• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 937 Views, 43 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen - Epic Fable

When Sunset and her friends start their summer off with a night of movies things turn strange as a strange storm forms...

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ACT I: Episode 4: Chapter 14

“This is BARBARIC!” Rarity cried out as she almost fainted.

“This is horrible!”

“Yeah, but did you hear? Offering? Who knows how long this has been going on.”

“Why would they do that?!” Pinkie looked horrified as everyone had to clever their ears at the volume of her outburst.

“Because we all will be destroyed if we don't.” A kiwi like creature appeared as he stepped in and explained.

“Who are you?”

“I am Kiwimon.”

“Pardon me for asking, but what happened here?”

“Hey now I have questions. Who are all of you?”

“I’m Sunset Shimmer.”

“My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

“Rainbow Dash!”


“I’m Pinkie Pie!”


“Name’s Applejack”

“I’m Flash Sentry.”

“And I’m Spike.”

As the digimon would introduce themselves Kiwkimon looked the humans and Spike over before grunting.

“I’m not sure what you all are, but I suggest you all leave this village as soon as you can.”

“Yes of course we can! Come on everyone, let's go.” Before Fluttershy could leave, Applejack stopped her by grabbing her shoulder really quickly. As Everyone was unnerved, Sunset looked determined as she stepped forward to Kiwimon.

“We can’t do that. We really don’t know the area and the danger. A place to rest could really help.” Kiwimon sighed hearing this and looked around.

“I do have a place of my own. You all can rest for the night, but you should leave first thing at dawn.”

‘We promise.“

“Follow me.” As Kiwimon lead the way the group would see the morale was low as the locals' faces screamed despair.

“How long has this been going??” Twilight asked as she looked around.

“For years…” Kiwimon admitted. Everyone would gasp hearing the answer.

“We used to do trading with all sorts of species. We plants and birds love to specialize in fragrances and trade them with the bugs especially, but one day out from the deep a Seadramon came and froze our beloved crop of digital lilac. Many plant digimon were killed.” Floramon paled.

“That’s terrible!”

“He then laughed and said to us.”

“I will spare your village if you give me an offering every year. Your most powerful or pure of data.”

“We have no more champions but we have a digimon of pure plant.”

“I think I might get it.” Hagurumon spoke up. “When a digimon is killed their data in a fight will usually go to the victor and gets downloaded. It becomes a part of them and makes them stronger.” At that revelation Dracomon, Liollmon, and Hawkmon remembered their own fights and the results. Every time they would download the data of their fallen enemies. From the erased body the data particles would go into their own. It’s no wonder why they always felt great afterwards despite the battle fatigue.

“It helps escalate evolution.” Kiwimon would continue with his explanation after Hagurumon finished his.

“His ice-based attacks greatly hurt us even if some of us are virus type. We can’t touch him…”

“Virus?” Twilight would ask. Hagurumon would brighten up at the question.

“Allow me to explain again! Digimon come in four types: vaccine, data, virus and free. Free is pretty neutral but vaccine usually helps other programs, data is the default and most common of digimon though virus can cause havoc though that's not always the case.

“WOW we really are in a different world!” Pinkie chirped out with Twilight nodding in fascination.

“You creatures must be out of your mind! What can you do to help?!” Dracomon, Liollmon and Hawkmon would step forward and stood alongside Sunset, Flash and Rainbow as they looked serious.

“Trust me. I think we can find a way.”

“We all can help too! No way we’re going to let that mean sea monster take away your smiles!” Pinkie bounced around which made the others chuckle. Pinkie would turn serious.

“There has to be some way we can help!”

“There has to be a way we can!” Rainbow commented.

As the group continued Kiwimon showed them a hut much like the others. He would turn the group before clearing his throat.

“There’s not much room, but you can settle here for the night. Please make do.”

“How charming…” Applejack would cover Rarity’s mouth with her hand before continuing.

“We will. Thank you.”

As everyone got settled in the hut they would huddle together outside when done.

“We need to help.” Sunset said firmly.

“Look Sunset I don’t like this either, but do we really have time for this? We have to find a way to get back home.” Flash replied. Pinkie bounced back instead of Sunset cutting her off.

“BUT WE HAVE TO HELP!” Pinkie would grab his face and lead it to the direction of the town. “Just look at them! They are all so miserable! Maybe we’re meant to help them! Bring their smiles back.” Kamemon would tug at her arm as the pink girl would turn to him.

“But…But we can’t let you get hurt…we’re put in charge of you…”

“Oh don’t worry Kammy! We’ve been through trouble before!”

“But not like this Pinkie.” Applejack pointed out. “Sure we've been to another world, but nothing hostile like this. We need to be careful.”

As everyone was discussing the idea a new voice was heard.

“Would you really help?” The group would look around to find the source of the new voice. Their search would lead to a bush with a smaller digimon hidden in. A plant digimon with flower petals at the top of its head, almost like a hairstyle. The creature's eyes were red and puffy as it sniffled.

“Digivice says it’s a Palmon. A rookie plant digimon.” Rainbow explained while looking at her digivice. Pinkie would kneel down to be at eye level with the Palmon as she patted the creature gently on the head as if comforting a child. With a warm smile Pinkie would reply.

“Of course we will. I’m guessing you were meant to be out there?” Palmon would reply with more tears and a little nod. Kiwimon would find the group and as his eyes set on Palmon he would get tense.

“There you are! Has anyone seen you? Wait you were supposed to be…I’m glad you’re okay.”

“You know her?” Spike asked the kiwi. As he nodded Applejack eyed him.

“You raised her didn’t you?”

“More or less. Unlike animals and humans we do not have families. We usually fend for ourselves. However when communities form like this village it’s hard not to look out for one another. But after that CRETIN came to our town…so many of our rookies and little ones were sent to feed his greedy palette! You are right young one. It was Palmon’s turn, but I couldn’t bare to see her get destroyed. But…But if I don’t…the village will be gone. What do I choose…How can I ever choose…?” The kiwi would turn to the plant.

“You must never let them see you…but if you don’t…we are doomed…” Rainbow jumped up as she started to raise her voice.

“Of course she knows that! But she doesn't want to lose her data just like that! She clearly wants to stay here and be friends with you and everyone else! Right?” Palmon would nod.

“Be honest. You would miss her if she was gone. Right?” Fluttershy asked him. He would tremble a bit before tears would show. Pinkie would just hug the kiwi as Sunset looked determined. Flash would stand next to her sharing the same expression.

“We’re doing something about this.”