• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 4,617 Views, 347 Comments

Tails of Innocence - CommanderX5

Half a century before Nightmare Moon’s return, a three-tailed fox is teleported to another continent, away from those who wish her harm. Will she find acceptance and help Celestia save her sister? Or will her instincts get better of her?

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Chapter 1 - New Home

Tails of Innocence


Chapter 1
New Home

Celestia gave a mental groan, not from annoyance but boredom as the Day Court continued as usual. Two guards stood in front of the stairs leading to the throne, her flank perched on a soft cushion for hours while her golden regalia rested on her body. Ahead of her, she saw a seemingly endless line of ponies seeking an audience with her.

Not that she didn’t like talking with her little ponies and listening to their problems, but after a few centuries, most of the topics and pleas became repetitive. To make matters worse, she could already tell that more than half of her talks today would be mostly unproductive. At least a third of present petitioners she recognized as stuck-up nobility, which would either waste her time with praise or have selfish and silly demands.

She maintained her usual cheerful mask, smiling at her subjects out of practice, only to notice a Royal Guard fly over the crowd. A little light of hope flared inside her as she focused her attention on the approaching guard, wondering what kind of distraction he’d provide her.

“I apologize for interrupting, Your Highness. Permission to report,” said pegasus guard as he took off his helmet and knelt before the throne while nearby petitioners glanced at him curiously.

“Granted,” Celestia said, listening with full attention while maintaining her stoic mask. She didn’t expect any great danger or crisis as the past century was very peaceful, but something out of ordinary that would add variety to her predictable life. “And please, stand up.”

The royal guard stood up, holding his helmet close to his chest. “We… we found an intruder in the Royal Garden. A fox with three tails.”

“An animal intruder in the garden? I can hardly call it… wait, three tails,” Celestia said, blinking in confusion. Three tails? Either my memory isn’t as it used to be, or I never encountered or heard of a creature such as this. With her curiosity piqued, she gestured with her cladded hoof. “Go on.”

“This creature… it was screeching in pain. When we arrived, it had a deep wound and had lost a lot of blood,” the guard said as his ears drooped.

Celestia’s eyes opened wide as she moved her head a little back while a few petitioners looked at each other in worry and whispered. Regaining her composure, the princess asked, “Did you provide this fox with medical assistance?”

The royal guard looked to the side. “Well… here’s the odd part. This fox healed its wounds in an instant.”

Her eyebrows raised themselves upon hearing this. Healed in an instant? Magic is capable of many feats, but healing is always the hardest. Even the most skilled unicorns with talent in healing can’t fix serious injuries this quickly.

As the princess remained silent, the guard continued, “To be more precise, we saw one of its tails surrounded by what I assume was a magical aura, and the wound was gone several seconds later, not leaving any marks on its fur.” He took a deep breath. “We assumed it was something we should inform you of immediately.”

Celestia nodded, her interest at its peak. “Thank you for informing me about this immediately. Is this fox still in my garden?”

The guard nodded. “My partner Lightbreeze is keeping an eye on it. I doubt it will try to escape, considering how exhausted it seems. Your orders?”

Interested in meeting a creature with such healing capabilities, she spread her wings and spoke authoritatively, "My loyal subjects, I must apologize, but I'm afraid Day Court shall be adjourned early today. Please return tomorrow should I find myself open again."

She ignored the disappointed murmurs as the ponies started leaving the throne room, thinking, I hope my secretary won’t be too upset about sudden changes in my schedule. She concentrated as a golden aura surrounded her horn. In a flash of light, she vanished, reappearing at the gated entrance of her garden.

Spreading her majestic wings, she flew up, not remembering the last time she used them in such a manner. Part of her felt pleasant freedom, breaking her routine for the first time in years, allowing herself to enjoy the breeze herself. No pegasi pulling her in a chariot, but stretching her wings for a change."

It didn’t take long before she caught a glimpse of her guard, flapping her wings at a steady pace as she descended towards him.

