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Prehistoric Reunion Part 4: Rage Unleashed and Backup Part 1

"A little dark magic might help with your transformations as you become the most feared creatures to ever walk the planet," Tirek said as he starts to cast the spell.

Tiny, Buddy and Don tried to squirm out of the giant centaur's hands. Peter and Tahlia ran outside of their cage and started flapping their wings, but only for a few seconds as two Vampires jumped on them and pinned them to the ground on their bellies.

"Kids!" Tahlia shouted.

"No!" Peter screamed.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Shiny shouted and screamed as Tirek was almost about to turn her siblings into monsters. It made her so mad that she pulled her head back, snarled with her beak opening very wide with a hissing inhale as her fangs started to pop out from within her gums.

And then...


Shiny sank her teeth hard between Tirek's right thumb and index finger.

Tirek cringed and stopped the spell as he released his grip on the Pteranodon Kids and held his wrist as the pain burned through his muscles and started screaming.

Buddy started to fall as he was about to reach his death, but was saved thanks to Don grabbing his brother's right arm and Tiny grabbing the other and slowly descending to the ground. Peter, Tahlia, and the other dinosaurs and assorted creatures smiled and grinned as the Pteranodon Kids were safe. Then, they along with Buddy, Tiny, and Don, saw Shiny walk up to the giant centaur.

"I swear, that if you hurt my family and friends, I will kill you and USE YOUR DAMN SKULL AS A NEST FOR MY SHELLS!" Shiny screamed to the heavens above with her death threat to Tirek.

Shiny's parents and friends were shocked and dumbfounded by her unbridled anger. Even Tiny, Buddy, and Don were a little scared. What could cause their daughter/sister/friend to have this anger.

Tirek started to speak as he held his injured hand. "You... bit me?! How dare you bit Lord Tirek?!" He bellowed.

"That's nothing! If you touch ONE scale and harm ONE scale on my sister and brothers, my parents, my neighbors, and the rest of my friends, I will bite your hand harder, and tear it off!" Shiny yelled.


"Urgh!" Shiny grunted as her heart started to hurt and the pain pushed and pulled her to the ground. She looks at her right hand on the ground and saw her talons turning black and growing very sharp. She looks up to the night sky and sees a sliver of a full moon coming out the right side of the cloud it was hiding behind. Her eyebrows curled upwards in fear. Then they squint as she feels the pain intensifying - making her face the ground with her eyes closed as she knew what was coming. "No! ...Not now! Ah!" She said in pain.

"Shiny!" Tiny, Buddy, and Don screamed her name in unison and ran over to her. Buddy and Don stopped a few inches away from their sister as Tiny laid her hands on her sister's shoulders.

"Shiny, what's wrong?" she asked her sister in worry.

"Tiny, the moon. It's-- it's happening again! I'm- I'm changing!" Shiny answered while writhing in pain as she could only muster the strength to speak in whisper.

Tiny's eyes widen and let out a long, sharp gasp. Then, she shook her head and started to speak again. "Shiny, fight it. Fight it!" She told her sister.

"I-- I can't!" She said as three blue spikes, six in total, appeared over her eyes as eyebrows, and her top left canine tooth grew more longer.

"But you have to!" Tiny said.

"Tiny... I love you," she said as a tear escaped her left eye.

"Shiny...?" Tiny said with tears forming before Shiny stood her torso up in rapid succession, twisted it to her left, and pushed her arms out, thus pushing Tiny to her brothers as her wings shrank into her arms. Then, Shiny turned her body back to the ground as she kneeled. She raised her paws and claws into fists as she pounds the sides of them to the ground twice as her veins started bulging.

Shiny slightly opens her eyes and looks at her right and sees the full moon no longer hiding and showering the night with its moonlight... which encompasses the light sky blue Pteranodon, forcing her to close her eyes as feels more pain coming to her body.

The transformation... has begun.

