• Published 22nd Oct 2020
  • 3,058 Views, 315 Comments

The Real Nightmare Knights - Bigwig6666

If you are experiencing an issue involving spooks, spectres, eldritch horrors and/or things that go bump in the night, then give the Nightmare Knights a call at 1-800-NHT-KNHT. "We're ready to believe you!"

  • ...

Insidious Intentions

Chrysalis let out a soft hiss as she and Sombra faced down one another. Green flames flickered at the ends of her hooves as she changed form again, back to her usual self.

Their battle so far had been brief but destructive, as evidenced by the surrounding rubble and carnage. A portion of the palace that had served as the entranceway to the courtyard they had started in was all but demolished, brought to ruin by the titanic duo that was this pair of mortal enemies and old rivals from eons past.

Up above, in the dark backdrop of the Arabian night sky, the moon dimmed as the wind pushed some large, black clouds that had begun to gather in front of it, inadvertently casting a shadow over the world. The distant rumble of thunder overhead heralded an oncoming storm, and the first few drops of rain began to fall onto their battlefield.

They quickly became drenched when the skies switched from a few measly drops to a torrential downpour. Chrysalis folded her ragged, gossamer wings and narrowed her eyes as she exhaled slowly, letting the cool water soothe her aching body. Her chitin was in a bad shape; her thorax was bruised and the faint traces of her own luminous green blood, intermingling with the rain, trickled down from the various scratches and cuts she had suffered at her opponent’s behest.

To her credit, although she looked badly hurt and was sure she had some internal bleeding somewhere, across from her Sombra looked to be suffering in a similar manner. His armour was scuffed and cracked and riddled with scorch marks, and from a thin cut under his left eye trailed some of his own blood, almost indistinguishable from his dark coat. He curled his lip at her, revealing his set of sharpened fangs. His bright green eyes glowed in the dark, accompanied by the equally as bright trails of purple smoke leaking out from them.

They stared at each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move after their current reprieve, the silence between them broken only by the roar and rush of rain.

Suddenly and in a flurry of movement, Sombra lunged forwards with wild abandon, eyes and horn both ablaze with sinister, corruptive magic. Chrysalis braced herself and just barely managed to deflect his blow, letting sparks fly between them once more. This was a dance she was well versed in, and was mindful of her hoof placements even in the quickly growing muddy and sloppy ground beneath them. They twirled around one another almost like a ballet routine, entangling one another in flowing and hypnotic movements yet remaining poised and graceful even under such pressure and the threat of death.

The umbral assassin was relentless in his strikes. His horn and his hooves came down again and again, fuelled by his anger and his want for victory. As their heads pressed together again and he looked into Chrysalis’s eyes, she could feel his hot breath against her face, the offending odour making her nose wrinkle. Sombra saw the single moment of distraction and capitalised on it, sweeping a leg towards her shins to knock her off balance.

With a grunt she quickly stepped back to dodge but slipped in the mud again. Her wings buzzed to life to lift their owner into the air, and he glowered up at her amid the rain. That was her advantage, as she had wings and he did not, but still, she knew not to get cocky as he took aim and fired beam after beam of black magic at her, drying the air around her for a split second. She drifted backwards out of his view, using the downpour to obscure herself and quickly circled around him, keeping her eyes trained on him like a hawk.

Sombra’s eyes darted around as he tried to spot her. Chrysalis used his momentary distraction and struck, diving towards him out of the shadow to strike him across the cheek. He rocked to one side, shaken by her powerful blow, and raised a hoof to wipe his nose. A low growl left him when he saw his own blood.

Hit and run tactics were a typical way of changeling fighting, thought the queen.

It was how they brought down larger beasts like the dread maulwurf, and Chrysalis quickly found out that they seemed to serve her well here too. Sombra was thrust from side to side again and again as she continued to strike, darting in and out of view as nothing more than an indistinguishable dark blur.

As she dove towards him to strike once more, lightning flashed round them, illuminating their surroundings. In the moment of light, Sombra spotted her and pivoted on the spot with superpony speed, his horn blazing to life, and ensnared her within his dark grasp. Her eyes widened as the wind was ripped from her lungs with the sudden stop. He lifted her up into the air then slammed her into the ground with a tear inducing crunch. She lay there for a moment in a dazed state before he picked her up again and spun around. Using his momentum, he hurled her through the wall of the palace, and into a dark and enclosed area where she couldn’t use the weather to her advantage.

Though a Queen of the Changelings was a force to be reckoned with and would be used to defending her Hive from all manner of unearthly terrors, even Chrysalis knew that she would eventually lose in a battle of sheer strength against the likes of Sombra--a prospect unfortunately looking sooner than she had anticipated as she skidded to a halt amid a heap of rubble and debris.

She knew she would have to get creative, and hoped beyond hope that Sombra would be susceptible to a more unorthodox style of attack as he stepped through the freshly made hole and eyed her with all the ferocity of a bloodthirsty manticore.

Putting her plan into motion, she started with picking herself up as best as she could. Her legs wobbled, whether part of the plan or not, the weak movement gave the illusion that their fight had taken more than its toil of her. Perhaps it actually had and she was simply experiencing pain-induced delusions. She collapsed to the ground in a heap, and panted heavily as her lungs screamed for air and her muscles begged for a rest. Her eyes flicked upwards at the shadow approaching her, and noticed his victorious, cocky and arrogant smirk as he held his head up high and cracked his neck. Unbeknownst to him, he was walking into a trap, falling for her live bait technique hook line and sinker--to use a pony expression. The devious changeling would have grinned if she had the strength to. Instead, she hacked out a gob of spit onto the ground beside her and glared up at the dark warrior as he reached her.

“Well go on then!” she snapped, filling her acid words with bitter tasting defeat. “Finish it.”

Sombra’s smirk turned into a sneer as he looked down in disgust at her for a few moments, his green, glowing eyes simmering with maliciousness in the dimly lit hallway. He reared up on his back legs, his heavily armoured front hooves poised to strike; to slam down and crush his enemy into dust and put an end to their fighting once and for all.

Chrysalis’s feigned look of pain gave way to her typical mischievous smirk, and just as he thundered down she managed to pull enough of her strength together to dart forwards between his legs and spring up behind him. She coiled herself around, ignoring the fire of pain shooting through her chest, her legs, her head and everything in between, and hoisted herself up and onto his back. She clasped her hooves to either side of his head to hold him as steady as possible as her horn began to glow; casting a debilitating spell over him, employing the same tried and true technique she had used to subdue Shining Armour all those years ago, albeit far more haphazardly and roughly.

He bucked wildly and snarled, furiously twisting to try and thrust her off.

“Go to sleep, go to sleep, gotosleep,” she repeated as she fought to hold on. She could feel herself slipping, needing only a few more seconds...

His mind was certainly strong but not unbreakable, as evidenced by his angry grunts and snorts growing quiet. Soon enough her spell began to take hold, much to her relief. Sombra stopped bucking and finally, the magic in and around his eyes began to recede, replaced by a dull, glazed over look. Chrysalis took the moment of pause for a breath, and slumped off of him as they both collapsed to the ground again.

“How exhilarating,” she panted, sitting up and looking at his dulled eyes. “I haven’t had a fight like that since... well...” She bit her lip, watching him curiously. “Since our last duel. Not that you would remember that, though, would you, Sombra?”

She found herself smirking as his brow furrowed ever so slightly and his jaw lulled open in an attempt to mouth something, a warning perhaps, or adversely just to curse at her. He shifted where he lay, his legs moving almost reluctantly--dragging along the ground in an attempt to pull himself up and stand, only to then weakly give out underneath him.

“You always were strong-willed, weren’t you, Sombra?” she continued, examining his face carefully and watching his sluggish movements. Despite his state, she sensed a great deal of hate and magic still radiating from within him, and he weakly snapped his jaw towards her, flashing her his sharpened fangs. The fact he was this recipient to her words and able to even move in this state gave her a small ounce of worry. “Not strong-willed enough, though it would seem.” She coughed and rubbed her nose, and carefully and painfully picked herself up. “Now. Reveal your secrets to me.”

