Love in Equestria

by Wolfe15

First published

Love Stories featuring main and side characters.

This tells about the love and the power of love in Equestria, set in an alternate universe of humanized ponies. Love is blossoming in Equestria.

(Edit: All chaps get revamp and are going to be with correct genders. Seems better)

Confection Confessions Pt 1

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Confection Confessions Pt. 1
The story of Mr.Carrot Cake and Ms.Banana Split Sundae

The sun shone down on a new day and a groan came from the bed in the center of the room. "Get up you lazy bitch!" Snarled a rather pissed off Mrs. Cup Cake. Sighing silently, his wife, Carrot Cake, sat up and nodded. "Yes dear." The life of one Carrot Cake was very sad indeed. Every morning he would wake up to the yells and taunts of his wife, would work as his wife delivered more insults in stage whispers, then clean up to the calls of insults then head to bed with his wife telling him how horrible he was. He grimaced as he brushed his teeth and felt a small stab of pain shoot through his jaw. Last night it seemed his wife laid him out good with a right hook for not frosting the cupcakes right. He finished brushing his teeth before brushing his orange hair back and pulling it into a pony tail, he took in a deep breath, grimaced then walked to his dresser to get ready for the day.

Soon he was passing out pastries to the happy costumers with a fake smile on his face. A smile that he painted on to prove he could, to prove his wife's less than nice demeanor had no affect on her. Honestly though his wife could be a serious bitch in private! He walked over to a table and was cleaning up when he heard the tell-tale sign of his rent paying party-goer, Pinkie Pie, bound over. "Hey Mr. Cake!"

"Hi Pinkie. How are you?"

"Great! And you? I heard yelling last night, are you okay?" Mr.Cake grimaced but painted his usual smile on his face and chuckled. "Sorry Pinkie me and Cup Cake got into an argument over the next confection we were going to try out."

Pinkie nodded then bounded over to her friend, Rainbow Dash. Mr. Cake watched them wistfully but returned to his work at his wife's glare. "Excuse me?"

"Yes?" He said without looking back.

"Are you Carrot Cake?" He turned and looked down at a shorter woman. She was grinning like a lunatic and faintly he thought she was another version of Pinkie.

"Um, who's asking?"

"It's me Carrot! Banana Split!" Frowning he took out his glasses, put them on, then looked closer at the woman.

"Well I'll be damned....Banana I thought you were still in Canterlot cooking for Prince BlueBlood!"

"I was but he said I should move here to make room for another chef. I'm still am head chef, I'm on a short vacation though."

Carrot Cake nodded and smiled. "How have you been Carrot?" Carrot grimaced then looked around for any sign of his wife. Seeing his wife talking to a customer, rather openly flirting with him, he frowned. "Um, hold up."

He walked over then said, "Cup Cake? May I take a break?"

"Sure." He nodded then pulled off his apron and hat before leading his old friend out of the store and to a cafe not to far away. They took a seat and a waiter took their orders before leaving them. "So how have you been Carrot Cake?" Carrot Cake sighed then grabbed his cup of coffee in both hands and looking at it. "Not good?"

"That's an understatement. I.......I thought I made the right choice."

"About what?"

"Everything. Cup Cake, creating the Sugar Cube Corner....everything." Silence blossomed and Banana reached over and grasped his hand.

"Are you okay? Has she hurt you in anyway?" Carrot Cake sighed, looked away, then drank some of his coffee.

"I'll be okay soon and I don't want talk about her. How have you been?"

"Ehhhhhhh pretty good. Nothing new really." Carrot Cake nodded before a comfortable silence embraced them and he drifted into a memory,

He smiled as he iced his cake. "Carrot? What are you doing?" His eyes widened and he spun around in shock and accidently squeezed the tube of icing in his hand, squeaking in shock and a bit of fear. Realizing he had covered his disgruntled and irritated looking friend in icing he grinned sheepishly. "Sorry Banana. I was, um, finishing a cake."

"I can see that but why and at this time at night?"

"I, um, got my cutie mark today and I just wanted to get it finished before bed." A look of shock and disbelief crossed young Banana's face and she rushed over.

"No way! I wanna see!" Carrot flushed as his friend rolled up the sleeve to his shirt and the tattoo looking emblem on his arm stood out.

"Lucky......I want my cutie mark!"

"Do you like to make ice-cream and cooking?"

"Of course! I wanna open a restaurant! I wanna cook for the rest of my...Cooking, thats it!" Carrot smiled then reached over and rubbed off the icing on her shoulder to reveal a cutie mark, a banana split, fitting of her friend.

"Congrats Banana!" Banana looked at her arm in shock then jumped forward and hugged her friend tightly.

"Carrot?" Carrot snapped out of the memory and looked at his friend flushing lightly.

"Sorry about that. What?"

"I was talking about the huge Celestria Birthday Dessert Cook off!" Carrot gave her a blank look and Banana rolled her eyes before pulling out a flyer.

"Seriously Carrot you gotta get out more." Carrot rolled his eyes then looked at the flyer before gaping at it.

"The princess is looking for a pastry chef to cook her birthday cake and the rest of the dessert for the birthday party?"

"Yup! I'm surprised you haven't heard heard of it." Carrot flushed then stuck his tongue out before looking the flyer over again. He bit his lip then looked up and at Banana. Her eyes were a yellow of the sun, her hair was white but not from age, a natural white like soft marshmallow and it was pulled into a low ponytail. She was grinning at him and Carrot flushed before taking a drink of his coffee.

"I don't know Banana, Cup Cake might not go for this."

"Then enter the competition with me! We can win it!" Carrot frowned deeper, looking away.

"I-I'm not sure."

