The Heart family (an Mlp fanfiction)

by Letsduel2002

First published

Thunder Heart must make some questionable decisions to keep his family afloat. But there something more then just selling some heirloom, could it be something bigger, or just a minor Delma?

20 years after the war for harmony a unicorn named Thunder Heart has to sell family heirlooms to make ends meet. He lives with his brother Crystal Heart, his younger brother Sky, the family servant Snow, and his younger sister Diamond Shimmer in a town called Woodsdale. Something happened in the past that Thunder doesn't want to talk about, something that his siblings and Snow want to forget about but can't. With their mother and father missing, they must stick together to survive whatever equestria throws at them.

Important things to know before reading

1. One episode per month
2. how I write things
"example" =normal dialog

(example) =my thoughts

*example* =action or tone
3. I originally made this on Wattpad and wanted to expand my audience here since it would fit here.

S1 Ep1 Meet the Heart Family

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On the east side of Equestria sat a small town called Woods-dale. It was the home of many species (mostly ponies) who wanted someplace quiet to settle. In a big house overlooking the rest of the town was the home of the Heart family. In the dining room sat Thunder Heart drinking coffee. He was a unicorn with an all-black coat, a short red, black and yellow mane. His cutie mark was two lightning bolts crossed over a heart on his thin body. Across from him was his adopted brother Sky, eating his breakfast. He was a griffin with a dark blue coat on his lower half and lighter blue feathers on his upper half bending upwards. As he ate, Sky twirled his fork around bored. As Thunder glanced over, their brother Crystal Heart (A simple earth pony) walked into the kitchen. He had a bright pink mane which was longer than even Thunder's. His coat consisted of a bright yellow fur and dirt covering his cutie mark. (A heart made of colorful crystals.)

He walked over to the fridge and grabbed an apple. (How any pony grabs thing with one hoof is beyond me), and moved over to the window on the other side of the kitchen.

"It's lovely outside, isn't it?" he said with some apple water drippling from his mouth. Thunder glanced over at Crystal and then at Sky.

"Hey Crystal." Thunder said with concern. Crystal stopped eating, with a bit of apple juice crawling down his face. "What?" He slobbered out. Thunder got up from his chair and walked over to his biological brother.

"Can we talk without the others around?" He whispered as Crystal nodded in response. As he turned to leave, he threw the apple core away. But his apple accidentally knocked over Thunder's coffee. The mug shattered, spilling caramel coffee everywhere. They had no time to blink when a dragon with scales as white as snow rushed to clean the mess.

"Snowwwwww." Thunder grumbled out. "You don't have to clean anymore."

Snow continued ignoring him. She has been the house maid ever since her mother died a few years ago. "It's fine master. I will happily serve this family till the day I die." She stuttered, still scrubbing the floor.

Thunder sighed and pulled Crystal down the hallway, up the stairs, and down a hallway into an office. The room was a deep red, except the bookshelves, and pictures of the family. Most of the pictures were of Thunder, his siblings and parents. (Silver Love, and Black Heart respectively.)

"Sooooo now that we're in private what did you want to talk about?" Crystal said sounding irritated. Thunder glanced at the picture of them and thought how to best explain his worries to his brother.

"I'm.... just worried about you going out every night and coming back covered in dirt and mud. You are so tired that you can't say hello to me, Sky, Diamond, or even Snow. What's going on? Is it something you're willing to talk about?" Crystal paced around the room, thinking as Thunder finished.

Crystal sighed and stopped in front of Thunder who was now sitting at his desk. "Ok before I tell you. Can you promise not to freak out please?" Thunder nodded slowly. "The reason I have been out all day is that........ I've been taking jobs to get us some money." Thunder opened his mouth ready to say something, but Crystal interrupted him. "And to earn some money to get somepony a gift." Thunder began to dash in his own mind to figure out who would crystal have a crush on (if that's the reason).

"Now if you don't mind me asking, which pony is this gift for? And what's your relationship with this pony is?" Thunder asked with a loving glance to his brother. Crystal looked down at the floor blushing. "You don't have to tell if you don-."

Crystal blurted out, interrupting Thunder. "It's Dark Cloud!" He said totally flustered. Thunder couldn't believe it; Crystal was dating Dark Cloud! It all started to make sense in Thunder's mind.

They both walked out of the office, but Crystal turned around and asked, "Why did you want to know what I was doing?" Thunder kept his mouth closed as his anxiety peaked once again. Crystal's mouth turned into a straight line as he began to ask once more when suddenly.

"THUNDER!!" The scream echoed in the house, coming from a room down the hallway. Thunder, startled, walked over to the origin of the scream. He looked in the room and saw clothes all over the floor and a dresser in front of the closet with the doors rattling.

"Diamond. How did you get stuck in the closet again?" Thunder groaned out clearly exasperated from the weekly occurrence.

"I was organizing my closet again, when the closet door shut." She said hyperventilating. Thunder noticed the window was open, and closed it. He opened the closet and saw Diamond Shimmer breathing heavily. Diamond, a unicorn, had a bright yellow coat matching a dark blue mane. Her cutie mark, an emerald, Sapphire and a ruby on top of a dinner plate. But no diamond like her name would suggest. After a few seconds she began to calm down and walked out of the closet and hugged him. "Thank you, I don't know why I couldn't open the door." Thunder sighed and awkwardly rubbed her back in a calming manner.

"No big deal Diamond. But try to stay out of small spaces please?"

He walked out levitating the dresser back up before walking back into the dining room. As he was entering the room, he noticed that Sky was gone. He looked all over the kitchen but couldn't find him, he wanted to relax after his panic attack today. But no, his brother decided to be a goddamn ninja and hide. He grabbed a glass from the cupboard and turned the water on, but no water came out. He figured that sky must have messed with the valve again. He opened the cupboard door under the sink.

"SURPRISE!!" Sky yelled as loud as he could. Thunder fell backwards screaming. He stumbled on the floor shaking with his hooves covering his face. "Thunderrrrr, it's just me you four-legged narwhal." Sky laughed out. He crawled out of the cupboard swinging a small monkey wrench in his hand.

Thunder removed his hooves from his face and growled "Sky that wasn't funny!" Sky continued laughing rolling all over the floor. Crystal entered the room surveyed the events and shook his head. His mane swinging around as he chuckled.

"How many times are you going to fall for that?" he told Thunder as he helped him get up. Thunder angry as all hell stormed off to his office. He slammed the door so forceful that the house seemed to shake within itself. When Thunder had considerably calmed down, he sat down in front of his desk. His sighs echoed in his room as he opened a drawer to pull out a letter he got yesterday morning. He examined the letter bracing himself for whatever it held within.

Dear Mr.
Thunder Heart

As you may be aware you are two weeks behind your payment. If you do not pay the appropriate amount by this week, we will have to revoke your establishment.

Signed: mayor Cherry Fall.

Ps. I wish I didn't have to do this, but rules are rules.

Thunder shed one tear before putting the letter back. He hasn't told anyone else yet because he fears they might worry too much. But he had a plan, he was going to sell some family heirlooms to somepony to get a lot of money. All he had to do was wait for a response from a Pegasus he met a while ago. He said it should be coming soon. While he waited, he picked up a picture of the last time the family was together.


5 years ago

Thunder was playing games with crystal and sky in the living room. Their mother Silver Love was reading a book on the couch, watching as they played. She was a beautiful unicorn with a silver coat, with a cascading black mane to match. Her cutie mark was a lovely silver ring around a heart. Thunder and crystal were only 13, sky was 7, diamond a simple 5. "Hey Mom. Want to see me do some magic?" Crystal said with a lot of confidence in his voice.

"Sure honey." Silver Love said lovingly. Thunder was confused, he thought that earth ponies didn't have magic but he went along with it. Crystal grabbed the deck of cards on the floor and threw them up in the air. As he did, they froze in midair to thunder's surprise. Sky's beak opened up very wide, and their mother was as astounded that crystal could do magic. Crystal moved his arms in a flowing motion and the cards moved with him. It was amazing that crystal could use magic. But Thunder knew that crystal was up to something, It took a while to realize what was happening. While Crystal was doing his arm movements, distracting everyone. Diamond was in the cupboard behind him levitating the cards. He wondered where in equestria she was. Even though Crystal was faking it, he let his brother continue. It made him happy, the look on Crystal's face said everything.

When Crystal was getting to his grand finale, a voice from the hallway scared everyone. "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!!" The voice belonged to their grandmother, Earth Heart.

"Crystal Heart. Do not make me repeat myself!" She shouted, entering the room and marching close into his face. Crystal stayed silent with the cards still halfway in the air. As Earth Heart proceeded to lift Crystal up, they heard a squeak coming from the cupboard. Earth Heart used her magic to pull Diamond out of the cupboard, tripping over Crystal in the process. She stopped in front of their enraged grandmother and the cards dropped. "Get out before I make you more defective!" The grandmother shrieked in her face, Diamond ran out crying right on cue. Earth heart walked over to Crystal who was rubbing his head. "What did I say about you trying to be something you're not?!" Earth Heart disgustingly screamed at the young colt. They never liked their grandmother for many reasons. but the main one was she never cared about anyone who wasn't a unicorn. And Crystal being born an earth pony was hard. He could barely go a day without always looking over his shoulder in case grandmother came after him. She would pick him up and toss him across the room as if he was a sack of potatoes turned rotten. "Answer me this instant!!" she growled.

"What if I don't want to?" Crystal responded back, glaring up at her.

Silver love got up from the couch and said "Everypony, go to your room." As if straight out of a trance, they ran to their room. They were deathly afraid that this may be the last straw that Grandmother had with their mother.

"Thunder, what's going to happen to mommy?" Sky said with fear shaking out of his words. Thunder hugged his little brother whispering in his ear.

"I don't know all we can hope for is that grandma doesn't lose her temper." There were now tears in his eyes crawling down his face and his anxiety Reared its ugly head with full force. Crystal joined in on the hug too, and diamond ran out of hiding to join the sibling hug as well. The worst part was they haven't seen their mother since that horrible day, many years ago.

End of flashback

Present day

Thunder sat there at his desk for an hour remembering that painful day engrained deep in his mind. He whispered to himself. "It's fine. If I can just sell off those heirlooms. They won't be there to remind us of that bitch." He started to cry, getting teardrops on the picture. But then a knock on the door snapped his sense back. He wiped his tears with one hoof and hollered out. "Come in!" The door opened as slow as possible and thunder's chest beat loudly as he realized who it was.

It was his girlfriend Aukie.

S1 Ep2 letters and pancakes

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He couldn't believe that she was here. She was supposed to be in Canterlot on a family vacation. "Ho... how's it going Aukie?" Thunder stuttered, butterflies flying around in his stomach. Aukie walked forward and laid her head on Thunder's shoulder. Aukie was a changeling with a bright green body with sparkling blue eyes, and beautiful shiny wings.

"I chose not to go. I couldn't imagine a day, much less a week without you." She soothed out. It immediately calmed Thunder's anxiety a whole lot. Aukie knew Thunder like the back of her wings. "After all you would never survive without me" she added, flickering her wings.

Thunder sat there, deep in thought. He was scared of what other ponies would think if they found out that he was dating a changeling. It scared him, it scared him so much that if he and Aukie were found out they would be ostracized. "Thunder" Aukie piped up still on his shoulder. "I can hear your heartbeat from here, it's ok." Sighing he turned his body to face her.

"I'm sorry... It's just... I'm afraid if other ponies find out about us. We would be-" He started tearing up just trying to get the words out of his mouth. Before he could speak again Aukie put her hoof over his mouth and quietly shushed him. She kissed him on the cheek, causing Thunder to turn bright red. After the kiss, she whispered in his ear.

"You don't have to worry about a thing. Little bolt."

"I thought I asked you not to call me that anymore, it makes things embarrassing if somepony hears you." Thunder said with his face redder than ever. Aukie then moved away from him looking a bit disappointed

"Awwwww, I can't call you little bolt? But you're my little lightning bolt." She said snuggling Thunder's neck. He couldn't help but smile when he was called it, even though he was very embarrassed by it.

They both heard a knock on the door. "Thunder, there's mail for you," Sky yelled on the other side of the door. He slid the envelope under, and as he was leaving, he yelled "I don't want to know what you two are doing in there, and I won't say anything. You don't have to worry about me blabbing."

Aukie giggled out of nowhere, scaring Thunder a little bit. He looked at his girlfriend, and asked with a chuckle "What's so funny?"

She looked at him smiling and said "Ohhh nothing. It's just that I sometimes forget how mature Sky can be sometimes."

"Yeah, I know what you mean."

Thunder got up from his chair and walked over to the letter picking it up. He looked at the envelope and noticed the insignia on the front. It was a dragon head crest. Exactly what Thunder was waiting for. "Hey Aukie?"

She perked up her head. "Yeah?"

"Can you....... help me with something?"

Aukie put her hoof to her chin to think about it for a few seconds. "Sure. What do you need help with?" Thunder looked back to the door to make sure no-pony was listening, he walked over to Aukie and whispered in her ear. "I'm going to sell a few items that are worth a lot of bits. Mostly the stuff that reminds us of our grandmother."

She looked a bit confused and asked. "What do you want me to do? Help you carry some the things to be sold?"

Thunder shook his head. "I need you to come so the others don't get suspicious."

She looked even more confused. "Why can't the others know? I mean shouldn't they know so they don't worry?"

Suddenly she came to a realization with a shocked expression. "You don't mean doing something illegal to get some money?"

He shook his hoofs rapidly "Nononononono it's definitely within legal range. I think, I don't know, it's definitely out of my control of who buys it."

Aukie moved away from the desk and walked towards the door. Thunder began to worry that their relationship might be over. She stopped at the door and looked back at Thunder to say "Tomorrow. I'll help you. But you at least need to tell Crystal about it. Ok?" Thunder nodded with a smile happy that she still loved him.

"Love you" Thunder said

"Love you too. My Little Pony." she replied leaving the office.

He couldn't help but giggle at that.

Thunder walked out of his office and looked through the window to his right, seeing snow cleaning the mailbox. Shocked, he realized that his trip down memory lane had gone on for a few hours. As he waited, he noticed Aukie leaving. Before she passed Snow, the dragon hugged her. Thunder was surprised that Snow would get that close to somepony. She was always shy around anyone especially when Diamond entered the room.

Snow's Pov

Snow had her eyes closed, as she whispered in Aukie's ear "Thank you. For keeping Master Thunder Heart happy. And please keep him safe."

Aukie closed her eyes and hugged Snow back. She stroked Snow's back and replied, "Don't worry Snow. He'll be safe with me."

Snow smiled with tears in her eyes, thankful that she doesn't have to lose somepony that is important to her. She walked away from the changeling and looked back just once. She still had a smile on her face. Snow closed the door and walked down the hallway into a room in between the dining room and the stairway. It was a small room that she kept simple for herself in order to not inconvenience everypony with needing to buy things for her. She never minded it, after all, she had been a servant to the hearts since she hatched from her egg.

Her room used to be the closet full of cleaning supplies, but it was turned into Snow's room after she picked it. It was barely big enough to fit a fully grown pony, but the small size was no big deal for Snow who was shorter than most dragons. Snow closed the door and crawled into her bed adjusting the covering over her head so the light didn't bother her. (It was all she could do.) She rested her eyes for a good 30 mins when she heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" She said stretching.

"Hey, Snow?" The voice on the other side said. Snow realized almost instantly that it was diamond and started to blush. "Y....yeah?" snow stuttered, her cheeks burning red.

"I know it's lunch time but I made you some pancakes. I also put some gems into them, I worked really hard to get them, '' Diamond said with loving intent. Snow got out of bed and put her ear to the door. She heard Diamond put the plate down on the floor and walk away. Snow opened the door to find the plate of pancakes on the floor with syrup, blueberries, and some gems in them. (Blueberries and gems are her favorite food.) She grabbed the plate and closed the door. Sniffing the pancakes, she noticed that they were still warm. Diamond must have made them while Snow was resting.

Snow started to tear up, whispering to herself. "Thank you, Diamond. I'm sorry that I am such a coward for being unable to confront you." She took a big breath smelling the fresh pancakes. "About my feelings towards you." Snow had a crush on Diamond ever since they laid eyes on each other for the first time. The others noticed but never said anything about it. If only Snow could emit her feelings to Diamond. She stopped crying to eat her pancakes, wrapping the pancake around itself and taking a huge bite. It was absolutely amazing. The taste of the blueberries and the crunchiness of the gems combined with syrup was perfect. She held her cheek as her mind drifted to how much an amazing chef Diamond was. Diamond was someone who could cook anything and make it taste like it was sent by gods. Snow slowly ate savoring the taste of Diamond's cooking.

She finished eating her brunch and headed to the kitchen. Walking, she noticed Diamond sitting in the dining room resting her head on her hooves. She put her dish on the table and walked over to the sleeping unicorn. The dragon noticed that Diamond was covered in dirt, "What has she been doing? She was fine this morning." Snow muttered to herself. She began to move her claw towards Diamond's mane to wake her up. However, she began uncontrollably shaking, just trying to go near Diamond.

Diamond flinched when Snow poked her. She squinted her eyes and quietly groaned "Snow? Is that you?"

Snow gasped and recoiled back, "Y.... yeah." She didn't know what to do at this point, it was all new territory for Snow to be this close to Diamond. Diamond rubbed the back of her head "I just .... wanted to see how you were ...... doing." Snow muttered pretty much to herself.

"I'm doing fine." Diamond yawned while stretching her front legs. "Is there a problem Snow?" She said, rubbing her eyes. Snow clasped her claws together knowing that there was an issue that she was scared to tell the young unicorn about.

"Yes actually. There is something that has been bothering me."

Snow sat down in a chair, took a deep breath, and sighed. "I've been worried about......Master Thunder and Crystal. I'm scared that they might be getting into trouble." She sighed quietly in frustration. She ran her claws over her ears with tears trickling down her face.

"It's ok to be scared, just don't let it get to you, ok?" Diamond replied as Snow wiped her tears away with a chuckle. "I learned that one from our father." Diamond continued happily before her face slowly became stricken with sadness.

Snow looked down at the ground with a single tear dropping from her face, finally she asked "Why do you say our father? I'm not part of this family. I'm just a lowly servant." Snow sadly whispered as she got out of the chair walking towards the door. But she didn't get very far.

Diamond leaped forward, hugged Snow tightly as she whispered. "You're not just a servant, you're.... like a sister to me." (Why did she hesitate?) Snow wondered as she blushed. "And I wouldn't worry about my brothers," Diamond said while crying on Snow's back. "They're stallions now, we don't have to worry about them as much anymore." Snow silently nodded with tears rolling down her face once more. Diamond let go of the dragon and wiped the tears from her face.

She somehow finally noticed that Sky was standing in the hallway leaning on the doorframe. "So, you two love bugs having fun in here?" He asked with a smug smile.

Both Snow and Diamond shook their head and yelled, "We are not love bugs!!" Sky stood there giggling into his yellow talons, probably thinking how funny it was.

He stopped giggling and cleared his throat. "I'm just kidding." He said as he moved off the doorframe and walked towards the front door. He finally looked back at the two and said, "I'm going to the park to get some fresh air, don't do anything stupid, ok?"

Snow and Diamond nodded and walked out to go to their rooms, but found a bucket of water on both of their heads. Snow quickly tossed the bucket off her head and dashed to the drawers, grabbing a washcloth to dry off Diamond. Before she could hand it over, her claw stopped in midair by magic. Diamond took her bucket off and grabbed the cloth drying the dragon off. "You don't always have to be the one to clean anymore. You've done enough this week to keep a castle spotless, so relax, okay?" Snow smiled and nodded. After she was dry snow headed to her room smiling and face red.

She closed the door and sat on her bed whispering to herself "Thank you, Diamond, for being part of my life."

"No problem, Snow," Diamond said behind the door. Snow blushed even harder in pure shock and embarrassment. "And if you're wondering how I got the gems. I got them myself from the gem caves all over the place. You'd be surprised what you can find when everypony is off work." Diamond continued, happily clapping her hooves. "Don't worry Snow. I didn't steal them. I just went into the cave with a pick and got some gems for you!"

