• Published 18th Aug 2019
  • 4,059 Views, 164 Comments

Rekindling the Flames - CoJoThom98

Wanting to put old wounds behind them, Sunset and Flash agree to start over as friends. But this rekindling of friendship may have accidently ignited other feelings as well.

  • ...

Ch. 6: Finding Out the Truth

Author's Note:

So I usually put the Author's Note at the bottom but I need it to be at the top this time. Mainly because I need to offer a warning for this chapter.

This chapter involves usage of alcohol by characters who, according to US law, are under the legal drinking age. Reader's discretion is advised.

Now on a more positive note, this story has just surpassed 400 views and 1,500 total views, which is really awesome! Now I kept you guys waiting long enough, enjoy chapter 6!

Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash walk through the aisles of the grocery store. Rainbow Dash pushes the cart behind Rarity and Applejack while they look at the shelves, following the list Rarity had put together early. The cart is filled with an assortment of different snack foods and drinks. Potato and tortilla chips, salsa, queso, cocktail weiners, crackers, cheese slices, and soda. They are preparing for the Main 7’s monthly game night tonight. They hold it every last Saturday of the month where they play a JackBox party game, the most popular choice being Quiplash, with a special twist. They almost have everything on their list, except for a few items that can only be found in one aisle. As they walk, they start talking about their friends, two in particular.

“So have we heard anything new about Sunset and Flash?” Rarity asks as she scans the list.

“Not really,” says Applejack, “Other than that they’ve been growing closer as friends, but nothing beyond that.”

“Soarin’s got nothing to report as well,” Rainbow says with a groan. “The only significant news was Flash confessing to him about his feelings for Sunset, but that was like a week ago.”

“Since when did you get your boyfriend involved on this?” Applejack teasingly asks.

Rainbow’s eyes widen and her cheeks blush. “Soarin’s not my boyfriend!” she hasteningly says. “I-I-I don’t even like him... in that way.” Applejack and Rarity chuckle as Rainbow’s entire face turns bright red.

“I gotta say, things between those two have been moving a lot slower than I thought they would,” Applejack admits.

Rarity lifts her head, raises her eyebrows, and turns her head to face Applejack. “Oh, so then are you reconsidering what our stance should be?” she asks.

Applejack pinches her chin and thinks about it for a minute. When Flash and Sunset reignited their friendship, the rest of the Main 7 decided to take a hands-off approach to their relationship. Applejack has been the strongest advocate of this stance. But recently, some of the members have been thinking of changing that stance to be a bit more active. Rainbow, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie have thrown their support behind this idea, but Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight are still unsure.

Applejack shakes her head slowly. “No, I still think we should let things happen on their own,” she says, “no matter how slow they may be happenin’.”

“Oh come on AJ!” Rainbow groans. “Those two are never going to end up together if we just sit back and let things happen.”

“We just need to be patient,” Applejack argues, “If we go meddlin’ in their affairs, then no one wins.”

“I’m going to have to agree with Rainbow Dash, dear,” says Rarity. “It’s quite obvious that the two admire each other but, let’s be honest, they have colder feet than a penguin. We’re not saying we should control them like puppets, rather just give them a little… push.” She motions her hand into a small pushing action.

“Could you be a bit more clear about what exactly this ‘push’ entails?” Applejack asks, raising an eyebrow and placing her hands on her hips.

“Don’t worry AJ, we’ve got a plan,” Rainbow says with confidence. “We’re going to invite Flash and Soarin to game night tonight. We would invite just Flash but that might seem a bit suspicious to Sunset. At some point in the evening, we’re going to isolate Flash from the rest of the group. We’re going to get him to spill his guts out about Sunset, hear it directly from the horse’s mouth. Then, we’re going to let him know how Sunset truly feels. Anything he tells us will remain just between all of us, excluding Sunset. Then we work with whatever information we have and continue on from there.”

Applejack processes the plan through her mind. “The first part sounds ok, I guess,” she says with uncertainty, “but it sounds to me like you’re plannin’ on violatin’ Sunset’s trust. I ain’t havin’ no part in that.”

