• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 3,484 Views, 33 Comments

Of Love and Loyalty - Brian Jacko

Life lessons learned for Rainbow Dash

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Going Back Home

Rainbow Dash felt very guilty. Rainbow Dash went to visit her friend at the hospital.

Fluttershy seemed to look happy. In fact, she had a big smile on her face when Rainbow Dash came in to see her.

Rainbow Dash instantly apologized for what had happened.

"Oh, that's okay Rainbow Dash. The doctor said that I'm going to be fine," the yellow mare said. "I'm just so happy that you're okay. I couldn't imagine what life would be like for the rest of us without you. Don't worry about it. It was my fault for forgetting to check on you in time."

Those words melted Rainbow Dash's heart. Never before, has she heard such kindness from a friend. Especially, since she was the one responsible for nearly killing her kind and meek companion.

Fluttershy asked Rainbow Dash to be safe and to promise not try anything like that again. She begged Rainbow Dash to find a good psychiatrist that could help her with her depression and pain.

Rainbow Dash hesitated, but agreed.

Rainbow Dash searched for a while, and eventually found a doctor who could help her with her problems.

He gave her some antidepressants and pain medication.

These medicines helped take the edge off things, but she was still hurting badly.

Fluttershy made a miraculous recovery and was home in a relatively short time. She invited Rainbow Dash over for some tea.

"How in Equestria did you recover so fast, Fluttershy? You were in terrible condition the doctor said."

Fluttershy poured Rainbow Dash a cup of tea and said, "I simply learned to love and forgive. I accept things as they are and I do not harbor any hate, envy, revenge, or regrets in my heart."

Rainbow Dash thought about this. There were tons of regrets in her life and she still could not accept the fact that she was this sick and not the fastest flier in all of Ponyville any longer. "I still have trouble with acceptance, and well, basically all those things you mentioned, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy put her hoof on her shoulder. "There, there," she said. "Ponies who learn to forgive are the ones who are ready to move on from the past and heal. It's important to accept your current situation and live in the "now" of time, not in the past or what you think may be the future."

Rainbow Dash searched her own heart. She knew she was still very bitter about what happened with Rapidfire and that she was very angry at herself and felt that everything was all her fault. Rainbow Dash let go of all these feelings and forgave Rapidfire and herself in her heart. It was difficult to do, but she felt much better about herself. She also let go of the past and lived without any expectations about herself or from her friends.

After she achieved these things, there was a glow from behind her.

Fluttershy squeaked and hid behind the chair. She peeked out and then realized that Rainbow Dash had just gotten her cutie mark back. "Rainbow Dash! Oh look! It's back! You've got your cutie mark back!"

Rainbow Dash turned around and looked at her flank. She was so happy just to have it back, even though she was still so very ill. Her change of attitude was enough to bring back the passion in her heart.

Fluttershy felt it was safe for Rainbow Dash to live on her own again. She let Rainbow Dash leave with a few very important lessons learned.

When Rainbow Dash arrived home, there was some pony sitting on her doorstep. "Was that Derpy?" She thought to herself. As she got closer, she recognized that dark blue pattern with the yellow lightning bolts on it.

It was one of the Wonderbolts.

Rainbow Dash froze in fear and hid behind a nearby cloud. "What if it's Rapidfire?" she thought to herself. Could she even bear to look him in the eye? She gulped and began to gather her composure. She remembered what Fluttershy had taught her and it was time to be brave again. She slowly came out of the clouds and approached the Wonderbolt.

The Wonderbolt looked up and greeted her. "Hi there Rainbow Dash. Mind if we talk?" It was Soarin'.

Rainbow Dash became very defensive and had to fight off many negative thoughts that entered her mind. It hurt her so much to see one of her team members again, knowing that she most likely will never be able to fly with them.

"What do you want Soarin'?" the blue mare asked.

"I just wanted to talk. I heard that you're going through some really hard times and I'm sorry to hear what had happened between you and Rapidfire. I wanted to see how you were doing and comfort you a bit."

Rainbow Dash became even more defensive. "Oh no you don't! You're not going to butter me up just so you can try to get a date with me. I promised myself I would NEVER date again and I'm NOT changing my mind!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, take it easy Rainbow Dash. No one said anything about a date and I'm not here to try to butter you up. I came to tell you the truth and if you don't want me here, I can leave right now."

Rainbow Dash lowered her head and put her hoof to her chin. She was reminded about what she had learned from Fluttershy. "Oh no, I'm sorry. You can stay. I have just been under a lot of stress," she said as she sat down next to Soarin' on her steps.

"I understand," Soarin' replied. "I'm sorry you're going through so much. I just couldn't stop thinking about that day when you saved my life during the best young flier competition. I don't remember ever expressing my thanks to you, and I just wanted to thank you for your heroic acts and bravery. I owe you my life."

Rainbow Dash found it hard to find words. "Gee, you're welcome. It was no big deal, I..." She stopped mid-sentence and felt rather awkward. "Hey listen, I think I've got to get going now. I've got a lot of things to do today and I really can't stay and chat."

Soarin' looked very disappointed. "That's okay," he said. "We really didn't get to talk much though. Would it be okay if I came back tomorrow? I took the week off from work."

Rainbow Dash fumbled for words again, without even thinking, she abruptly let out the first answer that came to mind, just to get him on his way out. "Sure," she said. "That's fine. We can talk tomorrow."

Soarin' scratched his head with his hoof. "Are you sure tomorrow would be okay?" he asked again.