Diamond's Pov

"Plus, it's your birthday in a week, I want to give you something special, so you can't see what I have in store." Diamond thought as she entered the bathroom to take a bath. She just hoped she could figure out why Snow is just so smitten with her.

S1 Ep3 Heart shaped clouds

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Diamond cleaned off the dirt on her bright yellow coat and sneaked her way to the door. She tried to be stealthy but straightened up in shock as Crystal cleared his throat and made his way over. Diamond turned to her brother trying to look innocent. "Ahhh hehehehe, hey big brother. How are you doing?" Diamond nervously asked.

Crystal put his hoof on his little sister's head ruffling her bangs. "Diamond. Can you do me a small favor?" he asked calmly. Diamond hoped that she wasn't in trouble for digging up gems. She was sweating a little bit subtly begging her brother to not find out. he craned his neck to the little unicorn and whispered, "Do you mind if you could get the decorations and that present you wanted to get for snow?" He backed up with a smirk on his face. Diamond formed the biggest smile on her face and began bouncing up and down giggling as she did. Crystal signaled her to quiet down so Snow couldn't hear her. Immediately she stopped bouncing and zipped her lips with a nod. "Here. There should be enough bits for the decorations and the gift." He passed the money to Diamond, and she tried to contain her excitement. She grabbed the tiny bag with her magic and zoomed off.

"Take your Satchel!" Crystal yelled.

Diamond screeched to a halt and immediately turned around. She ran to her room to grab her Satchel. "Thanks, Crystal." She said hugging him as she exited the house. She trotted downhill toward the town's plaza. In one of the store windows there it was, the action figure diamond wanted to get snow. an earth pony with a light brown coat, black mane, a red sleeveless vest, and a straw hat with a red ribbon. Her name was Pony D. Gabby, and she dreams of becoming the queen of the pirates. Diamond wanted to give Snow a figure ever since she introduced "One Hoof" to Snow a few years ago to cheer her up. She always felt sad for Snow, seeing her parent die right in front of them must have been devastating.

She walked inside and saw that Tink Rose was working and smiled. (She's an earth pony with a purple coat, a black mane, purple glasses, and a witch hat cutie mark.) She began to sneak behind the unsuspecting earth pony. Slithering like a snake through the shop flawlessly not grazing the stuffed animals, action figures, or the plethora of bouncy balls scattered all over the place.

"Slithery little snaaaaake!" She thought.

Once she reached the target, she got up on her hind legs and yelled: "HEY THERE TINKIE!"

Tink screamed and jumped a little, turning her head back towards Diamond. "Don't scare me like that. Sweet mother of Celestia." She was breathing heavily and wheezing.

Diamond walked forward and put her hoof on Tink's back. "Sorry Tinkie, I didn't think you would become Thunder when it storms," Diamond said chuckling.

Tink regained her composer and took a deep breath "I'm fine. Totally fine" She looked at the yellow unicorn beside her a little irritated. "And one more thing." Diamond began to shake and wonder what made her so mad. "Don't. Call. Me. Tinkie!" Tink yelped making Diamond flinch.

"Okay. I just thought it was a cute name." The little unicorn said with a guilty voice like she just broke something. Tink rubbed Diamond's head, ruffling her blue mane.

"I'm sorry to upset you. I know you're scared to make anypony upset after living with Earth Heart." Diamond wiped a tear after hearing Earth Heart's name. Tink realized what she said and tried to apologize. "I'm so sorry Diamond, I forgot you had a bad history with her." She wrapped her hoof around the little filly and reassured her that things will be better " Ever since your family moved here, the town has been lively! Even Thunder with that mare, what's her name, Audrey?"

Diamond popped in "It's Aukie." Tink smiled and nodded

"Ohhh right the changeling. I feel dumb for not remembering, considering that it's not that hard to notice that those two are an item." She says before mumbling "So cute the two of them."

Diamond is reminded of why she was here in the first place and moves away from Tink. "I need some birthday decorations for Snow's birthday party in a week, and her present." Tink got up and walked over to the party aisle and picked out some dragon-shaped party streamers and some packs of balloons and paper plates with a snowflake design.

"Will these do?" she asked. Diamond nodded with a smile. Tink brought them to the register and asked, "What kind of present do you want to give Snow?"

Diamond pointed to the figure in the window and said, "That one, "Pony D. Gabby."

After paying for the supplies and the figure with just the right amount of bits, she waved Tink goodbye and galloped home happy as can be. She had the figure in her Sachel, and she was carrying the supplies with her magic. She finally reached home out of breath huffing and puffing. Looking in the front door to see if Snow was around, she sneaked in. Closing the door quietly she sneaked through the house to the basement door underneath the stairs that lead upstairs. She put the supplies in a crate labeled "DO NOT TOUCH" to ensure Snow wouldn't touch it.

She closed the basement door behind her not noticing Snow behind her. "Ahhh Snow! I didn't see you there." Snow was frowning with her claws behind her back and swinging her foot back and forth.

"I just .... wanted to thank you for the pancakes. And for ......... thinking me as your si.... sister." Snow said blushing at that last part. It confused Diamond, so clearing her throat, she whispered back.

"Why would I not think of you as my sister? My earliest memories were seeing you for the first time." Snow blushed so hard she looked like a tomato. She covered her face and ran to her little room, confusing Diamond even more.

"Why did she run? Does she hate me for whatever reason? And why was her face red like that?" Diamond said, panicking in her own thoughts.

She sat in the living room for 10 minutes just thinking about why Snow's face was so red. (The innocence of youth, don't worry Diamond you'll find out eventually.) Her concentration however was broken when the front door closed. She looked up to see Sky standing there with the biggest smile on his face. "Why are you smiling, did something happen?" Diamond asked.

Sky sat right next to her and leaned to whisper, "Don't tell thunder about this. Okay?" Unsure she nodded and prepared herself for whatever happened at the park.

Sky's Pov

20 mins earlier

Sky was relaxing in a tree in the middle of the park thinking. "Today couldn't get any better this. A nice cool breeze from the spring air, finished the machine yesterday so I can relax, nothing could be better than this." As he looked around, he noticed a lone Pegasus walking towards the tree probably not noticing him. Sky observed the Pegasus passing the leaves and saw that it was a guy with a dark blue coat, a lavender-colored mane tied up in a braid, and he was carrying some flowers. The Pegasus looked very nervous like something bad was going to happen. Sky was unfamiliar with this Pegasus, and he knew most creatures that roam around here. Some ponies, a couple of changelings and hippogriffs, very few Yaks, and no dragons except for Snow on the occasion. What was strange is that his appearance reminded him of somepony but he couldn't put his claw on it.

The Pegasus sat down at the bench under the tree and began to mumble to himself, Sky could hardly hear him "Come on ....... Please get here before somepony sees!"

Sky was about ready to walk towards the stallion when he heard a very familiar voice. "Cloud!" Sky looked over to where the voice was coming from, and he couldn't believe who he saw.

It was Crystal, happy as can be running towards the Pegasus. "Hey there Cloud. Why did you want to meet me?" The Pegasus named Cloud looked down at the ground holding the flowers behind his back.

Shyly he showed Crystal the flowers and put his face in them blushing as he does. "I got these for you. D-Do you like them?" He asked quietly. Crystal smiling, hugged Cloud before grabbing the flowers. They moved closer to each other, both closing their eyes nervously. They took a deep breath and started kissing. Sky couldn't believe that Crystal was kissing another guy.

"Cystal is Bi? and didn't tell any of us?" They pulled back from each other and whispered sweet nothings. Sky leaned in close to hear them.

"Of course I like them. But how much longer do we need to hide our love for each other?" Crystal whispered. "I don't know. When I'm ready to tell my parents." Cloud responded. Sky leaned in closer to get a better look. However, he leaned in too far, falling out of the tree and landing on his head.

Sky began to see stars, and his ears were ringing. "Sky?! Sky?! You okay?!" Crystal asked in a panic. Sky slowly regained his composure rubbing his head. As his vision returned, he noticed crystal and cloud looking down at him. He sat up on the bench with Crystal's assistance. "Are you okay Sky?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Sky grunted. "I'm just surprised to see you kissing another stallion. Why didn't you tell anyone?"

Crystal sat silently before he replied. "Let's just keep quiet about this okay? We aren't ready to come out yet."

Sky, fully regaining his senses looked at his brother wondering "What other secrets are you hiding crystal?" Taking a deep breath, Sky turned to his brother and Cloud. "How long have you been dating this guy?" A little on edge they both turned to look at each other and whispered something Sky couldn't catch.

Finally, they turned to him and Crystal sighed. "Okay Sky, we know you can be trusted to keep our secret," Crystal said caressing Cloud's chin, with him blushing a cute smile. "We've been dating for the past 4 1/2 years, haven't we babe?" He asked Cloud as they both nuzzled each other's nose. Cloud nodded blushing and resting his head on his hooves. Sky assumed he was remembering some good memories. Sky looked away from them feeling worried about his brother. Sky understood worrying about a secret being revealed.

He could never forget when it was revealed that Diamond still used her pacifier to calm herself after she experiences major anxiety attacks. At first, he took the fall for his sister, so she didn't get bullied more than she already was. Diamond always had a unique mind. Her mind works in a way that it's almost impossible to predict her sometimes. But over the years Sky can 90% of the time predict what she does.

Crystal turned to his boyfriend who was still going through his memories and gave him a peck on the cheek. Cloud jumped a little and nervously gave one back. "Love the flowers by the way," Crystal said leaning his back on the bench.

Cloud rolled his eyes and replied "You already mentioned them, ya dork. And you're welcome again, sweetie." Cloud got off the bench and walked around to give Crystal a hug. He got close to Crystal's ear and whispered something that Sky couldn't hear.

Crystal nodded and got up from his comfortable seat. Sky's instincts were yelling at him to leave. "I'm going to leave and go back home. Okay?"

Cloud and Crystal looked at each other with raised eyebrows.

By the time Crystal could say anything, Sky was flying away.


"And I just ran back home."

Diamond with her jaw on the floor, after a few seconds made the biggest smile. "They sound so cute together." She giggled "I wish that one day I could meet some other pony." She dreamily sighed

"But can you keep it a secret please?" Sky whispered.

Diamond nodded and placed her hoof on her chest "Cross my heart and have a storm strike me down!"

They both were now giggling which quickly formed to laughter.

"You better keep it a secret." Said a voice from the halls.

Sky and Diamond, abruptly stopped their laughter and turned to the voice in shock and embarrassment, seeing Crystal.

S1 Ep4 from the past to the future

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Crystal's pov

Crystal stood in the doorway with a big smirk on his face. His little brother and sister sat on the couch stunned and embarrassed. "I'm sorry Crystal, I wasn't thinking, I- I thought you would be okay with Diamond knowing about you and Cloud." Crystal stepped over to Sky. Once he was standing over the scared griffin, he lifted his hoof towards Sky who was wincing.

Crystal ruffled Sky's head and smiled. Sky opened his eyes surprised that he wasn't slapped (take a wild guess on who He's afraid of) and started to smile back. "It's okay sky. I don't want you to tell anypony, our family is fine." Crystal told his brother. Sky nodded and hugged Crystal. Content with how things went, Sky skipped to his room. Diamond looked at her older brother.

"How much do you love him?" She asked

"Who, Sky? I love him a whole lot." Crystal sits on the couch outstretching his arms "I mean, it's sometimes hard to hate the little guy when..."

"No. I mean that Cloud guy." She said as she was shaking her head.

"Oh. Well, for Cloud... I don't know any other pony like Cloud. He's just... so darn adorable *sigh* I wish we didn't have to hide but. but He's not ready to open up till he tells his parents."

"Bring his confidence up. I heard from a classmate that the more you hang out with them, the more confident they are." Diamond said with a smile on her face, bouncing at the last part. Crystal thought about it for a minute and thought it was a good idea.

He picked her up and hugged his little sister "You may have had the greatest idea you ever had, you brilliant gem." He said ruffling her mane. They both giggled for a good 10 seconds before Diamond tried to struggle away.

"Crystal let me go. please." She said still giggling a little. Crystal put Diamond down, so he doesn't get punched in the face.

"She never did like being held for a certain amount of time" Crystal thought to himself.

Crystal hugged her one more time and said, "Thank you, Diamond, for giving me the idea." Diamond smiled and nodded her head and stuck her tongue out and started to laugh. This continued till Crystal heard a knock on the door a few seconds later. He walked to the door and answered it, and it was one of the townsfolks. "Hey, Iron smile. how's it going?" Crystal asked with a deadpan tone. (Iron has a gold coat, a long curly bright copper mane, and platinum eyes. Her cutie mark is an iron bar with a hammer and was well known for her prosthetic iron teeth). She stared at the yellow earth pony. Crystal waits for a response from the nervous Pegasus.

She finally responds shaking a little "H-hey C-Crystal" She shakes her head. Regaining her composer. "I need help today; I'll pay you a good amount of bits. please?" She says fluttering her eyelashes. Crystal deadpans at her.

"Alright, what do you need?" He asks hoping she doesn't flirt with him again like she's been doing for the past 5 years. She turns around and gestures to him to follow.

They both walked to the edge of town where Iron's cabin is. It has a small hexagonal shape to it with a smaller second floor. They passed a small garden that held roses, poppies, lavender, lilies, and sunflowers. Crystal then began to get annoyed with Iron's attempts to get him to like her. "Really? Your entire garden is filled, with flowers that I like?" He said in a deadpan way.

She stops and starts to sweat and tries to deny her obvious love for Crystal "What are you talking about? I never even thought of you when I got these flowers. hehehehe"

Crystal facepalmed and remembered a conversation he had with a friend a week ago. Annoyed he tells Iron what he heard "Last time I checked you still hate gardening. don't believe me, let's say you're not very quiet when it comes to your frustrations."

She looked away blushing covering her face with her mane "I want you to know how much I care about you." She says emitting her crush on Crystal, even though he'd known that for years. He walks closer to the embarrassed Pegasus and puts his hoof on her shoulder. Which makes her blush.

"Look, I don't know how many times I have to tell you that. *Deep breath* I already have somepony I'm dating." He then takes his hoof off of her. She glared at him clearly angered that somepony managed stole the love of her life.

She kept semi calm when asking him "Soooo. who is the lucky mare who has their hooves wrapped around you like a present?" This relieved Crystal a little bit since she doesn't know about Cloud.

"That's none of your business to know, and besides we're not ready to out ourselves yet." He told her. He turned around to walk away but before he did.

He asked Iron one final question "Is that all you wanted me for, or do you have more ways to waste my time?"

Iron took a deep breath and told him what she wanted him for "Actually yes, I do have something for you to do." She walked towards a shed that was closer to town and got out two paint cans with a couple of brushes. She handed Crystal the supplies with a smile on her face.

"I need the cabin painted before my parents arrive tomorrow."

Crystal raised his eyebrow and wondered why she couldn't do it herself. But asked her anyway "Why don't you do it yourself?"

She responds with the speed of a lightning bolt "IwouldliketobutIhaveworkinanhourandIhavetocleantheinsideaftersothat'swhyI'maskingyoutopainthewallsandroof"

Crystal could understand every single word. Because Thunder sometimes speaks fast when he's stressed sometimes.

"Okay, I'll do it." He said with a smirk on his face. Iron smiled and was going but Crystal halted her with his hoof holding her face back. "I may be willing to do this job, but I'm not willing to hug you."

Shortly after Iron left for work Crystal opened the cans to see the colors that iron and he was not amused and rolled his eyes. He immediately began to paint both the roofs and walls, with yellow paint for the walls and pink for the roof. "Do it for the bits Crystal." He thought as he was painting the walls.

1 hour later

Dripping with sweat Crystal was finally done with painting and done it in record time. He looked at the position of the sun and saw that he still had plenty of time before dinner. "I should take a break tomorrow. yeah, I should take a break after working nonstop for 3 weeks." He sighs to himself walking away from the cabin.

"Doing a job for your girlfriend earth pony?" An annoyingly confident male voice said making Crystal stop next to a tree. Crystal turned to his right and saw a pony he hoped he would never meet today. (A unicorn with a black coat, a golden mane though it was not his natural color, and a Mobius strip in a circle as a cutie mark.)

Crystal became irritated when he saw Quantum space "She's not my girlfriend, Quantum!!" he yelled.

Quantum was leaning on a fence with a smirk on his face that Crystal wishes he could erase off the face of the planet. "My apologies, I'd forgotten that even a Pegasus is too good for an earth pony." He said in a very rude and derogatory way. Crystal scowled at him (although I'd wish he had fingers so he could flip Quantum off).

"Did you come here to be an ass, or do you have a real reason to be here?" Quantum got off the fence and walked towards the irritated earth pony.

"Both," he said with an evil smile. Quantum used his magic to pin Crystal to the tree he was right next to. he tried to intimidate the yellow earth pony, but Crystal remained calm.

Quantum then walked over to Crystal and whispered into his ear "You have no place here earth pony. You aren't even a fraction of my intellect. So, I'd recommend, you'd better give up trying to be bigger than me." He let Crystal go and walked away all confident. Like he accomplished something amazing. Crystal stared daggers at the arrogant unicorn.

Who didn't notice that Crystal was terrified by the sudden aggression? "When have I ever thought I could be better than a unicorn?" He thought to himself. "And what did I do to piss him off?"

15 mins later

Crystal returned home and sat at the dinner table where Sky was waiting for dinner. The young griffin noticed that his big brother was sweating bullets and shaking a little. "You okay Crystal?" He asked concerned for his brother.

Crystal nodded biting his lips " Yeah, I'm okay. Just had a....... you know what, never mind."

"Doesn't sound like you're okay." A voice next to him said. He looked over and saw Thunder Heart looking concerned. Crystal then notice the red glasses on his brother's face and began to giggle.

"What's with the nerd accessories?" He giggled.

Thunder became annoyed that Crystal was still making fun of his glasses. "You know I'm more comfortable with glasses Crystal!" He growled.

Crystal stopped giggling and put his brother into a headlock, ruffling his short mane "I know, I'm just messing with you." He let go of Thunder and playfully hit his brother's shoulder with a smile. "Honestly, you look better with glasses on anyway." He said leaning into his chair. "Ya dork." he chuckled. "Thunder must have gone to the eye doctor during lunch." Crystal thought.

"When did you get your glasses?" Sky asked leaning on the table.

"I left at noon, went to the eye doctor to pick up my prescription, then I packed the wagon for my trip tomorrow......" Before Thunder could finish Crystal interrupted.

"Wait what!? you were planning a trip, since when?!!" Crystal exploded. Thunder began to shake like a washing machine. which usually indicated that Thunder was having anxiety. He then tapped his brother's shoulder to apologize.

Thunder slowly stopped shaking to give Crystal an answer "*gulp* Sorry. I should have told you earlier."

"No, I'm the one who should be apologizing for exploding like that," Crystal said looking down.

Everpony sat at the table waiting for dinner. When an incredible smell soothed their nostril. Thunder, Crystal, and Sky were thinking the same thing about what was for dinner. "Mashed potatoes with garlic seasoning, butter, and peas." Before they knew it, Diamond came out of the kitchen carrying 5 plates and two mugs full of cider for the two stallions, with her magic, containing exactly what they thought. She twirled the plates towards her hungry siblings. All three of their mouths were watering with anticipation. Diamond put the plates down and began to walk away towards the hallway.

"Where are you going?" Thunder asked.

Diamond stopped to turn her head around to answer "I'm going to get Snow." she said with a smile on her face.

A few seconds later snow and Diamond walked in with snow.

She had her claws together looking unsure about all this "Are you sure that it's okay for me to eat with you?" She said quietly.

Sky gave a thumbs up, Diamond nodded, Crystal smiled and said, "Yeah sure."

Thunder stared at the scared dragon. He then smiled and agreed "Of course you can. You're part of the family." Everyone agreed with Thunder.

Snow started to tear up at the Notion that everyone considered her part of the family. She then took a seat at the dinner table next to Diamond.

After they finished, Sky nudged Crystal "Hey Crystal. Should we tell Snow about the........ "The thing?" Sky asked making crystal choke on his cider.

Crystal coughed out his answer "Yeah...... sure, just don't ask something like that out of nowhere." Sky looked at him singling him to tell Snow himself.

