• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 4,617 Views, 347 Comments

Tails of Innocence - CommanderX5

Half a century before Nightmare Moon’s return, a three-tailed fox is teleported to another continent, away from those who wish her harm. Will she find acceptance and help Celestia save her sister? Or will her instincts get better of her?

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Chapter 10 - Isolation

Tails of Innocence


Chapter 10



24 Years before Nightmare Moon’s Return

When Kyuubi opened the magical gate, she didn't care where she would land as the only thing she deeply desired was isolation. Away from Sunset who she had just tried to eat, away from Princess Celestia whose trust she had failed, away from the castle and the capital of the pony nation she betrayed.

Her muscles were tense as her paws made repetitive contact with the dirt, occasionally touching patches of grass. Tears still clouded her vision as her surroundings were blurry, making her rely on her senses of touch and hearing.

One thing was certain, she was no longer in the castle area as she could see a lot of bronze and green; too much green even for the Royal Garden. Maybe she was in the forest? Quite often whenever she admired the view of the city from the tower, she could see a massive forest on the horizon. Maybe she had instinctively teleported there, hoping to hide among the green jungle?

Her running was cut off as her rear paw got tangled with a root, causing her to trip and her chin to unceremoniously hit the ground.

Now awakened from her blind panic, she whimpered while wiping away tears from her face. Soon, she was able to get a clearer picture of where she was.

Trees with broken branches, shaped like large hands and trunks in the shape of ghostly faces stared at her. Thorns growing from the branches aided the spooky atmosphere that sent a chill down her spine. Was this forest haunted by spirits? Was every tree and bush ready to come to life and attack her? Or was it just her imagination playing tricks on her?

A chill went through her bones. Wherever this place was, it was probably dangerous, and an aura of hostility seemed to be all around her.

Kyuubi turned around, noticing that she was surrounded by trees and underbrush from all sides as barely any light reached her from between the branches. Her desire to separate herself from the ponies was granted, yet she didn’t feel happy about it.

Calm down, Kyuubi, calm down… She took a deep breath, thinking back to today’s events. How such a simple day could turn into her worst nightmare was beyond her comprehension. One thing was certain, she had to move forward and get a better understanding of her surroundings.

She walked with her ears straightened, alarmed at even the slightest noise. After ten minutes, she spotted a rock similar to the one she saw before. Another few minutes, and another, she quickly figured out she was walking in circles, going through bushes and bypassing numerous paths as anxiety and guilt weighed on her mind.

Kyuubi flinched, her attention now focused on the rustling coming from behind the line of bushes as the noise grew in strength. It didn’t take long before three creatures emerged from the green scenery as her four tails suddenly puffed wider and more fluffy, similar to the tail of a scared cat.

Ahead of her approached three wolf-like abominations made out of wood, with flickering green flames bursting at the bottom of their eyes. Little drops of green slobber trailed down their bottom jaws.

Kyuubi could do little but stare at the abominations before her, wondering if her fear of trees coming to life was well-founded. Each of the monsters returned her gaze, only with more ferocity and obvious hunger.

H-hello… M-my name’s Kyuubi… N-nice to… meet you… she spoke telepathically, addressing the creatures who seemed more eager to lick their wooden lips rather than to reply. G-good dogies...

Step by step, Kyuubi walked backward, her muscles tensed and senses sharp as she didn’t dare to avert her gaze away from the approaching predators. Keeping her attention on all three creatures suddenly became harder as they split up, trying to flank her from three sides.

Kyuubi bit her bottom lip as drops of sweat fell down her face, her breathing unstable. While she was taller and bigger than the wooden creatures, she was still outmatched in terms of numbers. She nervously looked left and right, expecting to be attacked at any moment.

Fear, that’s certainly what she felt, and not just the fear of hurting another, but fear of pain and death. To make matters worse, the wolves seemed to sense her fear and become more encouraged by it. She tried to counter it, raising her four tails threateningly while taking an intimidating pose, but it did little to discourage the advancing predators.

Her ears perked up at the noise of the breaking stick. The moment she glanced at her rear paw, she noticed a root, and then that she was trapped against a tree from behind while three predators covered the other three sides.

Her ears drooped and a sad whimper escaped her mouth. With her magic still low and her body fragile, what chance did she have against a seasoned pack of wooden wolves? She was a predator herself, sure, but the wilderness was new to her.

