• Published 15th Apr 2019
  • 2,435 Views, 162 Comments

Dreamwalker Dash - Fluttercheer

Rainbow Dash wasn't completely serious when she suggested herself to become Princess Luna's successor as dreamwalker. Princess Luna, though, has different ideas. It's time for Rainbow Dash's training.

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Chapter 8: The Skinwalker from the Everfree Forest


On the next day, something was different in the friendship school. Hyper Sonic and Gooseberry had noticed it the moment they stepped out of their dorm room this morning. In the entire dorm building, the students stood in front of the opened doors of their rooms and discussed and whispered. None of them looked up or paid Hyper Sonic and Gooseberry any heed as they trotted past them, so invested were all of them in their intense conversations. Their faces showed varying degrees of interest for what they were talking about, from curiosity and excitement to worry and concern. A few looked frightened even, but none of them answered as the two confused fillies asked what this was all about.

The same picture offered itself to Hyper Sonic and Gooseberry in the school's courtyard and in the cafeteria during breakfast; hushed whispers, excited discussions and anxious questions from curious, worried or scared faces. The same happened in the classrooms, nopony but them seemed to be able to focus on the lessons and their teachers had to call for attention a couple times. The sisters got more and more curious by the minute, yet all they could gather were word fragments such as “dangerous”, “Everfree Forest”, “shapeshifting” or “monster”.

Only during their third lesson, as Headmare Twilight entered the room and interrupted their teacher, the mystery got solved for them, somewhat. But the information they got was still vague. After quietly talking with Professor Applejack for a few minutes, the headmare took position in front of the teacher's desk to make a statement.

“Since yesterday afternoon, there is a certain rumor making the rounds in Ponyville and, as I can see, it makes you all very anxious and distracted,” she had begun to address the class. Hyper Sonic and Gooseberry had pricked up their ears in an instant. “But I want to assure you all that there is no reason to be worried or scared. The creature that was spotted at the edges of the Everfree Forest has not left the forest so far and the Pillars of Equestria have an eye on the situation. They monitor the forest day and night and if the creature should leave it, they are more than capable to take care of it.”

She had stopped for a moment, to let her eyes glide over the students and their attentive faces, before she finished her statement. “Please don't be in panic over the sightings. Ponyville and the school are well-protected and we do everything to keep you all safe. Thank you for your attention. Now, please return to your studies and don't worry anymore. We have the situation under control.”

The information she gave had been as basic as possible. As she said goodbye to their teacher and left the classroom, Hyper Sonic and Gooseberry were almost as clueless as before. The behavior of the students and of the faculty was one big mystery to them and the explanation by their headmare had only increased it and raised even more questions in their minds. The feeling of having missed something very important steadily increased for them. Only as lunchtime came, they should finally receive some real answers.

When Hyper Sonic and Gooseberry entered the cafeteria again hours later, the students were talking even more passionately than before. Shrugging their shoulders, the two of them got themselves a meal each, then searched for a table. In the middle of the room, Raspberry Dazzle spotted them and waved, her cheeks bulging with food. The pink unicorn filly with the blue pigtails beckoned them to join her table and pointed at two free seats to her left. The rest of the round table was occupied by Sandbar and his friends, Headmare Twilight's six star students who saved the school and all of Equestria from Cozy Glow's plan, just a short time before summer vacation.

Hyper Sonic's eyes zeroed in on Yona almost instantly and she huffed, her look a deep frown. She was about to say something to her little sister, but Gooseberry had already dashed off for the table. Hyper Sonic closed her eyes, sighed and shook her head.

Arrived at the table herself, she was sitting down only reluctantly. Yona was sitting as far away from her as it was possible, which caused a small feeling of relief in Hyper Sonic. She made herself comfortable in her seat, but not without taking her narrowed eyes off Yona.