"Alright alright. I've been in a relationship with another stallion for four and a half years at this point. I was going to tell you guys when he told his parents but. I broke when Thunder asked me this morning, then Sky found out from within a tree. Finally, he told Diamond and now me telling you."

"I'm not surprised. You sometimes whisper his name in your sleep. The two different kinds of scents on you, Yours and another's on you. And sometimes I found mane hair that wasn't any of you guys." Snow said looking at the earth pony that was now bright red. Thunder started to giggle at his brother's embarrassment. Sky was trying to hide his laughter, and Diamond winched.

After the embarrassment of the century, Crystal got up and went upstairs to his and Thunder's room. It was a normal-sized room for two ponies to spend some time in with a dresser, and a bunk bed with red blankets. Next to it is a pile of books that Thunder owns, a Rubix cube in case the brothers get bored. A couple of One Hoof posters and some comics spread out across the room. Finally, a replica of Pony D. Gabby's straw hat. Crystal got on his top bunk and flopped on his back. "Damn never realized everything that's happened today, made me so exhausted." He thought yawning. Crystal closed his eyes and fell asleep excited to wake up early to hang out with Cloud tomorrow.

the next morning

Crystal walked to the west side of town where Cloud lives. His house was only a few blocks down from where the heart family lived. When Crystal got there, he saw Cloud's house for the first time. (Cloud only moved in a few days ago) It's a hollowed-out tree with some flowers planted outside the window. He walked to the door and was going to knock but a Noise surprised him.


Crystal heard an alarm clock coming from the upper floors. He looked up and saw a window open. "I could surprise him, by climbing in through his window," He thought with a determined smile.

He started climbing to the open window struggling a little, and when he reached it. He looked inside to see Cloud waking up. Crystal climbed through and walked to Cloud's king-sized bed with a blue cloud pattern. Cloud turned around and his jaw dropped that crystal was here. He then looked at the window and then ran towards it and closed it and the blinds. He walks over to Crystal, then grabs his shoulder in a panic "What are you doing here?" He whispers. Crystal should have expected Cloud to react like this, but he didn't.

"I'm sorry for barging in early in the morning but." He exclaimed "*sigh* I wanted to see you more. We haven't seen each other in 4 months." He whispers and puts his head down. Cloud puts his hoof on Crystal's chin and raises his boyfriend's chin. They both looked into each other's eyes and then hugged. Cloud moves closer to Crystal's ear to whisper "I know it's been a while, I'm just happy that you'll be by my side closer now." They both stared deeply into each other's eyes and smile.

Crystal then closed his eyes and moved in to kiss his Pegasus lover. Cloud also closes his eyes and melted into the kiss. After 10 seconds they broke from the kiss. Crystal then gestures towards the door with his head "Let's go make breakfast." He whispered, pecking Cloud's forehead. Cloud nodded and walked with him to the kitchen downstairs. As they walked downstairs, Crystal stopped to look at the picture on the stairway wall. There were pictures of him and Cloud on many holidays. The first Nightmare Night they spent together. Getting the straw hat as a Hearths Warming gift. A selfie of Crystal's and Cloud's first hearts and hooves day, where they kissed for the first time. Cloud notices and walks towards the pink-maned earth pony. "It doesn't feel that long ago does it, our first kiss?" He asks with a smile. Crystal smiled and shed a single tear wanting to relive that moment again. Cloud wiped the tear and pecked Crystal on the cheek.

They went to the kitchen to make fried potatoes, and toast with orange juice.

Crystal put his potatoes on his toast and poured ketchup on them. He took a massive bit out of it getting ketchup all over his face. Cloud stared at him a little stunned at Crystal still being a little immature. He giggled making Crystal stop eating to look at him, he swallowed his food and spoke "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing, it's just....... it's just that, you can be so immature sometimes, and it's adorable."

Crystal blushed and grabbed a napkin to wipe off the ketchup.

*Knock knock knock*

They heard someone at the door, and both got up to answer it.

it was Aukie.

Cloud smiled and hugged his childhood friend. "Hey, Aukie. what brings you here?"

She looks at Crystal and smirks "I'm just here to tell you two that me and thunder will be out of town for a few days. important business." She says moving away from Cloud.

"When will you be leaving?" Cloud says with concern.

"In an hour. sorry it couldn't be later Crystal."

Crystal walked right next to Cloud and gave him an apologetic face. "I'm sorry, I have to take Sky, Snow, and Diamond to school and......." Crystal said before getting interrupted by Cloud putting his hoof on Crystal's mouth.

"It's okay, you can come back when you're done." Cloud says with a flirty look. Crystal smirked and walked away with Aukie to the house to get ready.

"Hey, Aukie," Crystal whispered.


He walked closer to his future sister-in-law's changeling.

"Thanks for keeping our secret safe."

"No problem." She says grinning

"It was going to get out eventually, but I'm glad it was my family who I told, mostly."

"What do you mean mostly?" She asked concerned for Crystal.

"I still don't know where our father went. He's been gone for 3 months now." Crystal says holding back a tear. Aukie wrapped her arm around Crystal, which made him feel better.

They reach the house to see Thunder pulling the wagon and struggling. Thunder then took the straps off and walked around to where the cargo was and put his hoof on the cargo. It glowed a rainbow aura which subsided as quickly as it appeared. He then put the straps back and just like magic he was able to pull it with ease. This is what made the family special, (Soul Magic).

S1 Ep5 It Has Begun

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11 years ago

(Crystal and Thunder were only 7, Sky was only one (though not adopted yet), and Snow was only a few months old. plus, Diamond wasn't been born yet.)

In the living room of their old apartment in Canterlot. Crystal was in tears after being bullied by a bunch of older ponies. "Why? why was I born an earth pony?" He mumbled to himself.

His mother Silver Love walked in and noticed her crying son. "What's wrong Crystal? Where's your brother?" She said looking concerned.

"*sniff* Thunder is still at Joe's. They're probably not even bothering him 'cause he's a unicorn." Crystal muttered.

Silver sits on the couch next to her distraught son and hugs him. He hugs back, now letting tears fall on his mother's lap. "Who was bothering you?" Silver questions.

Crystal moves from his mother and wipes a tear, saying the names of the bullies. "Golden Flash, Crimson Spirit, and Emerald Aura."

"*Annoyed sigh* those three again?" She said annoyed.

"I want to be an alicorn so I can fight all the big meanies in Equestria!" Crystal said standing on his hind legs.

Silver put her hooves together and closed her eyes "My hero." She says bowing to Crystal. He rubs the back of his head chuckling. Crystal's face slowly turns sad and sits back down. "Now what's wrong honey?" Silver says worried.

He looks away from his mother and whispers "It's nothing.... just a wish that will never come true."

Silver pulled her son closer to her to hug him. "What's your wish then?"

Crystal stayed silent while Silver silently sighs. she gets up and walks away, to find Thunder. but before she reached the doorknob. "I wished I had soul magic...... like Thunder," he said wistfully. "And to get my cutie mark." he thought.

Silver stayed silent and bit her lips, she then went out to get her other son. Crystal got up and walked to his room. "I wish I could have been born a unicorn. So that every pony can stop seeing me as the weakest pony in Equestria." He thought shedding a few tears.

He entered the cramped room that had two beds with a small dresser in the middle. Crystal then crawled into his bed and pulled the covers over him. He'd hoped that one day, he could be as strong as his hero "Applejack". Crystal reached under his pillow to grab a drawing of applejack on a pedestal with crystal holding it up. He puts it back and digs his face into his pillow and returns to crying.

While he was crying, he didn't notice Thunder (who just got back) was standing in the doorway.

Thunder's pov

Thunder has always felt sorry for his brother, for not being able to use both normal magic and soul magic. but...... to not have earth pony strength.... is something that Thunder wishes to rectify one day. Thunder walked to his bed and sat on the edge. He thought about how to cheer up his brother, but he couldn't think of anything. So.......... he improvised. "Hey, Crystal. Want to go to the arcade and try to beat our high score? Or maybe get as close as we can to the castle and see Celestia and Luna. *Pretend dreamy sigh* Luna is honestly the best and the prettiest of the two sisters, right?"

"No thanks." Crystal sighed under his covers.

Thunder was disappointed at his attempt. He then got off his bed and walked out of the room. But before he did, he heard Crystal giggle. "*giggle* Luna being the prettiest. You're not wrong on that."

Thunder then smiled. "Looks like my attempt to cheer him up worked." he thought (respect+).

He closed the door to let his brother calm down and to go study soul magic with Grandma Earth Heart.


Thunder saw Crystal and Aukie at the bottom of the hill waiting for him. They both smile and wave at him. Thunder meets the two at the bottom, then Crystal speaks up. "Morning bro." He says smiling.

Thunder then remembers him finding Crystal's bed empty when he woke up. "I'm sorry I interrupted your time with Cloud, Crystal." He says in a soft tone so nopony hears him.

Crystal shrugs and says "It's fine. I can just come back after I drop off the squirt trio." Thunder was relieved that Crystal doesn't mind. He then takes off the strap to hug his brother.

Thunder now worries about how his siblings will do without him. His anxiety starts to flare up, and he starts to shake.

Crystal broke the hug and said "Don't worry. We'll be okay." He gave his brother one last hug before Crystal walked up the hill. It didn't help calm Thunder down at all. Since he could still feel something about to go wrong.

Aukie looked over to her anxiety-filled boyfriend. She walked over to him and hugged him. He was shaking as hard as a blender. She then tried to calm him down and stroked Thunder's short mane. "Sssshhhhh it's okay thunder...... they're going to be okay."

"I know that. It's just...... I'm still worried they may need me while I'm gone." Thunder says still shaking. He then starts forming tears in his eyes.

Aukie moves her head back to look Thunder in the eyes. "Look at me thunder." She says dead seriously. Thunder looks Aukie in the eyes still filled with tears. "The best thing you can do is to be brave for them. You're the bravest pony I know. I mean...... nopony would stand up against golden flash and his two minions."

She was right. He did stand up against Flash and his cronies, Multiple times. This filled Thunder with a lot of confidence. "Yeah, you're right. *Deep breath* I can do this."

He pecked Aukie on the cheek and thanked her "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you." Aukie blushed after the short little kiss. She gave him a peck back and hugged him.

After they broke the hug, Thunder put the wagon straps back on. They looked back at the house one more time. He thinks about Crystal's and Cloud's relationship along with his and Aukie's. "It feels so long ago, and yet. It wasn't long ago that we meet each other for the first time, 5 years ago." He thought smiling. "You ready?" Aukie asks. Thunder nods and they walk north to meet this pony who is going to buy the heirlooms.

But before they could they heard Crystal yell "HEY THUNDER! Have you seen Sky anywhere?!"

Thunder looked confused as he just saw Sky an hour ago. "NO." He yelled.


"I'LL CHECK," Crystal responded.

Thunder became a little worried about Sky's disappearance. But he knew that Sky could take care of himself when he needs to. "Strange. it's not like Sky to just disappear like that. *grunts* I can't worry about that right now. Sky is 12 now, but he is mature enough to not get into trouble." He thinks. Thunder shrugs and walks north to the meeting point. Aukie stayed behind for a few seconds before running to her boyfriend's side. "You, okay? leaving while Sky is missing?" She says with concern.

Thunder nods and responds with "Yeah. I know Sky wouldn't leave town on his own. he's not the type to just leave without telling everypony. So, I'm sure he's in the park relaxing."

10 minutes later

They arrive at the meeting point at a clearing in the forest. They both look around to find the pony they were supposed to meet. "Are you sure that this is the right location?" Aukie asks in confusion. Thunder reads the letter front to back again to make sure he didn't miss anything.

Dear Thunderheart

It is your lucky day. I am willing to buy those heirlooms for a generous price. Of course, you'll have to meet my associates in the forest past the train station to the north to get to me. It's just for safety, yours and mine.

And because of my safety you will have to know the passwords, so my associates know you to trust you.

The passwords are

Star, Moon, Blaze, Storm, and Pedals.

I hope we can come to an agreement of some kind.

From an old family friend

P.s Only bring the most trustworthy with you, or else we might have a problem.

After Thunder read the letter again and can confirm that they are in the right location. "Yeah...... this is the right place." He says. Thunder then says the passwords to bring out the associates. "Star... moon... blaze... storm... pedals." And like magicians, they appeared. They walked into the clearing so Thunder and Aukie could see them. There were 2 unicorns, 2 griffins, and one hippogriff in weird-looking armor. Like they were made to look like a dragon.

One of the unicorns spoke in a chilling female voice "You must be thunder heart. correct?"

"Yes," Thunder answered nervously.

The unicorn turned away and signaled them to follow. "Follow us. and keep you and your associates close. All the fish in one barrel." She lowered her voice to say the last part. Thunder became confused about what she meant by all the fish in one barrel. Then the unicorn silently ordered one of the others. They moved to the cargo and started to smell the air. Thunder and Aukie looked at each other in confusion.

"What are they doing?" Aukie whispered

"I have no idea." Thunder quietly responded.

One of the griffins jumped on the wagon. They began to sniff the cargo. They rip open one of the crates. Thunder angrily tried to tell them off "Hey!! What are you........" but before he finished, they pull Sky out of the crate. "*gasp* Sky?! What the hay are you doing here?!!" Thunder furiously asked.

Sky waved to his big brother and smiled. "Hey, Thunder. Thought you may need some help hehe." The griffin holding sky dropped him to the ground.

They went into a circle formation. This made Sky panic and ran to his brother. The lead unicorn ordered Thunder, Aukie, and Sky to follow. "Now we continue, and don't bother trying to turn." Then she ordered the hippogriff to take the wagon. The three guests now have no choice but to follow their armored bodyguards.

Sky's pov

Thunder was not happy that Sky snuck into a crate to follow. He scolded Sky for putting himself in danger. "I can't believe it. You would put yourself in danger, just for what?" Sky flinched when he said that.

"I'm sorry Thunder. I didn't know that you would try to sell things to sketchy ponies." Thunder glared at his little brother and walked away from him. Sky knew that when Thunder isn't talking, it means he was really pissed.

Aukie looked at the young griffin, looking sorry. She got closer to Sky and whispered, "I know you want to help but......"

"I know I know... I just wanted to help my family. With the financial situation... I thought I could help somehow." Sky said trying to be quiet.

Aukie let out a silent gasp. "You shouldn't worry about that. You're still young and still have a lot to learn. Let Thunder and Crystal worry about that."

Thunder walked faster to catch up to the unicorn leader. He began to speak with her, but Sky couldn't hear it. "I totally screwed up now. If we get out of this, I am definitely getting grounded." Sky thought biting his lip.

Sky put his head down in shame. "I just hope I don't end up getting us killed, please don't let it happen world.... please." He mumbled to himself, crying in fear. Sky then felt a nudge on his side. He looked up to see Thunder was right beside him.

"I'm sorry for getting angry with you. I should have seen it coming... But I didn't. *sigh* I at least want you to know that...... I appreciate your bravery. I know how much you've stuck your neck out for Diamond and Snow when they needed you. But doing something like this... it's reckless." Thunder said in a low tone of voice. He got closer to his little brother's ear and whispered "I love you Sky. No matter what happens... you're my brother."

Sky formed a big smile with tears running down his face. "Thanks, Thunder. I love you too." He whispered back.

The lead unicorn stopped and signaled everypony to stop. "We stop here to rest. " She said.

Everypony stopped where they were and sat down. Flopping on the ground Sky closes his eyes. Some of the bodyguards take their armor off.

The mysterious mare walked up to our trio and tossed some fruit to each. "I would suggest eating up, it'll be a day till we reach the village."

Thunder and Aukie raised an eyebrow, then they questioned the armored unicorn. "Why do we have to go to a village?"

"Because somepony decided he was hungry in the middle of the night. Artic!!!" the mare says turning to the griffin. Artic shrugs like they don't care. The irritated unicorn walks away to rest on a rock and sulk.

Sky opens his eyes to the open sky and noticed that they have been traveling for 3 hours now "If it's been this long. Crystal must be so worried right now. But he's probably staying calm right now. right?" He thought.

Crystal's pov

Crystal was freaking out about Sky going missing. He was pacing around the dining table, where Cloud was sitting. "*groan* Where could he have gone?" Crystal said sweating a little. He began to pace faster and faster. until Cloud got up and held Crystal by his shoulders.

"You need to calm down. Pacing around isn't going to help find your brother." Cloud said his face deadly serious. Crystal was surprised to see him like this.

"I've never seen him so serious before." He thought.

Crystal took deep breaths to calm down. "You're right." He. Cloud let him go and smiled.

Crystal began to think of where Sky would go. "If he's not at the park then where would he be? hmmmmmmm. I should've asked Diamond and Snow. *Facepalm* Yeah, I should have asked them first."

Crystal both knew that the train heading for Ponyville was already gone. So, he thought he would have to wait to pick up Snow and Diamond to ask. "*sigh* I guess I'll have to wait for the squirt duo to come back." He said a little frustrated. "I'm at least glad that Tink was willing to take them to school." He also mumbled to himself. "Ah well. At least I can hang out with Cloud some more and bring his confidence like Diamond said. But it already seems it won't be long before we can come out. Hopefully." He thought with a smirk. Cloud looked at him completely stumped.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks.

Crystal gives him a flirty look and winks at him. "Don't you go worrying now. I'm just happy I get some alone time with you. My little Cloud bear." He said teasing his boyfriend.

Cloud held his cheeks to hide the blush rising up his face. "Ummmmm thanks. Do... you... mind... if... I call you Crystalbug?" He let out still blushing.

"Sure," Crystal whispered.

They hugged each other for a minute before they let go. Crystal then whispered something into Cloud's ear. "Could you help me find something please?" Cloud raised an eyebrow. "Sure. what do you need to find?"

"My father's research notes on soul magic."

diamonds pov

It was now lunchtime at school. Diamond and Snow were sitting across from each other. "Hey, Snow," Diamond says staring at her daisy sandwich looking gloomy.

Snow stops eating her blueberries and looks at Diamond. "Yeah?"

"I'm worried about Sky. I mean... the last time I saw him was at breakfast." She says holding back a tear. Snow puts down her pouch and looks down.

"I don't know where he went ether."

They stare at the ground, scared about their brother. The only thing they can hope for is that Sky is somewhere safe. (don't worry my little muffins he'll be safe....... for now.)

S1 Ep6 Guiding stars

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"I really hope sky is okay." Diamond thought, eating her daisy sandwich.

"Hey... Diamond?" Snow said in a low voice.

"Yeah?" Diamond responded trying to be joyful.

Snow looked at the floor holding back her tears. "Do you think that... Sky is gone?" She whispered.

"She's not saying what I think she is saying. Is she?" Diamond thought putting her sandwich down. "You're not saying that...... Sky is dead, are you?" She asks.

Snow tightened her grip on her pouch of blueberries. She looks like she's about to break down. Diamond zips over to Snow's side and gives her a hug. Snow hugs back.

"If there's a problem. Then tell me." Diamond asks. Snow wipes a tear and tells Diamond her problem.

"I'm just... so scared... that... I may lose another friend." She says tearfully.

Diamond didn't know who she was talking about. "Who are you talking about?" Diamond asks not prepared for what she hears.

Snow replies with "Black Heart." this sends Diamond into a panic attack. her mind races through a ton of thoughts, but one of them is repeating the most. "Why WHYwhyWhYywWYWHYwhyWhy why did he leave us. why'd he leave me!!!"

Diamond begins to break down and rocks back and forth. Snow could feel Diamond's heartbeat pounding at an alarming pace. Now Snow was beginning to panic but she didn't want to leave the diamond. But she had to find someone to help.

"Excuse me. going on here?" A gentle voice asks.

Snow's pov

Snow turns around to see the element of kindness Fluttershy.

(One of the few times I will use a picture when needed. I will only use them when there's a character or location that already exists.)

"She's having a panic attack. I know I should get help but...... but I can't just leave her." Snow tells the most adorabl...... I mean the council of friendship members.

"Oh, dear... That's not very good. Let me take her to the nurse's office." (I don't know if they have that in the school of friendship. I never got that far in, before Netflix cut it in half.) She led Diamond out of the cafeteria. (Again... don't know if they have that.) Snow watched them leave as she clasped her claws.

