• Published 22nd Aug 2020
  • 6,242 Views, 161 Comments

The Royal Apple - Mister E-Nonymous

Bitten by a copperhead snake, a boy wakes up in Equestria in an entirely new body unfamiliar to him, hoping that he would be sent back home so he could wait for his parents to come back to get him, but there are two big secrets that he didn't know...

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Chapter 6: Sleepover

Chapter 6: Sleepover

Sweet Apple Acres... 6:00 PM...

(Apple Shine's Point of View)

Well, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo got permission from their families to come over. I still wasn't too sure that I would want any girls staying with me. We were all having dinner, but I was nervous having other girls sleeping with me. I was a human boy in the body of an alicorn filly. I was sitting close to Applejack. For some reason, I felt safer around her.

"So, girls," said Apple Bloom, "whatcha wanna do later tonight?"

"How about we play some board games?" asked Sweetie Belle. "We should do something quite so we don't disturb anypony else and keep them from working on the farm."

"That sounds like a good idea," said Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo sighed and said, "Whatever. I just hope I don't pass out from boredom."

I was starting to get nervous, but then Applejack told me, "It's okay. Ya'll be fine."

I wasn't too sure on that. I just wanna go back to my world and wait for my parents to pick me up. I just hope it'll happen. I'm really hoping that I go back soon.

Canterlot Castle - Prince Blueblood's Quarters... 8:00 PM...

(Third Person Point of View)

Prince Blueblood came into his sleeping quarters, grumpy. He was thinking of something to himself after he shut the door.

"What are my aunties thinking of letting two alicorns staying in a worthless town of pathetic ponies?" He asked himself. "Princesses are supposed to stay in a high sophisticated place, like Canterlot or the Crystal Empire." He then put a hoof to his chin and said, "Perhaps I shall send some of my personal royal guards down there and bring her here. We'll be able to straighten her out."

He then went to a table, pulled out a piece of parchment, and started writing.

Sweet Apple Acres - Apple Shine's New Room... 8:30 PM...

(Apple Shine's Point of View)

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were in my room here. I still don't know why the Apples did this for me. I was only going to be here temporarily. They're acting like I'm going to be here for a long time. I really hope that I'll be sent home.

We were playing some board games. I wasn't really paying attention to what the other girls were saying. I was looking towards the window. I just hope Regina, Peter and Jerry weren't too worried about me being gone.

I then felt a hoof on my right shoulder, and I turned my head to the right seeing Apple Bloom. She told me, "It's yer turn."

"Oh, sorry," I said.

"Hey, is something wrong?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Oh, it's nothing," I said, picking up the dice with my hoof. It's weird being able to pick up something with a hoof. How are ponies able to pick things up with their hooves? It makes no sense.

"C'mon, Apple Shine," said Scootaloo. "What's on your mind?"

I sighed and said, "I was just thinking. My friends back home. I wonder if I'll ever go back home." I looked around at the three fillies. Apple Bloom was about to speak, but there was an interruption.

"Hey, girls!" came Applejack's voice from behind the door. "Ya'll gotta wash up."

"Okay, Applejack!" Apple Bloom said. "C'mon, girls. Let's put the games away, and then head to the tub." They then started putting the game away. I walked out of the room and saw Applejack.

"Hey, there Apple Shine," she said. "Let me wash ya off." She then picked me up and took me into the bathroom while Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo went off somewhere else. I was then put into the bathtub, and then Applejack started filling the bath tub with warm water. It felt nice. She washed my mane, scrubbed my body, and then dried me off after pulling me out of the tub. It was just about nine o'clock when I got out of the tub. Applejack then told me, "Alright, Apple Shine, it's time fer bed. See ya in the mornin'."

Applejack then pushed me back into my temporary room. There, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were setting up some sleeping bags by my bed. I was really tired. I walked over towards my bed, jumped up, got under the covers, and was about to fall asleep when I heard the other girls say good night. I responded, and fell asleep. Just once, I would like to wake up back in my world.

Apple Shine's Dream... Time: Unknown...

I was coming to. I felt that my limbs were spread apart. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in some kind of surgery room. I tried moving, but I felt my arms and legs strapped together, only to see that I was still a pony.

"What? No!" I tried saying, but all that came out were pony whinnies. I then tried struggling out of the straps, but it wasn't working. I then felt arms hold my legs down. I looked up and saw some doctors with some tools for surgery.

"Easy, girl," said one doctor. "You are quite a specimen, aren't you?" He then took a small knife, and was about to cut my body from right under my chin. "This'll be slow, but we'll see what makes you so magical."

