• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 1,756 Views, 72 Comments

Dawn Before Twilight - Dawn Darkness

A young boy is pulled into Equestria. Why is he here? Does he have a purpose? And, most importantly, will he live long enough to give himself the best of his time?

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Ticket Master

A day or two has passed since I moved to Equestria and into my grandparents' place, and I must admit that things are starting to improve in my life. I mean, I only confessed my old living space to my new friends, and they've accepted me instantly, no judgement at all. I must confess that that was a good thing, seeing as I always longed for friends who would accept me for who I am and who I'm not. And right now... it was a beautiful morning, and Twilight and I were helping out Applejack over at Sweet Apple Acres.

"No, nope, nope." I saw Spike tossing some apples from the bags Twilight had on her, and I shook my head fondly to the baby dragon.

"Thank you kindly, Twilight and Dawn, for helping me out," Applejack thanked us gratefully. "I bet Big McIntosh I could get all these Golden Delicious in the barn by lunchtime. If I win, he's gonna walk down Stirrup Street in one of Granny's girdles."

"No problem, Applejack," I replied as we trotted. "We were happy to help you."

Interestingly, I noticed this whole time how Twilight was wearing headphones of some kind. Also, those headphones were connected to a device I knew very well. It was a SONY Walkman TPS-L2.

"I'm glad the goal is lunchtime," Twilight said. "All this hard work is making me hungry."

"I know, right?" Spike agreed as he continued sitting on her back.

"Puh-lease, Spike," the unicorn rolled her eyes. "You've been lounging on my back the whole morning while we worked."

"Not to mention," I added. "Why didn't you help us?"


"You're lazy, I get it," I finished for him, smirking while he rolled his eyes at me. “Say, Twilight,” I asked the unicorn. “Where exactly did you get that Walkman?”

Twilight sighed, “Merlin gave it to me when I was in Bloodonia.”

“No way!” I was shocked, “You’ve actually been to Earth?!”

“What now?!” Applejack was just as shocked.

I was shocked that Twilight had been to Earth before. "How did you get there?" I asked her.

"It's kind of a long story," said Twilight, "You could say that Merlin wanted to show me where he grew up, not long after his Dad showed up in Equestria one day. I only read in books that humans walked the face of Equestria before they were banished 1000 years ago, but I never thought that I would see them for real."

"Huh." I hummed, thinking. "That makes sense, I guess."

"Well," said Twilight, "this device here, I remember humans calling it a Walkman, was the last gift he gave me before he stopped showing up in Equestria... or rather... before he got banished."

"Hmm," I began to think about it. Just then, my eyes went wide, "Wait, what?"

Twilight sighed. "Princess Celestia sent me this scroll the other night," she explained, "Apparently, the scroll I sent to her in Merly's name... it mentioned that he was banished from Equestria five years ago." Twilight lowered her head in sadness, "I practically cried myself to sleep that night when I read her reply."

I was kinda surprised. I never thought Twilight would have done that. Well...maybe I would, too, if I hadn't seen my friend in a long time.

I looked over and I saw that Applejack too felt Twilight's pain. "I'm so sorry, sugarcube," she said, "I too would feel upset if something had happened to one of my friends... or worse... one of my family members."

Just then, I heard Spike belch as a letter came from his green flames. "A letter."

I watched it gently float down for Spike to catch in his claws.

"It's a letter from Princess Celestia," said Twilight. Spike opened up the scroll, cleared his throat, and…

"Hear ye, hear ye. Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent capital city of Canterlot, on the 21st day of, eh, yadda yadda yadda, cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle plus one guest."

One guest, huh? I wonder who that could be.

Of course, the girls were happy about this. Spike, on the other hand, oops, I mean hoof, was rather grossed out.
"I remember," I said. "That's this social gathering, right?"

The girls stopped their little happy dance, surprised at my comment. "No way, Dawn," said Applejack. "You know about the Grand Galloping Gala? But you only mentioned a while back that you were born and raised on this planet... uhm... Earth, was it, Twi?"

"Yeah," Twilight nodded. "How do you know, Dawn?"

