• Published 28th Apr 2019
  • 8,581 Views, 282 Comments

Equestria BatGirls - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms and their Ninja Allies from New York are thrown into another dimension with their enemies the Kraang and must join forces with the Dark Knight to stop them and return home.

  • ...

Fear and Madness

At an old cathedral, eight figures moved through the halls, while keeping an eye out for anyone or anything.

"So, what villain are we looking for again?" Leo asked Batman.

"Dr. Johnathan Crane aka the Scarecrow." the Dark Knight replied.

"The Scarecrow, really?" Raph raised a brow.

"Yeah," Applejack agreed, "What's so bad about him with a name as ridiculous as that?"

Batman gave them a serious look, "One word: Fear."

"Fear?" Twilight Sparkle repeated.

"Crane is the self proclaimed "Master of Fear"," Nightwing explained, "He utilizes a gas that causes you to experience your worst fears."

"Oh, that's very comforting." Raph said, sarcastically.

"We've all fallen victim to his fear gas before," Batgirl stated, "Especially me..."

"What do you mean?" April asked.

"You know how I told you my father doesn’t know I’m Batgirl?" Batgirl said, "One time I was sprayed, and I saw myself die and my dad was bent on making Batman pay." She shuddered from the memory.

"Guess it's a good thing Fluttershy's tracking down this Mad Hatter guy with the others," Raph stated, "She's afraid of pretty much everything, so she'd be a easy tar-"

Something flew past them, over head, in the shadows.

"What was that?" Sunset Shimmer whipped around.

"Scarecrow..." Batman said, "Stay alert!"

They all drew their weapons and took a defensive stance, watching the shadows, waiting for anything to happen. At length, Raph spoke first.

"I don't know about you guys," he whispered, "But if this Scarecrow guy was going to ambush us, you think he would have-" before he could finish, the figure grabbed him in it's claws and flew off with him, "Arghh, not again!"

"Raph!" Leo and the girls cried.

"Come on!" Batman called, and ran after him.

They chased the figure as it flew Raph through the hallways before dumping him at an alter and resting on a phew as the others storm in.

"Hello, Batman..." the figure said, eerily.

It stood in the shadows and its head was down, so the only thing they could see was a wide brimmed hat. But Batman knew who it was.

"Scarecrow..." he narrowed his eyes.

"And what have we here? Two giant turtles and three teenage girls with pastel colored skin?" Scarecrow said, "And here I thought I was the only one who looked different!" He leaned into the light, revealing he had been mutated into a crow.

"A crow huh?" Nightwing said, humorously, "Not exactly surprising for a guy who dresses to guard crops."

"Mock me all you want, Nightwing," Scarecrow retorted, "I may look different, but I am still the Master of Fear."

"So you’re with the Kraang as well, huh?" Twilight Sparkle guessed.

"That’s right, my dear," the mutant crow replied, "And with what they have planned, it will make all of Gotham tremble in fear!"

Raph got up and whipped out his sais, "Care to say that to my face, you overstuffed turkey!"

Scarecrow didn't answer. Instead, he extended his wings and sprayed Raph with a red gas. Raph coughed and when he looked at Scarecrow again, his eyes widened and he screamed in terror.

"You again?" He dropped to the ground and crawled away, "No! Stay away from me! Leave me alone, you ugly roach!" In his fear infused mind, he saw Scarecrow as a giant cockroach.

"Not so tough now are you?" He said, laughing.

"Let him go!" Sunset Shimmer demanded.

"Better yet, you can join him!" Scarecrow flew up and threw down a gas bomb that exploded before anyone could dodge, releasing the fear toxins.

Everyone coughed as the gas started to take effect. Batman quickly threw two gas masks at Batgirl and Sunset Shimmer.

"Batgirl! Sunset!" Put them on! Now!" He ordered, struggling, and the two put them on before the gas could effect them. "Stop! Scarecrow!" Batman said, before the toxin took effect.


Nightwing coughed, before he heard a familiar voice

"Hello, Robin."

Nightwing looked up to see a tall man, wearing black and orange armor, and a mask with only one eye. He was someone that Nightwing had clashed with before in the past.

"Slade!" He said, in horror.

"My, how you've grown." Slade went on, and drew two swords from his back.


Leo got up coughing when he heard a dark, menacing voice.


He looked up and saw, standing in front of him was the Super Shredder!

"No!" It can't be!" He said, in disbelief, "I defeated you!"

"You are a fool to think you could defeat me!" Super Shredder rebuffed, attracting his blades, "Now you will join your weak sensei!"

Leo drew his swords and charged at Super Shredder.


Nightwing pulled out his batons and blocked Slade's attack.

"At least you haven't faltered," Slade commented, "But we both know who the better fighter is."

"I will beat you!" Nightwing promised.

"You couldn't defeat me then." Slade rebuked.


"And you can't defeat me now!" Super Shredder said to Leo.

What neither Leo or Nightwing knew, was they were actually fighting each other.


"Where am I?" April said, looking around. She saw she was standing before a familiar looking temple, "The Aeon home world? How did I-" she backed into something and turned around to see, "Za-Naron?! But I-" Za-Naron screeched and April screamed.


