• Published 24th Aug 2023
  • 152 Views, 0 Comments

The Heart family (an Mlp fanfiction) - Letsduel2002

Thunder Heart must make some questionable decisions to keep his family afloat. But there something more then just selling some heirloom, could it be something bigger, or just a minor Delma?

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S1 Ep7 Scaling Conflict part one

Sky's Pov


Darkness surrounded the little griffin. He was scared... alone... hopeless...... "Hello!" He called out to the endless darkness. No response. "Is someone there?" He called. Still no response. Sky felt a chill on his spine.

"Sky." A gentle voice called out freaking sky out. He started to run into the endless void of darkness. He ran until he was exhausted. "Is it gone?!" He thought.

He was breathing heavily, his legs wanting to collapse. He felt lightheaded and was starting to see stars "Don't worry Sky. I'll always be there for you. You and your new family." The voice called out again. Sky recognized the voice now.

"MOM!!" He yelled. "PLEASE DON'T GO!!" He chased after the voice until he fell again from exhaustion. "Please don't go... again." He whimpers curly into a ball crying. He then closes his eyes, bawling his eyes out. "Why does this keep happening?" He whimpered.

Sky then hears something. "Little apples falling down falling down... little apples falling down... my little pony." (*snickers*)

He opens his eye to see a blurry figure. He wipes his tears to see.

It was him... but younger, 10 years younger. Sky walked towards his younger self and reached out. The little griffin turned around making the older version flinch. His eyes were on fire. "Why didn't you save them."

"Aaaahhh!!" Sky woke up from his nightmare. He was sweating like a cowgirl after bucking apples.

"You okay sky?" Somepony asked. Sky looked around the grotto to find Aukie next to him, looking worried.

"Yeah...... yeah I'm fine. Just had a nightmare that's all." Sky whispered to not wake up the others that are still asleep. Aukie deadpans at Sky.

"Yeah, I'm not buying it." She said. "You can tell me Sky. What's bothering you?" She asked.

"It's nothing... I just miss my mom."

"I understand missing your mom. My parents divorced when I was 9." She said wiping her eyes full of tears. "*sniff* I still miss her," Aukie whispered. The young griffin has a look of empathy. Aukie smiled and nodded a thank you to Sky. "We should get back to sleep. Need all the energy to make it to the mountains." Aukie yawned. Sky nodded in agreement and laid back in his sleeping bag. He drifted off to sleep and hoped that things would go smoothly. But couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go wrong. (If only he read the episode title.)

The next morning

Sky woke to everyone packing up, he stretched his arms and yawned. "Finally woke up huh?" The older griffin jokingly said. Sky looked over to the griffin sitting on top of a stump. He had a white coat that could rival snow for most winter-looking beings. He was filing his talons which Sky never got. "So how's our little stowaway?" He said looking at Sky. Sky didn't like to be called that, but he knew it was true.

"The stowaway is doing fine... and he would like to be left alone." He replied, a little annoyed. Arctic complied and left Sky alone.

"Morning sky." Thunder said cheerfully.

"Morning," Sky responded. Thunder sat down next to Sky as he was getting up. Sky looks at his brother's cheery mood.

He raises an eyebrow and asks "What's gotten you so happy? I'm used to seeing you all nervous." Thunder has a dopey smile on, he then looks to the sky above.

"I'm just so happy... we're almost done. We can finally have enough money to pay the bills for a while."

"Then when we get home... you could look for a job." Sky said wrapping up his sleeping bag. Thunder was sweating at this, he seems to not like that idea. Sky put his sleeping in the big wagon, turning back to see Thunder a little nervous. He walked up to his brother and asked, "What's gotten you so nervous all of a sudden?"
Thunder didn't respond. "Thunder...... Thunder... THUNDER!" Sky yelled.

Thunder was startled by Sky's yelling. "Yes... Sky. What is it?"

Sky looks a little irritated "I asked what's gotten you so nervous? You were happy just a moment ago." Thunder bit his lip. Sky slowly moved closer to him. The young griffin was trying not to startle the anxious unicorn.

