• Published 24th Aug 2023
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The Heart family (an Mlp fanfiction) - Letsduel2002

Thunder Heart must make some questionable decisions to keep his family afloat. But there something more then just selling some heirloom, could it be something bigger, or just a minor Delma?

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S1 Ep4 from the past to the future

Crystal's pov

Crystal stood in the doorway with a big smirk on his face. His little brother and sister sat on the couch stunned and embarrassed. "I'm sorry Crystal, I wasn't thinking, I- I thought you would be okay with Diamond knowing about you and Cloud." Crystal stepped over to Sky. Once he was standing over the scared griffin, he lifted his hoof towards Sky who was wincing.

Crystal ruffled Sky's head and smiled. Sky opened his eyes surprised that he wasn't slapped (take a wild guess on who He's afraid of) and started to smile back. "It's okay sky. I don't want you to tell anypony, our family is fine." Crystal told his brother. Sky nodded and hugged Crystal. Content with how things went, Sky skipped to his room. Diamond looked at her older brother.

"How much do you love him?" She asked

"Who, Sky? I love him a whole lot." Crystal sits on the couch outstretching his arms "I mean, it's sometimes hard to hate the little guy when..."

"No. I mean that Cloud guy." She said as she was shaking her head.

"Oh. Well, for Cloud... I don't know any other pony like Cloud. He's just... so darn adorable *sigh* I wish we didn't have to hide but. but He's not ready to open up till he tells his parents."

"Bring his confidence up. I heard from a classmate that the more you hang out with them, the more confident they are." Diamond said with a smile on her face, bouncing at the last part. Crystal thought about it for a minute and thought it was a good idea.

He picked her up and hugged his little sister "You may have had the greatest idea you ever had, you brilliant gem." He said ruffling her mane. They both giggled for a good 10 seconds before Diamond tried to struggle away.

"Crystal let me go. please." She said still giggling a little. Crystal put Diamond down, so he doesn't get punched in the face.

"She never did like being held for a certain amount of time" Crystal thought to himself.

Crystal hugged her one more time and said, "Thank you, Diamond, for giving me the idea." Diamond smiled and nodded her head and stuck her tongue out and started to laugh. This continued till Crystal heard a knock on the door a few seconds later. He walked to the door and answered it, and it was one of the townsfolks. "Hey, Iron smile. how's it going?" Crystal asked with a deadpan tone. (Iron has a gold coat, a long curly bright copper mane, and platinum eyes. Her cutie mark is an iron bar with a hammer and was well known for her prosthetic iron teeth). She stared at the yellow earth pony. Crystal waits for a response from the nervous Pegasus.

She finally responds shaking a little "H-hey C-Crystal" She shakes her head. Regaining her composer. "I need help today; I'll pay you a good amount of bits. please?" She says fluttering her eyelashes. Crystal deadpans at her.

"Alright, what do you need?" He asks hoping she doesn't flirt with him again like she's been doing for the past 5 years. She turns around and gestures to him to follow.

They both walked to the edge of town where Iron's cabin is. It has a small hexagonal shape to it with a smaller second floor. They passed a small garden that held roses, poppies, lavender, lilies, and sunflowers. Crystal then began to get annoyed with Iron's attempts to get him to like her. "Really? Your entire garden is filled, with flowers that I like?" He said in a deadpan way.

She stops and starts to sweat and tries to deny her obvious love for Crystal "What are you talking about? I never even thought of you when I got these flowers. hehehehe"

Crystal facepalmed and remembered a conversation he had with a friend a week ago. Annoyed he tells Iron what he heard "Last time I checked you still hate gardening. don't believe me, let's say you're not very quiet when it comes to your frustrations."

She looked away blushing covering her face with her mane "I want you to know how much I care about you." She says emitting her crush on Crystal, even though he'd known that for years. He walks closer to the embarrassed Pegasus and puts his hoof on her shoulder. Which makes her blush.

