• Published 11th Jan 2021
  • 1,968 Views, 225 Comments

The Rise Of The Cobra Kai - Dragon-In-Black

Spike Draco has been bullied in school at Canterlot High. A man sees this, and decideds to teach him karate the Cobra Kai way.

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3 - School Fight

Spike woke up to the sound of his alarm clock going of. Spike stretched his arm, and turned it off. Spike got out from the bed covers, and started doing push ups on the floor with his knuckles. It was a routine for him. Wake up, do early morning exercise, take a shower, eat breakfast, and walk to school with Snips and Snails.

His floor was made out of dark wood, and his wall were coloured in green. His ceiling was coloured in black. His bed was comfy, with his bed covers having the Cobra Kai symbol. Cobra Kai wasn't a very well known dojo by anyone, but Spike had commissioned for that bed cover. It hadn't cost him all that much, simply twenty five dollars.

Spike could feel how his muscles were burning, but he liked it. It made him feel good. He then did his last push up, and grabbed a white towel that had been on a chair that was beside his bed. He lived alone in the house he lived in, as his parents had died when he was very young. He had been on his own for a very long time. He did have cousins, but he had no contact with them, mostly because he doesn't like them. Although, he never really liked his relatives even though, they probably don't feel the same way he feels.

Spike walked through his house that was coloured in grayish light blue. the floors were all covered by some sort of mat. the ceilings had lights on them, but Spike rarely used the lights. he wanted to get used to the darkness, so his enemies wont know what hit them. he walked into his bathroom that had a large mirror, toilet, sink, and a large shower. he got into the shower and turned on the water after he had undressed. He was taking a cold shower. It made him wake up better in the morrning, and it felt good.

He showered for about ten minutes, and got out of the shower. He then proceded to walk back into his room and search for the clothing he was looking for. He put on a black t-shirt and gray soft pants. he put on a purple hoodie and headed towards his kitchen. The kitchen was decorated with a large kitchen table, and knifes. He made himself some toast, and was thinking about what name he should give himself. He didn't really know what he was gonna name himself. He wanted it to be something that would make himself be feared except by those who are his friends or are in Cobra Kai.

Spike shrugged to himself, and decided to ask his friends what they thought. They maybe had good ideas for a new name. Spike walked into the living room that was a disaster. There were fast food everywhere. The coffee table had some different sodas on the table and the sofas and chairs had pizza boxes. He wasn't fat strangely enough, but then again, he has been training since he joined Cobra Kai. His bag was on one of the couches that had black leather on it. He then took the bag to the kitchen. He was gonna make a sandwich for lunch. He pulled out two slices of bread and began to make his sandwich. He was lost in his thoughts, and wondered what was gonna happen in school that very day.

Spike placed his ingredients on his sandwich, and occasionally cut something with a large kitchen knife. He then added the last ingredient which was mayonnaise. Spike then pulled out a plastic film, and covered his sandwich. He then placed his lunch in his bag. He then walked over to his fridge and pulled out a Red Bull. That would be his drink for the day. Spike also placed it into his bag, and closed the fridge and made sure that everything was relatively okay. Spike then smiled to himself, and headed for the front door. His shoes were on his feet quite quick, as he then walked to school. Today would hopefully be a good day.

Spike had just reached the school with Snips and Snails, and they were chatting happily. They were preparing for the test that they had that very day. They had a test in gym class, which was basically a obstacle course. For them, it would be easy. They could simply use their Cobra Kai training in it, without actually hitting or kicking anyone.

"Hey guys, what name should i give myself?" Spike asked, as they walked through the front doors of the school. Some people looked their way and snickered, but the three Cobra Kai students didn't pay them any heed. Snips and Snails looked at each other, then at Spike.

"What do you mean?" Snips asked, as they continued walking towards Spike's locker. The people around them were looking at Spike in surprise because of his hair. This was new, that was something the early birds hadn't noticed when Spike walked inside. Spike sighed as they reached his locker. He placed the key inside the lock and turned it, and heard a Click.

"I mean: what name should i give myself? I am known as Spike, but they simply see me as weak. I want to have a name that will make them think twice before trying to start something." Spike explained. Snips and Snails looked at each other. They sensed that Spike was getting angry. They also knew who he referred to. It was Flash and his gang. Spike, Snips, and Snails had been bullied since day one. That is until Sunset Shimmer came along, and stopped that. Then for a few years, the school was ruled with an iron fist by Sunset Shimmer. Then a transfer student from Crystal Prep Academy befriended Sunset and she left them; leaving an open window for Flash and his gang to bully them. At first, Twilight Sparkle scolded them for doing so and even went to the principle, which made their situation worse. Then, Flash and his gang became more sneeky with their bullying until they did it in the open again.