At the other side of Gooseberry, Raspberry Dazzle noticed the stern look she gave the yak. She swallowed to free her mouth. “So you are worried about it, too, Hyper,” she stated, matter-of-factly.

The words of the young unicorn broke Hyper Sonic's concentration on Yona. She turned at Raspberry Dazzle. “Worried about what?”

Raspberry swallowed again. “About what?” she repeated, a little shock in her voice. “About the skinwalker, of course! It's talked about in all of Ponyville since yesterday!”

Hyper Sonic looked away from Raspberry and observed the students around them. All of them, without a single exception, were talking about something in a very bewildered way. Headmare Twilight had surely planned to calm their minds by addressing and explaining the situation, but the effect her statement in front of the classes had was evidently quite the opposite. The entire school was in turmoil and on alert.

Hyper Sonic looked back at the unicorn. To her right, Gooseberry was doing the same.

“I haven't heard anything about it,” Hyper Sonic clarified. “Gooseberry and I are wondering what everypony is so agitated about for the entire morning already.”

The disbelief in Raspberry Dazzle's face grew. But before she could voice any of it, someone else began to clear up the confusion. It was the creature Hyper Sonic favored for an explanation the least.

“Skinwalker old yak legend,” Yona spoke, looking at Hyper Sonic with a reverent expression. “Though, not really legend. Yaks know they are real. Skinwalker mean bad things.”

Hyper Sonic rolled her eyes. “Of course it had to be something from a yak legend,” she growled. But the words came out muffled and only she understood them.

“Now you two know, finally.” Raspberry Dazzle nodded.

Hyper Sonic and Gooseberry didn't know anything. Once more they had gotten an answer that only created more questions for them. Only Gooseberry was interested in asking them, though. Hyper Sonic, finally starting to eat, looked grimly down at her plate. There was a clear annoyance in her face.

“And what's a skinwalker, Yona?” Gooseberry chirped, then popped a purple berry into her mouth.

“Yona will explain to late filly.” The rest of the table looked disinterested, only Gooseberry stared at Yona with fascination and curiosity.

Yona continued. “Skinwalker come from very deep and dark caves. But not normal caves. Yakyakistan many caves has, but yaks not allowed to go into all of them.”

“Why not?” Gooseberry interrupted, the suspense already captivating her. Her eyes grew a little.

“Because some caves dangerous, with evil magic at the bottom. Yaks mark these caves with rune signs. Signs not able to contain evil, because yaks not able to use magic, but signs warn from entering. And–”

“And if they do, they don't come out anymore.....” Hyper Sonic growled again, this time audible enough for everyone on the table to understand. “That's a boring and predictable story. Like all yak stories are.”

“Not right.” Yona shook her head, looking at Hyper Sonic sternly. Her face darkened. “Yaks who enter forbidden caves come back. But not as yaks.” Yona stopped, letting the sentence linger in the air.

A cold shiver crept down Gooseberry's spine. “A-As what do they come back then?” she stammered.

Yona looked at the younger of the sisters again. “Yaks come back as skinwalkers. After going into forbidden caves, yaks have magic. But don't look like yaks anymore. And magic allow yaks to transform into animals. But sometimes skinwalkers transform into yaks again and hide in tribe. When tribe has skinwalkers, more and more yaks disappear. Skinwalkers eat them.”

Gooseberry gulped. She glanced around in the cafeteria, suddenly feeling nervous and scared. “A-And can they turn into ponies, too?” She broke out in sweat and began to shiver.

“Yona not know. But possible. Skinwalkers master of deception, like changelings were.” Noticing Gooseberry's fear, Yona's face softened. “But filly not have to be worried. Skinwalkers very old and yak borders were closed for long time. No yak ever heard of skinwalkers turning into ponies.”

“B-But now a skinwalker is h-here.” Some tears appeared in Gooseberry's eyes. She turned at her big sister. “H-Hyper, I'm scared,” she whimpered.