"Please?" Taking a deep breath, he set the flyer down then grinned and nodded.

"I'll do it." As Banana smiled and practically jumped across the table to hug him, Carrot smiled and felt something in his chest that he hadn't felt in a while. Excitement.

The rest of the day passed normally for him and he soon found himself standing under the gentle spray of shower water. As he washed up her mind strayed to Banana, soon he found himself thinking about how much she had changed. As children they had stuck through thick and thin, they had gone on adventures in the kitchen to try and find their cutie marks. They were both best friends but as they grew older, they stopped talking. Cup Cake didn't like Banana Split and Banana thought Cup Cake was a bitch. Frankly Carrot Cake knew deep inside that he shouldn't have married Cup Cake but he had thought it was love and gone with it.

The years had passed so quickly after they had stopped talking and their was no stopping the process of age but Banana had aged in grace. She wasn't so skinny she was a twig but now her hips flared out and her breasted were a manageable size. Her eyes were still as soft as could be and her hair had gotten no different.

She was still short, 5'2 to her 5'8 but her size made her more approachable and more....kind looking. Carrot frowned and looked down at himself. He wasn't overly muscular, just enough from lifting heavy bags and trays. He was more tall and a bit lanky then stocky and muscular.

Not as awkward as he was as a child but his lank had stayed over the years. He shut off his shower then stepped out and began to dry off. He pulled on some boxers before pulling on an under shirt and frowning as a knock came from somewhere downstairs.

"Go see who it is Carrot!" Carrot grimaced glared at the door before leaving the bathroom, heading downstairs. He gulped then pulled out a bat from behind the counter and yelled, "Who's their!?"

"Carrot?" Carrot lowered the bat then rushed to the door to let in Banana.

"Why are you here?"

"Um the hotel I was at kind of kicked me out."


"Evidently he hates me cuz I used to tease him in school. Can I stay here?" Biting his lip, he opened his mouth but Pinkie spoke from behind him.

"Sure! You can stay in my room! Like a SLEEPOVER!" Carrot jumped then chuckled.

Banana found herself grinning at the over excited pink haired girl then looked at Carrot. She was struck with how handsome he had gotten. Carrot was not buff or "ripped" but he had an air about him that made you feel safe, happy, and joyful. He still looked a bit awkward but it was it could be overlooked by the cute way he smiled and the soft volume of his voice when he spot to you.

"Well tomorrow make sure you wake up early Carrot." Banana held in a giggle as Carrot looked at her in confusion.


"Well we got to get brainstorming on ideas silly." Carrot flushed then nodded before looking at the pink haired girl. "Pinkie make sure Banana has everything she needs." The girl, Pinkie, nodded with a salute before leading Banana to a pink colored room.

The next morning, Carrot found himself awake long before Cup Cake. And with a grin he slid out of bed then rushed through his morning routine, for once eager to get to his baking. He rushed downstairs to find Pinkie and Banana cooking and talking. He bit her lip then walked in and smiled, "Hey guys."

Pinkie looked at him then began to bounce around happily as Banana chuckled. "I made some coffee. Grab a cup and we can start sketching out the cake ideas!"

Carrot nodded then rushed and grabbed a cup of coffee before grabbing a pencil and paper. Soon the three were discussing ideas and before they knew it Cup Cake was walking into the room with a blank look on her face.

"What is going on?" Banana looked up from the sketch as did the other two and she smiled.

"Sorry, I'm- Oh joy it's you Cup Cake! How are you?"

"What are you doing in my house?"

"Oh I just wanted to see Carrot Cake again."

Pinkie was bouncing around and Carrot was trying not to look up at his wife in fear of pain. Cup Cake smiled then shrugged.

"We open soon so don't spend all day working on that." Carrot released a sigh of relief then smiled lightly at Banana.
After the store opened and no one had come in they began to work on the sketch again. It took two hours but they found themselves proud of the cake design.

"Now what should go into it."

"Mr. Cake? Your a great baker right?" Carrot nodded and Pinkie then turned to Banana.

"Miss Sundae you make ice-cream right?"

"Yes dear...OH! An ice-cream cake!" Pinkie nodded then began to bounce around.

"How did you know what I was going to say? Are you a mind reader?" Banana chuckled as did Carrot but they nodded and soon the baking began. For those who love to do anything, the time it takes to reach your goal is long but when you throw yourself into it and remove your worries time flies by. It took five hours but they created a cake that the princess would be insane to refuse!

Banana and Carrot were so happy they didn't realize Pinkie had run off. "It looks perfect!" Banana squealed as Carrot nodded excitedly and looked at his excited friend.

"This is great. Help me get it into the freezer!" They grabbed both edges and lifted the cake into the freezer then shut the door and laughed.

"If Princess Celestria refuses the cake I'll eat my hat!" Carrot laughed as Banana laughed and nodded. As they sat in silence Carrot looked over to the side as did Banana.



"Why did you look so sad when I first saw you again?" Carrot looked away then stood.

"I don't know what your talking about."

"See now you're blocking me out."

"I am not."

"Are too." Carrot grimaced then grabbed a rag and began to clean but Banana grabbed it and snapped out.

"Talk to me."

"No." Banana growled then pressed herself closer to Carrot and growled again.

"Please! We're friends! I want to know how to help..."

"You can't. No one can help." Banana looked at him sadly then turned away. "Then I'll go. You dont-."

"Carrot? What are you doing?" Carrot grimaced then looked to the door to see Cup Cake their fuming.

