust.

"What was that?" Pinkie shrieked, Azmuth putting the pieces together.

"The ability to age something and claiming to have a virus from the future. This must be that Eon character Paradox mentioned." The girls began to worry, since they didn't want to get turned to dust. "Be careful."

Eon chuckled. "Oh, you don't have to worry about me ageing you into dust. I have a need for you."

Twilight's eyes widened. "You want to take us to power the repivor."

"Smart girl," Eon nodded. "Yes. Now come quietly and you won't get hurt...yet."

"Not a chance!" Rainbow ran forward at high speed, pulling out her electric batons to try and stab him with it. But Eon dodged the swing and blocked the second with his sword, causing the baton to disintegrate.

"Don't make this any harder than it already has to be." Eon kicked Rainbow in the chest and knocked her back, as Pinkie threw a bunch of sweet treats at him. But he blasted them with a time ray, dusting them before they could explode. Applejack then charged in and threw her energy mace, the time sword doing nothing to it when they connected.

The two fought against one another, Eon's strength no match for Applejack. But before Applejack could knock him back, Eon leapt away before hitting the ground between her feet with a time ray.

Applejack suddenly found that section of the base beginning to rust away, causing her to fall through the hole it made and scream. "Applejack!" The others cried, with Eon taking this chance to run forward and punch Rainbow as hard as he could.

Rainbow screamed as she was knocked to the ground, the other three girls running forward protectively. As they did, Azmuth tried everything to get the base's systems back online. But they refused to do what he said.

Eon smirked, raising his time sword before charging forward.

"Raaaaah!" Four Arms threw a punch as Vilgax, who leapt off Riot-Horn and got a good distance away. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Four Arms helped Riot-Horn up, the pair turning to Vilgax as he charged. "This is gonna be tough. Maybe I should go Way Big and throw him into space again!" Vilgax threw his claw at them, the pair leaping to the side as Four Arms grabbed a piece of rock.

"In my experience, Vilgax doesn't lose the same way twice!" He threw the rock at the squid, but Vilgax caught it in his non-robotic hand and crushed it. "Maybe show him something he's never seen before. Time to go Ultimate!"

Riot-Horn hesitated at this, as he held his hand up to the Ultimatrix.

He remembered when he fought Shadow with the Ultimatrix. Riot-Horn had been the alien he had used to go Ultimate. Flash knew what Ultimate Riot-Horn could do, but did he want to risk using such a powerful alien? Even against Vilgax?

"Flash!" Four Arms yelled, Riot-Horn looking up and seeing Vilgax rushing towards him.

Before Riot-Horn could react, Vilgax's pincer flew out and grabbed him by the neck. Riot-Horn gasped, as Vilgax pushed him backwards and pinned him against a nearby wall. He couldn't breathe, the alien squid tightening his grip on him. "This little game is about to come to an end." He reached for the Ultimatrix. "I will take your device and use it as it should have always been used. To conquer the galaxy."

"Not gonna happen!" Four Arms suddenly grabbed him around the waist and shoulders, pulling him back and causing him to release Riot-Horn.

The rhino alien gasped, as he was finally able to breathe again. And as he did, Vilgax struggled against Four Arms.

"Get him!" The tetramand cried, "hit him with everything you've got." Flash reached up to hit the Ultimatrix, but still stopped. Instead, he let his new glowing horns shift the energy into the rest of his body. His fists were surrounded by the spheres and he charged forward, as his strength increased.

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" He roared, pulling his fist back. But before he could reach Vilgax, the doors in his chest suddenly opened to reveal a large cannon. "What?"

The cannon charged up in a second, it unleashed a powerful beam of energy that smashed into Riot-Horn. This caused it to roar in pain, as he was pushed backwards and smashed into and through the building behind him. At the same time, the recoil pushed Vilgax and Four Arms backwards until they also smashed into a building.

"Ahhhhh!" Four Arms flinched, as he was sandwiched between Vilgax and the building.

His arms released Vilgax and the squid alien grabbed one in his pincer, using it to pull him around before dealing several powerful blows to his face. And on the last one, Vilgax released him and the punch knocked him flying back.