“We had hesitated on that point,” Rarity says, “But just getting them to admit it might not be enough. if someone doesn’t tell someone else something, that someone might never pick up on someone else’s hints.”

“...What?” Rainbow Dash says.

“I don’t care how you say it,” Applejack says, “You just forget about that end of things and I’ll think about it.”

“Oh very well, I’ll make sure Rainbow Dash doesn’t go off-script,” Rarity says.

“You know I’m standing right here?” Rainbow exclaims.

“Yes I know dear,” Rarity answers dryly.

Applejack thinks it over while they show. The plan could work. Getting things out in the open might be just the subtle push they need.. Applejack slowly starts to nod, “Okay, you can go along with your plan, just know I’ll be watchin’,” she states. “Don’t push too hard. The last thing we need is to get them together by makin’ ‘em mad at us… y’all. And easy on the drinks.The last thing we need is someone confessing their feelings while in a stupor, like at the last Apple Family Reunion when Cousin Northwood didn’t tell anybody his cider was hard.

“Yeah you know, you never did tell use that story,” Rainbow Dash says.

“That’s ‘cause it’s private,” Applejack says, “Now do we have a deal or not?”

“Right, right,” Rainbow Dash says. “We’re gonna be reeaal casual about it. We’re gonna corner him after the first game.”

“Speaking of which,” Rarity says, changing the topic and turning to Rainbow, “I believe it’s your turn this month to pick out our poison, Rainbow Dash.”

“Yes!” Rainbow exclaims, pumping both of her fists towards her. “I know exactly what to get. Be right back!” Rainbow dashes past the girls and towards the liquor aisle, leaving a rainbow trail behind her.

Flash and Soarin pull up in front of Applejack’s house on the other side of the street. They can tell from the vehicles out front that they are the last to arrive. Flash turns off the engine, steps out of the car, locks it, and heads towards the house, Soarin following suit. In Soarin’s hands are a bag of solo cups and a jug of apple cider. The two walk side by side to the house. “So you ready for tonight?” Soarin asks Flash. “Ready to hang out with… Sunset again?” Soarin light jabs Flash’s side with his elbow a few times.

“Yeah, I guess,” Flash says rolling his eyes. He’s pretty much gotten used to Soarin’s teasing at this point and is almost immune. However, this time he has a counter. “But the real question, are you ready for tonight?” Flash asks.

“What are you talking about?” Soarin asks with a hint of concern.

“Oh you know.” Flash points to the jug of cider, “Tanners Orchard cider, Applejack’s favorite non-Sweet Apple Acres cider, you trying to impress someone… cowboy?” Flash raises and lowers his eyebrows a few times.

“I-I don’t know what you mean,” Soarin says, slightly blushing and looking away from his friend. Of course, he does know what Flash is talking about.

Soarin has had a slight crush on Applejack ever since last year’s Fall Festival when the Apple family was selling a new style of their traditional apple pie, Dutch Apple Pie. Soarin loved their dutch apple, so much that he bought seven slices from them. But it wasn’t just the pie that had him coming back, it was also the beautiful, blonde, freckle-faced girl who was serving the pie. Everytime he went back, he always intrigued by a different aspect about her. Her country persona, her love of the business, and her warm and kind personality. Ever since then, he’s been wanting to get to know her better, but behind his snark and confidence lies a nervous lad who would not know the first thing to say to her. Tonight, however, might give him a chance.

“Sure you don’t, cowboy,” Flash teases.

They walk up to the door, ring the doorbell, and wait for someone to answer. A few seconds go by until the door opens with no one behind it. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, Pinkie Pie pops up in front of the two, exclaiming, “Flashlight! Clipper! You made it!”

They both jump and yelp at being startled by Pinkie. “Sweet Lauren Faust!” cries Soarin, nearly dropping the items. “Pinkie Pie! Please don’t ever do that again.”

“Also you’re not allowed to call us those names outside of P.E.,” Flash lightly scolds.

