• Published 18th Oct 2019
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The Beatle - CrackedInkWell

What would Ocellus do if everyone, except for her, forgot The Beatles?

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Chapter 15 – The Play’s the Thing

Ocellus was relieved to be back in Ponyville at the school. Starlight especially after teleporting them, their language, the equipment, and instruments decided that she was going to go straight to bed for the next few days. The student understood perfectly. After going on tour, all she wanted to do was to rest until it was time for school.

Then when Spring Break was officially over, all the students and teachers returned; along with Pull, Dawn, and Mango. Every day after school, the three original Beatles, Ocellus and her friends would gather to work on constructing a very unusual performance in the school’s music room. For the music, they got experimental from using tape recordings to playing whatever instruments they could find. Thanks to the young Changeling to pick out familiar tunes from Pull and Dawn’s improvisations, they were able to piece together Nowhere Mare, Yellow Submarine, Fool on the Hill, Hello Goodbye, She’s Leaving Home, Tomorrow Never Knows, Strawberry Fields Forever, and Hey Bulldog – all in a week! The more songs that Ocellus was able to help reconstruct, the more she wondered what exactly they’ll be able to come up with as a plot with all these strange songs.

A few weeks later when they were able to come up and record fourteen new songs for the project with the addition of a song from Hayson that used Neighponese instruments. Then when Ocellus showed these songs to her friends, they were able to come up with the idea of a plot. About a mare that runs away from home, joins a band in which they go on bizarre adventures that helps the mare discover who she is in the process. The old Beatles listened to this pitch and thought that it might work, and thus, they appointed Silverstream and Smolder to come up with the rough draft of the script on the condition that it would include jokes, distant but weird lands, and a good amount of playful nonsense.

Of course, when they finally got done with it, the whole group took part in the editing process to make sure this bonkers play made some sense. But when Gallus pointed that because the play is so weird that either no creature would understand it or think they were on drugs, “Besides, I don’t think anyone would buy it if it’s in a dream or something.”

“I don’t know,” Dawn commented, “If you dream a dream alone, it will only be a dream. But a dream that you dream together becomes is reality.”

“Ya know, in a weird way,” Smolder replied, “he’s got a point there. If I was told that I’d be involved in coming up with a play for the school with the greatest musicians I’ve ever known – I wouldn’t believe it. Yeah, if you think about it too long, this whole thing makes no sense.”

“Can’t we just have fun with it?” Silverstream asked. “We’re maybe not Shakespur, but I don’t think anyone expects us to be. So how about we just go crazy and enjoy the ride?”

Ringo flipped through his copy, and back at all the insane scenes. “With what’s in here so far? I’d say Welcome to Wonderland.”

“Yona has question.” The young Yak raised her hoof. “Well… Two questions for Ocellus.” She asked her what they were. “Will Ocellus get big orchestra for music?”

The Changeling nodded. “I’m going to get Octavia to arrange the music and get the Canterlot Philharmonic for the performance. Along with her roommate for the more electronic parts. Now, what was your other question?”

“Will we have auditions for the other parts?”

“Kinda. But I’ll take care of that.”

“How?” Sandbar questioned. “The last time we were in a play, we easily got the parts because we were the only ones that auditioned. Even if you’re going to be in it, I don’t know if the rest of the school would want to be in it. Especially with this many needed for the cast.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve asked a few favors from the Hive to come to help out.”

“Well, that’s good news.” Pull pointed out, “Still, I think you might as well hold auditions just to be fair.”

The others agreed.

After it was made clear that they have covered everything for the day, Ocellus asked to speak with Silverstream. When it was only them, the Hippogriff asked if something was wrong.

“Oh, nothing’s wrong,” Ocellus started, “but I do want to talk to you about something. I have been keeping quiet as I don’t want to jump to conclusions because I’ve been noticing something.”

“Uh… Yeah?”

“First off, you do know I’m a Changeling – a creature that’s known for reading emotions from others like a book, right?” Silverstream blushed. “With you, I’ve picked it up now and then, but from what I can gather, you’ve been suppressing something but it’s not clear.” She sat down in front of her. “Silverstream, I’m not trying to embarrass you, but I think that maybe you needed someone to at least talk about what’s going on.”

Silverstream touched the tips of her talons, her gaze looked away. “…. Promise you wouldn’t laugh. Or tell anyone.”

She nodded, preparing herself. “You can trust me. If you don’t mind of me asking, is something bothering you?”

