• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 9,890 Views, 318 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls and the Crimson Thief - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms join forces with the Crimson Thief Carmen Sandiego to foil VILE's newest scheme

  • ...

Stealing from Dragons

In Donnie's lab, the Rainbooms sat the bag of mutagen on the table, “More recovered mutagen.” Rainbow said.

“We'll keep it here with the rest of the recovered stash.” Donnie said.

“That Neal was one slippery guy.” April said.

“Yeah, but even he couldn't have counted on facing girls with telekinesis.” Carmen motioned to April and Twilight who smiled.

“So now that we got the mutagen, can we have that Crognard marathon Mikey promised?” Zack asked, “I love that cartoon.”

“You really need better tastes, bro.” Ivy said.

Player spoke up from Carmen's phone, “Hold off on the marathon, guys.”

“What's up, Player?” Carmen asked.

“I just tapped into street cam footage in the city and look who's on the move?” Player explained as they checked the footage to see the VILE Grad Trio.

“It's them again.” Shini said.

“Where are they off to in such a hurry?” Applejack asked.

“Looking for more mutagen.” Fugitoid deduced.

“Can ya keep a fix on them, Player?” Carmen asked.

“In my sleep.”

“Good. We better hurry.” Carmen told the group.

“Fall out, everyone.” Leo instructed, as they all headed for the surface.

Meanwhile, Stockman who was driving a tanker truck was backing up into an old familiar building, “Ah, my old lab. I can't believe the Purple Dragons took it over. Tigress status?” he spoke into an intercom.

Tigress who was scoping the place out, answered, “Place is vacant. No one's home.”

“Excellent. You guys get in there and get it all set up.”

So Tigress, Le Chevre, El Topo, Paper Star, Neal, and Mime Bomb entered the building with two Robo-Triceratons carrying a long hose. They saw the big vat of mutagen and looked amazed.

“Look at it all.” El Topo gasped.

“Just think about all we could use this for.” Neal said.

Tigress who was still scoping the place out, looked at one of the crates loaded with stuff the Purple Dragons stole, “Hey, boys. What do you think?” she showed off a white tiger skin pelt that she wore like a cape.

“How fitting for you,” Le Chevre admitted, as he looked in a crate to see a pair of goat horns, “Oh, these feel real.” he dropped them.

“These Purple Dragons really need to stash their loot someplace more secure.” El Topo said, as he was holding a taxidermy mole.

“Let's just get this mutagen in before they come home.” Neal said, as the two robot Triceratons connected the hose to a part of the vat.

Tigress spoke into a communicator, “Prepare to transfer mutagen.”

And so mutagen was being drained from the vat through the hose that went directly into the truck tanker outside.

“How long is this gonna take?” Paper Star asked, feeling bored.

“As long as it can,” Tigress replied, “We need all the mutagen we can gather.”

Mime Bomb who was looking outside saw the ninjas coming their way, he quickly mimed a warning to his fellow operatives. When they saw them, they slipped into hiding, as the two robots were still guarding the mutagen transfer.

Suddenly the door rammed open courtesy of Rocksteady, and they looked inside. Zack looked up at the vat, “Whoa. That's a lot of mutagen.”

“Don't wanna go swimming in that.” Ivy added.

“Look who's guarding it.” Sunset motioned to the two robots.

“I don't believe it.” Donnie gasped.

“You weren't kidding, Fugitoid. Robot Triceratons.” Raph said in disbelief.

“Good thing there's only two of them.” Casey said.

“Rock and I can handle them.” Applejack said, as she and the rhino mutant engaged the two Dinosaur robots.

Applejack slid and dodged the smashing fists of one of them, before grabbing it and using her strength lifted it over her. Rocksteady lifted the other one up and the two tossed the robots into each other making them blow up.

“That got them.” Rainbow smirked.

“Let's disconnect this hose before all the mutagen is drained.” Twilight suggested, as they were prepared to stop the draining.

