• Published 4th Mar 2022
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On the path of magic - CrimsonBrust

Crimson and Twilight embark on a grand tour of the empire. To get to know the inhabitants of the empire and its neighbors better. But a certain magical visitor in their lives will give them something extraordinary.

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Chapter 3: It was you who became my way

Crimson and the others moved somewhere else again, but this time they knew where they had gone. They were at the top of a palace in the Crystal Empire.

"Great ..." said Crimson as they took everyone with magic and the ship slashed to the ground. As soon as Crimson helped to land, he saw Shining, Cadence and Flurry Heart in surprise.

"Crimson? Twilight? That's you?" Shining and Cadence said incredulously.

"Hello, good to see you!" she said happily Twilight as she huddled happily at her brother, sister-in-law, and little niece.

"Twilight, what happened, who are these ponies and how ..." Shining said when his wife broke him off. When she saw Novalis being held by Twilight.

"Twilight, Crimson. Whose baby is this?" Shining asked with strange uncertainty. And Cadence stared at them with the same uncertainty. But what they heard was a shock to them. Pointing at Novalis.

"Well, I present to you our beloved son Novalis first." said Twilight and Crimson together. As they looked at little Alicorn: the hooves glowed a bluish-white light, as did the little horn, wings, mane and tail. All hair had a blue-magnetic tint. The bright cyan eyes, mane and tail were slightly brighter and bluer, and the wings were more than one color. The feathers were a medium dark blue shade.
The horn, mane, little hoof and tail were patterned.

"These patterns are even in those cyan eyes." Shining said incredulously. Crimson and Twilight couldn't believe it. And when Twilight took her son to look at him with Crimsom then they noticed that his eyes darkened as he became happier.

"I go inside and let us know how it happened." Shining said as they entered the palace. And as Crimson, Twilight, and Novalis sat down. Then Crimson and Twilight told about everything that had happened to them along the way.

"Impossible and amazing story." Shining said full of surprise at her sister.

"So Crimson I know this is not the right moment, but whether ..."

"No." he replied knowing what Cadence's question was.

"We don't talk about politics in front of children." Crimsos replied seriously. And Twilight was inconsolable with what her sister-in-law wanted.

"Cadence we've already talked about it. Besides, alone ..." then they heard cried out. When they went to check. They would see the crying Novalis envelop himself with the magic. When he saw his parents, he moved to Twilight.
Novalis was trembling with fear and when he saw Cadence he became invisible and hid in Crimson's mane.

"He never acted like that. What happened, son?" Crimson asked as he felt something sinister and dark. He asked Twilight for an interview and then headed towards the city to one of the garrisons of the Imperial Army. As soon as they saw Crimson, the soldiers stood at attention and saluted him.

"Emperor welcome."

"Hello, soldiers. Is the garrison captain here?"

"Of course. You have to go that way. But please keep the last commander upset about something." said Zołniez and they returned to their guard. As Crimson entered the captain's room, he saw a red unicorn with a blue star in a gray uniform.

"Emperor, I have waited for your visits here ..."

"Yes, yes, I had other plans, but an unexpected chain of events caused me to show up here. But I heard you were disturbed by something." Crimson said as he set Novalis to the ground.

"Yes, very much. I'll show you something in a moment." he said as he led Novalis to the solitary custody.

"We arrested that a week ago." he pointed to a pony in the custody.

"What's wrong with him?" Crimson asked, not understanding what he meant.

"Please see if there is anything that resembles this symbol." Crimson let the mysterious parchment catch magic. Crimson will start to understand what it was about.

"Seal of King Sombra. I thought we killed him. Did you say something interesting?" he asked curiously.

"So much interesting stuff. But his followers are preparing a ritual to bring him back to life. Here's a report we've been able to make of what I know." Crimson read the report very carefully.
"We know when they can attak?" Crimson asked worried about knowing what might happen.

"At the festival next week." the commandant replied.

