• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 9,895 Views, 318 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls and the Crimson Thief - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms join forces with the Crimson Thief Carmen Sandiego to foil VILE's newest scheme

  • ...

Multiple Heists

The very next day in New York, inside a simple house with a rent sign out front were three of VILE's newest top agents Tigress, Le Chevre, and El Topo. Former classmates of Carmen back when she was Black Sheep. After being informed of Carmen's involvement in New York they were dispatched immediately to prepare for the heist planned by the VILE Faculty and Stockman.

“Did we really have to rent out a common house here in the city?” Tigress asked in boredom.

“It's what the Faculty set us up in.” Le Chevre replied.

“And no one will think to look for us here.” El Topo finished.

“Fair enough,” Tigress sighed, “I just hope tonight goes off without a hitch.”

“With Carmen Sandiego around you know it won't be easy.” Le Chevre reminded her.

“Not to mention you heard the Faculty said there will be others involved.” El Topo added.

“And you actually believe what she said about some teenage girl carrying exploding sprinkles?” Tigress acted skeptic.

“If the Faculty believes it, then that's all the proof I need.” Le Chevre replied.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, “Ah, that'll be the pizza.” El Topo said happily.

Tigress grabbed some money as, they answered the door. Standing outside was Keno holding three pizza boxes, “Got your pizza,” he said. Before handing them off to El Topo. When Tigress paid Keno, he counted the money and spoke up confused, “What, no tip?”

“Here's a tip: Get a new hairstyle! This isn't the 90s!” Le Chevre and El Topo laughed, as she slammed the door in Keno's face

Keno just frowned, “Jerks!” he turned around and started walking before he stopped and felt his hair, “And the 90s were an awesome time!” he shouted back before continuing on.

Inside, the three operatives were enjoying their pizza, “Mm, C'est magnifique!” Le Chevre said astonished.

“New York pizza is so delicious.” El Topo said, as he finished a slice.

“This was definitely worth coming out here for,” Tigress admitted, “I'm also glad we're not the ones stuck at Countess Cleo's fashion show.”

“I know. Who wants to sit around and watch people strut around all gussied up?” Le Chevre asked.

“Definitely not me.” El Topo replied.

“Well, come on you two. Eat up,” Tigress instructed, “We got a long night ahead of us.” the three continued to enjoy their pizza.

Later on down in the sewer, Team Carmen rendezvoused with the Turtles and the Rainbooms and decided to spend the afternoon relaxing.

In the dojo, Leo and Carmen were sparing, while Twilight, Spike, Sunset, and Shadowsan watched. Carmen was blocking some of Leo's moves, only for Leo to surprise her with a fake out move and knocked her to the floor.

Leo helped the thief up, as she spoke, “Impressive form. Your father taught you well.”

“Thanks, you've definitely got some moves of your own.” Leo admitted.

“Indeed,” Shadowsan confirmed, “Learn from one another as you prepare to face your common enemy.”

“Yes, sir.” Leo confirmed.

Shadowsan turned to the spectators, "And that goes for the rest of you as well."

"Understood." Twilight replied.

Spike spoke to her, "Wow, it's like talking to Master Splinter."

"It sure does." Sunset agreed.

Meanwhile in Donnie's lab, Donnie was at his desk tinkering with stuff with Metalhead helping. A laptop was set up with Player on screen, “I have to say, Donnie, you've made some amazing stuff here.”

“Thanks, Player. Despite still keeping busy I haven't really had the chance to build anything new and useful aside from the portal ray.” Donnie admitted.

“Hey, that anti-gravity calzone maker looks cool,” Player noticed the device set up that shot out a calzone that was floating, before Donnie ate it, “Wish I had that for my room.”

“Well, I could ship you one if you'd like.” Donnie offered.

“Awesome.” the hacker replied.

In the living room, Mikey and Zack were playing videogames with both players getting in the zone, “Oh, yeah, comin' at ya!” Mikey cheered.

“You're going down, Mikey!” Zack said confidently.

Off to the side was Raph and Ivy watching their younger brothers, “Never thought there'd be someone just as lively as Zack.” Ivy said.

“Same for Mikey.” Raph replied.

As Rainbow was kicking it on the sofa next to April and Rarity, while playing with Chompy, she spoke up, “So what do we do now?”

“We need to wait and see when VILE plans to strike next.” April reminded her.

“We do know they're obviously gonna try and go after more mutagen.” Applejack figured.

“Which means they're going to TCRI.” Casey added.

“So all we gotta do is go there before they do.” Pinkie said, before popping in with cupcakes on a tray.

“When is anything ever that easy?” Fluttershy asked her, while taking a cupcake.