Hesitating for a moment, Silverstream looked over this way and that to make sure that no one was listening to them. “It’s about… Gallus.”

“Yeah? What about him?”

“You see…” combing her talons through her hair, trying to come up with the right words to say, she said: “It’s weird, you know? One day I thought of Gallus as a good friend, then ever since your album came out, I’ve been thinking about the idea of love. Especially with that song And I Love Her, that I can’t figure out why I almost imagine… well… Gallus singing that to me. And since I came back from Spring Break, I’ve begun to notice him more often. Like really noticing him. Is that crazy? I think it is.”

“Well… I don’t know about crazy, but if I didn’t know any better.” She smiled. “I’m starting to think you’re developing a crush on Gallus.”

“What? Me? C’mon! This is Gallus we’re talking about. Our friend. Why am I getting all of these thoughts out of nowhere? And why did it start from that song?”

“You said so yourself, you imagined Gallus singing that to you. Maybe there’s some quality in him that you find attracted towards. So, think about it, what is it with Gallus that would make you notice him more often?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it’s his sense of humor? Or that he’s a bit of a rebel? Or that he’s loyal to us as friends? Perhaps it’s because he’s honest with us and doesn’t try to dance around issues. Or maybe it’s because he’s got that fla…” her words left her before she could finish that sentence, blushing and covering her beak.

“To be fair,” Ocellus smirked, “what I’m sensing from you isn’t love, it’s too undeveloped. Now that I see it, I think you’re experiencing infatuation.”

“What does that mean?”

“Basically, a fixation on Gallus. I don’t believe it’s a crush at this point, but what you’re experiencing now is the early stages of love.”

“Stupid question, but how do you know all this?”

“I’m a Changeling,” Ocellus deadpanned, “we have to understand how it works in the past.”

“Oh…” Silverstream rubbed her arm. “So… now what?”

The young Changeling hummed in thought. “I may be no Princess Cadence, but if I were you, maybe it’s best to hang out with Gallus more.”


“Well, why not? If you don’t know why you find him attractive, or if he would make a good date, then just hang out with him so you can figure out if he is. You don’t have to tell how you feel until you’re certain of it. Don’t rush headlong into it. So, take all the time you need to figure it out.”

Silverstream hugged her. “Thanks, I needed that.”

“Thanks for the juicy gratitude,” Ocellus said, her wings buzzed.

Piece by piece, the play was coming together. Thanks to Dawn Lemon’s concept art, they had a better idea of the look of the play, as well as the sets, the costumes, and even the strange creatures that were to come. Pull and Mango worked with Octavia in ironing the details of the soundscape of the orchestra. Vinyl Scratch got into the action to use the tape that Ocellus kept for the transitional scenes and some of the songs.

The students turned to their teachers to help out with some of the finer details of the play. Rarity was instantly hooked on making the costumes. Pinkie fell in love with the ideas of the sets, so she volunteered to produce it and called in a few favors to help out. Discord agreed to take care of the special effects on the condition that he would be paid with a wig made out of angle hair. Octavia said that she will get the Canterlot Philharmonic to play this music live. And for the director – they went with Spike.

Once the script had turned into a final copy, all that was left was to have auditions and start rehearsing. When an announcement was made to the school and the Hive that there was an audition to be held for a play that had The Beatle’s music, there were lines that went out of the school doors. Even though there were few speaking roles available, it didn’t stop them from trying out.

At the end of the line in the school’s gym, Ocellus looked on tired as one after another, some individual or another would deliver a minute-long monologue and sing a bit. She wasn’t alone, of course. Smolder and Spike were there too. Taking down notes just as she was. Each weighing which would fit best for this or that role. It was tedious work, especially when it came to narrow down who would be played by. The three of them sat in the middle of the room with a table, and behind them was a stand-up piano from the music room.

“Next,” Smolder called out. The double doors of the gym were flung open to an orange coated, blond unicorn, yet chubby stallion.

“Finally!” he said rushing over to Ocellus, “I had waited for months for this.” He held out a hoof to her, “The name’s Aficionado, I’m a huge fan of yours.” He grinned.

Daintily, Ocellus shook his hoof. “Oh, nice to meet you.”

“I’ve been to many of your concerts, and each time I’ve been there, you were brilliant s-so.” He lit up his horn and pulled out a picture of her with the violin-like guitar. “Can I get you to sign this?”