Batman was standing in a deserted city street and to his horror, finds the dead bodies of all his loved ones. He clenched his head and drops to his knees.

"No! It's not real!" He shouted, in denial, "Not real!"


"Uh..." Applejack groaned, and saw she was standing in front of her farm. But the place was torn apart and the apple trees were bare. "Huh?" She looked over and saw Big Mac and Granny Smith laying unconscious on the ground, "Big Mac! Granny!" She ran over to them, "What happened?"

"Why didn't you save us?" Granny moaned, "We needed you!"

"Eeyup," Big Mac said, before he and Granny turned to dust. Then Applejack saw her little sister.

"Applebloom!" She dashed over and held her in her arms.

"Why couldn't you save me?" Apple Bloom said.


Twilight Sparkle rubbed her eyes, when she heard a voice, "Twilight. Twilight..." Twilight turned to find Midnight right behind her! "I'm baaaaack!" She wailed. Twilight screamed in terror.


Sunset Shimmer watched in horror, as all her friends were going crazy with fear, "What's happening to them?!" She asked Batgirl

"It's the fear gas!" Batgirl replied.

"Correct!" Scarecrow touched down, "Their fears will continue to grow until it pushes them over the edge! Just like it almost did with you, Batgirl!"

"Not if we have anything to say about it, Crane!" Batgirl declared.

"And nobody scares my friends and gets away with it!" Sunset pulled out her kunai.

"If it's a fight you both want, I can happily oblige to that!" Scarecrow cawed. He got out his scythe and flew at them, swinging it.

Meanwhile, in another part of Gotham, Robin, Mikey, Pinkie Pie, Casey, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Donnie, and Rarity were walking through a hedge garden.

"I have to say, these topiary are simply glorious!" Rarity said, marveling at the hedge statues.

"Not to mention the cute little ladybugs on them!" Fluttershy pointed to the polka-dotted insects.

"You two can marvel over that stuff later," Robin stated, "Right now, we have to find Jervis Tetch."

"Yeah!" Mikey said, before asking, "Uh, who's Jervis Tetch again?"

"They call him, the Mad Hatter." Donnie noted.

Rainbow Dash snickered, "The Mad Hatter? Seriously?"

Casey laughed, "As in, the guy from that book?!"

"Yeah," Robin confirmed, "Tetch is a big fan of Lewis Carol."

"I could have totally come up with a better name for that guy!" Mikey said.

"Yeah, well, despite his ridiculous name, Tetch is a genius," Robin explained, "He specializes in mind control. And he used to work for Wayne Enterprises."

"Really?" Donnie inquired, "Guess it's a good thing Raph and Applejack aren't here."

"Tell me about it," Pinkie Pie agreed, "As much as I love them, they are really starting to bum me out with their whole 'We don't like Batman' thing." she pouted.

"Is there anything else we should know about Tetch?" Rarity asked.

"Tetch was working on mind control tech on mice. But it kept delaying him and getting him in trouble with his supervisor. His only friend was the secretary, who was conveniently named Alice. Jervis, however, wanted to be more than friends. When Alice was having trouble with her boyfriend, Jervis seized the opportunity by giving her a night on the town," the Boy Wonder said, "During it, he used his mind control tech on some thugs, which got Batman’s attention. Afterwards, Alice's boyfriend made up and proposed to her. But Jervis didn’t like that at all, so he began to use his tech on everyone who crossed him, including Alice and her fiancé. After Batman defeated him, he became a criminal known as the Mad Hatter."

"I don’t know whether to say that’s romantic or tragic." Rarity thought out loud.

"I would go more with twisted." Robin said.

"I still say we give him a pounding! Casey Jones style!" Casey got out his hockey stick.

"I second that!" Added Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy just stood in shock, "He used mind control on teeny, tiny, adorable, little, mice!" she clenched her fist and spoke in anger, "He is so going down!"

"O-kay," Robin turned to Mikey, "She really loves animals, huh?"

"Dude, you have no idea," Mikey replied.

"Anything else we need to know about before we fight the Mad Hatter?" Pinkie asked.

"Well, according to Commissioner Gordon, Officer Montoya was sent to investigate and never reported back," Robin informed, "So, most likely, Tetch somehow captured and mind controlled her. Which is why she's going to be very very mad at Tetch."

"Alright then, let's go get that guy!" Mikey declared, when he was cut off by the sound of mad laughter.

Robin motioned for everyone to be quiet and led them around a hedge wall. On the other side, they saw a table, decorated with tea and crumpets. At one end, sitting in an armchair, was Montoya. She had a blank, motionless, expression on her face, and was wearing a frilly dress and a bow in her hair. Mikey, Casey, and Rainbow Dash could't help but snicker. At the other end, sitting in another armchair, was Mad Hatter, but his chair is turned against them.

Robin pulled out his staff, as they all leaped out, "Evening, Tetch!" He said.

"Why, Robin? You're late for tea!" Mad Hatter said, not turning around, "Very unfashionable!"

"We can have plenty of time for tea, once we take you back to Arkham!" Robin said.