“Never.” Raph replied.

“Yes! Yes! Oh yeah!” Mikey cheered, as he beat Zack.

Zack groaned before turning to the party dude, “You win this round, Michelangelo.”

As Leo, Donnie, and the others came to the living room, they saw Keno entering the lair, “Hey, guys!”

“Keno, what up?” Mikey asked, as he went over and they slapped some hands.

“How're you doing, Keno?” Sunset asked.

“I'm ok, Sunset,” Keno answered, before noticed the new faces, “Uh, when did we start inviting strangers here?”

“It's ok, Keno, they're friends.” Leo assured him.

“Wow, you guys really make friends fast.” Keno said in disbelief.

“Well, we don't have to tell you that.” Pinkie reminded him.

“Good point.”

“So who's this?” Ivy asked the turtles.

“That's Keno, he's our friend.” Donnie explained.

“He's also a pizza delivery boy.” Rainbow put in.

Zack gasped before turning to the young man, “You're a pizza delivery boy?”

“Yeah, I know it's the coolest job in the world. Hear it all the time.” Keno answered, “So who's the new entourage?”

“Well, Keno, this is Carmen, Zack, Ivy, and Shadowsan.” Rarity introduced him.

“And do I wanna know how you guys crossed paths?”

“Keno, we got a story to tell you.” Casey said.

So the group filled Keno in on the events of last night and before that, and needless to say Keno was surprised, “Wow. An actual criminal organization is trying to steal mutagen?”

“That's the gist of it.” Carmen replied.

“Sounds like you could use some help. Fortunately, you got me on your side.” Keno boasted.

“What're you gonna do deliver pizzas to VILE?” Ivy joked, making Keno scowl.

“Don't sell Keno short.” Rainbow warned her.

“When he's not delivering pizza, he's dishing out justice as The Night Watcher.” Sunset explained.

“Night Watcher?” Zack asked.

“Oh, yes. Didn't think Jones was the only vigilante, did ya?” Keno smirked.

The group shrugged, as Fluttershy spoke, “So, Keno, how have you been since we last saw each other?”

“Oh, good. Business as usual.” he said, before looking sour.

“Dude, why so sour?” Casey asked.

“I just finished my last delivery for my shift,” Keno began, “And the last delivery was to these three jerks! They didn't even tip me! And this lady insulted my hair! Guess I know how Indigo felt when I cracked wise at her. Though, they did look unusual.”

“Unusual how?” Sunset wondered.

“I'm no Rarity, but I noticed that they weren't dressed in normal clothes,” Keno began, “The lady who sharked me was wearing a black and green jumpsuit with orange tiger stripes.”

Carmen did a double take, “Did she have short blonde hair?”

“Now that you mentioned it, yeah, she did.” He confirmed.

“What about the other two? What did they look like?” the thief continued to question.

“Well, one was tall with dark skin and the other was short and had clawed gloves.”

“Clawed gloves?” Rarity asked, “Definitely not my go to for fashion.”

Leo noticed Carmen looking concerned, as did her team, “Carmen, do you know them?”

“You bet I do. They're VILE agents!” she answered.

“Huh?!” the Turtles and Rainbooms asked in shock.

“Wait a minute,” Keno began, “I just delivered pizza to three operatives of a crime syndicate?”

“It appears that way.” Shadowsan confirmed.

"Wow, guess you really did deliver pizza to VILE after all." Pinkie joked, while the Rainbooms shot her a dry look.

“And they were wearing their usual outfits?” Zack asked in disbelief.

“You'd think they'd learn to dress casually when not on a job.” Ivy said.

“Ok, Carmen, who are those three?” Twilight asked.

“Well, the girl who sharked Keno was Tigress. Let's just say even when I was with VILE we weren't on best terms.”

“And the other two?” April asked.

“The taller one was Le Chevre.”

“As in Goat?” Rarity asked in surprise.

“That's right. He's very good at climbing.”

“And the one with the clawed gloves?” Donnie wondered.

“El Topo or Mole.”

“Let me guess, he's good at digging?” Applejack asked and Carmen nodded.

“It seems the Faculty has sent those three here to obtain more mutagen to make up for the compromised shipment from last night.” Shadowsan said.

“To send all three of them must mean they know they're up against more than us.” Carmen suspected.

“Guess Paper Star informed them of Pinkie.” Ivy said.

“I hate to break this conversation up, but those three aren't the only ones here.” Player spoke up, as they gathered around the laptop.

“Give us the scoop, Player.” Carmen said.

“I just hacked into airport security. And look who else is in the Big Apple.” Player pulled up security footage of Countess Cleo exiting a private plane.