"Thunder, we're ready to leave!" Aukie yelled. Thunder bolted towards her and put the wagon straps on.

"What's gotten into him? Was it something I said? " Sky thought grabbing his satchel. "I hope you can get help Thunder. But then again... we all need it." He mumbled thinking about Crystal, Diamond, and Snow.

"Sky!! Come on we're losing daylight!" Aukie shouted.

"Coming!" He responded.

Crystal's Pov

Crystal drops off Diamond and Snow at the school of friendship. "Now remember Diamond, deep breaths when you feel anxious. Okay?" Crystal calmly told Diamond. She nodded and smiled like her cheery self. Crystal gestured at Diamond for a hug. She hesitates before Crystal did a "come on" shrug. As she gets in close, Crystal pulls her in. It wasn't very long; he then gave Snow a hug. And she was so happy after the hug that she took a breather.

"Have fun you two." He says smiling and waving as they both leave for school. "Now what do I do?" He mumbled to himself. A gust of wind blows a poster in his face. He takes the poster off his face and looks at it. It was for the Manehattan pride celebration (Shhhh... don't tell the lunatics.) Crystal looks around to see where the poster came from. It was a little caravan with a unicorn picking up posters strewn along the ground. He recognized who it was "Hey Swift!" He called out.

The unicorn turned around and smiled "Hey Crystal!" (Swift Justice has a pastel green coat, with a short and scruffy dark blue man with gray highlights underneath a cowgirl hat. Her cutie mark is a police hat on top of some handcuffs). She runs over to give Crystal a little hug. "Gosh... how long has it been since I've seen you. Like... 5 years?" She asks in disbelief that it's been that long. Crystal hugs back, and smiles. He never thought he would ever see her again.

They break the hug, then Swift grabbed Crystal "Come on. I want you to meet somepony." She said dragging him to her caravan. She knocks on the door and yells "Come out here... I want to introduce you to an old friend of mine!" They hear hoof steps in the caravan moving towards the door.

The door opens to reveal a scruffy-looking Pegasus with an ocean blue coat and sand-yellow mane. "*groan* Wwwhat do you want again... sweetie?" She groans in a loving way, looking at Swift. Swift looked at Crystal with a smirk, with Crystal smirking back.

"Nice." He thought.

"Crystal. This is Ocean tide."

"Hey." Ocean moans, still tired.

"And Ocean, this is Crystal Heart."

"It's nice to meet you," Crystal says extending his hoof out to shake.

She obliges and shakes his hoof "It's nice to...*yawn* meet you too." Ocean turns to Swift and nearly faceplanted into the ground. Swift catches her and lifts her up. "Can I back to bed? I'm still tired after last night." Ocean tiredly groans.

"Coarse you can," Swift says pecking her cheek. She gently pushes her girlfriend in the direction of their bed.

"Do I want to know?" Crystal asks looking a little scared.

Swift sees his face and giggles "*giggle* it's not like that... she's been up all night making those posters. I was going to help her. But I was sooo tired from my shift, I looked like a zombie."

Crystal knew what it was like to be tired from working. "I get that. So where do you work?" He asks. Swift quietly goes inside to grab something.

She comes out wearing a police uniform with a badge in tow. "You like it?" She asks showing off her outfit. Crystal nods "she still as beautiful as the day I last saw her." He thinks leaning on one side of his body. He doesn't notice his posing, which makes Swift laugh a little.


They hear the train was going to leave so Crystal bolted. "IT WAS NICE MEETING YOU AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!" He yelled in the distance.

"IT WAS NICE SEEING YOU AGAIN!!" She yelled back.

Swift's Pov

(The first time I will change perspectives that are not the main characters. It'll be an occasional thing, and it'll be quick.)

Ocean comes back out rubbing her eyes. "Did he leave already?"

Swift looks back at her girlfriend and says "Don't worry... we'll see him again. He took a poster with him. So I think we'll be seeing him again." She looks at the train in the distance leaving. (Crystal is the damn flash.) "I hope he's happy right now. Whatever he identifies as... I'm sure somepony will love him. " She thinks smiling looking at a poster.

