• Published 23rd Aug 2012
  • 2,674 Views, 39 Comments

VDV in Equestria - An A10 Warthog

VDV In Equestra due to a cliche conicidence.

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Chapter 1

This won't make sense without watching this video.

The flight of two Ilyushin Il-76D paratrooper aircraft followed closely by two Sukhoi SU-24, to keep watch on the flight, had reached its final waypoint for the stealth weapon experiment at over dense Russian woodlands. This was the first attempt to drop paratroopers from an aircraft fitted with the stealth force field technology, as it would be crucial to see if they could shield the detection of the paratroopers and their equipment, also doubling as a training mission for the troops. These two jets carried a company ,three BMD-3 air dropable IFVs and its commanding officer, Captain Vladimir Igorov. Little did the company know how this experiment would actually go down. As a matter of fact, no one knew.

"Alright men," Vladimir said, "We will be above the drop zone in 2 minutes."

The men all replied in various forms of approval, all of which enthusiastic. Immediately following their acknowledgment, Igorov ordered men to the rear doors of the aircraft individually. After being informed by the pilots that it was time to ready to begin the jump. He ordered all of his men off the massive aircraft, before he too jumped. He loved the feeling of freedom and fear that comes from jumping from an aircraft at altitude, the feeling of adrenaline rushing through your body whilst cutting through the air towards the ground. As a matter of fact, this feeling engulfed him so much, he didn't detect that the stealth force field generated barrier he, along with the rested of his company, passed through was charged with a high amplitude wave of electricity, even if the Captain did notice it, he wasn't alarmed and surely didn't understand the full implications of this.

He noted the three IFVs following behind him towards the ground; the parachutes on these far heavier vehicles deploying at a higher altitude than the infantry. The Captain noticed there was something wrong with forest below him, as there was a lack of roads, radar stations for the experiment, identifiable landmarks, and an odd-looking town in the distance. This was not the only thing troubling him as much of his company was new recruits, including two of his Lieutenants. Whatever daunting tasks that were awaiting him, he knew, would be extremely difficult to face.

Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's student, was coincidentally, at the same time as the Russian stealth experiment, experimenting with weather magic over the Everfree forest with none other than the Ponyville Weather Team's Captain, Rainbow Dash. At one point Rainbow heard a loud buzzing noise (the sound being similar to that of a taser) , alerted Twilight and the two mares, upon looking up, were shocked and confused to see what they might describe as a large number of falling 'flowers' or similar objects, but really should be described as a white bouquet of parachutes.

"What is it, Twi?" The cyan pegasus asked.

"I-I don't know," Twilight stammered back in response.

Not twelve seconds later a paratrooper, dressed in a variation of camouflage, wearing a helmet with the same camouflage and a pair of sunglasses, landed in front of them and shouted: "Что же это?" Then, he proceeded to remove a small rectangular black object from his vest as well as what looked like a compass from his vest pocket and shout orders into it. Needless to say, the ponies thought he was crazy.

"Who are you?" Rainbow asked the creature.

"Ёбанный в рот!" He replied back, shouting. He then shouted into his black device again repeating the word Американцы.

The ponies looked more confused. This confusion was interrupted by the man shouting more into his device and pulling out a cylindrical object. After the pin was pulled out, it emitted a loud bang and after several seconds, orange smoke. Rainbow Dash began shouting at the man who pointed an L-shaped objected at her. (Yeah, you know what it is) He then waited for something. This confused the ponies more.

Twilight immediately whispered to Dash that she believed "The creature is threatening us," continuing to light up her horn to alert her older brother (as she her self lacked any significant combat spells(other than a couple that can suppress, but not damage)), the Captain of the Royal Guard, that she was in trouble and where she was; this being a simple distress spell she had learned from him several years earlier. Normally, the paratrooper might have noticed the light on her horn, but it was bright in the noon light, and he was looking in the other direction, still waiting for the unknown object to arrive.

After a couple minutes a rumbling noise got louder gradually, and finally, a large object slammed right through the treeline. This object could be identified as a BMD-3.The vehicle moved into the clearing where a large hatch in the rear of the vehicle opened. A figure walked out, flanked by two more. The figure walked over to the ponies, what one could assume to be his guards following.