“Whatever you say, guys,” Pinkie says smiling. “Come on in! Everyone else is waiting for you.” Pinkie skips inside, leading the two boys in. Soarin enters first, followed by Flash, who closes the door behind them.

They walk into the living room where the rest of the girls and Big Mac are sitting around in front of the TV. Applejack is the first to see them.

”Hey y’all, glad you can make it,” she says. She gets up from her seat and walks over to the two. She notices Soarin holding the cups and cider. “I can take those off your hands Soarin,” she says holding out her hands. Soarin hands her the items. Applejack flips over the jug to get a look at the label. “Oooh, Tanners Orchard cider, you picked a good one Soarin,” she says with amusement.

“Oh, good, I was, uh, hoping I did,” Soarin says, fumbling over his words and scratching the back of his head. As Applejack turns around and walks towards the kitchen, Soarin eyes begin to look down and focus on her rear as it sways while she walks.

Flash notices this and gives his friend a light elbow jab to the gut. “Enjoying the view?” he teasingly whispers.

“I-I-I wasn’t looking at her um… her,” Soarin whispers back, feeling his face begin to turn red.

“Her ass?”

“Um, yeah.” Soarin stands there awkwardly, not saying a word, instead letting his red face do all the talking. Finally he says in a normal volume, “Lets just go find a seat.” Soarin walks over and takes a seat on the floor next to the coffee table. Flash follows and takes a seat in one of the empty armchairs.

Applejack walks back into the living room and takes her seat on the couch. “Alright,” she says, “now that we are all here, Sunset, why don’t you explain the rules to the new players?”

“Sure thing,” says Sunset who’s sitting at the opposite end of the couch. She turns to face Soarin and Flash. “Alright you two,” she says, getting their attention, “now I assume you are familiar with the game Quiplash?” They both nod. “Okay, well we play it with a little twist. By twist I mean we make it a drinking game. The rules are, if you are in first at the end of the round you don’t take a shot, if you are last you take a shot, and if you’re not in either first or last then you take half a shot.”

Flash and Soarin look at each other with raised eyebrows of intrigue. They look back at Sunset and Flash says, “Well this night just got a lot more interesting.”

Pinkie Pie, who’s sitting on the other end of the coffee table, stands up holding a baseball cap upside down. “Since there are ten of us playing,” she says, “we’re going to split up into teams of two by selecting our teammate at random from this hat. I’ll go first!” Pinkie reaches into the hat, runs her hands through the slips of paper, pulls one out, and reads it. “Twilight!”

“Yes!” Twilight exclaims, “Team TwiPie for the third time in a row!”

“Oh come on!” Rainbow exclaims, “You guys are too good when teamed up! I demand a redraw.”

“There are no redraws Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy says gently. “It’s all random, you’ll just have to deal with Twilight and Pinkie teaming up again.”

“E’yup,” says Big Mac.

“Ugh, fiiine,” Rainbow groans.

“Your turn Flash,” says Pinkie as she places the hat in front of him.

Flash reaches his hand into the hat and reads the slip of paper he pulled out. “Rarity.”

“Oooh,” Rarity exclaims, “this ought to be interesting.” She gets up from her seat on the couch and sits on the left arm of Flash’s chair. However, Flash gets up and offers his seat to Rarity, not wanting to have her sit on the arm while he’s in the chair. “Such a gentleman,” Rarity says alluringly as she takes the seat. When she sits down, she looks over at Sunset who is glaring at her with wincing eyes, almost as if she’s jealous.

“You’re up Soarin,” says Pinkie.

Soarin reads the name he pulls out. “Applejack.”

“Alright, this is going to be fun,” Applejack says as she gets up from the couch and sits down on the floor next to Soarin. Applejack looks over and notices Soarin’s face turning red, lips pursed, and eyes wide. “Uh, are you okay sugar cube?” she asks with some concern.

“UhyeahI’mfine,” Soarin says rapidly.

Rainbow looks at Soarin’s composure. He’s not acting like the pompous, over-confident athlete she knows him to be. In fact, he’s never acted this insecure around anyone, especially around the ladies. What is going on with him? Rainbow thinks

“Sunset,” Pinkie says handing the hat to her.