"We have no choice. Captain, I'm activate up a 424 directive all over the territory of the Crystal Empire. Let the ANBU sharpen vigilance. And get me some reinforcements. It can be very unpleasant in a week." Crimson said uncertainly. When one of the soldiers ran up and said: "Captain, the team has returned from the raid." said the soldier.

"Then let's hear what they have interesting to say." the captain said.
Crimson and the Captain listened to the interrogations. Although none of it could not be broken. It is with the right tools that everyone can tell the truth. And the anti-terrorist unit was already waiting for a raid on the building where the cultists were to meet.

"Observer, do you see anything suspicious?"

"This is the Observer. I can start the ASS quietly and calmly."

"Confirmed. ASS-1 is starting."

"Ready for... Breach!" they would cry out when they entered, making the door open to the building. Cultists were surprised by this. They didn't even manage to get out of the building to escape.

"Great job. I'll take them to the audition. And search the building and them." the Captain said.
Meanwhile, Crimson was sitting in his office in the crystal palace, arguing with Cadence and Shining.

"Crimson, could you please listen to us? Why are you so reluctant to do so? You know it ..." Cadence said as Crimson interrupted her as he sat on his chair writing something.

"Yes, yes, because your empire and your inheritance. Yes, I know. And no. Do not return power to you. Because you deserve it." Crimson replied dryly. Cadence angrily snatched the piece of paper from him and spoke to him in the eye.

"They will stop mocking me. This kingdom has belonged to my family for generations and is destined for me!" Cadence shouted at him. But Crimson will pull out another page. And he, overwhelmed with writing, answered her.

"Cadence. Next time you threaten me, make sure I don't hold a knife to your daughter's throat and your husband."

"You don't dare to do this."

"Will you bet?" giving her a confident look that literally scared her. When she felt something cool and sharp against her throat.

"So you let me do my job or ..." he replied sending her smile into such a cheeky and mischievous smile. As if it amused him.

"Twilight will find out about it."

"Try it. He may believe you. But remember, your family's life depends only on my will. And you are the Twilight family, and there are a few other things I need from you. Now I can go." Crimson replied calmly when he finished writing. Cadence and Shining came out of there horrified. Crimson was not afraid of them. Which so effectively scared them that when they passed Twilight with Novalis and Flurry they told her nothing.

"Crimson, what happened to them?" Twilight asked worried and slightly angry.

"We had a conflict of interest. If you are curious."

"So yes. You threatened them with something very terrible right?" announced amiable Twilight as Crimson just rolled his eyes.

"I knew. But why don't you fulfill their request?" Twilight asked a sweetheart as she sat down on the desk with her little son.

"Because I don't trust them at all. Besides, Twilight, how many times have we talked about separating our family's whims from power and influencing our perceptions of power?" then Twilight came closer to her husband's face and said:

"Come on. The authorities and the family cannot be separated. I know very well what you wanted to do to them. Remember?"

"Yes. And but there is no place here, if you are a ruler, you cannot have sentiments." he replied as he brought Twilight closer to him.

"Even for me?" she said, teasing him when she refused to be kissed.

"You are an exception, darling. Now, what do you say when we go to a secluded place today and ..." Twilight's kiss interrupted him and she began kissing him passionately.

"What about Novalis?" Twilight asked. When they both looked at him.

"Novalis can always be taken care of by someone else." Crimson announced when they took the Novalis. Then Crimson will attract Shining and Cadence with his magic. When they saw him, their heart started to beat faster.

"Take care of Novalis for 20 minutes. Thanks!" Crimson said as the door closed.

"What we do?" Shining asked as they looked at each other. Cadence just gasped and said.

"We'll take care of him. Perhaps, for the merit of Crimson, he will be more willing to give us what we want." Then they heard a very loud sound from the closed office.