Mad Hatter laughed, "I'm afraid not, Robin. For you see, I have a few little surprises for you and your comrades. Here's one of them..." He turned around to reveal that he had been mutated into a white rabbit, "Surprise!"

Fluttershy gasped and dropped her blow pipe, "Why did he have to be a bunny?!"

"Ah and these must be those Turtles and Rainbooms the Kraang warned me about," Mad Hatter stated, "They make Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum look smart."

"You're not the first to underestimate us!" Rainbow Dash said.

"I’m afraid your luck is dwindling down low," the top hatted villain rebuked, "For it's time for my second surprise. Minion, attack!"

A shadow fell on the heroes and they looked behind them just in time to dodge a figure trying to nail them with a javelin. It was a big muscular man with short blonde hair. He wore a grey hockey mask, metal armor plates on his left arm, a purple muscle shirt with a collar, and a utility belt, much like Robin's.

"Sportsmaster?!" The Boy Wonder exclaimed, "Well, that would explain how you got Montoya."

"Indeed," Hatter confirmed, "Sportsmaster, destroy them!"

"Yes, Master," Sportsmaster replied, and ran at them swinging his javelin, barely missing Casey, Pinkie Pie, and Mikey.

Mad Hatter turned to his other minion, "Montoya, let's get out of here. Hippity Hoppity!" He bounced away with Montoya following.

"Mikey, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity, you guys go after Hatter," Robin called, as he was dodging Sportsmaster, "The rest of us will take care of this guy!"

"With pleasure!" Casey and Rainbow Dash said, in unison.

"Ya got it, Rob!" Mikey said, "Let’s go, girls!" Then he, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity followed after the mutant rabbit.

As everyone else fought Sportsmaster, the two ninjas and the vigilante soon learned that the hockey masked thug was more than a match for them. Sportsmaster hit so hard that he easily knocked them back with only a few strikes. He whacked Robin aside, kicked Rainbow Dash, and uppercutted Donnie and Casey, sending them flying off their feet and crashing onto their chests.

"You know," Donnie groaned, "For someone with a name like Sportsmaster, I was half way expecting a second Casey."

"I know right!" Casey said, "Sorry I didn’t think of that."

"I’ll show him a sports master!" Rainbow Dash smirked, and used her speed to hit him. She struck him a number of times, before speed kicking him a few meters away. By the looks of things, Sportsmaster appeared to be out of the fight, "How is that for a sports master?" The sports girl called out.

"Woah, Dash!" Casey said, "That was awesome!"

"Yeah, I know," Rainbow Dash beamed, "But don't let me stop you from saying it."

"What are you guys doing?" Robin asked.

"What does it look like?" Casey responded.

"You guys honestly think you won that easily?" Robin said, doubtfully, "You didn't beat him. He's playing dead and waiting to get the drop on you."

"Yeah right," Casey scoffed, as the three moved closer to the down assassin, "Like he's gonna-"

Sportsmaster pulled out puck-looking device that unleashed a massive shockwave at the ninjas and vigilante, knocking them away. Then he got back up and looked at Robin, with promise of pain.

"Man, I hope things are going better for Batman," Robin said to himself in worry.

Back at Batman's group, things were not looking better. Outside of Sunset and Batgirl, they were all experiencing their nightmares. Leo and Nightwing still at each other with neither getting the upper hand.


"I shall let you live enough to watch as I slowly and painfully end the lives of your so called friends and family," Super Shredder said, as he grappled with Leo, "With their last thought being that you sat there and did nothing to save them."

"No you won't!" Leo pushed Super Shredder back, which of course was actually Nightwing, who thought he was Slade.


"You and I both know how it will end: you on the ground with my boot on your neck," Slade said, "Knowing that everyone you care about will soon follow. Perhaps I should start with the tamaranian, or maybe Batgirl? How about the third Robin?"

"I won't let you!" Nightwing shouted, and continued to attack Leo, thinking he was Slade.


Raph was in a corner seeing everyone as giant cockroaches, along with the floor being covered in hundred and thousands of them.

"Stay away from me!" He hollered and screamed.


As for Batman, he was giving all his willpower to break free from the fear gas' effect. While seeing all his friends and family, from the Justice League members to the Bat Family, all beaten and dead while his deserted city burns.

"Gotta focus!" He said to himself, panting, "This isn't real!"


Applejack was still cradling her little sister in her arm, "Applebloom!" She pleaded, "Please stay with me!"

"Applejack why.....?" Was all she said, before she turned to dust. All that was left was her bow.

"No! Don’t leave me!" Applejack cried, "Applebloom! NOOOOOOO!"


April ran from the evil Aeon, until she heard...


She looked back to see the Aeon had Donnie floating, "Donnie!"

"This time you won’t come back!" Za-Naron said.

"Help me!" Donnie begged, before the evil Aeon disintegrated him.

April watched in dismay as his mask floated down into her hand, "Donnie! Nooo!"


Twilight Sparkle stared in fear as Midnight Sparkle held her by the chin.

"Did you really think being a ninja could stop me?" She asked, "I’m part of you no matter what you do!"

"What are you gonna do?" Twilight asked in terror.

