• Published 21st Aug 2019
  • 2,963 Views, 83 Comments

Phoenix in Another World - Cheer

Sunset, after a fatal incident finds herself in a different world.

  • ...


“Shit.” Sunset was annoyed. Well, she’d been feeling that for a while now. But she was also worried. This… thing and it’s toothy grin worried her. She might even be willing to admit it scared her. It reminded her of the creatures she’d learned about back in Equestria. A Fae. Mischievous creatures who try to make deals and that always turn out horrible.

She wasn’t sure if this creature was the same one but she wasn’t going to take a risk and make any deals. It was clearly intelligent. Or at least a little.

Now that she could see it closer, it somewhat looked like a human girl. But only in a vague sense. It’s skin was slightly transparent, ears were pointed and teeth were all sharp. This thing looked dangerous from the get go.

It flew side to side, singing it’s congratulations to itself for forcing Sunset to show she could see it. She wondered if she laid down and pretended to sleep, would it go away?

The moment she glanced away, it was right in her face again. “So! Why are you in here, hmm?”

Sunset cringed as she pulled away from it. It didn’t deserve an answer so why should she make herself look crazy answering? With that in mind she turned away and laid in her bed.

It followed wearing a frown “Don’t ignore me!” it shouted. With its size it wasn’t too loud but being right in her face made it annoying. A lot of things were annoying her recently. Maybe that was just this world? Or because she was simply easily annoyed. That was a pretty good possibility. “If you do, I’ll just keep shouting.” It was pouting now.

In the next moment it made good on it’s threat and started shouting. Sunset couldn’t accurately explain how it sounded. It wasn’t words she could understand and she didn’t only hear in her ears. It was as if it was echoing in her head. It actively hurt.

She clenched her head as it continued. She hoped that it would have to stop for air but that hope was dashed as she went longer and longer. It felt hopeless.”Fine!” She growled under her breath.

Luckily the screaming stopped right away. Sunset wanted to destroy that smug look on her face as it flew up to her with a look that said “So?”

Sunset sighed and glared at it “Suspicion.”

It looked disappointed and Sunset simultaneously felt annoyed and smug at that. “That’s it?”

Now she was smug “Yup. No horrible crime. Not even a minor one. They just don’t know what to do with me yet”

“But that’s so boring!” It groaned “I was hoping for something unique from whatever you are!”

“Wait. What do you mean by that?” Sunset realized her mistake when it’s grin was full of teeth again. “Know what? Never-mind. I don’t care enough.”

It flew around her, still grinning “I know something you don’t know” It sang. Sunset did her best job to look uninterested.

“Do you want a hint?” It was still grinning and Sunset was still trying to pretend to be uninterested. Luckily, it didn’t take to being ignored well and threw what it hoped would be a little more fuel to the fire of curiosity. “Well. You smell like a human, but barely. You mostly smell like other stuff.

Well that told Sunset something. She wasn’t human as far as this world was concerned. At least not fully. “Oh, is that so? How interesting” She droned as she checked her nails. They surprisingly looked alright except for the finger she’d been digging into the hole to practice.

But then she froze for a moment. The red where the ring had been. It was still there! Worse yet, it seemed like… it was thicker than the ring was.

“Do you want to know what that is?” The creature asked, swaying in the air. “I’ll make you a deal and tell you all of it. How’s that sound?”

That single word. Deal. It sent a shiver down her spine. That wasn’t just a word. That was magic. Like the old days when Unicorns used words to cast spells. “No way. Might as well jump into a hydra nest with how safe that feels.”

The creature growled, sounding just as feral as the creatures she ran from in the woods. “You’re no fun!”

Sunset took the opportunity to act a little childish herself as she stuck her tongue out “Too bad. I’m not here to entertain you. If you won’t willingly tell me something then I’ll just figure it out myself.”

“You’ll fail that little test they’re coming up with”

Sunset’s interest peaked further but she wanted to play dumb. For now. “What test?”

“Oh, the one where they find out you’re not a widdle human like they are~ Then they’ll be all scared and the loud guy will probably stab you on the spot.” It pointed at the wall in the direction of where Sanse usually was.

Sunset hated that the possibility was annoyingly high for exactly that to happen. Sanse had made it very clear he’d have no qualms about getting rid of any potential problems like he seemed to expect her to be.

“So. What about me could make them so scared that they’d kill me?”

“Nuh-uh. You’re not getting anything out of me for free.”

Sunset hadn’t expected that to work but she really wished it had. It would have made things so much better “Alright. How about this. Give me a little bit more. Add a little bait so I can’t help but make a deal.” There was no way in Tartarus she would make a deal with this thing. But she needed more information.

It swayed in the air a little. Sunset was starting to hate that little sway. It felt so… cocky. She just hoped it was as dumb as it felt.

“Well… you’re not human. Not fully. but you’re not just one other thing either. You’re one freaky hybrid” It said as it’s grin grew “So how about that deal?”

Sunset hummed before shaking her head “Nah. No way.”

“What!? You said you would!”

“I did not. I told you to tell me something so that I couldn’t help but make one. But, while I’ll admit I’m more curious, there’s no way that’s enough to push me to make any sort of deals with you. Besides, have you felt the magic coming from that word? It was like you pulled it from a swamp of dark magic.” Sunset stuck her tongue out.

Unfortunately that didn’t seem to have the effect Sunset hoped for and it looked even more curious about her. “You felt the magic in the word? Oh, now that’s interesting.”

“What is?” The only answer Sunset got however was a grin before it disappeared. “Oh come on!” She shouted.

“Shut up in there!”

“Damn thing. Just giving me more questions.” She grumbled under her breath

Author's Note:

I was able to actually just sit and write this after posting the one last night. Didn't expect that. I say again, don't expect this rate of update.