"Yeah, that's fine. I gotta run now. See ya!" Rainbow Dash said before flying away from the stallion as fast as she could. She didn't know where she was going, but she had to talk to some pony. She flew around thinking of all kinds of ludicrous thoughts and exaggerations about what could happen with Soarin'. She was closest to Twilight Sparkle's house at the moment and decided that she needed to talk to one of her friends. Rainbow Dash bursted through the door knocking over Spike.

Inside the house, Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy were sitting on the floor talking about how much Rainbow Dash had improved.

"Girls!" Rainbow Dash interrupted.

They both looked up at Rainbow Dash who had anxiety and fear written all over her face.

"Hi there Rainbow Dash," Twilight Sparkle said. "What can we do for you?"

Rainbow Dash sat down with them and said, "One of the Wonderbolts was sitting outside my house. It was Soarin', and he said that he wanted to talk to me, but I cut our conversation short and flew over to you girls."

Fluttershy had a concerned look on her face and said, "But why would you do that Rainbow Dash? Not long ago, we discussed about what we learned."

"Because I'm afraid!" Rainbow Dash admitted. "I'm afraid he's going to try to sweet talk me or something and try to use me like Rapidfire did."

Twilight Sparkle looked puzzled. "Did he say he wanted a date with you, Rainbow Dash?" she asked.

"Yes, I mean no, well not exactly, but he said he took the week off from work to come and talk to me."

"Oh, that sounds so sweet," Fluttershy cooed.

Twilight Sparkle continued, "Well why don't you just talk to him?"

"Because of the past!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "I vowed to never date again."

Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes and said, "You know talking doesn’t mean dating."

"I know!" Rainbow Dash said, "But I'm just afraid he might ask me out, or try to make a move on me."

Twilight Sparkle shook her head and said, "Well, worst case scenario, he asks you out. What's the big deal? Having an expectation of never dating again is kind of silly isn't it?"

Rainbow Dash sunk low to the ground.

"There, there," Fluttershy said as she flew over and sat down next to Rainbow Dash who had her hooves wrapped around her head and was shaking. "It seems you forgot our lesson about living in the present and not in the past or worrying about the future. I think Soarin' sounds like a wonderful pony. Sometimes you just have to take risks in life and not let your imagination get in the way of things. I want you to talk to him and not be afraid, Rainbow Dash. You can't live your life in fear or you're going to miss out on wonderful things and great opportunities in life."

Rainbow Dash gulped. "You're right," she said. "I'll do it. I just need to get over myself." Rainbow Dash thanked them. She stood up and made her way to the door.

"Glad we can help, Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said with a smile. "I know you can do this! You're a brave pony!"

"Best wishes!" Twilight Sparkle said. "Don't be nervous."

Rainbow Dash smiled a nervous little grin and made her way out the door.

"Do you think she'll be okay, Fluttershy?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"I think so," Fluttershy replied. "She may be nervous, but I have faith that she'll do the right thing. I know that deep down inside she's a very brave pony."

Rainbow Dash paced anxiously inside her home. She waited all day for Soarin' to show up. She often looked outside the window waiting for his return. She was hungry, but her anxiety would not allow her sit down and eat.

Within time, Soarin' showed up.

Rainbow Dash met him on the porch and sat down next to him.

"Thanks for taking the time to talk," Soarin' said. "I brought some apples for us to share while we chat."

Rainbow Dash thanked him and took a bite. She was starving.

They talked about all kinds of things. They spoke about past experiences, their dreams and goals, and what they thought life had in store for them in the future. They watched the sun go down together and Rainbow Dash let go of all of her fears and worries and talked sincerely with him. Rainbow Dash realized at this point in time that she was very lonely. She asked him if he'd like to come back again.

He perked up and said, "I would love to meet with you again."

They met up with each other for several days in a row to watch the sunset together. Eventually, Soarin' couldn't hold back his feelings for Rainbow Dash any longer and asked her if she would be his some pony special.

She hesitated for a bit and thought back to her conversation with Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle. She let go of her fears once more and put her hooves around him. She burrowed her head deep within his chest and sobbed. "I would love to be your some pony special," she said.

Soarin' ran his hoof through her mane and nuzzled her gently. Together, they finished watching the sun go down in a beautiful purple and pink sky.

Rainbow Dash picked her head up looking worried and said, "But Soarin' I have the Pony virus. I might get you sick too."

"The Pony virus?" he asked. "I caught that thing when I was just a little colt. I have already had that in my system long ago. There is no need to worry about getting me sick, and even if somehow you could get me sick from that again, there is no way that I'd let it stop me from loving you."

Rainbow Dash's heart melted in her chest. She hadn't had that feeling in a very long time.

"Oh and Rainbow Dash, I have a little something special for you."

Rainbow Dash looked up at him with curiosity in her eyes. She stared into his bright green colorful eyes wondering what he meant.

From behind his back, he reached out and gave her a box.

"What's this?" she asked the stallion.

"Go on and open it," he replied.

She did and she was surprised to find her old Wonderbolts suit inside the box. She was in shock. "But I'll never be good enough to be a Wonderbolt again," she said with guilt in her voice.

The stallion leaned over and whispered in her ear, "You'll always be a Wonderbolt in my eyes. You're stronger than any pony else I have ever seen." He then kissed her on the cheek.

Rainbow Dash didn't know what to say. Tears formed in her eyes as she embraced him with a hug.

A group of shooting stars flew by across the sky.

She didn't want this night to ever end.