“Your Highness!”

“Please, don’t kneel,” Celestia said in advance as she walked forward, her cladded hooves making contact with the grass. From the corner of her eye, she noticed the nearby towers and walls of her castle with a little metal fence separating the garden from other areas. Ahead of her, she could see bushes with white lilies and a few trees.

She focused her attention on a curled figure in between a tree and a bush. Its fur was as white as the surrounding lilies. This poor creature hid its paws and most of its body behind three fluffy tails.

“Wait…are you wearing a collar?” Celestia bypassed her guard, slowing down as the fox seemed wary of her. “Please, do not be afraid, little one. Nopony is going to hurt you.” Calling it a little one indeed seemed appropriate as she examined the fox’s size, which seemed to be around a half-sized teen aged mare. On the other side, it was still far bigger than an average fox.

Do you promise? A female voice echoed in the alicorn’s mind.

Celestia looked around in confusion, unsure who had spoken to her, or from which direction. She looked back at the animal, who had risen from her curled position.

My… my name… my name is Kyuubi. N-nice to m-meet you.

Celestia kept staring ahead, noticing as one of the fox's tails shone with magic. Telepathy? she wondered, not taking another step. She asked in a motherly tone, “Have you spoken to me, little one?” Upon noticing a nod, she asked, “And is your name Kyuubi?”


The guard looked between the princess and the animal, confusion visible on his face.

Noticing nervousness both on the fox’s face and in its way of speech, she lowered herself and smiled. “It is nice to meet you, little Kyuubi, and please calm your fears. You have nothing to fear.” She held forehoof on her chest. ”My name is Celestia, Princess of Equestria.”

P-princess! In an instant, Kyuubi dropped flat onto the grass, performing her version of a bow.

Celestia chuckled. It became clear that this creature wasn’t a typical wild animal one could find in the Everfree Forest, but rather an intelligent creature capable of communication. By her voice, I can assume Kyuubi is a female, and she certainly was taught proper manners by whoever raised her. Still, what kind of creature is she? If any of my subjects had such a unique pet, I would have noticed it. Maybe I am not paying as much attention to my subjects as I used to.

“Who is your owner?” Celestia asked as she stood up, taking one slow step at a time while looking at the silvery emblem attached to the collar. ‘Kyuubi’ was written on it.

Owner? You m-mean my caretakers? Kyuubi’s voice echoed in Celestia’s head as the fox stood up. She curled slightly, intimidated by the alicorn’s size. I was raised by priests and monks led by Father Rodrigo, though Timothy was the closest to me. As she finished her response, her eyes started to water again, and a somber expression appeared on her face. Her ears drooped as a sad whimper escaped her mouth.

Celestia’s expression saddened as well, and numerous questions started to form in her mind: Where does this creature come from, and how did it get here? How did it sneak into her garden? Who could have injured this cute little pet, and why? And if someone injured her, could something bad have happened to her owners? Wait. Monks and priests? So she was raised by a religious group? I guess this means she must be from outside of Equestria.

For over a thousand years now, Equestria lacked a religion. There was a time when ponies worshiped her and her sister. After they defeated Discord, many had called them goddesses despite the truth, but the sisters decided to allow such a religion to form. The Equestrians needed order and hope after living under Discord’s rule, and it seemed to work at first. That was until Nightmare Moon happened and ended up causing a small religious civil war after her banishment.

Celestia had to ban the religion for good to end the conflict and separation of her subjects. Without an organized faith, most ponies stopped worshiping gods and afterlives save for a small number of the populace in various cities and communities. Even Celestia herself never believed in such things.

While the other races like Griffins, Minotaurs, and even Dragons still had their faiths, she hadn't paid them any mind. But she was sure none of them involved monks.

Kyuubi whimpered as she massaged her forepaw and side in spots previously sliced by the sharp edge of the sword. She held back her tears with a growing struggle.