"I don't think so. But it's always worth trying." Shining replied.
When twenty minutes had passed. Crimson and Twilight actually returned and found them playing with Novalis and Flurry Heart.

"And how did you enjoy Novalis? Did you have a good time?" Twilight asked as she took her son on the back. As Novalis became more sleepy, his glowing body dimmed. Leaving on me little glowing stars as it shone. And they will fall asleep on Twilight's back.

"I guess it's time to go to sleep ... See you tomorrow." Crimson said as they took Novalis with their magic and went to the guest bedroom.
Crimson and Twilight took Novalis between them.

"Crimson ... You can tell me. In the palace in the High Altar there is this inscription that is in our favorite place. What does it mean?"

"It was you who became my way."
The next day, Crimson and Twilight had a very serious meeting in the throne room. The conference was attended by the highest officials of the Hayland Empire who administered Equestria and the Crystal Empire.
Among them were the North Star adviser, the head of the ANBU on the Crystal Empire, the head of the ANBU on Equestria, the chief of the secret police Dark Echo, the governor of Equestri and the Canterlot River Star, the governor of the Crystal Empire, Aqua Cristal and the Rakshas of Ernedu Imperial Internship Commander.
Everyone in the throne room looked at Crimson and Twilight as she sat with her little son.

"So let's begin. Dark Echo brings us all closer to this situation." Crimson said, approaching a black pony covered all over his body with white runes and a cape all over his body.

“There is a cult of Sombra in the Crystal Empire that will bring him back to life. We know they are preparing for his great return in six days. As far as we know, up to 20% of the crystal ponies can be cult related, ”Dark Echo said.

"It's very disturbing, but I'm more worried about myself, my son and the other ponies." Twilight said with concern.

"Please don't be afraid, we will protect you and your son, Empress." It made Twilight more confident. But she was still worried about her little son.

"Aren't the local ponies police affiliated with the sect here?" Crimson asked to get drunk with the loyalty of the local ponies.

"We're sure there aren't any ties. Besides, everyone knows. That such a job is much better than any other job. For ponies who are not citizens of the empire." Dark Echo said. Crimson then turned to his North Star adviser. The North Star was a blue unicorn with turquoise eyes, and there were several magical symbols on the cloak he wore.

"There seems to be someone missing. Where's Carales, my head of the national youth organization at Crystal Empire."

"Carales called everyone together to prepare them to help and protect the festival." North replied.

"Very good. So that's all for today?" Crimson asked. But the faces of some people have shown that there is one more point they want to make.

"There is also the question of the Equestrian Liberation Front, which will start working again." Aqua Cristal said. When Twilight and Crimson heard this, they felt humiliated, furious and overcrowded.

"Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon. I thought we made up and got along with them. And they do something like that. And the co-workers are exactly the same as before?"

"Exactly, Emperor."

"What we do? We have to do something because most of the veterans who came from Equestri and may have been linked to the front have been able to train their undercover soldiers." Dark Echo said.

"It is possible. But I had veterans from Equestria manning garrisons in scattered cities in Equestria. Most are closely monitored, "said Aqua Cristal.

"Again my friends, my family and ..." Twilight said when Crimson cut her off.

"I know Twilight, so it is you who will have to solve this problem. Because it's you baby ... "
Emperor! Emperor!

"What happened?" Crimson asked the pony, which had collapsed from exhaustion.

"Your ladies parents. And they have a lot of gifts."

"Crimson Brust! I'm so excited about you! How could you not tell us my grandson was born?" said the Blazing Star. The Blazing Star was as tall as Celestia, she wore a fancy necklace of black pearls, an armored breastplate that was much more ornate than Princess Celestia's breastplate, she had piercing orange eyes, a blood red mane and a slightly whitish mane. The star was her charming sign. it was much hotter than the sun.

“Mom will stop pulling the ear! I wanted to tell you, but you didn't tell me where you were" he replied to his mother.