Then, Valerie and Derek saw Shiny's legs reshape themselves to look much more Raptor-like. Especially, the toe claws with a pointy tip protruding on each side of her paws. Morris Stegosaurus and Kenny Kentrosaurus, as well as Hank Ankylosaurus and Eugene Euoplocephalus, looked at Shiny's tail as it grew longer and sprouted a spear tip at the end of her tail. Shiny's wings return, but from her back as they sprouted hooks on them, which, of course, got her flying Pterosaur buddies a run for their mommies. Her arms grew in muscle and in length as the Therazinosaurus family and the Old Spinosaurus were surprised. Her Ceratopsian friends like Tank Triceratops and Stacy Styracosaurus were shaking in fear from horn to tail as her pointy head grew into a horn with two smaller ones protruding from the sides. She sprouted wolf-like ears, a wolf-like nose, and blue fur on her shoulders. Her transformation also added a shaggy blue mane this time which even Cindy Cimolestes would be terrified to get lost in after falling from a tree if she lost her footing. Her neck started to grow 5 inches from her shoulders which surprised Ned and other Sauropods were trembling.

Reason why they act like that is because Tiny was the first to see her change, who was then followed by her brothers and parents as they witness her transformation for several nights. This, would be the first time the others have seen her change.

Finally, her blue eyes turned yellow as her pupils turned into slits and from her neck to her tail, she grew a line of blue spikes. After going through that tremendous amount of pain, the creature has took Shiny's place as it was now in full control.

"Sh... Shiny?" Tiny asked.

Then, with a twist of the creature's body turning to the left, it grabbed Tiny in her right paw.

"Tiny!" Buddy and Don screamed.

The Weredragon took no interest in eating the two and mostly focused on the one she caught.

The villains just sat there watching in glee for their future soldier of darkness about to eat her sister.

But something else happened.

The moon beast that was her sister started growling at her. Tiny could only stare into eyes of her death as a tear escapes her left eye. The creature, however, slowed her growling and changed her demeanor as she looked at the creature she held in her paw. Tiny saw the menacing glare of the creature that was her sister, changed into more of a curious stare as WereShiny cranes her head to the left, then to the right, and back straight up.

Tiny started to wonder what she was doing, but her question was about to be answered as something unordinary was about to happen. Something that not the side of good, nor the side of evil would comprehend.

The Weredragon SLOWLY and CAREFULLY...

...put her down and pulled her arms up in the form of a begging dog.

Tiny couldn't believe her eyes.

"You remember me," Tiny said with surprise.

Then, the creature lunged her head forward in rapid succession as Tiny pulled her wings in front of her to shield herself, but pulled them away as the little green Pteranodon saw her sister... wagging her tail like a dog. The creature raised her upper body up and picked up Tiny with both paws and placed her into her left arm and opened her mouth... and gave a wet slobbery lick to her right face cheek.

Everyone was stunned, even the villains were puzzled.

"Did you... just kiss me?" Tiny asked. Her question was soon answered as the Weredragon did it again and kept doing it, causing Tiny to giggle in laughter as her "big sister" was tickling her.

"What a waste of a future soldier for Kaos's Army of Darkness," Chrysalis said.

"Then, if we're in agreement, you five!(points to five male soldiers on his left) Attack!" He commanded.

The five soldiers started running to the kids. One, being a Weredragon, turned her head to the five, and let loose a tiger-based roar. Next, she lowers her arms for Tiny to get off, and nudges her head on Tiny's back to run and find a safe place to hide. Tiny, however...

"*turns around to the right and stares at her sister* No! I'm not leaving you," she told her in a defiant tone.

"Neither are we!" Buddy and Don said together.

The creature, however, wouldn't take no for an answer and grabbed all three of them with her arms and flew to the station, opened the door, placed them in, closed it, and burned the handle with a little torch of pink Dragon fire. Then, with another unexpected moment, she spoke in a deep, adult voice.

"Stay. Be... safe," She said which caused her siblings to drop their mouths in shock.

The creature turns to the left and runs back to the battlefield.

To be continued...