“Countess Cleo.” Carmen squinted her eyes.

Rarity suddenly gasped upon hearing that name, “Wait! Did you say, Countess Cleo?! One of the most esteemed fashion designers in the world?!"

“Uh, yes...” Carmen answered, while disturbed by Rarity's excitable tone.

Rarity squealed with delight while everyone cringed at how loud she was, “I take it you know who she is, Rarity?” Applejack asked.

“Darling, she is one of my fashion idols!!! She is a fashion icon!” Rarity beamed with joy.

“Well, I'm sorry to inform you, Rarity, that your fashion icon works for VILE.” Player explained.

Rarity did a double take, “Wha wha wha WHAT?!”

Carmen nodded, “I'm afraid it's true. In fact, she's a member of the main faculty. And she's a cunning art thief and master of forgery. Not to mention she was failed runway model.”

Rarity started having deep gasps, before grabbing onto Carmen, “Say it isn't so?!” she grabbed the laptop pressing her face close which to Player almost made him fall out of his chair, “Say it isn't so?!” she dropped to her knees and cried out, “OH SOMEONE TELL ME IT ISN'T SO?!”

Shadowsan answered while keeping his usual demeanor, “As someone who was once member of the VILE faculty, I can confirm that it is very so.”

That of course didn't help at all with Rarity, “Of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!” she fainted on the couch, “OH, WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!”

“What a drama queen.” Ivy said to Raph and Rainbow.

“Don't we know it.” Raph replied.

Mikey patted Rarity's shoulder, “I feel yah, girl. I feel yah.”

“So what's the Countess doing in New York? Doesn't seem like this mission is something for her to overlook.” Zack noted.

“Well, there just so happens to be a fashion show in town. And she's got a front row seat to some very expensive gowns.” Player explained, while pulling up images of some very beautiful and expensive gowns.

“Looks like mutagen isn't the only thing on the hit list.” Carmen said.

“And there's more,” Player continued, “Looks like the museum is being loaned a very expensive painting,” he pulled up the image of a painting portraying the garden of Eden behind a bridge, “The Bridge to Paradise.”

“Looks like the Countess is looking for a double steal.” Ivy said.

“And she didn't come alone.” Player added, as the footage played showing Coach Brunt following her.

“Who's the big buff green haired lady?” Mikey asked.

“Milk sure does a body good.” Pinkie said amazed.

“That's Coach Brunt.” Carmen answered bitterly.

“Coach, as in sports?” Casey asked.

“Not the way you think,” Carmen replied, “She's in charge of combat training and physical conditioning. And for awhile was my role model.”

“Role model?” Twilight asked.

Carmen sighed, “Ever since I was brought to VILE Academy, she was always the one who stood up for me whenever I did something questionable or disloyal to anyone at the academy. In fact if not for her I wouldn't have been admitted into it.”

“Sort of sounds like she was like a mother to you.” Fugitoid noted.

“Yeah. She was Mama Bear.” Carmen said, “After I left VILE, she took it hard the most. I didn't see her again until the time Shadowsan revealed his true colors to me.”

“What happened?” Fluttershy asked.

“She tried to bear hug me... to death! And she almost did.”

Everyone gasped, as Applejack spoke, “She tried to crush you?”

“Oh, yeah. And it really hurt.” Carmen admitted.

“With muscles like that I can imagine.” Donnie said.

“It's very uncommon for VILE Faculty members to leave the island,” Shadowsan said, “Only for special reasons.”

“And it can't be coincidence they're plotting three types of heists.” Player added.

“Sounds like a divide and conquer strategy.” Twilight suspected.

“Tigress, Le Chevre, and El Topo steal more mutagen, while she and whoever else steals priceless gowns and a painting.” Carmen mapped it out.

“Looks like we know what we're doing tonight.” Pinkie said.

“But we need to play it right,” Leo began, “We'll have to split up and take them.”

“I volunteer for going after those three agents,” Keno volunteered, “I wanna get in a little payback for those three insulting my style.”

“You won't be able to take them alone.” Ivy warned him.

“She's right. Like Paper Star, those three are no pushovers.” Carmen warned him.

“Then anyone wanting to be my back up?” he asked.

“I'll let Karai know,” Leo said, “She and Shinigami can help us.”

“Might as well alert the Mighty Mutanimals too.” Raph added.

“And Bebop and Rocksteady.” Sunset put in.

“Well, I for one want to follow Countess Cleo,” Rarity said, sounding serious, “And let her know how much she's disappointed an aspiring fashionista whose done nothing but admire her for so long.”

“Ok, team, we got work to do.” Twilight told the group who nodded knowing they were really going to have their hands full.