Overwhelmed by questions and feeling sad for the intruder, Celestia rose to her full height and gently touched her shoulder, causing the fox to flinch. “Kyuubi, I would like to ask you many questions to get to know you better. Would you accompany me to my bedchamber?”

Kyuubi looked at her for a moment before walking away. Her middle tail flashed as she rearranged the bush with the help of telekinesis, perching herself among the leaves and flowers. She hugged the leaves and flowers close to her chest and cheek as if seeking comfort in it. I… I would prefer to remain here for the moment. If you don’t mind, Your Highness.

Celestia chuckled. The way this fox looked at her, the tone of her innocent mental voice, she felt as if talking with a kid wary of strangers. “Of course. I suppose my garden is a nice place to talk,” she spoke in a motherly tone. She approached Kyuubi, lying next to her while placing the tip of her wing on the fox's back. She glanced at her guard and said, “Lightbreeze, please give us some privacy.”

“As you wish, Your Highness,” the pegasus said, saluting before he flew away, resuming his patrol.

Is… is it okay if I stay in your garden, Miss Princess? It looks peaceful, and I won’t cause any trouble.

Celestia shook her head. “First and foremost, I would like to learn more about you. We can discuss your accommodations afterward.”

Kyuubi nodded as she tried to comprehend her circumstances. Only a few days ago, she played games with Timothy and performed a purifying ritual with Father Rodrigo, and now she ended up far away from her home, barely escaping from the knight that tried to slice her in half. Her peaceful life had changed forever, and she couldn’t go back as her fate now rested in the hands… hooves of the princess of this land.

One look at the warm smile calmed her down as she no longer felt intimidated by the princess's massive size, who seemed even bigger than horses that humans rode. She could only admire the massive majestic wing as it now rested on her back. An image of an angel statuette from the church surfaced in her mind. Miss Princess.

“Princess Celestia.”

Kyuubi nodded. Princess Celestia. Are you… are you an angelic horse? she asked while showing a sheepish smile.

Celestia blinked in confusion. “I never heard of species called ‘angelic horses’. I am a pony. An alicorn to be precise.”

Alicorn pony?

Celestia gestured at herself. “Equestria is a nation of ponies, little one. Each pony walks on four hooves, has warm fur, colorful mane and tail, and a cutie mark.” She gestured at her wing, then poked her own horn. “Alicorns are ponies that have horn atop their heads and a pair of wings. We possess the magic of all three species, as well as our unique alicorn magic.”

Kyuubi nodded. So the nation she ended up in didn’t have human supremacy. If this place was her new home, learning more about ponies, its subspecies, their magic, and their culture were in order.

“Speaking of species, what kind of species are you?” Celestia asked before continuing, “I have never seen a fox of your size, never mind with more than a single tail, and I can tell you are unfamiliar with ponies. Where do you come from?”

Kyuubi rubbed nearby leaves nervously, feeling her throat becoming dry. Recalling what she learned today, she said, I… I’m not sure. My caretakers thought I was a fox, and I didn’t know anything about my species until today. She glanced at her tails, taking a moment of thinking before adding, I'm what they call a Kitsune, a multi-tailed fox. I wish I could have asked more about what I am before… before…


Kyuubi sighed before embracing the wing, seeking comfort among its feathers. Timothy and Father Rodrigo, they told me they were going to send me to a faraway land, away from those who wished to harm me. She took a deep breath, her throat dry as the knight's appearance flashed in her mind. The ritual was interrupted by a knight who tried to kill me. Timothy defended me, and… and…

“And this is where your injury comes from?” Celestia asked.

She nodded hesitantly before wiping her tears by pressing her face into the alicorn’s wing.

“So you come from a faraway land, one I have never heard about, interesting. It must have been very powerful long-range teleportation,” Celestia said, her motherly tone now betraying growing curiosity. “But your answers only raise more questions: Why did that knight try to kill you? Why did your owners have to send you away to protect you?” Celestia glanced at the nearby grass, which seemed stained by blood. “How were you able to heal such an injury? Does your species specialize in healing magic? And if that’s the case, why were you targeted?”

