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Author's Note:

Set in EaW. Also features Star Tower.


The sound of metal horseshoes walking on the stone floor echoed through the hallway. These were the rarely-used dungeons of Canterlot Palace, and as far as the public knew, they were empty.

Then again, as far as the public knew this hallway didn’t exist.

Empress Daybreaker, formerly the Princess Celestia, walked down the hallway. Each step was perfectly measured, perfectly controlled by the centuries-old alicorn, even when there was no one else to witness it.

Well, there was someone else. Walking behind Daybreaker was Star Tower, dressed in a fine robe of fire-red that contrasted with his deep blue coat and even deeper blue and golden mane.

The two arrived at a simple metal door. The only thing that stuck out from it’s smooth surface was the symbol of the sun branded onto the centre, glowing with magic.

Daybreaker placed her hoof against the sun sigil, and a moment later the door opened of its own accord, allowing the two ponies in.

The door led to a large circular room, with glowing runes etched into its walls. In the centre, above a well of solar fire, hung a metal cage, kept suspended by a single chain.

‘’You,’’ a female voice sneered from inside the cage. ‘’Finally here to finish the job?’’

Daybreaker sighed. Whether she was truly irritated or just faking it, neither of the other two persons in the room could tell.

‘’Say your piece and begone,’’ the caged mare spat at the alicorn.

‘’This will be the last time I visit you,’’ Daybreaker said, any emotion she felt carefully repressed in favour of a neutral tone.

‘’Good,’’ the mare said. ‘’At least I can die in peace.’’

Daybreaker said nothing, but merely turned around and, with a single nod to Star, walked to the door. There she turned back to face the cage and watched in silence.

Star stepped forward. ‘’Twilight Sparkle, do you continue to resist Her Imperial Majesty’ rightful reign?’’

Twilight glared hatefully at him and Daybreaker. ‘’Always.’’

Star sighed, then his horn lit up golden.

Twilight shifted slightly as magic began to surround her. ‘’What are you doing?’’ she asked.

Star gave no answer, merely closing his eyes in concentration.

Twilight gave a squeak as she began to shrink. ‘’What are you doing!?’’ she asked again, now with more urgency.

Still no answer from Star.

Twilight’s carefully-maintained mane, kept so by the enchantments on her cage, began to change. The purple-red streak began to grow and turned more fiery red as the blue-purple hair around it turned bright yellow. Her mane then tied itself into a short bun at the back of her head.

‘’Ah!’’ Twilight cried as her eyes stung. She blinked rapidly, and when she finally opened her eyes fully again, they had turned the same colour as Daybreaker’s, without the slitted pupil or red iris.

All the while, she continued to shrink until she was the size of a filly. She felt a tingling run through her, and raised her hoof to see the hoof was turning from purple to yellow, while her coat turned lavender to yellow-white.

Another tingling, this time focused on her flank, and she stared in horror as her cutie mark vanished and was replaced by a rising sun. ‘’You…’’ she stopped as a sudden headache came on.

‘’NO!” she shouted, raising her hooves to her head and trying in vain to use her magic as her memories were replaced. She began to repeat her name to herself.

‘’Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle,’’ she chanted. ‘’Twilight Sunrise? T-twilight Sparkle,’’ she quickly corrected the slip up. ‘’Twilight Sparkshine, NO! Twilight Dayshine! Twilight Sparkle, my name is…’’

She trailed off as her memories vanished completely, and stared in front of her with a blank expression on her face.

With a click, Daybreaker’s magic unlocked the cage and floated the filly over to her. ‘’You are Sunrise Dayshine, my little adopted daughter.’’

Twilight blinked once, and then Sunrise smiled happily. ‘’Of course, momma!’’ the nine-year old alicorn said. Then her face scrunched up in confusion. ‘’Where are we?’’

‘’Never you mind,’’ Daybreaker said as she placed the filly on her back. ‘’Come, Star,’’ she said to the unicorn, who was looking at the two of them.

‘’Yes, Empress.’’ He bowed his head at her, and then followed her out of the dungeons.


‘’Hmm…’’ Rarity contently purred as she snuggled into Star’s chest. ‘’That was delightful.’’

Star didn’t answer her, instead looking up at the enchanted ceiling of their room, which showed the night sky. Rarity frowned at her husband’s unresponsiveness. ‘’What’s wrong, darling?’’ she asked him.

Star let out a sigh. ‘’Nothing,’’ he answered.

‘’Don’t ‘nothing’ me, Mr,’’ Rarity said accusingly. ‘’Something happened, and you’re wrung up about it. Spill.’’