Kyuubi gulped and raised a defensive bubble, trembling in fear while hoping it would keep her safe. Despite being grown up, she once again felt like a little fox with the sharp sword of a powerful knight raised and ready to slice her.

She yelped as the noise of teeth and claws colliding with her barrier reached her ears. Her eyes became wide as her silvery bubble became thinner and thinner while the predators grew in size. She could see fragments of wood levitate over and attach themselves to the wolves, adding to their mass while her silvery bubble seemed to be drained by beasts’ teeth.

They are… eating my magic… oh no!

Kyuubi dropped her shield as the attackers now rivaled her in terms of size. Green substance fell down their mouth as if her defenses were an appetizer, and they were now going to reach for the main dish.

Feeling as if her heart was trying to escape her chest, Kyuubi ran forward and jumped, only to end up intercepted in mid-air and pressed against the grass. She felt clawed paws restrain both of her forepaws from both sides, rending her immobile for the third wooden wolf whose paws pressed against her chest, and whose saliva fell onto her cheek.

She struggled, failing to move before a scream of pain escaped her mouth. She felt teeth sinking into both of her forepaws while the third wolf bit her neck as if God itself properly punished her for what she did to her friend.

She wriggled in pain, yet it wasn’t her flesh that the predators were after, which made it worse as she could simply heal a regular injury. No, the monsters’ teeth sucked away her magic, repeating her previous experience as she once again felt extremely drained and at death's door.

In a rush of desperation and anger, she opened her mouth and sank her teeth into the wood on the wolf’s arm. The arm broke apart in an instant as she felt magic refill her body, even increasing her size by a millimeter or two.

The damaged wolf backed off as green liquid fell to the ground from his injury, yet the other two still sucked away at her magic, pinning her while staying away from her mouth’s reach.

Unable to move or reach them, Kyuubi grit her teeth, focusing magic for a single spell. Her third tail shone brightly before radiating with the light of ‘Holy Flare’. Much to her shock, her assailants weren’t just blinded, but instead, their body parts fell to the ground or onto her fur, now being nothing more than lifeless logs and sticks. She could see green magic withdrawing deeper into the forest.

Did I just… exorcise living wood? she asked herself while standing to her trembling paws. She carefully poked the lifeless wood, remaining wary in case it came back to life again. Was it just like those Elemental Spirits? Well, at least I have a defense against any more of them. Oh, wait, didn’t the spirits I free said they would make their new home in this forest? They may be able to help me! I should look for them.

She looked around at the hostile scenery, suspecting that she’d need to rely on this spell more often than she would like.

With danger averted, and her heartbeat returning to normal, she examined her new home, taking in her surroundings. Now that I think about it, those wooden creatures weren’t all that different from me, feeding on magic in order to grow. She rubbed an open wound on her forepaw before healing it along with the others.

Her ears drooped as she slowly walked towards the closest tree, climbing it as a growing sadness weighed her down. After making her way through the annoying branches as numerous leaves were now stuck to her fur, she peeked through, feeling the rays of the sun warm her face. Her gaze rested on the capital - a castle and the city that proudly stood atop the tall mountain, the home of a wonderful and kind ruler and very nice ponies. A good number were friends she would never see again.

Tears once again slid down her face as she felt her heart get pierced repeatedly. She was a predator, her place was among other monsters like her rather than among innocent prey. Goodbye Princess… goodbye, my friends… She sighed before a sad whimper escaped her pounding face. Sunset… for whatever it’s worth… I’m truly sorry.

Kyuubi finished her daily prayer, this time away from the comfort of Celestia’s bedchamber as she knelt on a small stack of leaves, staring at a random tree in the darkened atmosphere. Her senses were active as she kept her attention upon looking for a possible ambush. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry… I… I failed you, I failed the princess, I failed everyone… God, please don’t abandon me. Help me find the right path… Don’t allow your tool, your subject, to be lost. If it’s in your will, please show me the way, the light when everything seems so dark…

Was it four weeks or maybe two months? She couldn’t tell as barely any light reached the labyrinth forest she was living in. She wandered through the hostile forest, not bothering to map it as she kept getting lost repeatedly anyway, deciding to rely on luck whenever searching for a new spot to rest while wary of hostile creatures.

She glanced at her dirty fur which was no longer as white and shining as it used to be. Now, having many stains, it was a shade of bronze. While her healing magic had closed nearly a hundred injuries in the past weeks, it certainly couldn’t help her deal with the dirt. No luxurious spa, no soap, no brush, just a river with cold water she could use, only for her to fall into a pool of mud afterward.

