• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 937 Views, 43 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen - Epic Fable

When Sunset and her friends start their summer off with a night of movies things turn strange as a strange storm forms...

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ACT I: Episode 1: Chapter 6

“Yes. It’s shape is often used as a symbol of evolution. It is in our murals, it is in our folk lore, our legends, bedtime stories. You see, no matter the culture, tribe or upbringing, all digimon have two things in common.”

“Battle and a need to digivolve.” Blanc explained.

The rest of the group would just stare in confusion though some had a certain level of curiosity on their faces.

“When we fight we get stronger, when a digimon loses in a death match their data goes to the winner. It’s how we evolve. Get stronger.”

“Wait data?” Twilight exclaimed. “So this is a program? Are we in some game? A simulation?? Does this also have something to do with how that Tuskmon died?”

“As I said, the Digital World has always been. As for how he was destroyed it's just how it is. When defeated he was deconstructed. I do not know any more than that I’m afraid.” At that explanation Twilight's face would just contort in frustrated confusion as she was trying to make sense of the situation.

"It's like being erased...deleted?" Twilight would mumble to herself.

“So what do we do now?” Flash asked. Everyone looked unsure. Noir would turn to the digimon then to the group. Her face beamed as realization hit her.

“Nine….but there is eight digimon….eight humans!”

“Beg pardon?”

“This can’t be a coincidence!”

“Blanc settle down. Let’s not frighten them.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Remember what my old friend from my story told me? The legend of nine digimon and nine humans. He gave me only eight of them and now here you are eight humans with one of whom has bonded to one of the very digimon he entrusted to me. You lot can get help from Sistermon Ciel and these little pens can be your protectors while at the same time help them grow and find out what they are meant to do.”

“I don’t know…this seems like a lot…it just sounds scary…” Fluttershy said quietly.

“I understand but your two groups have been brought together for a reason. I know it. Sunset becoming Dracomons tamer proves that.”


“One who has the strength to tame a digimon. To be partners and combine their powers. It would usually take ages for a digimon to change forms but you borrowed this girl's energy. That's why you only held that larger form a brief time.” After Noir explained, Dracomon would turn to Sunset as both would stare intently at one another.

“My tamer…”

“Partner huh…”

“But I don’t wanna go…” Patamon said softly as he nuzzled against Noir's bosom. She returned the embrace as she got every digimon into a group hug as if she was a mother trying to give her children all one big hug.

“I know. I know but you all must be strong, okay? Take them to Ciel and she can explain more alright? Dracomon you’re the oldest please watch over them okay?”

“I-I will…” Dracomon sniffled.

“Wait so if Sunset is paired with Dracomon then what about the rest of us?” Applejack inquired. The rest of the digimon looked on as if they wondered too.

“That I do not know. I feel that you all will know who you bond with when the time comes. Like Sunset your time will come as possibly the symbol of our evolution, the digivice will show itself before you and your destined partner.” Everyone would look to the digimon curious of who they could be partnered with.

“Well whoever my partner is I hope they can keep up with me. Hmph.” Hawkmon said with smug.

“We’ll take good care of them and thanks a million for having us.” Applejack said to Noir.

“And they you dear humans. You all will go to Sistermon Ciel. She is in the Bug Empire. Go east and keep going until you find a trailmon station. The trains will take you to the border. Once there find Kabu village. Beware for the Bug Empire is one of the hostile lands of the Digital World. The others are the Bird Kingdom, Metal Empire, and the Dark Land. Be vigilant while traveling through these countries.”


“Don’t worry guys, we will totally get home! We been in stickier situations than this!”

"This does not seem less bad than what we have been through!" Rarity replied with a sharp tone.

“Rainbow ‘s right. Well partially. If we stick together I’m sure we will be okay. We will make it home. Together.” Everyone would gather around Sunset as everyone both human, dog and digimon formed one group at her speech. Noir would smile at that as Blanc just eyed them with glee.

“Well my digimon you take care of them…and take care of yourselves.”


"I will pack you all some food and some other things that could help on your journey. Come along Blanc you're helping."

"What?! Oh come on...!"

"Ah ah I don't want to hear it. Now come along." The sisters would leaves as everyone was left to their own devices. Various emotions would show on the teens faces as the digimon would scatter among themselves.

"I still can't believe this is real..." Flash commented.

"Tell me about it. This could beat when I brought all of you into Equestria just to get off that island during spring break."

"Oh yeah that."

"I love that! I was such a cool looking pegasus!"

"That's what I have trouble with." Twilight replied.

"What do you mean?" Spike asked.

"Well like Sunset explained back then. Going to another world your physical form changes, but this? We were just having fun at Sunset's house and suddenly we are here. Shouldn't we become one of these creatures? What's the difference?"

Twilight's questions made everyone think to themselves. Sunset would ponder to herself on the meaning of these words.

She's right. Why is this so different from then? We look the same as we did in the human world. What happened to our geodes? We always had them and I'm pretty sure we all wore them. I think the rest of the girls feel what I do. Helpless...Luckily Dracomon had my back. I hope the rest of them can have this kind of luck. All of us will need their help to survive. Her thoughts would be interrupted as Noir and Blanc would come back with various bags and supplies.

"You are all set! I packed some food, currency that should be helpful and other things. The digimon can help you with them." Applejack would be the one to take the bags as she thanked her with a nod and a smile.

"Thank you kindly."

The group would eventually leave as all the digimon gave one last hug to both Noir and Blanc. Noir would tear up as Blanc waved energetically.

“Be safe on your travels!”

“Bye my digimon! This will always be your home!”

“Good luck my little digimon…your destiny has now started…”

Author's Note:

Welp if this was a show the pilot is done lol