• Published 29th Dec 2011
  • 2,060 Views, 2 Comments

Love in Equestria - Wolfe15

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The Silent and the Soaring Pt. 2

The Silent and the Soaring Pt.2
The Story of Big Macintosh and Soarin'

Big Mac's eye twitched and Applejack was biting into her hand. Soarin' and Spitfire weren't much help. Actually they weren't help at all. They were more of a danger. Big Mac rubbed his face but said, "Soarin', Spitfire?"

"Hold on! We can do this." Big Mac groaned silently and rubbed his head.

"Maybe you should take a break?" Applejack suggested. Soarin' and Spitfire nodded and sat down before Big Mac and Applejack rushed to fix the damage done to their farm. Big Mac took a look back to see Spitfire laid back and Soarin' watching him. Big Mac flushed then turned back to his work. Soon he had finished getting the seeds down and looked to see Soarin' next to him.

"Um, can I help you this time?" Big Mac held back the no on his tongue and nodded. Soarin' rolled up the sleeves on the borrowed button up and smiled.

"Okay." Big Mac handed him a large bag and said, "Ah just need you to put three seeds in the holes Ah dig k?"

Soarin' nodded rapidly and Big Mac couldn't help but chuckle softly. Soarin' flushed and they began to work.

Big Mac rubbed the sweat from his brow when he finished and turned to see Soarin' sprinkle the last of the seeds into the hole and Applejack cover it.

"All done! That was pretty fun!" Big Mac shook his head and chuckled at the goofy man. Applejack stretched then smiled, "Well Ah'm goin' ta take a bath." Big Mac nodded and turned to Soarin'.

"Um, Big Mac?"


"I really feel bad for assuming things and being rude. Can I make it up to you?" Big Mac frowned then looked at him.

"Um, okay." Soarin' grinned and flushed lightly.

"Great, so do you want to have dinner together?" Big Mac's eye twitched and his face began to heat up.

"A-Ah don't know."

"Please!" He flushed harder as Soarin' got onto his knees and began to plead.

"O-Okay, okay. You can take me out to dinner." Soarin's face brightened and he hugged him around the waist before jumping up.

"You won't be sorry! I promise!" Big Mac sighed lightly as Soarin' ran off.

Later that night Big Mac was fidgeting as Applejack helped him pick out a shirt. "Now nothin' too fancy Big Mac."

"Applejack, shut up." Applejack looked affronted and she pouted.

"Ah'm just trying to help."

"Sorry sister. Just nervous." Applejack giggled then turned him towards the mirror. Big Mac was shocked at how he looked. His hair was combed and pulled into a low ponytail, his clothes were simple but he begrudgingly realized Applejack was accenting his muscular figure. He wasn't fat or chubby by no means, all muscle. He made a face then looked at Applejack.

"Thanks." Applejack nodded then pushed him out of his room then down the stairs.

"Have fun!" He frowned as he was shoved out of the house and the door slammed behind him. He sighed then took a seat on the ground, was he crazy?

"Hey." He looked up and flushed deeply when he saw Soarin'. Soarin' was dressed in black pants, a tight blue shirt and a blue bomber jacket over it. Big Mac jumped up and scratched the back of his head.

"Um, where are we goin'."

"Well I thought we could go on a picnic." Big Mac smiled and nodded. Soarin' let his blue wings explode from his back and held out a hand to him. Big Mac looked at him like he was crazy and moved back.

"Uh, don't you think Ah'm a bit heavy?" Soarin' smiled then took a step closer and wrapped an arm around his waist. "Don't worry." He suddenly took off into the air and Big Mac squeaked while Soarin' laughed.

Not too long later they landed at a large tree and Soarin' pried Big Mac's arms from around his neck. "Hehe, sorry." Big Mac gave him a death glare then sat down heavily, relishing the ground and swearing never to leave it again. Soarin' smiled then pulled out a picnic basket and set it on the ground. He took a seat next to her and grinned. "Apple Cider?" After their dinner they settled against the tree and were looking up into the sky. Soarin' looked at Big Mac then looked at his hands. "Um." Big Mac looked at him, raising an eyebrow and Soarin' smiled. "I...I really like you. Um, I'm trying to say will you be my um...boyfriend?"