Her defensive magic and ‘Holy Flare’ came to her aid on multiple occasions, keeping her alive while the wooden wolves learned not to cross her, yet she couldn’t help but feel like she performed terribly. The amount of magic she used to keep dangers away, the number of ambushes she fell into, all the times she got lost. Her ability to operate in the wild was far inferior to all the creatures living here as only her powerful magic kept her from becoming a predator's meal.

If not for the fact that she could eat everything and even sustain herself with magic alone, she would have become skin and bones a long time ago. Not every creature was blessed with her ability to sustain itself without food, and unlike plants, she could travel and cast spells.

I’m so... bored! she thought to herself as she pushed herself through thorny bushes, which in turn scratched her fur which seemed to have grown a bit wider since she appeared in this hostile forest. While she didn’t need to hunt for food and just needed to watch for her safety, it just meant that she had less to distract her. She just wandered alone, without a goal except for just surviving.

No friends to play with, no Celestia to impress with her progress and good grades, only herself and surrounding dangers. After living in Canterlot for two-three decades, she was missing the games and entertainment that came with it.

I’d give anything to hear Rosey asking if I want to go to the park. Or hear Nightbright wish to see the stars. Even Sunset to read with her at the library.

Kyuubi sniffed, picking up the scent of blood which she became familiar with. Following her nose, she quickly spotted a bloody stain on the grass, and then a trial of blood deeper into the underbrush. Her ears dropped. Some creature was injured and it was in her power to aid it, enemy or not.

One step after another, she followed the trail of blood, walking as stealthily as her big paws could allow her. She rounded thorny bushes, peeking from behind a tree as her attention focused on a big open grassy field, one with fewer trees and few rays from the sun radiating upon it. She could see numerous flowers in a diversity of colors with red and yellow being the most dominant. Among the flowers, she spotted another creature, a grey pony with black stripes.

“Leave me alone, you foul creature depart! Or I shall pierce out your heart!”

Kyuubi bit her bottom lip as the injured pony now stared back at her, its hoof-made spear aimed in her direction. With careful steps, she walked from behind the tree, approaching slowly. Please don’t be afraid. I’m here to help, not hurt. Her telepathic message didn’t seem to calm the pony-like creature who maintained a battle-stance.

As she approached closer, she noticed claw marks on this creature's flank. Furthermore, while Kyuubi was bigger than Celestia herself, this being seemed a bit smaller than the average mare, indicating that she wasn’t fully mature as the size-difference became more than apparent.

I see you have a nasty wound. It can become infected if not addressed fast. I can heal injuries with my magic, Kyuubi said in haste, but the pony-like being just took a step back for Kyuubi’s every step forward. Their size difference seemed to have an intimidating effect the one time she didn’t want to appear intimidating.

Kyuubi lowered herself and looked ahead with the most innocent eyes she could muster, her signature puppy stare. While she wanted to heal the injury, it was too deep to do it from afar, she needed to make direct contact.

“Trickery won’t work on me! Now depart, begone with thee!”

Kyuubi’s fourth tail shone with power as she formed a little shield in front of her chest, blocking the thrust of the spear. Upon close inspection, she spotted some sort of substance covering the metallic-edge, but she didn’t care. She stretched her paw, trying to touch the injured flank, only for the little creature to jump to the side and stab her forepaw, causing her to yelp.

After a few failed attempts as she blocked more spear-strikes, Kyuubi’s second tail shone, enveloping the little creature in the telekinetic hold.

“You think this will work on me? I won’t fall for your trickery,” the stripped pony said in a feminine voice as it reached into her saddlebag, picking up and throwing ahead some sort of powder.

Kyuubi sniffed, finding the smell to be odd as some of the powder landed on her fur. Her levitating grab started weakening a moment later. Seeing another thrust, she summoned a shield, which shattered quickly as the spear sank into her chest.

Kyuubi grit her teeth, refusing to scream as the spear's size was small when compared to her full size, aside from the fact that the strike seemed weak when compared to the claws she had felt in the past weeks. She stretched her forepaw, which covered this pony’s entire flank. Her third tail flashed with power as she sent healing magic into the injury, causing the little creature to show a painful look.

The moment she withdrew her forepaw, the smaller creature looked at it, clearly in shock as the injuries were gone.

Kyuubi smiled warmly before gently placing her onto the grass. All better?

“You’re healing my injury instead of showing me your fury?”

