• Published 18th Sep 2012
  • 447 Views, 24 Comments

Trials and Tribulations - Divide

A young, world weary entrepreneur is brought to Equestria. Will he love or hate his new world?

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Chapter Ten

Trials and Tribulations

Chapter Ten: A meeting of chance

Seth woke up feeling more at ease than he'd felt in a long time. He wasn't sure what it was. Perhaps clouds really were that comfy. Regardless, Seth was really, truly happy for the first time since his daughter was born. He was so happy, he wasn't even disturbed that his magic attempt was met with failure.

Wait a second, thought Seth suspiciously. Failed magical attempt?

He opened his eyes and was greeted with smooth white walls and carpet, not the clouds and clouds and clouds he'd been expecting. More than just the decor had changed as Seth looked around the room. Everything was bright, unnaturally so, but for some reason that didn't bother him overmuch. The biggest change to Seth was the uniformity of it all. There were no imperfections, no cracks, no distinction or shading.

Seth was understandably anxious about what exactly had happened last night. He read a book about magic, made a princess faint and made the wonderfully stupid idea of attempting to use magic on his own, without actually knowing how to do it.

And now all grit and shading and everything else in his reality of Equestria was changed.

Stunned by these new developments, Seth tried to get out of bed. Tried being the key word. His arms weren't responding properly, almost as if they were completely numb. He tried moving his legs to swing himself out. He nearly broke his neck as he tumbled ass-over-teakettle out of the bed and onto the floor. Laying on his back, he attempted to roll over but stopped when he saw a hoof flailing in front of his eyes. The hoof stopped as well.

Seth moved his wrist. The hoof moved along with his actions. Seth attempted to wiggle his fingers. He felt nothing. Panic gripped his chest. Nope, thought Seth. Nope. Nope. Nope. This can't be happening to me right now.

All the while he thought this, he experimented with the other limbs and joints of his body. They all moved in correspondence to where they would have been on his human body. For instance, his hoof moved like his hand/wrist, his foreleg moved like his arm, etcetera.

Seth attempted to stand on his four legs. He fell immediately. Fuck this is difficult, thought Seth angrily. How the hell does everypony else manage?

Seth grumbled and fell for the better part of an hour before mastering how to stand properly. It felt so awkward, so alien to him.

After figuring out how to stand, Seth attempted walking. Putting one hoof in front of the other took enough of his concentration that Seth forgot to move his back hooves. He fell flat on his stomach. Angered but unharmed, Seth practiced this until he was able to walk, or trot, as a pony properly. Or if not properly, well enough that he didn't fall every time he took a step.

During his 'practice sessions' Seth learned several new things. For one, the fact that his vision changed didn't change the actual world in which he lived and breathed in. He could feel the tiny hairs in the carpet, even though to his eyes the carpet looked flat and hair-less. He also learned that his body was a bright silver colour, with his mane being a deep, deep burgundy.

"Hah. I always thought I'd be an icy blue colour if my soul was anything to judge my colour as a pony," said Seth, unaware he was being listened to.

Seth sat on his haunches, feeling silly whilst doing it. Everything he did felt wrong. Every action, no matter how small, had to be directed by him. Having a fresh body with no habits was a very surreal experience for Seth.

Seth lied down on the soft carpet and did what he did best: think. He thought of all the good that would come from this new body. He would feel accepted by other ponies, not stared at in curiosity or mild shock. He could actually start a life, live the dream so to speak.

He thought of all the problems as well. At least when I was human I had complete and utter control over my body. Not to mention the fact that I have no great insight into Pony society as a whole. I only know what I studied as being a human, but it seems so different from this perspective.

As he was thinking this, he reached a conclusion that he should have reached a few hours ago.

"Wait, where the fuck am I and how did I get here?"

His question was almost immediately answered by a knocking sound.

"Umm, come in?" Seth asked hopefully.

A tall, white, gold armour wearing unicorn came through the door, which Seth hadn't noticed due to it blending in with everything else. For some reason, Seth could tell that it was a 'he'. The guard was carrying a letter with magic and deposited it by Seth's head, who was still flopped out on the carpet.

As quickly as the guard came in, he saluted with his front hood, turned, and walked back out the door, closing it. Seth stared at the door for several seconds before turning his attention towards the letter at his hooves.