"Hmm? I think I’ll destroy every one of your so called friends, starting with your precious Leonardo!" Midnight declared, "Or better yet! You can do it for me!" Laughing, she turned into green energy and flowed right into Twilight.

"No! Not again!" She looked at her reflection and saw that she's become Midnight Sparkle! "Noooooo!"


Raph was running while giant cockroaches chased after him. Then he screamed as more appeared in front of him.

"They're everywhere! EVERYWHERE!!!" He ran down another way, screaming.


Everything was crumbling all around Batman.

"Not... real! Not... real! Not... real!" He shouted, still trying to fight it.

Back at the garden, Robin swung his staff only for Sportsmaster to grab it fast and head bashed him, distorting him long enough to grab him by the arm and knee him multiple times in the gut, before he let go and knocked the boy wonder off his feet with an upper cut. Donnie tried swinging his staff, while Sportsmaster blocked and countered with his javelin. Until, he spin-kicked the turtle back so hard it made him drop his staff. Then the thug grabbed it and whacked him in the crotch. Donnie doubled over in pain and left himself open for Sportsmaster to sock him in the face and right on top of Robin. He tossed the staff aside and, just as he is about impale them both with his javelin, he was hit with a speed tackle by Rainbow Dash.

"You're out of your league, little girl!" He called, getting up.

"Ha! Says you!" Rainbow Dash scoffed, and spun circles around him, before he timed his move just right and swung his fist, nailing the speedy girl in the face and sending her flying back onto the ground, knocked out.

"Like I said, girly girl," he chuckled, "Out of your league." Then he was hit with an exploding hockey puck. He turned and glared at Casey.

"Goongala!" The vigilante exclaimed.

"Nice trick. But you're not the only one with explosive toys!" He threw one of his exploding disks at Casey, distorting him. Then he swung out his hammer ball and nailed the vigilante in the gut. But when he swung it again to nail him in the head, Casey dodged to the side and activated his skates. Then he began skating around, while Sportsmaster kept trying to hit him. Casey skated by the unconscious Rainbow Dash and grabbed her spear. Then when Sportsmaster swung his ball at him again, Casey ducked and sliced the cord.

"Yeah! How do you like that, suckah-aargh!" The wind was knocked out of him when Sportsmaster elbowed him in the gut. This caused the young vigilante to fall on his knees and drop Rainbow's weapon.

"You were saying?" Sportsmaster asked, as he grabbed Casey and hurled him a few feet away, "Do you really expect me to get beaten by some wannabe punk in hockey pads?"

Casey managed to get himself back on his feet, "I've beaten scumbags tougher and bigger than you." He then tried to throw a punch, only for Sportsmaster to grab it and made Casey hit himself in the face. He then torn off Casey's mask off and punched him multiple times in the face before grabbing his head and slamming it on his knee, knocking him out.

"I'm having a hard time believing that," the big thug scoffed, and moved in to finish Casey only for Robin to attack him. While the boy wonder manged to make him back off from Casey, he began to get overpowered by Sportsmaster's greater strength. The thug caught his fist before headbutting him. The sheer hit was enough to make the teen hero back away, clinging his head in pain. He then pulled out his bo staff and swung it at his opponent, only for Sportsmaster to dodge the first swing, blocking the other, before pulling on the staff and punching the kid in the face. He then grabbed Robin by the throat and lifted him.

"Master Tetch is going to be pleased once I kill you." Sportsmaster said, with delight.

"Guess again, punk!" Casey pulled out his taser and electrocuted Sportsmaster in the back. This managed to fry the mind control device and knock him out. Casey then collapsed to the ground to catch his breath, while Robin looked at him clinging his throat.

"Nice move." he groaned.

"Thanks." Casey replied.

"But couldn't you have done that earlier?" Robin asked.

"I like doin' things the hard way," Casey stated. Then they both heard a groan, then looked to see Sportsmaster getting up. He pulled off his mask and ripped out a small device.

"I'm gonna get Tetch for mind controlling me!" He growled, but then he grinned, menacingly, and got out his javelin, "But not before I skewer the both of-" he is suddenly whacked in the crotch by a bo staff, making him drop to his knees. He looked up and saw a smirking Donnie.

"I'll admit, you're tough. But not smart," he said, simply, "Right, Rainbow?"

Sportsmaster looked to the side, just in time see Rainbow Dash racing in at top speed, and slammed her fist across his face, knocking him out.

"Ow!" She said, shaking her hand, "He's got a hard face!"

"Well, he's definitely out cold now." Robin said.

"That was so metal!" Casey exclaimed.

"Thanks." Donnie said, as he and Rainbow Dash helped them up.

Just then, Mikey, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy ran past them, screaming.

"Run for your your lives!" Mikey hollered.

"It's coming!" Rarity shrieked.

"What's coming?" Robin asked.

A shadow fell on them and the they look back, and up. Right behind them was a robotic dragon-like thing and it roared loudly, showing it's sharp teeth.

"Ohhh, I wish Applejack were here!" Rainbow Dash winced, in panic.


Earlier, Mad Hatter and Montoya were still running from the ninjas, when the mutant rabbit spotted something to use to their advantage.