"My parents told me through bedtime stories," I said.

Twilight, Applejack, and Spike all raised their eyebrows.

"Right," realized Twilight, "We were told that your parents originated from Equestria."

I nodded. "They would often tell me stories about Equestria at bedtime, resulting in me having nothing but sweet dreams... or horrific nightmares, depending on what they told me. Basically, I grew up knowing about Equestria through bedtime stories... but I never thought I would see it for real."

Then, somepony crashed down from above us. I groaned, and I looked to find Rainbow Dash on top of us.

She laughed nervously at me. "Sorry, Dawn. I couldn't help but overhear you guys talking about the Grand Galloping Gala."

"Rainbow, you could've at least watched where you land on ponies," I sighed.

Applejack, however, was not amused. "Rainbow Dash," she scowled, "you told me you were too busy to harvest apples. What were you busy doing? Spying?"

I looked up while Applejack had chewed out Rainbow Dash and noticed that there was a blanket and pillow lying on a tree trunk. "Actually, Applejack," I said. "I think Rainbow Dash was busy napping."

"What Dawn said," Rainbow nodded to me. "And I just happened to hear that you have an extra ticket?" she asked Twilight.

"Yeah, but--" Twilight was interrupted by the pegasus.

"YES!" Rainbow cheered. "This is so awesome. The Wonderbolts perform at the Grand Galloping Gala every year. I can see it now..."

I noticed she was daydreaming as she continued.

"Everyone would be watching the sky. Their eyes riveted on the Wonderbolts, but then in would fly... Rainbow Dash! I would draw their attention with my Super Speed Strut. Rainbow Dash: Then, I would mesmerize 'em with my Fantastic Filly Flash. And for my grand finale, the Buccaneer Blaze! The ponies would go wild! The Wonderbolts would insist that my signature moves be incorporated into their routine, and then welcome me as their newest member."

I was unsure whether they would accept somepony as her, but I kept my mouth closed while Rainbow looked at Twilight.
"Don't you see, Twilight? This could be my one chance to show 'em my stuff. You gotta take me!"

Just then, Applejack grabbed her with her teeth and pulled her back, "Hold on just one pony pickin' minute here." She spat out her tail to speak clearer, "I asked for that ticket first."

Rainbow stared at her. "So? That doesn't mean you own it."

Oh, a girl fight. Just what I need this morning.

"Oh, yeah? Well I challenge you to a hoof-wrestle. Winner gets the ticket," Applejack challenged Rainbow before they got to a tree stump and began their hoof-wrestle.

Good thing Twilight was having none of it. "Girls! These are my tickets, I'll decide who gets it, thank you very much. Whoever has the best reason to go should get the ticket, don't you think?"

"She has a point," I said, "I must know, because I once had such a decision to make myself when I attended Bloodonia High School. Two girls wanted to go with me to this community dance, and they were both very eager, just like you two. So as Twilight said, whoever has the best reason to go should get the ticket."

"Drummin' up business farm?" Applejack.

"A chance to audition for the Wonderbolts?" Rainbow.

"Money t' fix Granny's hip." Applejack again.

"Living the dream."

Oh, why not? "Girls!" I said. "Stop it, please. No fighting over the tickets."

"Oh my," thought Twilight, "those were all pretty good reasons, aren't they?"

"No kidding," I said, "That makes things complicated who to give the extra ticket to."

Just then, Twilight's stomach started to rumble. "Listen to that, I am starving," she said to Applejack and Rainbow Dash, "I don't know about you, but I can't make important decisions on an empty stomach, so I'll, uh, think about it over lunch and get back to you two, okay?"

Applejack and Rainbow nodded. "Okay." They then returned to their hoof-wrestling.

I rolled my eyes and spread my wings to fly back to my grandparents.

At least that was the plan... if it was not for the fact that I still can't fly. "Rainbow Dash," I kindly asked her, while she was still hoof wrestling, "a little help here, please."

Rainbow blinked. She looked at me and nodded. "Sure, Dawn. I'll get you there." She trotted over to me and began to assist me in getting up in the sky.

