• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 4,618 Views, 347 Comments

Tails of Innocence - CommanderX5

Half a century before Nightmare Moon’s return, a three-tailed fox is teleported to another continent, away from those who wish her harm. Will she find acceptance and help Celestia save her sister? Or will her instincts get better of her?

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Chapter 4 - Growing Appetite

Tails of Innocence


Chapter 4
Growing Appetite

35 Years before Nightmare Moon’s Return

... I cherish your name and welcome you to my heart. Let me be your tool so I may fulfil your will, Kyuubi spoke telepathically to herself, kneeling on the balcony while looking at the sky, now taking up much more space than her past little self. I… I apologize. Kyuubi held her head low apologetically. I live a happy life and receive so much, yet I don’t give much in return. I’m deeply sorry. Kyuubi whimpered, holding her forepaws together in a pleading gesture. If this is in your will, help me find a way to be helpful, to use my talent for good deeds. P-pretty please...

A mix of excitement and adrenaline filled her body as Kyuubi ran through an obstacle course in the barracks, more specifically the unicorn guards’ training ground. Her paws made repetitive contact with the mud as she looked at the road ahead.

A few wooden walls to climb already hurt by just looking at them. Numerous one-meter-high obstacles to jump over, and the cream atop this cake of struggle in the form of rounded objects to walk through, all that while under continuous fire.

Drops of sweat fell down her entire body, her fur wet and her breathing rapid. She grit her teeth and jumped, climbing up the sloped surface. Once on top, she concentrated, healing her hurting paws while recovering the sharpness of her claws.

“Guard up!”

Kyuubi looked at her instructor, a unicorn drill sergeant whose pretrial uniform had red emblems showing his higher rank. Not wasting a moment she concentrated, her fourth tail rose as a rounded silvery shield formed on her side, deflecting a beam of magic. Not that she could even call it an offensive spell as the reflected attack barely scratched a nearby wooden wall. She rolled her eyes as even the drill sergeant was ordered to be extra gentle with her.

After three failed attempts to climb walls, and a few face-in-the-mud landing during her over-obstacle-jumps, she ran towards the officer. She stopped and saluted, barely standing on her trembling paws.

“Solid performance, Miss Kyuubi. You cut down your best time by two seconds today while deflecting three more attacks than usual.”

Kyuubi showed a toothy smile despite being covered by mud from top to bottom. She already knew that her physical performance was clumsy at best, and terrible at worst, but she didn’t care. The obstacle course was made for unicorns who were much faster than her and had superior stamina. Despite being taller than an average mare as the top of her head was at height of sergeant’s muzzle, she knew that no magic boosted the strength and speed in her body, and she was fine with it.

The unicorn glanced at a piece of paper and smiled. “According to the morning report, your shield’s durability test shows two percent improvement. Even your levitation is now three tons ten kilogram strong. I am impressed.”

If not for mud, one would spot a blush on her proud face. She glanced at her fourth tail and patted it. Ever since it grew during her self-defense training three month ago, not only was her raw power nearly doubled, but she had started making extreme progress at improving her defensive magic. Yet another speciality to her short list.

To make things better, the sergeants had stopped yelling at her. No more sleepless nights due to stress and drumming in her ears.

“I heard Princess Celestia prepared a surprise for you in two hours.”


“Since you’ll be ending your training regimen earlier today…”

Her ears perked up.

“I’ll increase the difficulty to make up for it. No time for breaks.”

Her ears dropped. She was sooo going to heal her burning muscles over and over today.

While most animals wouldn’t think the same, she looked forward to today’s bath, getting all the mud and dirt from her now chocolate-like body. Even better, Celestia had approved her for a spa session. Brushing, grooming and a massage, were certainly the best cure after her intense training. She felt an ongoing pain in her tails, one she couldn’t heal as she pushed usage of her magic more than ever before.

As she looked at the drill sergeant who bid her farewell, something worrying caught her attention. She sniffed intensively the appetizing smell and licked her lips as an alarming amount of saliva gathered inside her mouth. More primal parts of her brain wondered ’how would this tall well-built unicorn stallion taste?’