April suddenly felt a vibe, "Guys," she said wearily, "We've got company!"

"LOOK OUT!" Carmen called in alarm.

Everyone dodged as they were almost hit by paper shurikens, "Where did those come from?!" Aria asked.

Donnie picked one up, "Are these weapons made out of... paper?!"

"Oh no!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, as she, Carmen, and Bebop knew who they came from. Bebop quickly activated his invisibility field around him.

"Oh yes!" Paper Star jumped down from on top of some crates, "Nice seeing you again, Pinkie Pie. I see your hair grew back."

"Paper Star," Carmen said, nonchalant, "After the mutagen for VILE?"

"You know us so well, Carmen." Paper Star replied.

"Well, you're gonna have are hard time getting it with us around!" Casey said.

"That's why she's not alone," Tigress leaped down next to Paper Star, with Le Chevre, Neal, and El Topo walking out from behind some crates, "Well, well, well?" She went on. "Carmen Sandiego. I see you brought friends."

"So, these tortues and mademoiselles must be the famous Turtles and Rainbooms that Stockman warned the Faculty about?" Le Chevre guessed.

"Ugh!" Tigress said, in disgust. "They're even uglier and more girly up close!"

"Care to say that to our faces?!" Raph asked, pulling out his sais.

"Cause we'll show just how girly we are!" Rainbow Dash said, aiming her spear.

"And that Nightwatcher guy is here too!" El Topo said, taking notice of Nightwatcher.

“Hey, guys. Shame we have to keep meeting under these circumstances.” Keno answered humorously.

“You had a bunch of mutants last time, but this time we're prepared.” Le Chevre replied, as more Robot Triceratons march inside.

“Great more robot horn heads.” Raph groaned.

“Get them!” Leo called, as the group engaged, while Zack and Ivy took cover.

Leo was fighting one Robot Triceraton, until Paper Star threw her paper shuriken at him. Leo seeing this used his swords to deflect them, while hearing clinging as his swords hit the stars, “Jeez does she turn paper into metal?”

As Pinkie was dodging some of the Robot Triceratons, Neal took notice of her and spoke to the origami girl, “That is the girl you said fought you to a stand still?" Neil asked Paper Star.

“And had exploding sprinkles?" El Topo added.

“Oh yeah, that's her.” Paper Star confirmed.

“Looking at her I have to ask, how is that possible?" Le Chevre said in doubt, until Pinkie suddenly appeared right next to them.

“Oh, I'm full of surprises!"

All the VILE agents, except Paper Star, jumped back and yelped in surprise.

"How'd you do that?!" Tigress asked.

Paper Star just laughed, "Nice trick!" The agents engaged Pinkie, until Mikey jumped in.

“Booyakasha!” he whacked them away with his chucks.

“What did that one just say?” Le Chevre asked.

“Booyakasha.” El Topo answered.

“That doesn't even mean anything!” Tigress said.

“Maybe, but it's fun to yell!” Mikey answered, as he and Pinkie Pie fought them back, before they split up.

Rarity fought against Le Chevre who was jumping from crate to crate avoiding her diamond disks being thrown his way.

Rarity decided to speak in his native tongue, “Voyons si la chèvre peut se battre aussi bien qu’elle peut grimper, chérie. (Let's see if a goat can fight as well as they can climb, darling.)”

Le Chevre answered her back, “Cette chèvre va vous piétiner, mademoiselle. (Well, this goat will be stomping on you, miss.)” he jumped down at Rarity and fought her hand to hand.

As Raph, Casey, and April were fighting against some Robot Triceratons, they noticed Mime Bomb waving their way.

"Wait a second," Raph noticed the silent clown, "Is that... a mime?!"

“That's the same mime Casey and I ran into.” April realized.

Mime Bomb waved at the Ninjas, and Raph, Casey, Rainbow Dash, Keno, and the Dazzlings laughed.

"Seriously," Rainbow said between laughs, "One of the VILE agents is a mime?! What's he gonna do? Trap us in an invisible box?"

