• Published 19th Nov 2019
  • 3,596 Views, 149 Comments

Mother Moon, Cousin Love - ShadowStar_IMHP

Princess Luna, and Nightmare Moon was saved by the Elements of Harmony. Now Nightmare moon is her own pony a filly just a year old, when the Changelings attack Canterlot. Nightshade has only one thing to say to them... "MINE!"

  • ...

Chapter Nine

Chrysalis POV

“What happening! Show yourself!” She spun around looking for the cause of this dark cloud of shadow that consumed everything. Then the world brightens but not enough, she could see that somehow it was night. The moon was up blocking the sun and shadowy forms were chasing her Changelings.

Then a figure walked out of the shadow. “Who are you! My changelings didn't tell me there was a forth Alicorn! Explain yourself!"

Her mane and tail were jet black void that seemed to absorb all light. Her teal eyes slit looked at Chrysalis with pure rage.“Don’t you know? Haven’t you noticed my return? I’m the True Queen of Equestria! I waited over a thousand years, you think I let a bug take what is rightfully MINE!”

She didn't wait and magic fired at this new Alicorn. “I defeated Celestia I can defeat you!” Right before the blast hit the alicorn she leaped into a shadow. Just one heartbeat later her side faired in pain and she went flying into the wall.

Rage filled her getting to her hooves she blasted again. “Stand still!" Yet every time she attacked the alicorn moved out of the way. Sometimes leap, sometimes just lean out of the way. No matter how many blasts not a single one hit.

“I would say you couldn't hit the side of a barn, but you did hit Celestia and she is just about the size of a barn."

She figured out the pattern and shot at the alicorn. Sure enough her target leaped into a shadow. With a spin, she fires at the nearest shadow. Then a laugh came from above. “So you can think after all." She had just enough time to look up before a hoof connects to her jaw sending her flying back.

Once more she struggled to rise only to fall again. Then the Alicorn started approaching with steady steps and rage in her slit teal eyes.

Twilight POV

“What happening! Show yourself!” Twilight hears Chrysalis's voice in the dark shadow fog that seemed to consume everything. Her heart beating with fear eyes darts back and forth.

“It can’t be... How, how is Nightmare Moon here?”

The dark cloud fades and Twilight could see everypony again. Looking outside “NO!” The moon rose and eclipsed the sun the day turned into night. From the moon came shadowy ponies that look as if they were made of smoke with butterfly-like wings. One came close to the window and she backed up. Its face was twisted skull of a pony.

Then movement caught her attention as a dark purple Alicorn walk out of a shadow “Don’t you know? Haven’t you noticed my return? I’m the True Queen of Equestria! I waited over a thousand years, you think I let a bug take what is rightfully MINE!”

Chrysalis just screamed fires a magical blast at the Alicorn. “I defeated Celestia I can defeat you!” The nightmarish alicorn didn’t fire back she jumped into the shadows and vanish. Seemingly the same moment leaped out of a shadow near Chrysalis and bucked her into the far wall.

“Oh this going to be good!” Pinkie Pie says as she tosses some popcorn into her mouth. Where she got the popcorn no one bothered to ask.

“Well, I’ll be, that's a buck worthy of me. Twilight who is this pony?”

“Applejack it’s nightmare moon. The whole thousand years comment, her eyes.” Twilight replied. Chrysalis still attempted to fire magic at Nightmare Moon. The Alicorn seemed to know how to avoid the blast every time.

“No way we kicked Nightmare Moon’s flank” Rainbow took off into the air to watch the fight as Chrysalis once again gets bucked into another wall.

“There are many similarities, the eyes, her form is the same as Nightmare Moon’s. But I would say her colors are more like Nightshade’s.” Rarity flinches as she sees Chrysalis get a hoof to the jaw.

The gears in Twilight’s head clicked into place. Her eyes widen “Nightshade is Nightmare Moon, it all fits that’s why the filly wasn’t there till after the Elements hit her. Look she doesn’t even have a Cutie Mark.”

The others look at the fighting Alicorn. Sure enough her flank was blank. Then Chrysalis fell panting heavily. As Nightmare Nightshade headed to the struggling Chrysalis.

“Now bug it time to be squashed.” With calm steps, the Alicorn moved closer to Chrysalis and raises her hoof. “Long live the Queen”

“No, Nightshade Please don’t! Don’t be the Monster you were!” Twilight screams as she steps forward. “You were given a second chance, a new life don’t throw it away! Please... Don’t be Nightmare Moon again! Spare her, you won she can’t fight anymore.”

Chrysalis looks up with pure hate. “If I die a new queen will be born. You won’t stop my Changling’s revenge.”

Nightshade looks down at Chrysalis. “They are so pathetic, aren’t they? All this time they have been watching afraid, worried, unsure who to cheer for. At any time they could have helped fight you or fought me. They stood there in doubt, knowing they were seeing a fight they were outmatched to join. Now they beg me to stop. They beg to save your life, pathetic, caring, ponies...” Her hoof slams down with a sicking crunch.

Twilight gasps to shocked to look away. The world ended in a flash of pink.