She could see an aura of magic around the stallion, which she didn’t see before, while her instincts suggested she sink her teeth into that whistle-cutie-mark on that fat flank.

“Is something on my face?”

Kyuubi shook her head and smiled awkwardly. She turned around and ran, hoping an apple or carrot would appease her newfound appetite. Once in a chariot pulled by two pegasi guards, she opened a lunchbox and ate a hayandwich and two apples, yet it didn’t make the two pegasi look any less tasty.

With nothing to do but to endure, she thought back to her other training sessions. As she grew older over the years, she started experiencing this new feeling of hunger, which became more intense the more magic she exhausted.

Wait… my magic… Using the scanning spell she had learned from Doctor Aid, she calculated her reserves. Thirty percent? I don't remember my magic ever going this low. It must be due to the overly intense nature of today’s training.

She gulped. So the less magic was left in her, the stronger was her appetite for pony flesh. This wasn’t good. I need to isolate myself from ponies until my magic recovers… after the spa of course. My mentor would get suspicious if I skipped my appointment.

“Thank you for gathering in such high numbers, my dearest subjects. I have an announcement I was hoping to make public for years now,” Celestia said from the castle's balcony, one reserved for public speeches. She heard cheers from gathered ponies as some more excited pegasi flew above the crowd. A few guards patrolled the area in case the crowd stepped out of line.

“I am sure there are already many rumors about me having a fox-like pet, and I wish to address them.” Hearing murmurs, she stepped to the side and gestured with her hoof. “I would like to introduce a four-tailed fox, Kyuubi the Kitsune, my personal student.”

She maintained her usual mask of authority, though satisfied by surprised expressions and gasps. “Kyuubi, please come out and greet everypony… Kyuubi?” Upon noticing that her student stood like a rock, no doubt from stage-fright, she lit her horn, teleporting her student to her side.

Celestia looked at her student in pride. To think that I took her in when she was so small, holding her on my wing, and now look at her. All grown up and mature. She looked back at the crowd, hearing happy and encouraging cheers and a few remarks involving words: cute and fluffy.

One glance at plate-sized eyes and opened mouth caused her to mentally chuckle. Oh Kyuubi, if only you could see the look on your face. Priceless. She blinked in confusion, noticing a high amount of saliva drop onto the platform of the balcony.

Bunnybandage, a male earth pony with bandaged bunny as his cutie-mark stared back in confusion at his new visitor. Before him on the other side of the desk stood a fox with four tails, the freshly announced student of the princess. Despite thinner limbs, she was as tall as him. Instead of normal speech or animal noises, she spoke to him in his mind, certainly the weirdest thing in his long career, though part of him wished other animals could do the same, allowing him to understand them better.

By his speciality he would expect her to be his patient, but… “I believe I misheard you, ma’am. Are you really offering me your assistance at nursing my patients?”

You heard me right, good sir, Kyuubi raised her forepaw to her chest, her head raised pridefully. I specialize in healing and defensive magic. Now that princess introduced me to everyone… She cleared her throat and corrected herself, ...everypony, I wish to show some initiative.

“I understand… I think,” Bunnybandage said, forcing a smile. His mind still struggled with this concept, especially when the healer was a predator. He needed to keep an eye on her, especially around mice and bunnies. “I suppose I can accept your assistance, but only under my supervision. How much do you charge, Miss Kyuubi?”


“How much for your services?” Seeing as the large fox tilt her head to the side, he asked, “How many bits will it cost me for your help?”

Bits, cost? You take rewards for healing animals?

“And you don’t?”

I’m here to help you, you poor little beings. You have nothing to fear, Kyuubi reassured the animals, remembering Celestia’s attempt to calm her down in a similar manner. Thanks to the veterinarian's reassurance, most animals became fine with her presence, especially dogs, but hamsters, bunnies and cats withdrew to corners of the room, wary of her every move. Birds that didn’t have broken wings observed her from the higher ground.