“Hey wait a minute!” Smolder stood up. “Are you here to audition or just to fanboy over my friend here?”

“Well… I just wanted her to sign this.”

“Dude,” Spike said, “we’re in the middle of trying to put a show together. I don’t think this is the time and place.”

“But this is the first time that I’m able to get up close to at least talk to her.” Aficionado protested, “I tried at the other concerts, but she’s always shooed away before I could get close. So please, sign this for me.”

“Look,” Ocellus spoke up, trying to make what she had to say as gently as possible. “Mr… Aficionado, isn’t it?” he nodded, “I appreciate that you’re a fan, and I get that you want to be near someone that you’ve looked up to. Trust me, I absolutely get it. However, if you want, you could try to audition to be in this play we’re putting on.”

“Well, I can’t act or sing… Oh! And before I forget,” suddenly he took out a camera and took a picture at her. Flashing his camera at point-blank range.

A fireball came between them. “Look here creep!” Smolder snapped at him. “If you’re not going to help us in any way that’s, oh I don’t know, constructive, then you need to leave. Ocellus has tried to be reasonable, but you’re so blind in your idol worship that it’s just getting in the way. Now get out before I decide to have you extra crispy.” She finished, blowing smoke out of her nose.

“I just wanted to-”


With dejection and a flash of anger on his face, Aficionado left. Slamming the doors on his way out.

Spike turned to the dragoness, “Did you have to be so harsh? The guy just wanted to have an autograph and a picture.”

“There’s a difference between fanboying, and just being a nascence.”

“You think he’s going to be okay,” Ocellus asked, “I mean, I was trying to be reasonable with him.”

“I’m sure he’ll be fine,” Smolder said, sitting back down. “Next!”

The double doors were pushed open and in walked a young yellow Changeling. As soon as she entered and saw Ocellus there, the Changeling froze.

“Uh… hi.” Ocellus waved.

Almost immediately, the yellow Changeling turned around as if she was about to run out in a panic. But before she could touch the doors, she stopped, took several deep breaths muttering: “You can do this. You can do this.” Clearly, she was nervous and, as they guessed, another fan of Ocellus too starstruck to speak.

“Are you okay?” Spike asked.

She nodded, turning around with a nervous grin. “Yes, yes sorry I… I don’t usually get this anxious. It’s just…”

Smolder cleared her throat. “So, do you have a name?”

“Antenna. I’d like to uh… audition.” She took in several more breaths to try to calm herself.

“Excuse me,” Ocellus said, waving a hoof at her, “could you come here for a second?” As jittery as she was, the yellow Changeling approached her. “I know you must be scared of messing up, and you know what? I get it.”

“Y-You do?”

She nodded. “It may not look like it, but I was like you at first. I was a fan of somebody that I thought was better at me in every way. However, when I got to meet those I looked up to, I found something that surprised me. And I’m going to lend in on a secret about me. Do you want to hear it? Okay. The truth is, I’m not any different than you are.”

Antenna blinked. “But you’re The Beatle, one of the most prolific musicians in the world.”

“That is just making it up as I go. Even the songwriters I work with, Pull McCart and Dawn Lemon, they had just as much musical training as I had – we’re just starting out. So, you don’t have to see me as this flawless being you have to impress. I’m not. And I know you are nervous, but you can do this. Take a moment to breathe, think what you’re going to say and do, and do it.”

Antenna nodded. “Okay… Okay, I can do this.” She backed away a few steps. “I’ll start with a short monologue from Shakespur.” Clearing her throat, she gathers up the courage of her lines and said: “The quality of mercy is not strain’d. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: it blesseth him that gives, and him that takes. ‘Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes the throned monarch better than his crown. His scepter shows the force of temporal power, the attribute to awe and majesty, wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings. But mercy is above this sceptered sway; it is enthroned in the heart of kings; it is an attribute to Faust herself; and earthly power doth then show likest Gods when mercy seasons justice.

The three of them nodded. “I got to say,” Spike remarked, “That’s the first time all day that I’ve heard someone recite Shakespur and not trip over those lines. Not bad.”

“Tell me about it,” Smolder commented while jotting something down. “At least I can follow what she’s saying this time.”

“I think we can all agree that she can talk the talk,” Ocellus smiled up at Antenna, “but can you sing?”

She nodded, “And play too if needed. I have something prepared, but can I borrow the piano?”

