• Published 28th Jul 2019
  • 743 Views, 53 Comments

Post-Processing - Bookish Delight

After the Equestria Land parade fiasco damages her perfect social media image, Vignette Valencia is reminded that sometimes, you need to find your family.

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Scene 5: #SelfEmployment

"You've come to the right place, Rarity. If I do say so myself."

A bright-skinned, bright-eyed, green-haired girl paced across her house in a matching green blouse and black skirt. She could hear the rain outside, and was thus very glad to be inside, where the rain could do its job and be soothing and water the world's plants—and probably also a certain girlfriend, she thought with a chuckle—while being nowhere near her hair. After a month of shooting her last movie through a whole bunch of rainy days... well, she'd say it was nothing personal, but she'd be lying.

Juniper Montage adjusted the volume on her wireless headset so as to better hear her prospective client on the other line. "So, I'll level with you—the bulk of my experience lies in motion pictures. Still, the only significant differences between film and onscreen advertising are runtime and message. In other words..." She grinned, pushing her violet glasses more securely atop the bridge of her nose. "There's no project Juniper Montage can't conquer."

"Oh, that's utterly divine to hear! I must thank you again," Rarity said on the other end of the line. "I realize our working budget for this isn't exactly Applewood-grade, but..."

"Not a problem," Juniper said. "Gigs like these still pay way more than movie usher stuff. Besides, it's not like this is going in a theater or on public TV or anything." She flopped onto, and stretched out on the living room couch, grabbing a pen and paper from the nearby coffee table. "This is new media! Social media! Grassroots and relatability is the name of the game, here." Juniper could feel herself getting positively excited as she thought of the possibilities. "Less prepared, edited, processed glitz, and more reality. And lucky for you, the Montage is now officially in the reality zone."

Juniper started scribbling notes. "So to start off, we'll need to talk theming. When people see Carousel Boutique, even just the silhouette of the building, what do you want them to think? How do you want them to feel? What do you want their reality to be?"

"Ooh, what wonderful questions from the jump!" Rarity exclaimed. "Honestly, it's times like this I wish we had our own, separate building instead of a wedged one fused to a city block." Her voice lilted with the air of a daydream. "I would design it to look exactly like a carousel."

Juniper blinked as she tried to visualize what that would look like. For some reason, her mind kept getting stuck on horses. "We'll, uh, file that under workshop concepts," she said, writing "carousel imagery—total last resort?" in the far right margins. "However, when I say 'theming', I mean in terms of ideals. What do you want customers to symbolize with Carousel Boutique, in terms of making their lives better? What reality do you want to provide them, while also living up to your claims?"

"Hmmm." Juniper could practically hear Rarity putting her fingers to her chin on the other end of the line. "Well, we want Carousel Boutique to be known as a place where anyone can come in, and become anyone they desire. That's our main goal, I believe."

"Metamorphosis!" Juniper snapped her fingers. "I love it already." She twirled the pencil in her fingers. "People come inside. It's warm and inviting. They move amongst the clothes, feel the softness of the fabric, see the exquisite designs, get touch-ups at your mini-salon, sparkles optional!" She gestured across the sky. "And then... a new you walks out, able to love the world, because you love who you are."

"'Come as who you are, leave as who you desire', 'love yourself, love the world'... captain to skipper, perfect slogans, dead ahead!" Rarity squealed. "Juniper, you're a miracle worker!"

"More like great minds think alike," Juniper replied. "But this is awesome! We now have a baseline desired message and aesthetic goal! So, next things: scripting, and resources! I'll need to tour your shop in order to—" Juniper's doorbell rang. "Whoop, hang on. I'll be right back. I swear, if it's another salesman..."

"Oh, don't get me started on solicitors," Rarity said. "I'll be right here."

Juniper walked to her front door, opened it, and was promptly impressed by just how effectively the sight now in front of her threw her out of the Reality Zone.

"Yeah. Um. Rarity?" Juniper slowly said, as she stared, agape, at her long-lost cousin standing in the doorway. "I'll, uh... call you back."