It didn’t help that telepathically speaking to multiple creatures caused great strain on her mind in the form of a strong headache, one she struggled to hide. To make matters worse, her method of communication freaked them out even more.

Receiving an encouraging hoof gesture from Bunnybandage, she nodded, charging magic into her third tail. One bandaged injury here, one broken leg there, and in mere seconds dogs, snakes and other animals recovered, a show of her improvements at healing magic. Her actions seemed to calm down more of the scared animals which started approaching her, one at a time.

“W-what just happened?”

Kyuubi smiled at the veterinarian. There was something enjoyable about seeing ponies’ surprise whenever she used holy magic.

She gulped, resisting the urge to lick the stallion as her magic reserves dropped to half after today’s training. Even after an entire week, a memory of thousands of delicious ponies gathered before her still haunted her mind, something she wasn’t going to forget anytime soon.

Kyuubi looked back at the table, or rather at the brown fluffy bunny who pulled its broken leg. Next to the bunny stopped a hamster who exposed the bandage wrapped around a cut-off part of its tail. Both animals trembled, no doubt struggling to overcome their fears in hope she wouldn’t hurt them.

This was it, the top reason why she even came here. Not that she wasn’t interested in healing all those little cuties, something she strongly missed since times she assisted at the church, but she still had an ulterior motive.

She raised her forepaw. Stay still. I’ll heal your tail no problem, Kyuubi said as she moved her forepaw over the terrified hamster, pressing it against the cut-off tail before the critter retreated. Her third tail flashed with magic. And done. She raised her paw, freeing the hamster who ran away in panic, only to look at its renewed tail. It turned around and ran over, nuzzling her paw cheerfully.

Kyuubi lowered her muzzle and licked the hamster, her tongue touching its fur, yet she didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary. According to the book, foxes hunt all sorts of critters, hamsters and bunnies included, yet I still can’t feel any desire to eat them.

She turned to the bunny, who now stared back at her with hopeful eyes, certainly not a stare bunnies ever show to their predators. Kyuubi smiled at her patient before gently touching the broken leg with her paw, her third tail flashing in power. She withdrew her forepaw as the bunny started moving her bandaged paw without difficulty, following up with a cheerful dance.

Kyuubi lowered her muzzle close to the bunny, staring intensely at it, hoping her instincts would tell her that it was tasty and worth eating, yet it didn’t come. She licked the bunny’s cheek, who in turn licked the tip of her muzzle, yet the bunny’s taste didn’t seem to be anything special. Oh come on!

She glanced between animals that foxes eat and the stallion, and her ears drooped. Her fears have been proven true. It wasn’t the meat that her body desired, it was the magic. This isn’t fair! Whenever she looked at a pony, at her mentor, or even at Philomena whenever her magic reserves were low, she saw potential prey, but no mice or bunny caught her interest. Not that she needed to hunt and eat magical creatures in order to survive as her primary tail allowed her to feed on vegetables, fruits and sweets, but the desire was still there.

“I must say, I am in shock. Your healing capabilities are incredible. Who even taught you this? Can you teach this to others?”

Kyuubi woke up from her thoughts and smiled. Father Rodrigo taught me, but first I was blessed by God during a judging ritual. She rubbed her arm nervously while looking to the side. I’m not sure I can share this blessing with anyone, though.

“God?” Bunnybandage asked. “Are you saying this isn’t just advanced healing magic, but a divine blessing?”

Kyuubi nodded, noticing a mixture of curiosity and doubt on the veterinarian’s face. Now that she thought about it, she was a church's representative in this land, it was her duty to share her faith, whenever it would be accepted or not. But before she would fulfill her duty, she needed to perform one final test. She stretched her head closer to the pony, assaulting his muzzle with a quick lick. Stars sparkled in her eyes as the taste she just felt surpassed any frosting or ice cream.

The stallion blushed, looking to the side.