Cadence POV

The group of six headed for the barracks. It was fine till they turned a corner and a group of ten guards was waiting. “Stop in the name of the princesses.”

Cadence in her disguise focused on the guards. “I can see you, changelings. Everypony stay information! Attack!” She grips Lyra’s tail with her own and charged the waiting ponies.

A blast of magic from Lyra got to the changelings first hitting the ground before them. The changelings laughed at this bad aiming. For a moment Cadence didn’t see any reaction. Then bubbles, massive amounts of bubbles formed at the feet. Quickly the foam grew and before they could react two changelings hooves were stuck in the fast hardening foam.

“Got ya!” Lyra leaped up and kicked one of them hard enough the disguise dropped and it flew out of the foam with a pop. She didn’t bother to worry if it was the foam popping or the changeling.

“Get the Princess” The lead changeling ordered as they all changed disguises to look like the other members of the Pony group.

“Quick stay by your partners my little Ponies. Don’t let them confuse you!”

The fight was eight to six thanks to Lyra’s foam attack. It was clear the disguise Cadence had was useless so in a flash of magic she was back to her real appearance. More flashes of light and four of the Changelings mimicked her. Two became Lyra, the others took up the appearance of the other real guards.

“Everypony, circle formation! Intertwine our tails!” The group intertwines the tails and the fight was on. Lyra and another unicorn were slinging spells, Cadence and a pegasus were covering air attacks, and the other were Earth Ponies bucking and punching.

The Pegasus got fell when a changeling got a lucky shot to his jaw. Only to be hit by a pony charging into him at full force. “Sorry to disobey orders Princess, but these bastards have my wife and son!” Stonewall stood there with a determined look to his face.

“Let him in, he’s a pony!" Cadence nods as Stonewall replace the fallen Pegasus. Soon after the rest of the changelings disengaged or were knocked out. “Hurry to the barracks!”

Cadence picks up the fallen Pegasus and the group charged for the barracks. “I got the door” Stonewall charges spins on his front hooves and bucks the door with enough force the hinges break, sending the door into the 15 changelings inside. four were caught by the flying wood.

“your too late ponies. Look behind you!” One of the larger changelings smiled motioning to the shield protecting the city. “The Swarm has arrived.”

Cadence glances back seeing thousands of changelings pounding into the shield, weakening it with each strike. Then she saw something else as a dark cloud of shadow around the great hall. “Shining!” Despair gripped her heart than anger, a rage like she never felt before.

These things are threatening her home, her family, everything she loved! Sparks of red started appearing along her body. She could feel the fear of the ponies in the city, panic set in. The sparks grow into dancing electrical arcs. “AGHHHHHHHHHHHHH” magic enhanced sonic blast erupts from her throat blasting the larger changeling off his hooves as well as many of the others, the ones remaining standing looked stunned and dazed. Her coat started growing redder as the storm of emotions threatens to overwhelm her.

“Cadence?" Lyra steps back seeing the power her friend could barely hold. The other guard ponies joined her as the storm of magic continued. Bolts of angry reddish lighting blasted the other changelings. A thousand years ago Luna lost control, nowhere in Canterlot threatened by swarming enemies, hate and fear threaten to do the same to Cadence.

“Cadence! Focus! You aren’t alone. I’m here for you, we are all here for you. You aren't alone.” The voice was calming and focused, it cut through the chaos in Cadence’s mind. “Luna?” The sparks fade but her color still stayed that deep red. For a moment hate-filled thoughts crossed her mind. ~Luna left! She left abandoned me!~ eyes locked on the approaching. Then Cadence saw the elder Alicorn fully. Broken horn bound wing. Her coat had splotches where blood had dried. “Luna?” That sight of the battle-damaged Luna took the wind out of the storm in Cadence's mind. Then she collapsed into the elder alicorns hooves. “I’m so scared. I tried, I tried to be strong bu..” Tears fall as she cries in the hug from Luna.

Luna got to Cadence and brushed her mane. “I know, I'm so sorry I couldn’t get back sooner my niece. There still much we have to do.” She looks up at the castle more directly at the shadows surrounding the grand hall. “My daughter killing herself, just to give us a chance. We don't have the time to wait.”

Author's Note:

Please comment I haven't wrote a battle before so any input will be appreciated!

In the show, we have seen Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker. What would you call the dark version of Cadence? What would it take for Cadence to become corrupt as Luna did? I did come up with the idea long ago of Cadence losing her mind and becoming a Dark Alicorn called Shattered Heart. Luckily in this universe Cadence had someone who knew what was happening to calm her down.

What did Luna mean by saying her Daughter was killing herself? Think about how much magic Nightshade using to fight Chrysalis. That much power, but she still a foal her body can't handle it. Like too much electricity in a power cord, sooner or later the power surge going to destroy the cord. Part of my reasoning for foals to show such magical powers when young is the body trying to expel the excess magic. Nightshade is holding that power to fight Chrysalis instead of expelling it. She holding onto a set of spells. Even a surge protector can only hold so many amps before it's overwhelmed.

Next week I'm going to sign up for Grammary full premium service. That's my next paycheck, for this week I'm broke. If you see grammar and spelling errors tell me and I will fix it. Their time is running out!