He said something to the first paratrooper they encountered, and he replied. Then he proceeded to move behind him with his guards.

"He says you speak English, no?" The far more level headed solider said to the ponies in heavily accented English.

"English? But yes, I understand you." Twilight replied.

The man decided to ignore this and continue on, "What exactly, um, are you?"

"Ponies, this is Equestria, what are you?"

The man attempted to avoid laughing, then replied,"We are Humans, we are from Russia and we greet on behalf of the VDV."

"Where is the nearest settlement to here?" He continued.

"It's Ponyville, about a mile that way-" Twilight thought for a moment and then used her magic to check her direction. The man noticed this, as evidenced by his now wide sky blue eyes, however kept quiet for the time being. "There," She said more assured and pointed in a direction that would be known as north-west.

"Da, thank you," The man and his followers walked back to their vehicle and proceeded in the indicated direction.

"What are we gonna do, Twi?" Rainbow asked.

"We're going to wait." She said, fear clear in the shaky tones of her voice.

Captain Igorov sat in the IFV with two Sargents and a Corporal, Andrei Abramov, clutching his AN-94 assault rifle. He barely believed the Corporal when he heard his first transmission, and it was a miracle they found him. It was a hell of a time finding it as he was, with his compass coordinates. Luckily, it looked like they might find a settlement. He was hoping the locals might have some method of getting communications up, even if they were ponies. His thoughts were interrupted by a distress signal from on of the Il-76Ds coming in through their radio.

"This is Test Flight 2, we are taking fire to our right engine, appears to be from 120 degrees, not extensive damage, need return fire!"

The reply to this was both of the SU-24 pilots obliging to make the bastards pay and it appeared that whatever was shooting at them was either dead, or scared senseless enough not to shoot back further. The Captain suddenly had doubts about the locals being friendly or more importantly, being strong enough to put up a decent resistance. He assumed they wouldn't be friendly, by the tension in the unicorn's voice. Unicorn. God, did Vladimir not expect to have to deal with a unicorn. And its friend, the rainbow pegasus. He frowned. He wondered if it meant what it thought he meant, but decided it was unimportant.

He looked at his watch. 12:32. He knew the infantry was only 150 or so meters behind the vehicle, as the vehicle was moving slowly and one of the Lieutenants was told to state if it left this range. The gunner on the vehicle shouted he saw something, and the vehicles stopped at the Captain's request, to wait for the infantry. After about a minute, the vehicles moved slower and moved into the area around the strangely shaped cottage that the gunner spotted. The Captain got out of the vehicle with the men behind him. The Captain told the men to 'stay low' until he told them otherwise.

More radio chatter from the aircraft came in. The damaged Il-76D had lost large quantities of fuel and hydraulic in its right wing and was on a collision course with a village and couldn't pull up. A solider pulled out his binoculars and confirmed that the aircraft was going to crash into, ironically, a village that was visible in the distance roughly one kilometer away.

The massive aircraft slammed into the settlement, right wing first tearing up houses, and after around two seconds the left wing (still relatively filled with fuel, the aircraft couldn't fly due to this unbalance as well as lack of control surfaces) creating a large explosion.

"Go, go, go!" The men listened to their Captain obediently, except for Lieutenant Nikolai Vazov, the Captain's good friend, who noticed something.

"CAPTAIN!" Vazov shouted, "There's something coming at us, actually multiple targets, from the sky," He pointed at several white armored pegasi with his AK-74M.

Another solider spotted several unicorns and what looked like plain horses charging at them and the Captain gave the order to fire. The unicorns attempted to disarm their opponents using magic, but it proved ineffective at distances over 50 meters. They also shot beams of magic, but these were not as effective as the rounds in the rifles. Most of the at this point unnamed opponent to the VDV,(The captain refereed to them as Equestrian military) resorted to using spears, bows, and javelins.The BDM-3 was tearing apart the attackers and driving the rest away.

"Gentlemen," The Captain stated indignantly, "We're moving up to the town, now."