• Published 18th Sep 2019
  • 503 Views, 14 Comments

Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The Forbidden Symphony - Rixizu

Galaxy Ranger story! Octavia attempts to play the forbidden 'Symphony for Moon and Sun' at the Grand Galloping Gala. An unfinished piece said to be cursed.

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Chapter 1

The Forbidden Symphony
Chapter 1
by Rixizu

Octavia grasped her bow tight as she played her cello. Its music reverberated throughout the empty hall and Octavia absorbed every note, every beat. Music wasn’t just a profession or a love, but her entire being. It flowed through her very veins. Any less would not do. Yet, despite the beautiful music she played, something wasn’t right. Any audience would have found the melody spectacular and their applause would boom throughout the hall, and yet it wasn’t enough. It couldn’t be enough. Every note sounded hateful to her ears, a shadow of what it truly should be. Her face scrunched up in frustration and she loathed every note of the tune. She finally stopped and grabbed the music sheet and scrunched it up into a ball throwing it in the trash can.

Weeks of work and the piece was a complete failure. She’d have to start from scratch once again. The Symphony for Moon and Sun demanded no less than perfection. It didn’t surprise Octavia one bit that the piece rebelled against anypony that didn’t give it absolute perfection. Its curse gave the perpetrator exactly what they deserved. In the hundreds of years since its inception not one pony had ever created the perfect ending. It remained unfinished after all this time. Octavia would change that. She had to.

Octavia grimaced as her chest erupted in pain and she broke into another coughing fit. Blood splattered the stage. She wiped the blood off her muzzle when it stopped. Not yet, she couldn’t die until she left her mark on the world. The Grand Galloping Gala was her last chance to make history. She’d play the true ending of the Symphony for Moon and Sun before the Princesses and be forever immortalized. Nothing could truly kill her then. A true musician wanted nothing more.

If I can finish it. Despite twelve rewrites, none of them rang right to her ears. They didn’t come close to the true beauty of the original work. Worse, she barely had the energy anymore and knew she was fading away. This would never stop her though. She’d go on the Gala’s stage even if she could barely stand, refusing to miss this opportunity.

After several minutes of consideration, she took a break. Her favorite tea shop was nearby and would relax her mind. The Gala was only three weeks away and she couldn’t afford to burn out. After cleaning the stage, she put her cello away and headed out. The streets of Canterlot were busy as always though this time strange black creatures walked among the crowds. They were called changelings. She didn’t know much about the details, but the papers said they tried to invade Equestria using poisoned apples. A brave filly convinced them to turn on their evil queen and side with the ponies. It was a strange sight and she wondered what type of music they liked. Hopefully not that wretched Dubtrot nonsense or worse the Daughters of Discord. She’d need to research them later and introduce them to true music. No way she’d let their virgin culture get infected with Dubtrot or any other lesser music.

The door chimed as she entered the tea shop. The place was quiet as usual, just as Octavia preferred it. The waiter took her order of Jasmine tea and Octavia closed her eyes, centering her thoughts as she waited.

“Hey, isn’t that your teacher?” A high pitched nasally voice said throwing Octavia off balance. She opened her eyes to glare at the perpetrator.

Standing before her was Princess Luna’s student, Trixie Lulamoon. The most uncouth pony she’d ever met. Somehow in her over decade long apprenticeship, the princess hadn’t taught her even a speck of decorum. Octavia calmed when she saw her own favorite student Lyra Heartstrings.

“Octavia!” Lyra said beaming.

“Hello Lyra, it is good to see you again,” Octavia replied ignoring Trixie. For reasons that escaped her, Lyra was friends with Trixie. A relationship she disapproved of. It distracted Lyra from her true life’s purpose of music. How anypony could stand being near a pony so annoying, Octavia didn’t know. Lyra claimed they fought evil together and that was fine, but it still shouldn’t distract her from her art.

“So, uh, how is it going?” Lyra forced a smile. She still didn’t know about Octavia’s condition and she intended it to stay that way.

“Are you really planning to play the Symphony for Moon and Sun?” Trixie asked. “You know how crazy that is, right?”