Big Mac stared at him then slowly nodded. Soarin' grinned and hugged him tightly. "Great!" Big Mac grinned and pulled Soarin' closer. The days passed quickly and before he knew it Soarin' and Spitfire were packing up. Big Mac stood off to the side and stared at the ground long and hard. He closed her eyes tiredly then rubbed his face to make the stinging in his eyes go away. At heart he was a big softy after all. "Big Mac?" He turned his head and looked at Soarin'. Soarin' was looking at the ground. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. We rushed into this but you gotta job to do." Soarin' looked up at him then pulled out a blue bandanna and handed it to him.

"Here." Big Mac took the bandanna then looked down before kissing Soarin' softly. Soarin' kissed him back then moved away and said, "I'm sorry." He turned then ran off and Big Mac gritted his teeth before closing his eyes against the tears.

Five months later Big Mac was calling out commands for the winter wrap up. "Caramel! If yea lost yer seeds again Ah'mma get you!" Caramel ran off and Big Mac snorted in irritation ready to give chase but continued to order people around. "Big Mac?" He turned then grinned at Applejack.

"Hey sister."

"Hey Big Mac. Guess who's here." Big Mac frowned and turned then gasped.

Four months earlier

Soarin' glared at the sky as he sat in the stands. "Soarin'?" He turned and looked to see Spitfire.


"You miss him huh?" Soarin' frowned and looked back to the sky.

"I hate this." Spitfire sat then looked up into the sky.

"I know. Do you love him?" Soarin' blushed then looked at her seriously for once.

"Yes I do." Spitfire grinned then closed her eyes.

"Then let's go!" Soarin' looked at her in surprise and then frowned. "B-But we can't just up and leave."

"Yes we can."

"But we still have five shows and the special show for the princess!"

"When's the princesses show?"

"I think around January."

"UGH!" Soarin' tossed his hands into the air then stood up and began to pace in anger.

"I don't want to do it!"

"Well it will disappoint her."

"I want to go to Big Mac." Soarin' sat down pouting and Spitfire chuckled.

"Don't worry." Soarin' sighed then looked up and gaped. Spitfire looked up and stared in muted shock as Princess Celestria floated out of the sky and Soarin' dropped to his kneels, wailing, "I didn't mean it!" Spitfire smacked Soarin' in the back of the head and said, "Shut up!" Princess Celestria laughed softly then landed.

"I have an idea."


Five Wonderbolts were causing clouds to explode and Big Mac watched as their leader flew over to him and landed in front of him. The leader pulled off his goggles and smiled. "Soarin'." He whispered. Soarin grinned and kissed the shocked man then hugged him.

"Guess what."

"Y-Yes?" Soarin' kissed his cheek then hugged him tightly.

"I quit the Wonderbolts!" Big Mac swallowed his wheat stalk then coughed violently as Soarin' squeaked. Not too far away another Wonderbolt landed and grinned as Soarin' tried to pulled the wheat stalk from Big Mac's throat. The Wonderbolt pulled off her goggles and chuckled.

"They'll make a good couple."

"Ah think so too." Spitfire turned and grinned at Applejack.

"Hey A.J."

"What are you guys doin' here?"

"Well Soarin' and I think it's time we stop being Wonderbolts. We really wanted to live here so were going to help the winter wrap up."

"That's kind of you. I thought you were supposed to perform for the Princess tomorrow." Spitfire pointed up and Applejack froze when she saw the princess watching everything with a grin.

"She said this will do." Applejack chuckled and both of them watched as Soarin' pulled the wheat stack out of Big Mac's mouth and kissed his cheek. Big Mac coughed then looked at him, flushing red but grinning. They hugged tightly and Soarin' kissed him hard on the mouth.