• Published 11th Jan 2021
  • 1,967 Views, 225 Comments

The Rise Of The Cobra Kai - Dragon-In-Black

Spike Draco has been bullied in school at Canterlot High. A man sees this, and decideds to teach him karate the Cobra Kai way.

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9 - The Hawk Of Cobra Kai

“SPIKE DRACO IS THE WINNER!!!” The female voice boomed throughout the arena as the people watching applauded Hawk as Garble flew to his back and did not get back up. Hawk felt all eyes on him as he looked around and threw his hands up in the air and his friends rushed up to him and he felt the proud eyes of Sensei Sombra. His friends were chanting his name and he looked up to see the strangely proud eyes of Vice-Principal Luna who looked like he had done something great. It was strange, he had bullied Flash for the past few weeks and yet here she was, looking at him like a proud mother.

“You fucking did it, you crazy bastard!” Pipsqueak shouted, earning snickers from the crowd. Sensei Sombra chuckled a little bit as he saw his students threw him up in the air chanting his name: “Hawk! Hawk! Hawk!” The Principal and Vice-Principal watched in amusement as Hawk got back on his feet and then casually did a backflip. The others ‘oohed him as Hawk and his friends were approached by the one holding the tournament. They received the number one trophy and that made him smile as he felt like a true champion.

Sensei Sombra walked up to Hawk who instantly gave it to his Sensei who studied it and smiled. He then gave It back to Hawk as he wanted his student a reminder that he had won before. He needed a sort of motivation to keep training and to never give up on his goals. That was the way of the Cobra. The Cobra Kai champions headed for the showers and they were talking about the intense battle Hawk had and they felt proud of him. Hawk could not help but laugh at the comment that Snips made towards Hawk when they were putting on their clothes.

“Man, you could get any hot girl at school now. Hell, maybe even the fashionista.” The others laughed as Hawk shook his head at his friends' comment. He knew that he was telling the truth, but that did not mean that he would suddenly start dating. The boys’ and Cobra Kai came first, then the ladies. That is how he worked anyway. They took their bags and walked out of the arena and felt like they had become true men. They had won a tournament and they could walk the halls of Canterlot High as if they are the Kings.

“Young Spike?” Came a kind and gentle voice from his left. Hawk looked and saw that it was the Principals from the school he had just thought about. He looked at his friends and they shrugged. Hawk bowed towards them in a show of respect. Strangely enough, the two older women knew the gesture and returned it happily. Hawk smiled at them as he waited expectantly for their comments as he knew that they had not come for a friendly chat. Hawk looked at Celestia but it was Luna who was doing the talking.

“We wanted to congratulate you on your victory. If you ever need guidance, you can always come to either of us.” Luna said, in a friendly voice that made Hawk calm, but he did not allow it to show. he simply gave them a curt nod as they heard their Sensei’s whistle and they walked toward their Sensei and then stood in a military-like formation. Sensei Sombra smiled and motioned for them to get on the bus and they did. Hawk sat beside another window as Pipsqueak sat beside Him. They started talking a little bit about the tournament and how it could have possibly ended and that gave Spike childish nightmares in his head.

The ride back to the Cobra Kai dojo was uneventful and they were looking forward to the last few days of school. When they reached the dojo, they walked in unison out of the bus and they waited for their Sensei who walked out with power and elegance. He smiled at his students and dismissed them and they walked home. Hawk was on top of the world. He had won the tournament of the under eighteen tournament in karat. He was looking forward to getting home and just sleep. He was tired as all Hell and simply wanted to sleep until he had to get up, and that is what he was going to do.

Hawk reached his house after he waved goodbye to his friends and he opened the door to find that everything was in order. Spike walked up the stairs to his room and placed the trophy on a drawer and it fitted just right. It looked like it belonged there. Hawk took off his clothes and decided to skip brushing his teeth and when he hit the pillow, he fell asleep like a baby. He had not noticed that there was a curvous marshmallow skinned girl that had followed him home to make sure that he got home safely. . .

The next day, Hawk woke up and he was ready to finish the last few school days before it was time for Christmas Break. It was exactly three weeks before the holiday break so he was looking forward to celebrating it with the boys. He was staying at Snips’ place while the holiday was going on. Hawk got dressed and decided to check his phone. he saw that there were many different posts of his victory and he smirked. He then came across a page named Anon-A-Miss. What the person had posted was the most hilarious thing he had ever read.

“Did you guys know when Applejack was a kid she loved playing with her pigs? OMG! She sat in the mud for hours! Her whole family calls her ‘Piggly Wiggly’ cause she loves them so much! What a PIG!”