Confection Confessions Pt. 2

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Confection Confessions Pt. 2
The story of Mrs.Carrot Cake and Ms.Banana Split Sundae

He glared at his hands as Cup Cake screamed at him. He hadn't been doing anything with Banana but his lovely wife seemed ready to remind him just how close he had been to his old friend. "Stop ignoring me!" Carrot flinched as Cup Cake smacked him with his own hat then began to scream. He wondered how her screaming didn't attract the police but just chalked it up to the fact that they always argued.

He sighed softly then focused on the red-faced harpy. Cup Cake growled before pulling her fist back and punching Carrot in the nose. Contrary to popular belief, Carrot Cake couldn't handle himself in a fight, he was to weak and kindhearted. He grabbed his face in pain then looked up to see her punch him in the face again. He slid out of his chair then yelped as Cup Cake kicked him in the mouth. It was always the face with her. "Go to the kitchen and toss out that cake!"


"Do it!" Carrot flinched but collected himself off of the ground and rushed to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and paused when he saw the beautiful cake. The work, the detail, and dare he say it? The love? Flinching again, he pulled the cake out with a strength he didn't know he even had and tossed the thing out back in the dumpster. As soon as he walked in through the back door, he almost crashed into Banana. Banana was crying and he dimly thought about hugging her but he stumbled back when he felt a force hit his face.

He held his cheek and looked to see Banana was holding her hand close to her chest sobbing. "Y-You've turned into a terrible person Carrot! I don't know what happened to you!"


"NO! I don't want to hear it!" Carrot stared in shock as she ran out of the store and flinched when he saw the worried face of Pinkie.

"M-Mr. Cake? Are you okay?" Carrot sighed softly then looked down.

"I'm fine Pinkie."

The next morning Carrot was putting a band-aid on his chin when the door opened to the bathroom and Cup Cake came in. "I found the flyer about the dessert contest. I say we enter it and show that stupid Banana Split what for." Carrot looked up in the mirror then nodded. Cup Cake grinned then left the bathroom and Carrot looked in the mirror. His eyes, a light green, were dull and and he looked a bit ragged but other than that he was fine. He straightened up then pulled his hair back before leaving the bathroom. Soon he was cleaning the store while his wife baked. "Mr. Cake?" He looked up and smiled at Pinkie, who looked upset.

"Yes Pinkie?"

"Are you okay?" Carrot smiled his fake smile then nodded and turned away.

"Pinkie go see it Cup Cake needs help." He didn't have to see the smile that graced Pinkie's face to know she was excited to help Cup Cake, who was like her other mother. While Pinkie bouced away Carrot looked down and tried to control his tears.

Soon Carrot was putting the cake for the bake off into the fridge. He had just finished putting it away when he heard the store bell ding. "Please give me a minute." He finished then walked into the front and paused. Banana was standing their and looking off to the side.


"I want my sketch back." Carrot flinched then reached into his pocket and pulled out the ice-cream cake sketch then handed it to her.


"Thanks." Carrot looked at the floor as he heard retreating footsteps then looked up as they paused.

"I'm going to beat you in the competition and when I do... I think I'll finally stop loving you." Carrot closed his eyes and heard the door open then shut and felt a tear slip from out of his eyes.

Soon it was the big day and Carrot was less than enthusiastic. He was staring into the mirror with a blank look on his face while his wife was ordering Pinkie and her friends around. "Maybe." He smiled softly then chuckled. Banana deserved better. Soon Carrot and Cup Cake were standing in a line with the rest of the desert bakers. Part of him was cursing his luck that Banana was standing right next to him. Banana's eyes were red rimmed and she was staring straight forward, while Carrot began to go off into his own little world. He was thinking about everything he had been through.

When had he gone wrong? Well it was probably the day he said I do to the harpy to his left. How could he had missed Banana's feelings? "Mr. Cake?" He looked behind himself and into Pinkie's concerned eyes.

"You look pale. Do you need some air?"

"No sweetie. I'm just a bit tired." He lied before turning back to focus on the princesses speech.

Carrot stood off to the side as his wife presented the cake she had made. Carrot found himself drifting again as he looked around the room. Royals and guards were watching the princess intensely to see if she would like the cake, already 10 of the fifteen teams had failed.

"I like it!" Carrot's head snapped in the princesses direction and he stared in shock as she happily ate his wife's cooking. Go figure.

"Thank you princess." They bowed then left the area as Banana came in with her ice-cream cake.

Behind the scenes Carrot sat as his wife yelled at him and insulted him. He mumbled sorry's and never going to do it again's as his wife tore him a new one. As soon as his "wife" was done she left the room and he rested his head in his hands. Sniffling he finally broke down. He had been running on empty, pain, and sugar. He hated his wife, his job, and his life. Part of him wished he could end it all, another part wished he hadn't been so blind to Banana's feelings, finally a small part wondered what it would be like to be free.

"Excuse me?" He looked up slowly and flushed when he realized it was the younger sister of Princess Celestria. Princess Luna.

"I-I'm sorry Princess."

"Are you okay?" He smiled lightly then stood and nodded.

"Yes dear. I'm sorry I've been a bit stressed lately." Princess Luna nodded then looked longingly at the cake. Carrot smiled lightly then cut off a slice and handed it to her.

"Here sweetie."

"Thank you!" She took a bite then grinned and skipped off while Carrot waved. Carrot smiled softly then sadly before sitting and holding his head.

"I'm an idiot." He rubbed his face then walked to the bathroom and splashed some water onto his face. He bowed his head then jumped as the door to the restroom banged open and his wife stumbled in kissing another man. He stared at the scene before him blankly as they kissed. Suddenly Cup Cake looked to the side and yelped in shock but Carrot smiled and tore off his ring.

"I'm free!" He laughed then walked out of the bathroom, dropping his ring into the trash.