Kyuubi shook her head and mentally cursed, stomping in annoyance. Her fear that she may have been a predator with a taste for magical creatures had been proven true, and to make matters worse, she now lived in a capital filled with magical creatures while being a student of the very ruler, the most magical pony of them all. Irony wasn’t lost on her as it had to be life's biggest and most cruel joke.

Her sad mood was interrupted as she felt the bunny’s paws climb up her shoulder and felt soft fur nuzzle her cheek. Wanting to distract herself, she gently picked up the bunny similar to how Timothy had often held her, and with a gentle movement of her forepaw, she rubbed its soft belly. Note to myself, do bunny-hugging therapy whenever feeling extremely stressed.

Celestia didn’t remember how long it had been since she was in this room, recognizing the tapestry filled with her own cutie mark. A few shelves filled with various awards and trophies were difficult to ignore. She sat on a soft cushion in front of a principal's desk, keeping on her usual authoritative mask as she looked back at the principal himself.

While she was a founder of a school for gifted unicorns, interacting with EEA more often than she would like to, her personal involvement in the way it was run was limited.

Yet here she was, only a week after publicly announcing Kyuubi as her personal student, certainly not a scenario she predicted.

“Your Highness, while I understand that you would withhold this information from the populace for so long, I feel a bit wounded that you did not inform me. This very facility would have aided in Kyuubi’s education if you gave it a chance,” said the principal, a unicorn pony in his late fifties with a grey mane and cobalt blue coat. He made sure to correct the bowtie on his suit before sitting down on the chair. Headmaster Lightstar had been one of the few ponies who she could talk to as a friend rather than a subject due to their relationship. While never her own apprentice, he was quite determined to get as much help from Celestia during his days learning in the same academy he now was in charge of. Therefore, there was a certain level of trust between the two.

Celestia nodded, failing to stop blush from appearing on her face. Despite her centuries-long wisdom, she was still making mistakes, and not taking advantage of the school she founded herself certainly was among her bigger ones.

Still, how would other fillies and colts react to Kyuubi? Sending a three years old fox-kitsune to public education seemed too extreme, especially considering the fragility of her body. One misfiring spell would be enough to end her life.

Now Kyuubi was eighteen years old, yet size-wise she was almost as big as a tall stallion, which would no doubt intimidate the kids.

Steeling her nerves, the princess spoke up, “At first Kyuubi was too young and needed to mature, and years later I focused heavily on teaching her protective spells and appointed her to train for self-defense in the barracks.” She lowered her head. “Still, I should’ve put education in this school into consideration. I deeply apologize for this oversight.”

“Water under the bridge, Your Highness. Now that Kyuubi’s standing as your personal student is publicly established, it would be most wise to appoint her to this school.” The principal levitated over a stack of papers, checking them in mid-interest. “The new semester starts in three months. While it would be most unusual to allow a different species in, not to mention there are some traditionalists who would argue about it, we can make special arrangements.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “I admire your enthusiasm, Principal, but you do realize that Kyuubi is now an eighteen years old, one and half a meter tall, multi-tailed fox. Different species aside, her size alone may be intimidating for fillies and colts.”

The unicorn waved his hoof dismissively. “Please don’t underestimate our students, Your Highness. Most of them can easily disarm an aggressive animal, thus they do not feel intimidated by them.”

“Kyuubi isn’t aggressive, quite the opposite,” Celestia said, thinking back to the peaceful and huggable piece of white fluff. Tall or not, she’s still young and innocent inside.

“I don’t doubt that. Furthermore, we have developed a spell that can alter appearance based on the age spell. In your student’s case it will make her more approachable.”

“Age spell? Casting it requires a very high amount of magic and is very difficult to master even for the strongest unicorns. Should I assume that this alternative is less draining,” Celestia said, giving the principal a curious look.

“But of course. With proper enhancement and diligent months-long practice, your student should be capable of casting it on herself, assuming she’s gifted with magic.”

The princess rubbed her foreleg nervously, an action unnoticed by the principal. Her student was gifted with magic, that was certain, but Kyuubi’s tails provided her with specific specializations. Learning a spell outside of holy and defensive magic would come with great difficulty.