To be fair, she did feel sorry for me being in this situation. "Sucks to be unable to fly, eh? But hey, at least you have pegasi grandparents. I'm sure they'll get you up to speed before you know it."

"I'll be sure to talk with them about this flying thing," I promised. "Besides, I do want to feel the wind of the sky myself and not on somepony else. I still think this is humiliating." And that was true. Luckily I didn't have to bother with ponies laughing at me whenever Grandma got me down in the town, as we were going directly to Twilight each day to borrow books or talk with her.

"Point taken," said Rainbow Dash, as she kept on carrying me up and up, until we reached my grandparents' house.
We dismissed each other, and I went right inside, where I was met by...my grandfather.

"So," he asked, "how did it go at Sweet Apple Acres?"

"It was fine, Grandpa," I nodded. "I enjoyed spending the morning with Twilight and Applejack."

"I see," he said, then to ask me, "Did you tell Granny Smith I said hello?"

Just then, he was pelted in the back of his head with a wooden spoon.

I looked over and saw my grandmother giving him a smirk, "I heard that, you dirty bastard."

I chuckled while Grandpa rubbed his head with his hoof.

"Anyway..." he said, looking at me. "You want to learn how to fly, Dawn? I could guess from the way Rainbow brought you up to the house, and the way you looked."

"Do I?" I exclaimed, "Heck, yeah, Grandpa! In fact, I was to be asking you myself."

"Very well," he said, as he went to grab... a uniform?

"You were in the Wonderbolts?" I asked him, noticing the blue uniform of the flyers.

"You know about the Wonderbolts?" asked my grandmother curiously.

"Well," I explained, "when I was just a little boy, my parents would often tell me those bedtime stories about Equestria. They even told me about the Wonderbolts."

"I see," she smiled. "I'm glad they told you about this world."

I gave a single nod before Grandpa was finished putting the uniform on.

"It feels so great to have it back on," he said with joy as he and I marched right outside, only to see Rainbow Dash... napping... again.

"Leave it to me," said my grandfather, as he tiptoed over to the snoozing Rainbow Dash, and... roared like a manticore.

Rainbow screamed in fright and I couldn't help but laugh at her ridiculous reaction. Priceless.

Just then, she was in front of me, giving me the stinkeye. "You think this is funny?!" she asked angrily. "What if it was a real Manticore?!"

"Relax, we were only having some fun." Grandpa quickly spoke to defend me. "Besides, napping in front of our house? I couldn't help myself when I saw you."

"Yeah, Rainbow Dash," I said, "Besides, if it was a real Manticore, you surely would have known."

Rainbow Dash thought for a moment. "You know, Dawn," she said, "you're making a good point."

She looked at Grandpa, then at me again. "Where are you off to?"

"Learning to fly," I said.

"I see," said Rainbow Dash, until she noticed the uniform my grandfather was wearing, and then... "Sweet Celestia!!! You're one of the Wonderbolts?!"

"I used to be," confessed my grandfather, "Not anymore, since I'm retired now. Why? Are you a fan of our work?"

"You bet!" Rainbow nodded. "I'm soo amazed at how the team performs their tricks."

Grandpa chuckled. "Is that so? Maybe you could join Dawn and I in my teachings for him to fly."

"I've a better idea," she said, "Dawn... consider yourself two teachers for this."

That surely made my day, being taught by a former Wonderbolt and a fan of them.

And so, the fun began. I started off by learning the basics from my grandfather, which was hard, due to how many teachers would also have different basics for their students to learn.

It was a fun time learning to fly. I was tired even after learning the basics of it. I was in town currently and I was soon met with Twilight and Spike.

"So, how did your day go?" I asked Twilight.

"I CAN'T CHOOSE!!!" exclaimed Twilight suddenly, startling me a little.

"Huh?" I was confused.

"Sorry, Dawn," said Spike, "but Twilight here has trouble with who to give that extra ticket to."

"You know," I suggested, "perhaps you should give it to me. I mean..."

Twilight just gave me a deadpan.

"Okay..." I went silent as she sighed.

"What do you think, Spike?" Twilight asked the dragon.