Seth had difficulty opening the bloody thing. For crying out loud, he thought. Having no fingers is a royal pain in the ass. After several failed attempts, Seth finally got his teeth on the string holding the letter together and undid it. Here is what was on the letter:

Dear 'Seth',

My dear sister Luna has informed me of what transpired last night. While I do not condemn her for not warning you about the potential mishaps of first time magical users, I understand she had passed out earlier and was probably not acting her proper self.

As for you, I have instructed the guard outside your room to give you this letter when you ask a question about where you were. I hope that you have had enough time to get acquainted with your new body, for I wish to speak with you as soon as possible.
Princess Celestia

Seth finished the letter and sat there digesting the information. Shrugging, which felt very strange as a pony, Seth went over to the door and thought about opening it. Before he could decide whether to go straight out or knock first, the decision was made for him when the door opened and the guard motioned for him to follow.

Seth did an admirable job keeping up, only tripping a few times. He followed his guide down a very long walkway which ended in a throne room. He was amazed at how linear the place was. Everything was parallel, everything was white, every 35 trots there were two guards posted, one on each side. It was an obsessive compulsive pony's dream.

Eventually, his guard brought him to another door, this one guarded by four guards. His guard guide talked quickly with the ones on duty and before he knew it, Seth was inside a closed room with the Princess of the Sun.

All the physical descriptions that Twilight had given him for meaningless, for no words could describe the sight before Seth's eyes.

Princess Celestia radiated power, enough so that Seth could feel it in his very bones. She was taller than him, stronger than him, and infinitely more graceful than him. Her hair flowed in a nonexistent breeze, the colours of her mane dancing in the airless wind.

Seth looked into her eyes, and felt more humble than he ever had previously. For he knew, without any doubts, that she was his intellectual superior, physically and mentally stronger, and his superior in any way, shape, and form.

He saw this from a mere half-second long gaze into her eyes. He broke eye contact and fell to the ground, exhausted.

Seth had never heard a god or goddess speak to him, but he knew if he had, it would sound very similar to Princess Celestia.

"I welcome you here, Seth, to the land of Equestria, as its newest citizen."

Seth felt the words of welcome physically restore his weariness. Her acceptance of him as a pony made him want to please her all the more.

Princess Celestia continued. "I hope your time in Equestria so far has been filled with happiness and friendship. My most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, has told me much about you, including some of the hardships you have faced getting to this point. I am truly and deeply regretful that any harm has come to you."

Seth was practically hyperventilating from her concern for him. He did not deserve such kindness from a goddess, for he was a lowly pony.

"A-a-any harm t-that came to me was m-my fault and my f-fault alone," said Seth. He felt unworthy of her presence.

"Nonsense," said Princess Celestia. "I can see that your mind has not fully healed from your transformation. If you'd allow me..."

Seth could barely procure a shaky nod.

Celestia's horn blazed a brilliant gold and Seth could feel his own body reflexively open in response. He felt blood rush to his head and his chest. Seth could feel the second heartbeat again, this time beating faster than it had previously. His vision was filled with silvery flames and a bright, rainbow shine coming from somewhere. He felt like his chest was on fire and he struggled with the pain for several more seconds, but as the next wave of agony hit him, he fell unconscious.

Seth woke up bleary eyed and sore. He opened his eyes and saw something he hadn't expected. Texture. Shadows. Shading.

He bolted straight up onto his feet, staggering like a drunk. He balanced himself with one arm on one of the walls in the room. He quickly scanned the room and his eyes stopped on the princess, a look of confusion on her face. He stared at her, and she stared back. He felt no connection, no sense of her divine status. He felt like he was looking at another person, more or less his equal.

The princess spoke first. "So this is your true form. Luna neglected to mention how...tall you were."

Seth blinked and looked at himself for carefully. He was wearing the same clothes as he was last night, albeit they were ruffled and creased. He looked at Celestia and felt a grin coming to his face. He was taller than her, by at least half a foot. Seth stared into her eyes again, and still felt no spark of godliness.

"Luna also neglected to mention that her sister is a false god. I thought you were my superior, my better, in every way, shape, and form, but I guess not."

He walked several steps closer, while Celestia stood her ground.

He smiled. "You have a lot to answer for."