"Look, I don't know how many times I have to tell you that. *Deep breath* I already have somepony I'm dating." He then takes his hoof off of her. She glared at him clearly angered that somepony managed stole the love of her life.

She kept semi calm when asking him "Soooo. who is the lucky mare who has their hooves wrapped around you like a present?" This relieved Crystal a little bit since she doesn't know about Cloud.

"That's none of your business to know, and besides we're not ready to out ourselves yet." He told her. He turned around to walk away but before he did.

He asked Iron one final question "Is that all you wanted me for, or do you have more ways to waste my time?"

Iron took a deep breath and told him what she wanted him for "Actually yes, I do have something for you to do." She walked towards a shed that was closer to town and got out two paint cans with a couple of brushes. She handed Crystal the supplies with a smile on her face.

"I need the cabin painted before my parents arrive tomorrow."

Crystal raised his eyebrow and wondered why she couldn't do it herself. But asked her anyway "Why don't you do it yourself?"

She responds with the speed of a lightning bolt "IwouldliketobutIhaveworkinanhourandIhavetocleantheinsideaftersothat'swhyI'maskingyoutopainthewallsandroof"

Crystal could understand every single word. Because Thunder sometimes speaks fast when he's stressed sometimes.

"Okay, I'll do it." He said with a smirk on his face. Iron smiled and was going but Crystal halted her with his hoof holding her face back. "I may be willing to do this job, but I'm not willing to hug you."

Shortly after Iron left for work Crystal opened the cans to see the colors that iron and he was not amused and rolled his eyes. He immediately began to paint both the roofs and walls, with yellow paint for the walls and pink for the roof. "Do it for the bits Crystal." He thought as he was painting the walls.

1 hour later

Dripping with sweat Crystal was finally done with painting and done it in record time. He looked at the position of the sun and saw that he still had plenty of time before dinner. "I should take a break tomorrow. yeah, I should take a break after working nonstop for 3 weeks." He sighs to himself walking away from the cabin.

"Doing a job for your girlfriend earth pony?" An annoyingly confident male voice said making Crystal stop next to a tree. Crystal turned to his right and saw a pony he hoped he would never meet today. (A unicorn with a black coat, a golden mane though it was not his natural color, and a Mobius strip in a circle as a cutie mark.)

Crystal became irritated when he saw Quantum space "She's not my girlfriend, Quantum!!" he yelled.

Quantum was leaning on a fence with a smirk on his face that Crystal wishes he could erase off the face of the planet. "My apologies, I'd forgotten that even a Pegasus is too good for an earth pony." He said in a very rude and derogatory way. Crystal scowled at him (although I'd wish he had fingers so he could flip Quantum off).

"Did you come here to be an ass, or do you have a real reason to be here?" Quantum got off the fence and walked towards the irritated earth pony.

"Both," he said with an evil smile. Quantum used his magic to pin Crystal to the tree he was right next to. he tried to intimidate the yellow earth pony, but Crystal remained calm.

Quantum then walked over to Crystal and whispered into his ear "You have no place here earth pony. You aren't even a fraction of my intellect. So, I'd recommend, you'd better give up trying to be bigger than me." He let Crystal go and walked away all confident. Like he accomplished something amazing. Crystal stared daggers at the arrogant unicorn.

Who didn't notice that Crystal was terrified by the sudden aggression? "When have I ever thought I could be better than a unicorn?" He thought to himself. "And what did I do to piss him off?"

15 mins later

Crystal returned home and sat at the dinner table where Sky was waiting for dinner. The young griffin noticed that his big brother was sweating bullets and shaking a little. "You okay Crystal?" He asked concerned for his brother.

Crystal nodded biting his lips " Yeah, I'm okay. Just had a....... you know what, never mind."

"Doesn't sound like you're okay." A voice next to him said. He looked over and saw Thunder Heart looking concerned. Crystal then notice the red glasses on his brother's face and began to giggle.

"What's with the nerd accessories?" He giggled.