"I don't think it's such a good idea to underestimate that mime!" Sunset cautioned, while getting out her kunai.

"Remember what happened when we underestimated the Joker!" Leo noted, and Raph, Casey, and Rainbow Dash instantly stopped laughing.

"Who's the Joker?" Carmen asked, as she landed close to them after escaping an attack from Paper Star.

"An extremely dangerous and very very bad clown, who's not funny!" April stated.

"And we all found that out the hard way!" Twilight added.

"So for all we know..." Mikey started, before Pinkie finished.

"That mime could be THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN ALIVE!!!"

Mime Bomb smiled in flattery and pointed to himself as if to say "Me?" Then, grinning smugly, he stood with his hands on his hips, puffing out his chest in pride. While his fellow agents looked annoyed.

"I don't know who Joker is, but I can assure you, that mime isn't so dangerous," Carmen said, "His only skills are pick pocketing, distracting, and being a tattle tale." Mime Bomb frowned at that.

"So, who is he?" Sonata asked.

Mime Bomb held up a finger prepared to help them learn.

"First word?" Pinkie said, as Mime Bomb pointed to himself. "Uh, your sweater stripes?"

"Your belly?" Mikey guessed.

"You're hungry?" Sonata added.

"Mime?" Mikey said. And Mime Bomb nodded, then he held up two fingers, "Second word?" Mime Bomb made an explosion gesture, "Blowing? Rain?"

"Um, explosion?" Sonata guessed. "Bomb?"

Then suddenly it hit the three and they all announced, "You're, Mime Bomb!" Mime Bomb smiled and pointed, signaling them that they got it right.

“Yeah ya know who he is, just get him already!” Raph shouted in annoyance, as the group attacked the Mime, who mimed himself running away.

“That guy is pitiful.” Aria groaned.

“But not me!” Neal called, as he slid in and bumped Aria away.

“Ok, Eel, this time we're ready for you.” Sonata said seriously.

“We'll see.” Neal answered, as they fought with Neal as always slipping around.

Neal was so caught up in slipping around and feeling confident, he didn't feel something trip him from behind, and could've sworn he heard a pig snort.

Tigress and Carmen were engaging hand to hand with Carmen dodging her opponents claws, “Shinigami told me she gave you quite the run around.” Carmen smirked.

“I'll claw you, like I did her cape!” Tigress attacked Carmen before knocking her to the floor, “Only this time, I'm going for your eyes.”

But just as she was about to strike with her claws, she was suddenly bumped off to the side by something.

"Ah yeah, didn't see me coming, now did yah!" Said a voice.

"Who said that?" Tigress demanded, as she stood up, "Who's there?!" Then she was shoved again, causing her to crash into El Topo and Le Chevre.

"Ha ha ha!" Bebop appeared in front of them, "What up, VILE homies!"

"Aah! A warthog?!" Tigress exclaimed in surprise.

"That's right," Bebop said. "Long time no see, Tigress! Still pickin' on Black Sheep, I see."

"What?!" Tigress gasped.

"Uh, do you know him?" El Topo asked her.

"Yeah she does," Bebop confirmed, "And so do all of you."

"Sorry, but I'm afraid we not familiar with any warthogs." Le Chevre said with a scowl.

"Get him!" Tigress ordered.

The three attacked as Bebop dodged with his dance moves and fired the lasers from his belt.

"You know, your moves do remind me of someone." El Topo admitted as he tried to slash Bebop with his claws.

"Yeah, you'd remember that after I beat you in that dance off, back in the academy!" Bebop said, while he spun around El Topo and knocked him away with a backward spin kick. Then he started dodging attacks from Le Chevre.

"I don't remember El Topo ever losing a dance off to a warthog?" He said.

"Like I told Black Sheep, I wasn't a warthog back then." Bebop explained, and blasted Le Chevre with his energy mohawk.