Needless to say he lost the competition. Carrot wasn't so sad, he was more happy to lose if it meant leaving early to go and toss all of Cup Cake's belongings into the trash. Cup Cake didn't seem too sad either. She seemed more happy that she was moving "up" in life. Now he needed more help around the shop but Pinkie was more than happy to help out. For once in a long time he woke up everyday with a smile on his face and a spring in his step.

Three months later and with his divorce behind him, he found himself baking when their was a ping from the front counter. He paused, frowning, but put his icing tube down and walked into the front. He paused in the doorway and looked down. "Hey Banana."


"Um, what brings you here?"

"Stopped to get some food before I head to Canterlot on business. So how have you been?"

"I've been good." An awkward pause arose and they stared away from each other pointedly.

"How's Cup Cake?

"I don't know. We got divorced three months ago."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not." Another pause arose and Carrot sighed.

"I-I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I blocked you out. I made you feel terrible because I was afraid."

"I understand Carrot."

"Um, well what do you need?"

"A muffin will do." Carrot nodded and pulled out a banana nut muffin and handed it to her.

"Um, I have to finish some cookies. I'll see you later." Banana nodded while looking at her muffin.

"How much is it?"

"Huh? Oh that's free for all the stuff I put you though." Banana looked up at Carrot and realized how tired he looked. Happy but very tired.

"Have you been sleeping well?" Carrot looked at her curiously but shrugged.

"I'm okay." Banana nodded and watched as Carrot entered the kitchen.

It was nice seeing Banana again but it hurt just a little bit to know that she was probably over him. He rubbed his forehead then winced as he realized his icing covered hand had smeared the icing onto his forehead. "Damn." He mumbled before looking around. "Where..." He turned to grab his cleaning rag when he almost crashed into Banana. She smiled and held up a green rag and chuckled.

"You always were messy." Carrot flushed and Banana smiled. "Carrot?"


"Do you regret every marrying Cup Cake?" Carrot grimaced as he wiped off the icing on his forehead then hands before sighing.

"I do." Banana nodded then looked past him and grinned.

"Nice cake." Carrot blushed then turned and frowned.

"It's missing the logo. It's for a Pinkie Pie party." Banana nodded then walked over to it.



"Do you ever wish you could take back something you've said?" Carrot frowned then looked up.

"Um, can't say I have. I've never said anything I haven't meant."

"I have." Carrot looked down and into soft yellow eyes. He flushed and took a step back nervously.

"U-Um, really?" Banana smiled and nodded before stepping closer to him. "I don't think I can ever stop loving you." Carrot blushed redder and Banana giggled. "I love the way you blush when your nervous, I love your freckles, I love your green eyes, and I love your carrot colored hair. Most of all I love you Carrot Cake." Carrot by now was redder than before, if possible and was looking away.

"I-I'm not good with words Banana. Um, I can say this. I was stupid. Really stupid but I think I can honestly say I love you too." He looked at her and was surprised to feel her lips on his own. Carrot froze then melted into the kiss, kissing Banana harder and with more vigor. Lights seemed to explode behind his eyes and he smiled, feeling genuinely happy.

Some time later Banana smiled as she watched Carrot finish decorating the cake. "Hey Carrot?"


"What kind of cake is that?" Carrot flushed then scratch the back of his head. "Carrot Cake." Banana's face went blank then she began to laugh.

Pinkie smiled as the people around her partied. She took a look around and grinned when she found an exhausted Mr.Cake napping in a chair with a Miss Sundae next to him. Pinkie felt her leg give an involuntary twitch and she grinned. Scratch the Miss Sundae part, a future Mrs.Cake, next to him.

The Silent and the Soaring Pt. 1

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The Silent and the Soaring Pt. 1
The Story of Big Macintosh and Soarin'

His eyes were always determined, he was always quiet, he was a rock some said. Sighing gently and blowing a hair out of his face, he hefted another bag of apples onto his shoulder and looked back. The barn was empty and the cart was loaded. He had business to attend too. He tossed the bag onto the cart then pulled himself into the driver's seat and snapped the reins. The horses neighed and began to pull the cart towards town. He sighed again and drifted. People didn't like him very much, they were afraid of him more like it but he wasn't so bad, he just didn't like to talk and was a bit big, not fat but fit. He frowned at the road then shook his head. "You okay Big Mac?"

"Eeyup." His voice was soft and Applejack always loved to listen to her older brother talk. Big Mac looked forward again then frowned as he saw the road just ahead of them. "Roads blocked." Applejack grimaced and they stopped the horses then jumped down. Big Mac sighed, walked over to the large tree, lifted it slowly before tossing the it off the path.

"WOW!" He turned then blushed when he saw Applejack staring at him. "That was amazing." Big Mac shook his head then hopped back onto the cart before helping Applejack back on.

They had barely gotten the cart set up when Pinkie bounced over and grinned. "Hey guys! Guess what! Well it seems the Wonderbolts are here! Wanna know why? Huh? Huh? Well they need a place to rest for a few days while they travel to Manehattan!" Applejack was nodding and Big Mac stared at the pink haired, fast talking girl, wondering how she didn't pass out from air loss after talking so fast and long. Suddenly Pinkie squealed and both Big Mac and Applejack jumped as she pointed to a huge crowd.

"Their here!" Big Mac grimaced then moved behind the cart. He hated crowds, he watched as the crowd parted and a woman and man walked out. The woman had yellow hair tipped with orange like flames and the man had short blue hair pulled into a low ponytail. Rainbow Dash was talking rapidly to the yellow-orange haired one and suddenly Rainbow grinned. "Hey! Wanna see something cool?" The two Wonderbolts nodded and her blue, transparent, wings shot out of her back and she took off into the air.