Hyper Sonic looked over at her, now with a noticeably softer expression. “It's a yak legend, Gooseberry. You know what's to think of these legends. It will be okay, there is no reason to be scared.”

Gooseberry sniffed, the reassurance not having much effect.

Yona looked at Hyper Sonic again, with the same stern expression as before. “What wrong about yak story?”

“Like that it's all made up,” Hyper Sonic responded. “You can't seriously believe that caves with dark magic turn yaks into flesh-eating monsters. It's ridiculous!”

Yona huffed and trembled, but she did not shoot back.

Hyper Sonic turned towards Gooseberry again. “Don't be scared. These are just old stories that some yak came up with at a campfire one night.” After exchanging a glance with Raspberry Dazzle, the two fillies switched places. Hyper Sonic wrapped a wing over her shaking younger sister and pulled her close.

“Yona not making up story. Yaks good storytellers, but this story true.” There was defiance in Yona's eyes and a little hurt.

Hyper Sonic gave her a glare. “You better stop talking about your yak horror stories and scaring my sister with them, or–”

“Or what?” Gallus interferred. He had watched the scene silently for the past few minutes, with a growing anger in his face. “You better stop talking down on my friend unless you want to find out if your hooves are as strong as my claws and my beak.”

The open threat caused Hyper Sonic to shift attention over to the griffon. Aggression crept onto her face, making the tension palpable for everyone around the table.

“What, big filly?” Gallus sneered. “Can't take it if a creature challenges your rascism?” He stared into Hyper Sonic's eyes.

The remark gave Hyper Sonic the feeling like something was snapping inside of her. Slowly, while still holding Gooseberry, she placed her forehooves on the white surface of the table and got up. She looked like she was ready to launch herself at Gallus.

Outside of the cafeteria, Twilight had a different problem and a different kind of tension to deal with. Despite her speech, the student body was still on edge. Applejack and the others had reported that, in the lessons following her speech, the students were even more busy discussing the sightings than before.

The strange creature that was spotted the previous day was no real threat, not by all means, enough powerful fighters were taking care of it. But her students did not seem to understand this and were still scared. “Or worse,” she thought to herself and scrunched her face. “Maybe they do understand it and they are excited because of it.” Twilight sighed and looked to the side, at the pony who was accompanying her on the way to the cafeteria.

Since she had founded her school, she and her friends had been able to deal with everything on their own. But for this particular problem, she needed help from somepony else. A pony who could succeed with austerity where her kindness had failed. She was not above accepting help if she needed it, but contacting the EEA for it still felt like a defeat, after the struggles it had caused for her school at the very beginning. Twilight sighed again.

To her left, Chancellor Neighsay acknowledged the reaction with a glance. “Is something not right?” he asked. His voice sounded slightly condescending. A trait of the sort that never goes away, not even after a change of heart, Twilight figured. She composed herself and looked at the chancellor.

“No, everything is fine,” she spoke with confidence. “I am very glad you could come at such short notice. The students just need a stricter voice today. I'm sure it won't take long to calm them.”

“I see,” Chancellor Neighsay replied. “I suppose the trouble you are dealing with doesn't have to do with five creatures today, is it?” A smile played around his lips.

“No.....” Twilight's ears flattened. “They have never caused any trouble. The entire student body is a little difficult today.”

“Of course.” The smile left the chancellor's lips and he radiated more professionalism again. “Don't worry, princess, the EEA still approves of your school, pony students or not.”

“Good. We are almost there,” Twilight responded. She looked ahead of her, a frown on her face. “Some habits really never change, it seems. That, or the chancellor has developed a really bad sense of humor since he was here the last time.”

Twilight and Chancellor Neighsay entered the cafeteria side by side. The students did not even notice the highly esteemed guest. They talked and discussed feverishly like they had done since the early morning, not paying any attention to their surroundings.

