• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 979 Views, 44 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen - Epic Fable

When Sunset and her friends start their summer off with a night of movies things turn strange as a strange storm forms...

  • ...

ACT I: Episode 5: Chapter 18

“So are you sure Floramon?” Rarity asked her partner. The duo would look around, but their gaze would be drawn to where the vines that previously grabbed Floramon retreated to.

“Yes. I’ll help whatever it takes.”

“Oh if only this can help us. Oh I wish Twilight was here…” Rarity fiddled with the device as she pressed a button on the side as the screen showed a map of the area.


“What is it?”

“I think it’s a map of the forest…and I see…8 lights? Oh these are signals! We can find our friends!”

“Lead the way! I’ll protect you!”

The girls would run as they followed the signals. The area would show more and more vines as they decorated the walls, littered the ground as they got closer and closer to the signals. As they reached their goal they would find several pod looking objects with familiar faces within.

‘There they are!’


“Rarity!” Sunset cried out as her and everyone's else's mouths were being covered by vines. Everyould struggled as a voice was heard above. As Rarity and Floramon looked above them a small green plant-like creature stared at them with hsi sharp yellow eyes. Rarity’s digivice would show a profile.

“Weedmon. A champion plant like digimon. YOU! So you were the one who took our friends!”

“The green….they did indeed take…was told to. Will be rewarded in silence and more green. The green will silence everything who dares step…into my territory…”


“You…will be silent. I listen to few…you are not that number.”

“Are you ready?”

“Ready!” Rarity would hold her digivice high in the air as it glowed. The light made Weedmon repulse as Floramon shined.

“Floramon…digivolve to…!”
A symbol of a tree sprouting would hit Floramon as her body broke apart into data then reassembled into a new creature. In her place a larger creature with a spiked tail and a head reminiscent of a sunflower was seen.


“Dazzling dahling!”

“You will not make it out of my green alive…” The monster would pull a scythe from his mouth as his vine then started to attack in whipping fashion.


Sunflowmon would fly around dodging the attacks and picked up Rarity to spare her from the scythe attacks as well.

“I think we should bring some light to this place!” Her head would shine as if it was a bright sun before shooting a large glowing laser from her face.


The light would bathe the entire lair as it would hit Weedmon, erasing him where he stood as it then blasted a hole into the overgrown lair, letting natural light in. The rest of the group would slowly be freed as the vines rescinded away as everyone fell to the ground.

“Rarity! Floramon!”

“You did that?? That was AWESOME!” The group would surround Rarity and Floramon as Rarity showed off her new digivice as Twilight looked at hers then Rarity’s.

“How did you find us?”

“I found out you can track the other digivices! See look.” She would show everyone the map layout where it had five signals.

“This is us. When I received my digivice I saw four other signals away from one. It had to be all of you!”

“Amazing. So if you could do it…” Twilight copied what Rarity showed her and sure enough she had the same map layout with five signals lighting up. The rest would follow in kind as they all got the same results.

“IT WORKS!” Pinkie yelled.

“Wow look at that.” Flash said as he and Liollmon would look at the device in wonder.

“This…this could help a lot. With this we won’t be lost from another!” Twilight said excitedly.

“Well at least it will be hard to do so.” Applejack commented as she looked at Twilight’s digivice.

“Good job old friend.” Dracomon would nuzzle Flroamon who in return gave the dragon a hug.

“What now?” Spike would look up. Everyone would look forward towards the opening of the vine wall, out of the forest.

“We continue forward.”

As the group would venture out of the forest they would see a familiar sight. Railroad tracks decorated the ground as it went north.

“Train tracks?”

“So this world has a train system?” Twilight pondered as she examined the tracks. As everyone looked around everyone heard the familiar sound of a train horn. The noise would grow as everyone would get off the tracks in a hurry. What followed was a male voice.

“Woo woo! Any potential passengers heeeeeeeere???”

“What is that?” Patamon asked as he flew in the air. Hawkmon would follow in kind as they both stared at the upcoming source of the noise.

“Is that a train?”

“Wait, is that train…talking??”

“A trailmon!” Hagurumon answered as realization hit him.

“Wait, that train is a digimon too?!” Twilight said in shock. “What isn’t a digimon in this world?!”

“Digivice says…Trailmon…Buffalo. A champion machine type. Wow.” Flash said as he read the profile from the screen of his digivice.

“Woo woo! Do I see some potential passengers?!”

The sound of steam and a loud whistle was heard followed by the loud sound of metal screeching as the train-like creature slowed down to a stop.

“Ah ha! So I do spy some potential passengers! Do you folks need a riiiiide?”

“Wait! Can you excuse us sir?” Rarity asked the train as she pulled everyone into a huddle.

“How can we trust it?”

“Rarity’s right. I don’t know about y'all, but after what we’ve been through this is starting to get annoying. Who can we trust?”

“I think I can clarify.” Hagurumon spoke up. Everyone turned to him as he elaborated. “Trailmon are digimon that love to help people go place to place. They are both public transportation and charitable creatures. It’s just what they do.”

“Well…he seems to know-”


“-To know what he’s been talking about so far.” Twilight continued. “I say we trust them. After all, the Sistermon did appoint the digimon as our guides for this world.”

“Twilight is right.” Sunset agreed. “Let’s talk to him.”

“Yeah!” Liollmon chimed in. “We all got your back!” The group would break up the huddle as they turn their attention to the Trailmon.

“So partner. Where could you go to?” Applejack asked the train.

“Anywhere so long there is a track!”

“Oh well…can you take us to a place called…The Bug Empire?” Fluttershy asked with a sweet tone. The Trailmon grinned in reply.

“I sure can! But be careful for it is in Digital Axis territory.”

“Digital Axis?”


Everyone would shrug as they looked at one another as they boarded the Trailmon. A door would open up for the group as the interior had a classic 1920s American decor as everyone took their seats, staring out the window as Trailmon would slowly disembark. As the train rode, the train tracks continued into the sky as the sound of the engine, screeching metal and the winding passing by soared. Everyone wa sin awe as they rode into the sky.

“What in tarnation?!”

“How is this possible?!”


“Next stop…The Bug Empire! Woo woo!”