No one helped them. Even the ones who wanted to help them, didn't because they were afraid. Spike saw them as nothing more but pussies. How the hell could they be scared of a blue haired freak? Spike slammed his locker shut after grabbing some pencils and books that were to the right of the small locker. Snips and Snails didn't react to the loud slamming as they were used to his outbursts.

"How about Hawk?" Snips suggested. "It's fitting considering you have a mohawk."

Spike thought about it, and shrugged a little. It did sound fitting. He smiled and nodded his approval. "Hawk it is." Spike said, making them smile. They then heard the bell ring and ran for their first class. They didn't have their gym test until after lunch so they had plenty of time. Their first class would be English.

They ran down the corridors and even knocked down a student who they didn't see who it was. Though, they didn't fully care either. They then reached the one classroom where their English class would be. They didn't barge in, they simply walked in with manner and respect. They opened the door and walked in, and saw that the teacher wasn't there. The students although, were. They closed the door behind them.

The classroom was decorated with a world map in the back of the room, and at the front desk was a whiteboard that the teacher used. They walked to the furthest in the back of the classroom, and took their seats. Spike was sitting beside Snips who was to his right, and Snails was to his left. The floor were made out of polished stone that shined like crystals. The ceiling pretty much only had lamps that were brightening up the room. The students around them pretty much ignored the three students in the back.

"Dude, where the hell is the teacher?" Snails asked, making Spike look at him. He then looked at the clock that was above the door that showed it was eight fifteen. Spike was surprised. Their teacher hadn't arrived yet. He was very military like, as he was almost always on time for work. Spike shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know, but for some reason: he felt like he didn't care either. He shook his head, he was probably still grumpy about something.

"I have no idea, but wherever he is, he is probably on his way." Spike said, making his friends nod. There was one girl in class that always stood out to Spike. Her name was Rarity, and she is the most beautiful girl there is in school. Spike, like every single guy in the school: had a crush on her. He had never said anything, as he was to shy, but also because he knew that he'd be rejected by her. She is a marshmallow skined girl, with moderate indigo, and on the shadow side, a gradient of dark purple to moderate purple hair. Her eyes were moderate azure. She was in the front row seats, and had her back turned to him. Spike would usually daydream about her, but he had never been caught daydreaming.

All of a sudden, the door was slammed open and a man with a brown skin, a ridiculous mustache, and hair walked in. He looked pretty angry about something, but he didn't shout or do anything. Spike wondered what it was. 'He probably deserved it,' Spike thought, to himself. He then shook it out of his head. Where did that even come from? Every single student looked at their teacher with hard-core attention, quite afraid of even look at anything but him. He then looked up and presented a fake smile

"Hello everyone. I sincerely apologise for my delay. There was a man running some snake karate dojo or whatever who got angry at me. Anyways, I hope everything has been well on your winter break. I hope I can help you out the term with anything that you have missed or anything." He said, making every student inwardly groan. He had a speech like this almost about everyday. Spike was getting tired of it if he was being honest with everyone. "Oh, and also, there will be a ball at the end of this month."

Spike and his friends looked at each other and shrugged. They usually did this every year at school. Spike was kind of looking forward to it. He planned on kicking Flashs' ass by the end of the month. It would be fun seeing his pride slip away, because of a guy who learnt karate the Cobra Kai way. All he needed to do was to find the right time to strike.

The other students around them started to chat with their friends happily and smiling at each other. All except Spike, Snips, and Snails. They may be looking forward to the event, but they had no desire to go there to get kicked out by Sentry. Although, because of their training, perhaps this would be different then the other times. They could kick Flashs' ass all day long, and not get bored somehow. Then again, you find new ways to entertainment all the time.

"Now, could everyone get their books and open up the page three hundred and ninety four?" The teacher said, with a professional voice. He sat down on his desk, and pulled out his version of the book that his students had.

Spike pulled out the book from his bag, and checked the cover. The book was blue, and had a large smiley face with the words: A Guide To Advanced English. This book was for those who wanted to learn more advanced English. Spike had decided to take it, so he then can use more fancy words delicately. Spike opened up the book, and started to search for the page.

When Spike finally found the page, he and his friends had been shocked to see what they would be reading about. They were going to be learning about karate. Well, from the readers point of view that is. Spike snickered a little. This would be easy. To easy. Some student heard the snickers and looked back at Spike who hadn't realized he had a look in his eyes that made him seem angry. Some students decided to leave him be and not bother him, as they didn't want to "anger" him further.

