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Prehistoric Reunion Part 5: Rage Unleashed and Backup Part 2

WereShiny was running at full speed as two vampires went and grabbed Derek and Valerie and brought them to the Mean3. Tirek was still recovering from the blue Pteranodon's bite, but Chrysalis started to perform the spell and soon Derek and Valerie were poisoned by the Dark Magic that Chrysalis used and were being corrupted and transformed into Dark Derek and Dark Valerie.

"Derek!" Mr. and Ms. Deionychus screamed.

"Valerie!" Velma screamed as well.

"You two, take care of that mindless beast," Chrysalis commanded and soon two of the most vicicious, fast-running, small clever carnivores were running to WereShiny at top speed.

WereShiny, disgusted by what Chrysalis did to these poor dinosaurs, decided to not kill them as to not upset their families and her alter ego; decided to turn to her left, and tail whip them away with a section of her tail. They were launched back in front of the Mean3. The two got up and stood perfectly still and growled at the Weredragon.

Despite being a creature infected with Dark Magic as well, WereShiny knew that these two dinos were innocent. Then, she heard the sound of six feet running towards her. She saw Tiny, Buddy, and Don running from the station and ran up to her. She lowers her head to their level and raises her right elbow at the three. "How?" She asks.

"You forgot about the window shafts at the front desk," Buddy answered as he points his left finger at the train station.

The three look behind their big sister and saw something horrid; corrupted forms of Derek and Valerie.

"What happened to them?" Tiny asked in worry and confusion.

"Bug Lady happened," Wereshy said as she points her head to the right at Chrysalis.

After a few seconds of putting it together, the three looked and discovered that Chrysalis used the spell that Tirek was going to use on them till Shiny saved them.

"She corrupted them with Dark Magic!" Don yelled.

"WereShiny, please don't hurt them. I know they are full of Dark Magic, but they're still innocent. Really," Tiny pleaded with her hands cupped together in front of her beak.

WereShiny looks back at her "little" sister.
"WereShiny know. WereShiny know Shiny's friends still inside dark dinosaurs. Not kill them," she reassured Tiny.

The Dinosaurs in cages, along with the vampires, Decepticon soldiers, and the Mean3 were in shock.

"Ah, so the mindless beast can talk," Chrysalis said, getting tiger growl from the Moon-Beast.

But the said Moon-Beast turned around to her left and stretched her tail long enough to coil around the two vampires on her parents. With the two soldiers being strongly gripped ever so tightly while being hung in the air. WereShiny offered both her paws to help pick her parents up - Peter took his daughter's left hand with his right hand, and Tahlia took her daughter's right hand with her left hand.

"You mean to tell us you could've talked the last several nights?" Peter asked.

"WereShiny not big talker. Likes peace and silence. But WereShiny not mind belly rubs and scratches," she explained and threw the two Vampires far over to the dark dinosaurs and the villians.

"Hm. Fair point," Tahlia said.

"Enough of this petty squabbling!" Cozy Glow yelled with her hooves on her ears. "You two big, prehistoric lizards wait here. You guys, kill them!" She ordered the Vampires to attack.

The Vampires start running towards the Pteranodon Family.

WereShiny turns her head to the left once again at her family and points her left index finger at the cages with all sorts of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals. "Free other dinosaurs and tiny creatures," she said.

The five of them understood and went to free the dinosaurs and other animals from their cages. As soon they were free, they got ready and started to fight with prehistoric power in the forms of fangs, claws, spikes, horns, and tails. But instead, they see WereShiny taking care of the problem.

Wereshiny saw one Vampire soldier with a tribal spear running towards her, hoping to impale her. But, she showed how smart she was by being patient and twisting her body to the left so to dodge the spearhead. As soon as he missed his mark, WereShiny grabbed the spear and struck hard on the gut of the soldier. Next, she used her paws and twist the weapon to where the spearhead was. Then, with a lot of force, she plunges the spear into the soldiers belly; blood spurting everywhere, including on her face. This caused the five members of the Pteranodon family and friends to have their jaw dropped in shock. WereShiny used her strength to pull the weapon up vertically to finish the evil vampire's life. Next, she lowered it to drop the dead body. Finally, she holds the spear in her right paw and uses her left one to wipe the blood off her face and started growling.

Thurston started to speak up.

"Oh! That's right. I forgot that Werewolves and Wereanimals are very dexterous when it comes to using weapons, like a spear for example," he explained.

And after explaining that, WereShiny twirled the spear to where the spearhead was facing towards the incoming wave of Vampire soldiers and threw it so hard that it skewered through three vampires and turned them into a kebab.

Another Vampire came but was slashed at her throat by WereShiny's claws from her right paw. Two more came as they were nearing the dinosaurs. WereShiny turned around to her left and raised her right paw for the slash, but what she didn't know...

...was that they were distracting her. A male Vampire soldier threw a chained spearhead at her. It pierced the back of her paw and went out the other side. WereShiny roars in pain.

"SHIIIIIIINNNYYYY!" The Pteranodon family screamed.

Then, WereShiny was hit in the left paw, too, and soon she was impaled by more spearheads as they punctured her arms, thighs, wings, and her tail. Then, other vampires helped the others pull WereShiny to the ground on her back. Tirek walked over to WereShiny, raised his front left hoof and stepped on the center of the blue Weredragon's chest; twisting and pressing down. He smiled as she started screeching in pain from both the stomp and the hoof press.

"Now.. you will pay for your indulgence, filthy creature," Tirek said as his eyes and horns started to glow.

WereShiny started to growl with what little strength she could muster.

As soon as he raised his head up with a flaming orb hovering between his horns, Tirek was about to launch the final blow...

...until he was hit by a blue beam of fire and knocked off of WereShiny.

WereShiny was relieved, but she was surprised, even her family. Where did that fire come from? WereShiny started to sniff around until she got a lof of whiffs... many different whiffs, but one scent was ancient. Soon, she heard a rumble and felt the ground quake under her, same as her family and friends, and the bad guys.

"Is that an earthquake?" Buddy asks.

"I don't know, Buddy. It feels like an earthquake, but it sounds completely unfamiliar. Actually, I think the earthquake sounds more like a stomp," Mr.Conductor answered and replied

Soon, the strange earthquake kept growing louder and louder.

"Whatever it is, it's getting close,"
Tiny said.

Then, one more earthquake was heard and soon the dinosaurs looked behind, the villains, including Tirek, looked forward, and WereShiny looked to her left. She found out where the ancient smell was coming from and it was a giant gray dinosaur with star-shaped dorsal fins radiating a blue light. Then, it started growling which sounded like thunder. Then, it pulled its head back and...






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