Rainbow was beginning to pull off some fancy maneuvers but Big Mac drifted back to the cart and continued to arrange things. He had just finished setting the cart how he liked it when he heard, "Watch out!" He frowned then looked up and yelped as something slammed into him. He was thrown off his feet backwards and landed with a thud onto the ground.

"Rainbow!" He heard as he tried to get his bearings.

"Wow! Are you okay?" He opened his eyes then shut them as his vision swam. He opened them again then blinked several times before focusing on the person over him. It was the blue haired Wonderbolt. He looked very concerned. Big Mac nodded then sat up slowly rubbing his head then frowned darkly when he saw the cart was a mess. He sighed ever so softly then slowly began to move to his feet.

"Whoa their! Don't get up. You're bleeding." He frowned then felt his head and pulled his hand away to find blood. He glared at his hand then sighed as a gentle hand touched his shoulder. He looked up to see a tearful Rainbow.

"I'm so sorry Big Mac!"

"It's okay." He said softly. He grinned lightly then shrugged. "It was an accident right?" Rainbow smiled then nodded and he shrugged. "Ah'll be fine." Rainbow nodded and Big mac grinned when he saw his vengeful sister behind Rainbow. "Ah suggest you run Rainbow." Rainbow frowned then turned before taking off into the air and flying off. Big Mac chuckled then stood up. He looked down at the Wonderbolt, who looked concerned.

"You should really sit." Big Mac shrugged then sighed at the cart.

"It's fine."

Two hours later he was sitting and watching people go by with bandages on his head, particularly bored. He closed his eyes, tiredly, and yawned as another person bought an apple. It was a bit boring honestly. He bowed his head then jumped when a hand slammed onto the cart counter. He looked up and glared at the person, who jumped and hastily paid for some apples and left.

"Big Mac stop scarin' the customers." He flushed then looked down again at his knees. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked to see his sister smiling softly. "Sorry Big Mac. Ah didn't mean to make ya sad." Big Mac nodded then flushed redder as his stomach growled. Applejack laughed then looked at the cart. "Go get us some lunch from the Sugarcube Corner k?" Big Mac nodded then got up slowly and walked to the sweets store and looked around.

"Hello! What do you need?" He looked at Mr. Cake, who was grinning.

"Two muffins please." Mr. Cake nodded and pulled out the two muffins then two cup cakes.

"I made extra today, no charge for the cup cakes but the muffins are two dollars each." Big Mac nodded then pulled out four dollars and handed them to him. "Thank you."

"Carrot?" Mr. Cake turned and grinned at his new wife, Banana Cake and said, "Yes?"

"You left the cupcakes in the stove too long!" Mr. Cake paled then rushed into the kitchen and Big Mac laughed and grabbed his purchases before leaving.

When he got back to the cart, Applejack was talking to the blue haired Wonderbolt. Big Mac paused and took a second to study the Wonderbolt. His blue hair was still pulled into a low ponytail, his eyes were a leaf green, and he was dressed in blue pants with thunderbolts going down the sides, a shirt of the same design and a thick jacket with his name on the shoulder. Soarin'. He walked over and Soarin' smiled at him. "How are you doing?"

"Fine." Soarin' grinned and nodded. "Good. Hey I recognized your sister from the Gala. Do you have any apple pie?" Applejack nodded then reach into the cart and pulled out a fresh one.

"Right here!" Soarin' began to drool and he reached out to take it.

"Gimme!" Applejack chuckled then said, "You gotta pay for it." Soarin' pouted but reached into his pocket and pulled out five dollars.


"Um, it's only two-."

"Keep the change. It's worth it! Gimme!" Applejack laughed but took the money and Soarin' took the pie.

"Hello my precious." Applejack snickered and Big Mac looked at him with a raised eyebrow before handing Applejack her lunch. Soarin' looked at them and stuffed a piece of pie into his mouth before looking Big Mac up and down. "Your strong right?" Big Mac was a bit creeped out that the man could talk clearly with the food filling his mouth...and without choking but nodded. "We need some people to help with our equipment. I'll pay you ten an hour for your troubles." Big Mac looked at Applejack, who nodded.

"Go on Big Mac. It's a slow day." Big Mac finished his food then nodded and stood.

Soon he found herself standing in front of the fanciest inns in the town. He looked around and found Soarin' stuffing his face and the yellow-orange haired woman watching a bit horrified. "Soarin' I don't know how you do it."

"It's easy Spitfire. Just don't breathe-."

"Nevermind." Big Mac cringed as the owner walked out and glared at him.

"NO! I will not allow that lummox into my building!" Big Mac cringed again and looked down at his feet.

"Huh? Him? What'd he do?"

"Oh he destroyed several vases of mine...expensive vases!"

"Ah said Ah was sorry!" Big Mac said. The inn owner snorted then looked to the Wonderbolts. "Dears, let's go inside and we can get you settled."

"I don't want to stay here Spitfire." Soarin' mumbled while Spitfire glared at him.

"Soarin' I'm not sleeping on the streets again just cause you don't like the way someone is being treated.."

"Ah have a barn." Big Mac blurted out then flushed a deep red. The two Wonderbolts looked at him then shrugged.

"Works for me. We can stay their and the others can stay here. I always wanted to see a farm." Soarin' instantly grew excited while Spitfire rubbed her eyes and looked to Big Mac.

"We don't want to be any trouble."

"Ah wouldn't have offered if Ah didn't mean it." Spitfire nodded and said, "Lead the way."

Later Big Mac was in the kitchen cooking when the door opened and he turned his head to see Apple Bloom walking in. "Hey Mac?"