Thunder became annoyed that Crystal was still making fun of his glasses. "You know I'm more comfortable with glasses Crystal!" He growled.

Crystal stopped giggling and put his brother into a headlock, ruffling his short mane "I know, I'm just messing with you." He let go of Thunder and playfully hit his brother's shoulder with a smile. "Honestly, you look better with glasses on anyway." He said leaning into his chair. "Ya dork." he chuckled. "Thunder must have gone to the eye doctor during lunch." Crystal thought.

"When did you get your glasses?" Sky asked leaning on the table.

"I left at noon, went to the eye doctor to pick up my prescription, then I packed the wagon for my trip tomorrow......" Before Thunder could finish Crystal interrupted.

"Wait what!? you were planning a trip, since when?!!" Crystal exploded. Thunder began to shake like a washing machine. which usually indicated that Thunder was having anxiety. He then tapped his brother's shoulder to apologize.

Thunder slowly stopped shaking to give Crystal an answer "*gulp* Sorry. I should have told you earlier."

"No, I'm the one who should be apologizing for exploding like that," Crystal said looking down.

Everpony sat at the table waiting for dinner. When an incredible smell soothed their nostril. Thunder, Crystal, and Sky were thinking the same thing about what was for dinner. "Mashed potatoes with garlic seasoning, butter, and peas." Before they knew it, Diamond came out of the kitchen carrying 5 plates and two mugs full of cider for the two stallions, with her magic, containing exactly what they thought. She twirled the plates towards her hungry siblings. All three of their mouths were watering with anticipation. Diamond put the plates down and began to walk away towards the hallway.

"Where are you going?" Thunder asked.

Diamond stopped to turn her head around to answer "I'm going to get Snow." she said with a smile on her face.

A few seconds later snow and Diamond walked in with snow.

She had her claws together looking unsure about all this "Are you sure that it's okay for me to eat with you?" She said quietly.

Sky gave a thumbs up, Diamond nodded, Crystal smiled and said, "Yeah sure."

Thunder stared at the scared dragon. He then smiled and agreed "Of course you can. You're part of the family." Everyone agreed with Thunder.

Snow started to tear up at the Notion that everyone considered her part of the family. She then took a seat at the dinner table next to Diamond.

After they finished, Sky nudged Crystal "Hey Crystal. Should we tell Snow about the........ "The thing?" Sky asked making crystal choke on his cider.

Crystal coughed out his answer "Yeah...... sure, just don't ask something like that out of nowhere." Sky looked at him singling him to tell Snow himself.

"Alright alright. I've been in a relationship with another stallion for four and a half years at this point. I was going to tell you guys when he told his parents but. I broke when Thunder asked me this morning, then Sky found out from within a tree. Finally, he told Diamond and now me telling you."

"I'm not surprised. You sometimes whisper his name in your sleep. The two different kinds of scents on you, Yours and another's on you. And sometimes I found mane hair that wasn't any of you guys." Snow said looking at the earth pony that was now bright red. Thunder started to giggle at his brother's embarrassment. Sky was trying to hide his laughter, and Diamond winched.

After the embarrassment of the century, Crystal got up and went upstairs to his and Thunder's room. It was a normal-sized room for two ponies to spend some time in with a dresser, and a bunk bed with red blankets. Next to it is a pile of books that Thunder owns, a Rubix cube in case the brothers get bored. A couple of One Hoof posters and some comics spread out across the room. Finally, a replica of Pony D. Gabby's straw hat. Crystal got on his top bunk and flopped on his back. "Damn never realized everything that's happened today, made me so exhausted." He thought yawning. Crystal closed his eyes and fell asleep excited to wake up early to hang out with Cloud tomorrow.

the next morning

Crystal walked to the west side of town where Cloud lives. His house was only a few blocks down from where the heart family lived. When Crystal got there, he saw Cloud's house for the first time. (Cloud only moved in a few days ago) It's a hollowed-out tree with some flowers planted outside the window. He walked to the door and was going to knock but a Noise surprised him.