A stream of magic fired out from her horn, connecting with his and creating a bridge between their minds. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, feeling like she was falling.

When she opened her eyes she was in an unfamiliar place. A bitterly cold, frigid and foreboding place, a wasteland of snow and ice with nary an animal or bush in sight. As the wind lashed at her legs she immediately began to shiver and fluttered her wings, wrapping them around her midriff to keep herself as warm as possible. Yet despite the sudden change in temperature, her bones didn’t ache so much anymore, and from what she could see of herself she bore no war wounds or marks of any sort.

“What is this?” she muttered through chattering teeth. “I was supposed to be looking at memories, not this-”

“Living nightmare?” a bitter sounding voice dripping with sarcasm finished for her from up ahead. A voice belonging to a young creature, probably around Cozy’s age from how it squeaked. “This land where time exists only as a simple suggestion?”

She quickly looked up and squinted into the snow for any sign of the speaker. She spotted a small figure standing nearby, facing away from her and looking out over the great expanse of nothing. Chrysalis furrowed her brow, wondering how she had not seen them earlier, and took a few cautious steps towards them.

“What do you mean?” she barked. “Who are you?”

The figure rustled and shifted where they stood and slowly turned their head just enough to allow a lone, mossy green eye, devoid of all semblance of joy give her a stern, resentful glare.

Chrysalis’s eyes narrowed and a chill ran down her spine as she recognised the stallion. “Sombra?” she murmured in realisation as she gazed at him.

His coat was lighter than the stallion she had been fighting, and his mane and his tail were both frazzled and unruly, blowing in the wind as the blizzard raged around them both. Big, heavy looking bags lined his eyes and a layer of stubble graced his chin, adding to his unkempt and messy appearance. He turned enough to fully face her, and her eyes were then directed to his horn as it jutted up like a normal unicorn’s, not curved or tinged with red at all..

The changeling paused in her movement and her mind set itself to race as she stared at him. For a brief moment she imagined herself pouncing, and driving her hooves into his face as repayment for what he had done. Yet despite the whirlwind of thoughts she had in that moment, all that escaped her was: “You look different.”

“Do I? I hadn’t noticed,” he acidly replied and turned away, continuing to stare off into the white void in front of him. “Perhaps being imprisoned inside ones own mind would do that. I wouldn’t know.”

Chrysalis blinked for a few moments in perplexed confusion before she quickly gathered her wits and moved around to examine him.

“Didn’t your mother ever tell you it’s rude to stare?” he growled.

“Am I correct in assuming that you are the ‘real’ Sombra?” Chrysalis asked, ignoring his snide remark.

Obviously. My word, I always knew you changelings were dull but I had always assumed you were smarter than the rest of your ilk, Chrysalis. Apparently I was wrong,” Sombra snarled. “Don’t act so surprised to see me, either, you did invade my mind after all. Tell me, did you learn that from Celestia during one of your trysts? Or does your appetite extend to more than one alicorn’s love?”

The changeling’s familiar scowl reappeared and her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. “How dare you...” she growled, her temper suddenly flaring up.

Sombra, meanwhile, snorted and waved a dismissive hoof at her without even showing the slightest hint of concern for his own well being. “In any case, you are here now so you may as well aid in my escape from this cursed place.”

Chrysalis had to physically restrain herself from tearing him limb from limb in that moment. Once she was calm enough to function without frothing at the mouth in rage, she instead settled for giving him a look of haughty derision. “Aid in your escape? Surely you cannot be serious?” she scoffed.

“I am serious. And my name is Sombra, not Shirley.” He snorted hot air out of his nostrils, letting it hang in the air in the bitter cold. “Believe it or not, I am on your side here, Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis raised a sceptical eyebrow at him and continued to smirk as she stepped around him. “I always knew you were a failure as a king, Lord Sombra, but I never expected your next career to be that of a comedian. Please, indulge me, if you would, as to why would I ever believe you?”

“Because...” he said through gritted teeth. “Luna sent me here.”

The air grew still and the wind seemed to die down as the words left his mouth, and then it became Sombra’s turn to smirk as Chrysalis’s eyes widened and her jaw lulled open in surprise.

“You... what?” she murmured, her gravitas waning in the face of such a stunning revelation. She scanned his face for any sign of mischief or trickery, only to detect apparent genuine sincerity. It baffled her. It befuddled her. With four words he had taken everything she knew and cast it to one side. On top of that... he appeared to be telling the truth as well. She was sure of it. “You...” she repeated, blinking rapidly. “What?!”

Sombra sighed and nodded. “Allow me to elucidate. Your very own ‘Director’ Luna offered me a deal. In exchange for my co-operation I would be given a boon of my choosing. Being the pragmatic soul I am and with little else to do with myself, I agreed, with not one single ulterior motive of my own. Crystal Scout’s honour.” He flashed the changeling a dark smile that sent a shiver down her spine. “But unfortunately I was... waylaid; my investigation was stunted, and before I knew it I was cast aside, imprisoned here in my own mind while my body was sent to wreak havoc across Saddle Arabia.”

Chrysalis watched in silence as his smile vanished but the darkness behind it did not.

“I never cared much for the Arabians of this place, but when my actions are twisted and warped into someone else’s design against my will, I have a habit to take it personally. I want revenge, Chrysalis, as well as my freedom.”

Chrysalis stared at him, taking in and processing the information presented to her. “So, what, you propose an alliance?” she eventually hissed, taking no effort to hide her suspicion.

Sombra nodded slowly. “That is the idea. Our goals align; it is the only logical option, as much as I am loathe to suggest it.”

The silence between them as Chrysalis fell into thought was deafening.

With a tap of her muzzle, she exhaled slowly. “And after?”

“After?” The dark stallion wrinkled his nose and frowned. “What about ‘after’? Is my word not enough for you? Must you require assurances?” he snarled.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes and began to circle around him. “Come off it, Sombra. Once our deal is complete, and your vengeance is reaped, what then? Will you attempt to invade the Crystal Empire again? Will we become enemies?” She narrowed her eyes at him and tilted her head curiously. “What exactly did Luna promise you in exchange for your services?”

His eyes flickered with a hint of resentment and he straightened himself up. “A chance at something different,” he said, both reservedly and bitterly. His expression changed, becoming far more like an average pony’s than the Black Lord of the Dark Crystal she knew and loathed, and a mournful look appeared in his eye as he turned to look up towards the sky. “I have had enough of war to last me a lifetime, Chrysalis. I am tired, spent, and have nothing to show for my efforts. So... I say let another claim the Crystal Empire, let those fools do as they wish; my place lies elsewhere. Perhaps I’ll lead a simple life and try my hoof at farming.”

The changeling immediately snorted at him and scoffed without missing a beat. “And you expect me to believe that? That the high and mighty Lord Sombra will simply relinquish his crown and rescind his titles after decades of fighting to maintain them?”

“Is that so hard to believe?” he snapped back, slamming a hoof into the snow. His voice rose in anger and he pressed his face into hers. “Tell me, Chrysalis, how many times have you had your essence shattered and sent into the netherworld? Do you know how painful it is? How many times have you felt yourself slipping deeper into that dark and endless abyss, never knowing if you’ll be able to get out again? How many times have you begged for it to stop, only for the powers that be look down and whisper no?”

Chrysalis balked as he glared at her, his eyes tired and bloodshot. She opened her mouth to retort, to fire back with some witty, chiding remark about being weak enough to be beaten time and time again, but in a rare display of humility, she instead simply closed her mouth and gave him an almost pitying look and a small incline of her head.

Sombra flared his nostrils and puffed his chest out, taking a step back and sitting back down in the snow. “That’s what I thought,” he spat. “Then, your majesty, do we have an accord? Aid in my freedom in exchange for an alliance?”

The queen tongued around on the inside of her mouth, deep in thought as time trickled by. She imagined the commander in this situation, and asked herself what would Tempest do? Most likely she would see the sense in at least working together to vanquish a common foe, and would agree to bargain with the former tyrant. At least for the time being. Adversely, the possibility that Sombra could very well have been telling her any old fairy tale he could have dreamed up crossed her mind.