The three of them told her to go right ahead. So, going around them, Antenna sat at the bench. “If you don’t mind,” she said turning to Ocellus, “I’m going to be playing an arrangement of one of your songs.”

For a split second, Ocellus was about to correct her, but she let it slide. “Which one?”

“A song called Girl. I’ve been practicing singing it to get it to come out just right.”

She told her to go ahead with it.

Taking in a deep breath and pushing down on one of the sounds peddles, she began with an airy, dream-like intro to let the notes echo and fade. It was quiet at first with her humming the higher notes that would stop and go as if to listen to those dying sounds. Then, she began to sing.

What got all of their attention as not only how her playing had the romantic, dreamy style of someone like Horseshoepin, but how similar her singing voice was to Ocellus. Of course, not absolutely a perfect match, but to the untrained ear, it sounded just like her. Same pitch and tone as her to the point that she could easily fit as her sound double.

While they listened, Ocellus’s mind was racing. Antenna can act, as well as play something complicated and sing. For Ocellus, it was not only clear that she should get a part – but she instantly knew for which part. There was a genuine talent being displayed here, and instantly, she knew exactly how to put it into good use.

Soon, Antenna finished and the three of them gave her an well-deserved applause.

“Wow,” Spike said, “that was really good.”

“Finally,” Smolder sighed in relief, “someone who has tal-”

“You’re in.” Ocellus interrupted her.

Antenna gasped, “Y-You mean?”

She nodded, turning to the other two dragons, “I can safely say that it would be disgraceful if we didn’t let her in, am I right?” They nodded. “In fact…” She stood up, “would you guys give me a moment?”

Antenna and Ocellus flew over towards one of the large windows above, and Ocellus told her in a low voice. “Listen, keep your voice down because I want to tell you something that I don’t want anyone to know, alright?

“Uh… O-Okay…?” Antenna nodded. “Is something wrong?

Quite the opposite. You did really well today. So much so, that I figure out a part for you.” She whispered it into her ear.

Antenna’s jaw dropped. “Are you kidding!?

Ocellus shook her head. “And I’m going to tell you why. Because I think it would only be fair for someone who has this much talent to at least get noticed.

But aren’t you going to be in this too?

She nodded, “I wasn’t planning to, but having you in will give everyone a surprise.

“I…” Antenna’s eyes shimmered and dripped with joyful tears. “Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!” She hugged her.

“Just make sure to be there for rehearsals. We’ll start next week.”

“I won’t forget it. Thank you!” Antenna said with joy as she flew out of the gym.

Sitting back down with the others, Smolder asked, “What was that about?”

Ocellus smirked. “You’ll see.”

About a week later, after it was announced who got what part, the cast gathered together at the outdoor near the school. In the grassy space between the stage and the rows of benches, an upright piano waited along with thirty other individuals who sat in those benches. Most of them were waiting, making small talk, waiting for their first day of rehearsal.

Then a loud whistle was heard, they turned and saw their director – Spike. And Ocellus pulling a red wagon full of scripts. Suddenly the cast rushed to meet her when Dragon blew a large fireball before anything could happen.

“I know you’re excited to meet her, but you can do that after.” Spike told them, “For now, we have a play to put on and with very limited time. So please, line up and we’ll give out your scripts.”

The cast formed a line in which Ocellus started to hoof them out one by one with their script and sheet music. Although the Changeling can sense how most of them were excited to be working with her, she politely told them that she’ll talk with them later. This went on until she got to Antenna who merely winked at her as she gave her script.

After that was done, and the main sixteen cast sat in the front row, Spike walked out in front of them. “I know we don’t have much time until the last day of school to put out this performance.” He started out, talking to them like a general to his soldiers. “And I get it that it might not be easy to memorize brand new songs at short notice either. But you were all chosen out of good faith that you are not good – but the best of what you do. If we work hard, if we’re not distracted, and if you do your best to do your idol justice,” he pointed at Ocellus, “then we can pull this off. I know Two Acts will be a nightmare for some, it will be difficult, yet, it’s not impossible either! So, are you all ready to put on this play?”

“Yes!” The cast cried.

“I can’t hear you!”


Spike smiled, “You better hold on to that enthusiasm. You’ll need it if this is to work.” He then opened up his copy of the full script. “So, let’s get started with Act 1, Scene 1.”

Author's Note:

Up next - the chapters that I've been most looking forward to for months!

Man, I'm excited! Now if you excuse me, I've gotta tune up the orchestra for this.