The three-tailed fox bit her bottom lip. She was caught off guard by the onslaught of questions. The princess’s once calm and composed attitude was replaced by pure curiosity.

“I apologize,” Celestia said, taking a moment to regain her composure as she nuzzled the soft white-furred creature. “We should take it one step at a time, little one. I think it will be best if you told me why someone tried to harm you. I can hardly imagine the reason behind hurting someone as well-behaved and cute as you.”

Kyuubi blushed. Her embarrassment didn’t last long, though, as something important came to her attention. To explain the reasoning behind her being a target, she would need to unravel her species… fearful backstory. 'They want to kill me because of a Ninetales wielding black magic who conquered nation after nation while leaving death and destruction in its way.’ How was she going to find acceptance after saying that?

“Is something wrong?” Celestia asked, patiently awaiting her response.

The fox looked to the side and grit her teeth. It was hard enough to lose one home. She didn’t want to ruin her chances of finding a new one.

“Please, don’t be shy. Whatever the reason, I swear to be open-minded and understanding. You have nothing to fear.”

Kyuubi looked back at the motherly face of the princess, her very voice making her want to open her heavy heart. Furthermore, Timothy always told her that honesty was a virtue while lying was a sin. It was only fair, to tell the truth, and face the judgment. Taking a deep breath, she focused, her middle tail flashing as she spoke telepathically, My healing magic, my abilities, my species. and the reason why others want to harm me… I can answer all your questions with a story.

She pushed herself forward, crawling from under Celestia’s wing as she stepped from the comfortable bush. A few flowers ended up stuck among her fur. She sat in front of the princess, raising her forepaws, holding them under her chin as if a pleading puppy. Princess Celestia. Can you give me your word that you will try not to fear me? I’m not dangerous, I swear. She kept her pleading pose, one she used so many times when asking Timothy for snacks.

“As I said, I shall be as open-minded as possible. There is no need to be shy,” Celestia encouraged, looking back with full attention.

Kyuubi nodded before lowering her forepaws onto the grass. From what they told me, my species had tails with strong magical properties, making us a valuable prey.

“Were you hunted for your tails? Oh dear,” Celestia said, raising forehoof up to her face while still lying on her side. Her eyes were wide for a moment before she regained her composure. “Go on.”

From what I understand, the smaller our population, the stronger our magic and the longer our lifespan was to compensate. I’m not sure how it works, but… She raised her forepaws, tapping them together. But one day, a powerful Ninetails in possession of strong black magic raised an army and started invading everyone. I think we were the last members of our species and I had only one tail at the time.

“You two were the last? Were you hunted to extinction? Was this nine-tailed fox trying to avenge its species?” Celestia asked as she pushed herself to a sitting position, shock clear on her face.

Now being in the shadow of the large alicorn, Kyuubi took a step back, hoping her next words wouldn’t make those hooves cladded in gold stomp her fragile body. She gulped and continued as a few drops of sweat fell down her forehead.

Celestia’s ears were straight up as she listened with full attention. While she removed her usual stoic mask to be more approachable to her little guest, now she struggled to contain a mixture of emotions. How many decades or centuries has it been since she felt this emotional?

Hunted to near-extinction leaving only this adorable little three-tailed furball as the last survivor of its species. A full-scale war against a powerful Ninetales and its demonic, mutated, and undead army. Monks and priests, blessed by their God, standing up against the gigantic creature and sealing it away.

Listening to the story, she reminded herself of her own experiences: Sealing Sombra under the glacier at the cost of the Empire she tried to save. Defeating Tirek before he became a threat. Overthrowing Discord’s reign of chaos. Banishment of her sister. Yet not even the war against Sombra had a fraction of the bloodshed and destruction that this Ninetales caused.