“Of course if your student should prove incapable, you can cast this spell on her with the proper enhancements. While this spell is much easier to cast on oneself, it shouldn’t be a problem for a powerful alicorn such as yourself.”

Celestia nodded as a question crossed her mind. “Considering the intense research in the field of magic, do you or any other teacher know a defensive spell that is capable of improving one’s durability for a long period of time?” She raised forehoof on her chest. “Neither guards, nor I possess knowledge of such a spell.”

Principal Lightstar smirked. “I am not surprised the Royal Guard don’t know of such a spell as it would be too impractical to cast for those with little magic. For the safety of our students we developed a spell that can provide young gifted unicorns with more lasting protection. It is often used during field-trips to somewhat risky locations.”

His horn lit as he enveloped himself in magic, his yellow aura vanishing in an instant. He poked his chest with force behind it. “It is like wearing armor that has no weight and is invisible.” He looked to the side, adding in embarassed tone, “Sadly, it has little durability when compared to magical barriers and shields.”

Celestia smiled cheerfully. What seemed like little durability to ponies was a lot for Kyuubi, whose body was still fragile despite her growing size. While making herself look younger and more approachable would only make her more vulnerable, this magical armor would make up for it.

“I would like to order tutoring for Kyuubi in order to teach her those two spells,” the princess said, causing a prideful smile to appear on the principal's face. “Once she knows them, I shall consider enlisting her into the school. I will also keep a close eye on how other students will react to her.”

“Understandable,” the principal said before glancing at a nearby trophy, this one for a new record at levitated weight, a golden statuette of a unicorn with a boulder raised in its levitation aura. “Furthermore, since you opened yourself to the idea of taking in personal students, Your Highness, would you be interested in taking another one from our school?”

Celestia looked at the ceiling while rubbing her chin. Having two students would allow them to learn from each other, or improve by competing. Maybe Kyuubi would even make a friend. She lowered her head and nodded. “If one of the students of this school shows great potential and possess the determination to improve, please inform me. I will personally look into your recommendations during the openings in my schedule.”

The stallion saluted. “Thank you, Princess. I’ll not disappoint.”

“While I enjoyed our chat and found it to be most productive, I need to return to my duties. Once again, I am sorry.” She lowered her head again apologetically before stepping from the cushion, now going for the exit. Once she finished today’s duties, she had a lot to tell Kyuubi as her education would enter into a new and wonderful phase.

With only an hour before she would need to lower the sun and raise the moon, Celestia entered her bedchamber, expecting a warm welcome from her enthusiastic fluffy student. Seeing Kyuubi’s saddened expression and eyes that seemed sleepless and ready to burst into tears was not what she expected. Some sort of letter was present in Kyuubi’s mouth.

Curious, she levitated over the letter, reading it aloud.

“My Dear Mentor, Princess Celestia.

You gave me a home and meaning to my life when I lost them. I shall forever treasure all you did for me and our time together.

It greatly pains me to ask for it, especially after your recent announcement, but I request for my status as your personal student be removed immediately.”

Celestia felt aching in her heart as she glanced between the depressed kitsune and the letter, wondering if it was but a bad dream.

“I humbly request to be banished from Equestria’s borders, or at the very least banished to a secluded forest or other area away from ponies homes.

Your Faithful Student, Kyuubi the Kitsune.”

The letter dropped from her telekinesis, falling to the floor, as Celestia looked her student dead in the eyes. “Banishment! Why would you request that?”

Because I am a predator. Before Celestia could form a response, Kyuubi continued, And I don’t mean a regular predator that requires meat and would be satisfied with a fish. I’m most certain that I am a predator that feeds on magical beings.

“Magical beings?” Celestia asked, sitting down as her body suddenly felt heavier. She spread her right wing, trying to wrap it around her student, who just stepped out of her range in response.

Living beings in possession of magic, they are my prey. I am a danger to ponies.