Star sighed again. ‘’You know that alicorn filly the Empress found in the Canterlot Caverns a few weeks back?’’

‘’Yes?’’ Rarity hesitantly answered.

‘’That was Twilight,’’ Star said flatly.

Rarity sat up in bed and stared at her husband. ‘’Oh,’’ she softly said.

‘’Yeah.’’ Star uncomfortably rubbed his hooves together. ‘’I helped with the spells for that.’’

Rarity reflected on this. Twilight had been one of her best friends, of course, but she and Rarity had grown distant ever since Rarity moved to Canterlot and started dating Star. And then Twilight had begun leading a resistance against the newly-ascended Empress.

Rarity could understand that Twilight was uncomfortable with the new government. She was too, to an extent. But she would never dream of trying to rebel against the Empress!

‘’I see,’’ she said finally. ‘’I don’t need to know anymore.’’

‘’Okay,’’ Star gratefully agreed. After a short silence, he asked, ‘’Shall we go again?’’

Rarity shook her head. ‘’I’m… just hold me, alright?’’

‘’Of course, love.’’ Star gave her a quick kiss, then she sat down and snuggled against him again. Together, they drifted off to sleep.


‘’Mommy! Daddy!’’

‘’Urgh…’’ Star groaned. Why did he want children again?

Still, he couldn’t deny them anything. So he opened his eyes to see Diamond Tower standing next to the bed.

‘’What’s the time?’’ Star asked no-one in particular as he glanced at the clock. 07:55, it read. On a Saturday, that was far too early for his tastes.

‘’Daddy,’’ Diamond said, ‘’Fali, Amy and Pert are awake already! And Auntie Crystal made pancakes!’’

‘’Really now?’’ Star asked with a raised eyebrow. ‘’Well, I can’t miss those.’’ He turned around to see Rarity was stirring as well.

‘’Love,’’ he whispered into her ear, ‘’pancakes.’’

‘’Five more minutes,’’ Rarity whined.

‘’Pancakes or tickles,’’ Star declared.

‘’Tickles!’’ Diamond added excitedly.

‘’Alright,’’ Rarity good-naturedly grumbled as she threw the covers away. ‘’Pancakes it is.’’

Once they were in the dining room, they saw Crystal sitting together with their triplets, Falisiousa, Amethyst and Pertorica. Neither Rarity nor Star had counted having triplets the second time, but neither of them minded in the slightest.

‘’Morning, big bro, Rares,’’ Crystal greeted them both with a grin. ‘’I woke your kids up for ya.’’

‘’You needn’t have, darling,’’ Rarity said, ‘’but thank you.’’

‘’No problem.’’ Crystal dumped another pancake onto her plate.

‘’You always make the better pancakes of us two,’’ Star remarked as he placed one on his plate.

‘’Someone had to feed you,’’ Crystal quipped playfully.

The playground quieted for a moment as Star teleported in with his wife and son.

‘’Have a good day, Diamond,’’ he said cordially. Rarity bent down and gave him a peck on his forehead.

‘’Bye, Mom and Dad!’’ Diamond gave them both a quick hug, then joined his friends. Star and Rarity watched until the bell rang and they filed inside. Then Star teleported them back home again.

‘’They grow up so fast,’’ Rarity whispered.

‘’He’s six,’’ Star couldn’t help but point out. ‘’We have twelve more years with him.’’

‘’That’s only twice the time we’ve had so far,’’ Rarity retorted, ‘’and it feels like yesterday that I was feeding him from my teats!’’

Star silenced her further dramatics with a dazzling kiss. ‘’You need some stress relief, Mrs Spellweaver,’’ he declared once they broke.

Rarity smirked. ‘’I think I do.’’ And she all but dragged him to the bedroom.


Afterwards, Rarity and Star snuggled with each other. ‘’You really know how to make me unwind, Mr Spellweaver,’’ Rarity remarked.

‘’That I do,’’ Star agreed with a chuckle.


Star stared at the announcement in the paper.


The four major powers of the griffon nations promised to combine their alliances into one, effectively bringing all of western Griffonian under their banner, as well as the vast majority of the griffon population. Only the Evi Valley didn’t participate, as well as Skyfall and Rumare.

‘’They’re afraid,’’ Star realized aloud. ‘’Afraid of Daybreaker.’’

‘’Why are they afraid of the Empress, Dad?’’ Amy asked him.

‘’They’re scared the Empress will invade them,’’ he answered after a moment, ‘’even though there’s no reason she would.’’


‘’We don’t want more children, no,’’ Star said to the Empress with a shake of his head.