But... there was something about his words and the tone of his voice that resounded within her, bringing with it the images of a happier life of her own to the forefront of her mind. He appeared genuine; and though Sombra was a snake that couldn’t be trusted as far as he could be flung, she detected no lie in his eyes. With a sigh she bobbed her head up and down and made her decision, holding her hoof out to him.

“We do,” she stated, and clasped his.

They shook firmly, once up and once down. He nodded back at her as he pulled back, not even bothering to hide his relief as his shoulders sagged and he let loose a breath he had been holding.

Chrysalis looked around at the vast, white wilderness surrounding them and frowned. “But all of this in consequential if we are stuck here for the foreseeable future, isn’t it? How do we leave?”

“Well that’s quite simple, Chrysalis.” Sombra cracked his neck and flexed his shoulders. He looked her in the eye, and said, in all seriousness, “You need to kill me.”


Luna tore across the skies like a comet as she sat in her chariot with a furrowed brow and hoof raised to her head, the only sound accompanying her being the rush of wind and the steady beat of her thestral guards’ wings.

Doom and Gloom worked tirelessly to carry their princess towards her destination. Even if her title was Director now, she would always be a princess to them, and they would always serve her as such.

The director lowered her hoof from her temple and glanced up at the horizon, at the vast ocean between her and the Nightmare Knights. The clouds above were growing light with the first few rays of dawn. She cleared her throat, signalling to her stallions to go faster.

The pair of thestrals turned their heads just enough to look at her. A pair of powerful whinnies came from them like the pegasi of old as they understood her without the words even needing to be said, and their wings beat harder as they kicked their legs out more powerfully, gaining a burst of speed and galloping through the air like a pair of bats out of Tartarus, ever ready to do her bidding.

Luna couldn’t help but feel like she had missed something, and felt a growing hole in her heart begin to expand, like it had so many years ago...


“Inside, friends! Quickly!”

Bray slammed the door shut as the Vizier and the Nightmare Knights followed him in. Almost immediately did the smell of ammonia and sterile medical equipment hit Tempest’s nose, making her wrinkle it in discomfort. She looked around at the mess of scientific equipment looking like something straight out of Marey Shelley’s Frankenstag and couldn’t help but wonder just what sort of ‘magician’ Bray really was. Her ear twitched as she realised she could no longer hear the sounds of Chrysalis battling Sombra up above. The entire situation she found them all in set her teeth on edge, and she made no show of hiding her concern.

At least they had stopped running down a seemingly endless set of stairs.

Bray strode through his room purposefully, removing and casting off his cloak as he did so. Tempest noticed how his body was covered in scratches and scars of all sorts, and branded across his flank was a mark in the shape of some sort of eye. If Tirek was as suspicious as she was, he made no show of it, instead stepping forwards after him, still clutching at Cozy in his arms.

“Through there, Lord Tirek,” the donkey said, pointing to a burgundy coloured curtain held up in a nearby doorway on the other side of the room. As he spoke, Tempest detected the hint of something a bit too gleeful in his voice and narrowed her eyes at him. “There is a bed, that is where you may lay Miss Glow down while I prepare the items we need to save her. Commander,” he said turning to her with the beginnings of a smile gracing his muzzle. “Why don’t you and my lord Vizier make yourselves at home in the meantime?”

The Vizier nodded gratefully as he sat down on a nearby chair, his chest rising and falling rapidly. “An offer I will gladly accept. Thank you, Master Bray,” he panted, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

Tempest stood rigid. Her ear twitched as she heard a rumble from above and she turned her head upwards, watching a beam on the ceiling shake and tremble, sending a layer of dust raining down. They all heard it, and the room fell quiet, save for the tinkling of glasses together. She and Tirek glanced at each other, their expressions heavy with dread.

Bray cleared his throat and gestured to the curtain again. “Lord Tirek?” he murmured softly. “We should proceed.”

“Agreed,” Tirek growled.

Tempest watched him disappear behind the curtain and turned her head towards the door they had entered from. She thought that if she started running now, she might be able to make it to save Chrysalis in time before-

“Commander, won’t you join me?” the Vizier asked, almost like he could sense her thoughts.

With a heavy sigh she turned away and dipped her head as she fumbled for the seat. Hot air jetted out of her nostrils as they sat in an awkward silence, listening occasionally to the sounds of distant battle between two veritable titans.

“Curse this frailty of mine,” the Vizier muttered, attempting to elicit a conversation out of her. Her eyes drifted over to him glumly as he rubbed his chest with a bandaged hoof. “You know once, in my youth,” he continued, “I used to--oh how do you say in Equestrian? ‘Run track’?”

The beginnings of a smile tugged at the corners of Tempest’s mouth. “I didn’t know they had running tracks in Saddle Arabia,” she said.

“Oh yes. Quite large ones too, you should know,” the Vizier nodded with a laugh. “The camels always had the advantage when it came to running in the sand, however.”

Tempest snorted in laughter, glad for a touch of levity. That levity was immediately broken, however, as another crash was heard, followed by an eerie and deathly silence. She swallowed and her gaze shifted over towards the door she was previously eyeing. “I shouldn’t have left,” she grumbled. “Chrysalis needs my help-”

The Vizier quickly cleared his throat, seeing her begin to spiral. “If I may, Commander?” he said. She started and froze on the spot, refusing to meet his gaze. “It is my belief that Lady Chrysalis is more than capable of handling herself. And although I too worry for her safety, I am confident in her abilities. I am sure Lord Tirek would agree with me, were he not... preoccupied with his own concerns.”

Tempest’s hairs on the back of her neck bristled, but she knew he was right. “I know, Vizier,” she murmured, sinking back into her chair. “I know. I’ve never seen anypony, or anybody, rather, fight like Chrysalis does. I know she can handle it on her own, but still, she... she’s my friend, and I worry about her. I worry about them all...” She sighed and pressed her teeth into her lip, shifting on the uncomfortable wooden chair. A thought crossed her mind, and a soft exhale of air escaped her nostrils.

“You know what’s funny?” she asked him.

He stared back at her with scarred, yellowed eyes twinkling with age. “What, Commander?”

“Most ponies don’t understand that the Nightmare Knights are at least attempting to reform. When Luna hired me to do this, I thought she wanted me to keep them in line, or to keep an eye on them, at least. But I was wrong. In fact, she told me I needed to keep them safe from the masses, not the other way around. I didn’t know what she meant at first, but then... well then I did. After I had seen the stares and judgmental looks.”

Her voice took on a critical edge and lost its light-heartedness, and she flared her nostrils ever so slightly as she spoke.

“Even after we’ve made a name for ourselves,” she continued bitterly, “even after a year of doing this; helping ponies who need it, chasing ghosts away, they all still look at us all like... like we’re the monsters. They don’t understand that we’re here to help.”

Tempest looked down at the floor. “Your people, Vizier, are the first ones to look at us like we were heroes. So much so that Chrysalis, Chrysalis of all creatures, is willing to fight and die for them, just to give us enough time to stop Som... the djinn.” She bit her lip and her eyes flicked upwards, hoping he hadn’t noticed her slip-up.

The Grand Vizier nodded glumly, appearing as though he hadn’t. “Ponies are simple creatures, Commander,” he said quietly. “Some would say narrow minded, others would say blissfully ignorant. Judgmental looks are something I am all too familiar with.” He gestured to his face and sighed wistfully. “Were it so that I did not wear this mockery of a visage, I fear too many would look upon a sad, old face of a dying stallion in revulsion, and many more would cower in fear of something they did not comprehend.” His voice was soft and soothing, and laced with an otherwise unimaginable patience as he held a hoof to his chest and looked the dark mare in the eye. “I hope you understand, Commander, and I say this on behalf of Saddle Arabia, that we wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavours, and you should know that we stand with you in all things.”

