• Published 3rd Nov 2020
  • 5,258 Views, 229 Comments

Spike Dorcha - Dragon-In-Black

Spike Sparkle Solaris, is one day banished from Equestria for a crime he didn't commit. He then proceeds to build up his own nation.

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Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash had been requested to meet the princess in Canterlot to discuss the loss of the Crystal Empire. They had all been shocked when they heard that they had lost that battle. Twilight blamed it on the terrorists who probably used fear on the guards. Rainbow and Applejack blamed it on Spike as they had heard that the Dorcha guards had ben involved in the battle. Rarity was completely neutral on the matter.

The train had just stopped outside of the Canterlot train station, and all the passenger doors opened to let ponies and other creatures get out of them and on with their business. Twilight and her friends got of the train, and walked the streets of Canterlot. It had become a high city of terrorism. Several sun guards were on high alert at all times. They also knew that the night guards were always on patrol on the streets of Canterlot at night, but had never been able to catch the terrorists. Twilight suspected that the terrorists were getting smarter. They have no idea that princess Luna actually helped them.

Twilight and her friends moved towards the proud and devine castle. Twilight felt proud when she looked at the castle. She knew that two alicorn princess' were there, protecting everypony from terrorists who wishes them harm for banishing an animal who knows nothing but murder.

The castle gates were guarded by the sun guards who stopped Twilight and her friends from entering. They did a quick scan, and allowed them entry to the building. Twilight didn't ask them why they did that, as she had a feeling that the terrorists had tried to kill their beloved princess 'For The Sake Of Spike.'

Twilight and her friends walked through the hallways, and came to the one place they felt proud about. It showed all of their victories, and what they had accomplished. But, one of these accomplishments had them disgusted. It was the one where Spike saved the Crystal Empire. They are happy that the empire was saved at least once, but now, it lives under another tyranny rule by Spike. Rarity was completely neutral on the matter, and nopony saw her lips quiver as she looked at the purple and green coloured glass as he held the Crystal Heart.

The hallway was empty from any guards, and they were the only things there. Twilight felt anger as she looked at the glass window. He deceived them all. He is no better then the normal dragons. Although, Twilight had to give Spike; he was good at deceiving them. "I cannot believe that he did this. Now the Crystal Empire is ruled by an iron claw. Although, they seem to love that fact." Rainbow Dash said, as she flew up to the coloured glass of Spike and glared at the green eyes of the glass.

"We get it Rainbow, no need to remind us of what that snake did." Applejack said, making Rarity turn to her and sigh. She was still very conflicted on what she believed in. On one hoof, he had done her a lot of favours and showed her nothing but loyalty. On the other hoof, there was a few evidence that suggested that he had done it. She still never picked a side on what she truly believed in. She had seen how much her friends had changed over the last few months. It was not a pretty sigh. When they had heard that Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie had left Equestria to join Badlands, she had been wondering if she should join them or not. She was still very conflicted.

All of a sudden, they heard hoof steps coming towards them. Twilight looked up and saw that it was princess Celestia. Twilight smiled, and her old mentor smiled back. Her friends bowed down in her presence. It was always such an honor to meet the princess of the sun. The hallway seemed to light up even more now with the princess in the hallway with them.

"I'm glad you are here princess Twilight. I'm of course also happy to see you; Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity." Celestia said, making the others smile at her. The crystals in the hallway made everything more shiny, and the windows seemed to take a brighter turn. Nopony noticed the yellow eyes on one of the windows.

"We are happy to be here princess. I do apologise that we lost the war in the Crystal Empire." Twilight said, with sadness evident in her voice. Her mentor sighed sadly at her. It was a devastating loss.

"It's okay my little pony. You have nothing to be sorry for, the enemy was simply more powerful. They were using tactics that will undoubtedly change the rules of war. But, that isn't why you are here." Celestia said, making Twilight look up at her.

"Then why are we here princess?" Twilight asked, making her friends walk up closer to them to hear better. The princess of the sun looked around the hallways, and made sure that none of her guards were around. She then let her guard down as she didn't think she would have to worry about anything listening in. She hadn't noticed the yellow eyes...

"Twilight Sparkle, and the remaining element bearers. I am sending you to a very dangerous mission. You don't have to do this if you don't want to. I am sending you to Badlands." Celestia said, making the others eyes widen in shock. Was she really asking them to go to the country that is most likely the most advanced one out of all of the nations in Equestria? "I know what you are thinking, but don't worry, I have enchanted four costumes that will keep all of you invisible from the enemy. I don't want you to hurt anypony or creature, I simply want you to see who is going to the party that Lord Dorcha is hosting."

The others became confused. Party? "Princess, what party are you talking about exactly?" Twilight asked, making Celestia look at her weirdly. Was her student not aware of the party? Celestia knew, because her soldiers had overheard a conversation between the Spike's Liberation Front members. Apparently, there would be a huge party that would celebrate their victory.

"Sorry my faithful student, I assumed you knew about the party lord Dorcha is hosting. My soldiers heard about the party, after they had overheard a conversation between the terrorists who spread terror among us." Celestia said, making the others shocked. She had said lord Dorcha, and it sounded like she said it with respect. They decided to leave it be.