Crystal's Pov

He had just made it to the train before it leaves. He takes his seat and looks at the poster he kept. The celebration was next week. "Sweet. After Snow's birthday, I could ask Cloud if we could go. But..." he leans back and looks out the window. "Maybe he's still not ready. What will his parents think? What'll happen if they don't accept him? *sigh* I'll have to ask him when I get back to Woodsdale." He thinks leaning on his hoof. Looking at the zooming landscape.

Thunder's Pov

They finally made it to the client's place. A cave on the side of the mountain protected by an enormous door. "This is pretty ominous, Thunder," Sky said shivering from the cold.

Thunder and Aukie were also shivering from the cold. Thunder looked at the unicorn that had been leading them. "Are you sure we don't need coats? It's pretty chilly out here." He tells the female unicorn. She glares at Thunder through her helmet. He got the message right away.

Aukie moves in closer to Thunder and quietly says "I guess that means no." The armored mare stops at the entrance to say "You won't need coats in here. It's heated on the inside."

The doors open and they enter the cave with a slight warmth soothing the group's bodies. They continued forward into the cave, seeing more guards of many species. "I'm scared to know why somepony needs so many guards," Sky says quietly into Thunder's ear. Thunder wondered the same thing.

Like why would someone need this much security just to buy some heirlooms? One of the unicorn guards was staring at them, while no other guard paid any attention to them. It gave Thunder the chills " Please don't look at us. Please don't look at us. " he thought trying not to bring attention to them. The guard looks away and goes back to chatting with another guard.

They stop at a large door. The armored mare looks at Sky and Aukie "You two are not allowed to see the master." She said sternly.

Aukie looks at Thunder worried. He gives her a face that says "I'm going to be okay...... I hope". He takes the wagon straps off and follows the mare through a very large door. The door shuts behind them startling Thunder a little. He looks around the room finding books, alchemy equipment, and fish (weird). Thunder then smelled a most horrendous odor coming from behind a sheet of cloth. He hears a gravelly voice from behind the sheet of cloth, where a fiery glow can be seen.

"No no no NO. This isn't working. *grunt* Where is that damn unicorn Ivy, she should have them by now." The voice says, somehow not hearing the door shutting.

"So that's her name. Ivy... honestly a cute name." Thunder thinks trying to stay focused.

Ivy clears her throat and says "*clears throat* over here sir." Whatever was behind that tarp was big. The footsteps were heavy, so it wasn't a pony, griffin, changeling, or hippogriff. Anxiety was slowly raising through Thunder, as he'd begun shaking a little. The sheet moved, and Thunder became wide-eyed at what he is seeing.

It was a dragon, with scales as black as night, purple claws that look like dark magic, an orange underbelly, and creepy green eyes. Although Thunder could swear that he see a tiny rainbow tint in his eyes. It was a pretty small build compared to other dragons. He looked at Thunder and smiled "Why hello there. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Thunder Heart." He said holding out his claw.

Thunder was nervous but shakes his hand. "It's nice to meet you too... uh?" Thunder anxiously responded wondering what his name was.

The Dragon gave a signal to Ivy, and she left them alone to guard the door. He turns back to Thunder and clasps his claws together. "So... let's get to business. Shall we?" He asked with a grin. Thunder nodded but was a little nervous.

"Uuuhhh... what's your name?" Thunder asked.

The dragon looked at him with a grin. "I'm surprised your father hasn't said anything about me. My name is..." Thunder interrupted him before he could finish.

"Wait What... you knew my dad?!"

"DON'T... *deep breath* interrupt me." The dragon demanded. "As I was saying... my name is Calico." He growled in irritation. Thunder backs up a little, ashamed for interrupting the huge dragon. Calico turned around and curled his claw signaling Thunder to follow, grinning all the way.