Tigress leaped at Bebop to land a kick, but the thief activated his cloaking field and vanished. Tigress landed and looked around before Bebop appeared next to her and bumped her, causing her to stumble back and sit on a crate, and a farting noise went off. Tigress gasped, then reached down and pulled up a whoopie cushion.

Bebop burst out laughing, "I still got it! Ha ha ha!"

Carmen couldn't help but laugh too, "Gets me every time!" Zack, Ivy, Mikey, and Pinkie laughed along.

Tigress growled and popped the cushion with her claws, "Who are you?!"

"Don'tcha remember?" Bebop asked, "Dr B's favorite student, best dancer in the academy? Number 1 in style?"

"Will you stop being cryptic and just tell us!" Le Chevre yelled, as he and El Topo stood up.

"Okay, maybe this will give you a hint," He did a quick spin and struck a pose. "Hee heee!"

All the VILE agents froze in shock. As they all finally realized who he was, especially Tigress, "Oooh, nooooo!" She cried in shock, "You've got to be kidding me?!"

"Anton Zeck?!" El Topo exclaimed in surprise.

"Monsieur Zeck?!" Le Chevre added in equal surprise.

"Zeck?!" Paper Star said, her eyes wide.

"Anton Zeck?!" Neal exclaimed, while Mime Bomb made a gasping face.

"That's right, fools, it's me!" Bebop laughed. "Crime School Reunion baby! Ha ha ha! At least it'd be complete if Crackle were here."

Carmen noticed the shocks on the VILE Operatives faces, "Aw, don't feel too bad," she told her former classmates, humorously, "I didn't recognize him at first either."

"And guess what?" Bebop went on, "I finally got a codename! Call me... Bebop!"

"Bebop?" Le Chevre responded dryly. "Really?"

"Yeah, I hated that name too," Bebop admitted, "But it surprising grew on me."

"I am so confused!" El Topo stated, still dumbfounded.

Bebop smiled amusingly, until a voice shouted, “YOOOOUUUU!!!" Bebop and Carmen looked back at Tigress. The VILE was grinding her teeth and panting in rage.

Bebop grinned, remembering that face, "What's a matter, Tigress? Are yah still mad at me for all those pranks I pulled on you?"

Tigress roared and lunged at Bebop, her claws outstretched. But the mutant warthog dodged and her claws smashed a crate to splinters.

"We'll take that as a huge yes." Carmen stated.

"Well, in my defense, I only pulled those pranks on you was cause you treated everybody like dirt! Especially Black Sheep here!" Bebop noted.

Tigress didn't care, as she continued to fight Bebop who dodged, before spinning around her, grabbed and dipped her, “Hey, I always did find ya to be the prettiest operative at the academy.”

Tigress growled, as she tried to claw at his snout, but he dropped her to the floor and jumped aside landing next to Carmen.

“Well, tonight just got interesting,” Tigress said, “We get to take out two traitors to VILE.” She and her fellow operatives surrounded the two who stood back to back.

"So, you take the ones on the right, I'll take the ones on the left?" Carmen inquired.

"You got it, Black Sheep!" Bebop said, the two took off with Bebop attacking Tigress, Le Chevre, and Neal, while Carmen took Paper Star, El Topo, and Mime Bomb.

"Shouldn't we help them?" Rarity asked, in concern.

"Nyet," Rocksteady said, "Is best we let old classmates have this one!"

“Plus we still got Robot Triceratons to deal with.” Donnie reminded them, as he dodged one of the robots.

As the ninjas were busy dealing with VILE and the robots, Zack and Ivy snuck around before reaching the hose connected to the mutagen vault.

“Come on, before we're spotted.” Ivy said, as they turned off the hose and pulled it out of the vat.

Zack looked at the vat, “Thank goodness there's still a lot more in there.”

“Let's just hope they didn't get enough.” Ivy replied.

During the fight, Mikey, Pinkie, and Sonata were watching Mime Bomb performing.

