• Published 24th Aug 2023
  • 152 Views, 0 Comments

The Heart family (an Mlp fanfiction) - Letsduel2002

Thunder Heart must make some questionable decisions to keep his family afloat. But there something more then just selling some heirloom, could it be something bigger, or just a minor Delma?

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S1 Ep1 Meet the Heart Family

On the east side of Equestria sat a small town called Woods-dale. It was the home of many species (mostly ponies) who wanted someplace quiet to settle. In a big house overlooking the rest of the town was the home of the Heart family. In the dining room sat Thunder Heart drinking coffee. He was a unicorn with an all-black coat, a short red, black and yellow mane. His cutie mark was two lightning bolts crossed over a heart on his thin body. Across from him was his adopted brother Sky, eating his breakfast. He was a griffin with a dark blue coat on his lower half and lighter blue feathers on his upper half bending upwards. As he ate, Sky twirled his fork around bored. As Thunder glanced over, their brother Crystal Heart (A simple earth pony) walked into the kitchen. He had a bright pink mane which was longer than even Thunder's. His coat consisted of a bright yellow fur and dirt covering his cutie mark. (A heart made of colorful crystals.)

He walked over to the fridge and grabbed an apple. (How any pony grabs thing with one hoof is beyond me), and moved over to the window on the other side of the kitchen.

"It's lovely outside, isn't it?" he said with some apple water drippling from his mouth. Thunder glanced over at Crystal and then at Sky.

"Hey Crystal." Thunder said with concern. Crystal stopped eating, with a bit of apple juice crawling down his face. "What?" He slobbered out. Thunder got up from his chair and walked over to his biological brother.

"Can we talk without the others around?" He whispered as Crystal nodded in response. As he turned to leave, he threw the apple core away. But his apple accidentally knocked over Thunder's coffee. The mug shattered, spilling caramel coffee everywhere. They had no time to blink when a dragon with scales as white as snow rushed to clean the mess.

"Snowwwwww." Thunder grumbled out. "You don't have to clean anymore."

Snow continued ignoring him. She has been the house maid ever since her mother died a few years ago. "It's fine master. I will happily serve this family till the day I die." She stuttered, still scrubbing the floor.

Thunder sighed and pulled Crystal down the hallway, up the stairs, and down a hallway into an office. The room was a deep red, except the bookshelves, and pictures of the family. Most of the pictures were of Thunder, his siblings and parents. (Silver Love, and Black Heart respectively.)

"Sooooo now that we're in private what did you want to talk about?" Crystal said sounding irritated. Thunder glanced at the picture of them and thought how to best explain his worries to his brother.

"I'm.... just worried about you going out every night and coming back covered in dirt and mud. You are so tired that you can't say hello to me, Sky, Diamond, or even Snow. What's going on? Is it something you're willing to talk about?" Crystal paced around the room, thinking as Thunder finished.

Crystal sighed and stopped in front of Thunder who was now sitting at his desk. "Ok before I tell you. Can you promise not to freak out please?" Thunder nodded slowly. "The reason I have been out all day is that........ I've been taking jobs to get us some money." Thunder opened his mouth ready to say something, but Crystal interrupted him. "And to earn some money to get somepony a gift." Thunder began to dash in his own mind to figure out who would crystal have a crush on (if that's the reason).

"Now if you don't mind me asking, which pony is this gift for? And what's your relationship with this pony is?" Thunder asked with a loving glance to his brother. Crystal looked down at the floor blushing. "You don't have to tell if you don-."

Crystal blurted out, interrupting Thunder. "It's Dark Cloud!" He said totally flustered. Thunder couldn't believe it; Crystal was dating Dark Cloud! It all started to make sense in Thunder's mind.

They both walked out of the office, but Crystal turned around and asked, "Why did you want to know what I was doing?" Thunder kept his mouth closed as his anxiety peaked once again. Crystal's mouth turned into a straight line as he began to ask once more when suddenly.

"THUNDER!!" The scream echoed in the house, coming from a room down the hallway. Thunder, startled, walked over to the origin of the scream. He looked in the room and saw clothes all over the floor and a dresser in front of the closet with the doors rattling.

"Diamond. How did you get stuck in the closet again?" Thunder groaned out clearly exasperated from the weekly occurrence.

"I was organizing my closet again, when the closet door shut." She said hyperventilating. Thunder noticed the window was open, and closed it. He opened the closet and saw Diamond Shimmer breathing heavily. Diamond, a unicorn, had a bright yellow coat matching a dark blue mane. Her cutie mark, an emerald, Sapphire and a ruby on top of a dinner plate. But no diamond like her name would suggest. After a few seconds she began to calm down and walked out of the closet and hugged him. "Thank you, I don't know why I couldn't open the door." Thunder sighed and awkwardly rubbed her back in a calming manner.

"No big deal Diamond. But try to stay out of small spaces please?"