Everyone had their eyes on Snow now. "Please stop looking at me." She thought as she covered her face. Everyone went back to their business ether... Friendly arguments, eating, flirting, or just straight-up kissing. Snow went back to eating her berries when she heard a voice behind her.

"Hey there."

Snow turned around and saw a female griffin. (She has a caramel-like coat, with a white head.) She looked to be about 15 from what Snow could guess. The griffin smiled and greeted herself. "I'm Opal. And you are?" She said reaching out to the young dragon. Snow started blushing. "Why does my face burn red at the most INCONVENIENT OF TIMES?!" She thought, her face looking like a tomato. Opal held back her laughter. "Okay, I see what's going on." She says. She then put her talon on Snow's shoulder and whispered. "It's okay if you feel that way towards someone." Snow deadpanned at Opal saying. "I know. If I didn't accept who I am, I wouldn't accept my friend Crystal."

Opal let go of Snow. "Sorry... I thought you were having an identity crisis." She said scratching the back of her head. "My big sister had her crisis not too long ago."

"It's fine... I just came to terms with myself a month ago. So it's fine." Snow mumbled. She turned around and went back eating to her berries. Opal sat down next to her and continued to chat with the little reptile. "Have you ever heard of One Hoof?" She asked.

Snow turned to the griffin with eyes of excitement. She nodded rapidly. "Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes oh my gosh yes." She said trying to contain her excitement. She held her cheeks, with her eyes sparkling.

They then spent their entire lunch period, eating and fangirling over One Hoof. Snow couldn't be any happier and almost forgot about Diamond. But she knew that Fluttershy could calm anything that lives and breathes.

Crystal's pov

Crystal and Cloud were In Thunder's office searching for Black Heart's notes. Crystal was searching the desk for any clue about where the notes could be. He opened the drawer to find bottles of many shapes and sizes. He moved them around, and out of sheer curiosity, he picked one up. It had weird scribbles on the label. He opened it and sniffed inside the bottle. "It's just ink... but why the weird scribbles? Was somepony bored when writing the label?" Crystal thought putting the bottle on top of the desk.

He searched the other drawers and found nothing. Crystal was now frustrated, "Seriously..." he thought. "*frustrated groan* where could he have hidden them?" Crystal groaned.

Cloud was looking at the many books that line the wall. "I don't know. I only met him a few times." He says looking at the selves of books. Cloud looks all over to find a switch or a very obvious spell book but found nothing. Crystal opened every drawer and cabinet many times and was starting to get ticked. But Cloud pulled the most unexpected book and heard a click.

The floor opened a secret compartment with a box inside. "Huh...... so it was just a book all along? Who knew." Crystal said as he pulled out the box. It was a normal brown box but with a note tied to it. Crystal opened the box to find a lot of cash, enough to last a year.

"Could you have found this EARLIER THUNDER!!" Crystal screamed in his head. He Read the note that was tied to the box.


Dear Thunder heart

I hate to give you this great burden but. I need you to take care of your siblings for a while. I promise to return someday, but I don't know when. I'm so sorry. I know how much anxiety you may have but. I need you to be strong for crystal, sky, diamond, and even snow. I know you can do it, I believe in you.

P.S Here is some of my research on soul magic. Don't let anypony, or anything get these notes.

Love: Black Heart


A single tear crawled down Crystal's face. Before looking further down the compartment. He found the notes he was looking for. "It was here... the entire TIME?!!" Crystal angrily said, his chest burning with rage. Cloud looked at Crystal not knowing what to say. Crystal shook his head and started to laugh. This scared Cloud, like Crystal, was about to tell him a joke. "Hehehahaha... oh you're so FUNNY, Dad....... It was right under our hooves the entire time." Crystal said quietly with his eyes half closed and ears flopped. Cloud backed up into the hallway, in case of Crystal's sanity breaking.

Crystal's smile disappeared and was replaced with a frown. "I already know... I'm not meant to find this. But No matter what.... even if I read these notes... they're useless to me." He said in absolute defeat.

Cloud walked over to his earth pony boyfriend and patted his shoulder. "You could still use the money to pay for the house," Cloud muttered into Crystal's ear, his chest cooling down. Crystal nodded in agreement. He got up and pecked Cloud on the lips. Cloud then blushed.

Crystal then looked Cloud straight in the eyes and said, "Thank you. You can head home now. I've got some reading to do." He affectionately said. Crystal kissed Cloud on his forehead. "Are you going to be, okay?" Cloud asked, afraid for Crystal's mental state. "Yeah... I just what to know these notes were so important that my dad kept these secrets for so long." Crystal responded wistfully. Cloud was going to say something but closed his mouth. He then walked out of the office and returned home. Cloud knew once Crystal wanted to work on something... It was hard to get him to stop.

Crystal sat down in the chair and whipped out a pair of reading glasses. (Where did he get them...... I don't know. His ass?) and started to read the notebook. (I have no clue why I gave him reading glasses... other than it's cute.)

"Okay... Dad. Let's see what you wanted "Thunder" to see." He mumbled with envy towards his brother. His chest began burning up again.
Soul magic

If anypony finds these notes. Just know that all of this is to help Equestria. So that the damage the War for Harmony caused never happens again. Too many creatures have suffered then, so I wanted to use my magic to help. I could just use it to rebuild what we lost. But my theory is that soul magic could be used to heal any wound.

Subject: rat
While my first test subject into the effects of soul magic on other creatures may not be the best choice. I mean, its small body wouldn't hold it for so long. But I have to try. I proceeded to inject just a little bit of soul magic.
Result: dissolved into black goo.
Perhaps I used too much magic, or maybe the wrong ingredients.
Crystal cringed at the result. "Damn... poor rat." He thought. He skipped ahead to see any significant progress. "Please let there be something that can help....... Help us. Help me protect my family."#2 exploded, #3 slowly dissolve alive, #4 slammed its head against the glass, and #5 straight up died. (I won't ask where he keeps getting animals to murder. Even if he's doing it for a good cause.)
Subject: disfigured rat (leg missing)
The tests have not been going well right now. But I can't give up now I've come so far, I can't give up.
Result: the rat regrew its missing leg. but it grew to the point where it was too big to support itself. the little heart couldn't pump blood to the body and the enormous limb efficiently enough.
Subject: Bogo (my childhood pet frog)
This may be my last test. I won't be able to continue my research, have a job, dedicate time to Silver, and most importantly become a father. So I have to make the most of it. And have now realized why my mother wanted me to keep the family secret hidden for years. Which is why if this doesn't succeed. All of this would be for nothing.
Result: A complete success. But Bogo turned hostile and try to kill me. I had to put him down by injecting more magic into it. It dissolved into black motionless goo. I'm not happy with what I've done. And now I hope that one day my foals will one day achieve my dream. Of harmony for all.
"*Deep sigh* I'm sorry Dad. You wanted to finish your research, but... you gave it up... for us." Crystal mumbled to himself, holding back his tears. He then realizes that the pages containing the summaries are blank on the other side. "Shouldn't it have instructions on how these tests were done? Like a step-by-step process or something?" He thought looking through the notebook. There was nothing about the procedure. Crystal closed the book in frustration, "Damn it!" He growled. He started thinking about where his father would hide his notes. "Now where would he hide them?" He thought stroking his chin.

30 mins later

Crystal looked at the notes again and again but couldn't find anything. He slammed the notebook and accidentally knocked over the bottle of ink (oops). The bottle spilled its contents all over the floor.

He picked up the spilled bottle and notice that the ink is now gone. "That's impossible... I saw the ink spill. How'd it disappear... like... that?" He then realized what made the ink disappear. "Why didn't I think it would be invisible ink?" He growled, then he facepalmed knowing how much of an idiot he was.

"Okay crystal. What would Dad do to make sure... that nopony would read this without him or Thunder?" (Really dude? Really?) Crystal took a min to figure out what his father would do.

He bangs his head on the desk. "Why am I such an idiot sometimes?" Crystal moans in his stupidity. "DAMN, IT!!" He shouted. Crystal only had one option. Wait until Thunder's return to find out what their dad's research fully entails.

Diamond's Pov

Back at the school of friendship. Diamond had significantly calmed down since her panic attack thanks to Fluttershy. "Are you okay now?" Fluttershy quietly asks sitting next to Diamond. Diamond didn't respond. She was rocking back and forth (though not as hard as before) and was tapping her hooves. "Would you like to talk about something that would cheer you up?" Fluttershy asks. Diamond perked up her ears at the sound of somepony wanting to listen to her interests. She was still nervous though as she wants to talk about the first time, she cooked something. Fluttershy tapped the young unicorn's shoulder. Diamond looked up at the beautiful Pegasus. (No need to dance around it... Fluttershy best girl don't @me.) "It's okay. I won't tell anypony."

Diamond felt a little excited to tell her about the time she cooked and got her cutie mark for the first time.

6 years ago

Little 4-and-a-half-year-old diamond was standing next to her sick mother's bed. "Mommy... are you going to be, okay?" She asks her mother.

Silver Love looks over to her daughter and gave her a smile. "Don't worry sweetie... *sniff* a fever isn't going to take me down." Silver croaked out. She turned around and yawned. "I just need some rest. okay?" She said before going to sleep.

Diamond wanted to make her mom feel better, so she got an idea. "I should make soup for mommy. she always said that soup makes ponies feel better." she thought with a smile. Diamond walked to the kitchen and saw Snow on the way. When she got to the kitchen, she used her magic to drag a chair to the counter. She climbed the chair and open the cupboard. Diamond levitated a cookbook to her to find what kind of soup her mother would like. After a few seconds of searching, she found what she wanted to make. A nice and simple vegetable soul. but with some spice, cause Silver loves spicy food. Diamond made sure she was following the recipe correctly. By routinely checking the steps and her ingredients. When she got to the spice, she poured too much. She freaked out knowing that her mom doesn't like it too spicy. "Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no, she going to be mad!!" She thought flapping her arms like crazy. Now that the soup had so much spice. Diamond didn't know if her mom would enjoy it now. But it was almost done at this point and Diamond didn't want to throw it away.

She prepared a bowl and walked toward her parents' bedroom. But Thunder stopped her before she could enter. "Woah woah... what are doing? She's sick. We don't want you getting sick too." He said.

"But... I made her soup to make her feel better." Diamond muttered back with her head down. Thunder saw the soup and looked at his younger sister.

"You really made that for her?" Thunder asked. Diamond nodded and asked Thunder to try it. Thunder sniffed the soup and winched.

"I really don't think mom will..." Thunder groaned before being interrupted by Diamond silently insisting he eat it. The young colt complied with his sister's wishes and took a sip. His mouth spewed flames like a flamethrower. He then fell on the floor, the flames not subduing. Diamond walks passed her brother and into her mother's room.

Diamond set up a bedside tray, which woke Silver up. "Honey *yawn* why'd you wake me up? Oh." Silver saw the soup in front of her and smiled at Diamond. "Did you make this?" She said with surprise. Diamond nodded and grinned. Silver then scooped up some soup and took a bite. She was sweating profusely and wincing a little. Diamond became nervous as she raced through a bunch of thoughts. Silver took the spoon out of her mouth and smiled. "I love it." She said.

Diamond was the happiest unicorn in Equestria. She smiled and bounced around until Silver told her to calm down. Diamond left the room so her mom could eat in peace. She finds Sky, Crystal, and Snow looking over Thunder. He was still on the floor, but at least his flames were out. Crystal walked over to his little sister and asked. "What happened here... did Thunder eat the flame flame fruit?" Diamond shook her head and lead her brothers and Snow to the kitchen. There she revealed what made Thunder a fire hazard.

"Is this what turned Thunder into Ace?" Crystal asked Diamond wincing from the strong smell. Diamond got more bowls from the cupboard and poured some soup into them. She passed them to her siblings and Snow. They all take a bite. Now Crystal and Sky had become Charmander. (Like they would even what that is) Sky and Crystal were now on the ground while Snow was already done.

"Can I have some more please?" She asks. "It's the most delicious thing I ever had." After hearing about this diamond couldn't contain her excitement. She danced around the kitchen laughing and glowing (wait what!). She stopped dancing to look at Snow, who was staring at her. Snow pointed at Diamond's rear. Diamond looked and saw a cutie mark. (Her ruby, sapphire, and emerald on top of a plate cutie mark).

She would always remember that day no matter what.


Back in the nurse's office, Fluttershy was in tears after hearing her story. While Diamond was still in Lala land.

Diamond eventually went to class. After class, Snow hugged Diamond. But Diamond didn't enjoy this one. Snow introduced her new friend Opal, who is also a big fan of One Hoof. So Diamond became friends with Opal for their shared interest. Diamond also learned about her sister as well. Along with learning about Opal's massive One Hoof collection. Both Snow and Diamond asked if they could come over to Opal's at some point. She agreed, but it was now a case of Crystal would allow it.

Thunder's Pov

1 day later

Thunder, Aukie, and Sky were at the village outskirts the unicorn specified. Thunder was pulling a small cart. It wasn't very big, only twelve of the same houses. Something about this village to thunder but he couldn't put his tongue on it. "Maybe I read about it somewhere? I don't know."

A young Pegasus and earth pony ran past them shouting. "Hurry... She's returned." the trio was confused about who returned. They walked into the village to see what the colts were talking about. A small crowd was in the way, but Thunder couldn't see past the group of ponies. They could hear a voice that sounded familiar.

"Hey, everypony... I'm back. Hey! No need to shove... huh." whoever has returned has noticed Thunder and Aukie. the crowd began to spread out and there, Thunder and Aukie's jaws dropped at who they saw. Starlight glimmer.
(Side note... second best girl no debate)

"Is that you Thunder?" Starlight asks.

"Yep... it's me." Thunder responded.

Starlight walks closer to the young stallion. She wraps her hoof around his shoulder, like an old friend. "How are you doing... your dad doing good?" Starlight asks.

"Yy... yeah. He's fine." Thunder stutters. "That's great. And how are you doing Aukie?" Starlight said diverting her attention from Thunder to Aukie.

"I'm doing great. Is Fluttershy doing, okay?"Aukie responded cheerfully.

Starlight smiled. "She's doing fine. *sigh*" she sighed. "I remember when out of the blue you were great with animals. Almost as great as Fluttershy too." This made Aukie blush.

"Oh, stop it... I was only able to do it because Thunder encouraged me to. I mean... I always wanted to be friends with animals. I wouldn't be able to do it without Thunder's help." She said covering her face from the embarrassment.

"Starlight is right... she wasn't great with animals until I encouraged her. But it only happened until after Hearts and hooves day. The day she revealed her dream to me. And the day we kissed for the first time." Thunder thought.

Starlight moved away from the group and asked. "So... what brings you here? I mean... it's not the most sought tourist stop."

"We're here for some food for our trip. An accident involving a cliff sent some of our food tumbling." Thunder improvised. He'd wish he didn't have to lie but, he has to.

20 mins later

After they got their supplies with some money the associates gave them. starlight checked whispered into Thunder's ear. "Hey... can I talk to you for a moment," She asked. Thunder nodded in agreement. they went behind the houses so nopony could hear them.

"What do you want to talk about?" Thunder asked.

Starlight gave Thunder a concerned look. "I know how much you miss your dad. he was a great pony...... always helping, even when nopony asked. Are you doing okay... after his disappearance?"

Thunder looked at the sky turning into night. he didn't want to talk about his father right now. "I don't want to talk about him right now."

"Thunder......" she said with concern in her voice. "You can't keep avoiding the topic! Every time I bring it up... you never want to talk about it!" She said raising her voice.

Thunder turned around about to walk away. "Why don't you want to talk? I can help you Thunder!" Starlight said.

"Help me with what... telling me it's going to be okay... just wait for his return?! I can't just wait... my family needs me. I have to be there for him. I'm not a colt anymore." Thunder says about to break down into tears. He sits down on the ground.

Starlight sat next to Thunder and patted his back. "You don't have to do it alone. You have your brother... and a wonderful girlfriend." She said with a smirk at that last part.

Thunder looked back at Starlight shocked and blushing. "How do you know that?!"

"You don't exactly hide that well." she retorted. "But besides that... you have an amazing family. I'm actually envious of that. I mean, sure I have amazing friends but... I wish I could have a family like that."

"Thanks, starlight. and I'm sure you could have a family someday." Thunder said smiling.

"No problem. whatever your trip is for...... I believe in you. if you ever need my help... just ask." starlight joyfully whispered.

When they got back to the cart, they saw Sky tinkering with a small orb. Thunder paid no mind to it because Sky is always tinkering with something when he's bored. Aukie ran up to Thunder to hug him. "She never was afraid to get this close to me public. Hmm... maybe she's right. I shouldn't worry so much." Thunder thought. He hugged her back not caring what the world thinks anymore. (mostly)

They broke the hug and turned to Starlight to thank her for the supplies. "There's no need to thank me. I'm always willing to help...... Oh, before I forget." She said before directing her attention to Sky (who is surprisingly silent.) "Don't you ever try that rubber seat trick again... or I will turn you into a rotisserie."

The threat made Sky gulp, making him nod. But he then gets a smirk on his face. "Okay okay... but I still know what you do with "Trixie" when the class isn't around." Sky retaliated, fluttering his eyes when mentioning Trixie. Thunder and Aukie's jaws were on the floor, while Starlight's face became red as an apple. She walked away embarrassed at what Sky knows.

Sky walks away and looks at his brother and future sister-in-law. "Come on we're losing daylight!" He beckons. Thunder and Aukie snap out of their trances and move along. They regrouped back with other on the north side and continued their journey.

S1 Ep7 Scaling Conflict part one

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Sky's Pov


Darkness surrounded the little griffin. He was scared... alone... hopeless...... "Hello!" He called out to the endless darkness. No response. "Is someone there?" He called. Still no response. Sky felt a chill on his spine.

"Sky." A gentle voice called out freaking sky out. He started to run into the endless void of darkness. He ran until he was exhausted. "Is it gone?!" He thought.

He was breathing heavily, his legs wanting to collapse. He felt lightheaded and was starting to see stars "Don't worry Sky. I'll always be there for you. You and your new family." The voice called out again. Sky recognized the voice now.

"MOM!!" He yelled. "PLEASE DON'T GO!!" He chased after the voice until he fell again from exhaustion. "Please don't go... again." He whimpers curly into a ball crying. He then closes his eyes, bawling his eyes out. "Why does this keep happening?" He whimpered.

Sky then hears something. "Little apples falling down falling down... little apples falling down... my little pony." (*snickers*)

He opens his eye to see a blurry figure. He wipes his tears to see.

It was him... but younger, 10 years younger. Sky walked towards his younger self and reached out. The little griffin turned around making the older version flinch. His eyes were on fire. "Why didn't you save them."

"Aaaahhh!!" Sky woke up from his nightmare. He was sweating like a cowgirl after bucking apples.

"You okay sky?" Somepony asked. Sky looked around the grotto to find Aukie next to him, looking worried.

"Yeah...... yeah I'm fine. Just had a nightmare that's all." Sky whispered to not wake up the others that are still asleep. Aukie deadpans at Sky.

"Yeah, I'm not buying it." She said. "You can tell me Sky. What's bothering you?" She asked.

"It's nothing... I just miss my mom."

"I understand missing your mom. My parents divorced when I was 9." She said wiping her eyes full of tears. "*sniff* I still miss her," Aukie whispered. The young griffin has a look of empathy. Aukie smiled and nodded a thank you to Sky. "We should get back to sleep. Need all the energy to make it to the mountains." Aukie yawned. Sky nodded in agreement and laid back in his sleeping bag. He drifted off to sleep and hoped that things would go smoothly. But couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to go wrong. (If only he read the episode title.)

The next morning

Sky woke to everyone packing up, he stretched his arms and yawned. "Finally woke up huh?" The older griffin jokingly said. Sky looked over to the griffin sitting on top of a stump. He had a white coat that could rival snow for most winter-looking beings. He was filing his talons which Sky never got. "So how's our little stowaway?" He said looking at Sky. Sky didn't like to be called that, but he knew it was true.

"The stowaway is doing fine... and he would like to be left alone." He replied, a little annoyed. Arctic complied and left Sky alone.

"Morning sky." Thunder said cheerfully.