Sunset reads her name. “Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow is snapped out of her thoughts when she hears her name. She looks and see Sunset holding the piece of paper with her name on it. “AH yeah!” Rainbow exclaims, “Team SunDash is finally back!” Rainbow vaults over the couch and lands next to Sunset.

“That leaves Fluttershy and Big Mac,” says Pinkie.“Looks like you two are teaming up again.”

“Woohoo, let’s go Team FlutterMac,” Fluttershy gently cheers.

“E’yup!” Big Mac exclaims, giving Fluttershy a high five.

“Alright y’all,” says Applejack, “login and enter your team name.”

Applejack, Flash, Sunset, Twilight, and Big Mac pull out their phones and login to Quiplash. Five names appear on the TV: FlutterMac, SunDash, TwiPie, SoarinApple, and RariFlash.

“Oh before we begin,” Sunsets says before she hits start, “this room is a safe space, so feel free to enter anything as your answer.”

“What she means is, the more vulgar, crude, and offensive your answer is, the better,” Rainbow explains.

“So be prepared to lose whatever innocence you may have left,” jokes Rarity.

“As if we had any innocence to begin with,” Soarin jokes but freezes when realizes what he just said. “Wait, that came out wrong.” Everyone around the room laughs.

“Ready to lose to me again, she-demon,” Flash says to Sunset.

“In your dreams, horse lover,” Sunset retorts.

“Hey, let’s save the heckling for when we’re wasted,” says Applejack. “Hit play Sunset.”

“Alright, here we go!” Sunset hits play and the intro screen begins to roll.

At the end of the first game, the score is:

RariFlash: 0 shots
SoarinApple: 1.5 shots
TwiPie: 1.5 shots
FlutterMac: 2 shots
SunDash: 2 shots

“How the hell is the noob beating us!?” exclaims Rainbow Dash.

“My dad was in the Air Force, RD,” Flash says as he leans in his chair and crosses his arms. “I know jokes your small brain can’t even comprehend.”

“I don’t think I want to learn what you know,” says Fluttershy as she takes her half-shot. She shudders from both the alcohol and the thought of what Flash’s psyche might look like.

“We need to step up our game, Pinkie,” Twilight says. “Or we’ll lose our winning streak.” Twilight takes a whole shot and rapidly shakes her head after she swallows.

“Agreed,” says Pinkie as she takes her shot. Pinkie then leans over and whispers to Twilight, “Do you want me to break out… the book?”

“Not yet,” Twilight whispers back, “Wait until we’re really desperate.”

“You’re really good at this game, Flash,” says Rarity, “I’m starting to regret that we never invited you over for game night sooner.”

“The only thing I regret is letting Rainbow buy strawberry vodka,” groans Applejack as she pours her and Soarins half-shot.

“Yeah this stuff is really sweet,” Soarin says as he accepts his glass. “Cheers, Applejack?”

“Ha, cheers, Soarin.” They clink their glass and shoot back their shots. They go into a small coughing fit, reacting to the sweetness of the booze.

“Well, we should probably start breaking out the snacks,” says Rarity. “We can’t fill our stomachs with vodka alone.” She gets up from her seat and walks towards the kitchen. Before she enters, she turns to face the group. “Rainbow, Flash, could you two come help me, please?” They both nod and follow Rarity into the kitchen.

They find most of the food gathered on the kitchen island, still in its packaging. Rarity goes to the fridge and pulls out all the cold items while Rainbow grabs dishes and Flash begins unpacking. After working for roughly ten minutes, Rainbow and Rarity shoot each other a side look and give a nod. They all gather around the island and begin arranging the food. Then Rarity puts the plan into motion.

“So Flash, what do you think of Sunset?” Rarity asks with a tone of interest.

“She’s great,” Flash says casually as he arranges the food. “I’m really glad we’re friends again.”

“Is that all?” she asks. “There isn’t anything else you might feel about her?”

Flash halts his arranging and feels his face turning red. “I’m… not sure what you mean,” he says.