"That's not Crimson's explanation. So where have you been for a few days?" his father was taller and wore platinum armor on his legs, chest, back and wings, he had long purple robes and an amulet.
His Cutie Mark was a comet with red eyes and a little black mane.

"Good to see you too. Here is your beloved grandson. Crimson said as Twilight joined Novalis together. When Novalis saw their grandparents, they literally start shining with happiness." When Grandma took him away.

"You are beautiful, Novalis. And your magic is even more powerful than ours."

"That's right. His magic is very cool." Twilight said proudly.
After what Twilight said, Crimson and his mother felt something together that they had been indifferent to for a long time.

"Mom, did you feel the same as me? Didn't you?" he said scared to mom.

"Yes. He's here ... We're running!" said Blazing Star as she started to open the portal. When the earth started shaking. Crimson and his parents looked scared as they opened the gate that would take them away from there. When the mysterious Alicorn burst into the hall in a black cloak covered with green runes. A staff holding magic, made of the darkest tree in the world. Under his cloak he wore a rune-covered grimoire, chains wrapped around his entire body, and jade trinkets like ponies.
His eyes literally shone with a malevolent green light.
After he tore his hood, Twilight saw Alicorn older than Celestia and Luna. Green eyes, raven black mane with green and red stripe, pale fur and underneath she noticed something unusual but could not describe it.

"Why are you running away from me?"

"What do you think, Dad? Because wherever you show up, you start to do your weird action." Crimson's mother said furiously.

"Yes, last time you summoned a demon that wiped out half the city!" said Crimson's dad.

"And on my birthday ... Wait, what are you doing here, you had to get rid of some huge curse Grandpa!" Crimson said, reflective.

"Yes, I know, but I changed! And I got rid of the curse!" he said surely, but Crimson and his parent stared at each other with a look that said, You must be kidding.

"Okay, I haven't changed at all. Crimson, I know you're furious for not attending your wedding. But I have a gift for you and my great-grandson." he said when they started looking for something under the coat. Novalis and Twilight stared at him and broke the short silence.

"So Crimson, why don't you introduce us to your grandfather?"

"Exactly. This is my grandfather Soulfire, Lord of the Baroni Loth, first sorcerer of the Hayland Empire, and guardian of the power of the disembodied goddess."

"Guardian of the disembodied power of the bogni? What does this title mean?"

"Because my grandfather specializes in necromancy, death magic, wizard and demonologist. Which makes a very dangerous mix."

"Exactly and for this I am not introducing myself as the father of the previous Empress." Soulfire said.

"Well, the family is not choosing." Mother Crimson said.

"So please Crimson. As a gift from the demon, take it." Soulfire said as he gave Crimson a crystal ball.

"Grandpa, who is enchanted in this cristal ball?"

"I don't know that, but it is said that only someone who meets its requirements can activate it."

"That's nice grandpa, but I'm not angry that you missed my wedding. Even though ..." Crimson was interrupted by a knock on the throne room.

"I'll open the door." Crimson said when, after opening the door, two well-known calves dashed.

"Uncle! Uncle! Uncle! We can see Aunt Twilight and your little colt!" a pair of twins said. Cloudberry and Blizzard were the children of his sister who he raised. He even had an episode where they called him dad. But Twilight fell in love with the twins as if she was her own child. Cloudberry had a black and blue mane, white fur and blue eyes, and her badge was a beast surrounded by lightning. Blizzard had blue fur, a gray mane, and red eyes penetrated everyone. And his Cuts Mark was a flaming blue phoenix. And when they saw Twilight their eyes lit up with excitement.

"Aunt, can we see the baby?" they asked sweetly and in unison.
And when they saw him holding Novalis. The kids literally sparkled their eyes with happiness.

"How cute you are. She's like a living star or a light! What's her name Grandma?"

"His full name is Novalis, the Sword of Cosmic Fire."

"I fit his name."

"What we can talk about somewhere where no one will disturb us." Crimson said.