"Morning," Sky responded. Thunder sat down next to Sky as he was getting up. Sky looks at his brother's cheery mood.

He raises an eyebrow and asks "What's gotten you so happy? I'm used to seeing you all nervous." Thunder has a dopey smile on, he then looks to the sky above.

"I'm just so happy... we're almost done. We can finally have enough money to pay the bills for a while."

"Then when we get home... you could look for a job." Sky said wrapping up his sleeping bag. Thunder was sweating at this, he seems to not like that idea. Sky put his sleeping in the big wagon, turning back to see Thunder a little nervous. He walked up to his brother and asked, "What's gotten you so nervous all of a sudden?"
Thunder didn't respond. "Thunder...... Thunder... THUNDER!" Sky yelled.

Thunder was startled by Sky's yelling. "Yes... Sky. What is it?"

Sky looks a little irritated "I asked what's gotten you so nervous? You were happy just a moment ago." Thunder bit his lip. Sky slowly moved closer to him. The young griffin was trying not to startle the anxious unicorn.

"Thunder, we're ready to leave!" Aukie yelled. Thunder bolted towards her and put the wagon straps on.

"What's gotten into him? Was it something I said? " Sky thought grabbing his satchel. "I hope you can get help Thunder. But then again... we all need it." He mumbled thinking about Crystal, Diamond, and Snow.

"Sky!! Come on we're losing daylight!" Aukie shouted.

"Coming!" He responded.

Crystal's Pov

Crystal drops off Diamond and Snow at the school of friendship. "Now remember Diamond, deep breaths when you feel anxious. Okay?" Crystal calmly told Diamond. She nodded and smiled like her cheery self. Crystal gestured at Diamond for a hug. She hesitates before Crystal did a "come on" shrug. As she gets in close, Crystal pulls her in. It wasn't very long; he then gave Snow a hug. And she was so happy after the hug that she took a breather.

"Have fun you two." He says smiling and waving as they both leave for school. "Now what do I do?" He mumbled to himself. A gust of wind blows a poster in his face. He takes the poster off his face and looks at it. It was for the Manehattan pride celebration (Shhhh... don't tell the lunatics.) Crystal looks around to see where the poster came from. It was a little caravan with a unicorn picking up posters strewn along the ground. He recognized who it was "Hey Swift!" He called out.

The unicorn turned around and smiled "Hey Crystal!" (Swift Justice has a pastel green coat, with a short and scruffy dark blue man with gray highlights underneath a cowgirl hat. Her cutie mark is a police hat on top of some handcuffs). She runs over to give Crystal a little hug. "Gosh... how long has it been since I've seen you. Like... 5 years?" She asks in disbelief that it's been that long. Crystal hugs back, and smiles. He never thought he would ever see her again.

They break the hug, then Swift grabbed Crystal "Come on. I want you to meet somepony." She said dragging him to her caravan. She knocks on the door and yells "Come out here... I want to introduce you to an old friend of mine!" They hear hoof steps in the caravan moving towards the door.

The door opens to reveal a scruffy-looking Pegasus with an ocean blue coat and sand-yellow mane. "*groan* Wwwhat do you want again... sweetie?" She groans in a loving way, looking at Swift. Swift looked at Crystal with a smirk, with Crystal smirking back.

"Nice." He thought.

"Crystal. This is Ocean tide."

"Hey." Ocean moans, still tired.

"And Ocean, this is Crystal Heart."

"It's nice to meet you," Crystal says extending his hoof out to shake.

She obliges and shakes his hoof "It's nice to...*yawn* meet you too." Ocean turns to Swift and nearly faceplanted into the ground. Swift catches her and lifts her up. "Can I back to bed? I'm still tired after last night." Ocean tiredly groans.

"Coarse you can," Swift says pecking her cheek. She gently pushes her girlfriend in the direction of their bed.

"Do I want to know?" Crystal asks looking a little scared.

Swift sees his face and giggles "*giggle* it's not like that... she's been up all night making those posters. I was going to help her. But I was sooo tired from my shift, I looked like a zombie."

Crystal knew what it was like to be tired from working. "I get that. So where do you work?" He asks. Swift quietly goes inside to grab something.

She comes out wearing a police uniform with a badge in tow. "You like it?" She asks showing off her outfit. Crystal nods "she still as beautiful as the day I last saw her." He thinks leaning on one side of his body. He doesn't notice his posing, which makes Swift laugh a little.


They hear the train was going to leave so Crystal bolted. "IT WAS NICE MEETING YOU AND YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!" He yelled in the distance.

"IT WAS NICE SEEING YOU AGAIN!!" She yelled back.

Swift's Pov

(The first time I will change perspectives that are not the main characters. It'll be an occasional thing, and it'll be quick.)

Ocean comes back out rubbing her eyes. "Did he leave already?"

Swift looks back at her girlfriend and says "Don't worry... we'll see him again. He took a poster with him. So I think we'll be seeing him again." She looks at the train in the distance leaving. (Crystal is the damn flash.) "I hope he's happy right now. Whatever he identifies as... I'm sure somepony will love him. " She thinks smiling looking at a poster.

Crystal's Pov

He had just made it to the train before it leaves. He takes his seat and looks at the poster he kept. The celebration was next week. "Sweet. After Snow's birthday, I could ask Cloud if we could go. But..." he leans back and looks out the window. "Maybe he's still not ready. What will his parents think? What'll happen if they don't accept him? *sigh* I'll have to ask him when I get back to Woodsdale." He thinks leaning on his hoof. Looking at the zooming landscape.

Thunder's Pov

They finally made it to the client's place. A cave on the side of the mountain protected by an enormous door. "This is pretty ominous, Thunder," Sky said shivering from the cold.

Thunder and Aukie were also shivering from the cold. Thunder looked at the unicorn that had been leading them. "Are you sure we don't need coats? It's pretty chilly out here." He tells the female unicorn. She glares at Thunder through her helmet. He got the message right away.

Aukie moves in closer to Thunder and quietly says "I guess that means no." The armored mare stops at the entrance to say "You won't need coats in here. It's heated on the inside."

The doors open and they enter the cave with a slight warmth soothing the group's bodies. They continued forward into the cave, seeing more guards of many species. "I'm scared to know why somepony needs so many guards," Sky says quietly into Thunder's ear. Thunder wondered the same thing.

Like why would someone need this much security just to buy some heirlooms? One of the unicorn guards was staring at them, while no other guard paid any attention to them. It gave Thunder the chills " Please don't look at us. Please don't look at us. " he thought trying not to bring attention to them. The guard looks away and goes back to chatting with another guard.

They stop at a large door. The armored mare looks at Sky and Aukie "You two are not allowed to see the master." She said sternly.

Aukie looks at Thunder worried. He gives her a face that says "I'm going to be okay...... I hope". He takes the wagon straps off and follows the mare through a very large door. The door shuts behind them startling Thunder a little. He looks around the room finding books, alchemy equipment, and fish (weird). Thunder then smelled a most horrendous odor coming from behind a sheet of cloth. He hears a gravelly voice from behind the sheet of cloth, where a fiery glow can be seen.

"No no no NO. This isn't working. *grunt* Where is that damn unicorn Ivy, she should have them by now." The voice says, somehow not hearing the door shutting.

"So that's her name. Ivy... honestly a cute name." Thunder thinks trying to stay focused.

Ivy clears her throat and says "*clears throat* over here sir." Whatever was behind that tarp was big. The footsteps were heavy, so it wasn't a pony, griffin, changeling, or hippogriff. Anxiety was slowly raising through Thunder, as he'd begun shaking a little. The sheet moved, and Thunder became wide-eyed at what he is seeing.

It was a dragon, with scales as black as night, purple claws that look like dark magic, an orange underbelly, and creepy green eyes. Although Thunder could swear that he see a tiny rainbow tint in his eyes. It was a pretty small build compared to other dragons. He looked at Thunder and smiled "Why hello there. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Thunder Heart." He said holding out his claw.

Thunder was nervous but shakes his hand. "It's nice to meet you too... uh?" Thunder anxiously responded wondering what his name was.

The Dragon gave a signal to Ivy, and she left them alone to guard the door. He turns back to Thunder and clasps his claws together. "So... let's get to business. Shall we?" He asked with a grin. Thunder nodded but was a little nervous.

"Uuuhhh... what's your name?" Thunder asked.

The dragon looked at him with a grin. "I'm surprised your father hasn't said anything about me. My name is..." Thunder interrupted him before he could finish.

"Wait What... you knew my dad?!"

"DON'T... *deep breath* interrupt me." The dragon demanded. "As I was saying... my name is Calico." He growled in irritation. Thunder backs up a little, ashamed for interrupting the huge dragon. Calico turned around and curled his claw signaling Thunder to follow, grinning all the way.

Thunder was still unsure about this situation but tried to collect himself. "It's okay Thunder... he's probably being creepy to intimidate you. Hopefully, it's just a test to check my wit. *Deep breath* okay... let's do this" He thinks hopefully. They walk past the awful-smelling cauldron to an isolated office space. Calico gestures to Thunder to go in first. They enter the tiny office with alchemy texts, biology books, and history writing line selves that are bolted to the wall. Calico shuts the door then he sits down in his giant chair and told Thunder to sit. He plants his little ass in the chair in front of the desk. Calico then sifts through some papers on his desk mumbling to himself, most of it Thunder couldn't hear.

"........portrait........rings......journals." He put the paper down and pinched his brow in disappointment. "Was he looking for something in particular?" Thunder thought, raising his eyebrow. Calico stood up and leaned on the self, quietly muttering something to himself. He turns around glaring into Thunder's soul. "Where are they?" He said in a tough manner.

Thunder looked at him in confusion "Where is what?"

"Don't play dumb with!!" He growls slamming the desk.

Anxiety was ramping up through Thunder "I don't know what you want... just tell me what you need, and I'll get it."

Calico stood over Thunder gripping his shoulders. "You're not going anywhere." He grumbled.

Thunder had to get out of there now. "Please... go... away!" He charged up some soul magic into his hooves and blasted Calico to the wall. Thunder ran for it only to be stopped by Ivy. "Please get out of my way!" Thunder said in a panic. She opened the door so Thunder could see that Sky and Aukie were taken hostage with spears. Thunder then heard Calico laughing behind him. He turned around to see Calico smiling at him. "Like I said. You're not going anywhere."

"Take the other two to the cells... I'll deal with Mr. Thunder Heart." He orders snapping his talons (somehow). Calico then turns his attention to Ivy "I want you to send a message to the Heart family residence. and in return, Artic gets to live." She then snaps a photo of Thunder's defeated face. she walked away with a regretful face like she regrets working for this deranged dragon. Thunder was then dragged over to the awful-smelling cauldron and demanded "Now while we wait... hehehe... I have other alchemical potions for you." He says with a huge evil grin. He then put Thunder in a chair in front of the cauldron, making Thunder's anxiety spike.

"Why do you need me? You seem to be an alchemist yourself." Thunder points out. Calico chuckles.

"hehehe...... oh but I do need you. you see... you're not just going to make potions, but to enhance them, to make them stronger. All I need... is your soul magic."

"How does he know about soul magic? it shouldn't be possible for any pony let alone a dragon to know about it!!"

"How do you know about soul magic?" Thunder calmly asks, his heart rate beating faster and faster.

Calico just smirks "Were you not paying attention earlier? I'm an old family friend." he makes Thunder look at him and then strokes his chin. Thunder became more uncomfortable as his chin gets stroked.

"Please stop." he pleaded. Calico stops, then the grabs a piece of paper from a stand next to him.

He shows it to Thunder and demands to make this potion first. "If you would kindly make this, your family will be safe for the time being." Thunder took the piece of paper to examine what Calico wanted him to make.


Soul Flask
Soul magic in a bottle

Pink Brier
To sweeten the bitter taste

Wolf Berry
To numb the initial pain

Dream poppy
To produce serotonin to relieve feelings of distress

Lunar Wild Rose
Deep sleep with a hearts warmth

Soul magic
To enhance the properties of the other ingredients


Thunder began to realize why Calico wanted this one to be made first. He gave a sympathetic look, but Calico just glared at him. Thunder started to work on the Soul Flask. The thing is... he would have made it even if Calico didn't threaten his family. He would always try to help anyone in need, even if it would take a few hours.

Sky's Pov

Sky and Aukie were sitting in their cell, chains around their ankles with Artic and a unicorn guarding them. The unicorn glanced at them for a moment before Sky looked at him, returning to stare at the wall. sky laid down on the stone floor scratching the floor. "Hey," Aukie said leaning on the wall.

"Yeah?" he responded.

"You want to talk about something?" she asked in a low voice.

"Yeah. like... how'd you and Thunder meet?"

She smiled, blissfully going through memories. "It was five years ago when you first moved to Woodsdale. I was walking home when I noticed a carriage outside the newly built house on top of the hill. So, I decided to pay the new neighbors a visit. When I got there, Thunder was comforting your sister. I said hello and I scared him a little, heh. I noticed Diamond and asked him what was wrong with her and he said, "She's going through some extreme emotions right, nothing for a stranger to worry about." After that, I went home a little worried about what happened. When I went to school, I saw that he was nervous and wanted to help him. Then I...." She was interrupted by Arctic slamming his spear on the bars.

"Shut up!" His buddy glared at him, intimidating him just with a stare. Sky was astounded by the unicorn's intimidating stare.

"Wow... he gives Dad's stare a run for his money." He thought staring at the unicorn guard. He then sees Ivy walking up to Arctic and whispering something into his ear. She looked disheartened; Sky could swear he could see a single tear crawl down her face.

Then Backs ups retains her serious persona. "The boss has new orders. He wants you to deliver a message, and to bring us the package." Artic left and Ivy switch her attention to the other guard. "You stay here and protect the prisoners. We can't let them leave to tell anypony of our... I mean the boss's operation." she ordered. The guard nodded and saluted. Ivy left and a Pegasus guard came in.

"we're ready." the Pegasus said to our unicorn friend.

"Alright." He nodded.

Sky looked at Aukie and she just shrugged. They didn't pay any mind that this guard talked for the first time since they'd been in this cell.

3 hours later

Sky and Aukie's stomachs were growling for food. And like Celestia answered their wishes, a guard came in carrying a metal tray with breed and fish. "Ugh. fish... I don't like fish very much" Aukie quietly said disgusted. The guard opened the cell and tossed the food at the young griffin and young adult changeling.

"Eat up, boss's orders," he said then left. When he left the unicorn spoke up again before Sky could eat "Check the insides first." Sky was skeptical about it, but Aukie took a bite out of her bread and bit something hard. She took out a small sharp rod and gave it to Sky. He searches his bread too and found more parts for something. They also found more parts in the fishes and Sky sat there thinking about what he was going to do with these parts. He then got an idea, he started to build the idea in his head.

Sky finished his little invention after 5 minutes. "Tada, I call it the chain decimator." Aukie silently told him to quiet down. He rubbed his head in embarrassment and went to work on the chain. It slowly destroyed the chain by chipping it. (Think of it like a pocket-sized power drill.)

20 mins later

Sky was almost done with his chain with Aukie and the two guards keeping watch. They heard another guard come closer. They told Sky to stop, but he was almost done and just needed a little more time. But the guard came as he was done. The hippogriff guard walked over to the unicorn guard and told him his shift was up. He looked at Sky who was hiding his broken chain behind him. He opened the cell to check if the chain was still attached. Sky and Aukie were seen sweating as he gets closer. Aukie jumped on him before he could touch Sky, but he threw her off.

"You little shit," he said raising his spear. Sky was too scared to move, but he had to do something. He threw his invention at the guard's face, cutting his cheek. He then got smacked in the head by the unicorn guard.

He dropped his spear and whispered something into his friend's ear. "let's go!" he said grabbing Sky. "Where are we going?" Sky asked. They stopped behind some crates to let some guards pass by.

"I am getting you out of here." He says holding Sky's shoulders.

"What about Aukie and Thunder?" He asks worried.

The unicorn looks directly into Sky's eyes and says "Don't worry about them. I have friends in high places who can help." Sky then felt something familiar about that, he couldn't explain why though. The stallion looked to see if the coast was clear. "Alright let's go." He urged. Sky willingly followed him to leave this place and get some help. They enter the entrance without any trouble... other than more unconscious bodies in their wake. "Alright... I'm going to make a distraction so you can make it out... *mutter* and to make it to safety." He mutters.

Sky gave a confused looked, and asked something he should have done earlier "Why are you helping us?"

He gave no answer. "Okay. I'm going... leave when I give you the signal." The door to the entrance opened slowly with light pouring in. Sky shields his eyes from the blinding light. "This can't be!" The unicorn said with dread in his voice. When Sky's eyes adjusted, he was horrified at what he saw.

They had Crystal, Snow, and Diamond captured. "Oh no!"

S1 Ep8 Scaling Conflict part two

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Crystal's Pov

Crystal stands in front of Cloud's house holding the poster in his hooves. He raises his arm to knock on the door but hesitates. "Should I bother him right now?! No, I shouldn't... hmmm but I want to go with him! But what if his parents find out?! Wait what am I thinking, Cloud's a stallion he should be able to go. " He thinks while pacing in front of Cloud's front door. He takes a deep breath and stops to knock " It's okay Crystal. If he says no. It's not a total loss... right? " He thinks to himself.

*Knock knock*

"Coming!" Cloud yelled. The door opens and Cloud sees Crystal. "Hey, Crystal," Cloud says smiling, he then notices that something is bothering Crystal. "What's wrong... did something happen?" He asks worried for his boyfriend's safety.

Crystal shows him the poster and asks "You want to go? I can understand not wanting to but, I thought I could just ask." Cloud looks at the poster and contemplates. The air becomes a little awkward with the silence. He gives back the poster sweating a little. Crystal looks at the ground waiting for his answer.

Cloud takes a deep breath and gives his answer "alright... I'll go." Crystal jerked his head up with a shocked expression on his face.

"What?" He breathed.

Cloud playfully rolled his eyes and responded with "I said I'll go. My parents live in Manehatten anyway, so if there's any time to tell them... it's then. When does it start?"

Crystal looks at the poster to see when it starts "Monday at 3:00 pm."

Cloud looks relieved. "*relieved sigh* That's good... it gives me time to mentally prepare myself, to tell my parents." He lets Crystal in and makes his way to the fridge. "You want some cider? I just got some yesterday." Cloud asks getting into the fridge.

Crystal sat down at the table and responded "Yeah sure. Umm... why?" Cloud grabs a jug of cider and two glasses from the cupboard.

"Why not. It wouldn't hurt to do something we promised to do. Remember? You said that "One day, I want to have some cider with my handsome boyfriend" he chuckled. "Oh, stop it," Crystal says flushing. Cloud puts the two glass cups on the table and pours the cider, foam forming at the top. "Thank you," Crystal said grabbing his glass. He took a sip of his apple cider as Cloud pours some for himself. He then puts the cider on the table and sits down at the table. Crystal could taste the alcohol in the cider. "Hmmmmmm cider. " He thinks smiling.

Cloud then starts giggling. "Hehehehehehe."

"What's so funny...... wait a minute. You can't hold your alcohol very much, can you?" Crystal asks.

"Oh, whabdnis you talking bout?*burps*" Cloud burps out his mouth covered in foam. He then falls over and Crystal rushes to his side. Crystal stands over Cloud and asks if he's okay. "Hey... when did you get four heads? I want to kiss 'em." Cloud says pulling Crystal in to kiss him. Crystal could taste the cider on his breath when they kissed. He pulls himself away from his drunk boyfriend. Cloud rolled over on his belly and started crawling towards Crystal, with a drunken love face. "Come here my little Crystal bugs. I want all four of you. *hiccup*" He slurs out. Crystal moves forward, dodging Cloud's attempt to grab him, and picks him up from behind. He drags Cloud up to the bedroom as Cloud continues his drunken stupor. "I'm sooooooooo *burb* in love with my boyfriend! HEY EVERYPONY... COME SEE MY BOY......" Crystal stops him from yelling by putting his hoof on Cloud's mouth. Cloud then starts to suck on crystal hoof like a baby. Crystal's face then turns red from trying not to like it (Crystal... you into weird stuff boy. And I made you. And yes, I made Crystal be into some kinky stuff).

