• Published 13th Jul 2023
  • 961 Views, 44 Comments

Equestria Girls: Digimon Chosen - Epic Fable

When Sunset and her friends start their summer off with a night of movies things turn strange as a strange storm forms...

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ACT I: Episode 3: Chapter 11

“That is a huge feather…” Liollmon would paw at it before Flash would pick him up like one does with their cat.

“Fluttershy do you know what kind of bird this came from?”

“I don’t…it almost seems like…it was on fire…and I’ve never seen it this big before…”

“I don’t want to even know what bird this came from.”

“We need to get the humans out of here. Now. Come on everyone.” Hawkmon would take flight as he looked to the direction Monochromon went.

“Guys I see an upward path we can take. It looks like it leads out of the valley.” Rainbow would nod in approval, but also had a solemn expression.

“Rainbow Dash is everything okay?” Fluttershy would put a hand on her shoulder before the latter just laughed and shrugged her off.

“I’m fine, I just think these guys are cool. Yeah. Come on, let's get out of here.”

“Well I think we are all set. I mean we are all pretty set together.”

“Hawkmon my old friend, do not get overconfident. Only a couple of us can actually digivolve and to be frank we have been lucky.” Dracomon chided while Liollmon nodded in agreement. Hawkmon just flew rolling his eyes. Rainbow looked around and flagged Hawkmon down.

“Hey, can you fly up to see signs of danger?”

“Can do!” Hawkmon would fly around, but not too far as he came back down.

“I uhh…”

“As a rookie you can’t fly that high right?” Dracomon commented. Hawkmon would only respond with an eye roll.

“Let’s just pick up the pace a bit then. This is giving me the heebie jeebies.” Floramon picked up her pace. As the group walked more a giant black feather would fall parallel to them. Everyone would freeze in place as they looked at the feather. Spike pawed at it and sniffed it.

“Ohhh that can’t be good.”

Everyone would slowly turn up as a flapping noise was heard overhead. As soon as Liollmon looked up into the sky, Flash’s digivice would light and show an image. The image was of a large black bird with fiery, black feathers adorning its body, razor jagged teeth protruding from its beak as it stared down at the group.

“Saberdramon: A champion level, giant bird digimon. Oh that’s Saberdramon?!”

“That thing is terrifying!”

The bird would roar as it flew high then dived at the group.

“It’s heading this way! RUN!”

Everyone in the group would start to run as they would hear a distorted eagle cry. Repeated flapping was heard as Hawkmon flew over the group, occasionally looking above them, sweating. The giant bird would swoop down barely missing Rainbow and Fluttershy as it almost hit the ground. The group would let out various screams in response as Rainbow looked around before spotting something slightly above the path at a cliff wall.

“Over there!”


Everyone would run with haste as the giant bird would shoot flame-covered feathers as everyone barely managed to reach the cave’s entrance. Everyone would let out a sigh of relief as well trying to catch their breath. Hawkmon, Fanbeemon, Patamon and Hagurumon would fall to the ground due to exhaustion as most of them fly while the latter levitates. Applejack looked around while trying to catch her breath.

“Everyone alright?”

“I…I think so.”

“”We almost got eaten by a dinosaur, a cartoon looking wolf and now a demonic looking bird?! What’s next?!” Twilight cried out. Hagurumon was wide eyed seeing her panic as all the digimon reacted similarly.

“THAT was the monster Monochromon was warning us about?!” Rarity would pull her hair as she looked panicked.

“Well I’m not gonna jinx it.” Spike said dryly.

“I’M SO OVER THIS WORLD! I JUST WANT TO BE BACK HOME!” Everyone would be silent in the cave after that outburst. Only sounds that can be heard were stifled sobbing and the constant banging from outside as the large predator tried to figure out how to get to the group, since it was too large to fit into the cave. Everyone would settle in and rest in various spots within the cave. Rainbow looked around and smirked.

“Come on guys! This isn’t the end! I’m sure we’ll get through this. Just like we always do.” Fluttershy would get up and put a hand on her shoulder.

“Rainbow is right. We just have to wait this out. Animals tend to give up if they see no results.”

“The issue is despite how these digimon look, they are clearly sentient. He’s probably formulating a plan right now to see how he can get us out and eat us.”

“Yeah this digimon tends to be savage I’ve heard.” Hagurumon commented. Applejack would lay back against the cave wall as she tilted her hat and sighing.

“Well I think we’ll be here for a while y'all. I suggest we get some rest while we can.”

Time passed as everyone would either take short naps, pace around the space or even talked quietly or in the case of Pinkie and Kamemon play a game. The two would have playing cards as Pinkie just eyed the turtle as examined his hand then his face, then her own.

“So…what do you got…reptile?? Got any 3s?”

“Err no.”

“Hehe. You’re supposed to say go fish silly!”

“Ohhhh. I forgot.” Kamemon would react with a goofy and deep sounding chuckle as Pinkie giggled at his response. Meanwhile Rainbow would tell stories to Hawkmon about their adventures.

“So you flew that fast??”

“You know it! One of a kind! I bet I could outfly you if I had my powers!”

“Oh I would like to see you try! I bet if I digivolved I could fly circles around you!”

“So…what would you be like if you did? A bigger bird?”

“Oh I hope…I want the biggest wings so I can reach the highest skies. You have no idea how much digivolving means to us…it’s…everything. Something I looked forward to my whole life…”

“I get it.”

“Wait you do?”

“Yeah dude. I wanted to be the best athlete. I joined all the clubs, pushed myself, and did training at the crack of dawn. I totally get it. Why do you think I look this awesome?” She gestured to her figure. “When I got my powers…I thought I became even better than I was before…I was so proud of myself…how much better could I be…but now…here…I don’t have that…I can’t even protect myself…” Rainbow looked dejected as she grabbed just below her neck. As if grabbing her geode. Hawkmon would frown before getting closer to her.

“I think you’re great.” He extended his talons out and patted her leg. Rainbow looked to the bird as she let out a small smile.

“You always had this intense energy about you. I like that. For a human you have the feel of a ferocious digimon!” As the two would stare at one another Rainbow would just laugh at the comparison.

“So I’m dangerous like a digimon huh?”

“Hey, that's a compliment! You’re one of us!”

“I get it I get it. HAHA! Stop.” she tried to grab his wing like a hand and did a firm grab.

“I appreciate that bird.” Hawkmon would smile before grabbing her hand back with more strength. Sunset would just look more annoyed as time passed.

“Ugh is he still out there?” Hawkmon would turn to her with a grim face.

“Yeah…I can still hear his wing beat.”


“We need to do something. We can’t just stay here forever. Hey Hawkmon, do you think you could fly out there and see if you can find a chance for us to escape?”

“He could spot me. I don’t think I could out fly a champion level…Frankly all we did was trap ourselves here.”

“He might get bored soon and leave.” Liollmon said hopefully, but Hagurumon and Hawkmon would look at him with a deadpan stare.

“I highly doubt it if he stayed this long.”

“Oh I wish he could stick his stupid beak in here and I could just poison the savage thing!” Floramon said in a huff as she crossed her arms. Sunset would look to her then to the cave’s entrance and paced a bit. Flash and Twilight’s faces lit up as hers did as well. Sunset would then go to the group and stood in their field of vision.

“I think I have a plan.”