• Published 30th Aug 2023
  • 482 Views, 12 Comments

Crimson's Arrival - Zack Catcher

Short Description (20 words): Fluttershy unexpectedly becomes a surrogate mother to a unique changeling, navigating the challenges of parenthood while unraveling mysterious abilities.

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Mother Lesson (being rewritten)

Today was just like any other day, The birds were chirping outside, and the sun was rising up from behind the trees and mountains. I was just sleeping‌ in my bed with Crimson cuddling up with me until the sunlight then shone into my window and woke me up on this fine morning. I got out of bed as I always do, I then noticed that Crimson was sleeping peacefully. I decided to let him be as I went downstairs to feed the animals, As I went into my living room, I saw that most if not all of them were asleep. I then got the animal food out and started pouring it into their bowls. Once I was done, I went back to check on Crimson, as I would think that he would be getting up for the day. Once I got to my bedroom, I saw that he was just starting to open his eyes.

“Good morning little Crimson”, I said as Crimson got happy when he saw me. “Mama, I swepted veawy good last night”, Crimson said. “Oh, you did? Good job, give me a hoof bump,” I said in a cheesy voice as I raised my hoof up, Crimson hit it with his own hoof and he started to laugh. At that moment I couldn’t help but smile as I said “I will get break fest ready for you when you are”, I said. “Me lo want bweatfeast”, Crimson said as he followed me downstairs. I then got out the baby food and served it to Crimson who ate it rather fast. “You must have been really hungry”, I said in a bit of shock.

“That was weally good food”, Crimson said in a happy voice. “Well, I’m glad you liked it”, I said as I put the baby food away. As this was going on, I remembered that I still had to feed the chickens outside. I was walking to the door so I could feed them. I opened the door and as I was walking outside, I saw that Twilight was walking my way. “Oh hey there Fluttershy”, Twilight said. “Oh hay there Twilight”, I replied with a smile. “I was wondering if you could Help me with finding a rare creature in the ever-free forest”, Twilight said her face stuffed in a book as usual,

“I just have to feed the chickens and I should be good to go”, I said as I was walking to the chickens. “Great! I’ll just wait out here until you're done”, Twilight said she sounding much more excited as she stuffed her face in her book. As went over to feed the chickens, I could see from the corner of my eye that Crimson followed me outside. “Crimson what are you doing out here? Twilight could see you”, I said in a silent but very panicked voice. “Me wanted to hewp Mama”, Crimson said looking up with his head tilted. “I can do this on my own, you need to be back inside for the time being”, I said. “But me want to hewp mama”, Crimson said, protesting. “Crimson, you are getting yourself inside that cottage or no dessert for you”, I said in a quiet yet stern voice. “Ok Mama”, Crimson said in voice. I then was very careful to make my way around Twilight as she was still reading her book when we got to the front door. I opened the door and me and Crimson headed in. At least I thought it was just the two of us but right as I was about to close the door, I could feel Twilight’s magic as she headed in.

“Fluttershy I saw you brought a dark creature in-” Twilight paused as she looked at Crimson who was looking sad on the couch, “Oh… oh… it… it’s” I went in front of Twilight as I said “Twilight I… I can ex… explain” Twilight ignored me looking at Crimson with her eyes wide “It’s adorable,” Twilight said rushing past me, pulling Crimson into a hug. “Wait what?”, I said in sheer confusion. “I’ve never seen a creature who was this cute before. Where did you find this little guy” Twilight said nuzzling Crimson. “Well, it’s kind of a long story. He kind of crash-landed into my living room right after the Changeling battle in the hive. Once the egg cracked, he thought that I was his mother”, I said putting a hoof on my chin before continuing. “Maybe not that long.” I said before turning back to Twilight “Why didn’t you tell me about this”, Twilight said looking at me Crimson still in her hooves. “I thought to myself that if you or the rest of our friends saw him, they would freak out, and who knows what would happen after that”, I said as I tried to explain myself

“Makes sense. Then why does he think that your are his mother”, Twilight asked. “After he first saw me, he called me ‘mama’ and I thought that he belonged in the hive, so I brought him to Throax as he kinda looked like a Changeling but he told me that this type of Changeling has a bond to the first creature they see, and that creature is imprinted as there mother, so that’s exactly what I did”, I said walking over to Twilight putting a hoof on Crimsons head.