"You can count on us princess!" Rainbow Dash said, making Celestia smile. She knew that they wouldn't fail her. They haven't, and she knew that they wouldn't even if life depended on it. The others and princess Celestia failed to noticed some red liquid leave Celestia's eyes and escaping into the shadows behind a large plant.

"Then I have nothing more to say my faithful little ponies. Good luck!" Celestia said, as she walked away, back to the throne room. The other that were left, were the last remaining of the element bearers and the yellow eyes. Nopony noticed how the eyes looked directly into Twilight's eyes without being noticed. The eyes showed dedication to its mission. If the ponies simply knew the eyes were there, perhaps they would learn the truth...

Dry desert.... that was all Badlands was. Although, the last remaining element bearers had a mission to accomplish. It hadn't been easy getting inside the country. It had almost been impossible to enter. The large stone walls with the help of metal, was practically impossible to break. Luckily, they had found a way inside. They had used a spell that would break the large walls temporarily, and rhwy had walked inside and then Twilight closed the walls. It had looked like nothing had happened. When she had done all this, she had been wary of the guards.

The Dorcha guards were another problem. They had hawk-like eyes, and spawned all over the terrain. It was also impossible to see what they were looking at while they had their helmets on. Although, nopony said it would be easy.

The enchanted clothing princess Celestia provided, looked like diving suits with a mask to it. They had put them on, and they had felt comfortable. Sadly, the heat from the sun in Badlands made them nearly fall down to the sand. They still pushed forward, as they had a mission to finish. They had nearly been caught by a few Dorcha guards who had spotted them somehow. Twilight suspected that it might be their super advanced technology.

Finally, they noticed the city called; Death Valley. The city was tall and proud, and had many buildings that showed that it was ahead of its time. All of a sudden, they heard a weird sound that came closer and closer. Twilight looked behind and felt her heart nearly stop. Coming towards them, was a metal wagon that was driving on gummy-like tires. There was a huge window on the top of the wagon, that revealed a creature driving it. The wagon was black coloured, and it was driving really fast. Twilight jumped out of the way and her friends did the same.

When they reagined themselves, they started walking again. Rainbow had been quite furious as the creature could have killed them. Twilight had then reminded her that they were invisible, and that it was technically their own fault. Rainbow had been quiet after that. The walk into the city had been long, tough, and nearly impossible. They had seen that there were Dorcha guards everywhere; they were on the rooftops, the ground, everywhere. Twilight did have faith in her princess, but she wasn't sure if she would be able to pass the guards without being noticed somehow. The day had turned into night time as the walk had been that long.

Although, something strange started happening. The guards started to fall down. Dead. Twilight had been shocked, and to some degree been disgusted. The dead bodies of the Dorcha guards gave them some hints as to where the casle was. They didn't really need it, but it was better to be safe than sorry. Rarity had kept her distance from the others, and Twilight respected that. She knew that it was most likely being put in Rarity's head, with the traitor and their ex-friends. Twilight didn't know if she could forgive either of them. She knew that she couldn't forgive Spike as he is a murderer, but Pinkie and Fluttershy? Most likely.

They had walked through allys and jumped from different rooftops to reach the castle. They seemed to be in luck. As soon as they were close to an enemy, they dropped down dead. They continued to the large castle. Twilight and her friends got on top of the rooftop of the Dorcha castle, after have personally taken down six guards who had been on the look-out. It was night time, and they knew that they didn't have a lot of time. They saw a large glass orb in the middle of the roof of the large castle. Although, when they got there, they were shocked to see that somepony else was there.

All of a sudden, they saw the creature fire something the creature had in its hands. They heard screaming from inside, and they felt their blood run cold. The creature was killing the creatures inside! Twilight and her friends decided to retreat back to Equestria. They couldn't afford to be seen by any other ponies or creatures. All of a sudden, they felt water splash on them, and Rarity checked to see who did it. She was met with the face of a terrifying creature. The creature was much taller and more heavily built then princess Celestia, and looked to be covered in black liquid. The eyes of the creature was white, and same went for the terrifying grinning mouth. Twilight and her friends ran away from the scene, and it wasn't long until they heard running from behind them. Rainbow loked behind her and saw that it was a commander. He was running after them with great speed, but they were quicker.

They were running through the city that was huge, and was like a maze. Luckily, they found a way to escape the commander. At a certain point, Twilight could teleport them out of Badlands, but it would require a lot of energy. Twilight started up the spell, and was done with it, when she heard a *BANG*

She screamed, as she felt how her side started throwing with pain, and how her blood started running out of her. She managed to teleport them out of Badlands, and back to Equestria. She got them to the throne room of Canterlot where she had shocked Celestia and one of the nobles. Celestia had ordered that Twilight got medical care immediately. Rainbow and Applejack were worried for Twilight while Rarity wondered one thing; 'Who was that creature?'

Author's Note:

Here is another chapter!

This was probably a big shocker right? XD