‘’I see.’’ The Empress inclined her head at him. ‘’That is not the reason I called you here, of course.’’

Star nodded, waiting patiently for Daybreaker to get to her point. Instead of speaking, she slid over a file to him.

He opened it, and his eyes widened. ‘’Uh…’’

‘’I assure you, it is genuine,’’ the Empress said amicably.

Star looked up at her. ‘’Why me?’’ he asked.

‘’You’ve got more experience than anyone else in my court with the land and it’s ponies,’’ Daybreaker said bluntly. ‘’More importantly, I know you won’t fuck it up.’’

Star looked back at the file.

By order of Her Solar Majesty Empress Daybreaker,

Star Tower of House Spellweaver, Royal Magician of Canterlot, is hereby appointed as Lord-Protector of the Austral Territories, defined as the provinces of Coltjun, Baltimare, the kingdom of Aztlan, the colony of the Spa Islands and the Badlands Territory, answerable directly to Her Solar Majesty the Empress.

His duties shall be to ensure peace, justice and stability are brought to these territories, and for this he shall be granted the power and authority to exercise his mission in whatever ways he perceives necessary.


‘’So. That,’’ Star finished his recounting of his meeting with Daybreaker.

Rarity remained frozen for a moment, before bursting forward and wrapping her husband in a powerful hug.

‘’... wow,’’ Crystal said.

Rarity broke her hug, and pulled out a pen and paper. ‘’I have to pack!’’ she exclaimed. ‘’Clothes, materials- the children! I need-’’

Star cut off her incoming panic attack with a long kiss. Rarity’s eyes widened in surprise, then they fluttered as she leaned into the kiss.

Crystal politely looked away. After a minute, she looked back and coughed pointedly.

‘’Hmm…’’ Rarity purred as the pair finally broke their kiss. ‘’Thank you, love.’’

‘’No problem, love,’’ Star replied.

Crystal made a faux-retching noise. ‘’If you’re quite done?’’

Star rolled his eyes at Crystal.


Star Tower stepped out of the train and breathed in the air. The fumes of the trains in the station mixed with salt from the sea created an aroma.

He turned around and offered his hoof to Rarity, who took it as she stepped out of the train as well, followed by their four bleary-eyed but excited children.

‘’My Lord-Protector!’’ Baltimare’s mayor - a short earth pony in a business suit - beamed at them. ‘’It is an honour and a privilege to meet you. Welcome to Baltimare!’’

‘’Thank you, Mayor Salt,’’ Star said kindly. ‘’It is my pleasure to be here.’’

‘’The pleasure is ours, my lord,’’ Mayor Salt replied. ‘’I have taken the liberty of having a car prepared for you and your family. It will take you to the Horseshoe Tower, the city’s tallest skyscraper.’’

‘’Thank you,’’ Star said again, inclining his head in acknowledgement.

The Horseshoe Building was a tall, forty-five story building, more than twice as tall as the second tallest building in the city. It was built in the typical art deco style of Manehattanite skyscrapers, contrasting sharply with the more industrial and rough architecture of the surrounding city and standing out a shining light above it.

‘’Our apartment is on the fortieth floor,’’ Star explained to Rarity and the children as he pressed the appropriate number in the elevator. ‘’The entire floor is ours. Just like in the manor, you will all have separate rooms.’’

With a ding, the elevator announced that it had arrived, and the doors slid apart to reveal a long hallway. Immediately the children rushed out past their parents and guards.

"This is magnificent!" Rarity gushed as she stepped out of the lift.

Star smiled at his wife's enthusiasm. "I'd hoped you would like it."


‘’Greetings, citizens of the Austral Territories and beyond. My name is Star Tower of House Spellweaver, Lord-Protector of the Austral Territories per command of Her Solar Majesty Empress Daybreaker.

Already before I arrived in Baltimare, from where I am speaking to you now, rumours and tall tales have been spread about me. I will not waste time by individually addressing these rumours, but I will say this: rumours are just rumours, and I would ask all of you to judge a person not on their words but on their actions.

My duties are these: restore harmony and peace to the Austral Territories, using whatever means necessary. I am willing to be civilized about this all. I understand the past years have been a hard and trying time for everyone, but only by working together can we achieve harmony.

As I said, I will spend the foreseeable time in Baltimare, however I plan to visit the major cities and towns of the Territories in the coming months to see for myself the situation in these places and determine what might be done to aid in them.

I am not your enemy. The Solar Empire is not your enemy. I am willing to offer anyone who wants it a chance to start anew for themselves. But make no mistake: there will be no third chances.