Chancellor Neighsay looked around in the large hall, observing the situation. His eyes locked onto the table in the middle of it. A pegasus filly nearly stood on the table, giving a hateful glare to the griffon who sat opposite of her. Gallus, he recalled the name of the foreign student. The griffon was brash, that much he had heard about him, but seeing a filly as aggressive and bold as this one was new terrain. His lips curled upwards as he focused his attention on the filly. “It looks like we came just in the right moment, princess.”

Twilight followed his eyes and froze. An open hostility like this, in a school that teaches friendship..... She could not allow that the head of the EEA witnesses a fight between two students. Twilight set up a stern expression and began to march towards them.

Chancellor Neighsay lifted a hoof off the floor and held her back. “Let me handle this, princess. As you already said, this situation requires a strict voice.” He did a step forward. “Students of the Friendship School!” he bellowed.

The voice that rang so suddenly into their ears was loud and pervasive enough to stop their intense chatting and to make every pony and creature look up and into the direction it came from. Most of the students gasped as they realized who had called them.

The chancellor scrutinized the students with a stern glare. Some of them gulped. He fought back an urge to smile at the display of submission. After a few intimidating moments of silence, he continued.

“It has come to my attention that your lessons have been less effective today.” He began to trot up and down in front of the gathered students with their half-finished lunches. “All of this because you heard tales and stories of a beast that stalks the Everfree Forest. A skinwalker.” He stopped and his eyes locked onto Yona. The yak gave him a frown.

“I am here to tell you” – he continued his pacing – “that these stories are uneducated nonsense!” Chancellor Neighsay's voice rose in volume at the last word. “The Everfree Forest, as a lot of you should know, is full of wild, untamed beasts, monsters and demons. It has been like this for centuries. What you heard about yesterday is nothing but another of the forest's spawns.”

A murmur went through the cafeteria as some of the students began to ponder the explanation.

“Silence!” the chancellor roared. The murmurs died immediately. “Your disrespect for Princess Twilight Sparkle's lessons is deplorable. Phantasms of shapeshifting yaks with dark magic are more important to you than following your curriculum. As head of the EEA, I cannot allow such a disobedience to occur. Is it your intent to damage the reputation of your headmare's school?”

The students looked at him silently, with widely opened mouths and fearful faces. No one spoke a word.

“Answer my question!”

“N-No,” a short, meek response came from the end of the hall.

Chancellor Neighsay nodded. “Good. I will take this lonely answer as an answer by all of you. If it is true what you said, then you better stop listening to yak fairy tales and return your attention to your lessons. If not.....” He paused for a moment to increase the weight of his words. “I will return and shut this school down again.”

Twilight twitched at these words and her heart sunk. But the threat took effect. One by one, the students turned away from the chancellor and refocused their attention to the rest of their meals. Silently, and with a mix of shock and regret on their faces, they continued eating. None of them was looking at the other.

The only ones who still acted differently were Yona and Hyper Sonic. The former narrowed her eyes at the chancellor, which he acknowledged with a sardonic smile, the latter still glared at Gallus. Chancellor Neighsay cast another lasting glance over the aggressive filly his eyes had caught on after entering, then he turned around and trotted out of the cafeteria, with loud, menacing hoofsteps. He was sure he could feel the twitches the students made with each of his steps as he left. Twilight hurried after him.

In the middle of the cafeteria, the tense situation slowly eased. “Hyper?” Gooseberry asked and tugged at her sister's tail. The younger filly was shaking even more now, the loud, scary voice by the chancellor having startled her.

Hyper Sonic sat down and tended to her sister. Even Gallus ceased his smug, confrontational stares and continued eating. Silence had fallen over them like a large and thick blanket that suffocated their voices.

Out of all of them, only Yona still felt that she was able to say something. “Yak story true. Yona leaves.” The yak got up from her seat and trudged to the entrance of the cafeteria. All except Hyper Sonic and Gooseberry looked after Yona with bleak expressions. A trail of sniffs followed her until she was gone.