• Published 18th Feb 2020
  • 302 Views, 10 Comments

RoMS' Extravaganza - RoMS

A compendium of various blabberings, abandoned projects, and short stories.

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Sep. 2013 - The Storyteller - Prologue

Author's Note:

Short Description:
The best place by the fire is always kept for the storyteller.

Long Description:
When the dreary evening comes and the silent night is dark; when the pale moon swells at his peak and Midnight’s bells toll in the countryside, Ponies remember that the best spot by the biased fire is the chair of the storyteller.

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This is a collection of one-shots that have a background story-line you can follow or not.

Prologue. The Initial Perjury

The fire crackles in the hearth, spreading an orange light on the scarce furniture the room displays. The biased flames cast eerie shadows on the walls, for your greatest disappointment. You feel your feet shivering slightly.
Next to the chimney, a comfy chair turns its back on you. A flimsy respiration wobbles in the air, whistling gently.

A carpet sprawls on the ground, covering the tiles with a red fabric showing no pattern. This rug is old, probably antic and is sickly covered with dust. Everything in this place is soiled with a layer of specks. You sneeze.
The time has passed by and no care has been brought into the chamber you are now contemplating.

A bark echoes, instantly followed by a snap. You focus and after a short moment of stress, your heart drops in your chest. The whistling has stopped abruptly and angry growls have taken its spot. You have disturbed somepony’s sleep apparently.

“Oh, keep quiet Winona,” a feminine but authoritative voice calls.

The dog lies low, her brows arching sadly. The silence grows… again.
A sight of awe erupts, joining the spluttering of the fire into the quest to slay the unsettling sullenness. Two hooves start petting Winona’s furry chin. The dog drools slightly. Her tail wobbles back and forth with happiness.

“I’m waiting for an important guest, Winona, and I need some rest before this journey starts, you see. Don’t bother my sleep anymore,” the crooked voice engages. “…or I send you back to Applejack.”

Winona begins whining, folding her ears on her eyes.

“Good dog, I know you want to hear my stories,” the pony satisfies the animal which sticks his tongue out, waiting for another compliment.

You step inside the room… noisily. Your shoes squeal on the parquet floor. Cursing yourself, you grit your teeth, disappointed by your clumsiness. You are definitely not meant to master infiltration, or simply, just being quiet.
The pony chair rotates, creaking on the floor in an awkward squeak. The mare tilts her head. Backlit, you cannot determine her features, but her two eyes seem glowing in the chiaroscuro room. You held back a gag of malaise. These two eyes scrutinise you… like a beacon of light aimed in your precise direction, unveiling your true desires. You feel pierced from side to side by an overwhelming stare.

“You’re finally here,” the voice greets strangely –she turns her face toward Winona –. “You’re an impressive house-dog in the end, Mommy would be so proud.”

The dog barks in response and starts hopping around the leather seat, yapping with contentment.
The pony’s eyes slide back on you. They stare right at your face, keeping a record of your hair and eyes colours. Then they slowly, maniacally, pass over your clothes, your arms, your hands, your… fingers. She smirks.

“I dreamed up of something more… impressive,” She gives you a cutting laugh. “Celestia watches me I won’t fantasize anymore on foreigners.”

With a quick movement of her hoof she invites you to sit down by the fire, but still detached from her position. You sit cross-legged quietly. A long silent takes possession of the ambience, stagnant between the mare and you. She has turned her chair to face the fire directly.
You notice her eyes are not glowing. The glimmer had come from the slim tinted glasses put on her muzzle.

You wince. The fire has just flapped, blowing a dry and burning breath on your legs and laps. You feel your skin and hairs sear a little.

“Well,” The mare cuts into the disturbing atmosphere. “You came to hear my stories, didn’t you?”

You nod timidly. She smiles.
Her teeth are pure white, reflecting the lights of the fire. At her left hoof is dangling a glass of scotch. The ice cubes twinkle inside as she lifts it to her mouth, drinking a quarter of a mouthful.

“You want my stories? I hope you have something in exchange.”

You remember and you rack your pockets loudly. The mare’s ears twitch from the noise. She frowns at you, unsure if you doing it deliberately. But it is finally your turn to smile. Pulling it out, you show her a huge golden coin shining proudly between your thumb and your forefinger, thanks to the gleam of the fire.
She snatches it with greed from your tips, puts it in her mouth and bites the item worth a hundred bits. Your smile grows from ear to ear; you know the metal is still fresh out of the mine. Now you can do business with the teller.

Suddenly, she throws it into the fire, and without an ounce of common sense you would have follow it with your hands…
With despair, you watch the coin slowly melting between the embers, a hole drilled in your heart. You turn your eyes to the mare, full of tears. You are broke now, it was your last coin. How can you pay the storyteller now?

“Nopony and… nobody will ever buy me,” she states angrily. “I don’t trade with a simple-minded who thinks everything has a price.”

Her gaze glares daggers at you and her spooky voice shakes your inner being.
A drop of sweat rolls on your forehead and slides in your left eye. You wince and rub your eyelid.

“Once I’m finished,” she hisses like a snake, her eyes back on the fading flames. “You’ll tell me your story, what you really hide inside your heart, in the folds of your soul.”

She sighs sternly and gives you a last glance, nearly distrustful. Cringed on your feet, you hold your knees tight in your arms and you bite your thumbs.

“But now, it is time for my collection of lines. Focus young creature, I won’t tell them twice. They may be grim; they may be tragic or comic, sad or initiating, disgusting or captivating… but they remain stories.”

She takes a deep breath.

“And as each single creature wandering on this world, they deserve to be listened to… because they are their legacy, my heritage, and your lesson.”

She brandishes her glass of whisky over her muzzle and keeps stirring it for a long, heart-shaking moment.

All of a sudden, she throws the liquor in the fire with a creepy violence. You hold your respiration, fearful, waiting for the splash on the burning logs and the waiving vapours. Will you have some on your legs? Will it burn?

Before even reaching the hearth, the liquid turns into sparkles, floating in the air and blurring your vision. Winona moans with displeasure, hiding her eyes behind her both legs. Scintillations of gold, silver and brass fly in front of your eyes, sink into your garment and meddle in your mind. Sleepiness narrows its claws on your soul and you feel your eyelids fell swiftly.
Your ears catch a last declaration of the mare.

“Dive well, nestling.”

Your body is enshrouded by a thick darkness. You finally close your eyes. The silent is absolute, cradling you toward unknown countries.

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