Thank you for listening.’’

The microphone turned off.

Star let out a sigh as he stepped away from it. ‘’That’s that,’’ he muttered under his breath.

He walked out of the recording booth and into the studio, where Golden Note and Summer Sky waited on him.

‘’That was an impressive speech, sir,’’ Summer Sky said respectfully. ‘’My compliments.’’

‘’Impressive?’’ Golden Note guffawed at the mare. ‘’My lady, it was magnifique! I myself felt compelled to… to start anew! Just like you said, my Lord.’’

‘’Thank you, both of you.’’ Star inclined his head at them. ‘’I’m glad to hear it.’’

Summer Sky nodded, before clearing her throat. ‘’Sir, you’re free for the day. Shall we?’’

‘’Let’s.’’ Star turned to Golden Note and shook hoofs with the stallion. ‘’It’s been a pleasure.’’

‘’The pleasure was mine, my Lord,’’ Golden Note shot back as he bowed his head.

Star nodded, before leaving together with Summer Sky. They got into the car, and Star’s mind wandered to his family as he looked out the window. Diamond Tower seemed to be integrating well with the other foals at the school he went to, and the girls had had a blast ever since Star had permitted the staff to bring their children with them to work. As long as an adult watched over them, the children were free to play amongst themselves.


Baltimare was no Manehattan or Canterlot, but it had its charms. Or it had had them, until the violent anarchist uprising and the following military intervention into the region two years later. The city had been rebuilding ever since, a gradual process that consumed a lot of effort, time and money.

Rarity stepped out of the car and looked around. The entrance to Baltimare’s largest shopping centre was obviously still under construction, but the centre itself was mostly working again, with most shops having opened their doors again.

Rarity suppressed a sigh as the dozen Solar Guard closed ranks around her, glaring at anyone that looked funny. Most of the guards were mares; two were stallions.

The crowd split apart for them, obviously afraid of the imposing golden-armoured soldiers and their magi-tek rifles.

‘’Where do you wish to go, ma’am?’’ one of the guards asked.

‘’The nearest clothing store, if you please,’’ Rarity replied. The guard nodded, and with the flick of a hoof she sent another guard forward through the crowd.

Two minutes later, the guard arrived back. ‘’’Third shop on the right.’’

‘’Then let us go!’’ Rarity declared.

The guards moved forward with her, not breaking their protective cordon as they entered the mall. The shop the guard had mentioned was already empty of customers.

‘’Two may follow me inside,’’ Rarity said to her guards. ‘’The rest, stand outside and make sure no one else enters.’’

The commander of her guards didn’t appear to like that idea, but she nodded anyway. ‘’Yes, ma’am.’’ She and nine others spread out in front of the doorway, facing the crowd. One of the two stallions and a mare were all that followed Rarity inside.

The shop’s owner stood in the centre of the shop, her two assistants behind her. All three ponies had anxious looks on their faces, and all three bowed to Rarity.

‘’My Lady,’’ the owner greeted reverently. ‘’What can we do for you?’’

Rarity took a look around the room. The clothes were less high-quality than she was accustomed to, but practical and with a certain rustic style to them. A sudden bout of inspiration struck her, and a smile crept onto her face as she reviewed the idea.

‘’How much does this all,’’ she waved her hoof around, ‘’cost?’’

The shopowner’s eyes widened, but he answered, ‘’It is free for you, my Lady.’’

‘’I was not asking for the price, but for how much they cost to make, miss,’’ Rarity said gently.

‘’O-of course, let me see…’’ the shopowner looked around as well, and made some quick calculations in her head. ‘’Some twenty-three thousand bits.’’

Rarity nodded, having reached more or less the same number. ‘’Very well. I have an offer for you: you might have noticed that there are many refugees living on the outskirts of the city. I am offering to buy your entire supply of clothes, at the price of their fabric, and supply you with a contract to make more clothes to be sent to the refugees and other people in need. All costs will be met, of course.’’

The other five ponies in the room all stared at her. Finally, the shopowner managed to get out, ‘’I-I’d be honoured, my Lady!’’

‘’Good.’’ Rarity smiled kindly at the other mare. ‘’I will have ponies come by and collect the clothes from you, in exchange for those twenty-three thousand bits. And I will send other ponies to help you with making new clothes.’’

‘’That is most generous of you, my Lady,’’ the shopowner complimented. ‘’I will be sure to put the money and the workers to good use. Thank you.’’

‘’It was no problem, my good mare,’’ Rarity dismissed. ‘’I am merely doing my job.’’