"Mikey/Pinkie/Sonata!" Raph, Applejack, and Adagio called.

"Oh, right!" The three said and kicked Mime Bomb aside.

April used her telekinesis to lift up Neal, when she sensed something, "Look out!"

Everyone barely missed some Kraang blasts and turned to see the Purple Dragons with their Kraang weapons.

"Well, look what we have here?" Fong said.

"Looks like we got some trespassers!" Tsoi added, noting Carmen and the VILE agents.

"Yeah, along with the Ninjas!" Sid pointed at the Turtles and Rainbooms.

One of the female members named Lisa looked at Mime Bomb, "Is that a mime?"

“Looks like the Dragons have come home.” Casey said.

“So what's going on here?” Fong demanded.

Twilight spoke up nervously, “Hi, would you believe we're trying to stop these secret agents from a crime syndicate called VILE from stealing your mutagen vat?”

“What?” Tsoi asked in confusion.

“Steal our mutagen?” Sid asked.

“No one steals from the Purple Dragons!” one member called, as he readied his blaster.

The ninjas and VILE agents watched, as they readied their weapons, until Leo spoke to the agents, “Desperate times call for desperate measures. Truce?”

Tigress scowled, and answered with reluctance, “Until we're out of this situation.”

“Agreed.” Leo confirmed, as both groups teamed up.

The Purple Dragons started shooting at them with the blasters, as the heroes and agents scattered. As El Topo used his gloves to disarm two Purple Dragons of their blasters, he noticed the tech, “Mm, Dr. Bellum would love these.”

Before another Purple Dragon could attack him, he was kicked aside by Rainbow Dash. El Topo in surprise, answered her, “Gracias.”

“No problem.” Rainbow replied, as they resumed fighting the Dragons.

"You Ninjas and VILE punks are gonna be sorry once our boss get's through with yah!" Fong sneered.

"Oh, your boss," El Topo laughed, "And just what is he going to do?!" He asked, unaware that Hun was standing right behind him.

The Ninjas, Carmen, and the other VILE agents noticed him though. The thief and the agents stared at the big turtle in shock, while a terrified Mime Bomb slid behind a crate to hide.

"Oh... my!" Carmen breathed in horror.

“Whoa.” Zack and Ivy gasped.

"Uh, El Topo?" Le Chevre pointed.

El Topo turned around and stared up at Hun, "Dos mios!" Was all he said, before Hun punched him right into Le Chevre.

Tigress growled and leaped at Hun with her claws out, but the turtle grabbed her, and smashed her into two crates and onto the ground before he spin-kicked her into the crate Mime Bomb was hiding behind exposing him.

"Turtles and Rainbooms!" Hun greeted. "How nice of you to drop by. And I see you brought some new friends. Good!" He pounded his fists, "Cause you're all next!"

"Who, what, are you?!" Carmen asked in shock.

"You may call me, Hun!" The big turtle roared and charged at them.

"Scatter!" Leo called, as they all narrowly avoided Hun's fists.

Hun while trying to smash through the ninjas and Rainbooms ended up taking out the Robot Triceratons, “At least this clears our robot problem.” Mikey told Donnie, as the two dodged some more blasts from the Purple Dragons.

“Yeah, now we gotta deal with trigger happy thugs!” Donnie replied in fright.

Karai and Shini started to take out the dragons weapons, while avoiding Hun attacking them, “And I thought we could've cleared this up before they got back.” Karai told Shini.

“Eh, what can ya do?” she replied.

As Hun was ready to attack the two, "Hey, tortuga!" Hun looked back to see El Topo pulling out a pair of red nunchucks, "Let's dance!" He called, swinging them around.

Hun just laughed, "This will be fun!" El Topo ran at him, swinging the chucks, while trying to land a hit, but Hun dodged each strike before he grabbed the chucks in one hand and punched the VILE agent back, "Impressive. But this is how you nunchucku!" Then Hun began swinging the chucks around, from one hand to another, very swift and skillfully, while making his karate hoots before he ended with a pose.