"Why are them two fancy Wonderbolts in the barn?" Big Mac flushed then turned back to the stove and said, "Ah offered the barn cuz they didn't want to stay in the inn."

"Oh." He turned and looked at Apple Bloom, who was looking at the cookies on the counter. Big Mac looked around then handed her three.

"Get goin' to yer friends. Them other two are fer them." Apple Bloom squealed took the cookies then ran out. Big Mac turned back to the stove and continued to cook. He had barley finished when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned his head and looked down at Soarin'.

"Watcha cooking?"

"Soup." Soarin' cocked his head to the side and said, "What kind of soup?" Big Mac flushed as Soarin' put his hands on his shoulders and pushed himself into his back.

"Meat and vegetables."

"Oh. Nice." Soarin' moved and looked around. "You have a nice house."

"Thank you."

"You have a deceptively soft voice."

"Huh?" Big Mac looked at him in confusion and Soarin' chuckled.

"Sorry. I meant, I didn't expect your voice to be so soft." Big Mac bristled then looked back to the soup. Big Mac spun around and advanced on him snapping out, "You probably thought Ah was stupid huh?" Soarin' looked confused and a bit hurt.

"Hey calm down."

"Why should Ah? Everyone always expect me to be stupid, or rude, or mean! Ah ain't nothin' like that!" Soarin' held up his hands in surrender and grumbled, "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." Big Mac snorted then turned away and glared at the soup.

"Sorry." He looked back to see Soarin' looking around. He sighed then looked at the soup. "No. Ah'm sorry. Ah was being rude to you." He continued to to stir the soup and flushed when he felt a pair of arms hug him from behind.

"I'm really sorry." Big Mac nodded then looked back.

"Um, foods done."

Big Mac watched in fascination as Soarin' ate. It was a bit horrifying since he was sure Soarin' had swallowed the spoon some time before. Spitfire was talking to Applejack, Granny Smith was already asleep and Apple Bloom was spending the night at Fluttershy's so it was those four. "So Big Mac, what do u do on the farm?" Big Mac snapped out of his stupor and looekd at the curious Spitfire.

"Ah lift heavy things." Applejack chuckled then said, "He plants, cooks, clean, and lifts heavy stuff. He does a lot 'round here." Big Mac blushed then nodded slightly.

"Hey! Can we help out tomorrow?" Big Mac looked at Soarin' who looked hopeful and nodded slowly.

"If you really wanna help."

"Yeah! What could go wrong?"

The Silent and the Soaring Pt. 2

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The Silent and the Soaring Pt.2
The Story of Big Macintosh and Soarin'

Big Mac's eye twitched and Applejack was biting into her hand. Soarin' and Spitfire weren't much help. Actually they weren't help at all. They were more of a danger. Big Mac rubbed his face but said, "Soarin', Spitfire?"

"Hold on! We can do this." Big Mac groaned silently and rubbed his head.

"Maybe you should take a break?" Applejack suggested. Soarin' and Spitfire nodded and sat down before Big Mac and Applejack rushed to fix the damage done to their farm. Big Mac took a look back to see Spitfire laid back and Soarin' watching him. Big Mac flushed then turned back to his work. Soon he had finished getting the seeds down and looked to see Soarin' next to him.

"Um, can I help you this time?" Big Mac held back the no on his tongue and nodded. Soarin' rolled up the sleeves on the borrowed button up and smiled.

"Okay." Big Mac handed him a large bag and said, "Ah just need you to put three seeds in the holes Ah dig k?"

Soarin' nodded rapidly and Big Mac couldn't help but chuckle softly. Soarin' flushed and they began to work.

Big Mac rubbed the sweat from his brow when he finished and turned to see Soarin' sprinkle the last of the seeds into the hole and Applejack cover it.

"All done! That was pretty fun!" Big Mac shook his head and chuckled at the goofy man. Applejack stretched then smiled, "Well Ah'm goin' ta take a bath." Big Mac nodded and turned to Soarin'.

"Um, Big Mac?"


"I really feel bad for assuming things and being rude. Can I make it up to you?" Big Mac frowned then looked at him.

"Um, okay." Soarin' grinned and flushed lightly.

"Great, so do you want to have dinner together?" Big Mac's eye twitched and his face began to heat up.

"A-Ah don't know."

"Please!" He flushed harder as Soarin' got onto his knees and began to plead.

"O-Okay, okay. You can take me out to dinner." Soarin's face brightened and he hugged him around the waist before jumping up.

"You won't be sorry! I promise!" Big Mac sighed lightly as Soarin' ran off.

Later that night Big Mac was fidgeting as Applejack helped him pick out a shirt. "Now nothin' too fancy Big Mac."

"Applejack, shut up." Applejack looked affronted and she pouted.

"Ah'm just trying to help."

"Sorry sister. Just nervous." Applejack giggled then turned him towards the mirror. Big Mac was shocked at how he looked. His hair was combed and pulled into a low ponytail, his clothes were simple but he begrudgingly realized Applejack was accenting his muscular figure. He wasn't fat or chubby by no means, all muscle. He made a face then looked at Applejack.

"Thanks." Applejack nodded then pushed him out of his room then down the stairs.

"Have fun!" He frowned as he was shoved out of the house and the door slammed behind him. He sighed then took a seat on the ground, was he crazy?

"Hey." He looked up and flushed deeply when he saw Soarin'. Soarin' was dressed in black pants, a tight blue shirt and a blue bomber jacket over it. Big Mac jumped up and scratched the back of his head.

"Um, where are we goin'."