“Pffthahahaha! Serves her right!” Hawk said, as he walked downstairs and made his lunch and prepared for the school day. He was looking forward to getting a rise out of Applejack. That was his goal anyways. He would then lie and get her in trouble. She caused him some pain and he would show her what it meant to be laughed at. She would never understand until today at least. Hawk grabbed his Cobra Kai jacked and headed towards the door and saw that his friends were waiting for him. He waved at them and they waved back. “Ayo, boys. Did you see the post that Anon-A-Miss made on MyStable? Fucking hilarious if you ask me.” The other boys laughed along with him.

“Yeah, I saw it. She deserves it. She causes us too much trouble and thinks she can get away with it because she is the element of Honesty. She is rather the element of idiocy.” Snails said, making the others laugh at his joke as they turned and walked towards the school. They saw that there were a few early birds there and Hawk Smiled as he saw the Rainbooms. Hawk and his friends walked up to them without them noticing them and Hawk startled them as he walked up behind them and looked at Applejack straight in the face and walked backwards with a cocky smile.

“See you around Piggly Wiggly!” Hawk said, as he saw the pale and furious eyes of the farm girl. Hawk cackled as he and his friends walked inside of the building and saw the others laughing a little bit as they had heard what Hawk had said. Hawk headed for his locker and prepared for the day and saw that Applebloom the idiot redhead was showing the Anon-A-Miss page. Snips decided that if the other Cobra Kai would not voice their opinion then he would do it. Spike gave one last glance at Applebloom before he fully looked at Snips, showing that he had his full attention.

“You don’t think that the others think it’s Sunset Shimmer right?” Snips asked, nervously as he looked at the other students as if they were Wolves ready to attack them at any given moment. Spike thought about it for a second but shook his head. Whoever believed that it was Sunset Shimmer was obviously the biggest idiot on the planet. Sunset was too smart for that. He decided to check the MyStable account and look at all of the details. He saw a yellow figure that was an obvious hint to Sunset’s features and the red background. It was the most idiotic frame job he had ever seen. Snips and Snails would be able to do it without any help even better.

“Possibly, but the others can’t seriously believe that she did it. She has worked too hard for this. Do you remember when the Dazzlings tried to divide everyone? That did not work and now they are simply normal students at Canterlot High. Or as normal as a former bully can be at least.” Hawk said as he received thoughtful glances then nods from the others. It made sense what their violent friend was saying. They certainly did not believe that Shimmer did it. It was too obvious and it just did not make any sense at all.

The Bell rang, and they headed for their respective classes. Snips and Hawk went together as they had the same class which was History with Cheerilee. Hawk groaned a little. It wasn’t that he disliked her, it was that her method of teaching was boring. He was not motivated enough to do the assignments, but he still did his best as he did not exactly want to end up on her bad side. Cheerilee was quite scary when she wanted to be and that was something she used to her advantage. Hawk scoffed a little as he remembered how she scared Pipsqueak once and that had made everyone bully him for a few weeks and Cheerilee had felt bad and looked out for him until it finally subsided and it went away. Hawk and Snips reached the classroom and waited for their teacher to come. Hawk was sitting on the way back as he did not have to fully face their teacher but he had a feeling that Cheerilee was gonna call him out for it.

“Yo, do you think that Shimmer is in trouble?” Snips asked, as he suddenly looked at Hawk who looked at him with complete and utter confusion. This was the second time today he was worrying over the traitor. Hawk decided to think for a few moments before he turned towards Snips and shrugged his shoulders as he did not know what to do or say. He did not have the answer to it. “It’s just that, you remember when she told us that her family died in a car crash? Well, she has no family left and I suspect that she told the Rainbooms about it. What if they take advantage of it and break her heart?”

Hawk now though real long and hard about this. He did remember that she had said it before and they had celebrated together on a few special occasions, but then it was all about starting her ruling on the school and it sort of disappeared. They stopped celebrating with her as she never came over to their place to hang out or celebrate anything. They never stopped sending invitations until she made friends with the Rainbooms and that is when they stopped trying. They did not know if she knew or not or if they had been sending it to the wrong address. Hawk did believe that Shimmer most likely told them that she lived alone and had no one to watch over her like a guardian or something. Hawk decided to ignore his thoughts. it was a long time ago, and he had changed. She abandoned them and here he was, a warrior who could take on anyone without trouble. He was Hawk, the Hawk of Cobra Kai. He smiled at that. It sounded fitting.