"Stop it, please. This is not the time for kinks! " He thinks dragging the Pegasus to his room. He lays cloud on the bed still sucking on his hoof. "I would like my hoof back," Crystal says pulling away from Cloud.

"Noooooo I want my little buuuuug aaaaa." Cloud says like a little colt. Crystal wasn't going to deal with this all day.

"If you go to sleep now, we can play later. Okay?" He sternly says.

Cloud has the dumbest but most adorable smile on his face and says "Okay." He plops down on the bed, completely falling asleep.

"*sigh* we need to work on your alcohol tolerance. Not just your courage." Crystal whispers to himself exiting the room.

He enters the kitchen to clean up after himself and Cloud. He drinks the rest of his cider and cleans the glass. He then grabs the cider jug and realizes that it's surprisingly light. He looks inside to see that it's almost empty. "He drank that much cider?! Man... he wanted to fulfill that promise we made when we were 15. " He thinks as he's putting the jug in the fridge.

5 mins later

He leaves the house and starts walking home. When he gets home, he notices something's off. He didn't know what, but something was off. Crystal walks in the front door and nothing is there. He checks the kitchen, but nothing there. "Maybe I'm just paranoid right now. *sigh* I just like thunder right now. I mean we would have similarities... we're twins. "

Crystal goes upstairs to Thunder's office to see if the notebook was safe. He hears a noise coming from Sky and Diamond's room. He slowly walks toward the room and opens the door...... nothing. He closes the door, then he gets a knife inches away from his neck. "Where are they?" The griffin said behind Crystal.

Crystal holds back his fear to calmly say "I don't know what you're talking about." But the griffin isn't having it, he slams Crystal's face into the floor.

"Where are your father's notes on soul magic?!!" The griffin demands holding Crystal down.

"Is this where I die?" Crystal thinks letting a single tear out.

"Arctic!!" A voice screams down the hallway. It came from an armored earth pony mare. She walks towards the two and scolds the griffin "The boss wants him alive."

"Then what do you suggest getting the info out of him?" Arctic asks.

"Don't worry about that. I have the exact solution for that." She says holding a picture of Diamond and Snow in school. Along with photos of Thunder, Sky, and Aukie captured. Crystal becomes enraged and tries to get up from the griffin's grasp. But he couldn't, he wasn't strong enough.

"You stay away from them!!" He growls, and his whole body starts to burn with rage. He continues to struggle against the griffin to no avail.

Arctic picks him up and pushes him to the office "Move!" Crystal enters the office with the two armored assailants behind him.

"Why do you want these notes?!" Crystal asks. Arctic was going to smack him, but the mare stopped him.

"That's confidential. Now... if you would please get those notes.... and your family won't get hurt." She says toying with Crystal. He pulls out the book that reveals the secret compartment.

"Should I even do this? Is it even... no-no. I can't be thinking like that. I have to do this for the other's safety." He thinks grabbing the notes. The other two looked at each other and smiled through their helmets. They gave Crystal his Satchel and then lead him to the front door. They stopped and then looked at each other and grabbed Crystal. The mare pulled out a bottle and moved her mouthpiece. She then drank whatever was in that bottle and threw it in the trash. (*holds a ten-score card*)

She then prepared a teleportation spell. They teleported to the mountains north of Woodsdale. The mare looks exhausted and told the griffin to go on without her. "I'm just going to rest here a bit." She says laying down on a rock. Arctic nodded and grabbed his bottle and drank it. He then grabbed Crystal again and flew with such force that they were high in the air in seconds.

1 hour later

They have been flying for an hour and Arctic was getting tired. He flew closer to the ground and dropped Crystal on his head. Crystal rubbed his head and glared at the griffin "Do you have to be so rough?!"

He shouts as Arctic was landing. "Shut up!" He retorted, panting. He then grabbed Crystal by the neck and dragged him. Crystal eventually got on his hooves and walked.

He put his head down, watching the flora pass him. "At least diamond and snow are safe. I don't want them to be dragged into this."


They heard a voice screaming from the west. Arctic looked at the direction the voice was coming from and chuckled. "Hehehe.... looks like somepony decided to ditch school and join us." He said with an evil smile. Crystal lifts his head, and his heart just sinks to the floor. More armored ponies show up (a unicorn and a Pegasus), but with Diamond and Snow tied up. Crystal's legs felt like they were going to crumble. He couldn't believe that they would capture the girls. This is what Crystal and Thunder never wanted... their siblings being dragged into this.

Arctic went up to Crystal's ear and whispered apologetically "I'm sorry for dragging them into this. Boss's orders." He backed up and ordered everypony to move. "Move! Before things get messy." He growls.

"He sounded different there... is he acting?" Crystal thought while following them.

After a few minutes, Crystal looked at the girls and noticed some things. Snow had her hands tied behind her back; her snout was muzzled to keep her from spewing her flames. Diamond was wearing a spiked choker with a leash. Crystal wanted to beat the shit out of the pony who decided to put his little sister in a choker. But he had to remain calm to avoid putting her and snow in danger. "I better get an explanation for this." He thought while also thinking of ways to beat the ever-living shit out of the Pegasus.

Diamond's Pov

Diamond was staring at the moving ground, watching bugs that pass by. She was terrified on the inside. Today was supposed to be a normal day, but it wasn't. "It was going so well, then it all went down the drain." She thought, shedding a tear out of fear. She began to think about when she and Snow got captured.

2 Hours earlier

Diamond exited the bathroom and went off to meet Snow and Opal for lunch.


Diamond heard a noise coming from a closet. Her curiosity got the better of her and wanted to check it out. She opened the door to find two ponies tying snow up. She was struggling with a muzzle on her face. The ponies noticed Diamond and stare at her. Diamond was too scared to move or to scream. The unicorn lights up their horn and launches a spell at Diamond. It hits her in the face knocking her out. Diamond's vision began to fade as she fell to the ground.

"Was that really necessary?" A voice Diamond heard, as she was starting to wake up.

"I had to... she would have run away to tell the princess!" Another voice angrily whispered. Diamond slowly opened her eyes, adjusting to the light. One of the ponies was pacing back and forth. "Why couldn't they just be together?! I wouldn't have used magic to possibly alert somebody ......"

"Calm down sweetie... everypony has to go at some point. Besides we could just learn her schedule... after all she is au......"

"*angry whisper* I know what she has. *Sad whisper* I just... I don't want the boss to be angry again. Not after what happened before."

Diamond's eyes fully adjusted and saw that she was in the forest surrounding the school of friendship. She lifted her head a little and looked around. She saw Snow tied up with the muzzle still on her face. "*clears throat* well well well... look who decides to wake up finally. I was getting tired of carrying you." The unicorn said in a bossy tone.

"Who are you... and what do you want with me and Snow?" Diamond asks, her voice filled with fear. The unicorn did a forced laugh and said

"Ha ha ha... it's not what we want. It's what the boss......"

He was interrupted by his Pegasus buddy. "It's nothing to worry about." He says wrapping his arm around the unicorn. "We promise we won't hurt you at all. Okay?" The Pegasus says in a calming way. Diamond was relieved that no harm would come to her and snow.

"Thank the stars for that. I mean it would be terrible if you would be the type of ponies that would hurt us. like in One Hoof where Rob Lucci betrays the straw hats at water 7..." she continues on her rambling while the other two and Snow stare at her.

"And I thought he was going to join the straw hats. *pouts* thanks for spoiling it." The Pegasus pours crossing his arms.

"What does a betrayal have to do with us not wanting to hurt you?!" The unicorn asks facepalming in irritation. Diamond stops her rambling and starts to feel sorry. She sits on the ground and starts to cry. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset. *sniff*" she says with a lump in her throat. The unicorn looks at his friend and walks over to Diamond. He sits next to her and pats her back.

"Look I'm sorry. I'm not good with kids. *mumbles* even though we want them one day." He says apologetically.

The Pegasus walks over and says, "We should bring these two to the boss." The unicorn agrees but realizes that they have no way of making Diamond look like a prisoner. "We don't have any more rope, we used all on the dragon." He says pointing at Snow, as she deadpans at him for finally remembering that she's here. The Pegasus scratches his chin for ideas.

He got an idea; he pulled a choker out of somewhere and said, "We could use my choker."

"Perfect. Now we just need to......" the unicorn paused before he looked at his friend. "Why do you have your choker?" He asks with concern.

"................. reasons." The Pegasus responded with.

The unicorn didn't know how to respond to that. He stared at the Pegasus for a few seconds before responding with "you really need to set your priorities straight." The Pegasus tilted his head.

"But I'm not straight." He mumbled.

Diamond had no idea what they were talking about. So, she moved her attention from one pony to the other. They stopped arguing and agreed. "Alright... let's just put the choker on and... hope the boss isn't mad at us for taking forever." The unicorn said like he was scared. They both looked at each other and nodded. The Pegasus then pulled out a small bottle from underneath their armor. He removed the tops and drank a little from the bottle. He put the bottles back underneath their armor. the Pegasus moved faster than Diamond could see. The choker was on her faster than you can say "holy speed". He then picked Diamond up and put her on her shoulders and grabbed his friend and Snow.

"Hold on everypony. It's going to get a little ruff." He says before the unicorn put a shield around them. The Pegasus flew fast, the fastest Diamond had ever seen.

"What was in that bottle?" She wondered as she saw the ground as a big blur.


She checked on Snow behind her. Snow was not hiding her fear very well. Diamond wanted to help her. She signaled to Snow to look at her. Their eyes meet and Snow blushed and started to breathe heavily. Diamond gestured to Snow to breath in deep and release. She did just that for a while.

They have arrived at a huge door that towered over them. "Why do they need that big of a door?" Diamond wondered. They stop at the door, and Arctic bangs on it in a sequence.

The door opens with large rustic noises making Diamond cover her ears. The Pegasus looks at Diamond like he's confused. "It's not that loud." He muttered. Diamond uncovers her ears and sighs in relief.

The Pegasus gently pulls Diamond along. The others follow suit. They feel a gentle warmth on their coats. The guards were all looking at them like they were expecting them. Diamond felt like all eyes were on her, but they were staring at Crystal. They were led to a crossroads, one leading to the prison cells and the other leading towards somewhere. "You!" Arctic says pointing at another griffin. "Take those two to the cell. I'll take the package to the boss." He takes Crystal down the hallway, while Diamond and Snow were taken down the other way.

They reach the prison and see a guard in front of a cell holding Aukie. The unicorn and Pegasus lead them into the cell and put them next to the changeling. The unicorn grabs a chain and puts it on Snow's ankle. The Pegasus does the same with Diamond and takes his choker back. "Sorry about putting you in the choker...... guess we should have brought more rope huh." He said, casually joking. "My name is Hailstorm, and don't worry. The boss won't hurt them. He needs them and their magic."

Diamond looked at him with confusion. "But Crystal doesn't have magic... he doesn't even have earth pony strength." She said tilting her head. Hailstorm walked away without giving Diamond an answer. "Why does their boss need Crystal... and what does he mean by them? Could it...... oh no! They have Thunder as well!!" She thinks while looking at Aukie. She begins to panic a little. She rocks back and forth repeating "nonononononono this can't be happening this can't be happening this can't be happening this can't be happening this can't be happening!" She gets attention from Snow and Aukie, who have scared looks on their faces. Snow reaches over to Diamond to comfort her. She hugs the panicked young filly, patting her head. Diamond hugs back, shedding tears.

Aukie's Pov

Aukie looked at the guards to see if they were paying attention to the panic attack. But they weren't... they were just standing there not moving. The guards that brought in Snow and Diamond have already left, leaving behind Aukie's new guards. A griffin and the Pegasus from before. She nervously looked at the Pegasus, who looked back. "I hope they don't find that angry hippogriff in the crate up ahead." She thinks sweaty a little.

"Hey. Have you seen Lieutenant Twister?" The griffin asked the Pegasus. The Pegasus sweats a little, knowing that he's in the hallway in a crate.

"I don't know... he said that he needed the bathroom."

"Oh. *Annoyed tone* can you believe that Calico would demote him to guard duty? I mean he's a talented dude. Like he could take down a dragon on his own."

"Don't believe what others tell you. He might be pulling stuff out of his rear for all you know."

"Yeah, but still... he could take down Calico if he could." The griffin arrogantly says.

"This was going to be like dealing with quantum on a smaller scale, isn't it?" Aukie thought while laying down to take a nap. The griffin continues to go on about Twister's deeds, while Diamond was still hugging Snow as they fall asleep due to being a little tired.

Crystal Pov

Crystal follows Arctic through some big doors being guarded by two hippogriffs. Arctic pushed him in and closed the doors. Crystal looked around the room to see if anypony was there. "Hello?" He called out. A sound came from behind a cloth sheet. The sheet moved revealing Thunder with a smile on his face.

"Crystal!" Thunder said running towards his brother. They hugged, both happy to know that each other is unharmed. "Thank the stars you're safe. I never thought I would see you again." Thunder said grinning from ear to ear, seeing his brother again.

"I could say the same thing," Crystal says breaking the hug. He looks over his brother's shoulder, he sees a cauldron with a boiling substance in it. "what's in the cauldron?" He asks his brother. Thunder brought Crystal over to the cauldron, smelling the awful stench. "Ugh that smells awful!" Crystal exclaims covering his nose. Thunder grabbed a mask off the table and gave it to Crystal.

"Here *passes mask* It should help. I've already gotten used to the smell after trying to make this for three hours." He says sounding a little exhausted.

They heard a door open on the other side of the cave revealing a dragon. "Have you completed the potion yet...... *grinning* well well well, Crystal heart I presume?" The dragon says with a huge grin.

"Yeah. And let me just say that I don't appreciate your boss, threatening my family." Crystal said, groaning at the last part. Thunder nudged Crystal in the arm "he is the boss."

Crystal felt like he was clobbered in the head after Thunder told him that. "My name is Calico. I'm an old friend of your father." Crystal was going to say something, but Thunder stopped him. Calico continued "You're going to help your brother make potions for me, and to enhance them." He looks at Crystal's Satchel and grabs it.


He takes the notes out of the satchel and smiles. "Finally, after all these years. I CAN FINALLY..." He says holding up the notes.

*Knock knock knock knock knock knock*

"What is it!!" Calico roared.

A unicorn entered the room looking beat up. "Sir *grunt* we have intruders... I last saw them nearby the prison." He croaks out before collapsing.

Calico clenches his fist and growls "Find them. NOW!!!" He points at Arctic and another guard ordering them to find the intruders. They drag the unicorn guard and go off to find the intruders. Calico turns his attention to the two brothers. "Don't get your hopes up. Now make those potions before I give the changeling and griffin scars... just like how your father scarred me." He says walking out of the room. Crystal gets up and bolts to the door, but the door slams shut. Crystal tries to open the doors, but they were locked.

He pounds on the door threatening calico "If you lay one claw on Sky or Aukie, I will kick your scaly ass!!!"

He looks through the keyhole to see Calico looking back "You'd better those potions bottled up before I return... or else" Crystal slides down the door, moving his hooves through his mane.

"How are we getting out of here." Crystal moans with a sudden shift in his emotions. He looked at his brother, who was getting to work. the caldron glowed a rainbow aura, mesmerizing Crystal. he walks over to his brother with concern.

" Come on. let's just do it for our family's safety." Crystal reluctantly went to work thinking, "can we even be sure that Calico will keep his word?"

Sky's Pov

Sky was silently freaking out at the sight of his siblings being captured. "ohmystarsohmystarsohmystarsohmystarsohmystarsohmystars!!!" He thinks as he's biting his talons. He slumps down on the floor, his heart beating faster than lightning. The unicorn that is saving him is just staring at the trio as they are taken down the hallway they came from. "What are we going to do now? We have to save them." Sky whispers in a panic.

"No!" The stallion whispers putting his hoof on Sky's beak. "We can't risk getting caught. I'm already risking it by being here, so we have to get you out of here."

Sky stopped panicking and glared at the unicorn. "I'm not going anywhere... not without my family." He aggressively whispered. The unicorn looked all around the cave ignoring the griffin. But Sky wasn't yet ready to give up. "Did you hear me... I said I'm not leaving without..."

The unicorn interrupted him "will just listen for once. Calico is a big deal, he's not playing around. He will kill you." His voice cracked. He puts his head down and a tear falls out of his helmet. He sniffs and goes back to looking for something. "Alright... if you want to help. We must get to the armory undetected."

They think of a way to get to the armory on the other side of the base.

Sky then notices a hole in the crates. He checks inside to see weapons and armor in there. The unicorn notices too and sits to think of something.

"HEY! YOU!" A voice yelled. The unicorn looked over and saw a helmetless unicorn walking towards him. Her armor was different than the others. It was a little bulkier, had more details, and was purple. Her coat was a dark orange, and a yellow bun-style mane.

"Yes ma'am!" He says saluting, while subtly signaling to Sky to stay hidden. Sky shrunk to the ground hoping he wouldn't get spotted. The unicorn stopped in front of the crates and glared at our unicorn friend.

"What are you doing back there?!!" He asks.

"Just taking a nap ma'am. I promise it won't happen again, ma'am." Our unicorn said.

The other unicorn tossed a crowbar at our friend. "Open a crate up and take it to the armory. We're taking a shipment and sending it to our allies in the east. And make it snappy, I'd rather not get shouted at again."

Our friend nods and begins to open a crate. The other unicorn leaves. As soon as our friend opens it up, Sky crawls in.

A few minutes go by as the unicorn carries the crate with his magic while Sky is in it. They make it to the armory and luckily nopony was there. He puts the crate down and shuts the door. He then knocks to tell Sky it's okay to come out. Sky gets out and looks at his surroundings. "Okay... two questions. One: why did we need to go to an armory? Two: why was that crate locked up and empty?"

The unicorn looked around trying to find something. "I'm going to answer those in reverse. One: they got it from a manticore, she had it for her litter. But when they got too old, she bolted it down and sold it to our little friends."

"*raises an eyebrow* a manticore knew how to seal a crate up and sell it to a group for some cash?" Sky asks in disbelief, looking at a huge pile of weapons.

"There's an ongoing study that manticores are smarter than their viscous appearance." The unicorn said still looking around and moving items. "Two: we are here to pick up a package that would aid ou... your family."

"You mean this bag," Sky says holding a bag, with a snake symbol on it. The unicorn looked over and grabbed it with his magic.

"Yes. That's it." He opens it and dumbs pieces on the floor. "..... he never said I had to assemble it." He says deadpan, staring at the parts on the floor.

Sky then forms a smile on his face and says, "I could assemble it." The unicorn looked over, giving him a thought.

"Yes, that could work. How long will it take?" He asks. Sky counted in his head and used his fingers. "About five minutes...... give or take," Sky says gathering all the pieces. He begins to build, humming a little time as he does.

5 minutes later

Sky made a wrist-mounted crossbow, with a needle left. "Why do we need this needle?" Sky asks, examining the clear liquid inside.

Our unicorn friend grabbed the needle with his magic and says "It's a narcotic. We plan on putting Calico to sleep and let all the ponies he blackmailed free." Sky then wondered how many of them did he blackmail.

"Maybe that's why the mare that was with us shed a tear when she talked to Arctic."

He gave the stallion the crossbow, but he just stared at it. "I can't put that on me... it's too small for my arms." He says. Sky then looked at the crossbow with fear. He'd never fired a crossbow before. He began to shake a little.

"I can't do it! What if I miss... then what?!" He says, holding on to the crossbow. The unicorn came over to Sky and put his hoof on his shoulder.

"It's okay... you can do this. I believe you can do this." He reassured Sky.

Sky hugged him, his eyes filled with tears. "Thank you......" sky said before getting interrupted by a pony barging in the door.

"We have interu .... dures...." He says before the unicorn knocks him out before the Sky could blink.

"Can it be him." Sky thinks in awe at the unicorn's speed. They make a beeline towards the hallway to engage with Calico.

Snow's Pov

Snow woke up to Diamond shaking with fear, after her thoughts of her family getting hurt. "Please don't hurt them Please don't hurt them Please don't hurt them Please don't hurt them Please don't hurt them Please don't hurt them Please don't hurt them!!!!!!" She muttered to herself.