I told you I wanted to heal you, but I understand your fear. I would be afraid of myself if I were in your hooves, Kyuubi said before turning around, walking away with a proud smile on her face. There was something in helping and healing others she enjoyed, and she missed that warm feeling in her heart. However, another feeling caught her attention, a feeling of fatigue, and her surroundings suddenly started to spin. Her steps became heavier as she fell onto her side, suddenly paralyzed and sleepy.

She took one glance as her chest-wound, and then at numerous wounds on her forepaw. She glanced at the face of the pony-like creature which started back at her in pity. Wait… that spear… could it be… poisonous? Kyuubi concentrated her magic, sending healing magic towards her chest and paw, but while it closed the wounds, the weakness didn’t leave her. Her eyes became heavy, closing on their own as her consciousness faded away.

Kyuubi forced her eyes open, staring ahead in panic while hyperventilating, her body still weak as she lay on her left side. The first thing that caught her attention was a campfire as its flames lighted the darkened area, the flames dancing among the shadows of their surroundings.

“Awake already I see, hope thy dreams were pleasant for thee.”

Kyuubi blinked, noticing the same creature she helped before who seemed to have attached some sort of wet leaves onto the injury on her chest. A moment of confusion ended quickly as a theory formed in her mind. Did you injure me again to apply an antidote?

“Your healing powers did impress. An antidote you needed for progress.”

You… healed me? Thank you, Kyuubi thanked her, still not believing how easily she went down. This pony-like creature could have skinned her for her fur and valuable tails while leaving the meat to local predators, and she would have been unable to do anything about it. Her face became pale at the very thought.

"Aided me, despite my fear, you have done. Curing you was the least I could have done," the smaller creature said as she gently stroked her fluffy chest, sinking hoof into the dirty fur. “You’re nothing like the creatures of this hostile wood. You’re kind, innocent, and very good.”

Well… I’m not exactly native to this forest. I was living in the castle until weeks ago. The name’s Kyuubi by the way, nice to meet you, she said with a smile before supporting herself on a single paw, struggling to sit. She looked down on the striped pony, who no longer seemed intimidated by her sizable presence.

"Zecora is the name that was given to me. Nice to meet you, my friend, Kyuubi."

Why do you speak in such a weird way? Kyuubi asked, though the young creature just looked back in annoyance. S-sorry… She lowered her head in shame. Are you a pony by any chance? I can see some similarities.

“Pony? Certainly not, I’m a zebra as you should know. Away from home, I did go. I traveled from the southern jungles far from my kind, searching for new places and new herbs to find.”

Herbs? Why?

"Research and discovery. Cures for recovery. For you see my talent is known as alchemy."

Kyuubi smiled proudly as she looked at the young zebra with growing respect. While she struggled to survive in this hostile forest, this smaller youth ventured here on her own. I must say, I’m impressed by your bravery.

“It takes not as much bravery when you have skill. I search for discovery and not for the thrill.”

I see. As for me, I like discovering new spells, but I am not used to exploration. She gestured around with her large forepaw. I have been walking in circles for weeks.

Zecora held forehoof over her mouth, chuckling.

What’s so funny? she asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Just thinking of a mighty creature like you, without a hint of what to do."

Kyuubi rolled her eyes before looking at the nearby path. She needed to keep her distance from the prey, and she wouldn’t want to endanger this gold-hearted young zebra. She pushed herself to stand, only for her paws to bent, causing her to sit on her other side. She blinked, her muscles feeling as if they were made of jelly.

“Why so eager to leave when you still tire? Stay longer and warm at my fire,” Zecora said encouragingly, sitting on the other side of the campfire while looking up at her curiously as if studying her features.

Kyuubi nodded hesitantly. While she didn’t feel comfortable remaining close to a magical creature, what harm was there in a minute or two? She was missing the company after all.

The silence lasted for minutes as Zecora ate a few berries, sharing some with her.

Kyuubi hesitated, remembering the stomach ache the last three times she tried to eat a berry or a mushroom. Now that I think about it, I haven’t eaten anything for an entire week. It feels good to taste something again. She chewed and gulped, quickly eating her share due to her size. I hope those won’t prove to be toxic. My healing magic seems to struggle with toxins and poisons. She narrowed her eyes and frowned in annoyance. I sure lack experience in healing what’s not related to open wounds and broken bones. I need to work on that.

“You helped me, showing kindness unlikely from a beast, yet you remain silent, not willing to talk in the least.”