Tempest didn’t know what to say. She smiled and turned her ears down, feeling her cheeks flush with blood. Luna had given them praise, sure, and various clients had thanked them for helping, but something about the Vizier’s words seemed so genuine, so thoughtful and endearing it almost brought a tear to her eye.

“Thank you, Grand Vizier. That... that means a lot.”

“You’re welcome, Commander Tempest Shadow.”

“Fizzlepop,” Tempest quickly corrected. He looked at her with a tilt of his head, making her cheeks turn a darker colour. “My name... my real name... is Fizzlepop Berrytwist.”

“It is, is it?” The Vizier chortled softly. He bowed his head towards her. “It may surprise you to know that I was not named ‘Grand Vizier’ at my birth. My name is Abda, named for my father and my father’s father.” He extended a hoof towards her. “A pleasure to meet you, Fizzlepop Berrytwist.”

Tempest smiled and touched it with hers. “The pleasure is mine, Abda.”

And with that, their little heart to heart was concluded. The Arabian stood up and adjusted his robes, nodding towards the other room. “Well, then. Should we check on Lord Tirek and Miss Glow, Commander? I am sure you are anxious for an update.”

“Yeah.” Tempest grinned and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, I am.”

As they reached the curtain and pulled it back gently, the commander’s good feeling vanished in an instant, and she felt her heart leap into her throat as she stared in stunned silence at the scene which was unfurling before her very eyes.

Firstly, and the chiefest of her concerns, was the huge white snake currently in the midst of coiling itself around a semi-conscious Tirek, constricting around him and crushing the life from his body. One of his arms was twisted at an unnatural angle. Secondly, behind the beast there was a large, dark hole in the wall, no doubt where the snake had come from. And thirdly, and perhaps most disturbingly, Bray and Cozy were nowhere in sight.

Without a word being spoken, Tempest’s horn crackled to life. A bolt of lightning seared through the air until it ricocheted off of the snake’s scaly hide, making the devil shriek in pain and relinquish its grasp of the centaur. Tirek slumped to the ground, fluttering in and out of consciousness.

The serpent coiled around itself and prepared to lunge at the intruders, ready to devour those responsible for interrupting its latest meal.

Time seemed to slow as a great gaping maw opened wide and it lunged towards Tempest. The dark mare tensed her muscles and braced herself to dodge, to roll out of the way and get a good hit on it, when suddenly something shoved her aside. She skipped along the ground to catch her balance and spun around, and stared in abject horror at the beast’s jaw close around the masked and golden-robed pony, clamping down hard with a sickening crunch. “Grand Vizier...” she murmured softly, realising he had just saved her life. “No...”

His body shuddered violently in the beast’s jaws. With a trembling hoof, he reached out to her. “C...mmand-d...er,” he croaked. He coughed, sending blood trickling down from inside his mask, and then he went limp. The light in his scarred eyes dimmed, cruelly and unceremoniously snuffed out in the blink of an eye.

Tempest’s boiling blood drove her into a vengeful rage. Her horn sparked and crackled with lightning, initiating a barrage of spells to be fired at the beast with wild abandon.

The snake hissed and began beating a hasty retreat as Tempest’s magic crashed against it, scorching and marking its hide. It howled with pain as she struck one of its eyes, and slithered back into the tunnel. Tempest stood, panting in the now silent room as her horn smoked lightly, before hurrying over towards her comrade.

“Tirek?” she murmured. “Tirek can you hear me?” she said as she cupped his head in her hooves.

His eyes creaked open weakly and a few ragged breaths escaped him. “Commander...” he wheezed, looking up at her. “Took me... by surprise... sorry.”

“Stop that,” she snapped. “What happened? Where’s Cozy? And where did that snake come from?”

He reached out with a trembling arm and pointed towards the tunnel. The other lay limp and lifeless by his side. “There... The mare... turned herself into...” he croaked and his eyes grew dark. “Bray,” he said with finality.

Tempest felt her blood begin to boil. “Bray did this? He set that snake on you? He took Cozy?” she growled. He nodded to each of her questions, setting her teeth on edge. “Alright. I’ll get her back, Tirek. Stay down, you’re hurt. You need to rest.”

“No... time.” His head dipped and he raised a hand to his chest, thumping into it with as much gusto as he could muster. “Just need... to catch... breath,” he wheezed, “then... save Cozy...”

“No, Tirek.” Tempest held her hoof up, cutting him off in protest, eyeing his broken arm warily. “Stay here. Stay with the...” Her voice caught in her throat.

Both of their heads turned to the lifeless Grand Vizier. Tempest felt her heart heave with sorrow, and judging by Tirek’s crestfallen expression, he felt similar. She paused before slowly standing up to move towards the Arabian. When she reached him she placed a hoof on his chest. “I’m sorry,” she said with her head bowed. “May you find peace in the next world, Grand Vizier Abda of Saddle Arabia. May it be kinder than this one...”

With a heavy sigh she stood up and turned around. Her eyes, despite stinging with bitter tears, were ablaze with fury. “Stay here, Tirek,” she said. “That’s an order.” She cracked her neck and stepped towards the tunnel entrance.

She turned to look at Tirek for a brief moment. He stared up at her and nodded reluctantly.

“Find her,” he said as he picked up his own arm and cradled it in his lap. “And crush that donkey into dust.”


Chrysalis’s head snapped towards her opponent and she blinked. “Come again? You want me to what?”

Sombra sighed and grit his teeth. “This place we are in, though it is indeed the deepest parts of my mind, is more akin to a metaphysical dreamscape, and instead of us physically being here, we are in a state of mind similar to if we were dreaming,” he started to explain. “And pain, similarly to a bucket of cold water, often wakes one up from a dream no matter how deep one may be sleeping. Q.E.D., if you were to plunge your horn into my chest and in all effectiveness ‘kill’ me, it should create enough of a shock to my system that it will revive my consciousness and awaken me from this living nightmare.”

Should?” Chrysalis said with a raised eyebrow. “And, dare I ask, what will become of me if this plan of yours falls through?”

“If my theory is correct then we will both be spat out and reappear in the real world once again in our own bodies, or, alternatively, I will die... and you will suffer catastrophic amounts of psychological trauma from being trapped in a dead pony’s mind for the rest of eternity.”

The queen stared at him in silence.

“But the chances of that happening are in the lesser percentile. Probably.”

“Your confidence is overwhelming, Sombra,” she deadpanned. She snorted and traced a hoof in the snow, and with few other options to choose--bar none--she sighed and dipped her head. “Very well, I’d rather not waste any more time here if it’s all the same to you.” She lowered her horn, pointing it directly at his scrawny, matted chest and a light grin danced across her mouth as she remembered the pain he, even if it wasn’t ‘him’ him, had caused her just moments ago. “I will confess, I am going to enjoy this. Are you ready?”

Sombra shook his legs and nodded firmly. “I know you are, you wretched creature.” He inhaled sharply and braced himself. “Do it. Strike me down.”

Chrysalis took a deep breath and pushed forwards There was the sound of glass shattering, followed by the sensation of vertigo, as if she was looking down at herself from a great height. The world turned white, and soon Chrysalis felt her body begin to ache all over.

The cold of Sombra’s mindprison had been swapped for the chill of the cool Arabian night air, blowing in from the large hole in the wall caused by their duel. The thunder crashing overhead and the roar of rain outside was deafening. She groaned, and coughed as she blinked rapidly and looked around. Something warm trickled out of her mouth. She felt faint and unbearably tired, but still pushed herself up on shaking legs.

Beside her, Sombra’s motionless form lay. She reached over to give him a gentle prod. “Sombra?” she croaked, not realising and wincing at how hoarse and rough her voice sounded. She coughed and cleared her throat and repeated herself, only firmer. “Sombra.”

When he didn’t move the second time, she grunted and turned away in frustration and the slightest hint of reproach. She pushed away and began to shamble off, bitterly thinking how her venture into Sombra’s mind had only left her with more than a few questions and a big fat zero amount of answers. She stopped when she realised she had no idea which part of the palace she was in, or for that matter where the others had followed that runt of a magician to.


