• Published 3rd Nov 2020
  • 5,258 Views, 229 Comments

Spike Dorcha - Dragon-In-Black

Spike Sparkle Solaris, is one day banished from Equestria for a crime he didn't commit. He then proceeds to build up his own nation.

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The Secret State - Inside Badlands part 2

The whole city was beautiful, and the citizens all walked around with smiles on their faces, and Starlight wondered why. She saw that some streets had been restricted from the populace, but that could be because of a number of reasons. The city itself was lively, and the citizens were happy and showed Starlight and Sunburst around and even invited them to certain pubs and bars and restaurants for food. Starlight had been concerned that they may have had meat, but they did have pony food. Sunburst hadn’t been as concerned, because he had apparently found a book that described how ponies had once eaten meat as a celebration, but that later started disappearing, and now, it is simply tabo.

Starlight and Sunburst had been shown to their room they were sharing, and they were currently on their way towards a pub that is run by a Changeling who wanted to talk to them. Sunburst had his camera ready, and Starlight had her questions that she herself had picked out specifically. The pub was located in the middle of Death Valley, and it was quite a popular one too, as Spike had apparently been a regular, well, he still is, but because of what is going to happen, she doubts he’d stop for a drink.

On the outside, it was reddish bluish green, and the inside looked like any other pub, the difference was that they both sold alcohol like a liquor store, and it was also a restaurant. The Changeling they had been waiting for came and looked awfully similar to Pharynx but he was a lot more friendlier.

“Welcome to my pub, liquor store, and restaurant!” If you follow me please.” The Changeling said, as he walked into the back and they followed. The pub was well made, and the interior was amazing, it also looked to be quite new.

“Is this place new?” Starlight asked, as she was shown to a comfortable couch and sat beside Sunburst who had been recording the whole time. They had also learned that the Changeling’s name was Darx and he was twenty years old.

“Yes actually. I opened it almost a year ago, and I have been quite successful the last seven months. I first made my very own beer when i was sixteen and that became the Changelings very own beer that became quite popular. I became rich through it. Later, when Badlands became their own country a year ago, I moved here and opened up a restaurant, pub, and I also quite recently started selling alcohol. I didn’t have a license, since Changelings didn’t need it, but I did buy the license here as I wanted to do it legally, but I was given it for free by the King himself. I had managed to save enough money to both produce the beer I had made and open up the pub. I then took a loan of half a million bits and renovated the place. I also sponsored myself on the TV commercials, and since then I have become even more successful.” Darx had explained, and Starlight had been polite and very happy to hear that someone had been successful, but then again, as long as you know what you are doing, then it’ll be easy.

Starlight had asked a few questions about the ruling as she looked around the room that was coloured in purple and the floors were blood red and there was furniture here and there. Darx had explained how there had been a lot of tensions between Badlands and Equestria since the Battle Of The Crystal Empire. He also said that it didn’t exactly help that Spike’s Liberation Front and Spike Republican Youths were committing several crimes and terrorist acts. Starlight had to agree. They are completely out of control!
If anypony or creature even says the tiniest negativity about Spike The Brave And Glorious, then you practically face execution and it's not even from Spike himself! Sunburst made sure that he caught everything on film, and when the interview was over, Darx asked something that caught Starlight’s attention.

“You are also here for the military Hell March, yes?” Starlight looked at Darx and asked him:

“What Hell March?”

“Well, the Hell March for Crystal Cert of course! That poor mare died to a Solar Guard, and it was said that her final words was: ‘I’LL NEVER SURRENDER FOR THE SAKE OF SPIKE THE BRAVE AND GLORIOUS!!!’ The Dorcha Guards are going to honor her with a full on military Hell March.”

Starlight was amazed. Spike truly cared about his subjects, if he was willing to have a Hell March for them. Starlight nodded to him in understanding and left with Sunburst to explore the rest of the city. The creatures there were preparing for the most important Hell March of that very year. Cars were driving in specific areas this very day. They passed some walls that had several propaganda posters, and was depicting how Spike The Brave And Glorious saved all of them from Equestria’s domination, even though that hasn’t even happened yet.

A few hours later, the ground heard the heavy military steps of the soldiers marching with pride and honor. Spike had made it clear that Spike’s Liberation Front and Spike Republican Youths were first in line and in the back were the Dorcha Guards. There were many soldiers with weapons that Starlight and Sunburst never had seen before.

Spike was sitting on his large balcony giving his salut, in tribute to Crystal Curt. They were playing the national song of Badlands which were depicting betrayal and battle. Starlight and Sunburst got some good footage. There were practically no images of Badlands outside of the country itself, unless you traveled to the Crystal Empire which was the only place where this could be seen.

A couple of fillies and colts had a flag with Crystal Curts face on it in her military attire where it said: LONG LIVE CRYSTAL CURT

Spike was saluting from his balcony and he had some tears in his eyes for having lost a great soldier like her. He couldn’t have asked for a better one. After the Hell March was over, Spike went inside his castle and heard from his brother in all but blood, Pipsqueak, that the missile was ready for launching.

Starlight and Sunburst had gotten everything they needed from the people of Badlands, and had thanked them. They were on the train, just crossing the border between Badlands and Equestria when they heard the large terrifying explosion. Starlight looked out the window and Sunburst had pulled out the camera and recorded it.

“What in Equestria….?” Was all Starlight could say.