"Okay class. So, today we will be learning about karate. Read the page, and write down the questions afterwards." The teacher said, with a raspy, but still professional voice. Spike simply ignored his teacher and started reading the page.

Karate isn't just a violent sport that can one day save your life. Karate is about balance in life, and to be calm in even the toughest of situations. It's not about starting a fight. There are a lot of kids who has been bullied, who has the joined a karate group so they could simply hurt their bullies. That is something that should absolutely never be done. It can be seen as cowardice, but it also does depend on what your heart truly says. Find your balance in life, and hope the decisions you make are the right ones, even if they might be seen as bad. Always feel balance, if you search for something with anger, you won't feel the same satisfaction as when you do it when you are happy.

Spike closed the book after he finished reading it. He could take notes at home. Was he a coward? He wanted to hurt Flash and his gang. He would do it, he didn't care. He was gonna have his revenge on Flash and his gang after all those years of torment. Flash would see Spike's inner Cobra.

All of a sudden, the bell rang and every student got up and left the classroom chatting with their friends and whatnot. Spike got up and took the book with him. He placed it in his bag on the way out of the classroom. Snips and Snails weren't far behind. The hallway were filled students hanging with their friends. Spike couldn't help but sneer at them. He was quite honestly disgusted with them. They have the guts to act as if he and his friends was inferior, while they were superior. Spike was getting sick of it.

"Look at all these disgusting idiots. Acting as if they are superior. Don't they know that they are below us where they belong?" Spike said, with anger and to some extent: betrayal, making Snips sigh. Snails, didn't know what to say, as he didn't expect to get that question. Spike himself just looked at the other students with disgust, as he and his friends made it towards science where their teacher Discord would be at.

I don't know Hawk, perhaps they didn't think straight?" Snips said, with thoughtfulness. Spike turned to him and gave him a deadpan expression, one that quite scared Snips.

"You mean: they don't think straight?" Spike said, in a matter-of-fact tone. Snips sheepishly smiled, as they made their way through the school. Snails noticed the classroom they were heading to, and sighed. He had been beaten mercilessly by Flash and his gang in that very classroom. He had been affected by PTSD, and every time he sees that classroom, he is only reminded on what happened that day. Luckily, Spike had found him afterwards. It had not been easy explaining to the school nurse what happened.

They reached the classroom where Discord was and noticed that they are the first to arrive. Spike was angry about Flash. He had found Snails here once, and he was gonna make sure that it was Flash they find next time. Although, it might be hard because of all the blood on Flashs' face...

They walked to the back of the classroom and took their seats. They pulled out their books and started reading the chapters that were on the whiteboard. Discord was a easy going teacher, and didn't have super high expectations, so he wasn't much of a bother. Spike was reading the last few sentences of the chapter he was on, and heard the bell ring. The class was gonna start, and all he needed to do was to do the theory of the assignment Discord had given them. The other students took their seats, and Spike walked up to the front desk and waited for Discord to acknowledge him.

"What can i do for you Spike?" Discord asked, in a bored voice. He wanted in all honesty just go on vacation and never return, but where else was he gonna get the money? Although, he never truly liked any student; Spike, Snips, and Snails was the one exception he always made. They were quick to get to class and when the other students got there, they asked for the assignment.

"The assignment Mr. Discord," Spike said, making Discord nod and put down the magazine he had been reading. Well, not reading, it was rather watching. It was covered by a magazine. Discord had a exotic magazine. Spike had no idea why Discord was looking at it in school, but he didn't care either. Spike got the three assignments and walked back towards his desk. He gave the other two their assignment. They thanked him, and started working on it.

The other students felt a little jealous that the three losers were allowed to work earlier then them. It was funny, if they actually showed up before the class started, then they'd be able to do so aswell. Spike grinned at the stupid students as he did his assignment. It was astronomy they were studying, and Spike was pretty good at it. Although, he was more into animals. Specifically snakes, Cobras.

Discord was talking about astronomy to the other students, but Spike was tuning out of the lesson as he did the assignment. He was thinking about what he was gonna do. He wanted to plan the attack against Flash the best possible way.

Spike and his friends finished their work, and walked up to Discord and gave him their work. The other students looked at them with jealousy. Discord smiled at them and nodded at them. The three Cobra Kai students bowed, and left the classroom. They decided to head for their lockers and change books for the next class.

Spike walked alone in the empty hallways. That was one thing he liked about Discord; if you are finished with an assignment, then you get to leave early. That was something he really liked, as it helped him get away from prying eyes of the students. He walked towards his locker, and didn't notice how a girl was watching him from a distance. He reached his locker, and saw that there was a piece of paper with the words LOSER on it. Spike ripped it up and threw it on the ground. "Assholes." Spike said, with anger, but in a quiet way. In reality, he wanted to scream out the word. But, he had other things to take care of.