"I think we have to try another restaurant. I mean, I like grass just fine, but would it hurt anybody to offer some gemstones?"

I looked at him. "I think she meant about the Gala, Spike."

"Oh," said Spike, "You're still on that, Twilight?"

"Spike, listen," Twilight said. "How do I choose? And when I choose, will the other four be mad at me? I mean, I could give up on my ticket and give away two, but that would still leave three disappointed ponies. What if I--"

"Ah, your food." The waiter came with their food on a plate.

I looked at her while thinking to myself.

"Oh, thank you," said Twilight to the waiter, as he placed the plate down that had a sandwich with... daffodils and daisies and left, "This looks so good. I'm sure everything will be much clearer once I eat."

"Em, madam? Are you going to eat your food in ze rain?" the waiter asked.

Rain? That's odd. Shouldn't it be a clear cloud-free day?

It was then that we noticed that it really was raining.

But then, some sunlight came from the clouds. I was confused. Is it a double weather day?

"Hi there, best friend I've ever had. Enjoying the sunny weather?"

I looked up and saw Rainbow Dash having removed some clouds above us.

"Rainbow Dash," asked Twilight, "what are you doing?"

I had a suspicion what was going on, but I decided to say nothing to see how this turned out.

"Whaddya mean? I just saw the smartest, generous pony about to get rained on, so I thought I'd kick a hole in the clouds to keep her dry so she could dine in peace, that's all."

I looked at Twilight, who had the same thought as I do.

"Rainbow, you're not trying to get extra consideration for the extra ticket by doing me extra special favors, are you?" Twilight asked.

"Me?" Rainbow was obviously trying to hide the obvious, "No no no, of course not."

"Uh-huh," Twilight was not buying it.

"Seriously," Rainbow Dash went on, "I'd do it for anypony."

She gulped as Twilight clearly looked not the least happy.

"Rainbow, I am not comfortable accepting unwanted favors, so I'd appreciate it if you'd close up that rain cloud right now."

"Ugh, fine." Rainbow did as told.

"That went well," I commented before rain poured down on us.

Well, it did make me wish that Rainbow Dash would have waited until Twilight had eaten her sandwich, because just as she was about to take a bite, the rain completely ruined it, making it all soggy. Heck, even her hair was ruined because of the rain. She was annoyed. As for Spike... he tried to hold back his laughter.

"Twilight, it's raining," said Rarity when she came over.

"No, really?" Twilight looked at her.

"Come with me before you catch a cold." Rarity then had Twilight follow her.

I watched them leave before deciding to trot from the restaurant as well before I saw a crimson red pegasus who looked quite beautiful...whoa, where'd that come from?

She obviously didn't see where she was flying, because suddenly, she ended up crashing into me.

"Oops. Sorry." Even her voice sounded beautiful. The pegasus shook herself and got off me. "Are you all right, sir?"

I blinked. "Yeah. Just watch where you fly next time, all right?"

It was at that moment when we both looked into our eyes, and... I could have sworn that they were glowing pink for only a single moment.

"So...um..." I tried to find my voice after staring at her eyes. "What's your name?"

"Crimson Light," she introduced by bowing. "And you?"

"Dawn Darkness."

Crimson smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Dawn."

"Nice to meet you too, Crimson." We both shook our hooves.

"So..." I began, "what brought you to Phonyv-I mean Ponyville?"

"I was just doing my job with the weather," she replied. "Then, when I saw you, I couldn't control my flying."

"Yeah," I said, "me too." I finally got myself together, "I mean I'm not good at flying. You could say that I lived on the ground all my life."

Crimson raised a brow. "A pegasus living on the ground, and not up in the sky? Well, I guess we do have our meaning."

I nodded, "I only just moved in with my grandparents after my parents suggested that my grandfather would teach me to fly... along with other pegasi."

"I see." Crimson smiled. "Who else is teaching you to fly?"

"Rainbow Dash," I said, "Don't tell anyone, but my friend Twilight Sparkle has these tickets to this event called the Grand Galloping Gala, and..."

"Woah now," said Crimson, interrupting me. "Did you say the Grand Galloping Gala? The one held in Canterlot? As in the fanciest party of the year?"