Celestia shriveled. Besides the unpleasant memory of her sister’s banishment, she also wondered if this Ninetales was as powerful and dangerous as Tirek would’ve become if he had succeeded.

After sealing Ninetales away, the priests and monks worked hard to restore the land. There were still many demons and monsters that still lingered in the various lands. Without their leader, they just went mad and started rampaging everywhere. Kyuubi paused, examining her features for any sign of anger or fear, seeing none. Many times I saw how they turned those monsters back into animals or banished captured demons, but it was only after I grew my second tail that I could communicate with them.

Celestia glanced at the middle tail, which was surrounded by magic whenever Kyuubi spoke to her. Could each tail be responsible for a different purpose?

They… they performed a judging ritual on me, and after they did, my third tail grew. Blessed by God, I was capable to learn healing and purification. They started teaching me, and I did my best to help them. Kyuubi looked to the side and rubbed the back of her neck. I was allowed to assist those who were unconscious, but I was forbidden to show myself and my tails to anyone who wasn’t part of the church. Until today, I didn’t understand why.

The princess nodded. The affinity for healing magic had to be strong indeed to heal an open injury in a short amount of time. It was similar to having 'special talent' at healing. No, it was something more. One thing caught her attention, though. “May I ask you a question.”

Kyuubi nodded, worry clear on her face.

“So this dark magic turned innocent animals into monsters, and this holy magic reverted them to normal. Is there any limitation to this?”

Well… Kyuubi started stroking her third tail. The stronger and more corrupted the monster, the harder it was to purify it. But as I practiced more and grew a little older, it became easier. I think it depends on the difference in power between the priest and the corrupted creature.

Celestia looked at the sky as she rubbed her chin, immediately thinking back to Nightmare Moon. Whatever corruption took over her sister, the Elements failed to heal it, banishing Luna to the moon instead, but this holy magic…

With a strong fire of hope growing in her, Celestia looked at Kyuubi, who took a step back in response. “I apologize for giving you this request when you just escaped with your life, but are you strong enough to demonstrate your magic in action for me?”

Demonstrate? I don’t understand.

Celestia turned around and spread her wings, hiding what was about to happen from the curious little eyes of her guest. Focusing her magic while forcing hatred, she concentrated on her spell. Her eyes turned green as violet aura escaped them. An unpleasant and unnatural feeling overtook her as she grew black crystal from the ground before her. Even with all the raw power of an over millennium-old alicorn at her disposal, it was still inefficient to use dark magic while devoid of hate and malice.

She stopped her spell the moment crystal grew up to her chest. She shut her wings and stepped to the side, presenting the crystal to the large fox. “If dark magic and this black magic you spoke of are the same or similar, your holy magic should be most efficient. Will you purify it for me?”

Wait… you can use black magic? Kyuubi walked backward, shivering.

Celestia blushed and shook her forehoof in panic. “I know dark magic, but only from the visual experience. I never practiced it more than I had to, so please, don’t be afraid.” Much to her relief, her words seemed to calm the fox who now approached the crystal. She could still see the hesitation in each of Kyuubi’s movements, but it couldn’t be helped.

She observed with full attention as the little creature grit her teeth while an aura of magic grew in strength around her right tail. A shining white wave of magic spread through the ground from under the fox’s paws, heading towards the large dark crystal. After several seconds, which felt like a full minute, a rune she never saw before formed under the crystal.

Slowly but steadily, holy magic made its way up from the ground, changing the crystal from bottom to top. One small fragment at a time, the crystal regained its transparency and shine. Using her magic, Celestia cast a scanning spell, calculating the amount of magic used for purification, only for the process to stop midway.

Celestia looked at Kyuubi, who fell, lying flat on the grass while covered in sweat. She could see the exposed tongue as the fox breathed heavily, then glanced between the tired creature and the half-restored crystal before examining what she learned. Celestia couldn’t tell if Kyuubi was tired after healing herself, or if her magic was still undeveloped. One thing she was certain: the purification was extremely efficient.

