• Published 6th Jun 2019
  • 907 Views, 16 Comments

Accidental Abduction. - StoryPow

A human who refuses to leave his house has created a portal across space, and accidentally brings the Main Six through.

  • ...

I Have Everything I Need Right Here

Author's Note:

I wanted to say thanks for the wonderful people following the story. As well as those commenting. I see you and you are the best.

Also I feel pretty weird about not having updated when I wanted to, for two kinda short chapters, but life happens and I guess ill just need to keep going.

Also Valor Soularis, you get a cookie for your very close guess :twilightsheepish:

A light snore was the only sound dimly lit basement, as Abe's resting breaths escaped him. He had managed to get most the broken items into garbage bins, and it was around half of his equipment. He had fallen asleep halfway through writing his list of needed replacements. Now, it was morning and his six guests upstairs had started to move, the first of which was Applejack.

Having worked on a farm for as long as she did, AppleJack was accustomed to getting up at the crack of dawn. That way she could finish her chores and get an early start on the day with her family. However, there was nothing of the sort for her to do here so she simply picked up her bedding and left them in the living room. Then moved on to explore around the house, finding the kitchen she decided she would make everyone something for breakfast. Checking the cabinets an finding what she needed to make pancakes she started right into it. on the fridge she noticed an odd picture of Abe and other humans in odd hats wearing the same kind of cloaks, they all looked rather unhappy to AJ.

The light sizzle of the flapjacks was the only sound moving around the house. The light smell was working its way down the halls, and snaked its way into the room where Twilight rested. The smell invading her sleep, and waking her up. As she lifted her head from the pillow her mess of a mane obstructed her view. So she pushed it back and squinted her eyes as she tried to re-adjust to the light.

Stumbling out of bed she stepped on a pile of papers, and nearly slipped. Luckily she caught herself with her wing on the bed post. Looking down she remembered where she was, her first thought was Spike might be making her breakfast. However, now she knew that was not the case. Wiping her face with her hooves and shaking out her main till it rested somewhat proper. She was filled with a determination, last night she had felt useless to help her and her friends go home. Well that would end today, she would learn what ever she had to be able to help her friends return home.

Leaving to enter the kitchen she expected to see Abe cooking, but was surprisingly met with Applejack who had been stacking the pancakes higher and higher on plates on the table. Since no one else was awake yet, they simply sat awaiting hungry mouths. Almost as to respond Twilight's stomach gave a low growl, and that's all it took to get AJ to break out of her zone. "Ah, Oh! Mornin' Twilight. How did ya sleep last night?" She asked as she filled Twilight's plate with more pancakes then she could reasonably eat.

"It was okay, really odd to not have any dreams though. I guess it's because Luna isn't here.." Twilight said, another reminder of how far away from home they were.
"Ya, I had the same problem'. So look at that picture there." She said pointing a hoof toward the fridge as she very carefully flipped another pancake. As Twilight studied the picture she to noticed that one of the figures resembled Abe. As she stared she heard Applejack ask her to grab some toppings from the fridge. Doing so and bringing them over to the table, which was set up for seven.

Twilight and Applejack started in in breakfast, having syrup and jams on their pancakes. After about ten minutes of conversation, the other mares started to join one after the other. Grabbing some food and joining. Soon all six were sitting having breakfast like it was any other day. Then abe came back upstairs, having clearly not slept. His hair was flat with grease and dust, and a small amount of stubble started to grow around his face. His eyes seemed vacant as he slowly walked over to the coffee machine on the counter. Simply waving to the ponies, not wanting to interrupt their conversation.

That would prove impossible, for even just walking through the room silenced their conversation. Rainbow Dash broke the silence as she asked, "So uhh. How bad is it down there?" At first a grumble was the only response she got, but after the machine started to brew Abe answered as he went to get his mug. "Good news is I still have the coordinates. The drive booted, bad news is just about everything else down stairs was destroyed." Pouring the drink from the pot and into his cup he continued. "However, the drive also managed to store some other stuff about your world. Most of it seemed like really odd stuff, I cant make much sense of the raw data." Pulling the chair at the end of the table he sat down, looking across to Twilight on the other end he asked, "Also, I was wondering why you have both wings and a horn? I mean I get the others, Pony, Pegasus and Unicorn. But I don't think we have a word for one that's both." At this point Abe noticed the mountain of pancakes and decided since this was still his house that he would begin to devour them, with a good helping of syrup.

With a small blush Twilight answered, "Well we call it being a Alicorn," She explained. "You see I used to be a Unicorn, but when I became princess of friendship I became a Alicorn." Abe started to choke a bit on his food, after Applejack cleared his throat with a good wack to his back he croaked out. "You mean to tell me your a princess? Are the rest of you royalty as well?" the response from the girls was all varying amounts of giggles, "No, that would just be Twilight." Rarity managed to answer.