"Yes?" I said.

"I've always dreamed of one day going there," she said.

"Just don't tell anypony, all right? I don't want to stress my friend out more," I added.

"Oh." Crimson blinked, having not realized that. "So...how much can you fly, Dawn?"

"I've only learned the basics from my Grandpa," I said. "But I think I can manage a small flight." I looked at my wings and gave them a short beat.

"Great. Let's go and meet him." Crimson smiled at me.

"My Grandpa?" I wondered. "Sure, why not? I have a feeling he'll be happy to know you." At that, she turned a bit, unaware of my small flush but I shook it off quickly before we took off into the sky.

True, I may have learned the basics, but I must admit that it was not a bad start for my first time flying.

Eventually, we arrived at my grandparents' place, where a good scent went up my nose. Smelled like... Ratatouille.

"Dawn! You're back early, I see." Grandpa greeted me as I trotted in with Crimson. "Oh? What's this? Do you have a special somepony, Dawn?"

I blushed, which Crimson did as well. "We-We're not really sure what you mean, Grandpa..." I stuttered.

"We've only met," Crimson added.

"Of course you have," he said, winking at us, "Now come along. Your grandmother is making Ratatouille. Your mother used to like that stuff when she was a filly.”

And so, we ate together. It was...pleasant for me, to put it. I got to know Crimson a little more as we dined with Grandma and Grandpa.

"So, Crimson," asked my Grandmother, wanting to break the ice, "what exactly brought you here to Ponyville?"

"I was...looking...for something," said Crimson, voice unsure.

"I see," Grandma said, as she took another bite, this time it being a chunk of zucchini.

"What were you looking for?" I asked Crimson, curiosity in my voice.

She stayed silent for a long moment.

She was about to say something, when suddenly, we heard what sounded like a mob.

"Grandma, Grandpa," I asked politely, since it is rude to just stand up during dinner, "may I go check what the commotion is about outside?"

"Now, now," said Grandma, "we would... if you haven't left out the magic word."

I completely forgot about that, so I tried again. "May I go check what the commotion is about outside... Please?"

She nodded. I stood and went out to the front of the house and looked down to find...a crowd of ponies chasing somepony I know. It was Twilight, and on her back was Spike.

"Not on my watch," I said, as I spread my wings and flew right after them, or, to quote a certain toy astronaut, fell with style.

I was falling down rather fast, until I steadied myself and gave my wings quick beatings before I managed to fly. I landed softly on the ground and I told myself to never do that again.

Eventually, I was able to catch up with Twilight and Spike, who seemed to have been in quite a predicament.

"Let me guess. Pinkie Pie, right?" I asked. "She practically told everypony about the tickets?"

"Less talking," said Twilight, "and more running."

I was about to look at the crowd that was closing in, but as quick as she was, Twilight's horn lit up and she, along with Spike and I were teleported away from the street.

Where were we teleported, you ask? The Golden Oaks Library.

"Ugh...warn me next time you're gonna do that," Spike complained as we were safe from the crowd of ponies.

I was just shaking my head as I looked at Twilight.

"I didn't even know it was gonna happen. Quick, lock the doors," she said quickly as Spike and I closed the doors.

The deed was done... or was it?

"Twilight," I said, "I can't seem to shake the feeling that we're not alone in here."

True to my words, the light turned on and Twilight panicked when our friends showed up.

"Yaaargh! I can't decide. I just can't decide! It's important to all of you and I just can't stand to disappoint any of you, and giving me gifts and doing me favors won't make any difference, because you're all my friends and I want to make you all happy and I can't, I just can't!"

I understood her stress, and I was about to say something when Applejack began apologizing to her.

“Twilight, sugar. I didn’t mean to put so much pressure on you, and if it helps, I don’t want the ticket anymore. You can give it to somepony else. I won’t feel bad, I promise.”

“Me too,” Fluttershy agreed. “I feel awful that I made you feel so awful.”

“And me too.” Pinkie added. “It’s no fun upsetting your friends.”

“Twilight, it was unfair of me to try to force you as I did,” Rarity apologized.