He walked out levitating the dresser back up before walking back into the dining room. As he was entering the room, he noticed that Sky was gone. He looked all over the kitchen but couldn't find him, he wanted to relax after his panic attack today. But no, his brother decided to be a goddamn ninja and hide. He grabbed a glass from the cupboard and turned the water on, but no water came out. He figured that sky must have messed with the valve again. He opened the cupboard door under the sink.

"SURPRISE!!" Sky yelled as loud as he could. Thunder fell backwards screaming. He stumbled on the floor shaking with his hooves covering his face. "Thunderrrrr, it's just me you four-legged narwhal." Sky laughed out. He crawled out of the cupboard swinging a small monkey wrench in his hand.

Thunder removed his hooves from his face and growled "Sky that wasn't funny!" Sky continued laughing rolling all over the floor. Crystal entered the room surveyed the events and shook his head. His mane swinging around as he chuckled.

"How many times are you going to fall for that?" he told Thunder as he helped him get up. Thunder angry as all hell stormed off to his office. He slammed the door so forceful that the house seemed to shake within itself. When Thunder had considerably calmed down, he sat down in front of his desk. His sighs echoed in his room as he opened a drawer to pull out a letter he got yesterday morning. He examined the letter bracing himself for whatever it held within.

Dear Mr.
Thunder Heart

As you may be aware you are two weeks behind your payment. If you do not pay the appropriate amount by this week, we will have to revoke your establishment.

Signed: mayor Cherry Fall.

Ps. I wish I didn't have to do this, but rules are rules.

Thunder shed one tear before putting the letter back. He hasn't told anyone else yet because he fears they might worry too much. But he had a plan, he was going to sell some family heirlooms to somepony to get a lot of money. All he had to do was wait for a response from a Pegasus he met a while ago. He said it should be coming soon. While he waited, he picked up a picture of the last time the family was together.


5 years ago

Thunder was playing games with crystal and sky in the living room. Their mother Silver Love was reading a book on the couch, watching as they played. She was a beautiful unicorn with a silver coat, with a cascading black mane to match. Her cutie mark was a lovely silver ring around a heart. Thunder and crystal were only 13, sky was 7, diamond a simple 5. "Hey Mom. Want to see me do some magic?" Crystal said with a lot of confidence in his voice.

"Sure honey." Silver Love said lovingly. Thunder was confused, he thought that earth ponies didn't have magic but he went along with it. Crystal grabbed the deck of cards on the floor and threw them up in the air. As he did, they froze in midair to thunder's surprise. Sky's beak opened up very wide, and their mother was as astounded that crystal could do magic. Crystal moved his arms in a flowing motion and the cards moved with him. It was amazing that crystal could use magic. But Thunder knew that crystal was up to something, It took a while to realize what was happening. While Crystal was doing his arm movements, distracting everyone. Diamond was in the cupboard behind him levitating the cards. He wondered where in equestria she was. Even though Crystal was faking it, he let his brother continue. It made him happy, the look on Crystal's face said everything.

When Crystal was getting to his grand finale, a voice from the hallway scared everyone. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!!" The voice belonged to their grandmother, Earth Heart.

"Crystal Heart. Do not make me repeat myself!" She shouted, entering the room and marching close into his face. Crystal stayed silent with the cards still halfway in the air. As Earth Heart proceeded to lift Crystal up, they heard a squeak coming from the cupboard. Earth Heart used her magic to pull Diamond out of the cupboard, tripping over Crystal in the process. She stopped in front of their enraged grandmother and the cards dropped. "Get out before I make you more defective!" The grandmother shrieked in her face, Diamond ran out crying right on cue. Earth heart walked over to Crystal who was rubbing his head. "What did I say about you trying to be something you're not?!" Earth Heart disgustingly screamed at the young colt. They never liked their grandmother for many reasons. but the main one was she never cared about anyone who wasn't a unicorn. And Crystal being born an earth pony was hard. He could barely go a day without always looking over his shoulder in case grandmother came after him. She would pick him up and toss him across the room as if he was a sack of potatoes turned rotten. "Answer me this instant!!" she growled.

"What if I don't want to?" Crystal responded back, glaring up at her.

Silver love got up from the couch and said "Everypony, go to your room." As if straight out of a trance, they ran to their room. They were deathly afraid that this may be the last straw that Grandmother had with their mother.

"Thunder, what's going to happen to mommy?" Sky said with fear shaking out of his words. Thunder hugged his little brother whispering in his ear.

"I don't know all we can hope for is that grandma doesn't lose her temper." There were now tears in his eyes crawling down his face and his anxiety Reared its ugly head with full force. Crystal joined in on the hug too, and diamond ran out of hiding to join the sibling hug as well. The worst part was they haven't seen their mother since that horrible day, many years ago.

End of flashback

Present day

Thunder sat there at his desk for an hour remembering that painful day engrained deep in his mind. He whispered to himself. "It's fine. If I can just sell off those heirlooms. They won't be there to remind us of that bitch." He started to cry, getting teardrops on the picture. But then a knock on the door snapped his sense back. He wiped his tears with one hoof and hollered out. "Come in!" The door opened as slow as possible and thunder's chest beat loudly as he realized who it was.

It was his girlfriend Aukie.