• Published 24th Apr 2023
  • 120 Views, 5 Comments

Fleety's Pile of Anthology - Fleety

A growing pile of snippets written by somepony who struggles to finish them.

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A Changeling Tale

Long ago, in an age forgotten, it was said that the world was ruled by two goddesses.

One was the goddess of the sun, a being of unfathomable power that was capable of controlling the sun and the warmth it gave.

The other ruled the moon, controlling the dreams of all those who sleeps.

They lived like gods among mortals, embracing the worship they were given to them by creatures from all walks of life. However, their most devoted followers were the equines so much so that they manifested their physical forms based on them as well.

They ruled the world with kindness and wisdom.

Till they ceased to be benevolent. The sun goddess, blinded by the adoration she had received from her equines, turned her back on all the other races, deciding she would let her most devoted followers be the rulers of the world, she had the sun a blazed. It’s burning warmth dries up the land and making deserts and droughts.

The moon goddess cast nightmares and monsters upon all who despise her sister and deceive all those who thought they can turn her against the sun goddess.

Destruction was brought to the word, only sparing the equines and other races that showed just as much devotion as they do.

The people plead for them to see reason, but blinded by their newfound duties they refused.

When it seemed, all hope was lost and that nothing could be done, a young queen of her people stood up in defiance. She was the ruler of a kingdom which had turned to dust, buried by sands and rubble caused by the unending heat of the sun.

“Arise!” she cried at the top of her voice. “For our survival as a people, it is up to us to do it on our own!”

Across the lands, her changelings mustered the last of their forces for a daring assault.

However, the goddesses were a step ahead and had constructed a mighty citadel of their own. An impenetrable fortress.

When it seemed, nothing could be done to breach the citadel’s walls, the young queen hatched a plan.

For while changelings were no match against the powers of the goddesses, they have the ability to disguise themselves using the magic within them.

Using this trait, the queen and a retinue of her best soldiers snuck into the citadel at the dead of night, appearing as guards within the castle.

They ventured deeper and deeper into the fortress, silently cutting down any sentries that stood in their way.

Finally, the young queen confronted the goddesses in the room room. Her eyes were met with absolute coldness and unwavering resolve. The young queen was at a loss for words.

“Ah, but your courage shall be rewarded with immortality,” the princess of the sun spoke. “Each sacrifice we have made shall be repaid in kind.”

She stared at the young queen, making gesturing for her to accept the offer.

“And your subjects will not be left to perish,” she said, with a strong emphasis on those words to encourage the queen to accept the offer. Her voice chilling the blood in the queen.

Holding back her temptations, the young queen refused.

In a fit of rage, the goddesses lurched forward to fight her.

The battle didn’t last two long as the young queen was no match against their immense powers.

The queen was struck with despair. “I am sorry, I’ve failed you all.”

“No, no my queen you did not fail us.” Her subjects spoke to her as one through the hive-mind, and passing onto her their magic and strength. For another trait that changelings have is their ability to feed on the energies and emotions around them.

Her subjects gave her the strength she needed. Using her newfound powers, the queen used all the strength she had gained and defeated the goddesses. Taking away their powers and severing their connection with the physical realm.

Victorious, the queen returned to her people’s warren and was greeted with jubilation. Her subjects ran to embrace her in a long, emotional reunion.

“You saved us, all my queen.” A drone spoke out in cheer.

“It is only for our survival and the hope you gave me that I can do this.”

She then walked forth and stood high. “Peace is now upon us. No longer are we at the mercy of the goddesses who have long kept the world in an iron chain. We will rebuild our homes and bring forth a new era for us all!”

The queen held aloft her new weapon, a symbol of their new freedom.

With a new kingdom, and the entirety of the new land at their disposal, it was time for the queen to set into motion a new era. The Pax Zorphaxia


“The end” The old ling said as he closed the story book that he had just read.

Tensing and rubbing the corners of his eyes he let out a long sigh. He took a sip from his glass of gin and let the rich liquor slide down his throat. He let out another long sigh and turned to face the other ling in the room.

Author's Note:

This was perhaps one of my oldest attempt at writing a fic. Dating all the way back to the early months of 2022, which was some time before I realised "Look, You're Too Small For Me to Take Seriously." fic.

Looking back, I think it was either my 3rd or 4th attempt to make a novel size fic at the time. If I had more motivation and imagination at the time maybe I could've finished this chapter. But in the end I wasn't quite completely sure of where I was heading with this story.