She heard a low groan behind her and slowly turned. Sombra, to either her dread or delight--she couldn’t tell which--was indeed alive, despite his haggard and war-torn appearance. Blinking, picked himself up, looking cautiously around the room, then down at his hooves, then finally up at Chrysalis and froze. They both froze.

In that moment, when his blood red eyes fixed on her, Chrysalis wondered if this Sombra was indeed the same she had just been conversing with, if his plan had succeeded and he was no longer a prisoner in his own mind. If he wasn’t, and lacking the strength to continue to fight, she simply glared at him, panting lightly. In a matter of moments, she figured her fate would be sealed, and that would be that.

Sombra’s horn sprung to life as she expected.

She braced herself for the end, waiting for the indignant defeat and cursed herself for being naïve enough not to see through such a see-through set of lies. Only what happened next was decidedly unexpected to say the least. When the stream of his magic connected with her, she felt strange, like slipping into a nice, warm bubble bath. Suddenly her joints didn’t hurt so much anymore, and the blood that was leaking out of her various cuts began to slowly trickle its way back in. Her wings slowly unfurled; restored to their proper strength as magic washed over her, healing her wounds and curing her ailments.

She lifted up a hoof and inspected it, feeling like a new changeling fresh from the birthing vats. Only... she promptly noticed now how her leg holes seemed smaller. She frowned. That was impossible. Had her majestic form shrank somehow? Had she undergone a metamorphosis she wasn’t aware of-

And then it came to her.

Just like how her wings had taken on a particular shimmer, the rest of her body was following suit. She quickly realised with disgust--and a mild amount of horror--that she may eventually face the possibility that she could exchange her gorgeous grey chitin for those sickly pastel colours her traitorous spawn currently bore. Her pupils shrank and she lowered her now shaking hoof, only for her intrusive thoughts to be interrupted by the sound of Sombra clearing his throat.

She looked up at him. He raised an eyebrow at her and watched as she bristled and straightened up.

“I hope you aren’t too enamoured with yourself to forget our bargain, Chrysalis. I certainly haven’t.”

She growled softly as she watched the same glowing light pass over him, healing him as it had her. “So you are the ‘real’ you now, then, Sombra?” she snapped, looking at him askance. “I wasn’t aware you were skilled in healing magic.”

“Indeed I am,” he answered, and inclined head precisely one quarter of an inch towards her. “It may come as a surprise to you, not that you ever bothered to learn, but I was quite the avid studier of medicines in my youth. You could say I was taught by... the best.”

Chrysalis noticed his hesitation and swiftly recognised the familiar, sort of sad and faraway look that appeared in his eye. She had had that same look many times before, when she was wistfully remembering her youth.

“Regardless,” he said, quickly shaking his head. The look disappeared in an instant. “I hope you don’t mind, but being near death wasn’t particularly healthy for either of us.” He flashed her a grin, apparently delighted to be returned to the waking world as himself. “And I for one am most pleased to see my theory was correct.”

“Yes, yes, you must be very proud of yourself, Sombra,” Chrysalis snapped, her patience rapidly thinning. “Bravo, give yourself a pat on the back. Now would you kindly explain yourself? How is it that you came to be imprisoned in your own mind?”

His jovial attitude vanished in an instant. Magic sprung from his eyes, disappearing into the air a pair of faint purple trails. His horn, curved upwards and tinged with red, glowed softly, and a low growl left his throat. “Luna had asked me to investigate a source of potentially powerful magic, here in Saddle Arabia, specifically in the sultan’s own palace. Here it was I met him.” He shook his head and curled his lip in disgust. “A donkey of all things, who dared call himself a master magician. He was the one responsible for my-”

He stopped when he heard the vicious, animalistic snarl leave the former queen’s throat. Her lips pulled back to reveal a set of razor sharp fangs, and her pupils shrank to nearly beyond vision. “A donkey... magician?” she hissed.

Sombra nodded, narrowing his eyes at her. “You’ve met him then?”

“I have,” she spat. “And his cohorts... Bray...” Lightning flashed in the sky outside as she spoke, filling the world with light for a moment. She lowered her head slightly, shaking with rage and the fury of a thousand suns. “I knew he couldn’t be trusted. The others are with him now...”

The dark stallion tapped his muzzle thoughtfully. “I see. Well, we must hurry, then. I imagine that Luna would blame me if anything were to happen to her precious Nightmare Knights.”

Chrysalis’s eyes glossed over as his words sent an avalanche of worry cascading trough her mind. If Tirek, Tempest and Cozy Glow were indeed still with that cur, then they were in grave danger. Her friends were in danger. Perhaps a year ago she would have projectile vomited at the mere thought of that ever being one of her concerns, but now...

Sombra’s horn began to crackle and pop with indigo magic. “I advise you follow me, Chrysalis,” he stated, snapping her back to reality. “If memory serves I had tracked his lair to beneath the palace. If we hurry, we may not be too late.”

She jutted her head up and down with stiff, irregular movements as he started away. She said nothing, following after him with long, powerful steps and a foul temper, her mind consumed entirely by one singular thought.

Her friends were in danger.


The temperamental, flickering light of Tempest’s broken horn lit her way as she made her way through the dark and foreboding tunnel. She was no stranger to entering dark and foreboding places, yet something about this very tunnel, perhaps the unnatural formation of it or the lingering cold in the air, sent shivers up and down her spine.

Even so, a fiery determination born from not just wanting--needing--to save her young comrade and friend, but also to avenge the Grand Vizier, spurred her forwards.

His death shook her more than she had chosen to let on in front of Tirek, and it was already weighing heavily on her mind. The Knights had failed. Saddle Arabia was going to tear itself apart electing a new ruler, and without Abda or the sultan there to oversee it, the outcome could take months--years, even.

She ground her teeth together as she pressed on, peering ahead into the darkness. Chrysalis decided to pay her a visit in her mind once again for the first time in a while, and a new sensation of worry crept up on her. If Bray was behind it after all, and he was controlling Sombra, then that begged the question of why? And what did he want with Cozy?

Just as the tunnel dipped, she saw a flash of light from up ahead. She dropped to the ground and began to creep along, pressing her belly to the cold, damp floor in the hopes of maintaining the element of surprise.

She moved forwards as quietly yet quickly as she dared, pausing for only the briefest of moments when the tunnel tapered off into a large chamber seemingly carved out of the very rock. Looking ahead she saw the light source: A large obelisk glowing with various runes, seemingly abandoned. Taking a quick glance around, Tempest saw that neither Bray nor either of his cohorts were in sight. She crept forwards cautiously into the open like a rabbit coming out of its burrow, her ears pricked up and alert; swivelling atop her head and listening intently for any sign of danger. She moved up a slight hill and spotted an altar in front of the obelisk, and more importantly, the small frame of a young pegasus.

“Cozy!” she murmured, hurrying forwards. She checked the filly over and pressed her ear to her small, pink chest and listened. The steady rhythm of an alive and working heart made her breathe a sigh of relief.

Yet despite her relief and her joy that Cozy was alive, she couldn’t shake the aura of dread that surrounded her. Where was the snake? Or Bray for that matter?

Her answer seemed to come from behind her, as the air began to draw towards a certain spot. Her mane fluttered in the sudden rancid, foul smelling wind that stung her eyes, and she turned around to see a large swirling mass of shimmering magic began to form.

“A portal?” she murmured softly to herself. Her ear twitched again as great hiss and a rumble came from above somewhere, and the giant snake that had attacked them earlier lowered itself into view. She quickly darted around the altar and crouched out of sight, waiting for the right moment to strike. She twisted her head around and watched carefully, and curled her lip in disgust when she saw the magician himself step forwards out of the vortex.

It sealed shut behind him and disappeared as Bray entered into the chamber. He suddenly paused, his long ears twitching and he narrowed his eyes. For a moment, Tempest thought she had been detected and readied herself to attack. But then he sneezed and rubbed his nose.

“Oh, bless me,” he said quietly. After he excused himself, there came a dreadful rumble and hiss from above. Tempest directed her gaze upwards and watched as the snake that had attacked them lowered itself into view.