As he crashed into the ground, Riot-Horn pulled himself out of the building and staggered forward.

He was in bad shape and as Vilgax snapped his pincer open and shut, Riot-Horn's legs gave out and he fell to the ground. Both he and Four Arms were consumed with light and reverted back to human, leaving Vilgax to chuckle at their beaten and bruised bodies.

"Finally," he raised his pincer, "I will end you." But before he could attack, a laser came down and struck him. "Augh!" He staggered back, looking up to see Shining and Rook atop a building.

Both Plumbers leapt down, as Trixie and Gwendolyn flew in. At the same time, a flash of light warped Kevin and Paradox into the street. "Back off," Shining announced. "You're not getting their watches today."

Vilgax growled as he prepared to attack. But before he could, a flash of light appeared behind him.

They all looked around and saw someone, standing beside a bunch of robots who were carrying something. And when he saw him, Paradox's eyes went wide. "Eon!" But the others were more focused on what the robots were carrying.

"TWILIGHT!" Shining cried, seeing his sister and the rest of her friends were all unconscious.

Eon chuckled, as Vilgax gave him a quizzical look. "You were so focused on Vilgax and the robots, you failed to realise the true mastermind behind this was going after the one thing that can fully power the repivor." Flash and Ben had mostly recovered at this point, the pair pushing themselves up and seeing the girls were captured. "Vilgax. I think it's time to go."

Vilgax chuckled. "Yes." He turned to the heroes. "I will let you live, so that you may bear witness to the destruction of everything."

"What are you planning?" Ben groaned. "Use the repivor to smash this world into another. I thought Vilgaxs wanted to conquer, not destroy. Where's the glory in that?"

"Oh, we have no intention of destroying this world or yours." They all wondered what he was talking about. "When the repivor is charged, its power will grant us the ability to merge this world with another. And when it does, we will decide which aspects remain and which are lost to the void. And I promise you, the world we create will not be one with Flash Sentry or Ben Tennyson."

Worry flew through everybody, as the thought of them creating an entirely new world to their exact whims was not something they liked the sound of. "We won't let that happen!" Flash staggered forward and tried to activate the Ultimatrix, but Vilgax was faster.

The cannon in his chest opened up again and before Flash could transform, it fired a beam of energy right at him. This time, Vilgax's feet dug into the ground and he wasn't blasted back, whilst the energy rocketed down the street towards Flash and Ben.

Shining and Rook leapt forward, transforming their weapons into energy shields. But before the beam could hit them, Gwendolyn and Trixie created force fields around the lot of them. The beam hit Gwendolyn's shield and pushed against it, eventually shattering it. It then struck Trixie's and the same result occurred, the beam losing steam but still being able to break through the energy barrier.

Then, it struck the Plumber's shields. If it had been any stronger, it would have obliterated their weapons and slammed into them. But the beam's power had whined enough that they were able to take it, though they found themselves getting pushed backwards and into the others.

As this had been happening, Eon ordered the robots through the warp beam. One by one, the girls were abducted and disappeared. And as the last robot stepped through, Eon turned to Vilgax. "We're leaving."

Vilgax nodded as the beam in his chest died down, those it had been blasting having been blown almost all the way out of the street.

Flash and Ben saw Eon step through the portal, Vilgax turning to leave. "No!" Flash ran at him, refusing to let him get away with his friends. Ben tried to go alien, but the Omnitrix wouldn't respond. And as Flash ran, Vilgax's robotic legs bent before propelling him forwards.

Everyone watched him shoot through the air and eventually, he fell through the light and disappeared. And no sooner did he vanish, the beam began to retract into the air and returned to the crack in space time.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Flash screamed, falling to his knees and hitting the ground. Everyone else was horrified by this development, as they stared up at the dimensional breach.

Things had just gone from bad to worse and if they didn't do something soon, everything would be lost. They had to save their friends and save the universe. But how?

Author's Note:

I've lost count of how many times I've had the Rainbooms captured and turned into batteries. It's kind of becoming a cliche at this point. Either way, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. How will things turn out from here? Stay tuned to find out.