• Published 3rd Nov 2020
  • 5,245 Views, 229 Comments

Spike Dorcha - Dragon-In-Black

Spike Sparkle Solaris, is one day banished from Equestria for a crime he didn't commit. He then proceeds to build up his own nation.

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The Power Of Anger

Spike was still inside of the prison of his and he was not happy at all. He was looking around the room and only saw the cracks on the wall and looked ready at any moment to collapse, but it didn’t. His aunt, Princess Luna had been called by her sister to come to Canterlot. Spike rested both of his arms on the table in front of him and was still sitting on the chair in the room. There was barely any lights inside of the room but he had managed to adjust his eyes to the darkness which helped tremendously.

Spike felt how his armour was raging inside of him, and he could not help but wonder what was going on. He knew he was angry, but not angry to the point where his own armour is angry. Then again, it is filled with dark magic so perhaps it is his anger that is radiating inside the armour to make it feel like it is the armour. There was a door in front of him that was locked with his aunt’s magic. Spike was grinning from ear to ear, but that couldn’t be seen as the helmet on his head was still on him, making it impossible to see the emotions on his face.

The room suddenly felt like it became colder like someone had dropped the temperature by accident, but the coldness was still there. Spike ignored the cold, not wanting to be much of a bother to anypony else. His sword had been taken from him and his other weapons were also gone. He had nothing to defend himself with and for the lack of a better word: he was dead. He knew that his aunt wouldn’t try to kill him, but what happens if she does? What if she doesn’t actually care?

”So, how will I get out of this prison?” Spike questioned himself, lifting his right arm and using his metal-covered claws to scratch the helmet. There was an uncomfortable sound that followed after, metal scratching metal. Spike on the other hand did not seem to care for a single second. It was like it brought some sort of weird comfort. He then allowed his right arm to fall to the table. His legs were in claw cuffs so he couldn’t walk as fast or run. His back was straight in a military-like position.

He then tried to do something he had not done since he bought to armour, or rather, took it. He tried to take off his helmet. He put both of his armoured claws on the right and left side and tried to take it off, but it did not work. It was something that was blocking it. Spike had a confused expression that was not seen by any creature else, not even ghosts, but he tried yet again. It didn’t work. By now, he was getting irritated. He decided that he should just leave it on and not touch it as it seemed to cling on to him tighter.

He felt a weird presence in his mind. He did not know what it was, but there was something inside of his head that was there that he couldn’t describe. It was like when you try to read someone’s mind but the other creature has mind shields up but instead of a different creature, it is inside your very own head. He then out of nowhere felt a sharp pain near his brain. This wasn’t a severe case of migraine, this was something more powerful and vicious. Something dangerous. Spike put both of his claws on the helmet and felt how dizzy he was getting. It was crazy, he felt really, really dizzy.

He then felt something on his left leg. He checked to see what it was and saw that it was some sort of plant. The stem was pure indigo, something he had never seen on a plant. A few leaves were growing on it. In his dizzy state, he tried to pry it off at first with gentleness, but he was then forced to use violence as the only tightened around his leg and it was a little bit painful for him. Then the stem disappeared out of thin air. Spike felt himself relax a little bit. It was certainly a weird encounter.

Then out of nowhere, the rocks on the ground exploded into a million bits, causing a few smaller and bigger stones to hit Spike and his armour. He felt his armour give out but it did not come off from him. There were two stems now, both the same colour. The head of the two stems was one of a rose but it looked and seemed more sinister. They had both made a little dance like when the wind hits them. They then shot towards Spike who had been expecting it, but he was not able to defend himself. They had both ‘bitten’ into Spike’s legs and yanked him off from the chairs, destroying the chair and the claw cuffs from his ankles. He was dangling in the air and he felt how both of his legs had gone to sleep, making him not being able to use kicks without damaging himself. He felt something behind him, and from his up-and-down state, turned around to the best of his ability. There was another stem albeit, much smaller.

It shot towards Spike and manifested itself on Spike’s helmet. It then started to pull the helmet off with force. Spike was trying to keep it on, but it was fruitless, the stem was simply too strong for him to handle. The stems were pulling the other parts of the armour not so gently and he was screaming in pain. His bones felt like they were being pulled off like a dolls toy and his flesh was burning like nothing he had ever felt before. It was not good. He then felt how a rush of fresh air hit his nose and mouth. He realized that the helmet had been pulled off. He felt the cold air hit his scales, but he did not shiver as he was currently being held by the stems.

Spike did his best to fight the thing that was trying to rip apart his armour, but it was futile. He was not able to do it and he was getting angry. But suddenly, he started receiving memories of what had happened the last few months. But, he only felt negativity. He then did a dumb move and that was to stop fighting the stem and his armour was pulled apart from him. He screamed a blood-curdling scream as he felt the armour being ripped off from him. He then landed on the floor.

He felt how his scales on his stomach and face hurt a little bit but not much. He felt like he was having a massive headache. He looked around the room and got up from the floor. He then grew confused. Why was everything so big? He looked down and saw that he was the same size he was before he got banished. But the difference was that his body looked unhealthily skinny. He did not have any baby fat in his belly at all, he only looked skinny.

“What happened to me?” He questioned aloud. He looked around and saw that there were several cracks on the floor and that there was a large hole. He stepped a little bit closer, but he shouldn’t have because the second he bent down to look down, there were a few cracks and where he bent down broke and he fell through the hole. “OH NO!!! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!” That was the scream that echoed throughout the castle and made even Discord shiver because of the loudness and the hint of despair in his voice.

Princess Celestia was in her chambers after discussing with her sister the whereabouts of King Dorcha. She could tell that her sister was keeping something from her but she did not know what. They still have no idea where the King was but she had a feeling that she already knew the answer to that. She did not know where that emotion came from, but it was still there even if she did not want it there. She looked at herself in the mirror and did not notice that there was something red coming out of her eye trying to get out.

All of a sudden, she screamed at the top of her lungs but unfortunately, nopony heard her because she had put up a silencing spell making so none of her guards heard her cries for help. She had originally put it there for other reasons for the summertime... but she never took them down as it just got too repetitive. She then just kept it up and never bothered taking it down. She closed her eyes as a string of something red and gooey was getting out of her body.

She was in complete and utter pain, she felt how the red gooey stuff forced itself out of Princess Celestia, not bothering to make sure if she was alright. She then felt how it dragged itself. By this point, she was on the floor, crying as the pain was unbearable for her. She had never in her lifetime, ever felt so much pain. It was like she was being punished for something she had done. She just couldn’t think of why she would ever be punished. She never did anything wrong! Her front hooves were shaking as she tried her best to stand up but the red gooey stuff was trying its very best to get out of Celestia’s body in the most painful way possible.

Her breathing was heavy, it was like she had been running a marathon or even having taken a simple jog. She felt how the last of the red gooey stuff left her body and she immediately closed her eyes so that she could relax them a little bit. She had not been able to close her eyes as the red gooey stuff was exiting her body, making her eyes hurt like nothing she had felt before. Her body was weak and her alabaster coat wasn’t as colourful or joyful as it used to be before.

She felt how her body was slowly numbing itself and before she could fully comprehend what was going on, she fell unconscious. But, she still managed to catch a very small glimpse of the red gooey stuff that seemed to have jumped out of her window and out of sight. The coldness caressed Princess Celestia’s body, but it still felt somewhat unforgiving. No guard would come to see her unconscious for several hours until one of them decided to actually check on her.

Author's Note:

This should have been posted several weeks ago, but here it is.