Crystal heard an alarm clock coming from the upper floors. He looked up and saw a window open. "I could surprise him, by climbing in through his window," He thought with a determined smile.

He started climbing to the open window struggling a little, and when he reached it. He looked inside to see Cloud waking up. Crystal climbed through and walked to Cloud's king-sized bed with a blue cloud pattern. Cloud turned around and his jaw dropped that crystal was here. He then looked at the window and then ran towards it and closed it and the blinds. He walks over to Crystal, then grabs his shoulder in a panic "What are you doing here?" He whispers. Crystal should have expected Cloud to react like this, but he didn't.

"I'm sorry for barging in early in the morning but." He exclaimed "*sigh* I wanted to see you more. We haven't seen each other in 4 months." He whispers and puts his head down. Cloud puts his hoof on Crystal's chin and raises his boyfriend's chin. They both looked into each other's eyes and then hugged. Cloud moves closer to Crystal's ear to whisper "I know it's been a while, I'm just happy that you'll be by my side closer now." They both stared deeply into each other's eyes and smile.

Crystal then closed his eyes and moved in to kiss his Pegasus lover. Cloud also closes his eyes and melted into the kiss. After 10 seconds they broke from the kiss. Crystal then gestures towards the door with his head "Let's go make breakfast." He whispered, pecking Cloud's forehead. Cloud nodded and walked with him to the kitchen downstairs. As they walked downstairs, Crystal stopped to look at the picture on the stairway wall. There were pictures of him and Cloud on many holidays. The first Nightmare Night they spent together. Getting the straw hat as a Hearths Warming gift. A selfie of Crystal's and Cloud's first hearts and hooves day, where they kissed for the first time. Cloud notices and walks towards the pink-maned earth pony. "It doesn't feel that long ago does it, our first kiss?" He asks with a smile. Crystal smiled and shed a single tear wanting to relive that moment again. Cloud wiped the tear and pecked Crystal on the cheek.

They went to the kitchen to make fried potatoes, and toast with orange juice.

Crystal put his potatoes on his toast and poured ketchup on them. He took a massive bit out of it getting ketchup all over his face. Cloud stared at him a little stunned at Crystal still being a little immature. He giggled making Crystal stop eating to look at him, he swallowed his food and spoke "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing, it's just....... it's just that, you can be so immature sometimes, and it's adorable."

Crystal blushed and grabbed a napkin to wipe off the ketchup.

*Knock knock knock*

They heard someone at the door, and both got up to answer it.

it was Aukie.

Cloud smiled and hugged his childhood friend. "Hey, Aukie. what brings you here?"

She looks at Crystal and smirks "I'm just here to tell you two that me and thunder will be out of town for a few days. important business." She says moving away from Cloud.

"When will you be leaving?" Cloud says with concern.

"In an hour. sorry it couldn't be later Crystal."

Crystal walked right next to Cloud and gave him an apologetic face. "I'm sorry, I have to take Sky, Snow, and Diamond to school and......." Crystal said before getting interrupted by Cloud putting his hoof on Crystal's mouth.

"It's okay, you can come back when you're done." Cloud says with a flirty look. Crystal smirked and walked away with Aukie to the house to get ready.

"Hey, Aukie," Crystal whispered.


He walked closer to his future sister-in-law's changeling.

"Thanks for keeping our secret safe."

"No problem." She says grinning

"It was going to get out eventually, but I'm glad it was my family who I told, mostly."

"What do you mean mostly?" She asked concerned for Crystal.

"I still don't know where our father went. He's been gone for 3 months now." Crystal says holding back a tear. Aukie wrapped her arm around Crystal, which made him feel better.

They reach the house to see Thunder pulling the wagon and struggling. Thunder then took the straps off and walked around to where the cargo was and put his hoof on the cargo. It glowed a rainbow aura which subsided as quickly as it appeared. He then put the straps back and just like magic he was able to pull it with ease. This is what made the family special, (Soul Magic).