• Published 9th Nov 2019
  • 776 Views, 52 Comments

The Alleys of Ponyville: Short Stories from the Noireverse - PonyJosiah13

A series of short stories set in the Noireverse, featuring Phillip Finder, Daring Do, and their friends.

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Letter Home

26th of the Moon of Frost, 1949.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Thanks for the licorice and the new whittling knife. I’ve already put it to use carving another boomerang. You always come up with the best birthday gifts.

Winter’s on the way up here: we’re scheduled to have some snow in the coming weeks; 1950 is almost here. You know, I’ve solved more cases than there are kangaroos in uncle Rob’s ranch, but I still can’t figure out what the point of snow is. Twilight Sparkle--the sheila from the crime lab, you remember her?--said something about keeping the earth cool because of the proximity to the sun. I asked her why Celestia can’t just move the bloody sun further away from the earth, and she got that glimmer in her eyes that told me she was planning a lecture that would’ve taken an hour or so and would’ve been way over my head. Thankfully, Suunkii came to my rescue and pulled her away.

Speaking of Suunkii, he’s doing well. I haven’t seen Sirba or Muziqaa in a while, but I’m trying to find time to see them again (maybe at the Hearth’s Warming dinner: it’d be nice to see Joy again, too), and I’m going to be getting Muziqaa a harmonica for Hearth’s Warming. Can’t believe he’s eight years old already: I still remember holding him when he was a baby, and then it seems like I blinked and the little ankle-biter’s on stage with his mom doing flips like a professional.

Is that how you feel when you look at me? Do you wonder where the last thirty-eight years went? And do you ever think that I'm lucky to have made it this far? I know I have, especially last moon: had to take on a lunatic mare who could conjure dragonfire. Good news is, we're closing in on Silvertongue.

But I don't want you worrying about me. How have you and the band been? The sandingoes been rowdy this year, too? I hear Siren and Play are talking about having a foal. Best wishes to them both. And is it true that Sax finally got a marefriend? I was starting to think that he was cursed or something.

Speaking of marefriends...I’ve met somepony. Relax, mom, we’ve only known each other a few moons now.

Her name’s Daring Do. She got released from prison last Moon of Grain and I took her in as my partner; figured her blood would be worth bottling. I was more than right; she’s saved my life a couple times already (even helped me take on that mare with the dragonfire), and she’s become a bloody amazing partner. Yes, in both meanings of the word.

I can’t believe I’m actually admitting this, but...I love her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

I can’t wait for you to come up this summer. It’s always ripper to see you and the rest of the band again, to play on the stage with you. It reminds me of being a foal, back when I was barely tall enough to even hold that sax but you had me up there with you. And this year, you’ll have Daring to meet. I’ve brought it up a few times, and she says that she’s looking forward to it, too. I think she’s a bit nervous, actually. Not sure why: I’m sure you’ll love her.

I’m already oiling the saxophone in anticipation. Give my best to the rest.

Love you,


Author's Note:

This was sent sometime after Case Five in Volume One. Phil's parents are a big part of his life and his future characterization, and they'll soon be important to Daring as well.

Phil's birthday is the day before this. He turned 38.