"This way, Montoya!" He said, pointing, "We'll lose them in the hedge maze! Hippity Hoppity!" He bounced into the maze, with the mind-controlled police woman following, and the three girls and mutant turtle right behind them.

"Get back here you mind-controlling rascally rabbit!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

They ran around the maze, going this way and that.

"I’m late! I’m late! For a very important date!" Hatter's voice echoed out.

They chased the rabbit all over, and in every direction. But Hatter wasn't making it easy for them, every time they thought he hopped down one way, he'd actually hopped down another. They ran around corners, zigzagged down straight passages, until, finally, they cornered him at a dead end.

"No where to hop now, Sir Hoppity!" Mikey smirked.

"How droll!" Hatter huffed, "If you insult ones dignity, so young and cocky, then you shall face the Jabberwocky!" He pulled out a small device and pressed the button before he and Montoya disappeared down a trap door.

"He’s gone!" Rarity exclaimed.

"What’s a jabber walker?" Mikey asked, aloud.

"Beware the Jabberwocky, my son!" Fluttershy resided, dramatically, "The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! And, as in uffish thought he stood, the Jabberwocky, with eyes of flame, came whiffling through the tulgey wood, and burbled as it came" Everyone looked at her in confusion, "I did a book report on Alice in Wonderland once." she said, sheepishly.

"Heh," Mikey said, "What’s burbled?" A look of fright came to the girls as a shadow covered him, "It’s behind me isn’t it?" They nodded and Mikey turned as a mechanical Jabberwocky roared at him, "That must’ve been a burble." he said.

"A gift, courtesy of my new friends, the Kraang," Hatter's voice came over an intercom, "Now witness your end!"

Sunset Shimmer and Batgirl jumped and dodged as Scarecrow dive bombed them, swinging his scythe. They flipped to avoid it and threw their kunai and batarangs. Scarecrow deflected the weapons then swooped down and grabbed Batgirl in his claws. He slammed her into a wall and jabbed her gut with the pole of his scythe. Batgirl fell off the wall and landed on the floor unconscious.

Scarecrow touched down and swung at Sunset. The girl flipped and dodged and blocked with her kunai. After ducking another swing, Sunset Shimmer spin kicked Scarecrow, knocking him back. Then she nailed him in the beak with a roundhouse kick. Then she struck him two times before hitting him with another spin kick.

"Word of advice, Scarecrow!" Sunset said, "Don't fight someone who knows ninjitsu!"

"And word of advice to you miss Shimmer," Scarecrow retorted, "Never fight the Master of Fear!" He swung the opposite end of his scythe at Sunset's face, knocking the gas mask off, and the girl onto the floor.

"Oh no!" Sunset Shimmer's eyes widened, then she turned over as the mutant crow loomed over her. He raised his weapon and brought it down, but Sunset quickly blocked it with her kunai.

"You must feel so scared right now," Scarecrow said, as they struggled, "To know that your friends descend further and further into madness, and there is not a single thing you can do to stop it!"

Sunset Shimmer looked to her friends. Raph was flailing around on the ground, screaming like crazy. Applejack and April were weeping on their knees. Leo and Nightwing were still fighting one another. And Batman was on the ground, breathing heavily. By the looks of things, they were descending into madness. And it terrified her!

"In fact," Scarecrow went on, and aimed his wing at her, "I think it’s time for you to join your friends."

Sunset Shimmer quickly grabbed his wing with her other hand and struggled to keep the scythe from her head and the gas away from her face.


Batman's hallucination intensified and he was swallowed up by the earth. He landed in a cavern as an eight year old boy who was shaking with images of his parents' death. He then heard a sound and looked to see a bat in the shadows. It was then his look of fear turned into determination. He picked up a pearl necklace now as his own age his batsuit on sans mask. He looked at the bat to see more bats forming around him and it was then he put on his cowl. Back in reality, he started to get up, as he had successfully managed to fight off Scarecrow's gas. Then he looked to see Sunset Shimmer was trouble.


Batgirl got up from her knock out and saw Sunset's predicament. She quickly pulled out batarang and threw it at Scarecrow, knocking the scythe from his hand. Seizing her opportunity, Sunset Shimmer aimed his wing right at his face, spraying him with his own fear gas.

"Have a taste your own medicine, Doctor!" She said, and kicked him off her, as he stumbled back and coughed. After Batgirl helped her up, Sunset grabbed the crow by the collar.

"Tell me, Crane," she said, as Scarecrow looked back in horror as he saw her as She Demon, "How do you like fear now?"

Scarecrow pushed her away, "You- you stay away from me! Stay away! Aahhh!" He whipped around, only to suddenly get punched into a wall.

Sunset Shimmer and Batgirl looked, it was Batman. The Dark Knight panted as he pulled out a syringe like thing, with some kind of blue liquid inside, and ejected it into his arm. Soon after, he stopped panting and stood tall. Sunset Shimmer was amazed.

Batgirl went over to him, "Batman, are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, Batgirl." he assured her.

"Did you just... fight off the fear gas?!" Sunset Shimmer asked, still amazed, "Wow! Just... wow!"