“You’re late...” the snake hissed in a terrible voice that sent shivers down her spine. Tempest spotted her scorch marks along its hide and had to physically restrain herself from launching another barrage at it when she saw the traces of a red sheen on its teeth. “Did you enjoy your trip, Bray?”

Bray said nothing, but shot a filthy glare at the serpent as its form began to glow white. Its figure grew smaller, until it resembled a pony. A pony with a coat as white as snow, and wide, pink eyes. Tempest quickly recognised the once shy and timid creature, even if now she looked disdainful and contemptuous.

Constant glowered at the donkey as she looked him up and down. “Hmmph. Be that way,” she muttered, taking a few steps forwards and flicked her tail as she grew close to him. “I should warn you I have no doubt I was followed. We are running out of time.”

Bray paused and turned to her. “You are referring to the Nightmare Knights, I presume?”

She bobbed her head up and down and sighed. “After some playfulness, the large one was just about to satiate my appetite,” she said, “but I was interrupted.” Her eyes narrowed and she ran her tongue over her teeth. “The Grand Vizier of this place got in the way, as well as that meddlesome Tempessst Shadow.”

With each word Tempest felt her blood boil more and more. She flicked her eyes over towards the donkey as he nodded solemnly. “I see,” he said. “Well. That complicates matters doesn’t it?”

Suddenly his hoof went up and struck the shapeshifting mare across the face, knocking her down into the cold ground. Tempest thought that was the least she deserved, and kept watching as he rounded on her. “Idiot beast,” he snarled. “You were supposed to finish them all without delay, Constant! Not toy with your food!”

As Constant sprung back up her face changed into a horrific visage of both mare and snake, with her pupils becoming slits and her nose flattening in on itself--not to mention her jaw swinging wide open to show off her serpentine fangs that glistened with saliva. “Do not speak to me like I am some common animal!” she growled. “My name is Kiyohime. Not this... Constant you so kindly decided to introduce me as to those peons!”

The donkey sighed and waved a hoof at the devil in disguise as her face returned to ‘normal’. “If I had introduced you with your real name, then that oaf Tirek would have suspected something when he realised you were the infamous Serpent of Neighpon, now wouldn’t he?” he snarled viciously.

Tempest made a mental note to ask Tirek of her origins if he knew them. And to punch Bray on his behalf for calling him an oaf.

The snake-turned-mare hissed and glowered at him.

“Think before you question my methods, you dull creature.” Bray tapped the side of his head with his hoof before straightening himself up. “Regardless. Your failure is of little consequence. Drog is tending to our safehouse where the master will gather his strength, and from there, we will begin preparations for our conquest.” He spoke with elation, like he was excited about an upcoming party. Tempest bit her tongue and chewed the inside of her cheek to keep from giving her position away when he stopped just shy of the altar. “You will go there now, and await further instructions.”

Tempest’s mind began to race. Conquest? What safehouse? Who the heck were these guys?

“Do not forget our deal,” the white mare growled menacingly.

“Yes of course, Kiyohime. You will be reunited with your ‘lost love’ as soon as our work is done.” Bray flashed his associate a wicked, bear-trap like smile. “Now go.” He waved a hoof and the vortex reappeared. “See to our host. I have some... unfinished business to attend to.”

The serpent-mare narrowed her eyes at him before walking away. She stepped through the portal and with a blinding flash, she was gone.

When the room fell silent once more, Bray sighed and walked away from the altar. “You can come out now, Commander,” he said to the air. “I know you’re here...”

Tempest froze. Had he always known she was there? Had he seen her or heard her? She furrowed her brow and with little choice left, she slowly emerged from her hiding spot and held her head up high, glaring daggers at the magician.

He smiled sweetly at her. “Ah. There you are. We have much to discuss, don’t we?”

The commander scowled at him and her horn began to spark. “I’m going to give you one chance to explain yourself, Bray. What is this? Who are you?”

Bray sighed and went into a sweeping bow. “My name really is Bray, Commander. Bray, the High Priest of Grogar.” He looked up and grinned at her quickly turning pallid expression.

“Grogar?” she hissed.

She, of course, knew of Grogar--who in Equestria didn’t? The story of Gusty the Great was one of her favourites when she was little, even after her incident with the ursa. On top of that, she knew how her three fellow Knights came to be together, with Discord allegedly turning himself into Grogar to unite them. None of the stories ever mentioned a high priest, or this Bray character, however.

“You’re lying,” she growled. “Tell me who you are. Now!”

Bray sighed again and cocked an unimpressed eyebrow at her. “I am telling the truth, Tempest Shadow. Lord Grogar, the Emperor of Equus and Father of Monsters, is my master. My allegiance lies with him, and I will do anything to see his power restored.”

“But you’d have to be-” Tempest began.

“Thousands of years old? Yes.” The donkey grinned at her. “My master, before his banishment by the Cursed Adversary, saw fit to grant me with exquisitely long life so that should anything happen to him, I would always be there, ready and waiting.” A far off look appeared in his eye. “It has been far too long since I have gazed upon my lord’s dark majesty. How I long to see him again, to hear his voice, to feel his...” His eyes flashed and his body quivered. He raised a hoof to his muzzle and chuckled softly, while Tempest felt a new chill in the air and glared at him. “Well. It is what it is, I suppose.”

He dragged his hoof down his face and turned to look at her. “You wouldn’t understand, would you, Commander? How could you possibly understand?”

He began to circle her. Tempest made sure to keep him in her sights at all times, and to remain positioned between him and Cozy. “What do you want with Cozy?” she demanded.

“The child? Just a drop of her blood. It is the key to unlocking my master’s prison, you see?” he said, almost dreamily. “She shares the bloodline with the Adversary, so it is only natural I enlist her help--willing or otherwise--to free him.”

The commander hesitated. “Shares the bloodline?” she murmured quietly.

Bray laughed cruelly at her. “She never told you, did she? Why her family adores unicorns so? She is descended from the great Gusty herself. Her family sees unicorns as the superior of your species, but what they do not know is that it is all a lie; all a sham. Gusty was no hero to Equestria. Gusty was a coward who fled, and lied-” His voice began to grow bitter and hateful, and his teeth ground together as he spoke. “-And tricked, and cheated her way into becoming a legend.”

He spat on the ground and stamped a hoof, but then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I have a question for you, Commander, if you would so indulge me?” he said after a few moments.

“Why should I? I should kill you here and now,” Tempest growled back. She didn’t believe a word he said, but did make another mental note to ask Cozy about her ancestry.

“And right you are. But, seen as how I am but a simple donkey,” Bray chortled, “I am no match for your military prowess, Tempest Shadow, and I know that you are going to destroy me. Merely, I wish to ask you something, as my last request.” He smiled and bowed again.

Tempest eyed him up suspiciously. What was his game? What sort of trick was he pulling? She narrowed her eyes and kept her head held high, and thought that if she allowed him his question, she might get some of her own in as well. “Fine. Speak, then.”

“Thank you, Commander. Your kindness rivals that of the Elements of Harmony.”

His chiding words and cocky giggle felt like a sting to her heart. She fixated her gaze that could melt steel onto him, ready for the slightest sign of trickery.

“My question is this, Commander. Why do you fight for a country that hates you? Why bother protecting ponies that don’t care about you, or look down at you just because you’re different?”

His words caught her off guard, most likely as they were intended to do so. On top of that, she felt the sting of truth pierce through her when she remembered the many, many stares she and her team faced on an almost daily basis, of how she herself suffered pitying looks from other unicorns, and the name they called her when she was little... Breakhorn. She bitterly shook her head and ground her teeth together. “Equestria is my home,” she growled. “I’ll die to protect it, and its people. No matter how they look at me or treat me.”

Bray nodded sagely. “A wise answer. Predictable, but wise. Tell me, have you ever considered different? I know you have in the past, of course, when you followed that vain warlord.”

Tempest felt her blood boil. A growl escaped from between her clenched teeth. “No I haven’t.”