Octavia fought back her irritation and ignored Trixie. hoping she’d get the hint and go away. “It’s going well enough. The challenge is invigorating and pushes me to greater heights. A musician could want nothing more. ”

“Yeah, but when you fail, aren’t you worried about losing your career?” Trixie said. Anger and hate blazed in Octavia, but she kept her tongue not even looking at the mare.

“Trixie!” Lyra glared in protest.

“There’s something wrong with that thing,” Trixie said defensively, “like how is it hundreds of composers still haven’t completed it? It makes no sense. It must involve weird magic.”

“Trixie, curses don’t exist.” Lyra turned to Octavia. “Ignore her, if anypony can complete the Symphony for Moon and Sun, it’s you. Maybe I could help.”

Octavia smiled fondly at her student. “I appreciate it, but this is a path I must cross alone.”

“If you say so.” Lyra sighed. “Just know I’m here for you. Call if you need me.”

Octavia nodded. Her student was so thoughtful. She remembered the times when Lyra brought fatty snacks so their late-night study sessions wouldn’t be so dour. Her student lived with her heart on her sleeve. Unfortunately, Octavia feared what would happen when reality came crashing down on her. Sure Lyra was gifted, but she didn’t have a mind for politics and the Night Court nobles would eat her flesh and tear her apart. Worse, Lyra was too stubborn to find a sponsor to aid her career and wanted to start from the ground up. Maybe Octavia could do something about that. She wasn’t a stranger to dirty dealings to achieve her aims and better yet Lyra would never know, keeping her pride intact. A project to work on later.

Their chat was a lovely one, though Trixie annoyingly tried to butt it. Octavia didn’t address her once, but that only encouraged the princess’s student to become even more annoying and shrill. Still, it raised Octavia’s spirit and she smiled as she trotted back to her apartment.

It was a fairly large thing, full of books on music and various musical instruments. Octavia liked to dabble. Her expertise was the cello, but she played most instruments competently. She spent the rest of the night cleaning. It relaxed her mind and helped her think. Already she had several new ideas and jotted them down on a notebook as she worked. The doorbell rang breaking her concentration. She sat down her duster and wondered who would bother her at so late an hour.

“Hello, Octavia,” Greengrass said with a polite bow, “may I come in?”

Octavia stared stunned. Of all the ponies she expected to appear at her door, the disgraced Duke Greengrass was not one of them. He’d disappeared months ago after a nasty scandal where he and several other Night Court nobles tried to usurp Trixie and the other Galaxy Rangers by becoming Rangers themselves. They framed the Rangers for various crimes including murder. Greengrass’s own secretary Notary did the deed. A court of law found her guilty and sentenced her to life in prison. The Duke disappeared soon later and nopony had seen him since.

She considered slamming the door in his face, but sighed and let him in. Greengrass gave her a thankful nod and entered. He walked with a cane and looked at least thirty years older. The rumors about the Nobles losing their youth after losing their Ranger powers were true it seemed. The once-powerful and sturdy earth pony seemed frail and weak now. Still, his eyes shone with an intellect not diminished an iota by losing his youth. He sat on her couch.

“Do you have some coffee?” Greengrass asked. “Or cocoa perhaps. I recall you being fond of the stuff.”

“What are you doing here Greengrass?” Octavia didn’t have time for pleasantries.

Greengrass shook his head remorseful unable to get the cocoa he wanted. “Very well. I’ve come for a favor.”

Octavia’s eyes narrowed. That could mean a million things and she cursed ever getting involved with the Duke. She’d used him to get ahead of her peers getting the best concerts and venues to propel her career. That deal with the devil was coming due it seemed. Still, what could possibly want with her? She was only a cello player and her information sources were limited. She won’t be much use to him. Then, it hit her. He wanted to use her to get at Trixie and Lyra. They were the reason his plan months ago failed. Her blood turned cold. He wanted her as a spy and if she didn’t comply, he would destroy her disgraced Duke or not.

“I’m not helping you hurt Lyra.” She didn’t care about Trixie, but nopony hurt her Lyra.

Greengrass raised an eyebrow. “What would I want with your student?”

“Revenge, obviously,” Octavia replied.