Thunder was still unsure about this situation but tried to collect himself. "It's okay Thunder... he's probably being creepy to intimidate you. Hopefully, it's just a test to check my wit. *Deep breath* okay... let's do this" He thinks hopefully. They walk past the awful-smelling cauldron to an isolated office space. Calico gestures to Thunder to go in first. They enter the tiny office with alchemy texts, biology books, and history writing line selves that are bolted to the wall. Calico shuts the door then he sits down in his giant chair and told Thunder to sit. He plants his little ass in the chair in front of the desk. Calico then sifts through some papers on his desk mumbling to himself, most of it Thunder couldn't hear.

"........portrait........rings......journals." He put the paper down and pinched his brow in disappointment. "Was he looking for something in particular?" Thunder thought, raising his eyebrow. Calico stood up and leaned on the self, quietly muttering something to himself. He turns around glaring into Thunder's soul. "Where are they?" He said in a tough manner.

Thunder looked at him in confusion "Where is what?"

"Don't play dumb with!!" He growls slamming the desk.

Anxiety was ramping up through Thunder "I don't know what you want... just tell me what you need, and I'll get it."

Calico stood over Thunder gripping his shoulders. "You're not going anywhere." He grumbled.

Thunder had to get out of there now. "Please... go... away!" He charged up some soul magic into his hooves and blasted Calico to the wall. Thunder ran for it only to be stopped by Ivy. "Please get out of my way!" Thunder said in a panic. She opened the door so Thunder could see that Sky and Aukie were taken hostage with spears. Thunder then heard Calico laughing behind him. He turned around to see Calico smiling at him. "Like I said. You're not going anywhere."

"Take the other two to the cells... I'll deal with Mr. Thunder Heart." He orders snapping his talons (somehow). Calico then turns his attention to Ivy "I want you to send a message to the Heart family residence. and in return, Artic gets to live." She then snaps a photo of Thunder's defeated face. she walked away with a regretful face like she regrets working for this deranged dragon. Thunder was then dragged over to the awful-smelling cauldron and demanded "Now while we wait... hehehe... I have other alchemical potions for you." He says with a huge evil grin. He then put Thunder in a chair in front of the cauldron, making Thunder's anxiety spike.

"Why do you need me? You seem to be an alchemist yourself." Thunder points out. Calico chuckles.

"hehehe...... oh but I do need you. you see... you're not just going to make potions, but to enhance them, to make them stronger. All I need... is your soul magic."

"How does he know about soul magic? it shouldn't be possible for any pony let alone a dragon to know about it!!"

"How do you know about soul magic?" Thunder calmly asks, his heart rate beating faster and faster.

Calico just smirks "Were you not paying attention earlier? I'm an old family friend." he makes Thunder look at him and then strokes his chin. Thunder became more uncomfortable as his chin gets stroked.

"Please stop." he pleaded. Calico stops, then the grabs a piece of paper from a stand next to him.

He shows it to Thunder and demands to make this potion first. "If you would kindly make this, your family will be safe for the time being." Thunder took the piece of paper to examine what Calico wanted him to make.


Soul Flask
Soul magic in a bottle

Pink Brier
To sweeten the bitter taste

Wolf Berry
To numb the initial pain

Dream poppy
To produce serotonin to relieve feelings of distress

Lunar Wild Rose
Deep sleep with a hearts warmth

Soul magic
To enhance the properties of the other ingredients


Thunder began to realize why Calico wanted this one to be made first. He gave a sympathetic look, but Calico just glared at him. Thunder started to work on the Soul Flask. The thing is... he would have made it even if Calico didn't threaten his family. He would always try to help anyone in need, even if it would take a few hours.

Sky's Pov

Sky and Aukie were sitting in their cell, chains around their ankles with Artic and a unicorn guarding them. The unicorn glanced at them for a moment before Sky looked at him, returning to stare at the wall. sky laid down on the stone floor scratching the floor. "Hey," Aukie said leaning on the wall.

"Yeah?" he responded.

"You want to talk about something?" she asked in a low voice.

"Yeah. like... how'd you and Thunder meet?"