"Well I thought we could go on a picnic." Big Mac smiled and nodded. Soarin' let his blue wings explode from his back and held out a hand to him. Big Mac looked at him like he was crazy and moved back.

"Uh, don't you think Ah'm a bit heavy?" Soarin' smiled then took a step closer and wrapped an arm around his waist. "Don't worry." He suddenly took off into the air and Big Mac squeaked while Soarin' laughed.

Not too long later they landed at a large tree and Soarin' pried Big Mac's arms from around his neck. "Hehe, sorry." Big Mac gave him a death glare then sat down heavily, relishing the ground and swearing never to leave it again. Soarin' smiled then pulled out a picnic basket and set it on the ground. He took a seat next to her and grinned. "Apple Cider?" After their dinner they settled against the tree and were looking up into the sky. Soarin' looked at Big Mac then looked at his hands. "Um." Big Mac looked at him, raising an eyebrow and Soarin' smiled. "I...I really like you. Um, I'm trying to say will you be my um...boyfriend?"

Big Mac stared at him then slowly nodded. Soarin' grinned and hugged him tightly. "Great!" Big Mac grinned and pulled Soarin' closer. The days passed quickly and before he knew it Soarin' and Spitfire were packing up. Big Mac stood off to the side and stared at the ground long and hard. He closed her eyes tiredly then rubbed his face to make the stinging in his eyes go away. At heart he was a big softy after all. "Big Mac?" He turned his head and looked at Soarin'. Soarin' was looking at the ground. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. We rushed into this but you gotta job to do." Soarin' looked up at him then pulled out a blue bandanna and handed it to him.

"Here." Big Mac took the bandanna then looked down before kissing Soarin' softly. Soarin' kissed him back then moved away and said, "I'm sorry." He turned then ran off and Big Mac gritted his teeth before closing his eyes against the tears.

Five months later Big Mac was calling out commands for the winter wrap up. "Caramel! If yea lost yer seeds again Ah'mma get you!" Caramel ran off and Big Mac snorted in irritation ready to give chase but continued to order people around. "Big Mac?" He turned then grinned at Applejack.

"Hey sister."

"Hey Big Mac. Guess who's here." Big Mac frowned and turned then gasped.

Four months earlier

Soarin' glared at the sky as he sat in the stands. "Soarin'?" He turned and looked to see Spitfire.


"You miss him huh?" Soarin' frowned and looked back to the sky.

"I hate this." Spitfire sat then looked up into the sky.

"I know. Do you love him?" Soarin' blushed then looked at her seriously for once.

"Yes I do." Spitfire grinned then closed her eyes.

"Then let's go!" Soarin' looked at her in surprise and then frowned. "B-But we can't just up and leave."

"Yes we can."

"But we still have five shows and the special show for the princess!"

"When's the princesses show?"

"I think around January."

"UGH!" Soarin' tossed his hands into the air then stood up and began to pace in anger.

"I don't want to do it!"

"Well it will disappoint her."

"I want to go to Big Mac." Soarin' sat down pouting and Spitfire chuckled.

"Don't worry." Soarin' sighed then looked up and gaped. Spitfire looked up and stared in muted shock as Princess Celestria floated out of the sky and Soarin' dropped to his kneels, wailing, "I didn't mean it!" Spitfire smacked Soarin' in the back of the head and said, "Shut up!" Princess Celestria laughed softly then landed.

"I have an idea."


Five Wonderbolts were causing clouds to explode and Big Mac watched as their leader flew over to him and landed in front of him. The leader pulled off his goggles and smiled. "Soarin'." He whispered. Soarin grinned and kissed the shocked man then hugged him.

"Guess what."

"Y-Yes?" Soarin' kissed his cheek then hugged him tightly.

"I quit the Wonderbolts!" Big Mac swallowed his wheat stalk then coughed violently as Soarin' squeaked. Not too far away another Wonderbolt landed and grinned as Soarin' tried to pulled the wheat stalk from Big Mac's throat. The Wonderbolt pulled off her goggles and chuckled.

"They'll make a good couple."

"Ah think so too." Spitfire turned and grinned at Applejack.

"Hey A.J."

"What are you guys doin' here?"

"Well Soarin' and I think it's time we stop being Wonderbolts. We really wanted to live here so were going to help the winter wrap up."

"That's kind of you. I thought you were supposed to perform for the Princess tomorrow." Spitfire pointed up and Applejack froze when she saw the princess watching everything with a grin.

"She said this will do." Applejack chuckled and both of them watched as Soarin' pulled the wheat stack out of Big Mac's mouth and kissed his cheek. Big Mac coughed then looked at him, flushing red but grinning. They hugged tightly and Soarin' kissed him hard on the mouth.

Musical Differences Pt 1

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Musical Differences Pt 1
The Story of Vinyl Scratch and Octavia

Frowning, Vinyl Scratch fiddled with the hem of her dress and glared at her father. He stood, rather regally, in front of her talking to some snooty people. She herself was drifting and looking around the room. Oh how she hated these types of parties. "Fortissimo? Fortissimo Forte?" Glaring at the man in front of her, she transformed it into a grin and said, "Yes?"

"Wow! You're Fortissimo Forte? The daughter of Pianissimo Forte?!" She nodded slowly rolled her eyes as the man in front of her seemed to freak out. "I'm a huge fan of your fathers!" She nodded then looked away and towards the door. She really wished her mother was here. Sighing, she looked to her father who was glaring at the band.

"They are simply dreadful." He mumbled. She rolled her eyes then looked back to the door to see it open slowly as a woman walk in. She was dressed in the clothes of a DJ and she was looking around. Silently squealing, Vinyl rushed to the door and hugged the woman. "Mom!"