“Yes!” Except for Rainbow, she was cheering. “That means the ticket’s mine Ha ha. I got the ticket. I got the ticket!”
I gave her my glare, which prompted Rainbow to stop her singing.

“You know, I haven’t perfected my signature moves for the Wonderbolts anyway. I don’t need that ticket either.”

“We all got so gun-ho about going to the Gala that we couldn’t see how un-gun-ho we were making you,” Applejack added.

They then spoke in apologetically unison. “We’re sorry, Twilight!”

Twilight smiled, then to Spike: “Spike, take down a note.” As the dragon got a letter ready, she said, “Dear Princess Celestia, I’ve learned that one of the joys of friendship is sharing your blessings, but when there’s not enough blessings to go around, having more than your friends can make you feel pretty awful. So, though I appreciate the invitation, I will be returning both tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“What?!” the five ponies gasped.

If my friends can’t go, then I don’t wanna go either,” Twilight continued.

“Twilight, you don’t have to do that,” Applejack said to her.

“Nope, I’ve made up my mind,” Twilight told them. “Spike, you can send the letter now.”

Spike blew some green flames at the letter, and it was sent away.

“Now you won’t get to go to the Gala either,” Fluttershy pointed out.

“It’s okay, girls.” Twilight smiled at them. “And Dawn,” she added when I blinked. “I couldn’t possibly enjoy myself without my best friends there with me…”

There was laughter between them and some “Awww”.

“Hgh...hgh...urk...urk…” I looked at Spike.

“Well wallop my withers, Spike,” Applejack smiled. “Isn’t that just like a boy? Can’t handle the least bit of sentiment.”
He, however, burped out a letter.

“Whoa Nelly!” Applejack gasped.

“A letter from the Princess? That was fast,” Twilight noted.

“No kidding,” I agreed.

Spike cleared his throat. “My faithful student Twilight,” he read. “Why didn’t you just say so in the first place?” He picked up seven tickets. “Look! Seven tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala.”

I looked at the cheering girls. Then, I remembered somepony I met today. “Twilight,” I started, making her look at me. “Do you think there could be an extra ticket?”


“I’ve met...somepony who would like to go with me,” I said nervously, and they noticed my small blush.

“Do you mean to say that you’ve got a special somepony, Dawn?” Rainbow teased.

“N-No.” I shook my head. “I just wanted her to come along for the Gala.”

Twilight raised a brow, then nodded. Just then, Spike began to complain.

“How come I don’t get a ticket to the Gala?” He burped. “And one for you, Spike.

“Spike, do you think we could get a ninth ticket?” Twilight asked him.

“Huh? Why?” he wondered.

“Dawn has met...ahem...somepony who he wanted to accompany to the Gala,” Twilight said.

“Sure, I can ask the Princess about it,” Spike nodded. He took a letter and began writing on it. Then, he stopped for a moment and looked at me. “Who is this somepony?”

“A pegasus named Crimson Light,” I answered.

Spike wrote it down, and he sent it with his green flames. “There.”

And after a short moment, he burped again and there was a folded letter. “And the ninth ticket has arrived,” he told me.

I was amazed how fast the Princess replied to him. “Thanks. I’ll be sure to let her have it.”

He nodded as I had two tickets, one for me and another for Crimson. I then saw him giggle a little to himself.

“I mean,” Spike said quickly. “Gross, I have to go too?” He continued to giggle.

Applejack chuckled at him.

I just shook my head fondly at the dragon.

Author's Note:

So, this chapter was written from Friday to Sunday this weekend. It was good to be back co-authoring with Edward Sapphire.

I finished the chapter myself this morning while my friend was at work. I hope he doesn't mind it. I know I could have waited, but then again, he do need to take his time at home.

We'll get the next chapter done together, and by then, I'll be more patient with him. I just needed to get this chapter done and take a short break until he's home.

Also, reason for my eight months absence: Danish book writing. I've basically taken this whole year in writing about 6-7 Danish stories, with two of them unfinished and probably four completed. I hope you all understand my reason for the absence.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. See you in the next one in the episode "Applebuck Season".