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Flash I/Cato 2.5 - Joining Forces

I decided to do a little digging on Sunset-Bitch’s past by asking people what they knew about her social life at school the next day, after first letting loose at the dummies in my basement using my sword to cut them all to pieces, and then having to explain to my parents why I broke the locker door. Needless to say, they didn’t offer me much aside from what I already knew about her. What they did tell me though, was that she dated a boy named Flash Sentry for a while and then broke up with him. That surprised me, since I wasn’t the type to think that Sunset would actually get a boyfriend to increase her popularity. Man, was I wrong on that front.

Either way, it seemed to me that I would have to track down this Flash Sentry and ask him about it myself. So that’s what I did when class ended that day.

It took me a while walking around the place, but I finally managed to find Flash looking through his locker on the second floor even though everyone else had already left the building.

Looking up at me, Flash immediately understood exactly who he was dealing with. “I’m guessing your Cato?” he asked. I nodded.

“Honestly, you’re probably the first one I’ve ever seen try to stand up to Sunset Shimmer and somehow not have your life ruined because of it.”

“Guess I’m just lucky.”

“Lucky? More like blessed.”

“Anyways, you dated Sunset right?”

“Yeah I did, for a while, until she dumped me. To be fair, by that time, I had already seen her show her true colors, so basically she just pre-empted me in breaking up.”

“Wow. That’s insane. Anyways, I was thinking. You and I help Twilight Sparkle win the Fall Formal Crown?”

He looked at me like I was insane, before nodding.

“I mean, that girl is cool, but if it’s for making sure this school finally gets rid of Sunset Shimmer, hell to the yes, bro!”

Long story short, I fully got him on board with what I was planning. What I didn’t realize at the time was Applejack had been watching me talk to Flash.

Author's Note:

Short Chapter, but you can see the emotional tension around Cato and Applejack forming right here.