Mikey and Pinkie Pie dropped their weapons in pure shock. Who knew Hun was so good at Nunchucks?

El Topo was shocked too, but he grabbed a crowbar and rushed at Hun again, trying to land a hit, but the big turtle deflected the hits with the chucks and landed a few hits of his own. Then disarmed the agent and nailed him in the gut with a kick.

Hun turns to everyone else, "Who else wants- ugh!" Hun was cut off, as he suddenly tensed up and dropped the chucks before he slowly tilted down and landed on the floor with a loud thud, unconscious.

Everyone looked to see Shadowsan had knocked out Hun, the same way he did to Coach Brunt, by pinching a nerve in his neck.

"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Shadowsan is awesome!"

"Oh, you know it!" Zack agreed.

“It seems I joined in just in time.” Shadowsan looked around.

“Great, more intruders.” Fong groaned.

Several Purple Dragons engaged Shadowsan hand to hand, but the former Faculty member made quick work of them.

While the fighting continued, Mime Bomb tried to karate chop Raph who he felt was a perfect target, but the turtle whipped around and grabbed the mime by the sweater.

"Was that the best you got?" Raph asked rhetorically. Mime Bomb pulled out a remote control, "And just what is that supposed to do?"

Mime Bomb pushed a button and a loud explosion went off, taking everyone by surprise, "Mime Bomb," Tigress said in anger, "Did you just set off the explosives we planted earlier?!"

Mime Bomb grinned sheepishly.

"Wait, explosives?!" Carmen asked in shock.

But before anyone had time to question that further, another explosion went off, and Sunset, who was standing close by, was knocked down by the shockwave. But that also caused her to accidentally throw her kunai. Sunset looked up and saw it hit the glass of the mutagen tank putting a crack in it. And to her horror, she saw that Tigress, Le Chevre, and El Topo were standing right in front of it and hadn't noticed.

"Get away from that tank!" Sunset exclaimed to the three in a panic.

"And why should we?" Tigress asked.

But then the three agents heard a cracking noise and turned around just as the glass burst and the mutagen spilled all over them!

"NOOOOOOO!" Sunset cried.

Everyone was in shock.

"GET BACK!" Donnie shouted at anyone too close to back away from the spilled mutagen.

The three VILE agents were on the ground screaming and raving in agony, "IT BURNS! IT BURNS!" El Topo wailed in pain.

"What's happening to them?!" Carmen asked.

"They're mutating!" Mikey exclaimed.

Soon the three stopped screaming as the mutagen dripped off. When everyone saw what had happened to them, they gasped in shock.

"Oh... no!" Carmen said, her eyes wide.

"Sweet mercy!" Neal said.

"What?" Tigress asked.

"Uh, Tigress..." Paper Star began.

"What is it?!" Tigress demanded.

Mime Bomb took out a large mirror from one of the crates and showed the agents their reflection. El Topo had mutated into a mole. Le Chevre into a goat. And Tigress had become a white tiger.

"No..." Tigress breathed in horror. "NOOOOOOOO!!!"

Le Chevre screamed. "My face! My beautiful face!"

"We are - monsters!" El Topo cried.

"Well, this just took an unexpected twist." Pinkie stated.

Tigress growled, before looking at Sunset, “You did this!”

Sunset backed away in shock, until Fugitoid took a stand, “Excuse me? Your operative was the one who set off the explosives!”

“I will maim you all!” Tigress was ready to pounce, until Mikey spoke up.

“Hold up. Now that you three are mutants, ya need names.”

“What do you mean 'we need names'?” Tigress asked in confusion.

“We have names, merci beaucoup!” Le Chevre crossed his arms.

“And they're awesome names! But you three are mutants now, so you need mutant names. And I just so happen to super good at namin' our mutant friends and enemies!”

“What do you have in mind?” El Topo asked, only for his two mutated partners to give him a dry look, “I was just asking!”