He opened up his locker, and placed the books he had been using that very morning, in the locker. His locker had been decorated with anything related to Cobra Kai. Spike, Snips, and Snails were the only ones who actually trained karate. The other students didn't have any idea that they were black belts. The walls had the Cobra Kai logo, and the furthest in the locker had a photo of him and his friends getting their black belts. Spike smiled a little, and pulled out the one book he needed and that was the math book. After lunch he had gym class which would be exciting.

Spike closed his locker just in time, when he heard the RING. Spike walked towards lunch, and didn't get shoved or anything. he knew he'd receive a few glares here and there for no apparent reason, but it would be worth it. He walked into the lunch room, and went to stand in line. He did have his sandwich, but he still wanted something truly fulfilling in his stomach. He took a tray, and just when he was about to turn around, the tray in his hands flew out of his hands. Spike looked and saw that it was Flash who stood there with an angry expression.

"Do you know what you did earlier you loser?!" Flash asked, with anger evident in his voice. Spike felt afraid, but it slowly slipped away as he felt his anger start to boil. "Earlier this morning you ran into me, making me fall on the floor. Do you think thats acceptable!?"

"Yes, because the floor is where you belong." Spike answered, coldly towards the bully. Spike had no time to react, as he felt a punch to his stomach. It continued for a few minutes, but then something snapped withing Spike. everyone was looking at what was going on. No one did anything. The line that Spike had waited previously was gone. Spike had no idea where they went, but he didn't care either.

Just when Flash was about to punch Spike again something happened. Time slowed down for Spike as he grabbed the fist and punched Flash with his left fist. Flash felt serious pain on his nose and believed he even heard a crack. Spike let go of the other fist and dropped his bag quickly as he grabbed an empty tray and bashed Flashs' head with it. Flash stumbled backwards, as Spike prepared another hit. Flashs' lackeys didn't know what to do as Spike the little loser was beating their leader. Flash had regained himself and looked at Spike with shock and anger. He rushed towards Spike, who evaded his attack and jumped in the air with a spin and kicked Flash right in the head.

Everyone 'ooed' on what just happened. Flashs' lackeys had enough and rushed towards Spike. Spike threw the first punch just like he was taught in the dojo. STRIKE FIRST. Spike punched the first guy, and the second guy, he kicked in the place no guy should ever feel. All the guys who weren't involved in the fight let out a 'ouch' and 'poor dude.' Spike then kicked the the first guy who rushed up to him in the ass, and front kicked him in the head. He feel down to the floor cold. The people around them had started to form a circle around them.

The second guy was crying out in pain, but he still got up to get revenge. Spike prepared his first strike, as he allowed the idiot to rush him. When he was close enough, he front kicked him aswell, and went down to the floor to make him fall himself. Spike then punched him until he started bleeding. the guy had pleaded with him to stop but he didn't. Finally it was only Flash left, who was close to shitting himself. Spike ran up to him and jumped, and started spinning in the air and kicked him right in the head. The people around them were shocked by what they were seeing. The Spike they knew was that little loser who was good for absolutely nothing, but here he is, literally beating Flash Sentry and his lackeys as if its normal.

Flash was on the ground, and just before he became subconscious, he heard a loud cracking after something heavy hit his face. Spike was currently kicking and hitting Flash Sentry. His hands were bloody, and his face had nothing but pure hatred. He then finished and got up from his crouched state. He then spit on Flashs' face.

"Fucking coward." Spike said, with malice as he walked away from the scene as if it was normal. The students made an opening for him as he walked towards the exit. He was in no mood for chatting unless if it was Snips and Snails. He walked away from the cafeteria and headed towards the roof of the school. On the roof, he could be alone and reflect on what happened. He saw the staircase that lead upwards, and took it. Just when he was about to head further up, he heard running. He turned around; preparing for a fight, but saw the grinning faces of Snips and Snails.

"Dude! That was awesome. You really showed them who rules this school!" Snips said, with clear admiration in his voice. Spike simply rolled his eyes playfully. Snails was looking at Spike with worry in his eyes. He had started to change a lot since Cobra Kai...

"Wanna hang with me on the school roof?" Spike asked, his two friends wanting to have company. They nodded, and together, they walked up to the school roof. Spike didn't realize that when he walked back to school the very next day he'd be feared. He wasn't Spike anymore... he was Hawk.

Author's Note:

And here it is!

I hope you have been enjoying this book so far guy, and do expect more coming!