"Hey Fortissimo. Happy birthday. How're you holding up?"

"It's so boring!" The woman laughed and grabbed a glass of champagne from a butler. She downed it then winked. "Let's get out of here."

"What about dad?"

"Your father will be okay. Let's go so we can see Auntie Head." Smiling, Vinyl nodded then turned back. Her father was looking at them and staring.

"Mom...he's staring." Her mother looked at him then grimaced. " we can't leave...Oh well. Tomorrow night we can have fun." Her mother waved then blew the stuffy looking man a kiss before looking at Vinyl. "I'm going to change in the rest room k?" Vinyl nodded then drifted to her father. He smiled and said, "I'm glad your mother could make it."

"Same here."

"Have you see your brother and sister around?" Shaking her head, he walked off and she walked to a corner of the room.

"You can come out now." Two replicas of her came out from behind a plant and let out a deep breath.

"Thank's Fortissimo."

"No problem Mezzo." The three of them were triplets, Fortissimo (AKA Vinyl Scratch), Mezzo-Forte (AKA Enforcer), and Forte (AKA MIDI). The three were interested in different styles of music, some borderline the same, others were way different. One thing was for sure, none of their music matched their fathers. They were an unusual family of five but a family none the less. Their mother and her twin sister were the famous hardstyle DJ's Headhunterz, coming up with the name using both of their own. Auntie Head had gotten them interested in hardstyle music while their father tried to get them interested in classical.

Vinyl looked up to see her father on the stage yelling at one of the cello players, causing said player to run off. Vinyl rolled her eyes and grumbled, "Damn it. I'll do damage control today." She moved through the crowd and out the way the woman ran off in.

Octavia was having a bad day. She had a head cold, so her ears were stopped up badly, she was docked pay for being a minute late, her head was pounding and now her idol was telling her she had the tone of a deaf person playing the piano. She didn't think it was such a bad thing that she ran off. At least she couldn't embarrass herself further right? Wrong.

In her haste to escape she crashed into a server and caused the birthday kids cake to fall on her. Now she was covered in cake, sitting in mud under a tree, and sobbing. All in all...not a good day. She was trying to dry her eyes when she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" She looked up and tried not to curl more into herself. It was one of the birthday girls herself. Fortissimo. Rubbing her eyes, Octavia nodded and slowly moved to her feet. "Whoa. You look a serious mess. Hey how bout we get you cleaned up and we can talk?" She nodded and rubbed her eyes. "I'm-."


"Vinyl. Call me Vinyl. I hate the name Fortissimo." Octavia flushed and nodded. "I'm Octavia." Vinyl grinned and they walked towards the house in silence. Vinyl got her up to her room and looked around frowning. "Hmmmmm, what can you wear?" Octavia looked in the mirror and grimaced at her red eyes and pale face. "Hey Octy. Do you mind wearing some thing fancy?" Octavia frowned at the nickname but shook her head.

"I don't mind. Why?"

"Well I do need to get back to the party. Hmmmmm, black or white?"


"Perfect! I have just the dress. Go shower." Vinyl tossed her a towel and pushed her into a bathroom.

Vinyl smiled and helped Octavia fix her bow tie, the only clean thing to her old outfit. Vinyl moved back and smiled wider. Octy looked good. The grey dress was slimming, making her narrow waist accent her hips, accenting her chest and showing a moderate bit of cleavage. Octy's hair was free of it's former ponytail, dried and looked silky. Her amethyst eyes were looking at her and she was fiddling with her bow tie. "Calm down Octy."


"I like Octy better." Octavia frowned but Vinyl grabbed her arm and pulled her from the room. "Let's get back to the party. Hey thanks for ruining the cake. I hate carrot cake." Octavia flushed but nodded and allowed the energetic woman pull her back to the party. As soon as they returned Vinyl hooked her arm through Octavia's and pulled her to her siblings. "Hey guys. This is Octy."

"Was she the girl dad embarrassed?" Octavia cringed and looked away while Vinyl and her sister, MIDI, smacked Enforcer in the back of the head. "Nice dress Miss..."


"Octy." Octavia frowned and Vinyl giggled, looking over to see her mother glaring at her father, who looked ashamed. "Guys let's leave." They looked at her then nodded. Octavia looked to where her cello rested and Vinyl caught the look. "I'll get it for you." Vinyl moved through the crowd, to the stage grinning. She managed to get Octy's cello and put it away before someone saw her. She was about to grab it when a hand grabbed hers and snapped out, "What are you doing?"

"Getting the cello?"

"Who do you think you are?!"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh." The party was quieting and people were looking at them. The angry violin player was looking at her expectantly and she shrugged. "Fortissimo." The violin player snorted and said, "Like hell you are! Leave my friend's stuff alone!" Vinyl rolled her eyes and moved to move her hand but realized it was tangled in a strap somehow. "Hold up."

"What the hell!?" The violin player tugged on the cello and Vinyl moved with it to avoid injury. The violin player looked close to killing her but Octavia rushed to the stage and yelled, "Golden Bow! That is Fortissimo!" Golden Bow sneered and snapped out, "This is Vinyl Scratch!"

"Unhand my daughter and don't you call her that vile name! She is not a "DJ"! She is a respectable cello player!" Vinyl cringed. Another thing they hadn't told her father. They didn't play classical music anymore. Golden Bow sneered and gave the cello a tug, causing Vinyl to wince. Octavia easily managed to get on the stage and that's when the fight broke out.

Not an update

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College bitch slapped me but I'm not giving up. This idea is being scrapped for a better one. Series of short stories. Learning to love first ones already up just check my thing. I'm gonna delete this. The ideas i used here will go into teh learning to love stories.