“Come on dude,” says Rainbow as she looks forward towards him. “You don’t need to hide it from us. We can tell you like her anyway.”

Flash does not say anything. He remains silent and focuses on the food as his face grows red as a tomato. He looks up and sees the two girls looking at him with intrigued faces. He looks back down and gets back to his work.

“We’ve seen what you’re like when you’re around Sunset,” says Rainbow. “You never break a smile, you listen to everything she says, and, according to Soarin, you were swooning about her last week after PE.”

“Soarin said that?” Rainbow nods. “I’m going to kill him later,” Flash mutters to himself.

“The point she’s trying to make dear,” Rarity explains, “is that we can tell that you have some rather strong feelings for our friend. But we want to know for certain if it's true. Is it?”

Flash stops his work, leans against the counter with both hands, and lets out a big sigh. “If I tell you,” he looks up at both of them, “can you promise that you won’t tell Sunset?”

Rainbow and Rarity place their right hand over their heart and raise their left hand. “On my honor,” says Rarity.

“You have my word,” says Rainbow.

“...Okay.” Flash takes in a deep breath and says, “Yes it’s true, I do have some strong feelings for Sunset.”

“Awesome,” says Rainbow. “So what are you waiting for?”

“Excuse me?” says Flash in confusion.

“Rainbow Dash!” scolds Rarity.

“What?” says Rainbow. “If he likes her so much, then why doesn’t he just go ahead and tell her?”

Flash scratches the back of his head and looks down at the floor. Rarity looks over at Flash and can read the signs. “You’re worried she may react the same way she did a few weeks ago,” Rarity predicts.

“I am,” he confesses. “I like her, but after what happened at Pour Jons, I’ve been very hesitant to tell her. Not only that, but I’m not sure if I’m ready to try dating again. Especially after how our last relationship ended.”

Rarity walks over to Flash and places her hand on his shoulder. “I can understand your hesitation,” Rarity says empathetically. “I wasn’t fully ready to accept Sunset as a friend right after the Fall Formal. But now we are closer than ever, practically sisters.”

“And what makes you think things will turn out like last time?” asks Rainbow.

“I don’t,” says Flash, “but if there wasn’t anything between us then, how can there be now? I may have feelings for her, but I highly doubt she feels the same way.”

Rainbow and Rarity look at each other and begin to snicker. They use every fiber of their body to keep their laughter under control. Flash notices them trying to hide their laughter and looks at them confused. “What’s so funny?” he asks.

“No offense Flash,” Rainbow says stifling her laughter, “but please tell me you’re not that oblivious?”

“Excuse me!?” Flash exclaims in an insulted tone.

“What she means to say dear,” Rarity says, getting a hold herself, “is that it’s quite clear that Sunset also has strong feelings about you.”

Flash looks at the two with much skepticism. He has a hard time believing their words, especially after Rainbow’s question. “So, I pour out my feelings and you girls are trying to lead me on so I can make myself look foolish?” He violently turns his back towards Rarity and Rainbow and takes a few steps away from them.

The two girls snap back into serious mode when they notice Flash’s offended attitude. “Of course not dear,” Rarity says, trying to ease things. “We would never do that to you.”

“Yeah we’re being a hundred percent serious,” says Rainbow walking over to Rarity’s side. “Sunset totally has the hots for you.”

Flash takes in a few deeps breaths and turns back to face the girls, his arms crossed. “No jokes?” he asks. “You’re being serious?” They both put their right hand over their hearts, raise their left hand, and nod. “How can you tell?”

“How can you not?” Rarity gently asks. “When we see you two together, she looks at you like you’re a perfectly cut diamond.”

“She laughs at just about every joke you make,” says Rainbow, “even the ones that aren’t funny.”

“She constantly brushes her hair behind her ear and will sometimes look up at you with red cheeks and a sheepish grin,” says Rarity, slightly gushing at the mental image.

“Those can mean anything,” Flash says, still deep in his skepticism. “Has she said or confessed anything?”

“Weeell,” Rainbow says scratching the back of her head, “not exactly.” Flash raises his eyebrow, steeping further back into his doubts.