"How’s Scarecrow?" Batman asked.

"He almost made me like the others," Sunset Shimmer said, "But thanks to Batgirl, I gave him a taste of his own medicine."

"I did the same thing once." Batman recalled.

"Really?" Sunset asked, "You think he’d lay off the stuff after experiencing the fear himself."

"It's an addictive obsession," Batman stared down Scarecrow, who looked up and saw him as a demon, "Where’s the Kraang, Crane?!"

Scarecrow only screamed at the sight of him, smashed through a window, and flew away.

"No! He got away!" Sunset Shimmer cried.

"We'll worry about that later," Batman said, "Right now, we need to administer the antidote to Nightwing and your friends before their minds break!" He pulled out five syringes from his utility belt and handed two to Batgirl and three to Sunset, "Take these! I’ll get Raphael. Sunset, you get Leonardo and Nightwing. And give the third syringe to Leo. I have a feeling he's the only one who can cure Twilight."

"I'll get April and Applejack!" Batgirl stated, and the three spread out.


Nightwing had Slade in a headlock, "Why won’t you stay dead?!" He growled, before Slade broke free and flipped him over his shoulder.

"You know I always come back."


Leo stood before Super Shredder.

"Prepare to join your master in the afterlife!" Super Shredder declared.

"NEVER!" Leo shouted.


The two continue to clash until Sunset Shimmer ran up and kicked them both away from each other. Before they could recover, she quickly injected the antidote into them. As they recovered, Nightwing and Leo saw Shredder and Slade fade away to reveal the other and realized what happened.

"Leo?" Nightwing said, in surprise, "I-I didn’t mean-!"

"It’s okay, Leo panted, "It’s okay."

"Leo, this is the antidote to Scarecrow's gas," Sunset Shimmer said, handing him the syringe, "Batman said only you can give it to Twilight."

Leo accepted the syringe, "On it!"


"Donnie, I’m so sorry!" April cried, until Za-Naron grabbed her by the arm. She screamed, until she saw the evil Aeon become Batgirl, who had injected the antidote into her, "Batgirl? Batgirl!" She wrapped her in a hug, "Donnie! He’s-"

"He’s fine!" Batgirl assured her, "We’ll see him in the Bat cave. Excuse me while I help Applejack." She hurried to the cowgirl and gave her the cure.

Applejack panted as she came out of it, then she looked at Batgirl with tears in her eyes, "Tell me that didn’t happen?"

"It didn’t happen," Batgirl confirmed, "It was all an illusion created by Scarecrow's toxin."

"I never wanna do that again." Applejack held herself, shuttering.

"Trust me," Batgirl said, "The feelings mutual."


Raph saw a giant cockroach walk up to him, "No! Get away from me!" He tried to punch it only for the roach to grab him and inject something into him, he screamed, until he saw the roach turn into Batman.

"Oh, it’s you." he said, bluntly.

"You’re welcome." Batman said, dryly.

"Just so you know, this doesn't change anything." Raph stated.

"You're right," Batman agreed, "It doesn't change that you're afraid of bugs."

Raph shot a glare at him.


Leo found Twilight Sparkle lying on the floor, panting like crazy, and her glasses had fallen off, "Twilight?" He called.

"Leo?" Twilight turned, panting in fear, "Get back! Midnight Sparkle...." suddenly her hand shot a blast of magic and destroyed Leo before her eyes, "Noooooooooo!"

In reality, Leo grabbed Twilight’s arm and injected the antidote. Twilight then began to breathe normally and her eyes slowly opened.

"Le-Leo?" She said.

Leo picked up her glasses from the floor and handed them to her, "How do you feel?" He asked.

"Horrible," Twilight put her glasses back on and hugged Leo, as tears streamed down her face, "I was Midnight Sparkle again. And I- I-"

"It’s Okay," Leo calmed her, "Everything’s gonna be all right now."

The two stayed in the hug for a bit then looked at each other, until...

"Are you two going to kiss now?" Nightwing asked.

Leo and Twilight looked up to see everyone looking at them and quickly got up.

Sunset Shimmer whispered to Batman, "So that's why you wanted Leo to cure Twilight."

"It was actually just to save time." Batman corrected.

"Really?" Sunset Shimmer raised a brow.

"No. It was completely obvious." Batman reassured her.

"This Jaba-thing is seriously metal, yo!" Casey said, while they were all hiding behind a hedge bush.

"This guy definitely needs a better hobby." Rainbow Dash remarked.

"Maybe April or Twilight should have come in our group." Mikey said.

"How ever are we to stop that thing?" Rarity peeked over the bush and watched as the Jabberwocky was hunting for them.

"Tetch said that it was made from the Kraang's technology," Donnie noted, "So maybe I can shut it down."

Just then, the Jabberwocky rips up the bush, finding them.

"Go!" Robin ordered, "We'll cover you!"

Everyone ran around, distracting the Jabberwocky, while Donnie climbed up a statue.

"Hey, Jabba," Mikey called, "Your mother burbled too much!"

The Jabberwocky attacked with its tail, only for Mikey to dodge at the last second.

Rainbow Dash zipped in front of it, "I thought I asked for non smoking! Oh, wait it’s just you!"