“I don’t know, nor do I care to be honest,” Hawk said, making Snips shrug and look at the front of the class and saw that Cheerilee had yet to come to the class and it was only five minutes till class started. Hawk pulled out his history book and started to read as he was pretty bored. Snips did the same and they weren’t bothered for the next five minutes. When Cheerilee actually came, she was a literal mess to be blunt. She looked like she had been crying for hours and Hawk had concern on his face. Her classes may be boring, but she is the best teacher at the school if he was gonna be honest. She had helped many younger students and he remembered when she helped him in a history and math assignment that he had no clue about. He clenched his fist but made sure that only Snips saw it. Everyone looked at their teacher in concern and she simply gave them a fake smile. She told them that they would be learning about World War II for the next few months as it was important that they knew about the events that happened and took place.

Hawk had been reading about the beginning of World War II when there was hysterical sobbing out of nowhere and everyone looked at Cheerilee. Hawk looked up and had the look like someone had broken in and was ready to fight the intruder. There was a girl that walked towards Cheerilee and asked what was wrong. She looked at all of the students who looked at her with concern. Hawk was just waiting for her to mention her husband hurting her but was surprised when she told them that Anon-A-Miss had posted a picture of her husband going at it with another woman. Hawk was not entirely wrong. Some of the people in the class who were looking at the picture were angry at the husband. He had been known for having hit Cheerilee when he thought no one was looking, but he had been wrong. Students like Hawk had been there but that was way before Cobra Kai. Everyone loved dear Cheerilee. Hawk felt anger towards her husband and gave Snips a look and he just nodded towards him. They would jump him and show him that you don’t mess with a faithful wife that has shown nothing but love and support. He would learn his lesson without a doubt.

The rest of the day continued without any trouble and everyone had learned about Cheerilee’s predicament and she had been allowed to take the rest of the day off as well as to take a few days to be with herself. Hawk could not agree more. She is at school every day, she really does deserve a break, after all, she had done for her students. Hawk had been discussing with his other friends his plan. They would jump Cheerilee’s husband and they would make sure that he would not do so again. The others agreed with his plan and even praised him for the marvellous idea.

Hawk had heard the other students make fun of Applejack with mentioning Piggly Wiggly and he got a few laughs because it was fun. When the school had ended, he walked back to his house with the boys’ and had seen Shimmer enter a red truck that belonged to Big Macintosh. Hawk assumed that she was staying at Applejack’s place but didn’t think too much of it. He and the boys knew when the idiot of a husband ended his day. He knew for a fact that he went to Canterlot High School just like them and knew his name well. He would make sure that it frightens him a bit.

When it was time, Hawk and the boys headed for the downtown area and made sure that the other people knew that they were on official business. They had called their Sensei and told them their excuse for being late. He had cackled and told them that it was completely fine and to make sure that they got there straight after they were finished. Hawk had smiled and told him that they would. They could not fail their Sensei. If they were to make it on the news and get arrested then they better tell a good story about how they used Cobra Kai tactics only thought inside of the Cobra Kai dojo. They would gain many students who would without a doubt be interested in learning karate the Cobra Kai way. The city was big and colourful and had a lot of different videos of the tournament on a big screen in the centre of the city and it made Hawk smile. It showed him how he defeated Garble.

They headed towards a car dealership that a man by the name of Daniel LaRusso. It was not him they were after. It was one of the employees that he had that they were after. They knew he had a cousin who worked there who was a total idiot for the lack of a better word. They waited just outside of the car dealership until they would find the man they were after. They only had to wait a few minutes until a man walked out with blonde hair that looked to belong to royalty the way it had been handled. White skin that anyone would kill for. Blue eyes that were not as strong but fitted the man. He was wearing an expensive business suit that did not surprise the Cobra Kai students. He was known for being arrogant. Hawk and his friends saw that he was talking to some woman that they believed was the wife of LaRusso and she walked away with a smile on her face. Hawk clenched his fist as he got closer to the arrogant idiot. When the blonde-haired man was about to enter his car, he felt a kick in the back of the head and when he was about to turn and fully face them, he was punched in the face.

“Fuck you, You piece of shit,” Hawk said, angrily. He spotted the man that had a coughing fit. Hawk was about to kick him in the face but Pipsqueak beat him to it, but Hawk was not mad. In fact, he was quite pleased. “You abuse and cheat on poor Cheerilee that have shown nothing but kindness and devotion for the marriage that you have. Normally I would have tried my best to kill you, but that is not in my place. If I ever hear that you hurt her in any sort of way, then do expect me to return with my boys here, Blueblood.”

Hawk and his friends walked away from the scene and did not see the pale looking Blueblood as he got into his car and looked like he had seen a ghost. “I have never seen someone that angry before, except for aunt Luna. Strange, he talked and acted like her when she was angry. . . probably just a coincidence.” Blueblood said, to himself as he pulled the key into the ignition and drove away from the car dealership, not aware that the owner and boss had heard everything. He looked at Blueblood disappearing over to the next corner and felt absolutely disgusted. Sure, he may not like Cobra Kai’s, but if what they said were true, then he could not see himself working with Blueblood anymore. He had come to him after he had graduated with top marks of the college he attended and was without a doubt fitted for the job he had given him. He was an excellent businessman that knew how to draw attention and sell them several cars in a day. He was the reason they were earning thousands of dollars, but if he really was someone who cheated on his wife, then he could simply not work with him anymore and would have to fire him.