“She’s never explicitly told us,” Rarity explains, “and if she had we could not break her trust, but whenever the topic comes up, she doubles down, rather suspiciously, on how you two are ‘just friends.’”

“But the biggest give away was after your chat at Sugar Cube Corner a few weeks ago,” says Rainbow. “When she recounted your guys’s chat, she fell into a euphoric state so high it took her an hour to come back down.”

Flash looks off to the side and thinks over their points. It could be possible that Sunset holds similar feelings for him. The points they laid out are pretty compellingly. He’s never considered her mannerisms towards him until they pointed it out. Now that thinks about, her actions do seem like she holds some sort of attraction for him. But without a direct confession, it is hard to accept this claim with full certainty.

Flash looks at the girls and asks, “Are you certain she feels this strongly about me?”

“We are ninety-five percent certain that she does,” says Rarity, “but the only way to know for sure is if you ask her.”

“Or get her piss drunk,” Rainbow says nonchalantly.

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity exclaims in horror.

“What?” Rainbow responds, “It’s called liquid honesty for a reason.”

“It’s liquid courage,” Flash says correcting her, “and I don’t think that’s a good idea. A drunken confession isn’t a really good confession.”

“A wise decision, darling,” says Rarity, giving Rainbow Dash a stern side look.

“So then what do you plan on doing?” Rainbow asks with an annoyed tone.

“I don’t know,” Flash admits. “Probably nothing at the moment.”

“Nothing? That’s your plan?” Rainbow exclaims.

“Fair enough,” says Rarity, “It has only been two weeks, but I wouldn’t wait too long. I suggest revisiting this issue within the next week or so.”

“Or tell her tomorrow!” Rainbow exclaims in frustration. “This has been dragging on for long enough!”

“Hey, are you guys almost done in there?” Pinkie yells from the living room.

“Yeah we’re getting pretty hungry in here!” yells Sunset.

“We’re almost done, just another minute,” Rarity yells back.

“I’ll decide something later,” says Flash, “but right now, remaining friends is the safest bet.”

“Fine, take things slow,” Rainbow begrudgingly says, throwing up her hands and rolling her eyes.

“We better get this food out there before they get too hangry,” says Rarity as she grabs some of the platters. Rainbow and Flash grab the rest of the food and follow Rarity out of the kitchen.

At the end of the night, the final score is:

RariFlash: 2 shots
TwiPie: 8 shots
SoarinApple: 9 shots
FlutterMac: 10 shots
SunDash: 12 shots

While Rarity and Flash are the winners of game night, one could argue that they are really the losers. They are only slightly buzzed while the rest of their friends are completely wasted, and they have to be the babysitters.

“I think it’s time everyone went to bed, don’t you think?” Rarity asks Flash. They are standing against the far wall of the living room, observing the chaos taking place in front of them.

“Do we have to drive everyone home now?” Flash asks, not looking forward to taking care of a bunch of drunk toddlers. Especially Soarin, who is dancing like a male stripper with a lampshade over his head, while Pinkie is playing heavy bass music from her phone, and Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Sunset, and Twilight fling dollar bills at him and dance along. Fluttershy is currently passed out in one of the armchairs, and Big Mac already retired to his room upstairs.

“Thank Faust no, we usually just spend the night,” says Rarity. “You and Soarin don’t have to, but if you’re not feeling up to drive, then you’re more than welcome to stay.”

Flash observes his friend as he thinks over what he should do. “Probably be best just to stay here,” Flash concludes. “I’d rather not risk getting a DUI while I got a buzz.” Rarity nods in agreement. He continues to watch his friends, especially Sunset who’s dancing with her whole body to the music. Even though her moves are unsteady and erratic, Flash finds them to be rather graceful and even sexy. Sunset catches Flash looking at her and motions her finger towards him, telling him to get over here.

Flash slowly starts to walk towards her, but he’s stopped when Rarity places her hand on his chest and points towards Soarin and Applejack. The two have their arms around each other, swinging around. They both begin to move their hands down and each towards the others--, “NO, SOARIN, BAD DOG!” Flash shouts as he and Rarity run to break the two apart.