“Really? You strike me as a pragmatic mare, Tempest, so I want to ask you to join us.”

The commander blinked. She looked Bray up and down like he was insane. He was insane. He was deranged, loony, off his rocker. She decided to voice as much.

“Join you?!” she raged. “Why in Tartarus would I ever join you? You’ve killed ponies, you’ve attacked me and my team--I’m guessing you were behind Mr. Crane’s condition as well?” She suddenly thought of the old pony from Shady Hollow, and as she suspected, Bray nodded and giggled like a happy schoolfilly. “You kidnapped Cozy, and now you’re asking me to join you?! You’re even crazier than I thought!”

She stamped her hoof and flared her nostrils. “What, you want to bring back a dead, insane tyrant so that you can rule? For vengeance? Is that it?!”

Bray’s smile wavered, and for a moment she saw the monster under the façade. “For justice, Commander,” he said quietly. “Don’t you see? The hypocrisy of Equestria has gone unchecked for too long. Only by freeing my master: Grogar the Magnificent, Grogar the Beautiful, Grogar the Unending, can we right this grievous wrong and bring order back to the world!”

“Order?” Tempest let out a quiet chuckle and shook her head. “You have a strange definition of order, Bray.”

She blinked, and suddenly he was an inch from her face. The rapid movement caught her off guard, and she was knocked to the ground when one of his hooves collided with her barrel, sending her sprawling across the ground and knocking the wind right out of her lungs.

The donkey was far stronger than he looked, she realised, and as he flourished his cloak she saw his chiselled physique, his rippling muscles and his body lined with scars and scratches. “Don’t you see?” he rasped. “Ponies lie, Commander. They always lie. They manipulate, especially your precious princesses,” he spat. “Every act of kindness, or generosity, or any other of that trite they spout about harmony can be dragged into the light squirming and wriggling to be seen for what it really is: a self serving act of vanity.” He tutted and turned away, placing his hooves on the altar beside Cozy. “Even those like the Grand Vizier. He once expressed a certain... desire in you to me, you know. I suspected within a year of you becoming fast friends he would have asked you to marry him.”

Tempest felt her body immediately begin to bruise where he had struck. She saw spots and started gulping for air like a fish out of water as his words echoed around in her head.

“But then, there are those like your comrades,” the mad donkey continued while looking up at the obelisk. “Or, how they used to be at least. They would scheme in the dark and plot the downfall of their enemies and nothing more--you knew where they stood.” He brushed some of the filly’s mane out of her face and a sly grin spread across his face. He reached into his cloak to pull out a small scalpel and a thin vial.

With it pointed at her friend, Tempest watched it descend, and heard him let out an odd sigh as he held up the vial, now containing some dark red liquid. “Finally. The last piece of the puzzle...”

“Get away from her!” she gasped, struggling to stand.

“Ah ah, Commander,” Bray taunted, fixing her with a stern glare as he placed the vial back into the folds of his cloak. He raised his hoof to her, and suddenly everything went tight. She felt like she had the weight of a small carriage pressing down on her, forcing her to lie still. “My Lord taught me more than passions of the body, you see,” he grinned. “He taught me how to use the magic that sits in the atmosphere, how to draw it from others without them even realising. And this-” He gestured up to the obelisk. “-This ugly thing is a conduit for such power. With it, I can draw strength from all of Saddle Arabia. Here, I am indestructible, and when it is time for me to leave, I will take that power with me.”

He grinned down at her and flexed his shoulders. “Now, don’t interrupt, for I would hate to ruin our little chat just yet.” He flashed her a wicked grin and cleared his throat as she lay there, glaring at him. “Now where was I? Oh yes, your ‘friends’. Everypony at least knew where they stood, they were, for all intents and purposes ‘evil’. But you ponies, especially those arrogant fools Celestia and Luna? Riddled, and I mean, riddled with hypocrisy.”

He pulled his hoof back just as Tempest’s vision was fading in and out of darkness. She gasped for air and held a hoof to her throat. She realised now that it was him, not Sombra who had caused all this out in the courtyard. Sombra had been a mask he had cleverly hidden behind. She wondered what else heh ad done using others as shields.

“They’re pacifists, unless in times of war,” the magician continued. “They’re teachers, except for when they have to teach their students the truth. They’re accepting of all kinds, unless you don’t conform with their beliefs. And when they save you from a fate worse than death, it’s only so they can use you for their own gains!”

Tempest hesitated as she thought of her team’s situation. That couldn’t be right, could it? No. He was getting inside her head. The lack of oxygen had made her-

“So I’ll ask you again, Commander,” he said, taking a step forwards. “Why do you fight for a country that uses you, that will eventually toss you aside like trash?” He reached her and looked down, almost pitifully. “We both know you’re a higher calibre than the rest of your kind, Tempest. Why waste your talents on them, when you can be so much more? Why settle for serving when you can rule?”

He extended a hoof towards her, making her look up at him. A shimmer in the corner of her peripheral vision caught her attention for a fraction of a second, and she nodded reluctantly. “That... was a good pitch,” she murmured.

Bray smiled dangerously at her as she clasped his hoof in hers and hoisted herself up. “I’ve been practicing,” he crooned. “What do you say, Tempest Shadow? Can I count on your support?”

Tempest took a few deep breaths and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she appeared calm and collected and the corners of her mouth quirked upwards into a smile. “You know what, Bray? I’m in.” Her own eyes glinted with malice back at him, and his smile grew wider.

That was, until a jet of green and purple magic struck him in the barrel, knocking him away across the room into a large pile of dust. Tempest felt her legs quiver and she buckled, just as a dark figure rushed forwards to catch her. She looked up and blinked in confusion at the pair of ruby red eyes looking back at her.

“Whatever he did to them both I will destroy him for it!” the unmistakeable voice of Chrysalis roared. “I want to make him suffer!”

A twisted, sinister laughter began to resound within the chamber. Tempest pulled herself together to look over at where Bray had landed to see him rising into the air, surrounded by a forcefield of crackling magic.

“You survived, then I see, Lady Chrysalis,” he chuckled in an almost glad tone. “And I see you’ve managed to release Sombra from my little curse too. How dreadfully wonderful. At least this will be sporting, if nothing else.”

Tempest swivelled her head around to look at the pony holding her. “Sombra?” she mumbled, feeling weak and woozy. She began to feel as light as a feather as magic surrounded her and lifted her up. She blinked, and suddenly she was resting on somepony’s back. Somepony dark and smelling faintly of smoke.

She weakly raised her head to see several beams of light green and purple magic fire up at Bray. He cackled again and raised a hoof. “Alas, this is where I bid you adieu, Nightmare Knights. Remember my offer, Tempest Shadow,” he cackled. “Should you make the right choice, I will be waiting. Until next time. Ta.”

There was a flash of light followed by the stench of death, and then he was gone. The glowing of the obelisk suddenly stopped as well, plunging them into darkness, and a great cracking sound like the world was splitting open filled the chamber. The familiar green light of Chrysalis’s magic provided them all with some sorely needed vision.

“No! No! Get back here you vile, cowardly little...” the changeling roared. Her words were drowned out as a portion of the ceiling dropped, landing with an almighty crash. Her mouth moved wordlessly as the crash resounded throughout Tempest’s skull.

“It’s too late,” an unfamiliar voice growled. The voice of the pony Tempest was resting on. She blinked in confusion and struggled to keep her eyes open as she heard the rumble in his chest, even on his back. “Chrysalis, pick up the child and let us leave this place, before that devil brings the entire city down on our heads.”

“Entire... city?” Tempest murmured.

She saw Cozy be picked up in a familiar green shimmer and then suddenly they were running. She was being carried, whisked away to safety by an unlikely ally. She felt strange as they ran. Like she was waking up from a bad dream. That was, until, there was another presence she could feel, and the sudden pressure of soft, feathery wings engulfed her.

“Hold still, Tempest Shadow,” a soothing, bitterly familiar voice told her. “You are safe. I am so, so very sorry...”


Time passes. . .