Snow held the young unicorn in a soothing embrace. The warm feeling that she had for Diamond was firing at maximum temperature. But Snow didn't care, she only cared about keeping Diamond safe. She stroked the young filly's mane. The silky-smooth mane that reminds Snow of blueberries, her soft fur that looks like her own type of gem. "I promise." Snow whispered. Diamond stopped muttering and opened her eyes. "I promise, i will protect you like i promised my mother." Snow whispered.

Diamond stopped muttering and lifted her head to look at her dragon protector. She then dug her head into Snow's chest. Snow was now blushing redder than a ruby. She hugged Diamond harder so she could at least be warmer from Snow's blush fire. "Why is she sooo cute? How can i still have these feelings when she probably won't feel the same. But at least we can be friends for life, if that's even possible." Snow then also starts to cry. "Oh, i wish i had the courage to tell her how i feel, or at least tell her she enjoys her company."

Diamond's Pov

"Her tears feeling like a warm shower dripping down on me. It's kind of feels like a small wet weighted blanket crawling down my shoulder." Diamond was calming down from the warm tears soothing the young filly. but she then realized that Snow isn't doing this because she's knowing Diamond likes this, but because she doesn't want her to be hurt. "Snow?" Diamond says.

Snow opened her eyes and looked down at Diamond. "Yeah?"

Diamond took a moment to think about what she was going to say. "Why are you crying? You know I'll be safe with you and the others around." The yellow unicorn says then moves away to see Snow's face more clearly. She giggles at the white dragon blushing like crazy.

Diamond stops her giggling when the griffin guard falls to the floor. The other guard with them unlocks the door to their cell.

"Its time we get you out of here." the pony said.

Thunder's Pov

Thunder and Crystal were bottling the potions that Calico wanted. "I hope this plan will work." He thinks as he's looking at the potion they still have to bottle. Crystal was wrapping the potions up, looking glum as he does it. Thunder looks at his brother, giving him another bottle. "It'll be fine." Thunder says with his hoof on Crystal's shoulder. Crystal looked away, not saying anything. "Come on. Where's my brother who always has something to be excited about? like that time, you got so excited to read Mrs. Crocodile's defeat... that we all thought you'd eaten a lot of sugar." Thunder giggled. Crystal smiled a little.

"Yeah... I felt the adrenaline that day." he laughed. the brothers then began laughing at that memory.

"And I remember on Hearts and Hooves Day you told Aukie that I had a crush on her, but I'm happy that she also had a crush on me."

"That was the day I also confessed my feelings for Cloud. After half a year of being confused about this feeling that I had for him. But deep down at the time... I didn't know if he had the same feelings. But when I looked at the box of chocolate, he had...... it was for me. Hehe... it was right then I knew that we shared the same feelings for each other. It was also when we kissed for the first time. We both just felt the same urge to kiss each other right then and there. But then Aukie came into our secret hiding spot near the school. She was shocked when she saw us kissing."

"And she kept this a secret all these years?"


"Huh...... I guess she's that loyal to her friends." Thunder said smiling. "You're really lucky to have a friend like her." Crystal smiled at that comment and nodded. They heard the doors unlock, and in comes Calico looking furious. He stomped his way to the brothers.

"Are you two done yet?!! he growled. They nodded. Calico grinned stepping towards his office. He comes back out holding Black Heart's notebook in his hands. "Now we begin the real reason I brought you two here in the first place," he says handing it to Thunder. Thunder opens it up, but still doesn't know why Calico is after his family. He skims through the pages until he's at the end.


Dear: Thunder Heart

I know you're the only one who can read this but. I want you to know that no matter what. You can't let anyone use these notes for anything. It's too dangerous, lock them up for good so no one can use them for their own goals. And whatever you do, don't destroy the notebook or you could die. I can only hope you're not in a situation that forces you to make the potion. Please don't make it. my research was a mistake and I wish I'd never made it. I could have just moved on like everyone else, but no. I had to be the hero to protect the world. If you ever see Calico...... tell him, I'm sorry. I wish I could go back in time to fix everything. But...... we can only live in the present and plan for the future. So ill only say this once. Don't be like me. Don't be a hero.

PS. Tell everypony that I love them.


Thunder's heart sheds a signal tear. Calico looked at him with irritation. "Well... what does it say about his work?" he says.

Thunder didn't want to say but he didn't want Sky and Aukie to be hurt. "it's a note...... he says he's sorry."

"it's too late for an apology. Now if you don't make what I need, I will turn every one of you into ashes!!!!" Calico roars.


Calico turns around to see a unicorn guard standing next to Sky. Sky had a crossbow on his arm, shaking a little. "Betrayed by own guard, how quaint," he mumbles getting ready to attack. "Get out of my way! or suffer like how I'm going to make Black Heart suffer like how he made ME SUFFERED!!! cause of all the pathetic things he's done... breaking hearts is one of the most pathetic things he's ever done. It's no wonder he married that bitch of a unicorn, She couldn't even get the......"


A potion smashed over Calico's face. It was Crystal who threw it, his eyes glowing a rainbow tint, burning with rage. "Never call our mother a bitch." he growled. Calico stumbled backward from glass shards in his eye, blood crawling down his face.

"SKY!!!" Diamond yelled from the hallway making Sky fire at Calico in his throat. Calico falls into the cauldron screaming from the burning pain. Crystal snapped out of his rage and was horrified at what he's done. "let's go!!" the unicorn said with urgency. They all followed him. Guards were blocking the way. They were surrounded.

"STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!" Snow yelled before blasting them with fire. Arctic and Ivy stopped them from reaching the exit. "Please move. we don't want to hurt you." Crystal pleaded. They looked at each other and moved out of the way. "Thank you," Crystal said. "We should be the ones thanking you," Ivy said before running out with the heart family. They make it out by huffing and puffing. "Are we safe Thunder?" Diamond asked panting. Thunder gives a smile and says "I don't know. but I know that calico won't be bothering us now."

"Hey. where'd the unicorn that was with us go?" Sky asks looking around. He was right. The unicorn vanished and so had Arctic and Ivy. "We can't worry about him right now. let's just get home."

They stopped by Starlight's village and got a ride home.

5 hours later

They successfully made it home they all went to their rooms to rest. Thunder and Crystal were in their beds. but Thunder couldn't get the image of Crystal rainbow eyes out of his head. "Hey, Crystal?"


"You asleep?"

"Nope. can't get that feeling out of my head. When I threw the bottle at Calico... I felt such a burning rage that I couldn't control it. It scares me. What if I attack you guys or Cloud. I couldn't live with myself if I did that."

Thunder felt the same way. What if he went crazy and attacked his family? He pushed these feelings aside to get some rest. "Good night Crystal."

"Good night Thunder."

?????? Pov

The unicorn from before returned to Calico's base. Checking to see if Calico is truly dead or not. luckily nobody was there. He entered the potions room to see that the cauldron was still steaming. He examines the scene and concludes that Calico is dead. He takes off his armor and takes a deep breath. His coat was a dark grey with white gradience down his legs, his mane was long and bright pink, and his cutie mark was a monster inside a heart. He puts red glasses on and sighs. "*sigh* sayonara old friend." He says closing his eyes, not noticing that the ooze in the caldron is moving. The black ooze jumps onto the unicorn's snout. As he fights back the ooze absorbed into the pony's snout. He then heard a voice in his head."Awwwww, you're not saying goodbye to me, are you...... Black Heart?"

Season one Bonus episode: Trick, gifts, and love

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Nightmare Night
4 3/4 years ago
Cloud's Pov

It was Cloud's favorite time of the year, Nightmare Night. The time when he could look as weird as possible and not look out of place. And he was going to spend it with his best friend Crystal Heart.
"Wait. What are you supposed to be?" Crystal says looking at Cloud's costume.

"I'm a one-eyed one-horned flying purple pony eater." Cloud says showing off his costume. His costume had a single eye and horn on his forehead, sunglasses to cover his eyes, his coat and wings painted purple, large ears, and fake monster teeth.

Crystal has a "you serious" look on his face. "Okay then. Just let me and Thunder put on our costumes, and then we'll leave."

"Okay." Cloud said as he walked out of the brother's room. He walks to the dining room and sees a plate of cookies on the table. They had orange and purple frosting with opposite-colored sprinkles. Cloud licked his lips, loving cookies more than candy. He slowly reaches out to grab one, but it floats away. He turns around to see Crystal's sister Diamond Shimmer.

"No touching. They're not for you. Only famiwy and frwends can touch them." The five-year-old said like she was trying to be stern but is being adorable.

"Awwww, Crystal never said he had such a cute sister," Cloud says reaching out. He rubs her head, and she waves her arms to swat him away.

"He can have one Diamond," Crystal said leaning on the doorframe. Cloud looked at him and blushed. The earth pony was wearing a purple magician's hat and cloak with stars all over.

"I uh umm... you look nice." Cloud blurted out. Thank the almighty Celestia that no one can see Cloud blush under his face paint. Thunder walked around the corner with his costume. He was dressed up as King Sombra. But Cloud couldn't stop looking at Crystal. "Why does Crystal look so hot right now?" He thinks as Diamond waves a cookie in his face. He breaks from his hypnotized state and grabs the cookie. "Thanks." He says looking away with embarrassment. He bites into the soft cookie and gets hit with the taste of divine flavor. "Mmmmmmm... it's so good. I've never tasted a cookie this good before. It's so soft, the pumpkin frosting is sooo good, and the sprinkles explode with flavor!" As he was thinking with his free hoof on his cheek, Thunder walked over to his little sister.

"Alright Diamond, time to get you into costume little missy." He says in a lower tone. They walk to the stairway, leaving Crystal and Cloud alone. Cloud was still savoring the taste, savoring it as long as possible. Crystal looked over to his friend and smirked.

"You want to know who made them, don't ya?"

Cloud nodded, smiling like a total dork. "It was made by my sister... Diamond Shimmer."

"*chokes on cookie** cough* wait what! You mean your little sister made these?" He asked, crimes falling on the floor. Crystal nodded. "Is cooking her special talent or something? Cloud said recovering from choking.

"You okay?" Crystal asked moving closer to the young Pegasus. Cloud nodded, taking a deep breath in the process. He looked down to see a dragon cleaning up the crumbs with a tiny broom and duster.

"Hi." He said towards the little dragon. She didn't respond, she just cleans the floor and walks away. Cloud was confused by the dragon not returning his friendly greeting.

+"Don't mind her, she's just very shy around new ponies." Cloud made an "oh" face.

Thunder came around the corner with Sky and Diamond in their costumes. Sky was a detective with a bubble pipe. And Diamond is a red dragon. "Alright. Is everypony ready?" Thunder asked, looking at everyone. They all nodded. "Then let's go and nab some candy!" He yelled excitedly. Everyone cheered in elation. They all followed Thunder through the front door craving some candy.

They went from door to door collecting candy in bags. All types of candy were obtained. Like peanut butter cups, caramel bars, star bits, and many more.

3 hours later

They've stopped at the park to see their goods.
"Wooooo boy! That is a lot of candy." Crystal whooped.

"This is the most fun I've ever had during a nightmare night... everypony is sooo nice!" Diamond said bouncing up and down before she had any candy.

Sky had a huge grin on his face.

Cloud put his sunglasses up and pulled out white candy sticks out of his bag. He took a bite out of the stick, loving it. Thunder gave a confused look. "You like kandare sticks?" He asks.

Cloud looks back with a stick hanging out of his mouth. "Yeah... of course I like kandare sticks. Just the crunch sound that the sticks make when you bite is satisfying." Thunder gave an "Okay if that's what you like to look."

"So, is that all the houses in Woodsdale?" Clouds ask, biting into a stick.

Thunder gulped. "*gulp* no..... we still have that house down there." He says pointing in the direction of a big house with a dead tree in the yard. Everyone shook in their costumes looking at the scary house.

Crystal shakes his head and puts his game face on. "Alright, if there's one house left... we must go to it!" He said stepping on a bench that was under a tree. Everyone looked at each other and was a little inspired by Crystal's enthusiasm. They nodded and followed Crystal to the last house.

They reach the house and go through the main gates. It was a Victorian-styled house, which Cloud thought looked out of place for woods-dale. Stopping at the Porch they pushed Crystal to ring the doorbell. "What's with this house?" Cloud asks Thunder.

"It's an old, haunted house attraction that was abandoned." Thunder says before appearing behind them, flourishing his cape in front of his face. "But legend says that a serial killer worked at this amusement house. But he used it not to entertain... but to kill. He was never caught, but the spirits of his victims haunt the house. And on a night, such as this, the spirits of the dead will rise and wreak havoc on those who wronged them!! Waha ha ha ha ha!!"

"Don't do that!!!" Crystal loudly whispered as he walks to the porch. He slowly walks up to the door, with the others following suit. but before he could reach the doorbell... the door opened. He closed his eyes and screamed "NightmareNightWhatafrightGiveussomethingsweettobite!" Crystal opens his eyes and sees that he's okay and takes a deep breath. He
sees a sign that says...

Mortals beware
A gift of sweets is waiting for you
At twists ends
The spirits await for a victor to claim their prize

"Are you okay Crystal?!" Thunder loudly whispered. Crystal nodded. They walk up to see the sign. Diamond's face lights up. "*Gasp* More candy, let's do it!!!" she ran in, making Sky run in after her.

"Diamond wait up!!" both of them disappear in the darkness. Thunder begins to worry and runs in after them.

"Should we follow? Thunder said that the dead will rise tonight." Cloud whimpered. Crystal looked at his friend with confidence.

"don't worry... it's probably just a prank to scare us." He says, reassuring his friend. They walk into the dark house and the door slams shut, startling them. They move through the house, hearing their hoof steps and the sounds of creaking. Cloud was whimpering in fear, trying to stay close to Crystal.

"*whispers* ugh Crystal... can't we just leave and find an adult to find them?" He asks jumping at every sound.

"It's fine... no need to worry. We can ff-find them on our own... hehe." Crystal stutters.

They looked around to find Crystal's siblings. Cloud looked by a fireplace that wasn't lit. While Crystal was looking at a bookshelf full of blank books. He grabbed one but couldn't pull it out. He pulled and pulled until he ended up falling backward. Cloud caught Crystal, getting close to his face. He blushed again. "Why am I feeling so warm right now? It's cold in here." He thought while Crystal got on his hooves. "Thanks."

"Nnn-no problem Crystal." Cloud stuttered in response. He looked away and saw a piece of paper in the fireplace. He walks over to pick it up. He picks it up and it reads "rest now, and your prize awaits." The floor under Cloud opens, causing Cloud to grab the ledge. "Crystal!!" He yells. Crystal jolts his head to see Cloud hanging on the ledge. He rushes over to grab Cloud's arms. He pulls him up as the note falls out of Cloud's hoof. The note falls on the flour and Crystal picks it up.

"Where'd you find this?" He asks Cloud. Cloud stood up, panting from that terrifying experience.

"I found it in the fireplace. Then the... *signals to the floor* floor opened up. Thank the stars you were there."

Crystal smiled. "Don't mention it. *Puts hoof on Cloud's shoulder* I'll always be there for my friends." Crystal sits down to take a breather.

Cloud blushed at Crystal's statement, rubbing his shoulder. "Maybe becoming friends with him wasn't so bad in the first place. Heh... what am I saying? It feels like we're more than friends. But what do I feel about him?" Cloud then thought about what the note said. He grabbed Crystal's arm and lead him upstairs.

"Where are we going?" Crystal asks. Cloud stops and turns around to him.

"The note said, "Rest now, and you'll find your prize getting warmer." That means finding the bedroom will get us closer to the prize."

"i knew that I'm not that stupid."

"I never said you were."

"But you were thinking about it."

"*deadpan* No I wasn't."

As the two bickered, a shadowy figure formed from the darkness beside them.

"Admit it! You think I'm stupid!"

"I never said that! I just said we need the find the bedroom!"

The floor creaked. The two colts turned their heads and saw the figure. It was pitch black with blue eyes and four black demonic wings. The boys backup into a door, bumping their little butts. They both trembled, staring at the figure at eye level with fear. Crystal quickly tried to open them but couldn't. They made a run for the stairs, but another shadow figure appeared, bigger than the last one. They ran to a door and thankfully it was unlocked. They bolted in and shut the door in a shadow figure's face (owww). Cloud and Crystal were both breathing heavily. Crystal walked over to the bed and check every inch of it. But couldn't find anything. "Did we pick the wrong bedroom?" He asked, looking at Cloud.

"Maybe we're supposed to be in bed," Cloud responded, getting into the bed. Crystal followed. He lay next to Cloud, making him blush. "Why am I feeling this way towards him? We're just friends... I mean we are colts.... they can't fall in love with each other...... right?"

The floor opened up in front of the bed. They moved to the edge to look at the opening. They felt a push from behind them and they fell into the opening.

"Aaaauuuugghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" They both screamed as they were sliding into the darkness. They landed on a soft surface and looked at each other. Crystal nervously smirked. Cloud smiled back, then he was laughing.

"Hahahaha, I never knew anypony could do something like this." He laughed. Crystal looked at him like he was crazy. He shook his head and got up.

"We should find the others. I'm pp-pretty sure that the others are getting scared right now." He stuttered. Cloud got up and followed him. They looked around the basement seeing tools like hammers, butcher's knives, saws, and a chainsaw. The boys trembled and hugged each other at the sight.

"Sssss-should we leave?" Cloud asks.

"Yeah," Crystal said, shaking like a blender.


They heard something behind them. They turned around to see a much bigger shadow wobbling towards them. "Aaaaaaauuuuggghghahaha" they both screamed. Holding each other for dear life. They closed their eyes, hoping this was all a bad dream.


"I didn't know Crystal was a big baby." A voice said in the darkness. They both stopped screaming and opened their eyes. They saw the shadows standing in front of them.

"Hhh-how do you know my name?" He trembles. The small shadow grabbed its head and took it off.

"AUKIE!!!" Crystal yelled in shock.

"Yep. It's me. *smirk* I guess Thunder was right... you can be such a chicken." She says looking behind the two colts. Thunder walked out of the darkness holding back a laugh.

"*points at thunder* Don't you do it!" Crystal demanded. But Thunder laughs anyway. "*puts arm down* And you do it anyway." He says while Thunder is dying of laughter on the floor.

"Hahahahaha *wipes tear* that was the best prank ever!" Crystal jolted his head towards his brother.

"You set this up?!!!" He says grabbing Thunder's shoulders.

"*giggling* no it was me." The larger shadow said. The sheet was removed, and the two shocked colts saw Sky carrying Diamond on his shoulders. Sky points at himself to convey that it was his idea. Crystal zoomed over to him, wanting to strangle his little brother. The other shadow takes off his suit, revealing a bright blue changeling.

"Who are you?" Cloud asks the adult changeling.

"My name is Virt. I'm Aukie's father." He extends his hoof out. "And your name is?"

Cloud shook his hoof and answered. "My name is Dark Cloud... it's nice to meet you."

Virt leads the two boys to the stash of candy they promised. They leave the house with Aukie and her father in tow.
"How did you push us down the slide?" Cloud asks Virt.

He looked confused, "I don't remember putting anything up there to push anypony." Cloud gulped. As they walked away...... a pair of Glowing blue eyes stare at them. Other eyes appeared; the door shut leaving the spirits to their own devices.

The group got home with an extra stash of candy. They went straight to bed after all that candy gathering. The brothers slept in their bunk, while Cloud slept in a bed roll on the floor. Cloud couldn't stop thinking about Crystal. He turned over to look at the colt earth pony. "Hey... Crystal." He whispered.


"Can I ask you something?"


"Why were you acting so nervous back there... at the house?"

Crystal didn't say anything for a few seconds. Cloud stared at him. "I don't want to talk about it," Crystal whispered. "Let's just get some sleep... your parents are going to pick you up in the morning, so let's get some sleep."

Cloud turned around and started to wonder, "What if Crystal isn't as brave as I thought? But... I think that makes me like him even more." He rolled onto his back, turning his head towards Crystal. He smiles and turns his head back to the ceiling. He closes his eyes and dreams about him and Crystal being best friends for the rest of their lives.

A week before Hearths warming eve

Crystal and Cloud were chatting about what gifts they wanted for hearths warming Eve on their way to the train station.
"So, what do you want for hearths warming eve?" Crystal asks, adjusting his pink beanie.