“HEY!” shouts Rainbow Dash in a drunken fury, “Get your hands off my man, you slut!”

“Make me, bitch!” shouts Applejack as she wobbles towards Rainbow with balled fists.

The two come face to face but before anything can happen, Rarity pinches the back of both their necks causing them to collapse. “Bedtime for everyone!” she declares.

After about an hour or two, Rarity and Flash successfully get all their friends to settle down and go to sleep. Rarity has Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight sharing Applejack’s bed. Flash has Soarin and Rainbow Dash huddled in fetus positions on opposite ends of the couch and Sunset curled up in the other armchair. They decided not to bother Fluttershy since she seemed comfortable enough as she is.

The two meet in the kitchen after they’re done taking care of the toddlers. They both lean up against the island and rub their temples. “I think we got them all to bed,” says Flash letting out a yawn.

“I think so too,” says Rarity, catching the yawn. “I think I’m going to retire to the guest room now. You think you’ll be okay down here?”

“Yeah, I’m going to use the bathroom first, and I’ll curl up in between Soarin and Rainbow on the couch,” says Flash.

“Very well, good night Flash, I’ll see you in the morning,” says Rarity as she walks out of the kitchen.

“Good night Rarity,” Flash says. He stands up straight and stretches his arms. He walks out of the kitchen and towards the bathroom, just down the hall. Once he takes care of his business and washes up, he turns off the lights and he walks out of the bathroom but runs into someone in the dark. He turns the bathroom light back on to see that it’s Sunset he ran into. She wobbles as she stands and her eyelids are half open. He reaches out a hand to her shoulder to steady her. “Sunset, what are you doing up?” he asks in a hushed tone so as to not wake everyone else.

“I just wanted to see the cutest boy on the planet,” she says, slurring her words and giggling.

“That’s very kind of you, but you need to go to sleep,” he turns her around and starts pushing her back to the living room. “Now come on, let’s get you back to your chair.”

“No!” she quietly shouts. “Not until I tell you something.” She tries pointing at him, but her finger can’t remain still, as though it’s having difficulty picking a target.

Flash lets out a sigh. “Alright, what is it?”

“Flash, I think you’re--,” she stops and takes in a sharp breath, “I think you--hergh,” she stops again, her body suddenly jolting as though something was trying to get out. Sunset pushes pass Flash, runs to the toilet, and vomits all the contents of her stomach into the bowl. Flash goes over, kneels beside her, and holds back her hair as she spews, rubbing her back to give her comfort.

When she finishes, Flash rips off some toilet paper and folds it a few times. “Hey, look at me,” he tells her. Sunset sits up against the sink counter and looks at Flash. He takes the toilet paper and wipes her mouth of any left over stomach fluids. After her mouth is clean, he throws the toilet paper into the bowl and flushes it along with the rest of puke.

“Flash,” Sunset quietly says. Flash looks at her. She takes her hands, wraps them around the back of his neck, and quickly pulls him in for a kiss. While her eyes are closed, enjoying the kiss, Flash’s eyes are wide open, taken complete aback from action. When she lets go, Flash steps up and back, Sunset passes out.

Flash stares at her wide eyed for a few seconds. What the hell was that? he thinks to himself as he wipes lingering the acid from his mouth with the back of his hand. That wasn’t real, she’s drunk. She’s not thinking clearly, or at all. That wasn’t real. He takes in a deep breath and recovers from the shock. “Let’s get you to bed,” he murmurs as he picks Sunset up.

He wraps her arms around his shoulders as he cradles her. She gives tired moans as he carries her, her head resting on his shoulder. Flash gets her back to the living room and places her back into the armchair. Before her head leaves his shoulder, she briefly regains consciousness and whispers into his ear, “I love you Flash,” then passes out again.

Flash walks away from her, and curls up on the middle section of the couch. Her words repeat his head, but he shakes it off, thinking to himself, It’s not real Flash, it’s not real… was it?