T-talk, s-sure, I would love to. She rubbed the back of her neck with her weakened paw. Do you… like the weather here? Kyuubi looked to the side, disappointed at her terrible choice of questions.

Zecora looked up at her with a raised eyebrow. “How about we share our past and adventures to get to know each other? It's the best way to warm up to one another.”

Kyuubi beamed a smile, nodding hastily. While part of her feared the hostile reaction, the desire to unload her heavy heart came out on top. Her secondary tail flashed with power as she spoke in haste. I was taken in and raised by priests and monks who mistook me for a little fox…

Kyuubi smiled sheepishly, covering her embarrassed face due to ongoing complaints.

“No camouflage, no cave or cover to hide, it is plain. You are out of your mind and quite insane,” Zecora said, standing on her rear hooves while pointing at a stack of leaves. "Sleeping in the open with no shelter or bed. How is it that you have not ended up dead?"

I cover myself with a magical dome when I rest, Kyuubi said defensively. Just an hour ago she had shared the dark history of a powerful Ninetales who had brought war and ruin to many kingdoms, about her being a predator who grew stronger and bigger by eating magical beings, and not even hiding her merciless act of eating Sunset’s foreleg.

She expected Zebra to become wary of her, keep her distance, or even run away. Instead, the curious youth asked Kyuubi to lead them to her last sleeping spot while asking how she survived these past weeks.

Instead of hate or fear, the zebra showed nothing but disappointment.

Zecora climbed onto Kyuubi’s side, perching herself on her back while stroking kitsune’s neck. “Sleeping under a magical dome means waking up with most magic half-gone. No plan, misuse of your resources, those are a poor use of your forces.”

Kyuubi smiled at the pleasant rubbing, but her mood darkened quickly after as her ears drooped. While what she learned from the guards and at the school helped her in direct confrontation, she was still wasteful with her magic in the long run. She had the power, but no survival skills or necessary knowledge of the wild.

"Fear not, my unskilled kitsune friend. A deal I shall make to teach you to avoid your end."

A deal? Kyuubi asked, peeking behind at her passenger.

"You wish to stay away from ponies due to your shame, but first this forest you must tame." Zecora rubbed Kyuubi’s back with her hooves, adding, "Teach you how to survive, this I will do. In exchange, you will protect me. Does this work for you?"

Help each other? But what can I offer to someone like you?

"Your magic is powerful, and your size will cause fright. Use them to protect me, and we'll be alright."

Kyuubi rubbed her chin before smiling at the idea. Not only would she have a companion who’d help her find a way in this hostile forest, but she could aid this young zebra in return. Not to mention that she loved being helpful. Still, there was one issue that needed to be addressed.

With help of her levitation, she raised the zebra upward. She sat on her side, placing four tails next to her right forepaw before placing the zebra on one of them. As much as I love the idea, are you sure you want to trust me? Seeing the confusion on the zebra’s face, Kyuubi raised a forepaw to her chest and added, I’m a predator, a natural enemy for magical beings such as you. N-not that I want to eat you or anything, but I did eat Sunset’s foreleg when my magic reserves were completely dry. What… what if I lost control while around you?

Zecora raised her head proudly. “Fear not, I will be ready should this time come. But I trust that you will see to it that such a deed will not be done."

Kyuubi smiled sheepishly. Did it mean that this zebra would finish her for good? Or just restrain her? Whatever was the case, it was the best deal she could get. If… if you’re sure you’re safe around me, then I accept your deal. She raised a large forepaw, holding it in front of the zebra’s face, who carefully shook it with her so much smaller hooves.

Kyuubi yawned before lying on her side, curling herself around Zecora while sinking the zebra into her rich fur. But how about we start our cooperation tomorrow? I feel sleepy.

Zecora blushed, yet before she could protest, she found herself enjoying the softness of her fluffy bed. As the magical dome rose over them, she hesitantly agreed.

Kyuubi closed her eyes, now sleeping in a nice company as her weeks of loneliness were finally over. Her good mood turned sour as a mental image of the times she had slept with young Sunset Shimmer surfaced in her mind. In the past she was similarly curled around the filly, reminding herself of the good old times that weren’t coming back.

Author's Note:

I appologise if Zecora's lines are far from perfect. She's not easy to write. But at the very least she can be quite helpful teacher-figure to Kyuubi.

Also, what do you think of Kyuubi's first weeks in the wild? Is she doing fine? Or was she sheltered too much for her own good?