Hawk was chilling with Snips as they were watching a show called: I Was Just Trying to Help. It was an intense show, but it was good. There was a whole lot of drama going on but it was interesting, to say the least. “Man, this is fucking tense. I did not think that it would be this tense. It is good though.” Snips said, earning a nod from Hawk who did not say anything as he was too enthralled with the storyline and the characters that had been beautifully written. Hawk and Snips then felt buzzes coming from their phones they decided to leave it be and continue to watch the show until it was officially finished. The cold air was not bothering Hawk much as he looked at the show and it was almost finished, it was the season finale and they were not going to be bothered by their phones one bit. When the show ended Hawk and Snips high five each other and decided to check their phones just then.

It was a message from Pipsqueak asking if they were interested in having a guys night on Sunday’s. Hawk and Snips looked at each other and grinned widely. Of course, they would have. Why would they say no? They typed ‘Yes!’ and from that day on they would have guys night on Sunday’s but now they were going to bed and get some rest. Hawk and Snips said their goodnight and went to their respective room. Hawk’s room was decorated in red and black with black covers on the bed that was on the left side and was facing a window. There was a wardrobe to the right when you walked in with a full-body mirror as well as a desk with a lamp. Hawk headed for the bed after he brushed his teeth and allowed his slumber to catch him. He did not know what the very next day would bring but he had a feeling that it would be big. The moon shined through the window and slowly went down over the horizon and the sun started to shine over the lands and it hit Hawk right in the face, making him grunt.

Hawk got out of his bed and he started to do push-ups and crunches immediately. He was a morning person as well as a night person. But that was only because he was eating healthy and training to the point where he was surprised that he did not have serious muscles like the Vikings. When he was finished with his morning workout, he headed for the bathroom that was not occupied by anyone. He took a quick cold shower to make his muscles burn a little bit extra. When he was done he gt out of the shower and put on some proper clothing.

Hawk headed for the kitchen and saw that Snips was there munching on an apple. They greeted each other and they pulled out their phones to check if Anon-A-Miss had struck again and it looked like she had. There was a picture of a mint skinned girl with mint hair and a white streak. It was Lyra Heartstring in the picture that looked to be five years old and kissing a girl that they did not recognize. Hawk did not find this one funny, that was simply rude. Even Snips thought it was rude. Lyra had been very kind to him in the past and he had now promised her quietly that anyone who dares laugh at her or look at her funny will receive a punch to the gut.

“That was just fucking rude.” Snips said, angrily as he started eating his apple aggressively. Hawk nodded as he took a banana and peeled off the skin. Hawk wondered who Anon-A-Miss could be. I could not be Shimmer because she is not this sloppy and if she really was doing it, what would she gain out of it? The only thing she earns is misery from everyone instead. It might have been one of the Rainbooms, but Hawk was not so sure. It could be anyone, and that is what was giving him a headache.

Hawk and Snips headed for school a little while later and were discussing Anon-A-Miss. Who could it possibly be, and why would they try so hard to hurt everyone? Hawk had the theory that the rest of them believed; someone was after revenge after what Shimmer had done for years. It was simply too fitting of a time and moment to be a coincidence. Shimmer being a bully and was later befriended by Sparkle who showed her friendship and becoming a Rainboom later. The Dazzlings comes and kind of do the same shit and nearly fully succeeds. Now, this Anon-A-Miss comes out of nowhere and ruins friendships as well as the trust everyone had for each other.

After the first lesson that Hawk had alone, he was meeting up with his friends when he saw the sight that actually made his stomach turn. On the floor was Shimmer, crying her eyes out, leaving the floor wet. Hawk did not know why he did it but he did. He walked towards her with fast steps and placed his hand on her right shoulder and she looked up. Sunset was surprised to see Hawk there in the first place but she then realized that he would most likely try to give away a snarky comment but it never came. Instead, he asked a question she thought that she would never get from him of all people.

“Want to go to the Mall after school?” Hawk asked, in a kind and gentle voice. It did not betray any anger or hatred, it was a simple question that Hawk had asked and here she was. Crying her eyes out but it was the enemy that was willing to take her in. She smiled at him and nodded.

Author's Note:

Hello everypony and another chapter has been written! Man, every time I finish a chapter, I feel like I have done something productive. Anyways, the story that I had for the “show” was This. Hope you enjoyed it!