"God, I feel like a villain. That's probably how Ill be remembered, 'The guy who kidnapped a pony princess.'." Abe mutters out, putting more pancakes onto his plate. Which only brought more giggles to the girls. After small moment of silence Abe continued to explain what he would need to do for them to go back home. The list was long and he kept mentioning how certain things could go wrong. The only one who seemed to follow him was Twilight, the rest being more focused on breakfast. Except for Fluttershy, who had finished and started looking out the window observing the birds.

As it seemed Abe lived somewhere very much like a Forrest, but the plants and trees were not growing wild. To Fluttershy they looked like they had been carefully planted and place with purpose. She was also enthralled with watching the cardinals as they flew and ate from the bird feeder. It was then she quietly asked, "Would it be alright for me to go out and talk to the birds?".

Managing to speak at a lull in the conversation, the others hear her quite request, which results in the six turning to look at Abe. "Well, I am pretty secluded here, so sure. Just don't wander off beyond the yard, or go near the roads, someone might see you." All six apparently took it as they were all going to go outside and see this new world for the first time. As the walked through the front door they all noticed a certain person standing in the doorway.

'Oh this is fantastic,' Twilight thought, 'This will give us a chance to see if Fluttershys magic still works here. She's the only one of us whose talk to animals so maybe if her magic still works...'

"Hey Abe arn't you coming?" Asked Twilight, as the six of them waited on the porch.
"Well you see.." Taking a breath Abe continues. "No, Ill be here in the house when you come back much work to do."
"Wouldn't it be unsafe to walk around without ah guide?" Applejack interjects.
"Well just don't wander far then." Abe responded flatly.
"How is FLuttershy going to find some creature to talk to if we only have your yard to look around in?" Rainbow Dash asked, trying to fly a bit but remembering how Twilight explained their magic wouldn't work here.
"I am not going outside." Abe said as he closed the door leaving six confused ponies outside by themselves.

"Well, that was certainly strange." Rarity said, with a hoof to her chin. The others nodded in agreement, then started walking as it turned out Abe's house was surrounded by a lot of woods. The large colonial house was placed in what seemed to be a miniature woods, but the long winding dirt road lead to a road about a mile out. It was about halfway down this road that the girls managed to find a few little squirrels running around, up and down some trees.

They were friendly enough to at least watch the six ponies but try as they might to see if they could communicated with Fluttershy at all the closest they got was, a few moments of them almost coming close to Fluttershy. After hours of trying the six returned to the house with their heads low.

As they return however they are greeted with the sent of cheese and pasta, as it hangs in the air the six make there way to the kitchen and see Abe with a mouthful. A large pot and six more bowls lie waiting for them. "So how did it go?" Abe asks, their sad faces answer for them. "That bad huh? Well have something to eat, I have some news."

As the six seat themselves and fix bowls for themselves, Abe continues to talk. "So it would seem your worlds 'Magic' as you call is it intrinsic to its make up, but because you all seem to be unable to use it it must be tied to your planet somehow. So I was cleaning the wall and I remembered how Twilight basically over powered the thing with magic. Which got me to thinking," Abe placed a odd looking metal bracelet that looked like it was make out of the twisted metal from the portals remains. "Twilight, Slip this on and try to do some form of magic."

Placing it over her hoof and sliding it up, she tightens it so it wont slip off. Then she looks at her fork and decides to try and levitate it. To her and the other girls surprise it does start to move, although Twilight seems to be struggling with it. It moves slowly and looks unfocused but its able scoop up some of her food before it drops back onto the plate. Twilight looks like she just ran a mile, but she's smiling. "Oh my goodness, How?" Is all shes able to ask.

"Well since magic basically powered the portal i figured it might be similar to how electricity works here, guess it's kind of the same but... Magic seems to be far more efficient." With a chuckle Abe rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess Ill have to have some more stuff shipped to me to figure out an efficient way to get those working. Ill call the store in town and have them get some stuff ready to send up."

"If the store is just in town why wouldn't you go and just pick it up?" Rainbow Dash asked with a little bit of cheese dripping from the corner of her mouth.
"Well I don't want to go into town so that's why." Abe's tone only becoming the slightest bit cold.
The six girls looked at each other before one of them gained the courage to ask.

"How long has it been since you left your house Abe?" Twilight asked
Thinking for a moment Abe responds with, "Around five-ish years I think."
With clear shock in her voice she asks "And you don't see a single thing wrong with that? Don't you get lonely? Don't you have any friends?"
"Why would I? I have always had everything I needed right here."