She smiled, blissfully going through memories. "It was five years ago when you first moved to Woodsdale. I was walking home when I noticed a carriage outside the newly built house on top of the hill. So, I decided to pay the new neighbors a visit. When I got there, Thunder was comforting your sister. I said hello and I scared him a little, heh. I noticed Diamond and asked him what was wrong with her and he said, "She's going through some extreme emotions right, nothing for a stranger to worry about." After that, I went home a little worried about what happened. When I went to school, I saw that he was nervous and wanted to help him. Then I...." She was interrupted by Arctic slamming his spear on the bars.

"Shut up!" His buddy glared at him, intimidating him just with a stare. Sky was astounded by the unicorn's intimidating stare.

"Wow... he gives Dad's stare a run for his money." He thought staring at the unicorn guard. He then sees Ivy walking up to Arctic and whispering something into his ear. She looked disheartened; Sky could swear he could see a single tear crawl down her face.

Then Backs ups retains her serious persona. "The boss has new orders. He wants you to deliver a message, and to bring us the package." Artic left and Ivy switch her attention to the other guard. "You stay here and protect the prisoners. We can't let them leave to tell anypony of our... I mean the boss's operation." she ordered. The guard nodded and saluted. Ivy left and a Pegasus guard came in.

"we're ready." the Pegasus said to our unicorn friend.

"Alright." He nodded.

Sky looked at Aukie and she just shrugged. They didn't pay any mind that this guard talked for the first time since they'd been in this cell.

3 hours later

Sky and Aukie's stomachs were growling for food. And like Celestia answered their wishes, a guard came in carrying a metal tray with breed and fish. "Ugh. fish... I don't like fish very much" Aukie quietly said disgusted. The guard opened the cell and tossed the food at the young griffin and young adult changeling.

"Eat up, boss's orders," he said then left. When he left the unicorn spoke up again before Sky could eat "Check the insides first." Sky was skeptical about it, but Aukie took a bite out of her bread and bit something hard. She took out a small sharp rod and gave it to Sky. He searches his bread too and found more parts for something. They also found more parts in the fishes and Sky sat there thinking about what he was going to do with these parts. He then got an idea, he started to build the idea in his head.

Sky finished his little invention after 5 minutes. "Tada, I call it the chain decimator." Aukie silently told him to quiet down. He rubbed his head in embarrassment and went to work on the chain. It slowly destroyed the chain by chipping it. (Think of it like a pocket-sized power drill.)

20 mins later

Sky was almost done with his chain with Aukie and the two guards keeping watch. They heard another guard come closer. They told Sky to stop, but he was almost done and just needed a little more time. But the guard came as he was done. The hippogriff guard walked over to the unicorn guard and told him his shift was up. He looked at Sky who was hiding his broken chain behind him. He opened the cell to check if the chain was still attached. Sky and Aukie were seen sweating as he gets closer. Aukie jumped on him before he could touch Sky, but he threw her off.

"You little shit," he said raising his spear. Sky was too scared to move, but he had to do something. He threw his invention at the guard's face, cutting his cheek. He then got smacked in the head by the unicorn guard.

He dropped his spear and whispered something into his friend's ear. "let's go!" he said grabbing Sky. "Where are we going?" Sky asked. They stopped behind some crates to let some guards pass by.

"I am getting you out of here." He says holding Sky's shoulders.

"What about Aukie and Thunder?" He asks worried.

The unicorn looks directly into Sky's eyes and says "Don't worry about them. I have friends in high places who can help." Sky then felt something familiar about that, he couldn't explain why though. The stallion looked to see if the coast was clear. "Alright let's go." He urged. Sky willingly followed him to leave this place and get some help. They enter the entrance without any trouble... other than more unconscious bodies in their wake. "Alright... I'm going to make a distraction so you can make it out... *mutter* and to make it to safety." He mutters.

Sky gave a confused looked, and asked something he should have done earlier "Why are you helping us?"

He gave no answer. "Okay. I'm going... leave when I give you the signal." The door to the entrance opened slowly with light pouring in. Sky shields his eyes from the blinding light. "This can't be!" The unicorn said with dread in his voice. When Sky's eyes adjusted, he was horrified at what he saw.

They had Crystal, Snow, and Diamond captured. "Oh no!"