I was still trying to get out of the straps and telling them to stop, but all I could do is whinny and my hooves are held down. I was crying from what they were gonna do to me. I wanted out of there.

Sweet Apple Acres - Apple Shine's Bedroom 2:30 AM...

(Third Person Point of View)

Apple Bloom was pulled awake to the sound of something. She looked around to see that she was in Apple Shine's new room. She saw that Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were still asleep. But then she looked up on the bed, and she saw Apple Shine struggling in her sleep.

Apple Bloom got concerned for her. She quietly walked around Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to the other side of the bed, then climbed up into the bed, pulled the covers up so she could get under there, and then pulled herself closed to Apple Shine.

Apple Bloom then whispered into Apple Shine's ear and said, "Shh... Shh... It's okay. It's just a bad dream. Nothin's gonna hurt ya." Apple Shine turned her body towards Apple Bloom, face to face. Apple Bloom pulled Apple Shine into a hug, and started rubbing Apple Shine's back with her right hoof. It was helping. Apple Shine was then calming down. She then pulled herself closer to Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom then fell back to sleep.

Meanwhile - Back in Apple Shine's Dream...

(Apple Shine's Point of View)

I was still trying to get out of the surgeons hold. I tried calling out for help, but all I could do was whinny. I just wanted to get out of there. I needed help. But before I was cut, I fell down. I then landed on something soft. I looked around and saw that I was in a field full of flowers. I was confused. What did I land on?

I looked down and saw something dark blue. Something with wings. I turned my head towards somewhere and saw that blue princess pony that was in the hospital with all the other ponies.

"Do not worry, young Apple Shine," she said. "Twas nothing but a bad dream. It is over."

I tried asking her a question, but all that came out was a whinny. I couldn't believe I still had that. I then saw her horn light up. I got confused at that, and asked, "What was that supposed to do?" I then realized something. I actually spoke English again. "Hey! I'm talking again!"

"Yes," said the blue alicorn to me. "Now that that part of the dream is dealt with, you and I can have a talk."

"Thanks, uhh..." I then realized that I didn't know her name.

"Oh, right," said the blue princess. "I haven't introduced myself to thou. I haven't made a personal introduction. I am Princess Luna, the princess of the night. It is my duty to come into the dreams of my subjects, and prevent them from having nightmares."

I thought about it, then asked, "Why didn't you come last night?"

"You were awoken by Applejack," said Princess Luna. "I was about to go in, but I was too late. Good thing that Applejack was able to calm you down."

I then sighed and asked, "Princess Luna? May I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Do you think... I'll ever by reunited with my parents?" I lowered my head. Without raising my head, I looked up at Princess Luna, seeing her turn her head away from me.

She then told me, "The answer you seek tis not mine to answer. Now, let's give you a more peaceful dream. Probably something fun for you to do." She then lit up her horn, blinding me. The next thing I knew, I saw myself in a pony version of that amusement park in California, Disneyland.

I was then pushed on my rump. I turned around to see Apple Bloom's bow, which means she was pushing me, saying, "C'mon, Apple Shine. Let's go have some fun." I looked around and saw Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Applejack and her friends, and Spike all with me. Guess Princess Luna wanted me to have a fun dream. Hopefully, I'll be able to have dreams like this from now on.

Sweet Apple Acres... 5:30 AM...

(Third Person Point of View)

Applejack came out of her bedroom. She let out a yawn, then walked over to Apple Bloom's bedroom, but then she remembered that she and her friends would be sleeping in Apple Shine's room. She then walked towards Apple Shine's room and peeked her head in. There, she saw something that melted her heart. Apple Bloom was sleeping with Apple Shine, probably to comfort her if she had a nightmare last night.

She then quietly walked into the room, then shook Apple Bloom awake. Apple Bloom woke up, then turned her head towards Applejack. Applejack then quietly asked, "Somethin' happen last night?"

"Apple Shine was struggling in her sleep a few hours ago," Apple Bloom whispered. "Ah thought she needed some comfort."

"Well, that was nice of ya," whispered Applejack. "Why don't you 'n' Ah prepare some breakfast for ev'rypony?" Apple Bloom nodded, and slowly got out of bed, or at least she tried. She uncovered the covers for a bit, and saw that Apple Shine's forelegs were wrapped around Apple Bloom's stomach.

Apple Bloom grinned sheepishly and whispered, "Guess she wanted something to hug throughout the night."

Applejack then got Apple Shine's hooves off of Apple Bloom, and then Apple Bloom climbed out of the bed. Then the two sisters quietly walked out of the room, and headed downstairs to prepare breakfast.