“Hmm?” Mikey pointed to Le Chevre, “Amok!” he pointed to El Topo, “Dirtbag!” he finally pointed at Tigress, “And Tigress Claw!”

“Dirtbag?!” El Topo asked feeling insulted.

“Tigress Claw?” Tigress asked in confusion.

“I'm not that impressed with Amok.” Le Chevre answered.

“Forget the names, let's bolt.” Bebop answered, as he launched some smoke bombs allowing the ninjas to escape.

“We're out!” Tigress ordered, as the VILE Operatives escaped out the other exit.

They ran by the truck, as Stockman noticed the three new mutants, and was shocked, “What happened?”

“Don't talk, just go!” Tigress ordered, as Stockman drove off dragging the hose as the operatives fled into the city.

Back inside the Dragons base, they looked at all the mutagen on the floor, as Fong spoke, “Somebody get us some mops.”

In the turtles lair, the team was recovering, as Carmen sighed, “I can't believe three of my old classmates are mutants now.”

“Accidental mutations happen to a lot of our enemies.” Donnie explained.

“He's right.” Leo confirmed.

Sunset spoke, “I can't help but feel responsible for what happened.”

“Sunset, it's not like you meant to hit the vat on purpose.” April spoke to her.

“Yeah, if mime boy didn't try to blow the place it wouldn't have happened.” Casey added.

“Besides, maybe having them like that will teach them a lesson not to mess with us.” Zack said confidently.

“Or make them even angrier next time we see them.” Ivy noted.

“And let's not forget they managed to get away with who knows how much mutagen from that vat.” Twilight put in.

“Whatever the case, we all must be ready,” Shadowsan told them, “Because next time who knows what we may be up against.” the ninjas, Rainbooms, and Team Carmen nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile at VILE Academy Island, the faculty were at their seats, until they heard the doors opened. When they saw Neal, Mime Bomb, and Paper Star enter.

“What happened?” Maelstrom asked, as Tigress' voice came from the back, with El Topo and Le Chevre following.

“The mission to eliminate those Turtles and Rainbooms, along Carmen Sandiego failed!” they came out of the shadows, revealing their mutation, “And we're living proof!”

“Oh, my...” Dr. Bellum gasped, as the rest of the faculty were surprised.

“What it in blue blazes?” Coach Brunt asked in shock.

Countess Cleo covered her mouth in surprise, as Maelstrom asked, “How?”

“Well, aside from certain someone's explosion!” Le Chevre glared at Mime Bomb who smiled sheepishly, “One of those Rainboom girls broke the vat of mutagen, and it spilled all over us!”

“Mutating us into this.” El Topo sighed.

Dr. Bellum left her seat and walked over to the trio inspecting them, “Fascinating! A physical form of mutation. Mutagen is much more intriguing then I thought!”

“Intriguing? Look at us!” Tigress growled.

“Oh... you don’t look... that bad.” Neal tried to be nice.

“Excuse-emoi?” Le Chevre asked, “I don't want to be a goat!”

El Topo looked himself over, “You know, I kinda like being a mole,” the other two glared at him, “Not that I don't want to be human again!”

“Aside from this mishap, what about the mutagen?” Maelstrom inquired.

“We got more than half of what the vat contained, and according to Stockman it may just be enough.” Tigress explained.

“Excellent.” Dr. Bellum replied.

“But we also ran into an old acquaintance of ours that left vile long before Black Sheep did.” Le Chevre noted.

“And who might that be?” Countess Cleo inquired.

“Dr. Bellum's former prized student.” El Topo began, as Tigress answered.

“Anton Zeck!”

The Faculty members were taken aback, having not heard that name in so long. But Dr. Bellum was by far more shocked than anyone else.

“Anton.” she whispered.

Author's Note:

Plenty of dialogue and the images provided by Jeb. And two of the names MIkey suggested, Amok and Dirtbag were names of characters from the 80s Ninja Turtles cartoon.