Greengrass was utterly ruthless. He’d sell out his own mother to get what he wanted. He was renowned for it. Still, no threat would change her mind. She smiled wryly. What used were threats to a dying mare? An idea struck her and everything came into place. It made perfect sense and fit Greengrass’s MO.

“You were behind the changeling invasion, weren’t you?” Octavia’s voice was quiet. There were rumors a Night Court noble was behind the plot and worse they tried to pin the blame on poor Princess Celestia. Nopony believed the princess’s involvement even a moment.

Greengrass gave her a blank look. Then, much to Octavia surprise, he made a frustrated sigh. She’d never seen that much emotion from him before. She caught herself. They were obvious lies.

“No, I wasn’t behind the changeling invasion. Why would I do that?” Greengrass lamented. “Why is it everypony assumes the worst of me?”

“Revenge, obviously.” Octavia snorted. “The changeling attack just happened to center on Ponyville, the town the Rangers happen to live in.”

Greengrass gave out another frustrated sigh. “I am many things, Octavia Philharmonica, but a traitor is not one of them. Besides, revenge, as they say, is a sucker’s game.”

“What? But your condition, your plans!”

Greengrass gave a self-deprecating smile. “Plans fail and my condition was my own fault. Power has a price and I did not read the small print. I suspect Fisher knew about the side effects and kept that little detail to himself. He played me like a fiddle and I respect that. Nevermind, it’s in the past. What matters is the future.”

“What do you want then?” Octavia tensed.

“I do need you as a spy, but not on the Rangers,” Greengrass replied, “I want you to watch Princess Luna.”

“Princess Luna?” Octavia starred not believing her ears.

“Yes, she’s been acting odd lately.” Greengrass put his hooves on his chin. “And I want to know why.”


“She’s been acting irritable and erratic of late,” Greengrass said, “very unlike her and I fear something is affecting her mind. I suspect our famed Princess Celestia is behind it.”

Octavia blinked at that conclusion.

“Come on now.” Greengrass tisked in disapproval. “Luna acts strange soon after the fallen princess changes her ways around? How convenient.”

Of all Greengrass’s requests, this was the one she’d least suspect. His reason became clear. “And you want me because I have unfettered access to the palace due to the Gala and nopony would suspect me.”

“Correct. I’m sure your sharp hearing will learn something.” Greengrass smiled. “I’m afraid my movements and resources are restricted at the moment. You’re my best chance to learn what’s going on.”

“And if you expose Corona’s plan,” Octavia replied, “you’ll get back into Princess Luna’s good graces.”

“You wound me.” Greengrass grabbed his heart. “I can’t just be doing my civic duty? I promise to reward you well for your assistance.”

He pulled out a pair of books out of his saddlebag and placed them on the coffee table. Octavia drooled when she saw they were old manuscripts.

“I hear you’re trying to play the Symphony for Moon and Sun at the Gala.” Greengrass gave a mischievous smile. “Not bad for your final performance. I look forward to listening to it.”

Octavia started. “You know I’m dying?!”

“Not that hard to tell.” Greengrass snorted. “This whole ordeal sings of a final swansong. These books are by a famous composer called Moonshadow Whistle. He studied the Symphony for Moon and Sun 650 years ago. He didn’t play it himself, but he did do extensive research on the piece. This might prove helpful in your quest to finish the symphony. Do we have a deal?”

Octavia considered every aspect of the proposal. In reality, she didn’t have much to lose. Her spying duties wouldn’t distract too much from her practices and these books might give her the inspiration she needed. Still, it wasn’t enough. Greengrass gained more from this deal than she did. A brilliant idea struck her.

“One more stipulation,” Octavia said, “you help Lyra’s career and become her patron. You get her the best concerts and venues money can buy even if Princess Luna doesn’t reinstate you as a noble and protect her from other nobles. And Lyra never learns about this. Ever.”

“Deal,” Greengrass said automatically, “I’m a pony of my word.”

“And you won’t try to get revenge on her?”

“Revenge is a sucker’s game, Octavia Philharmonica.” Greengrass repeated smiling with humor.

“You have yourself a deal.”