“I must say, I am impressed,” the alicorn said as she knelt to the exhausted fox, giving it a proud smile. “In terms of raw power, your magic was weaker than what the average unicorn is capable of, yet you managed to accomplish so much.” She helped Kyuubi stand before patting her on the head with the tip of her wing. “The amount of magic I used to create this crystal was several times greater than the magic you used, yet you purified it halfway. I have never seen anything so efficient against dark magic before.”

Kyuubi smiled proudly before puffing her chest. All praise goes to God who blessed us with such a wonderful gift, and to Father Rodrigo’s tutoring. She blushed and showed a toothy smile. I still need to practice a lot as my purifying skills are only average. I put a lot more work learning healing rather than purifying.

Celestia smiled warmly. If what she saw was only ‘average’, she could only imagine what Kyuubi would be capable of after mastering it. Furthermore, as the only remaining member of its species, the little fox would grow bigger and stronger quickly. Could Kyuubi one day become capable of purifying a corrupted alicorn?

Your Highness, Princess Celestia.

“Yes?” Celestia asked, awakened from her thoughts.

Kyuubi held her forepaws together as her ears drooped, her eyes wide and filled with fear. Please tell me you’re not afraid of me. Will you let me stay in this garden? I’m not a threat, I swear.

Celestia looked at the innocent creature as she started to understand her fears. A member of her species grew powerful enough to start a war on a big scale and was nearly unstoppable. Many who suffered wanted nothing more than to make sure it won't happen again. But was it just? Was it alright to take action against an innocent and kind youth just because it had the potential to become an unstoppable force once grown up?

The princess lit her horn, levitating the yelping fox into her embrace as she pressed Kyuubi against her chest while trapping Kyuubi with her wing. If those who fought and sealed away the evil Ninetales were willing to give her a chance, how could she do any different?

C-can’t… breath…

Celestia weakened her hold on the fox, allowing her head to pop from behind her wing. She looked at her with motherly eyes, deciding her next course of action.

Kyuubi could no longer return to her home with no clues on how to find it. She was still a young child that needed someone to raise her with care and love. She had the potential to one day grow into a great force of evil or good and needed someone to guide her. There was great magical potential in need of nurturing, and her ability to heal was priceless as it could save the lives of her dearest subjects.

But most importantly, Kyuubi had the potential to save her sister.

Celestia looked at the sky. Whenever looking at the moon, she could tell that the seal was weakening and her sister would return sooner or later, and this magical fox was like a blessing in disguise, a gift that could succeed where the Elements had failed.

P-princess… You still didn’t answer me yet. What will happen to me? Y-you won’t lock me in a d-dungeon. I’ll behave, I promise.

The Princess of the Sun nuzzled the fox before asking in a cheerful tone, “Little Kyuubi, would you be interested in becoming my personal student?”

Your personal… wait, what?

Ignoring the shock and confusion on the fox’s head, Celestia continued, “Since you require a new home, you can live with me. There is a lot of space in my bedchamber, and the Royal Kitchen will provide you with food.” She paused to playfully boop Kyuubi’s muzzle with the tip of her golden horseshoe. “You may know unique magic, but I am almost certain that with my experience, I am capable of teaching and expanding your horizon. I will also teach you about the pony races, our history, and other subjects like mathematics and writing. What say you?”

I… I…

Celestia yelped as her little captive somehow managed to slide from behind her wing while wrapping her paws around her long neck. Her tiara fell onto the grass as Kyuubi intensively nuzzled and licked her muzzle. “I'll take it as yes.” She sneezed as the intense licking tickled her nose.

She spread her wings and levitated her little student onto one of them, perching her among the soft feathers, looking at her cheerfully. Outside of an opportunity to save her sister, she could tell that her life was going to become less repetitive and so much more interesting in the coming years.