The sun had begun to crest the horizon of the world, casting a golden light over what was left of the capital of Saddle Arabia after a huge swathe of the city had suddenly collapsed into the sands, bringing untold devastation and chaos in its wake.

The official story was the Grand Vizier and the Nightmare Knights had descended into the depths of the earth to confront the djinn in its lair. After a victorious win, the djinn had only, in a last, twisted act of maliciousness, exploded, unfortunately creating a sinkhole that dragged the city down with it. The Grand Vizier known as Abda, named for a once famed Arabian warrior of ages past, stayed behind to ensure the Nightmare Knights got away safely, giving his life for his people and his country.

He would be honoured for ages to come.

But nice words and a good sentiment did very little for Tempest Shadow’s mood. She sat, glowering at the dark blue alicorn as she read out a speech promising aid to any who needed it as airships full of relief workers arrived in the skydocks as well as establish a monument to him.

Beside her, Tirek and Chrysalis sat, with Cozy Glow rubbing her eyes and looking around blinkingly at the strange scene around them, perched upon Tirek’s shoulder like a small, pink parrot. One of the centaur's arms was in a sling, despite some healing magic cast by a particular somepony conspicuously absent.

Sombra had long since made himself scarce. Luna had argued that it wouldn’t very well do for the supposed djinn to be seen alive and well, not when such a sombre attitude covered the city. As to where he had, Tempest had no idea; not that she particularly wanted any idea. All she did want was to put this place behind her and get on with her life.

As Luna stepped down from her podium and approached them, Tempest bristled and stood up. She had a bandage around her head and some around her barrel where she had been struck. She stared defiantly ahead as the director came to a halt in front of them.

“I am glad to see you are well, Knights,” she began. Her voice was unusually soft, and lacking in its usual harshness she typically had whenever speaking with them.

“You knew, didn't you?” Tempest quietly asked, simmering with rage. “You knew the risks, and you didn’t object to sending us here?”

“I would have, had I known the true extent of the risks, Tempest,” Luna answered coolly with a sad, far off look in her eye. “But I did not, so I did not.” She exhaled slowly and looked around at them all. “I have done a great many things in my lifetime, as you may know. I have had many victories, and made many more mistakes. Making the Nightmare Knights is one of my greatest achievements, and appointing you at their lead, I maintain, is one of the best decisions I have ever made. But... failing to keep you informed of the true danger, failing to keep you safe... may be my greatest failing.”

She bowed her head low and folded her wings by her sides.

“I hope you can eventually forgive me. All of you, and know that I promise that I will always keep you appraised of what is happening when I know what is happening.”

Tempest snorted derisively at her and fixed her with a cold glare. “How long have you known?” she growled. “About Bray. About Grogar?”

A cold wind blew through their manes. Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy all shuffled uncomfortably, each of them all too familiar with that particular adversary.

“Shady Hollow,” Luna said plainly, bristling only slightly.

Tirek’s eyebrows raised so much they threatened to join the Equus space program. Chrysalis scoffed and snorted. Cozy mimicked Tirek and Tempest remained deathly silent.

“Mr. Crane... has been painting the future. Specifically certain events including you four,” the director went on, and inhaled sharply when none of them said anything. “I want you all to know something. Knowing one’s predicted future can usually have catastrophic decisions. Princess Twilight learned this lesson long ago, and it is not something to be dabbled with lightly.”

“Does she know?” Tempest growled, flattening her ears to her head. “Did Twilight know what we were going into? Did she know about any of this?”

“No,” Luna said firmly. “She knew of Mr. Crane’s condition, and has seen some of what he has painted but not all. If she did she would not have sent you here, believe me.”

An awkward silence descended upon them for a few agonisingly slow minutes.

“I doubt any of us want to know our futures, Director,” Tirek eventually grumbled. “We’re not as foolish as Twilight can be. We’re on foreign soil, Commander, don’t give me that look. I am merely suggesting that we preferred whether we knew we were going into mortal peril or not.”

Luna nodded. Her ears turned down. “I can... understand that. I had assumed... otherwise, Lord Tirek. I apologise.”

Chrysalis scoffed again. “And you expect us to...” She fell silent when she saw the subtle ear flick of the commander.

Tempest turned her head slightly and nodded, the motion so small only those who were really looking for it would have noticed it. Chrysalis certainly did, and so she continued.

“You expect us to take you at your word, Luna? After what I know now? After that one teensy tidbit of information went awry?”

The midnight alicorn bristled again. “About King Sombra, you mean?” she said.

The changeling nodded. “Mhm.”


Cozy’s hoof shot into the air, interrupting Luna. “Uh, question,” she said. “What gives? What’s his deal now, is he a good guy like us or what?”

The alicorn looked up at her and swallowed. “That is for him to decide. I believe he told you the terms of our arrangement, Chrysalis?” she answered, looking back down at the former queen. Chrysalis nodded with a carefully neutral expression. “Yes, well. If he chooses that path, then he will become a civilian.”

“You want him to join us,” Tempest uttered. It wasn’t a question, but a statement.

After a short pause Luna answered her. “You have seen for yourself his skillset is invaluable, Commander, in particular his medical knowledge. Without his assistance I suspect you would be in the hospital for weeks on end right about now. He could only be a boon to you, should he take that life path. However I never once expressed a desire for him to do so, merely that he should be free to choose his own pursuits--granted they were not ones of world conquest and domination.”

Cozy made an ‘o’ shape with her mouth, and Tirek and Chrysalis exchanged glances. “And what are we going to do about Bray? He got away...” Tempest asked carefully.

Luna’s expression twisted into a scowl. “I have already sent agents across the world to track his whereabouts. We will find him, Tempest, before he carries out his insidious intentions. I guarantee it.”

Cozy rubbed her head, confused. “So is he why all the ghosts are happening?” she asked, and looked down at her bandaged leg. Judging by her face and the red streak across the bridge of her nose she was uncomfortable with something.

“In short, yes,” answered Tirek as he reached up to her. “I had suspected something was this case all along. You see Bray is trying to break the barrier between our world and the world of the dead to resurrect his master... Grogar. There are cracks forming in reality wherever he fails to do so, and so the restless dead are coming through. I suspect the closer he gets to succeeding in his insane goal the more we will be required to perform our services.”

They all murmured in agreement.

Tempest puffed her chest out and sighed. “Is that all, then Director?” she grunted. “Are we done here?”

Another moment of silence, before...

“There is... one more thing, before you depart, Knights.”

They all pricked their ears up as Luna bowed her head and pursed her lips, trembling ever so slightly. “I am stepping down as Director of the Nightmare Knights Organisation,” she confessed. “For a time.”

The Knights stared aghast at her.

“My recent mistakes have been costly and ill informed,” Luna continued, unafraid to hide the bitterness and resentfulness in her voice. “So I am appointing a new temporary head of our organisation. A fair and just replacement who I have no doubt will more than make up for my mistakes in the coming days.”

“Who?” Cozy blurted out. She itched at the bandage around her foreleg. “And what happens to you?”

The midnight alicorn looked up at her again. “I will remain here for a time until order has been fully restored, Cozy. Then I will... go on a sabbatical, as I am told they are called, until I am fit to direct again. As for who my replacement is, she is an impartial party with relevant knowledge of being a former villain and carries exceptional organisational skills. She has already served dutifully in her previous engagements and I cannot think of a worthier replacement for me.”

Tempest felt the heckles on the back of her neck stand up as it dawned on her. “You don’t mean who I think you mean do you?” she murmured. “Do you?”

Luna nodded, as if she could read her mind. “I do indeed, Commander. I understand there may be some difficulties adjusting at first, but I am confident you will overcome them.”

Tirek dragged a hand down his face as he realised who she was talking about. Cozy’s eyes turned to dinner plate levels of size as she too realised, and Chrysalis only wrinkled her snout in confusion. “Yes, well. And?” she muttered. “Who is this mystery mare we will be answering to, then?”

The director cleared her throat as the others held their breath, waiting for the inevitable reaction.

“Starlight Glimmer, of course.”