“I had never seen a creature like this” “neither did Thorax. He knew almost nothing about this type of Changeling but that one fact, and that this type of Changeling is special and powerful”, I said explaining everything to Twilight as I pet Crimson's head causing him to fall asleep, “Interesting. If I may, could I observe him for research a few times”, Twilight said looking at me with pleading eyes, “I actually think that would be really good for Crimson, as he would have something to do”, I said. “Great. This is going to make for an outstanding report”, Twilight said as she continued to snuggle with Crimson.

“Me wike puwple pony”, Crimson said his eyes opening his eyes as Twilight layed on the couch with him, almost instantly Crimson snuggled up close to her giving Twilight a smile. Just then, I heard some of the chickens outside as it looked like they were upset. “Oh dear, I better go handle that”, I said as I quickly made my way outside.

(Twilight’s pov)

Me and Changeling were having a good time as I was pretty invested in this new Changeling while the Changeling was happy being around me. After a little bit of time, I could see that he was starting to get a little tired. “Me fell Tiwed puwple pony”, the Changeling said. “Oh okay. I’ll let you rest little one”, I said as the Changeling then fell down onto the couch as he was out cold. I was kind of fascinated by him as I was watching him sleep, I had never seen a creature like him before. So far he was sleeping normally with not much going on. “He even sleeps cutely”, I said to myself as I started to look at his form a bit more. I already noticed that he had matching red on his eyes and wings but that was the only thing I noticed so far.

He looked like a regular Changeling besides that. However, when I took a closer look, I saw that he had two patches of cyan skin near both of his hind legs. When I went to touch him, I could feel that his skin was a tad bit on the warm side. “That’s a new one”, I thought. I don’t think I ever felt a creature’s body do something like that before. I looked at the Changeling to see if there was anything else that I could see on him, but I couldn't see anything else on him.

Just then, Fluttershy came back through the door as she looked a bit tired herself. “Those chickens are not easy to deal with when they're angry”, Fluttershy said as she walked over to sit on the couch. “Are you ok”, I said. “I’ll be fine, anyway, it’s time for lunch Crimson”, Fluttershy said. “Oh the Changeling fell asleep on the couch”, I said as Fluttershy went over to Crimson. “Hey there Crimson”, Fluttershy said as the Crimson started to open his eyes. “Mama, I feew hungwy. Is it wunch yet”, The Crimson said. “Why yes it is”, Fluttershy said as Crimson got excited. “Yay, wunch time”, The Changeling said as he and Fluttershy went over to the kitchen Fluttershy brought out what looked like baby food.

Fluttershy then served some of the food to Crimson and he ate it rather quickly. “Man he was rather hungry”, I said. “He was like that this morning as well. I think he likes to eat”, Fluttershy said. “Rather interesting”, I said in curiosity. After lunch was over, Crimson then grabbed some wooden blocks and started to stack them. I was watching this as he seemed to behave like a baby would. Crimson liked to make them into towers and try to balance them. I enjoyed watching him play with his blocks as it was very cute to see. For the next few hours or so, me and Fluttershy took turns playing with Crimson. It was so cute to see him play along and we were having a good time with him. As we were playing with Crimson, I noticed that it was starting to get late outside and I still wanted to observe Crimson for a little longer.

“Oh before I forget Fluttershy, would it be okay if I stayed here for the night, so I could observe Crimson some more”, I said in a kind voice I don’t know why but I like being around him mostly because he is so just gosh darn cute, “I would be ok with that. It would get him used to being around more ponies”, Fluttershy said. Around this time as well, Crimson was getting a bit tired once more than it was around dinnertime. Fluttershy gave him more baby food for dinner and after some time, the three of us headed to bed. I decided to sleep downstairs on the couch, and Fluttershy as well as Crimson would be sleeping upstairs.
Right when Fluttershy was taking Crimson to bed, he stopped. “Mama, me want to sweep next to puwple pony fow night”, Crimson said. I saw the look in Fluttershy’s eyes as she looked shocked and a little bit jealous. “Oh…ok. If you want to”, Fluttershy said as Crimson gave Fluttershy a hug saying, “thwanks mama” Fluttershy patted Crimson on the head before he rushed over hopping on the couch and cuddling next to me, he let out an adorable yawn before he fell asleep next to me. I was about to say something when Fluttershy rushed upstairs and I could hear the door shut.