The Jabberwocky threw down its claws, but missed her. Then it looked at Pinkie Pie.

"Ah ahem," Pinkie cleared her throat, and blew a huge raspberry at the robot. The Jabberwocky snapped its jaws at her, but missed her by a long shot.

At that time, Donnie jumped on top of the Jabberwocky and it tried to shake him, off but the turtle held on for dear life.

"Hang on, Donnie!" Robin called.

"Ride em, D!" Mikey cheered.

"WHOA!" Donnie cried, as he hung on. Then he saw the control box in front of him and pulled out his staff, "Now that’s an easy fix!" He extended the blade in his staff and destroyed the control box causing the Jabberwocky to shut down and fall apart. "Huh? WHAAAAAAAAA!" He yelled, as he fell into the pile. Everyone hurried over and helped him up.

"Are you alright, Donatello?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah," Donnie said dryly, "The robot broke my fall."

"That was awesome!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Metal move, Don." Casey added.

"Nice work." Robin said.

"CAargh! Confounded ninjas!" They heard Hatter's voice yell. They followed the shouting, until they looked around another hedge and saw the Mad Hatter shaking and jabbing at a small device, which must have been the controls to the Jabberwocky, "Now how am I supposed to destroy those heroes?!" Hatter asked in frustration.

"I've got an idea, Tetch?" Came Robin's voice.

Mad Hatter jumped and whipped around to see the ninjas standing behind him, their weapons drawn.

"We kick your butt, free Montoya from your control, and send you back to Arkham!" Robin stated.

"Well, I admit, the odds are not looking good in my favor," Hatter said, tossing the device away, "But I have one last surprise for you heroes. Montoya, sick'em!"

Montoya whipped out a gun and began firing.

"Look out!" Rarity cried, and used her diamond shield to block the shots.

Donnie flipped up and somersaulted to the back of the police woman and rushed at her, twirling his staff, "My apologies, officer. Please don't give me a citation for this!" He swung his staff at her, only for her to suddenly grab it at the last second, "Huh?" The next thing he knew, Montoya body slammed him back and forth and punched him right into the others, knocking them all down.

"Didn't see that coming." Mikey groaned.

"What's gives?!" Casey asked.

"Something else Tetch's mind control can do," Robin said, sitting up, "Increases the victim's strength!"

"And you didn't bother to tell us that until now?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Maybe Casey can taze her like with Sportsmaster?" Donnie suggested.

"Yeah about that," Casey held up his taser, it had gotten busted when Montoya threw Donnie into them.

"That is not good!" Rainbow Dash's eyes widened.

"What do we do now?" Pinkie Pie asked, in worry.

"Oh, it's quite simple," Hatter said, "You all get pummeled!"

Montoya leaped at them, fist drawn back. They all scattered just time and the police woman ended up smashing a statue to bits.

"There's another way to free Montoya from Hatter's control," Robin noted, "Get his hat!"

He and Mikey jumped away as Montoya threw her fists down at them, making holes in the ground.

"I got an idea!" Mikey said, "But I’ll need Fluttershy."

"At this point, I’ll take anything," Robin admitted, "Okay, but both of you be careful!" Then he and the others tried to restrain Montoya, but with her increased strength, she easily overpowered each of them.

She punched Robin. Kicked Rainbow Dash. Head bashed Donnie. Body slammed Pinkie Pie. Pounded Casey onto the ground. And uppercutted Rarity off her feet. While all that was happening, Mikey and Fluttershy snuck past.

Mad Hatter watched the police woman beat up the heroes with delight, "And so the curtain falls, you pains in the neck!" He laughed.

"I’ll show you curtains!"

Hatter turned around to see a very upset Fluttershy.

"Now listen here, You fluffy dumb meanie," she scolded, "You are going to release the cop, spare my friends, and tell us where the Kraang are. OR ELSE!"

Hatter just laughed, "And just what are you going to do about it?" He asked. No sooner had he said that, then Fluttershy gave him "The Stare". Hatter's laugh turned to panic, "No. No! I cannot! Will not!"

Suddenly something whooshed past him and grabbed his hat.

"Hey! This really brings out my color!" Mikey said, putting the hat on. Then he spoke to Robin, "I've got the hat, now what?"

"Order Montoya to stop!" Robin called, right before he was punched.

"Okay! Montoya, stop!" Mikey ordered, and Montoya stopped just as she had Casey by the throat, "Okay, you are not a mindless minion. You are just you. Uh, that's it."

Montoya blinked before she shook her head and dropped Casey, "Uhh! What happened?" She asked.

"Mikey! Watch out!" Fluttershy cried.

Mad Hatter had pulled out a blaster, "Give me back my hat, you ill-behaved reptile!" He demanded.

Mikey held his hands up, "I’ll do it! But I don’t think she’ll let me."

"What? You think your friend will stare me down again?" Hatter scoffed.

"Not Exactly!" Mad Hatter turned only to be sucker punched and knocked out by Montoya, "I’m done playing!" She said, angrily.

"Like I said," Robin groaned, in pain, "Really really mad."