Celestia lowered her wing, her mind a mess. Quite a lot has happened recently, from her public announcement to new spells for Kyuubi to learn and opening a spot in her School for Gifted Unicorns. Yet all seemed insignificant in light of Kyuubi’s declaration.

Kyuubi climbed onto the bed, sitting on it while holding her front paws in between her rear paws, her head lowered in shame. In the story that I was told before arriving here, it was mentioned that many powerful mages tried to fight the Ninetales, only for him to break through their strongest defenses and eat them, growing ever more powerful. My kin may be able to eat a variety of food, but beings filled with magic seems to be our main prey. We grow bigger and our magic grows by feeding on them.

“Is that it? Just because your species hunted magical creatures doesn’t mean…”

Celestia was cut off. The more I exhaust my magic reserves, the more delicious ponies look to me! It wasn’t a problem when I was young, but now those instincts seem to surface. After my training sessions in defensive magic I feel a growing desire to eat those around me.

Celestia’s ears drooped. Everything seemed so perfect, and now…

I looked into it. Just today after my training, I offered my assistance at a veterinary clinic. I healed the animals while testing if it wasn’t a desire for meat, yet no mouse , bird or bunny caught my interest. Even Philomena looks tasty whenever I come back from my intense training.

The princess nodded, listening with full attention.

Kyuubi lowered herself, looking up at the princess from her lowered position. As you can see, I need to be banished immediately. I… I deeply apologize for wasting your precious time, Your Highness.

Celestia stood up and approached, taking off a golden horseshoe before gently stroking her student on the head. “Do you really think I would give up on you for this kind of reason?”

Kyuubi whimpered and nodded.

“So as long as you do not overuse your spells and exhaust your magic, you do not feel any desire to hurt anyone?”

I… d-don’t…

“How strong is your desire to eat a pony before you when your magic is exhausted. Are you able to keep it in check?”

W-what does it matter. I need to be…

“Answer my question!” Celestia said more harshly as her heart-beat increased in speed.

N-not that strong. It is very distracting and unpleasant, but even when I had only thirty percent reserves left, I managed to resist. She blushed. Seeing that large crowd of ponies when I still hadn’t recovered was very shocking to me though. I felt as if my stomach was going to kill me.

Celestia nodded, recognizing a more joking tone in Kyuubi’s telepathy. “You do not want to hurt anypony, no matter what. Correct?”

Of course I don’t, which is why I need you to banish me! I would never forgive myself if I hurt someone, and eating another creature, more or less ponies that accepted me would be horrible. I wouldn’t dare to commit such a terrible sin.

The alicorn smiled. She already knew the answer to her questions, but she wanted to hear them. She lowered her muzzle and nuzzled her student’s cheek. “Kyuubi, I have the utmost trust in you and over the years I got to know your good-hearted and peaceful nature, and the fact that you think of others above your own happiness speaks volumes. I only wish you trusted yourself as much as I trust you.”

She could see confusion on her student’s face as some encouragement was in order. Part of her wanted Kyuubi to stay as she was her hope to save her sister, while another part of her wanted to keep the well-being of her subjects and ensure their safety. Deep inside however she had grown attached to her student and enjoyed her company, and she learned to trust Kyuubi and that she would strive to better herself and to be helpful to those in need. There was no doubt in her mind that Kyuubi would resist this temptation.

Still, her student thus far was honest with her. She had told her about Ninetales and the destruction he had brought, despite it painting her species in a bad light and risking her position in an alien land. Many times Kyuubi told her the truth when a lie would’ve been more beneficial, and now instead of hiding her newfound appetite for magical creatures, she admitted to it.

It was only fair that she should be honest with her student and tell her about what happened nearly a thousand years ago, about the corruption and banishment of her sister. She knew Kyuubi well enough now to know that giving her a meaningful role would fill her with motivation, something she needed now.

Celestia stepped onto the bed and placed her large wing over her student, though only managing to cover half of her body. “My dear student, allow me to tell you a story…”