"I always wanted to be a mane stylist. It's been my dream for a long time... *sad face* but nopony believes in me, not even my parents. They say that only mares want to be mane stylists. Can you keep it a secret for me?" He asks.

Crystal then had a smile on his face. "Of course... anything for my best friend." He says, pulling Cloud closer. Cloud started blushing. "So, you want a hairstylist kit, right?" Crystal asks. Cloud nodded. Crystal then had a grin on his face.

They reach the train station and sit on the benches. They waited for a few minutes before the train showed up. They got on the train and talked about Thunder and Aukie. "Have you ever noticed that Thunder has been super smitten around Aukie lately?" Crystal said laying back on his seat. Cloud's attention was moved from staring at the rushing field of snow to Crystal's question.

"Yeah, I have noticed it lately. But I've also seen Aukie be into Thunder too." He said looking back out the window. Crystal had a huge smirk on his face.

Cloud fell asleep on the trip and Crystal woke him up. "Hey. I'm leaving, see you on Hearth warming eve." He said before hugging Cloud. It wakes him completely as the heat rises through his face. Crystal breaks the hug and leaves the train. Cloud opens the window and waves to Crystal. He waves back with an adorable smile. Cloud leans on his arms, thinking about how adorable Crystal is.

"*sigh* he is so cute. His smile always brightens my day................ Wait what am I saying!!!" He turns around and bites his hooves. "Oh my stars! What will Mom and Dad say about these thoughts I have for Crystal?"

He reaches home shaking not from the cold, but from nervousness. He opens the front door to their Manehatten apartment and sets his keys on the key rack. He goes to the kitchen and finds a note on the refrigerator door.

Sorry Cloud I know you wanted to go out tonight, but we might be a little bit late. We promise we will go to your favorite place after heaths warming eve.
Love: Mom and Dad

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cloud put the note back on the fridge. He went to the living room to be in his own thoughts. "Can these feelings I have for Crystal be real? I mean... colts can't fall in love with other Colts, right? I guess I never knew anyone that had these kinds of feelings before. *Hugs couch pillow* Ooh but Crystal's so damn cute. His pink mane, his tough exterior that hides a softer side, his love for painting, and his willingness to help his friends in any way. *Blushes heavily* I just wanna cuddle with him and feel his soft fur...... waitwaitwaitwait nononono I can't be thinking these things."

Cloud stood up trying to shake his feelings away, he closed his eyes imagining he was at a party eating his favorite food, when he suddenly felt his body begin to sway with party music. His body swayed as he felt Crystal's hooves around him. He kept his steps light as he pranced around the room. Cloud swirled in beat with Crystal's imaginary dips, his body thrumming with energy as he dreamed of Crystal placing a soft kiss upon his cheek as they danced into the sunset. Cloud bumped into the wall as he twirled his body around in rhyme with his heart.

Cloud barely reacted dreaming it was another pony and Crystal sweeping him up close in his arms dancing them away from an imaginary crowd of ponies. Their movements synced as one as they pranced around, cloud dipping and swirling in Crystal's arms.

Cloud opened his eyes sighing in pure content. He felt loved, truly loved, his heart seemed to burst into excitement as he made his way over to his bed, he had not realized the entire daydream that he had moved from the living room to his bedroom.

Cloud flops on his bed. "Maybe these feelings aren't so bad... *turns on his side* me liking guys. *blushes* It doesn't sound so bad anymore. *Thinks about a boy kissing him* Maybe Crystal has the same feelings...... or maybe not. He's probably not into guys anyway." (Keep telling yourself that). He takes his mind off of his self-discovery and starts to think about what kind of present to get Crystal. He then thought of the perfect present.

Hearths warming eve

Cloud, Aukie, and her dad, Tink Rose, and her parents, Thunder, Crystal, Sky, Diamond, and Black Heart were gathered around the tree. Black Heart walks up to the tree grabbing presents. "So, Cloud... where are your parents, I would at least thought they would join us?" Black Heart asks, looking at the tags to know who's present is who's.

"They work at the weather station. They had a delay with the snow clouds again... it happens almost every holiday. Something always goes wrong with the machinery every holiday, it's like bad luck."

"Yeeessh... that does sound like bad luck," Tink said winching. "Does it get lonely at home?" Aukie asks. Cloud slightly nodded, "yeah it does sometimes, but I'm glad I have you guys."

"Yeah. I still remember the day Crystal introduced you. But it feels like we've been friends since childhood." Aukie smiled. Cloud smiled back. "It does."

"Alright, it's time to open presents." Black Heart said, holding presents with his magic. Everyone got two to three presents. Black Heart sat in a chair before speaking. "Youngest first." He said. Diamond opened hers. It was a beginner's cookbook. She jumped and squealed with excitement. Black Heart smiled with accomplishment. She opened her next gift, and it was the first volume of One Hoof, she squealed again just as excited as before.

Virt whispered to his daughter, "Isn't that a bit too mature for a 5 to have?"

"Don't worry... I know she can handle it." Black Heart said.

Her last present was from her brothers. They gave her a pair of fluffy earmuffs. She stared at it for a couple of seconds before saying, "*squeak* thank you." She puts them on and smiles. Her brothers smile back at her.

Next was Sky. He got a builder's play set from his dad, a set of stress balls from his siblings, and a rainbow dash figurine from Tink. He loved every single one of them.

Tink got a witch's hat from her parents, a beginner's guide to alchemy from Aukie, and a potion set from Crystal and Cloud. She was very happy with her presents.

Thunder and Crystal were next. Their first present was a gift for both of them, volume 26 of One Hoof. Thunder had watery eyes with a happy smile, while Crystal pumped his arm. Thunder opened his present from Aukie. He got a Pony D. Gabby wanted poster. Crystal got his next present from Cloud. He rushed to open it; he pulled out a replica of Pony D. Gabby's straw hat. He put it on his head, biting his lower lip in excitement. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou Cloud!" Cloud nodded and smiled.

It was Cloud's turn next. He scooted closer to Black Heart. "Okay cloud you ready?" He asks with a grin. Cloud nodded. He opened his first present; it was from his parents. They got him a snow chisel. he frowned and put the box down.

"What's wrong?" Crystal asks.

"*groan* my parents kept trying to get me into making snowflakes like I wanted to when I was... 5. They also said that it would be a good use for my artistic talents," Cloud says, a little irritated.

Tink's mother Sandy Jewel said something after a few seconds of silence. "That sounds very silly. Getting their child something that he has no interest in anymore." Aukie was the next to say something.

"Do you want to open me and Tink's gift?" Cloud nodded. Black Heart handed him the wrapped box, Cloud opened it and lifted his gift out. They got him different kinds of Cologne.

"Thanks." He says picking one up and raising an eyebrow.

"We just thought you would want to smell nice for a special pony," Tink said, winking at Cloud. He blushes, darting his eyes to Crystal and back to Tink. Black Heart handed over his last present.

"And this one is from Crystal, he wanted to give you something special." Cloud grabbed the present and rattled it a little. He slowly opened it; in case it was a prank. He then slowly tears the tape off the box. He closes his eyes and reaches inside; he grabs it and pulls it out. He inched his eyes open. His eyes widen with what Crystal got him.

"The Rarity Manestyle kit!! *Hugs the diamond-shaped kit*" he looks at Crystal with the biggest smile on his face. "Thank you." He says. Crystal moves closer to Cloud and pulls him in for a one-arm hug.

"You're very welcome. It's like I said... you're my best friend, I'd do anything for you." Crystal says in Cloud's ear. Cloud hides his red face with his kit.

"Do you mind if-ff... I try this out on you?" He asks in embarrassment. "Of course." Crystal smirks.

They are now in the bathroom with Crystal sitting in a chair while Cloud is going through his new kit. "What kind of mane style do you want?" Cloud asks. Crystal thought about what he wanted with his hoof on his chin.

"*smirk* I'll let the stylist decide." He responds with. Cloud was gitty to finally style another pony's mane.

An hour later

After an hour, Cloud was finally done. He wipes his head and sighs. "*sigh* so, do you like it?" He asks proud of his work.

"Yeah," Crystal said his voice breaking.

"And now for the final touch." Cloud says spraying Crystals mane with Cologne.
They exit the bathroom, and everypony sees Crystal's new mane.

They were in awe at what Cloud has done. Cloud made Crystal's mane into a little fedora. "Aww. that's so cute." Tink cooed.

Crystal blushed and turned away. He looked at Cloud as if to say, "Help me!". Cloud rolled his eyes. Crystal pulled Cloud in to whisper in his ear. "I regret letting you do this to me," Cloud smirked, trying to hide his laughter. Black Heart snapped a photo, and everypony walked away. Cloud looked at Crystal and stared with dreamy eyes.

"Tink is right. You do look cute." He realized what he said after it left his mouth. He walks away from the embarrassment. Leaving Crystal confused.

Cloud finds himself on a stone step outside the house. "Man, I really embarrassed myself this time." He thought while leaning on his arm. He felt a tap on his arm. He turned to see Crystal on his right. "What are you doing out here? Everypony is getting a little worried." He said as he was sitting down.

"Ooh... hi Crystal. I was just... *sigh* just forget what I said back there. I wasn't thinking." Crystal wrapped his arm around Cloud, making him blush.

"*chuckle* It's fine. I just wasn't expecting it." Crystal said with a chuckle. They both look at the starry night sky. Cloud wants to move closer to his crush. But he sat still.

"Hey, Crystal."


"Can I tell you something?"

"Sure, anything you want."

"*hesitates* I uh um...... gaaaaahhh, it's so hard to say. *Deep breath* okay, here it goes. I've been... questioning myself lately, and I have... realized... that I'm, gay."

"Ppppphhhhhhhahahahahhahaha that's all?" Crystal laughed. Cloud stays there worried that Crystal would make fun of him. He answers Crystal's question by nodding. Cloud was now shedding tears.

"Please don't tell anypony. Please." He whimpered. Crystal stopped laughing, wiping his tears of laughter.

"*Stops laughing* my lips are sealed tighter than a corset." Cloud giggled at that comment. Crystal giggled along with him.

"Hehehehahahahaha." They both laughed. "Heheheh. *Stops laughing* well, I hope you find that perfect colt who can love you." Crystal cheered.

Cloud smiled at the handsome earth pony. "I wish it could be you, Crystal." Cloud thought, staring at Crystal. But the pink maned colt didn't notice, instead he was staring at the stars.

"You know... my mother told me once that my dad proposed to my mother under the stars and Princess Luna's gaze. I hope that someday that could happen to me." Crystal said closing his eyes. Cloud's instincts kicked in and gave Crystal a quick kiss on the cheek. Crystal opened his eyes and looked at Cloud. They both turned red in the face.

"I'm sorry I don't know what came over me!! *Gets up* Just please forget what just happened!" Cloud said. Panicking, he goes back into the house. He rushes to the bathroom; turns the sink on and splashes his face. He looks at himself in the mirror and says, "What were you thinking cloud? Now there could be a chance that he'll never talk to you again. Daaaahhh, what are you talking about? He wouldn't ever do that. *Stares at his reflection* okay... just say that you're sorry and that it's okay that he doesn't want to talk to you again. *Deep breath* here it goes." He exits the bathroom and sees Crystal walking towards him. Cloud slowly walks up to Crystal and says, "I'm sorry Crystal. I can understand if......" Crystal puts his hoof on Cloud's mouth, interrupting him before he could say it.

"You don't need to apologize. It was an impulse, I completely understand that feeling. So don't beat yourself down, you hear me." Cloud nodded. "Good. *Hugs Cloud* that was really sweet what you did back there. I could never have the courage to do that to a girl. *Breaks hug* cause every time I try... to talk to a girl. I start to get scared. I admire your courage to do something like that. And I promise I won't tell anypony."

Cloud smiled. His friendship with Crystal is still intact. "And one more thing," Crystal said. "Could you put my mane back to normal please?"

"Uuuhh yeah... sure."

2 1/2 hours later

Cloud made it to his room and hid his mane kit under his bed. He then crawled into bed and dug his face into his pillow. He thinks about being cuddled. "*giggles* I would give anything for that. To feel safe in someone's arms. To hear his heartbeat. *blushes* to feel his mane...... to be with Crystal. The more I get to know him...... the more I love him. Wait did I say love? Huh...... I guess I did. *Rolls on his belly* I guess that I do love him. Maybe he's the one my heart is meant for... but even if he isn't, he's still my best friend." Cloud fell asleep, dreaming that he could gain his courage again to ask him out on Hearts and Hooves Day.

Crystal's Pov

Crystal was laying in his bunk thinking about Cloud's cheek kiss. He tossed and turned, thinking about that kiss. Until we woke up heavily breathing. "It's just a dream, no need to panic about a kiss. *Closes his eyes* wait... why would I..... *Jolts awake* Oh my Stars. I like boys. But I also like girls. Is this possible? I suppose it is, I mean... I know my feelings sometimes. But this is something that I'm confident about. I know who I am, and I won't let anyone change me. Just like my mom would tell me." He falls back asleep, dreaming about if his family would accept that he likes boys and girls.

Part three
Hearts and hooves day
Cloud's Pov

Cloud was carrying a box of chocolate for Hearts and hooves day. He was walking in the school of friendship hallway. He held the box with one hoof while he was on his way to his locker. After a few minutes of searching, he found his locker. He also found Crystal talking to his brother Thunder in front of their lockers. Cloud got closer and heard a bit of their conversation. "Okay, Thunder. You think you can ask Aukie out on a date after school?" Crystal asked with a look of confidence. Thunder took a deep breath and put his game face on. "*deep breath* I can do this. I'm going to ask her out."
"Who are you going to ask out?!" Crystal said like a general to his troops.

"Aukie sir!" Thunder said saluting.

"And what are you going to ask her?!"

"Will you go out on a date with me?!"

"That's right! Now get out there and get the girl of your dreams!"

"Sir yes sir!" Thunder ran down the hallway and greeted Cloud as he passed. "Hey, Cloud!"

"Hey," Cloud whispered out. He was a little nervous to ask Crystal out, but he had to try. He walked up to Crystal hold the box of chocolate tightly. "Hey, Cloud." Crystal said looking cheery. "Hey, Crystal. Umm, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure. What do you want to ask me?"

Cloud bit his lip, nervous about asking him. "Can you meet me by our... *whispered* secret hideout?"

Crystal nodded. "*whispered* When do you want to meet?"

"After school," Cloud responded. He puts the box in his locker and walks to his class. Noticing Iron's smile on his way.

Crystal's Pov

Crystal grabbed a Hearts and Hooves day card out of his locker and walks to the other end of the hallway. He sees Tink getting stuff out of her locker. He checks his mane to see if he looks good or not. "*deep breath* here goes nothing." He mumbled to himself. He walks up to Tink, and she sees him.

"Hey, Crystal. Whatcha ya doing?" Crystal's face turned red.

"Umm, I... was... wondering if you... would like to hang out after school?" Tink grew a smile and put her hoof on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Crystal. But I already have a date. It's sweet that you asked me, and I'm sorry that you wasted your time." She said with a look of sympathy.

Crystal felt a wave of disappointment hit him. "It's okay. I wasn't expecting you to say yes. Or stay with me for long." Crystal walks away and to his class. He sits at his desk leaning on his hoof.
He barely paid attention to class. (I mean... wouldn't you lose concentration if someone rejected you?)

After school, he remembered his meeting with Cloud. He reached his locker with Cloud with his bag about to leave. Crystal forced his confidant persona out to not worry cloud. Cloud nervously smiled and said, "I'll see you at the meeting?"

"Yeah, I'll see you there," Crystal said opening his locker. Cloud left to go to the secret hideout. Crystal held his card in his hooves and slide down the lockers. He silently lets tears run down his face. He then thought of something. He got up, wiped his tears, and grabbed a pen from his locker. He scribbled Tink's name and began to write somepony's name.

Clouds Pov

Cloud was in their secret hideout, a cave nearby the school. It had many personalized touches from him, Crystal, Thunder, and Aukie. "Where is he?" Cloud thought while pacing. "What if he doesn't come?! What if he knows what I'm up to?! Ooohhh please don't be the case!"

"Hey, Cloud." Crystal said from the cave entrance, leaning on the side.

"Oh, hey Crystal" Cloud said, nervously rubbing his arm. Crystal walked over to him and noticed his box of chocolate in his bag.

"What did you want to ask me?" He asked with a smirk.

"Well, I was wondering if...... we'll maybe if... if we could...... aaaauuuggghh it's so hard to say." Cloud stumbled trying to find words to ask Crystal out. Crystal walked over to where the box of chocolate was.

"I wonder what's so hard to say. Is it who these chocolates are for?" He says, snatching the chocolates. Cloud panicked and tried to get the chocolates back.

"Give them back! *Crystal laughing* It's not funny Crystal!" Cloud tripped and fell on the floor.

"Now let's see who these are... for..." he looks at the tag and is shocked. "It's... for me?" He says quietly. Cloud, now crying a little bit nodded. Crystal sat down and gazed at the chocolates. "Heh... for me. I never would have thought that you would want to date me. *Runs hoof through his mane* I have such a terrible track record with girls, either we have to leave each other, or they already got somepony. So why would a boy want to? *Looks at Cloud* do you really love me?" He said in disbelief.

Cloud got up off the floor and said, "Yes, I do. I really do love you. I love everything about you. I love how you are always there to protect your friends, how you support your family...... how you believe in other's dreams." Cloud smiled. Crystal got up and walked over to his friend. He hugs the young Pegasus, leaving him speechless.

"I love you too. *Breaks hug and holds Cloud's hooves* I love your courage, your passion for mane styling, you're always there when somepony needs you, and I love how you bring out the best of us... the best of me." Cloud blushed with Crystal's confession. They looked at each other's eyes. Crystal's bright blue and Cloud's dark orange. They pulled each other in and locked lips. Cloud flared his wings in excitement.

"This is a dream come true." Crystal's card dropped and Cloud's name was written beside Tink's scribbled over name.

"Hey, you guys have you seen... oh my stars." The boys looked to see Aukie standing at the entrance. They broke the kiss and rushed over and pulled her into the cave. "Did I just see you two..." They both shushed Aukie before she said it. "*whispered* oh sorry. Did I just see you two... kiss?" Aukie whispered. The two colts looked at each other.

Crystal was the first one to speak. "Yes, you did."

Then cloud. "Please don't tell anyone."

Aukie smiled at them. "*whispered* Of course. You don't have to worry about me telling anyone." The boys sighed in relief.

"*sigh* thank you. So, what did you want in the first place?" Crystal asked.

"Oh yeah duuhh. I got so distracted by you two that I almost forgot. I was at my locker, when I found a note. It said "Could you meet with me after school... usually spot. From: Thunder" I came here and found you two *whispering* kissing. But I guess he's not here sooo..." she said before they heard breathing. They see Thunder exhausted.

"You okay bro?" Crystal said, worried about his brother. Thunder nodded and said, "Yeah I'm fine. Wooofff, I'm sorry Aukie. I was chased by golden flash and the goon squad. They took the chocolate I was going to give you. I hope you understand."

"I do. And yes, I would like to go on a date sometime. *squeals* Daaa I can't hold it in, I've been waiting for this day ever since our first class together!!" She hugs Thunder tightly, then let's go. They walk towards the train station.

"You coming?" Thunder asked Crystal.

"*shakes his head* Naaa, you go on without me. I got to grab something."

"Okay." Thunder shrugged.

He and Aukie walked to the station. Crystal grabbed the box of chocolate and pecked Cloud on the cheek. "Now we're even."

"*giggles* I guess we are." Cloud giggles, while Crystal wraps his arm around Cloud. Cloud looks at Crystal and says,

"Are we boyfriends now?" Crystal smiles.

"Yeah, I guess we are." They walked towards the train station. Before they reached the edge of the forest, Cloud stopped.

"Whoa hey. Why'd you'd stop?" Crystal asked.

Cloud pulled Crystal in before saying, "I want to kiss you again, we won't see each other again till we go to school again."

"Then I could visit you this weekend," Crystal said before kissing Cloud again. They kissed for a minute before they heard the train. They ran off to catch the train as they both laughed the whole way. "This is the best day of my life. Nothing could be better than this."