Later, the two groups returned the cave. Robin's group noticed that Batman's group (minus Sunset, Batgirl, and the man himself) looked traumatized. And Batman's group noticed how beat up Robin's group looked and soon they all explained how their missions went.

"I simply can't believe what you went through!" Rarity said, in surprise, "Being trapped in your worst fears!"

"It was a nightmare!" April said, hugging herself, "Seeing Za-Naron destroy Donnie..." she shuts her eyes and trembled.

Batgirl put a hand on her shoulder, "I've been there."

"Yeah," Leo agreed with April, "That gas did number on us. I thought Nightwing was Super Shredder."

"I thought Leo was Slade," Nightwing said.

"So that caused you both to attack each other?" Donnie asked.

"Yeah." Nightwing replied.

"Thankfully, Sunset cured us before any permanent damage was done." Leo stated.

"I... saw my family dying and there was nothing I could do," Applejack teared up, before she glared at Batman, "Which is gonna turn real if we don’t get home anytime soon!"

Twilight Sparkle was the most traumatized, "Mine was becoming Midnight Sparkle again. And hurting everyone I cared about. If it wasn’t for Leo, I........" she became choked up on her words as Leo and Sunset comforted her.

"It’s alright, Twilight," Sunset Shimmer said, "I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw myself as She Demon again."

"I thought I defeated her for good." Twilight Sparkle said in confusion.

"We can never be rid of our bad selves," Batman stated, "Only by will power and confidence do we not submit to it."

Twilight didn't look convinced.

Nightwing sighed, "She's not gonna like that I told you this, but... You want to know Raven's secret?" He asked, and Twilight nodded, "She’s part Demon herself."

The Turtles and Rainbooms stared.

"Wait, what?!" Twilight asked, in shock.

"That’s why she never opens up to anyone, because she’s afraid to hurt them." Nightwing finished.

"Whoa!" Twilight said, "I guess I have a lot in common with her than I thought."

"Sooo," Mikey said, changing the subject, "What was Raph's fear? Cockroaches?" He laughed until Raph smacked him upside the head.

"That Scarecrow must be really awful if he can make you see your worst fears!" Fluttershy stroked her hair in worry.

"Well, he has dubbed himself the "Master of Fear"." Robin stated.

"After what we all just went through, I believe it completely!" April said.

Casey was nursing his face with an ice pack, "At least you didn't get beat up twice, Red!" He pointed to the bruises that Sportsmaster gave him and the black eye he got from Montoya.

Sunset Shimmer winced, "Ooo! Was that the Mad Hatter?"

"Kinda." Casey said.

"Hatter had this guy called Sportsmaster under control as well as Officer Montoya and made them very tough!" Donnie explained.

"Not to mention that Jabber Burble robot thing." Mikey added.

"A what now?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"He means the Jabberwocky." Robin corrected.


"Anyway, Donnie rode the smack out of it!" Mikey said.

"Alright, D!" April exclaimed.

"Pretty impressive." Batgirl commented.

Donnie smiled, but realized that both girls were both looking at him and he got nervous, "Yes! Well.... it was really just Kraang technology... and I need to go analyze it for clues to the Kraangs whereabouts!" And he hurried away.

After That, April and Batgirl chuckled together.

"All in all, mission accomplished?" Batman asked.

"Yeah," Robin said, "Tetch is escorted back to Arkham. You?"

"Crane got away," Batman said, "But not before Sunset Shimmer sprayed him with his own toxins."

"Before that, everyone else got infected," Sunset explained, "But Batman gave me and Batgirl gas masks so we were able to fight Crane."

"Batman was also able to fight it with his own will power then gave us the antidote to cure the others." Batgirl added.

"No, way!" Rainbow Dash said, in disbelief, "You fought it off with your own will power? Awesome!"

"That was metal!" Casey exclaimed.

"More like show off." Applejack griped.

"No kidding." Raph agreed.

"Says the two who brag after they win a spar." April noted.

"That's different!" The two said.

"No, it's not." the rest of the Turtles and Rainbooms rebuffed.

"It’s helped me in the past," Batman told them, "It’s how I survived against the Scarecrow. It was always about life and death so I wouldn’t submit to the toxins or my fears."

"But if you want to talk about Batman's will power," Robin started, "There was this time where he dug himself out of a coffin buried six feet underground in a straight jacket even though he hadn't eaten or slept for days."

"Okay, now you're just making stuff up," Sunset Shimmer denied, then she looked at Batman who gave her a stern look, that said it wasn't, "Are you even human?!"

Author's Note:


  • Leo and Nightwing's fear gas fight is based off Flash and Arrow's fight in CW Elseworlds and Sunset Shimmer kicks them to stop them like Batwoman did.
  • Scarecrow and Hatter become a crow and bunny in the Batman/TMNT comic.
  • Mikey frees Montoya just like how he frees everyone from Hatter's control in Batman TMNT adventures #5.
  • Donnie riding the Jabberwocky is based off a Jurassic Park ride, I can't remember if it was Tmntony or Fanaticguy1001's idea.
  • Sunset Shimmer sprays Scarecrow and scares him like Batman did in Batman Begins, Batman even mentions it.