((Fluttershy pov))

I felt something wasn’t right but I thought that Crimson just wanted to sleep next to her for the night. I knew I should talk to Twilight in the Morning when I could. I then got ready for bed and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke and saw Crimson sleeping next to me again, “Crimson” I nudged him a bit “Crimson, it’s time to wake up” Crimson let out a yawn before saying “Mama me tummy huwt’s” I gave Crimson a small smile before putting him on my back as I replied to him, “ok let’s go get you some food,” as I made my way down the stairs I saw Twilight still sleeping on the couch, but when I got over to the kitchen Twilight let out a yawn as Crimson spoke, “good morning pwupwle pony,” Twilight replied, “good morning Crimson, good morning Fluttershy,” “good morning Twilight” I replied setting Crimson on his seat as I grabbed another jar of baby food and began to feed Crimson as I continued to talk to Twilight.

“So how did you sleep last night?”, I said to Twilight trying to stir up a conversation. “Rather well, even the animals were quiet. I still don’t know how you get them all ready for bed even when Crimson arrived”, Twilight said as she stretched her hooves. “Well, I try my best”, I said giving Crimson another spoonful of baby food. Just then, Crimson was all done with his baby food. “Mama, me want mowe food”, Crimson said as he put his hoof on the table. “I’m sorry Crimson but you will just have to wait for lunch. I can’t feed you this much every day”, I said in a kind tone. “But my belly still hurts”, Crimson said as I heard his stomach let a growl, “oh my,” I said as I stood up to get another jar of baby food but there was none left “It looks like we are all out of baby food”.

“Wait a sec, I’ll get something for Crimson”, Twilight said as she headed for the door. I was about to stop her but she closed the door before I could get to her. In the meantime, Crimson was still sitting on the chair as I headed to the bathroom. When I came back, I saw that there was a hay burger on the table, and Crimson was stuffing his face with another one along with Twilight.

I was feeling a bit on edge as this was crossing a line for me, I started to walk towards Twilight. “Uh hay Twilight, could we talk in private”, I said trying to keep my voice in check “Sure”, Twilight replied as she left her hay burger on the table and I saw out of the corner of my eye Crimson was looking at the hayburger with a hungry look on his face. The two of us went into the living room while Twilight sat in one of my chairs. “So what did you want to talk about”. “I really don’t want to be rude at all but don’t you feel like you're crossing a line here”, I said as I tried to keep my cool in my voice.
“I don’t think I was. I just wanted to keep Crimson happy,” Twilight said. “Well, could you please tone it down a bit? You acting like Crimson grew teeth overnight. He can’t eat those kinds of food just yet,” I said. “How can you be so sure”, Twilight said in a doubtful tone. “This book on baby ponies says that a foal can’t eat solid foods like a hay burger, or doughnuts until they are three months old”, I said feeling my own temper rising. “Fluttershy, are you really sure that following the book is the best thing for Crimson? He isn’t a pony you know”, Twilight said. “I know that he will do fine by sticking with the book”, I said trying to defend my case Twilight rolled her eyes as she said “Fluttershy, It’s ok to follow the book but you should do your own thing as well. That book isn’t his mother. Only you can only fill that role”,

I then felt a sudden realization pass through me as I knew that Twilight was telling the truth. The book wasn’t Crimson’s mother, but I was and yet; I thought by doing things by the book was the best way. “I…I guess you have a point there”, I said with a little defeat. “Hay this is just a lesson that you learned about being a mother”, Twilight said with a slight smile. “Well, you right there”, I said as we hugged it out and walked back into the kitchen to see that the plate Twilight was eating was empty and Crimson then burped loudly. “Crimson, did you eat the hay burgers”, I said in a stern voice. “Mawbe”, Crimson said. With a goofy smile and me and Twilight looked at each other before laughing